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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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Why is white supremacy so dominant on this board? Are there not many individuals of every race who have proven that they are capable not only of equal intellectual and emotional capability, but that there are quite a few who excel in these aspects. What makes them lesser or even worthy of hatred and rejection? Of what credibility are your info graphs or "statistics"? Their lack of citing sources is less indicating of their "dark and unpopular truth" and more their inaccuracy and adherence to personal belief rather than fact.

Pic related, W.E.B. Dubois
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>Are there not many individuals of every race who have proven that they are capable not only of equal intellectual and emotional capability, but that there are quite a few who excel in these aspects
Name one black Nobel Prize winner in a hard science category.

Also, name one Asian one.

If you can name the Asian one, I'll give Asians a free pass and we can be friends.
JIDF thread
Whites are more physically attractive.

Seriously, would you rather watch a porno of a hot blonde Aryan babe getting fucked in the ass, or some mudskin or filthy asian slut?
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Just keep moving OP. The Stormscum shitlords that plague this board will be purged soon enough when massive austerity strikes, and kills off their life lines of futile life.
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>Are there not many individuals of every race who have proven that they are capable
Yes of course there are. I accept that in a population of several million, there are going to be many genius level individuals, regardless of race.

The problem, you see, is rooted in statistics. The frequency of geniuses (and, inversely, the retards) is going to be different in each genetic cluster.

This graph is real. You can look this up.
>Why is white supremacy so dominant on this board?

It's not. You're talking about race realists.. racialists. Only the very worst stormderps will try and lord it over Asians.
>>10476646 (OP)
Edgy teenagers think that radical politics consist of anything that their parents would be ashamed to hear them talk about.
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>This graph is real. You can look it up.
>Muh cherrypicking
>Muh Anecdotal evidence
>Muh Psuedo-science
>Muh White Privilege

Shitlords never change.
Do you also campaign against asian privilege? They clearly out perform whites. I think that this is because they are privileged.
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>>10476646 (OP)
>Posting W.E.B. DuBois
>Not LeVar Burton
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"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King jr. August 28, 1963

Would it be too much to ask to judge others by their actions rather than their physical state?
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>Would it be too much to ask to judge others by their actions rather than their physical state?

Judged: Wanting. Eradication authorized.
>>10476646 (OP)
> posting a genetic white guy with black admixture

thinks nobel prize winners mean anything. peace prize given to obama
>>10476646 (OP)
Shut up jew swine.
cool, lets repeal all affirmative action and judge people based on their merits
Stop it. Having your own country is privilege.
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cuz whites think they're from mars and the rest of the races are savages. first off, if the whole mars thing is true, it just shows how seriously fucked up whites are because they destroyed it and had to go to earth. second, earth belongs the other races, and whites need to go, gtfo, go home. oh wait, you already destroyed your home or it was already destroyed. either way, gtfo, and take the jews with you. you deserve each other.
>>10476646 (OP)
DuBois hated niggers just as much if not more than white supremacists. He was also mixed
this is a SRS troll, add her tripcode to block list for improved posting experience

>Name 20 Nobel prize winners that aren't Jews
SRS pls go.
>>10476646 (OP)
>over 99% of threads in support of Chris Dorner
>still thinks Stormfront posts here

You are JIDF, fuck off kike.
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>Name 20 Nobel prize winners that aren't Jews


Well played sir... well played
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Why would JIDF call out a group of batshit insane feminists that attack white males?

Wouldn't that be it's greatest ally?

Sorry SRS but JIDF branding has to have some logic behind it.
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>>10476646 (OP)
I'm not a white supremacist but a white nationalist. I think that every culture deserves its own nation (the right to autonomy), and that currently whites are the only people being denied this. Whether whites are superior or not is immaterial to this argument.
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>>10476646 (OP)

Stereotypes exist because of the majority.

Also SRS pls leave
>Their lack of citing sources
>Racists on /pol/
>Not the leftists that accidently step foot in here on their way to /soc/
Hows your first week on /pol/ going OP?
>>10476646 (OP)
srsly OP, my experience reading Duobis' 'The Souls of Black Folk' is my strongest internal stormy blocker
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>This differential, on the individual and population level, explains a large portion of the social outcome difference. Within populations, intelligence is highly heritable. As such, the behavioral genetic default is that this differential also has a high heritability. It could be otherwise, though. As such, facts on the ground were explored and environmental explanations were evaluated. The facts include: (1) the difference is a true difference in psychometric intelligence, (2) it largely represents a difference in the general factor, (3) it has shown great persistence, having decreased little in the last century, (4) there is currently regression with age, (5) there appears to be a robust biological component to the difference, (6) the difference shows a Spearman/Jensen Effect, (7) biometric analysis indicates that the gap has a sizable genetic component, (8) the difference is not caused by environmental influences unique to one or the other populations, (9) if environmental influences are causing the gap they act fairly uniformly across the population, (10) the difference is no smaller at the upper SES levels than the lower, (11) family influences can not explain the difference, statistically explaining a decreasing amount with age, (12) Mixed race individual perform intermediate to monoracial individuals and this phenomena has been noted for centuries, (13) the Difference correlates with physical indexes of Caucasian admixture in the Black population, and (14) environmental interventions appear to show little to no lasting effect. Causal biological explanations were then explored and found to be wanting, capable of explaining at most 1/15th of the gap. Causal cultural explanations were discussed and it was noted that these seem to be unable to explain the Jensen Effect, the g-loadedness of the gap, the uniformity of the gap across the IQ spectrum, and the inter-individual between race stability at adulthood.
>Two figures ever stand to typify that day to coming ages,—the one, a gray-haired gentleman, whose fathers had quit themselves like men, whose sons lay in nameless graves; who bowed to the evil of slavery because its abolition threatened untold ill to all; who stood at last, in the evening of life, a blighted, ruined form, with hate in his eyes;—

>and the other, a form hovering dark and mother-like, her awful face black with the mists of centuries, had aforetime quailed at that white master's command, had bent in love over the cradles of his sons and daughters, and closed in death the sunken eyes of his wife,—aye, too, at his behest had laid herself low to his lust, and borne a tawny man-child to the world, only to see her dark boy's limbs scattered to the winds by midnight marauders riding after "damned Niggers." These were the saddest sights of that woful day; and no man clasped the hands of these two passing figures of the present-past; but, hating, they went to their long home, and, hating, their children's children live today.

>their children's children live today.

WEB - The Souls of Black Folk

Reading this book became my strongest internal Stormfriend blocker
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>>10476646 (OP)
The problem is that DuBois' dream of an intellectually and culturally-driven Black society is dead. It died with the previous generation of Black leaders.

There are no more Dunbars or DuBois, no more Malcolm Xs or MLKs, no more Hughes or Hurstons or Harrisons - they've all been killed off, driven off, died off, or been ostracized by their own community. What intellectuals exist in the Black community today live in obscurity and what leaders exist are a poor poor substitute for their predecessors.

The odds of there ever being another organized cultural revolution in the Black community are virtually nil.
My experience working with niggers makes me forget any book.

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