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What does /pol/ think the future of mexico is?
>>10999125 (OP)
>>10999125 (OP)
Nothing, it'll be the same unless Chinese remince and immigrants industrial revolutionize better.
Balkanization around the same time that the US does.
Why do Mexican feel the need to ask about themselves and seek for validation?
a huge incident will eventually happen that forces america to wake up. remember brazil's "rio drug war" like 2 years ago? that is the true face of the cartels. it'll spill over into the US eventually.

when that happens, the US government will force the mexican government to act.
>>10999125 (OP)
100000% Oil price
I remember the last time I went to that place as a kid. I found a used syringe on the ground and I thought it would be funny to scare one my cousins with it at the house.

I picked it up. Took it to the house and showed my mom the syringe.
>"Look what I found. Lets scare my cousin with it :D "
She screamed, everyone around me screamed. Yelling
>"Let that go!!!!!!!"
I looked around in confusion and disarray. Made me wash my hands with bleach and asked if I got sticked by it(I said no).

I was to young to know how much of a shithole that country is.
>Why do Mexican feel the need to ask about themselves and seek for validation?

I'm part Mexican and I can tell you it's because a lot of Mexicans look up to white people and want to be accepted by them (Except west coast Mexicans, they hate the white man). I grew up in Texas and most LEGAL Mexicans really do just want to be friends with whites and so they care about how whites feel about them. But the thing is so many Mexicans are told by Liberals that whites hate them so they tend to start get this weird idea of hopelessness in being bro's with whites. Most Mexicans in my area are conservative, hate blacks and are religious as fuck...

It's hard to explain and that's about as well as I can explain it.
>I remember the last time I went to that place as a kid. I found a used syringe on the ground and I thought it would be funny to scare one my cousins with it at the house.

You haven't been to Chicago apparently, Syringes on the ground are a daily thing there. Also, you can find guns in dumpsters and condoms on the street. If finding Needles on the ground in some random place in Mexico makes it a shit hole...then I have bad news bro.
Hispanic reporting in, its all true. Were almost like an exact copy, just different skin color. Sadly, the parents and media turns our teenagers into little punks.
The violence problem isn't going away until we get rid of the war against drugs

The military branch of the government is now big powerful enough to tackle kidnapping/extortion/etc groups quite easily, since the war on drugs is no longer a thing.

Corrupt politicians aren't going anywhere until we cut the flow of the narco-dollar in politics, our population needs to have access to better firearms to protect themselves from the remainder of big cartels (i.e. shitty gangs like los zetas), the government gave weapons to small populations in the mountains near Mazatlan, police is scarce around those areas.

none of these changes are planned to be implemented in the near future

so i'd say our future is pretty bad
whoa. thanks for making me more aware.
around those areas. They're doing fine.*

captcha ate my text
>Except west coast Mexicans they hate the white man

What are you talking about?

I'm from LA and they don't hate and I've lived here my whole life.
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speaking of the drug war
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In all honestly I like Mexicans, for the most part. Even though every guy I work with know im a Nazi, and have the tattoos, they still treat me well. Over time I have grown to like them, and oddly I have alot in common with them. I respect them, their culture and what they want... to enjoy life, and work to provide the best for their family without stepping on someones toes. And, oddly yes, they hate blacks more than I do... and the women seem to more than the men. Odd, but we have alot in common. I speak Spanish, but get annoyed when they speak it around me... even if they know I know what they are saying... its impolite.
dead body everywhere
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Dallas Tx here by the way...

Help us get rid of the Niggers and Jews and we will give back a few states :)
Dirty, corrupt, full of drugs, and not accomplishing much besides infesting the USA with brown people.
Mexicans are pretty damn anti semetic.

One of Mexicos top tweets is #mecemocomojudio

Or #Iburnlikeajew
shit bro what part of chicago are u in thats not at all true for me

We're not giving back anything you dumb fucking faggot.

Look at you sopping up over glorified socialist trash. People like you are going to be the downfall, You can't even play the fucking skinhead game correctly since you're busy sucking mexican cock cause you are one.

You're disgusting. All of you faggot socialist communist bastards are.

