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ask a jew everything
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Hey man, I have a Jewish friend who's a welder and loves bacon, but still respects the holidays. Is he a bad Jew?
I don't have a question, I just wanted to thank you for everything you do :)

Keep fighting the good fight!
The Jews are out today with all their "ask me anything" threads.

Gee, what a nice bunch.
Where do you hide your jew gold?
Of course he is. Bacon = treif.
If holocaust then y no bodies?
nah I eat bacon too

Allright thank you I guess
Are you Haile Selassie?
In the secrett jew cave

No bodies?
>>9783205 (OP)
are you a cultural marxist anti israel jew (The evil guys),
or the right wing pro israel zionist jew? (The good guys)
do you from ISRAEL
Where are my car keys, kike?
What, from your own experience, makes Jews Earth's superior race?
Why do jews get mad if I call them jews when that's what they are?
right wing pro israel zionist jew


Ask D'Shawn

I would never say jews are superior. But I think there are some unique qualities [positive] that can only be found in jews.
Not sure. Alot of jews are just overly sensitive.
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I believe in karma and reincarnation.

It's my theory that all jews alive now were, in their past lives, the nazis. Don't you think that's pretty funny and cosmically sensible ?
nah the comparison between Israel and the nazis is only made by people that have zero knowledge about the topic.
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Do you agree that uniting Neaterlands and Denmark is a good idea?

No, I'm saying that the Nazi's from Nazi Germany died and became what they hated and despised, a jew.
why not Danes are good people. Well only know one Dane but she was absolutely gorgeous.
Haha okay well I hope that's true then.
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What is the most ecological way to get rid of the jews?
why get rid of them
jidf please
>>9783205 (OP)
Merchant, why do you hate Russians?
How do you feel about jews pushing all kind of social ills in the west?
>ethically cleansing ethiopians via covert sterilization
Stop watching majority report, you liberal fag.
What? I love Russians. I even have a ushanka hat and a russian friend. I especially like Russian humour. Russians don't seem to like jews too much tough.

Such as?
So is being Jewish more of an ethnic thing or do you treat it as religion?

Do you claim to not be white because you're jewish?

Do you believe in the Zionist controlling the world conspiracy?
>pedophile rings

>USS liberty
I think its hilarious that stormfags still use that incident from 1967 as a proof that Israel is out to kill Americans. Why didn't the USS Liberty communicate it's position to Israel when the ship was in a warzone? What would most countries do if they were attacked by several countries and the see an unidentified ship in their territory?

>The lavon affair
Yeah ok that was fucked up. But I still think this could be a planned covert operation.

>the samson option
What's wrong with it? Israel isn't the only country that has a nuclear option if shit goes wrong? What about US and Russian nukes? And the targets are local enemies. Please don't tell me that you seriously believe Israel targets American or European/Russian soil with nukes

>apartheid level shenanigans
Meh. They were the last to end the relationship with the apartheid regime because of all kinds things they planned together.

>fake "democracy" were only ashkenazim get represented
What do you mean? There are several arabs and non jews in the Knesset. They are absolutely the best place when it comes to human rights and democracy in the middle east.

>creating hamas so that no peace can flourish
Typical blowback. Just like the US taliban affaire.

>actually wants to destroy all of palestine

>ethically cleansing ethiopians via covert sterilization
Lol no.
>>9783205 (OP)
sorry, jesus christ is the lion of judah
and he'll be back
No I don't believe in holocaust revisionism or other Ernst Zündel writings.

I will admit jews now use the ''holocaust card'' for alot. I disapprove of that and when the Dutch Prince came to the synagogue and when the rabbi started to talk about the holocaust I decided not to go back there. I find it very irritating if jews use this for everything.

The holocaust has been used to make Israel legitimate yes. But this is no conspiracy.
Give a source for your claim that all camps were claimed to be extermination camps, you shill.
So is being Jewish more of an ethnic thing or do you treat it as religion?
Depends on the individual. For me it's more a traditional/heritiage thing (won't use the term ethnical). But I do think have some religious beliefs that are part of Judaism.
Do you claim to not be white because you're jewish?

