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the economy relies on businesses, what business do you own /pol/
Small business owner reporting in.

I have a modest accounting firm. I recently expanded to two new areas and hired 8 people.
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>>12575397 (OP)
New album sample is out BTW
>>12575397 (OP)
Lawn care and maintenance service
My physics professor always told me I'd be mowing lawns
That motherfucker was right
gib job pls
Are you an accounting major? What do you do for your clients?
Any good? Thirteen was pretty shitty.
Megadeth sucked after Rust in Peace
The thing with bands this old is you have to accept that their new shit will never be on the same level as their old shit

and with that in mind its decent
>>12575397 (OP)
the business of giving you the business
and lemme tell you, business is booming
in fact im looking to xpand my business
Have any advice to all us aspiring business owners?
A lot of the albums have gems scattered about...songs like Hook In Mouth, She Wolf, Trust, even Endgame had Headcrusher which is a bad ass song.
Same with Slayer
>tfw they will never release untouchable classics like Show No Mercy or Hell Awaits
I intend to start an R&D business in 2-3 years. I'm currently working on personal research interests to get it up and running.
Its the same with all bands of that age, I honestly can not think of an exception

All full on new hires.


Accounting, Economics and Banking/Finance

I mostly work with other small businesses, filing forms, payrolls, keeping books, A/R, A/P, taxes, budgeting, working capital, etc.

I do open up during tax season for individuals. I charge by the form so I beat out the big tax places (HnR block can eat it, I hate them so much).



Research. I spent nearly 2 years planning my original operation out and even then it was out of my apartment doing independent work. It took me 2 years to move into an actual office (closet more like it). 2 more years before I had my own office with a clerical staff. Stick with it and work hard. I still do a lot of 70-80 hour weeks.
But there is so much to be enraged about in this world, that same anger can be used to make cutthroat aggressive music that could at least have the same passion as the older music.
This. Even Manowar :(

Oh I also have my CPA and am an EA
Because they're all older men who don't have the same testosterone/heads full of drugs as they did 30 years ago. Now they're old, rich and content, they don't have much to be angry about.
law firm

too bad for you /pol/ that I'm a raging liberal.
iced earth.
the dystopia album was nothing but fuckin' redpill!
Have a startup im trying to get the ball rolling with. The founder of le upboat said he would help me get off the ground once I have a contract signed.

tl;dr I have a concept I can patent that can take anything that comes its way I want to provide to cities with transit for free, give them 10% of revenue, and provide whatever information a city wants.

You guys with businesses, how fucking long does it take from idea, to working the idea and your job, to just working your business and not another job?
>doesn't know incantations (laws) scribed onto magic scrolls (legislation) are powerless against bullets
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I run an organization where people can pay to have a tree planted in Israel
How does one make a business?

People keep saying that business ideas are pretty easy to come by and I've seen some pretty stupid business owners.

However, I can't think of anything myself. I've tried and after quickly running the numbers, it was an impending failure.
>Implying it's possible to make a business online
>Implying it's in any way useful to sell anything, except groceries, IRL
>Implying I want to do some hipster handicraft shit.

What do man. What do.
so what lead you to be a liberal
Own a internet site that I make enough income to live comfortably on. Twist: Income isn't from ads.
Not much to elaborate on at the moment.
most businesses are just piles of money employing others to make more money

capital is everything, if you have enough capital you don't really need an "idea", just use one that someone else already had.

>have fun with that
Care to share your (general) secret with your fellow anonymoose?
exposure to reality
>a long time unless you're a ruthless, incessant businessman. Don't take no for an answer, and be willing to sacrifice damn near everything and everyone at first to excel.
you mean the reality that you probably have the power to be filthy rich if you ride the democratic gravy train

Part of it is knowing what others want and what is needed in your area. Then you give it to them.
I get paid 70 shekels a day to point out why holocaust revisionists are mistaken.

You do like every other person has done with this terrible system called Capitalism.

Lie and Scam people into buying shit they don't need or will never use.

i.e. sell these stupid niggers candles that you buy for 10 cents in china for 1 dollar online. People are too stupid to pass up what looks like a good deal. It's all in the presentation.
so you saw reality and wanted to run from it?
its none of your BUSINESS

xD xD xD xD xD
>democratic gravy train

lol what? I don't think you know what a lawyer is?

yeah, and then I realized that was stupid so I stopped being stupid and becoming a liberal was the consequence.
>>12575397 (OP)

My wife and I actually do run a business, but i would not post it here...lulz
It's a browser-based game. Players pay for "upgrades". Only expense is servers/domains, rest is profit.
i know
just the other day i met this fellow trying to sell me a horseless carriage
he claimed it ran on petrol
twas foolish indeed
Ever had to deal with cheating/hacking?
>I support the division of the American population to keep us all preoccupied with fighting eachother rather than fighting the true enemy of the people
>Early 2012
>Browsing /b/
>Read about all the retards exchanging views and clicks on their ads on their blogs to fool google ads
>Realize the inefficiency and time consumptions of clicking other peoples ads as to not get blacklisted
>Know that a fuckton of ruskies on zeh deepweb offers to DDoS sites amongst other things. Usually botnets consisting of 100k or more
>HiddenWiki it is. Find a page which seems reliable
>Contact guy. Ask if he can make a script which orders 5-7000 computers to view and (a few of them) clicking my ads per day, at random times throughout the day
>Charges a one-time fee of $80 for the creation of the script, and only $4 per day thereafter
>Begin marketting my blog. Know that people read what they know others read
>Real viewers start ticking in, and gradually increase
>As the real viewer per day number starts getting close to 20,000 (my goal) I ask the ruskie to gradually decrease the amount of bots visiting my site, by 500 per week

I now live comfortably off my blog, merely writing 200-500 words per day.
>why are liberals always so divisive?

democrats are the party of the big tent, republicans are the jack booted lock-steppers
20 000 viewers per day??

What the hell do you write about?

Nice plan btw.
I own a reviewing site which helps put other businesses out of business while I gain their traffic.

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