If it were up to me I'd shoot every fucking mexican I saw.
Lel, now the spics thinking we love spics.
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>ese sentimiento cuando nunca habrá otro programa de televisión mexicano origial e interesante
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Wow, that's perfect. I've tried to tell people about the drug war's truth, but nobody listens. Nobody can think beyond themselves and what directly effects them because of media/government propaganda, and this is one of the biggest problems that arise from it. If people understood that the biggest reason Mexican's are willing to die just to get here is because their country is torn apart by American's continuing to allow the war on drugs to exist, perhaps they'd actually legalize for the sake of Mexicans and even addicts.
But that doesn't work for TPTB in their plan to create chaos in America when shit hits the fan.
Well, go on stormfront and do the same thread. WN hate spics.
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Cool story bro.
USA Politicans rape us hard. But Mexican politicans? Wow no contest Mexico.

You are getting raped pretty hard by polidicks gangs and authorities.
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>>10999125 (OP)
>What does /pol/ think the future of mexico is?
Who gives a shit about those fucks? They're the definition of irony and hypocrisy. Their beliefs are based on social engineering of society from TPTB in order to divide people so they don't see the real problems in their lives. Sure they see Zionists for what they are, but they can never hope to overcome them if they keep pushing everyone else who can, and who wants to help, away.
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>just different skin color.
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I wish I had a million accounts to upvote this xDDD
Drug, gangs, illegal
jesus fuck

not even the most violent nigger gangs in the us do this.

source on pic?
Los Zetas

The most violent bloodthirsty group in mexico.
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So vintage. That kind of extreme violence has ceased. Actually mexico is doing fine and growing at a 4% yearly, while the US in the edge of a recession Lelelel
>not even the most violent nigger gangs in the us do this.
0/10, You don't live in California

No, it still happens, but at least they are finishing themselves off
>implying that media can show this kind of shit in murrica
also the sause is in the pic
obviously, but why did they cut the bitch up so badly?

>implying the majority of americans want a drug war

yeah, so i guess you and that other guy can figure out whats happening in only one country at a time?

youd have to be a fucking retard who only watches conservative propaganda to believe anyone but out-of-touch old farts and people making money off smuggling want this shit to continue in america

they even started a petition on that lame website Obama set up to get him to talk about it, and they just fucking ignored/deleted the shit.
It's says.

"This is what happens when you disrespect and point fingers at the company of Z"

Around those lines
>Guns in dumpsters
Take those and sell them
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It' different for me
>part Mexican
>look white (people don't know i'm 1/2 hispanic)
>grew up in Boston
>Have white, black, hispanic friends
>Atheist (fuck all religions)
You are a shame, you talk like a dude who hate himself.
louis c.k.?
She probably notified the wrong people about their excessive privilege levels.
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the mexican Supreme Court today announced that the words maricon and puñal are now regarded as Hate speech because they discriminate against gays.

There is nothing worse than mexican liberals, it pisses me off so much that now my speech is being limited to spare all these faggots feelings.

Yes I mad. Pic unrelated just some mexican feet
well, i really give a fuck if somebody else validates my country or not, because it ojetivelly has a huge value, i've realized lately that most of the stereotypes against US are made by US people, who bases their openion on our country on ilegal inmigrants, even though most of them aren't mexican at all,

about the future, i could bet that things will get better, economically and socially
*opinion, damn, this is what happens when you post in 8+ threads at the same minute
Right, so everyone you know is against the drug war? Who gives a shit that's a sample of people that has no real bearing on life. I've talked to plenty of people, I'm also young. Sure people do drugs, that doesn't mean they think they should be legal or even understand the implications of what you're talking about. I don't think you realize just how brainwashed and doublethinking people in America are.
i do.
Fucking nailed it. What if Louis was a /pol/ock? That would be HILARIOUS

Louis C.K. is basically Mexicunt and Hungarian.

Hungarians have strong as fuck genes, which is why he looks white as fuck.

Good show.
have a source?
actually, 60-70% of Mexico is white
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lets get this shit started

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post more feet, hers look well pedicured


Listen buddy, not even Spaniards are considered white where I'm from, don't even think about it.