Do you believe in the Zionist controlling the world conspiracy?
About those '' international calls for Israel to answer for its countless war crimes '':


Not gonna reply to that ethiopian thing haven't looked into it yet and have to study it first to give an opinion.

Oh and on your pic, Noam Chomsky is jewish you know that right?
Israel is bad when it comes to human rights, but the other countries in the region are infinitely worse.
How does it feel to be the member of a mentally sick tribe that sexually mutilate children and invented a god that hate them?

Do you often want to kill yourself because you are one of these filthy creaturesd or you are not mentally sane enough to realize it?

Oops forgot to answer the rest

>Do you claim to not be white because you're jewish?
No I claim to be white because my family has roots dating atleast 400 years back to dutch and german ground. Jews are not a race but do have simularities in genetics.

>Do you believe in the Zionist controlling the world conspiracy?
I'd like to but unfortunately I don't think that's the case.

>Do you believe in the Zionist controlling the world conspiracy?
>How does it feel to be the member of a mentally sick tribe that sexually mutilate children and invented a god that hate them?
Prety good man.

> Do you often want to kill yourself because you are one of these filthy creaturesd or you are not mentally sane enough to realize it?
Not sane enough to realize it.
Whats your thoughts on jewish circumcision ceremony, the succion thing practiced by some?

And are you going to chop of your kids foreskin (can jew jew with a foreskin)?

>The holocaust has been used to make Israel legitimate yes. But this is no conspiracy.

Fucking this. Thank you, OP. I can never wrap my head around why people here think exaggerations of the Holocaust (oh wow, ONLY 2 million murdered?!) are part of some sinister conspiracy, rather then just blatant political maneuvering that anyone would do in the Jews' place.

Being anti-Israel is one thing but supporting Chomsky at the same time means you're just another left-wing commie jumping on the bandwagon.
Why won't you leave us goy alone? Why do you insist on controlling, manipulating, and brainwashing us??
Well I respect Chomsky realy alot but disagree on some things even tough I don't have any of the credentials a genius as Chomsky has. No matter how much consecions Israel makes they will always be targeted regardless.
There are alot of peace treaties that the palestinians denied:


I also think the term 'military occupation' is unjust. The ruling parties can do whatever they want in those areas. Israel just defends herself against terror that will always be present also because of geopolitical games (proxy war with Iran).

It's not that I don't want to reply on those links because they do't support my position but just because I don't have the patience to investigate them all.
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>That feel when you support the Jews having a state but not a religion

If there is one thing to truly hate the Jews for, it's inventing Yahweh and tricking the white man into worshiping it. Nothing good happens where the Jew-god is involved.
if you're so smart, why are you jewish

>>9783205 (OP)
Why is Jesus Christ the false messiah?

Well I think is somewhat a form of mutilation and I dislike being circumsized. Would probobly still circumsize my kids tough because of preasure from my parents if I have jewish kids. On the ceremony part I just want to get one myth out of the world and that is that every circumcision involves metzitzah b'peh. That is to say the least less commonly practiced (wikis words).
What... the... FUCK is going on here?
Did you participate in the night's earlier chat about zionism being a racist ideology?
Aryan blood trade makes way to many shekels.

because of this:

Yes and there were jews living on that land aswell. After British rule two seperate states came into existance and to ignore the historical context of israel's territorial expantion gives you a wrong sense of what is and what has happened.

Oh no I missed that?
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>>9783205 (OP)

Why don't you people just die our already?

Your not needed on this planet
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>Geneva Accords
>Samson Option
>What's wrong with it? Israel isn't the only country that has a nuclear option if shit goes wrong

There ought to be a global pact to eliminate anyone with more than 50% genetic background of a country that instigates a nuclear conflict. Enemies of the world, not just Zionist scum, must know their legacy will not go unpunished.
>>9783205 (OP)
Why you jews so mad that the world?
Well what words you use helps to form an image of a situation and using certain words can form the wrong picture of what is happening in reality.

