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muh rights /pol/

muh rights, gov cannot tell me anything to do!

muh rights!!!
muh rights pol!!!!
>>9616232 (OP)
I'm perfectly fine with other people smoking cigarettes, but I never even want to have to smell a molecule of it, ever. I especially don't want to be breathing in your fucking fumes. Do whatever the fuck you want in your private space, but in public space you respect other people's right to not get lung cancer from a douchebag.
but this is AMERICA punk.

we can smoke wherever we want.

i dont even know why the fuck i got fined for smoking at a gas station. fuck them.
>>9616232 (OP)

Cigarettes are a different issue in the US now that Obama care exists. It costs everyone else money for every symptom of yours we have to fix

In Australia cigarette taxes are actually so high that it makes more money for the government than it loses to have a smoker smoke, The really terrible part is now we are actually DEPENDENT on that revenue.
...why did you even make this thread?

this is bad and you should feel bad. this isn't even trolling, it's just shitposting.
>>9616232 (OP)

Abortion one is debatable. It's not that I don't like abortion, but that the child developing inside of you likely doesn't like abortion. I'm more cool with a death draft or a D.N.R. program that prevents people about 70 from getting life saving treatments than I am with preventing a child from being born because "muh feelings"

>inb4 libtards come out and say "duh babbys move towards the needle, they want to die."
You can't get lung cancer from second-hand smoke unless you have chronic exposure (live with a smoker, work in a smoking environment, etc). You will never get lung cancer from passing a smoker on the street.

You don't have the right not to be offended. If the smell of smoke bothers yyou, fucking deal with it.

He DOES have the right to be offended it's just that it happens he also has the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of it. (i.e. everyone calling him a whiny little bitch)
>>9616232 (OP)
>muh rights /pol/
>muh rights, gov cannot tell me anything to do!
>muh rights!!!

It's simultaneously sad, hilarious and scary that people nowadays ridicule rights and the people who fight for them.
It's touchy though because of life threatening conditions.
You have the right to be offended. You don't have the right not to be offended (i.e. to stop anything that could offend you)
One of these things is not like the others. One of these things doesn't belong. Can you tell me what's not like the others by the time I finish this song?

>Hint: guns.
>One of these things is not like the others. One of these things doesn't belong. Can you tell me what's not like the others by the time I finish this song?

Gay marriage?

Exactly. Otherwise you're making a positive claim on rights.


guaranteed responses/10
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>>9616232 (OP)

Fool! Your rights end where my government begins.
>>9616232 (OP)
I'm in favor of legalizing all of those things, OP.

Ain't my place to tell others how to live.

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