Nice cherry picking pedro.
>>10999125 (OP)
mfw spics cry and want to be Aryan.
i couldn't care less about your delusions albino, also, what cherrypickin?, it was taken at a concert

>i couldn't care less about your delusions albino, also, what cherrypickin?, it was taken at a concert
>Not white

Even Stormfront has their own section for Spaniards.
>mexican Supreme Court today announced that the words maricon and puñal are now regarded as Hate speech


My Spanish isn't very good, but this seems to be it.

I suspect it will be about as well enforced as Mexico's gun laws, which prohibit civilian firearms ownership of anything other than a .38 revolver, filed by a permit in the Capitol.
>pointing out your BS =/= caring of what you think

>he thinks mexicans are white
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>>10999125 (OP)
Don't want.
>being this blind

Anyway, if you ever come to Mexico you will be surprised, it's not ok to judge Méxoco based on what inmigrants looks like or how they behave, not every inmigrant in the US has to be mexican, there ae way more countries in Latin America, like Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay etc. though i understand you at a extent, you can't go around asking every wetbavk you see from what country he is from, so you just asume they all are mexican

>being this mad

lel shut up beaner, you're all disgusting browned skinned mongrels. You can't even spell shit correctly you're so mad, your little shit tears are rolling down those non-white cheeks. Mexico and Latin America needs to be ethnically cleansed. You're all beneath me, animal.
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i'm not even half as mad as you, and people like you give to all of us a bad name, i don't really know from where you are, but you have to know that America, as a continent have the same ethnicy at a extent
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Mexicans are like coyotes. In their natural state, they're wild pests who can be a destructive nuisance.

But when tamed (aka assimilated) are often awesome and beneficial.

Mexico requires a purge by fire. It needs to be rebuilt and brought into the western world. And unlike most other hispanic countries, it can be done effectively.
if you were bullied by latino kids so much that you have to drop out from college i'm sorry.
Man, mexicans aren't radical muslims

What makes you think a bunch of uneducated spics can bully someone far larger and superior than them? More so what makes you think beaners can get into college in the first place?
>us places key cartel members in positions of power in mexican government
Just like Argentina, right?
because you are an unsufferable cunt with a fake complex of superiority? you wouldn't las a day here, also i can tell you very unexperienced in fights, since you think that 1 or 2 inches of difference in height does matters.
I don't think any Mexican believes mexico is actually white, if anyone posts shit like that it's either some deranged spic or some troll, so just ignore him.
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not sure about Argentina, i don't live there
>talking about deranged trolls

I'm 6'4" and I weight train almost everyday for peace of mind, I've beaten up plenty of niggers and spics who tried testing me when I walked on their 'turf'.

If anything you're the one with the superiority complex, for I know the limits of my body as well as being able to be useful to my society and my people. I can tell you're the inexperienced on here thinking that some puny smelly mexicunt like you would ever step out of line.

You're probably a coward, judging by the way you type and rely on a pack of beans to fight with you than to fight alone and get your tiny mongrel head smashed in by yours truly. I pity minorities who feel when they're offend on the internet to make false accusations and claim they're tough and rough like the uncivilized beasts you are. Also, learn to spell correctly.

>I train every day

Yea and a stab to the gut or shot to the back kinda nulls any training you got


But please go on about how your ex-special forces and have been fighting on the mean streets of "insert safe city" since you where 3


I never stated I was ex-special forces, nor do I claim where I live is safe. I enjoy taking care of my body.

Then again look who's talking, the south american shitstain who needs to take his ass back to /v/.

P.S. I have a concealed carry permit, as well as a couple of firearms within my home. Not everyone who actually cares about their physical fitness is in the military, I would be a fool to become a welfare queen when I can care for myself just fine.
so far you are the one who have proven to be the most asinine uncivilized beast in the thread, and you are ironically praising yourself just for being white rather than for anything else, you have never had the balls to punch any nigger or spic simply because you live in the US, and you would go to jail for attacking a minority, that's what makes you mad, i'm not even playing the though internet kid card like you because is pointless and makes you look like a retard, i 'm just going to tell that even if you aren't bullshitting about yourself you have no chance against me, you neither would last a single night in the neighborhoods where i grow up
you also have more than 300 confirmed nigger and spic kills right?
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Absolutely necessary response to this one.

But yeah, its pretty common seeing latino girls lust after white boys.

