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Why doesn't /pol/ buy up a couple blocks in Detroit?
This place is $100

I've thought of doing that and letting swaths of Detroit just return to the wild, maybe plant some seeds/trees, make some ponds, etc. I don't know what they'd do to out-of-state owners though. I'm wondering if the city government would just sieze the land if it wasn't being developed.
We should buy up Haiti.
it's worth a try.

/pol/ gentrification.
Ausfag here, had a look at some of the US property, cheap, but unless you find out how much "back taxes/rates etc" are owing on a property forget it..

Might be $100 with $20,000 taxes hanging over it.

That said are there any anons who would be interested in managing a stable of properties for Aussie investors (you get paid of course)??
No, the melanin enhanced people that run Detroit are very trust worthy.
>implying Detroit niggers pay rent
You usually have to pay back taxes. But there are people doing it, buying up multiple blocks at a time for pennies on the dollar.
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Why don't you guys get a home in Camden NJ, on the cheap tho

Exactly, the 2nd reason I havent looked back at US real estate...

Unless you had a kick ass property manager nad good tenants youd just get screwed.
There are literally plots of land there that they will pay -any- police officer in the US to move there for, for around $25,000, if they join the police force as well. Not amazing houses, but livable by ghetto standards.
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pennies of the dollar for these fine homes
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meant pennies on the dollar, fuck
It doesn't matter
We fix them up and will be well armed
It will be fun
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prime real estate
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>/pol/ neighborhood
>slav street, bunch of liquor stores and cheap gun shops
>Ron Paul Blvd, the main street
>Adolf Road, full of german beer gardens
>Happenin' Avenue, where it happens
>Nastya Park
surely there's a nice tax loophole for community reinvigoration...
We can even have a holocaust museum
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in NJ?
Christie will eat your bullets.

>slav street, bunch of liquor stores and cheap gun shops

Every street in Minnesota and Wisconsin?
It'll be empty
Minnesota has Scandinavians and Slavs
/pol/and in detroit would be dangerous. Detroit is teeming with niggers, and they're definitely not smart enough to stay away from the pissed off nazis with guns. They'd still break into our houses all the time.

The murder rate would be... higher than average.

I didnt find one for state/municipal taxes, but foreign investment is treated really well as far as returns IF the project is a refurbishment or development, crap if its existing...

We could have Melly st, that would be a very short cul-de-sac
Loophole lets property owners skip tax
Property owners in Detroit are avoiding taxes by letting their homes and businesses go into foreclosure for unpaid taxes and then buying them back for $500.


I was in the Holocaust Museum in DC once last Summer.

It was like an oven in there.

Self defence rate you mean???
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How Michigan's stand your ground laws?
We could put a tower in the middle of the block with this on
it it's 200k but well worth the investment


actually i've heard detroit city practically begs for foreign investors, so you have might have a really good shot.


>Well, Detroit’s mayor has an idea: Bulldoze it.

>Mayor Dave Bing is apparently working on a radical plan that would bulldoze a quarter of the city— some of the most desolate areas and return it to farmland, the way it was before the automobile. Any residents still there would be relocated to stronger neighborhoods.

>This isn't a new idea Detroit has been kicking it around since the 1990s, and some people suggest dozens of U.S. cities hard-hit by the recession may have to be bulldozed.
They'd know to avoid that area. I expect regular drive bys though and the police working against us like they did the Koreans.

As ridiculous as that would be, I'd shit my pants if I saw a fortified tower filled with Nazis in the ghetto.

Blackanon, by the way.
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Im pretty sure thats what he means.
My opinion: we do it anyway
>You usually have to pay back taxes
Oh hell 2 tha no... that 100$ better be the tax lien
or it ain't worth it

Why are there shoes on the power line?
money for reniggerisation?


Marking gang territories, at least where I'm from.
police? working in detroit?
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Why is there horses in the hood?
>buy a few blocks
>huge wall with gate and watchtowers around it
>buy the land around it and landmine it
You'll have a place to argue about who is white and who isn't, the gold standard, teh joos and act all parainoid about JIDF agents. Why not just do it?

you mean deniggerisation
it marks where you can score drugs.

then some kids started doing it in the 90's, it's gone back to its true meaning now though
like a house that always has smoke coming out the chimney. that's a crack house

In Oz its usualy a sign drugs are available in the house across from it.. Might be different it the US though.

Antone want to guess how many bodies theyd find if the began to bulldoze Detroit?
In foundations, old wells, shallow graves etc???
>relocating cancer
You have to destroy it. You are just spreading it.

holohoax museum.

Imagine the glorious butthurt.
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The looks those poor shits are giving the Google car

Thats the brothel???

Bucket or stepladder costs extra.


