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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Text Boards: /newnew/ & /newpol/

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It's that time again /pol/
/q/ under attack by anti /pol/ spewing baseless shit.

Pic related
Yee haw! Let the good times roll!
>inb4 thread gets deleted by a stealth-SRS-mod
Can it, you cowan scum!
I'm assuming that's just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls and not real crazy feminists trying to get their own board, because if I'm wrong, then, my, how the mighty feminism has fallen.
>>11195808 (OP)
Even if that guy posted that as a troll, he should still be banned for it.

Keep acting like retards and you'll soon find yourself surrounded by actual retards who think they are in good company.
>that leak out of /pol/
that's the important part.

How 4chan-esque of you.
If that is 4chan-esque then how can I be a newfag?

>can't into irony
Newfags gonna new.
Define a '/pol/' leak.

Hard mod: not racially charged
Dante must die: no jewspiracy or any other type of tinfoil
/pol/ threads on boards other than /pol/ or /b/.

moot denounced the idea anyway.
goddamn srs has no subtlety. At least the JIDF makes an effort.

It's sad, but I've gotta say 4chan is the most sophisticated internet community now active. Yes even more than IRC.
Seriously though the shitposting has gotten so bad here lately I'm having trouble distinguishing between the legit discussions and the bullshit. It's not a matter of "who", since there is no question of higher activity on this board in the past few months, but a question of "how can someone be autistic enough to spam and shitpost on a slow moving sub-forum located firmly in the asshole of the Internet?".
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Just leave it alone already.
They make those threads just so you guys can go in there to shit up /q/. We already know moot probably wont remove /pol/. Just let those threads die and dont go shitting up /q/ playing along with their shit.
What's a /pol/ thread?

Weapon ban? Relevant to /k/
Auto death's from safety hazards? Could be /o/
Media portrayal of video games? /v/

These are debates. While the core political issue should be discussed here, isn't it reasonable the other end be discussed where relevant?
Typically what happens is a person posts something that isn't far left or anti-white so accusations of a /pol/ invasion are thrown around.
what if i told you that racism, misogyny, anti-semitism on 4chan predated /pol/ and /new/?
you guy scream ideas that other people find offensive in the most intense and agressive way possible and you are surprised when people dont like it?

I know you all think of yourselves a "having taken the red pill" and being enlightend or whatever but everyone thats not you sees you as an asshole. Whetehr you are an asshole or not doesn't really matter, thats what other people see
Shush, don't scare the newfags. I don't want everyone to know we're hiding here.
But /pol/'s eyes though anything thats not hard core libretarianism is "far left"
>that leak out of /pol/

They don't actually give a shit about /pol/ "leaking". Nobody does. Anybody that says otherwise is a fucking liar.

Nobody on other boards gives a shit if one of their threads brushes up against a political issue. Nobody is crying about the occasional tax discussion on another board, or a Pope discussion, or an atheism discussion. These things may or may not be shitposting on other boards, but nobody is making these molehills into mountains.

These people care only that what they perceive as "misogyny" and "racism" are "leaking" out of /pol/. It's a gross hypocrisy. It's Jewish thinking.

Fuck them, fuck their boards. If they're going to be Jewish, let them suffer the "leaks". It's what they get for being the wrong race.
You're talking like "being an asshole" is an objective statement.

More frankly, if facts are unpleasant for some people, not our problem.

all dat projection

ribbit is a fucking joke. you people are afraid of free thought because you're fucking wrong; ie, stupid

Heil Hitler.
>"how can someone be autistic enough to spam and shitpost on a slow moving sub-forum located firmly in the asshole of the Internet?".
Well, that would depend if they're from the urinary tract of the other end of the internet (SRS).
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You sound overly sensitive.

If you don't want to see offensive threads I suggest visiting a webpage with the ability to downvote them out.
Hey friend. I know thinking 4chan represents a collective of hiveminds about a particular interest, but for most reasonably logical people who lurk more than 3 minutes find /pol/ does not fit this narrative, and though I can not confirm all boards, most are the same way.

Defending this place isn't about harboring the favorite ideology, but fostering a place for unrestricted free thought. Good ideas always win out regardless of inferred 'shitposting'.

As an /sp/ poster may point out most,

>can't handle the banter
This board deserves to be put down like a sick dog.
>It's Jewish thinking.

see its this kind of /pol/ is comfortable with and doesn't bat an eye at but other boards see as being maybe not ok. You all are knee deep in the racism/misogyny that you can no longer see it, kind of like when you are in a smell for long enough that you stop smelling it
There's already a board for the gender threads: /adv/.

Then anons can follow it up with how friendzoned they are how women should be raped because they don't sleep with nice guys.
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>Missing the point entirely.

If you're concerned about /pol/ staying in /pol/, then why is it always just the racism/misogyny that you bring up? How come you don't complain about the errant gun control debate that pops up on other boards (aside from /k/)? How come you don't complain about the occasional new Pope discussion that breaks out on other boards? Or Happening threads. Or Chris Dorner threads. Or any number of /pol/ related topics.

No, just
>muh niggers
>muh vaginas

Jewish thinking. Go back to the desert, kikelstein.

'Good' in this instance means, the most easily transferred or replicable, which has nothing to do with an ideas merit. It's really really easy and lazy to spew standard /pol/ rhetoric, it takes almost zero thought and why it thrives boastfully on here.

But then again you would think that you fucking marxist jidf disnfo agent pick up a fucking econ textbook or two for once in your life.
i love /pol/ personally because i enjoy arguing for tje sake of arguing and /pol/ always has something to argue about, particularly when you are a liberal.

I am pointing out that to people who dont frequent this board it seems like and is generally regarded as the shittiest board on 4chan. Perception matters, particularly if you have some non-traditional ideas and the image this board projects is not a positive one at all. Helll its not even neutral its really really bad.

and when someone doesnt like the fact that people here are actively racist in really crazy ways dont think thats being too sensitive, i think thats being normal and hainvg normal societal views

>free thought

There is nothing free about racism. Racism is a cage which people put themselves into which causes only division and hatred.

True freedom is all inclusive. and /pol/ is anything but.
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If it's so easy why haven't you done it?

>people see the enlightened one as assholes

All a part of the Jew's grand plan.
Don't blame /pol/ just because FemmeFatale started spamming other boards with his white priviledge image macros.
>I don't agree with your opinions so there's no merit to them

Your entire argument boils down to this. Always. You can restate it a hundred different ways, but it is always reducible to "your racism upsets me."

Some of /pol/ (and by no means all of /pol/) believes racial realism has merit. And some of us back it up in discussion with facts and reason. If you bothered to actually immerse yourself in the board you're pretending you understand, you'd know that.
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>see its this kind of /pol/ is comfortable with and doesn't bat an eye at but other boards see as being maybe not ok.

Not true. See:
Also. Pic related.
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Your rights end where my feelings begin
>I know you all think of yourselves a "having taken the red pill"

These are spam threads. "Red pilling" is spamming. It even turned into Board Invasion. Don't associate that shit with this board because it got called out for what it was the day it started here before the newfags took to it like a badge.
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>racial realism

Love this shit. It's like when Fox News uses the word "confirmed" to describe someone like "confirmed atheist". Such flagrant arrogance concisely executed.

so SRS is not going to be taking over anytime soon. based moot

The SRS you are afraid of is just /pol/ trying to troll itself.

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