The IDF isn't occupying territory it is defending the borders and indeed launch targetted attacks on cells or individuals responsible for launching attacks on Israel. I don't call that occupation because the authorities in those areas rule. Yes there are incidents and there are bad things happening on both sides but you shouldn't fall for any propaganda on both sides.

Heres an example of Palestinian propaganda:
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So, Jew, are you a Zionist?
Also, why o Jews think they are so special?
Human's a flawed, and Jews are no different.
>my bad I mean
Why ar>>9784721
you fucking evil hated fulled jews mad AT the world
Do you think, in hindsight, the creation of Israel was a poor decision?

Much of the worries the Jewish community had at the time never really came to pass.
Zionism was created to make Jews as one of the nations.
>racist quotes about black Jews.
Well I think that is bollocks as I see them breed like crazy. Average family has like 5 children.
>Do you think Zionism is inherently racist?
As any nationalistic ideology that has swept Europe in the last 300 years.
That's not how it happened. Just because an area is declared under the authority of the Israelis doesn't mean suddently the other people already living in that area disapeared. There are zero to no jews in palestinian areas but alot of arabs living or working in Israel and form 20,3% of the Israeli population (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel). There however was a palestinian exodus in 1948 but that was during the civil war. And before that war there were alot of jews because of the mass immigration which was done under British rule. After the brits left the UN draw lines and a civil war broke out between the two population and the result was Israel.
Well, I believe it is unsustainable country
Youtube, books by Jews- Jews give Jews government jobs, see the actual childrens book, poster ncyboevictim. Support demographic disclosure of ethnicity and religion in all govmt and federal reserve appointments and jobs and support quotas. 33 percent of US sup ct is Jewish, Jews are overrepresented on the federal courts by 4 to 10 times their population


>>9783205 (OP)
Tell me about jewish food, OP. I love it. Tell me more.
>apologist believes anything is wrong with Samson option.
>>9783205 (OP)
why don't you guys kill those Rothschilds who are Georgians not jews

they paid for the holocaust and it was entirely their idea

Rothschild banking cartel is responsible for millions of jewish deaths

why do you allow them to rule you knowing this?
Guess what, OP..
Real, faithful Jews don't support Zionism.
Kook the Elder didn't, but his mediocre son strayed and did.
Zionists were Jews in name only - atheists.
Moreover, the State of Israel was put into existence at the hands of terrorists; see Lehi and Irgun.
supporter of Israel. Jews are a people just like others but different in alot of aspects.

Well heres a read about judaism on gentiles to get rid of all nonsense and fake talmud quotes at once.



Also it depends on how you define and see zionism. In a religious term or ethnic term and if you want a '''pure''' state without non-jews or a mixed state. I see zionism more as a mix between religious and ''ethnic'' (altough I dont see jews a race) nationalism.

On the quotes I've seen so many hilarious but ridiculous quotes on /pol/ I don't even bother. Just type in the quote or wikiquote the individual who made the alleged quote and you'll see probobly 100% of /pol/ quotes or nonsense.

Are we?

Nah I agree with Israels existance because Israel provides a safeheaven/home for jews and will perhaps in the future bring an end to quote hitler 'jewish rootlessness'.
>Nah I agree with Israels existance because Israel provides a safeheaven/home for jews and will perhaps in the future bring an end to quote hitler 'jewish rootlessness'.

Except you kicked out and are exterminating the Palestinians. You are transfering your problem to them, and committing the same junk that you claim Europeans did to the Jews.
>Jews are a people just like others but different in alot of aspects.

Like of the chosen, superior variety?
>they are deep inside enemy territory
If you with they mean the IDF they aren't to my knowledge. Cells are attacked mainly from air or ground operations with troops from Israel.

Must say I dont know the details but I'm prety sure of this and you'll have to give a source if you disagree.

And on 'The IDF is there' what do you mean with 'is'. Again yes they target individuals and cells but it isn't like tanks are patrolling on the streets (except for ground wars).

But I must say I don't know all the details and I may be wrong but you'll have to give a source to confirm that.
OP, when will you guys all move to Israel and stop bothering us here. I don't care what you do to the Palestinians, but I'm tired of liberal Jews shitting everything up for white gentiles domestically and conservative Jews constantly warmongering.
You might be right with that.

