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What's so bad about Indian programmers?

What justifies paying for 1 American programmer when you could hire 6 Indian programmers?
Programmer here.
Only boomer programmers are afraid of Indians taking their jobs. But that's only because Boomers bitch about having to learn more than one programming language(they're all the same gramps, maybe you have to put brackets around your while loops but that's it). Most Indians suck at coding, and are completely worthless if there English is broken. To be honest I'm fine with them, as they make my job easier(if done right). All the hard programming is done by Americans(or Indians in America).
I'll also note: I'd much rather have an intern than an India. They cost about the same(after inputting all the costs) and they actually admit when they are wrong.
cost of living in the us > india

indians will work for far less, because they don't need as much money to live well in their country

which is why it's not fucking cool to outsource this much
>live well
pick one
Who the fuck could only know one programming language and work as a professional programmer? I'm yet to finnish studying and already know 4. 2 more next semester.
Maybe I over exaggerated. But many Boomers at might work bitching about having to learn another programming language. Then they go on a rant about Indians and good old days. All you really have to do is learn all the new formatting shit.
The thing with programming is it doesn't necessarily have to be on site, and it has no import cost to it. All you have to do to "import" coding is to copy it and send it online.

So most programmers are competing against the entire world for a job, not just their local area. And I only expect this trend to continue.
havent you seen sloomdawg millonair
Never had a good experience with an Indian programming team. Not once. Their code is shit.

Companies which take this route deserve to have their asses handed to them in the competitive market.
>>9795946 (OP)
Indians cant make reusable modules to save their lives
Indians fuck up things and end up taking more time and ultimately money to program shit. It's better to do it right the first time.
depends on the language. there are quite some differences in string operations, function overloading, templates etc.
But the basics, yes, thats only formating.
They're not in the same house, and their culture is basically to tell boss whatever boss wants to hear. Also DEY TOOK AR JERBS
>Another language
When there's Java?
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Yes. Java s shit for some areas. Especially things close to hardware.
Most of the money is in enterprise web, supply chain and enterprise systems, or android.
Java is shit for most areas. Especially things close to hardware.

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>>9795946 (OP)
Their code is terrible.

Well actually the code itself isn't the problem, but look at it like this:

If you ask a (professional) western programmer for the solution of some problem he should give you a precise, short answer, relevant to the topic.

If you ask an indian programmer you mostly either get something that is completely unrelated or some solution that is so impossibly overblown that it is absolutely useless.

Just take a look at those "professional" community driven support forums (like those at oracles main page - however that's even a rather good one, there are some that are a lot worse)

If you are there ask a question that is a tiny bit more specific and BAM hundreds of shitty solutions.
java is currently the most used language in the world by a laaaarge margin
you can go back to /g/ to rave about ruby but these are the facts.
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>>9795946 (OP)

>mfw remembering how everybody wanted to be a software engineer, programmer or whatever people called it back in the early 00 late 90'

"You're set for life"
"Demands for programmers will only rise"
"The highest incomes in the private sector"

10 years later, the Indians have taken over and people realize that of all professions, programming is the one that's the easiest to outsource and dump wages on.
>hobby programmers at work

So why did you give up those Computer Science studies?
I thought you were really good with computers.
Fox News is the number one rated news channel.
common knowledge
wrong, a lot of companies that outsourced to india are back to hiring western programmers due to the horrible job indians have done.
>>9795946 (OP)
It's a cultural thing in India and China that copying work from somebody is considered showing respect to that person. So you have people blatantly plagiarizing academic work they have no fucking clue about. Those are the guys you then hire to do your coding or work in your company. Most of those coders don't have a fucking clue what they're doing and basically google shit and put it together piece by piece.

That's the price you pay for trying to be a jew.
I hope you can buy stuff with your common knowledge, else you will starve.
Here's how it works: you code java or c/c++, or possibly objective-c or c# (if you're a faggot). If you're doing anything else, you're a special snowflake / script kid.
>like those at oracles main page

Oh god, don't even mention that. Fucking indians and slavshit. Whenever I'm trying to look up a topic, a guy asks something DURR NOT YOUR PERSONAL DOCUMENTATION
India has a culture of cheating and collaboration in bread into its education system. Why study when you can just pay your proff 200$ for an A+?