I was in Minneapolis, and every 3nd Latina I saw either had a white kid or was dating a white guy.

blanda UPP is a way of life.


Again because when people want you dead they alert you they they will attack beforehand like in the movies

If they want you dead you will be walking home and shot at from a car or to make it simple jumped and stabbed in the neck or gut dipshit

That's it and 90% that any witnesses are gonna stay quiet or claim they didn't see anything
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But don't Latinas go to shit after the first kid?
you realize that the original porpouse of that pic was to be ironic, right?
>>10999125 (OP)
As the supply of Mexican oil and gas dwindle the government loses the vast majority of its budget. The cartels step in wherever the government pulls out. The violence continues to escalate to full blown civil war and mayhem. Mexicans overwhelm border guards attempting to escape the violence. America is forced to enter the war and keep troops in Mexico permanently. Mexico is eventually absorbed into the North American Union.

> i 'm just going to tell that even if you aren't bullshitting about yourself you have no chance against me, you neither would last a single night in the neighborhoods where i grow up

I can tell you're furious now, then again why would be caught in some 3rd world country? You sound like you're going to cry, you can't even type coherently.

>you are ironically praising yourself just for being white

My ethnicity isn't considered white, friend, I look it though and I hail from Europe, at least my ethnicity doesn't strive to be something it's not. You're trash honestly, all you have to sit back on is how bad you are, and how tough you are, it must be fun being uneducated.

Yeah, my great grandpappy is Simo Häyhä.


You're acting quite mad since I offended your people. I can feel that you're trying to get a rise out of me but I'm the one who got it from you. Why don't you go back to sucking bean dip out of your dad's cock and play monster hunter on your second hand wii goya bean. U mad?

Why do you even admit you come from mexico while on this board. Seriously, this board is to contain the neckbearded autists from stormfr0nt.

Go to /int/ if you want a civilized discussion.
actually the worst part of the war have ended (change of goverment) the death rates are less than a half of what was seen the last year, and as far as I know, there is no North American Union between USA and Canada, (but i might be wrong)

No, not really. Maybe i'm just a *good* looking white guy, but every place I go with mexicans around i've had women treat me quite kindly.
Mexico just found two enormous oil wells to last it the next 100 years. It's transitioning to a less oil centralized economy, and will presumably stop relying completely on oil by the time those wells run dry. TL;DR you wrong nigga.

Brown girls from any ex-colony country like white dudes more

Shit I knew this Filipinia chick who openly treated her light skinned daughter way better than her darker son and another Mexican chick who despite living with her mother, being a middle school drop out and fatter than the queen of seacows was the queen of her social circle when she shit out a baby with gray eyes and dirty blonde hair

Its both sad and confusing
>Calling anyone edgy after posting how you lift are slightly tall and have taken part in multiple fights with those evildoers and how you have a CC "TO FUCK UP ANYONE THAT MESSES WITH ME"

Pls bb its getting sad
Mexican women treat just about anyone kindly. Mexican culture values hospitality.
that's because Mexican women are raised to be servicive towards any man, if you are good looking, you may get more atention though
cool projecting

Mexican culture though is rarely seen in the US since outside of first and to an extent second gen immigrants

The 3rd and latter generations just can't get enough of that WE GHETTO HOMIE THIS IS OUR CULTURE CHICANO PRIDE AZTLAN FOR LIFE or just act black

Although to be fair the same can be said of most immigrants cept the Chinese and Indians who will disown their kids if they step out of line
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>Americans dream of an all Anglo NA union with based Canada
>Canada remove burger
>US stuck with shitstain Mexico
When you see three, clearly mestizo women tugging around white children without a father in a Mall in Minnesota, its not really a cultural thing.

They have a preference for white male genetics, and obtain sperm from them in absence of being able to get a hubby.
>implying Mexicans care about feelings
>implying trolling is not Mexican's pastime
>implying Mexico enforces the law in Mexico
>implying Canada would want an union with USA
>implying Mexico would want an union with USA when it's invaded with mexicans

I think its time to stop posting, your adhom attacks are horrible.