No because I belief with the UN partition plan on the account that there should be an Israeli state.
Good to hear :D What do you want to know? A good recipe?

You think the US and Russia got rid of their nukes? And about samson option what do you think about Irans threat on a retalliation that will destroy Israel?
Don't know to much about the Rothschilds and WW2 connections.
See >>9783480

Well for one not alot of peoples used in the general term contain different races and are that spread.

I'm a libertarian conservative Ron Paul supporting jew.
Ok, then you can stay. Just tell your co-ethnics to pipe down since I'm convinced that constant whining and wheedling is the main cause of Western antisemitism.
Zero knowledge, huh?
Nice explanation. How about you try again and actually defend your stance?
The Intifadas are the same as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Tell me how having the Palestinians as second-tier people in the State of Israel is different from what the Jews were in 30s/40s Germany?
>>9783205 (OP)
How frum are you, OP?
>Tell me how having the Palestinians as second-tier people in the State of Israel is different from what the Jews were in 30s/40s Germany?

Lets see... the Nazi's murdered 6 million Jews.

The Palestinian population has grown by 6 million since the rebirth of Israel.

Seems like the exact opposite there.
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OP why most Jews support collectivism and internationalism? haven't they learned group politics and not respecting traditional orders is what lead to historical persecution?
Allright then I'm a Zionist the reason I didn't call myself that is because I personally don't have an urge to go and live in Israel.

I scanned the first article and I find the term torture nonsense and this only applies too kids in military custody and the article doesnt provide hard proof of these things. Same for the human rights article which is from a biased source. And on the quotes made by some rabbis you know I'm not gonna defend every jew or every action by Israel but the focus on some individuals.
Got any evidence that the non-Semetic Persians have any relationship to the original tribes of Israel?
If a Jew eats another Jew.
Is it considered Kosher ?
You are ignoring my question, the point.
How is the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel any different from Jews treatment in Nazi Germany.

>6 million
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>Not sure if serious
>how old are you?

The occupation term is used by some in Israel also (and I am not referring to palestinians).

Anyhow, a bit old but I think a good doc about IDF activities in the West Bank from the pov of IDF for you or anyone interested. No politics, just documenting whats basic IDF stuff there:
They're not being slaughtered en masse?
The Talmud only allows Jews to eat Kosher slaughtered gentiles.
Neither were the Jews.
>Implying Gaza is much better than a camp.
Again, avoiding the question.
That's a direct answer.

Nazis slaughtered Jews and tried to eradicate them all.

Meanwhile the Palestinian population has been growing rapidly for decades.
What about the land where jews lived why should that be given to palestinians?

I belief the settlement issue cannot be solved before a two state agreement has been signed by both parties. When there is mutual recognition then I agree that all settlements on the agreed palestinian land should be governed by the palestinian authorities. But I agree that it could be possible that Israel is actively trying to prevent palestinian sovereign statehood in order to realize territorial expantion.
Ah okay yes that's true. Then you are right that Israel is military occupying the Westbank and East Jerusalem.
>Ignoring the starvation in Gaza
>Ignoring the blockade of Gaza
>Ignoring the human rights of Palestinians
>Ignoring the restrained food trucks that should go into Gaza but are stopped
>Ignoring the sabotaged water supply that should go into Gaza but is impeded by Israel
>Ignoring the forced removal of Palestinians from their land to make way for "settlers".
East Jerusalem has been legally annexed to Israel, and was mostly Jewish neighborhoods before all the Jews were expelled or murdered in 1948.
[Citation needed]
Do you think that if the US was or is attacked by Russia they wouldn't use nukes which will result in mass destruction and this vica versa?

>Iran has been attacked by Israel numerous times in recent history
Such as?

And I agree that Iran may not have a weapon but I don't believe them they aren't persueing one but I don't have evidence don't know about that.
>>9783205 (OP)

Will Jews ever support majority white nations again?
More frei than frum

Excellent question! Most jews are liberal and collectivistic! Maybe because jews live a collectivistic live. Personally I'm not that see >>9785522

Maybe if the jew had a Mikveh .