Indians have hard time understanding why is it not ok to let one person do the test while everyone else groups up around them and copies.

When you combine the two and compare it to western education you should see why Western developers > > > > > Indian developers.

No big software company invests heavily into Indians. They might for customer support but never into architecture or design.

Just as it was spoken by union spokes persons from the manufacturing industry in the 90'.

Thing is, you don't have to build a factory or restructure the supply chain to out source the jobs - it can be done overnight to a guy sitting by his computer in India, China, Cambodia wherever the wages are the lowest.
>>9795946 (OP)
Not all indian coders are bad.
Most are fucking horrible.

google indian body shops or consultancies.
They basically get a fresh new graduate from Bombay institute of technology and fish for contract roles. If the role say SAP engineers, they give the poor guy a SAP book and say "Here Apu, read this" and then send him to the client. The agencies also skim a lot off the indians as the agency bosses are indian themselves.

They work harder not because of the money, but because of the H1B visa they are on. If you get fired, it's back to bombay or you have to find another job that will transfer your visa within 10 days. And most companies dont like H1B workers.

Having said that, there are many good indian programmers. Sun was started by an Indian. Many or the early Google engineers were indian.

Also i think Hadoop and Cassandra (big data search and storage engines) were created at Facebook by two indians.
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>lol don't use it it's shit!
>No! Don't use J2EE! I said stop!
>wut is Java Card?
>Why will nobody use my self produced chip cards?

You're retarded and have no idea of the real world. Get out.
Companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian labor

Adaptec – Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
Apple – R&D CLOSED in India in 2006.
Australia’s National Australia Bank (Outsourced jobs to India in 2007, nationwide ATM and account failure in late 2010).
Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)
Caymas – Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
Caterpillar misses earnings a mere 4 months after outsourcing to India, Inc.
Circuit City – Outsourced all IT to Indian-run IBM and went bankrupt shortly thereafter.
ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
Deloitte – 2010 – this Indian-packed consulting company is being sued under RICO fraud charges by Marin Country, California for a failed solution.
Dell – call center (closed in India)
Delta call centers (closed in India)
Fannie Mae – Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty.
GM – Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
Medicare – Defrauded by Indian national doctor Arun Sharma & wife in the U.S.
Microsoft – Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it’s lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
PepsiCo – Slides from #1 to #3 during Indian CEO Indra Nooyi’ watch.
Polycom – Former senior executive Sunil Bhalla charged with insider trading.
Qantas – See AirBus above
Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
Rolls Royce (Sent aircraft engine work to India in 2006, engines delayed for Boeing 787, and failed on at least 2 Quantas planes in 2010, cost Rolls $500m).
SAP – Same as Deloitte above in 2010.
Skype (Madhu Yarlagadda fired)
State of Indiana $867 million FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
State of Texas failed IBM project.
Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, had to be sold off to Oracle).
UK’s NHS outsourced numerous jobs including health records to India in mid-2000 resulting in $26 billion over budget.
Union Bank of California – Cancelled Finacle project run by India’s InfoSys in 2011.
United – call center (closed in India)
Victorian Order of Nurses, Canada (Payroll system screwed up by SAP/IBM in mid-2011)
Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).
>muh business applications
>muh ignorance on how things actually work
>muh need to have everything done for me

And I'm the hobbyist, right....
Agile methods reign supreme in the business, and outsourcing half your team to the other side of the world doesn't work good with scrum. Software development is such a fragile process and prone to fuckups that the business people have realized they need the kind of feedback on project progress that's only possible when you're geographically close.