Ah, the BIDF is here.

lel my thoughts and mfw exactly
tl;dr version: Fag and other words like that are, insults, an also homophobic, however, they can be used in works of art, and in forms of expression that don't incite hate

>it's fucking nothing.jpg

Canada is gonna be filled with Mexicans soon though

Enticing social programs
Very cheap compared to the South US
Their criminal gangs are a bigger joke than the sentence North Korean Navy so taking over areas would be easy for the DTO's

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hve you ever though that maybe that woman wasn't from Mexico, but any of the other latin american countries that migrates to america, culture is different in each
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>tfw no qt white looking mexican gf.
Don't think so, Canada is too cold for mexicans and asians already invaded it
>implying there's a difference

You are all brown and speak spanish, no one cares which jungle you which humid jungle you were born in
>World knows everything about US "culture"
>US americans only know about other white cultures in Media
>everyone else is irrelevant
>still criticize
you didn't read the thread, did you?
No one cares, you're all inferior shit skins compared to whites, look at you, you even speak a white man's language.

Get real you fucking beaner.
Told you guys she loved the black dick. Silly stormfags, nobody wants you.
Stop living in the south side.
>implying that Mexicans ever live in Jungles
i'm white actually, and i'm not a beaner because i didn't migrate illegaly to your country to make low profile jobs (and i wont)
>All the poor shitkins leave to the US
>All the white upper class remains in latin america
>After the US collapses, Latin America can now finally and freely stop the war on drugs
>Latin American countries become the new bastion of whiteness

>Canada is too cold for Mexicans

People said Baltimore/Detroit would be too cold for them darkies

Look at how that turned out
From what limited experience I've had
>Latinas before children: Ariel Winter
>Latinas after children: Ariel Winter's mother

Yes, even the younger ones
thats true , Monterey is fucking cold
so, i was reading the thread and i have to ask:

why all the people that has said that they are arians act like fucking retarded and obnoxious kids? aren't they suppossed to be superior?
>so, i was reading the thread and i have to ask:
>why all the people that has said that they are arians act like fucking retarded and obnoxious kids? aren't they suppossed to be superior?

Why can't you spell properly?
>implying that he has too
in my experience i can tell you that if you choose one that has big ass and tits and god-tier curves, there is 90% of chance she will get fat on her 30s. Choose one that is pretty, but slim if you want something that lasts
They generally look like shit even before the first kid.

I'm from LA, I would know.
Man, this is a fast-paced anonymous image board, stop caring that much about grammar, or are you an autist?

BIDF dectected
/pol/ is full of neo-nazis. Go to /int/ likea previous poster suggested.

People are going to be offensive to minorities on 4chan because:

1. Its 4chan
2. the primary demographic reader is still assumed to be an American white male, even though this hasn't held true since 2010.
AUTIST detected
Unless the mexican people act up, make their own weapons, stop watching taranovelas and other shit controlled by televisa/azteca.
nothings going to happen.
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Hell no

Latina chicks are like Asians

Once they pass 40 they all look like this

your guys took time to arrive, so, MORENA or PRD?
I remeber how in secondary school in mexico
they would talk about the story about an immigrant who moves to los angeles and work in a retuarant owned by a jewish holocaust survivor as an example of how immigration works.
Gosh, I already had enough with PAN and PRI, now we have jews taking over?
> parents are watching a novels right now
>Still think Obama is cool
>hoping immigration laws get better

so true
Who is this girl?
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>Populace tries to arm themselves in Mexico
>Army arrests them
>Populace decides to punish thieves/rapist/murderers
>Police come to arrest vigilantes and save the criminals

And then you got dipshit analysts wondering why Mexicans don't rise up
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>54 years old
Wondering the same thing.
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>>10999125 (OP)

It's going to rise.

Economy and society are doing very well. Violence is abating at a strong pace, especially since the new president came in.

Most notable changes will be economic. China is by far the biggest source of America’s imports. But wages in Chinese factories have quintupled in the past ten years and the oil price has trebled, so manufacturers are looking elsewhere. Mexico is already the world’s biggest exporter of flat-screen televisions, BlackBerrys and fridge-freezers, and is climbing up the rankings in cars, aerospace and more. So by 2018, look forward to "Hecho en Mexico" instead of "Made in China".

