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meanwhile on bizarro /pol/..........
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>>9647608 (OP)
>>9647608 (OP)
I think that Jews are all very good people.
Someone made a well-reasoned argument supported by evidence.
I'm optimistic

Whites are better than jews and have a stupidly large percentage of all noble prizes despite being a minority!
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Meanwhile, in America
Jamal and Goldstein told me about their headmates today, I am flattered they let me check my privelage with them. I start gender reassignment tomorrow and want to know, how do I check my privelage after that?
I don't believe flashy infographics and other no-source stories right off the bat.
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Barack Obama is a decent president.
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/pol/ had journalists and critical thinkers in it discussing politics and news, instead of trolls and conspiracy theorists.
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Hi, I'm a woman and I just wanted to take a second out of my day to acknowledge not only the existence of female privilege but also my willingness to check it.
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What are you doing, goy?
You shouldn't allow unrestricted immigration from the third world into your countries, it will only lead to the displacement of europe's native people.
Isreal is a nation of tolerance, i for one can't wait for us to help defend it from the evil canada
Nothing is happening.
Why isn't it ever HAPPENING?
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The cultural and academic contributions of the Jewish people are monumental. To separate them from western society would be unthinkable.
The West would be better if whites were a minority.
Around jews and blacks,
wear shoes and slacks.
the baby boomers are the true greatest generation

oh god i lol'd
osama bin laden caused 9/11
OP is a heterosexual.
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With semites you're alright

Blacks? Relax
nothing has or shall ever happen
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Check you privelege trans scum
The nazis were a blight on humanity. I'm glad they lost
Let's not take this little fantasy overboard there anon. That's heresy.
Capitalism is fundamentally flawed; socialism has proven itself to be a safe and effective economy
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>>9647608 (OP)
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Transpeople have feelings and emotions too!

They are not abominations!
>>9647608 (OP)
I accept people who are gay, multicultural and transgendered even they dont share my opinion
Woodrow Wilson was not a bad man and cared about the Constitution and his country.
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There's no difference between niggers and Black people, they're all just Black people.

Deal with it.
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You know who totally aren't edgy at all, whatsoever?

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I recommend drinking plenty of flouride with ur water. its good for you and it will keep your teeth strong
ITT : forums sliding in action

Board avg relative posts/min
>>9647166 91 8.488
>>9646392 155 8.027
>>9647608 (OP) 37 6.798
>>9644822 209 5.223
>>9646387 95 4.916
>>9645563 130 4.302
>>9640772 339 4.302
>>9644459 158 3.533
>>9639013 324 3.457
>>9647977 4 3.303
>>9638013 321 3.149
>>9646178 69 3.111
>>9643655 156 2.996
>>9637844 309 2.996
>>9648042 1 2.919
>>9642471 178 2.765
>>9644952 98 2.573
>>9647183 26 2.458
>>9642751 139 2.266
>>9640939 176 2.266
>>9646776 33 2.189
>>9642785 134 2.189
>>9647876 5 2.151
>>9641570 153 2.151
>>9647544 13 2.112
>>9637732 220 2.112
>>9648035 1 2.074
>>9633260 305 2.074
>>9646584 34 1.997
>>9645811 52 1.959
Alex Jones is actually what he appears to be and is also a tireless crusader against corrupt Zionists.
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>>9647608 (OP)
I love having so much disposable income and no limitations on how I may spend it. Me, my 50 wives and 300 children don't even know how to spend it all.
Can you guys imagine what it would have been like if the Federal Reserve came to power in 1913? Our confederacy would be horrific.

Anyway, it's cold on the moon tonight. How's life on the Old World?
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Abraham Lincoln = greatest prez ever!!
It's kind of strange but this gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I think there is something oddly endearing about the Jews appearance that makes their agenda digestible until you realize their deception.
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock manufactured in China, shipped by a Japanese cargo carrier and sold for low-cost at Wal-Mart powered by electricity generated by the local private power monopoly regulated by a local commitee for land rights easement.
I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a private water utility company. Then, I brushed my teeth with that water, filtered to standards established by insurance actuaries based on possible indeminty from civil suits against the water company.
After that, I turned on my media portal to one of the unregulated internet streaming content sites (free of charge) to see what the higlhy paid experts at the Weather Channel determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by private space technology firms with cost-effective outsourced parts from China. I watched this while eating my breakfast food produced by a free unsubsidized market in commodities giving me the largest quantity, for lowest price and highest quality that unfettered competition can give and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by private liability insurance and a free investigative press and produced in a profit incentive system guarenteeing access and quality unheard of anywhere in the world.
At the appropriate time as regulated by the phone company and kept accurate by several inddpendent research firms and verified by private astronomical observatories, I get into my low-cost automobile that I selected from a robust and thriving international market in cars made according to customer preferecnes and not the by the whims of government bailout managers and set out to work on the roads built by private contractors paid for by investment in future stock of toll reciepts, possibly stopping to purchase additional low-cost fuel made in the United States and providing jobs in the unfettered gas refining and oil extraction industry, using competitive and stable tender issued by private institutions and printed by private credit firms based on the value of tangible commodities that cannot be easily inflated. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via any low-cost private pakage and mail carrier, like UPS or FEDEX, for next day delivery with a smile and drop the kids off at their private school paid for by property tax deductions and kept low-cost by healthy competing market meeting private demand for education.
I park my car on the street, paved and maintained by a local road maitenance company contracted by my local city hall, and use a bank issued credit card to purchase time from a privately managed parking meter.

Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the high cost of workplace injury lawsuits and a cost-effective private security force, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because I built it out of privately researched and engineered flame resistant materials, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the armed volunteer neighborhood watch and privately contracted town security firm.
I then log onto the Internet which uses HTML, Java and WWW developed by private innovators post on 4chan and Reddit forums about how CAPITALISM is EVIL because the 1% are greedy. Keep Corporations out of my Uterus!
bizzaro get!
You´re doing it wrong,

-1 internet point to you
Keep tactics

you are a heterosexual
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dont you mean bizzaro wrong?
dedicated /pol/ anonymous poster hard at work revealing dirty jews
It´s bizarro thread, not butthurt thread, sorry budy
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yeah sorry, anon, thank for corrected me,
you´re an hererosexual man
Daily reminder:
>6 million valued Jews and 5 million others died in the Holocaust
>JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman
>Sandy Hook is a national tragedy that took the lives of 23 children
>911 was an even bigger national tragedy where 3000 Americans lost their lives due to a few Muslim hijackers. Also jet fuel can melt steel and WTC 7 was taken down by debris from the main towers.
>CNN, MSNBC and FOX are completely unbiased, impartial, reliable news organizations
>Reddit is a wonderful place to discuss politics, with a diverse range of political opinions that are all respected no matter what
>OP is not a faggot
another butt hurt,

congratulations, you just ruined this thread!
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Hello everyone, I'm here representing a charity called Trucks 4 Cucks, we believe that there are not enough BBC qualified African American men to fuck white women in America.

We are collecting money to hire trucks to go and get some from anywhere we can.
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>>9647608 (OP)
why dont u have a white american gf /pol/?
Fuck off and relax. Turn off the lib detector for about 5 minutes.
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Ive always been saying on here that are immigration laws were way to strict, we should have government program to bring some over from africa. Id gladly pay.
I'm a transgendered mixed-race vegan and I just wanted to let you know that you're not the most privileged person out there.
I check my privileges all the time. When I get the job a straight white guy was more qualified for, when judge tries to give me money that belongs to a random passerby who "raped" me by looking at me dirty (to be fair, he wasn't even looking at me, just that dumb feminist said he was).
I'm mentally ill, but I don't want to burden other people with my bullshit. I'm trying to deal with my stuff like a healthy person, not like some fucking nigger (I'm half-ape).
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This is your daily reminder that this is the blackest man in Argentina.
>>OP is not a f****t
We don't say such words here. Mind your language.
Because black girls are way sexier. They have curves and some meat on them. White girls are like coathangers or skeletons. Girls need something more than just tits and ass, stomach is what makes a woman.
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>>9647608 (OP)
great thread guise. 10/10
nobody was a hetero today! :)
Meanwhile in Africa
so post some black
hi i new to pole wat do here
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I thoroughly respect all of your opinions and value you all as members of this well rounded society.
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shut up you niggerkike! uhhh I mean yes even though we have our differences we should work together for the betterment of our nation
I think you're a jew yourself, trying to force your illuminati shit on us.
You are all niggers.
We need to end the African monopoly on banking and international trade!
Why haven't you all moved to Australia yet? We're the least deadliest country on Earth, not like that terrible England full of all manner of horrible deadly creatures. No wonder they sent all their wealthiest and most educated citizens here.
Fucking capitalists, they just want everything for free, yet everything they have was provided by socialism.
The free market will break it.
Those Germans deserved everything they got for what they did to those 6 million Jews.
This thread is full of MIDF



Fuck off back to 4chan. I am sick of liberals polluting r/pol.
I disagree with your opinion, but I understand that it's yours and you hold it legitimately. I don't think you were sent here as some kind of agent provocateur.
Argentina is such a white country
Yo amo todos los mejicanos en los estados unidos!
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>>9647608 (OP)
I am Grateful my privilege was checked by a Black Lesbian!
There are just way too many white people moving to Africa.
And Mexico needs to do a better job of securing its Northern border with The United States. All these rich white people keep moving into the Western side of Mexico and shitting up the place with croquet courts, polo tournaments, and tennis.
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>>9647608 (OP)
I looked at a Woman Today and I am admitting my crime of Rape!
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TURN ON MTV NEWS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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