18 years old
How many people have starved in Gaza?

Lets see some sourced numbers.
I do. I don't consider jews a race and I consider myself white and I prefer being surrounded by whites jews or not.
Do you acknowledge that anti-semitism is at least PARTLY caused by the actions of jews?

Are you one of those jews who accepts no responsibility and stupidly claims "the entire world hates us for no reason"?
You got me. Still, the Jews were given enough food not to starve in death camps. So, again, no difference between Israel and Nazi Germany.

“The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger,”
>Implying Palestinians aren't to Jews what Jews were to Germany.
Depends on what kind of antisemite you are:

Jews generally weren't fed in death camps. Unless you were one of the few laborers, you didn't stay there for more than a day or two before execution.

You're confusing them with concentration camps.

Gaza isn't a concentration camp, either. It has it's own government, and that government can get the blockade lifted any time they want by ceasing their war with Israel, recognizing it's right to exist, and holding elections.
brb ask question I'll answer them when I'm back
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>the blockade lifted any time they want by ceasing their war with Israel,

It doesnt seem to work that way.
>>9783205 (OP)
Why are jews against nationalism in europe but support ethnic nationalism in israel?

How much does the fact that Stormfags spam "kill jew" type messages across the internet keep other Jews from having the same opinion?

I feel that our causes are not that much different. How feasible would it be for Jews to get on board with majority (not 100%, just majority) white nations with smarter immigration policies?

Do you believe in the Kabalah?
Did you lack reading comprehension? Do you only read half a post and then respond?

Let me quote the full sentence for you:

> that government can get the blockade lifted any time they want by ceasing their war with Israel, recognizing it's right to exist, and holding elections.

"Stop shooting at us for a few months so we can rearm" is not ending their war, and certainly doesn't fulfill conditions two and three.
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Indigenous American here.

OP, since you support the genocidal murder of indigenous people in Palestine based on a fairy tale book, do you also support the white colonization and genocide of the indigenous Americans as well, or is it only ok for Jews to do?
>genocidal murder

Not OP, but please read >>9785749 and then apologize for your stupidity.

I know, you're hypocrites and parasites. It's okay for you "GODS CHOSEN RATS" to do it, but no one else.
So you won't even bother reading the post?

Troll confirmed, nothing more to see here.

Let's see, so because a people group gets to a piece of land first, they get to keep it for the next 500 million years until the sun engulfs the planet destroying all life. Um, no.

Hell, even putting people into large categories like "European" "Indigenous American," "Black," "White," etc. ignores how things were when these conquests happened. It completely ignores tribalism and religion and assumes people of those centuries thought as we do. A Spanish conquistador would have more in common with a converted Indigenous American than he would with a German Protestant. The white category hadn't evolved yet. Hell, the indigenous category hadn't evolved yet. If you were a tribe that the Aztecs were using to sacrifice their 47,000 a year, would you fight against the Aztecs? Sure, and that's what happened.

These white, brown, black, yellow categories developed later. Hell, the idea that the conquered somehow deserved their land back later and likely those indigenous american ancestors of yours would think you were lady like for even thinking that shit.
I'm not sure if that's true but if it were the reason I could think of is that things that alot of groups that call themselves nationalist don't like jews. .

What opinion/cause are you refering too? And what do you mean with getting on board? But yes far right zionist jews and stormfags have the idear of nationstates in common because they both are collectivist thinkers and support segregation. Funny that stromfags opposed Israeli statehood since they dont want jews in their own countries.
never read it
brb again
Plus they both believe jews are a race
>comprehension in general

Israel killed the negotiator of the other side in middle of the negotiations, so hardly there can be advancement in the issues you are referring to. In any case, according to the Israeli arguments on Gaza blockade you can find on wiki, they cant lift the blockade as long as Hamas is in power, so the end of blockade is rather dependent on the outcome of elections than the elections themselves or them regonizing the right of Israel to exist.
>Israel killed the negotiator of the other side in middle of the negotiations,

No, they killed the Hamas chief in charge of missile launches. His role in the peace negotiation was tangential at best. In the days before his assassination, he oversaw numerous rocket attacks on Israel. He was a valid military target.