I agree/don't know most of these, but Deloitte and SAP? Deloitte is among the big 4 accountant companies and SAP is fucking huge.
>Computer Science
>not just applied mathematics

CS majors can't code for shit
Look, no-one's saying python, scala, lisp and ruby are horrible in any way. They'll just never be anything more than niche.
if you don't code on your spare time you shouldn't be doing CS.
Your portfolio shows your coding ability, not your degree. Your degree is an indicator that you understand the science behind coding.

> inb4 selftaught> CS major
Yeah right - go implement me a simple sort.
> "wut iz devide an conkur? "
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Yes you are the hobbyist you dumb shit.

Because if you were actually a professional you'd realize that Java is, as any other programming language, a fucking tool (like you).

The right tool for a shit ton of business applications or lots of network based applications.

I can write Haskell.

Do I write network applications with Haskell?

No... and nobody does (apart from some scientists maybe). Because nobody is fucking retarded.

Retarded like you are. Who would probably write a business application from scratch in C because.... yeah just because.

But that's fucking pathetic. And you know what?
That's the kind of job that is outsourced.

Companies hire people who know what the fuck they are doing, not those who can show off in a single language.
I'm just wondering when we'll get rid of C# and Objective C. Two completely unecessary languages that exists for no other reason than Apple and MS wanting to be special.
A little addition to this here

>muh need to have everything done for me

Do you even understand the reason why modules are made?
Do you even grasp the work behind frameworks like Spring?

Let me introduce you to a little example:

>Situation 1
A: "Hey Anon we have this web service here and we need it secured"
B: "Oh that's no biggie, I'll write something for it"
A: "I suppose the code can be trusted"
B: "Oh don't worry about that - I've written such systems lots of time....on my own little system"

>Situation 2
A: "Hey Anon we have this web service here and we need it secured"
B: "Oh that's no biggie, We'll use Spring Security for that and add our own corner cases if there are any"
A: "I suppose the code can be trusted"
B: "Yes the module has been tested in more ways we could even think of."

Wow! I really wonder which one will turn out better...
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>being this mad
Because instead of indian programmers building their own tech industry and creating their own jobs, they work for American companies and take jobs that Americans had. In addition, it's cheaper to hire indian workers due to wage and labor law differences between India and the US.
>mfw the boomers near me only know COBOL, CICS, and JCL.

They've mostly all been laid off already.
>Outsourcing any kind of IT
Quickest way to put yourself out of business.

Fuckers rarely, if ever, speak proper english.
And any mistake they make is NEVER actually their mistake, according to them
pls do the needful anon

I work for a fortune 50 company. About 70% of our developers/testers are Indian vendors (Infosys, Cognizant, Virtusa). We're doing fine but I do believe the incentive structure is flawed and will eventually result in more FTEs.
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Yes good sir.

I am mad.

But tomorrow I shall be calm.

And you will still be an idiot.
Tbh, that job could probably be successfully outsourced to a pack of dogs
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>go on a tirade because someone mentioned that java might not be the best programming language on earth
>calls others an idiot

k bro.
>go on a tirade because someone mentioned that java might not be the best programming language on earth
>reading comprehension

>Java is, as any other programming language, a fucking tool (like you)
>Java is, as any other programming language, a tool
>Java is a tool

And that's how you treat it.

I don't really care for an amateurs opinion anyway to be honest but welp...
>>9795946 (OP)

Indians are shit. All they do is Google up solutions, slap it together, and try to get away with half assed job. India has a cultural tradition of lying, dishonesty, and screwing each other over, even more so when your client is on the other side of the world and doesn't have time to scrutinize your code. More importantly, we keep bringing these fucking dotheads over here and paying them enough where they can support themselves here and all 10,000 of their relatives in India which means their population is going to explode beyond all measure, with no stopping. Also, this thread should be more than enough to convince anyone

>>9794837 →

>>9794837 → in case that link doesnt work

I'm inclined to believe this, Indians are absolute SHIT as managers, I can't say that enough. They are rude, they treat the employees like shit, and they have their head up their ass all the time. My local Wendy's was taken over by Indians. Within 2 weeks, the portions shrunk and the breaded chicken sandwiches became 50% bread and 50% shit tier chicken (they cost as much as 2 fresh chicken breasts and used to be very decent, so you don't expect McDonalds tier food here). Within 1 month I noticed all the former employees were gone and replaced by Indians, who fucked up the orders and then blamed customers, were rude as fuck, and frequently tried to short change me when they thought I was in a hurry (later an Indian at a gas station told me this is common practice among Indians and they get a lot of extra money short changing).