The Amish
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>Have our own Holocaust Museum
>Room filled with old shoes

>>This is how easy it is to fake Holohoax evidence, just fill a room with shoes.
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check out the look this guy in Detroit gave them
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>that feel when you could have bought the silverdome for 600k

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all of my wat

Shit, why didn't someone buy it and create a supervillian lair or something?
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no back taxes
bidding starts at 1 dollar

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This guy can afford a gun but not a fucking shirt

>implying it's bought
I would have bought it just for the 127 acres
fuuuuuck why cant i be a millionaire

i would buy large swathes of detroit just to bulldoze it
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It already sold
it went for 1 dollar

>Winning Bid: USD $1
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That looks like it could be such a nice neighborhood.

This shit wouldn't look out of place in fucking Liberia or some shit.
Damn America, straighten that shit up it almost looks like fucking Afghanistan ironically.
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lol fucking spics
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>Nastya Park
>implying any sensible person would go there
It's about Somali-tier by now
At least twice the population
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The houses aren't the problem,

The niggers are.
How do we turn niggers into productive citizens /pol/? We already throw way more money at inner city schools and cities than average. What are we supposed to do?
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Is that some niglet on the hood of that car?
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>How do we turn niggers into productive citizens /pol/?

It involves lots and lots of rope.
>In Oz its usualy a sign drugs are available in the house across from it

You must live in a shitty part. Here it would mean that some bullies took some kid's shoes and tossed them up for lulz.

THUNDERDOME!! 2 men enter one man leaves!

>First world country
Yeah, right.
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I have an idea

We could just make them slaves again. Sure, I mean they probably can't even compete with machinery, but that's not the point-keeping them from even having the chance to act like niggers...that will more than pay for itself in the long run.
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Just think, /pol/ could create its own city-state in the middle of the wasps nest for only a few thousand dollars. It'll be a battleground for a while but with time we can turn it into something great.
We could conquer Detroit, declare independence, legalise slavery etc.
And nobody would care because it's just Detroit.
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Why don't we do this seriously?
Because we'd be killed. Every one of us.
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I'm sure /pol/ could collectively raise enough money to buy out entire blocks and gradually turn them into a heavily armed, fortified compound.

Hell, let's not forget there's no shortage of cheap labor. They'll wall themselves out for us for peanuts, as long as we have some inspectors for oversight to make sure they don't do a shitty job of it. We could build a Great Wall of Detroit around our compound.

>stone or reinforced concrete walls that could withstand vehicle impacts and explosions as well as gunfire
>high-tech security, guarded gated entrance, firing ports along the walkway on top of wall
>multiple interior buildings providing for decent private housing and some buildings dedicated to storage and minor services
>the locals will fix up the houses for us for less than the cost of doing it ourselves, making it practically effortless
>the money saved canbe spent on security systems and a small fleet of armored trucks for making supply convoy runs through hostile territory
>detroit PD don't give a fuck enough to stop us and the white officers are probably secretly rooting for us or better yet, willing to join us

I'd join in.
>some jews in the media ask why you are mocking the holocaust by showing off charred reebok trainers (because you're getting in on their action)
>when asked for comment anon said; "fuck off you nazis, I bet you want another holocaust. remember the six trillion!"
because this is /pol/
>lets take over sealand
>lets colonize bir tawl
>lets buy an island
>lets move to some compound in idaho
>lets buy some land in da woods and build a compound
>>9615623 (OP)
There is a reason that nobody is snapping these properties up, you know. There is a reason people left them in the first place. High taxes + lots of niggers = very undesirable place. It's not like you'd be starting from scratch with nothing to impede you, you'd be starting from the bottom of a very deep hole. Attempts to revitalize detroit have failed multiple times for this reason.
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Make a kickstarter or something like that. Say you are looking to buy houses for poor students in Detroit.
People will assume you mean to buy them for niggers.
Most of us are probably poor students.
1. We arent all from the US
2. i guess most anons here dont have a really good paid job
3. even if, they'd have to give it up and start at zero in detroit
4. you cant get shit done in detroit and we all aint shitting moneyz

i would love to, but i am in germany, where no place looks close to those images which really remind me of somalia.
>/pol/ could end up building Outer Heaven.

I would sign on as a poor student if you got it started.
This will turn out just like the NWF.
I wish I lived in the US.
I'd buy loads of these houses and put random crap in thereto keep kids occupied in stead of just selling drugs and killing people.
make a whole generation of otakus just because.

and if anyone tries to start shit, shotgun to the face because of castle law.

Why? because within a week you'd be raped to death by the First Nugget Brigade and /k/ would steal your shit.
who gives us the starting capital?
how much cash do you have stashed anon?
>turn niggers into productive citizens
Really the best you can hope to do is make them into some sort of work gang for the most menial and unskilled task imaginable, like digging ditches or something. I wouldn't even trust them to build walls.
Be more careful with your language. Try instead:

Buy houses in Detroit for poor students.

So it can be reasoned that only the houses are in Detroit, not necessarily the poor students.

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