>they cant lift the blockade as long as Hamas is in power

No, if Hamas holds open elections, and they recognize Israel's right to exist (and stop launching rockets, of course) the blockade will be lifted.
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I love this post so much because of how stupid it is, and how it therefor only strengthens the point it attempts to discredit

I get a kick out of what I do in these threads, but really I probably should've just followed this anons sarcastic lead

Shit's gettin weak, no traffic in this thread anyway. One more Zionist trolled and his thread derailed.

Farewell Lion of Judah, when next we meet I intend to mock you with photoshop

Peace out /pol/scouts

P.S. >>9783602 read em
That post directly answers the question of the post it's responding to, what's your problem?

>One more Zionist trolled and his thread derailed.

Oh, you're just trolling, I see.
You dodged the question. Let me rephrase it. Do you accept that the widespread dislike of jews in all parts of the world is a result of jewish actions? As an example, do you accept that widespread dislike of Israel is a result of Israel's actions?
Success breeds jealousy.
back for a sec
>Do you accept that the widespread dislike of jews in all parts of the world is a result of jewish actions? As an example, do you accept that widespread dislike of Israel is a result of Israel's actions?
No, jewhate tries to find confirmation in individuals but isnt the result of individuals.
confirmed that OP
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Is antisemitism caused by the actions of the Jews

Got it.

>I mean... he iz having ze point, yes? Only I think perhaps his definition of success may be a wee bit flawed. Let's ask him..

As it relates to this statement, how do you define success?

Is it not fair to talk about these successes within the context that Israel is committing war crimes against Palestine?

Would you say Israels successes make up for the whole Palestine thing?

>inb4 accusations of american hypocrisy
Sorry dont realy get what you mean?
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The rest of the world isn't jealous of your success, ya dingus.

They're mad at you because you're committing genocide, practicing eugenics, stealing land, murdering civilians, promoting racism, and brazenly defying international law.

The rest of the world wouldn't call Benji's Blood Wall a "successfully executed construction project;" we call it a "war crime."
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You say the rest of the world is just jealous of the Zionist state's success, yes? Ok, so what success is that? Tell me what Israel did that we're supposed to be jealous of.

>>9790147 read it
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I didnt made that comment.
I don't have a question really. Just wanted to say as a Christian American, I'm ready to lay my life down for God's land and His People, the Israelites. America is with you forever.
The only first world country in the Middle East.

The second world and the third world have always been jealous of the first world, especially when it's right on their doorstep.

See: South Africa, Rhodesia, French Algeria, etc.
Thank you brother.

have you ever read the new testament? not all israel is israel. jews are explicitly defined in the nt as the synagogue of satan.
I am atheist Jewess. You don't really believe in all those fairy tales do you OP?
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Christians will always support the biblical jews but the ones that are corrupting this world and in Israel mainly are not biblical jews but fake ones. If anything they are like the false prophets because they are making you do the wrong things by making you believe it is all God's way.

the Bible states that it is Jesus who will rebuild Gods kingdom (Isreal). Men attempting do so before the Lords time is heretical as it is and attempt to control God. If you support Isreal and you are Christian then you are a heretic and you will burn in hell.
Ofcourse I do except for the story that prohibits the consumption of bacon
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What about the ones that prohibit theft and murder? Are you familiar with pic related?
Those all are in the ten commendments
Chapter and verse plz
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Jeremiah 11:9 Again the Lord spoke to me and said, “I have discovered a conspiracy against me among the people of Judah and Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their forefathers. They have refused to listen to me and are worshiping other gods. Israel and Judah have both broken the covenant I made with their ancestors. 11 Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I am going to bring calamity upon them, and they will not escape. Though they beg for mercy, I will not listen to their cries. 12
False. People love to misinterpret that verse. What it says is that those pretending to be Jews (and it uses jews both in the context of the people and in the context of what they stand for AKA as an example of greatness and purity) are of Satan. So if you pretend to be a Jew and carry out leading others by example yet you use this as a cover for your own intentions you are a false Jew and of Satan.