I work for Comcast, and I'd have to agree here. We do have overseas programmers as well as a *lot* of domestic programmers. The overseas guys are typically young and have minimal experience. The older guys though seem pretty comfortable and they *all* live in the US. They make a good salary, I make a good salary, the guys overseas are getting shafted. If they really were good they'd come over here and work, instead of living in a shitty third world hell hole.

For reference I'm an IT engineer, so I'm the first person to know if someones code sucks or not as I have to support their shit when it breaks.

It depends on the company. My company does a lot of really poor testing, maximizing the cost and minimizing the benefit. Basically whatever you do, don't outsource your QA department to India. They are all about pleasing people with lies up front, and then shifting the blame to anyone and everyon else when they fail to meet very lofty goals.
>using megabloks when legos exist
>pervasive name calling
>expect to be taken seriously

It's insecure and it's terribly inefficient, and there's nothing you can do about that. So go on and write your little web apps, I understand they put food in your mouth.

Just never expect to be taken seriously by anybody outside the java circlejerk.
>>9795946 (OP)
As a western programmer who has worked with indians, hear me out:

They suck. They are bad, bad to a hard to imagine extreme. I don't know if it's the poor education, the caste system, their absurd religion or whatever, but they are bad beyond belief.

Our company outsourced some shit to India thinking it was great business, we ended up losing money on the project. All they did was pretty much shit, worthless. Worthless shit. A very cheap useless piece of shit.

Are there good programmers in India? Maybe, but not as far as I know.
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I want to punch anyone who tells me to do the needful. Sooooo many india guys tell me to do it. What the fuck is the needful? A traditional dance done by Indian beggars to get money?
PHP programmer here. Use to use indians before I learned. They didnt even escape mysql queries. Completley usless bastards

My god anon, are you trying to imply by cutting costs, you might be sacrificing quality???? UNPOSSIBLE!

This is an Indian's coding process. Give them an assignment for writing a proxy server to be completed in 2 weeks

>Googles "proxy server code c++"
>copies and pastes it all directly, without even reading through comments or bug reports
>If you were smart enough to tell them you will run automated testing, they run your tests and do the very most basic editing required to make them pass (Googling plenty along the way).
>Spend 1 week and 6 days surfing omegle and sexually harassing underaged American girls on the internet
>Email you the code file and expect a bonus because it was completed 1 day early

In America you might have 10 good programmers and 40 shit ones applying for a job. In India you have 1 good programmer and 199 shit ones applying for each job. Any good programmers in India will have already escaped to America, Canada, or Europe on an H1B/tech visa to work in that country rather than stay in India

>i write in high level scripting languages
>overload new operator
>rely on garbage collectors when emptying dynamic arrays

>dont comment my code unless i overhear a woman make a joke she heard then i add it in after a "FIXME:" tag
>dont write commit messages on any source control
>if someone uses m_* nominclature in classes i dont, and vice versa when i edit their files

>dont initialise any values
>add fringe cases to core infrastructure to handle my hacks

see me giving a fuck
>Dont program in ancient languages without automatic garbage collection because Indian universities are advanced
>Dont hear pointless whining because all the other Indian programmers around me are hard working and productive
>Wonder why you are so butthurt when you lose your job to superior Indian programmers
>It's a cultural thing in India and China that copying work from somebody is considered showing respect to that person.

Oh, how conveeeeeenient. Sounds like bullshit to me.

can i embed scheme into my C and not be a special snowflake / script kid? :(

one of those languages is not like the other (you can use scala anywhere you have a JVM, and can use Java libraries if you want to)

Don't know anything about C#, but Objective-C is pretty awesome.

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