The doorway for those imports is a 2,000-mile border which we simply cannot block. Hispanics are a rising minority in this country, so immigration reform needs to be passed STAT (as it is being discussed). The reform will also help ease shipping & import requirements, which shot up do to fears of illegals and terrorists since 9/11.

A good bit of reform is underway in the country too. The energy sector (with the state-owned oil giant PEMEX) is being cleaned up, especially in light of the explosion in their corporate offices in Mexico City. The new CEO, Emilio, has surrounded himself with technocratic outsiders, so due pace is expected.

And recently there is the new education reform bill combined with crushing the teachers unions, especially their bitch of a leader who was stealing money left and right.

I believe the Economist came out with a special report of the country back in November. You should take a look at it.
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>if you choose one that has big ass and tits and god-tier curves, there is 90% of chance she will get fat on her 30s

Just kidding, white women are generally the same

>Note to self: Fuck highschool ex again before she turns into a 200 pound monstrosity
Actual mexican here. We hate those CHICANO PRIDE WE AZTAL fuckers. Seriously, some distant relatives of mine are like that, we don't even acknowledge them anymore because of it.
neither, they're both incompetent.

>Because the average latino mother of 3-5 has the free time to work out and the money to spend on surgery



The middle ground is tiny and reserved for either chicks with cash or those in entertainment who have to look decent to earn a living

Can someone tell me who that girl is?
but man, you don't live in México, not saying that everybody looks as fresh as her, but they don't look bad either
i like this guy

I left Mexico in 2006 and i'v been living here just fine in LA since then

Juarez was way too risky to stay in during that time for any 20+ year old guy
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A country of true Americans.
>"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson
>TFW Mexico actually practices this.
They're about due for another.
>only intelligent post, backed by facts
>goes ignored

But yeah, keep posting about how white you guys are.
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Its /pol/ no one cares

If it isn't race baiting its illusions of grandeur

Shit a few months back I found a narco thread and realized /pol/ was hilariously ignorant about anything regarding to it

>People claiming the American Mafia is a major power when it comes to crime
>Thought guns in Mexico outside of Obama's FF/Bush's Linebacker where the ONLY guns to go from the US to Mexico
>Thought legalizing pot would hurt the cartels
>Thought legalizing drugs would kill the cartels at this point
>Thought the Portugal plan was viable for a major trafficking hub/transit/production country

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By the mid 21st century, the Mexican golden age ends in another round of cartel violence. The Azteca cartel, a fascist, anti-Semitic and bloodthirsty cartel grows and conquers the nation in a rippling civil war, modeling itself after the 3rd reich with a distinct Aztec theme instead of Germanic

The republicans maintain control of the northern wastes with proxy support of the failing USA. However the spread of the Alpha virus, which had been released in the Caribbean and already depopulated Cuba and Haiti, spreads to Mexico. The borders are sealed and the wasteland becomes a buffer between the remnants of the USA and New Aztlan

The Yucitan people later, under the leadership of the Maya council, break away
Americans are spoon-fed fake or cherrypicked information by both mainstream and alternative media, and they base their opinions and world view on this flawed information, more news at 11.
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>The 3rd and latter generations just can't get enough of that WE GHETTO HOMIE THIS IS OUR CULTURE CHICANO PRIDE AZTLAN FOR LIFE or just act black

It's a shame the number of spics in the southwest is so high, it would've been hilarious seeing them turn into "Irish"/"Italian" Americans nowadays are

>no connection whatsoever with original culture
actually, that tip applies to any race
Even East Asians?

Oh wait, I suppose curvy East Asians would be the worst of the lot
>People are spoon-fed fake or cherrypicked information by both mainstream and alternative media, and they base their opinions and world view on this flawed information, more news at 11.
Protip your country isn't special
>That kind of extreme violence has ceased.
confirmed for lel
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Tell me, mexi/pol/, why shouldn't this guy be the next president?
I never said so.

Not corrupt enough to make it

Every president has supported one side of the cartel war

Calderon supported the Sinaloa Federation/Peña supports the BLO/Zeta/Juarez alliance
but it's true, there is way less killings than what we had in the last year, still being violent killings though
and have another ice ring and turn the muralla de la verguenza into la muaralla chida?
sure why not?
because Obrador is fucking up the lefts again in 2018, you know it's true
Spics are animal-like subhumans, so their country will always reflect this. As will the parts of my country that they've invaded like the vermin they are.