The Jews never rebuilt the temple. The reclaimed the land God granted to them and they await the return of the Messiah to rebuild the Temple. When the Messiah/Jesus returns this will be accomplished.

Good bye israel, good bye judah, you lying sacks of shit. remember that sampson option, and you remember sampson still died...like a bitch
You do know Jeremiah is old testament/hebrew bible and before christ right?

jews don't recognize the new testament, huuhuhurrr
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What qualities do you think are only in jews?
Good thing there's lots of religious Jews in Israel now.

Hrm, maybe that's why the Israeli government is willing to give the Ultra-Orthodox so much welfare money and military exemptions. They're staying on G0ds good side.
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and you do know jesus christ (new testament) prophesied the destruction of israel and the jews, right? the jews have absolutely no right to the land they have now.

I've invoked both the new and the old testament. Those who live in "israel" today are liars, thieves, genocidists, and devil worshiping satanists.

oy vey, the shoah comes!
>I've invoked both the new and the old testament.

Old Testament isn't an issue, see >>9790872

Still waiting on chapter and verse from the New Testament.
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>>9783205 (OP)
Why is it that rabbis can suck the blood from a circumcision, but at the same time jews are forbidden from eating blood?
>inb3 this jew does what all the others have done
>Lie, lie, lie, dodge
>When present with their own scripture, stop talking
You know jesus was a jew right? You know the god Christians worship is the jewish god right? You know everyone in the bible who christians worship is a jew right now?
metzitzah b' peh isnt commonly practiced. Will brb
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>Oh look, a dodge
Jesus tap dancing christ, I'm not out to demonize jews, I just want to know how these rule don't contradict one another.
>>9783205 (OP)
do jews consider themselves white
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I am in no way surprised.
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>implying that obvious sarcasm was not you samefagging yourself a controlled opposition mocking a question that was asked earlier.
>year of the new age 1
>Not knowing how to check for samefag
It's like you just found a computer yesterday, for the first time.

definitely, if civil war happens in the US, that family will be prime target.
>implying I'm not the same person now because I changed my name....

You know both the old testament and new testament have placed a curse upon the jew, right?
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Hey, I just got here. Seems like OP is a faggot? Lions don't wear scarves, dude... And mice pull thorns out of their paws; they don't wear them on their heads.
So no answer then? Just the usual jewery? It's your religion with a broken ruleset, not mine.
Hey OP how big is your nose?
I just passed to say that Zionism is fucked up.
I'm not against the state of Israel, bur Jews worldwide putting themselves first as Israelis and then citizens of the country they reside in is a pretty good reason for them to be regarded suspicious.
Want to be an Israeli nationalist? Fine, but go live in Israel.
Just a citizen who happens to be a Jew? Then whatever.
Now I'm posting through my phones 3G network AND I'm changing my name.

Damn nigga suddenly there's like 4 new people ITT that think you're a closet case.
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Now I return to name anon but because I am fake talking like immigrant (please forgive sad english) I make you think I no samefag!

Zionism, ladies and gentlemen
>and they brag about their high IQs
Just answer my question and I'll leave you alone.
>implying there is a way to check for samefag
>implying you aren't posting with multiple names to ask yourself softball questions
>implying this isn't the whole reason you keep going afk
All I want is a damn answer.
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that was no answer OP, answer him
a) sucking /= swallowing

b) It's a medicinal procedure. Virtual all biblical commandments are superceded by health considerations. (i.e. if you need to eat Pork to live, you can eat pork.)
>not widely practices
>So ingrained in their culture they have a special name for sucking on a child's dick

pick one

To which question? I don't need anyone to leave me alone and I don't feel pestered, but I also don't like ignoring people in debates, so please, explain yourself.

I am confused. I think maybe you are quoting the wrong post. I agree with your comments about religions with broken rule-sets... I oppose the OP...

Changing my ID is pointing out why >>9791583 is faulty logic
>Changing my ID is pointing out why >>9791583 is faulty logic

see what I did there?
So it would be ok for a jew to take a glass of cow's blood, swish it around in their mouth, and spit it out?

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