What tribe yo

no need to backpeddle It was

I've come to realize other countries media use America as a boogeyman for what not to be. In order to convince them that their countries are great just because they're not American
Because he's lebanese (Mexico's jews).
get used to it
its our country now
>evil laugh
you have animal-like sub-human inteligence, so, i believe the conclusion is that there are good indivulas and bad indivulas in every country
>yfw you learn about Porfirio Diaz
We have 2 choices:
>Whatever the left does as a coallition, and let's hope they chose this guy.
>implying PAN is ever winning a presidential election again

I seriously hope that fucker gets his shit straight and realizes he's too much of a clown now, he's only good to rally some people, but not to be the frontman of any political party. Not again.
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>Marcelo Ebrard
>was part of Obrador's cabinet

But in all seriousness, I have the same opinion of him as I did of Antanas Mockus during the 2010 Columbian election: they're good left-wing former mayor candidates (with a nice focus on environmental policies). But the only reason they could come up is because of a still improving security situation.

Until the country is "pacified", the majority of the country would prefer someone who seems to know what he is doing. Furthermore, progressives tend to do "meh" in countries where people are still (for the most part) quite conservative and church attending.

And in all honesty:
>being tied to Obrador
You don't want that shit. The man is fuck up.
Ahahaha, the beaners ITT think they're white now.

>Brown people claiming their white

When did this become an Argentina general?
First of all let's get this straight, I love my country AND i acknowledge how great the US are. I'm just saying that most american citizens act like they can tell what's going on in other countries without getting some firsthand information on the situation.
And believe me, I know how american media works, I've worked with them.
>its our country now
Yes, our more delusional white citizens decided that a while ago.
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but we are
Marcelo Ebrard (english surname) Casaubon (french surname)

Lebanese? You sure?
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only the rich ones move up here

little of the nigger tier shit beaners
Now lets see her dick
maybe his a crypto-Libo
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what a bad shop
You're all filthy mongrels.
He's of a lebanese religion (I don't remember it right now), not crypto at all.
Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between the different shitskins.
sorry, last time i checked she didn't had one

Not as filthy as you, also not mongrels
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>>10999125 (OP)
Hopefully so amazing that the mexishits stay in their own country.
I'm pretty sure he's catholic as fuck, yo.

I like lebanese mexicans more than mexican jews. Jews will always be bottom feeders.
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you alone trolling this thread, if you don't like it go away, don't make me get started with amerifats
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have you ever been to a border state? they think the mexicans are their servants and they are soooo fucking cool and smart for letting them in the country
cute filthy mongols
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>hue hue

keep thinkin that kid

one day the US will go belly up and all those hundreds of millions of now poor whites will start breeding like horny rednecks all over the continent. while Europe turns brown, North America will rise from her ashes as the new white homeland

finally a shining city on a hill
My cousin moved to the US and turned out like her.. true story
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>tfw you will never see strong white based Mormons reclaim the western hemisphere in a holy crusade in the name of Joseph Smith
>>10999125 (OP)
Needs a nuking or War with someone to fix the cartel problem
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I would be ok with this as long as it was highly decentralized and the provinces had a lot of power

>Ontario not giving up and clay or merging into some abomination

feels good man
Millions of whites will pour into its borders, demanding citizenship, welfare, 4th of july celebrations, and that everything is written in english. Any native mexican that tries in any way to question this will immediately get labelled a racist.
I'm okay with this. I could see that as pretty much the greatest nation ever.

>It'd all go to shit when we enter in conflict in space with the Chinese empire
who the fuck is she? she makes me black dick very hard.

Fucking a racist woman who think I'm a disgusting nigger is my biggest fantasy I hope to fulfil someday.
>greatest nation ever
>filled with mexicans
One of these things prevents the other from happening.
>whites being racist to whites

if anything your people will help us to become THE white country, also we dislike liberals and diversity
>also we dislike liberals and diversity

>Combining the technological prowess and R&D capacities of the US with mexican industriousness and Canadian...well, with Canada and the resources of an entire continent
>confirmed for knowing nothing about México
Well then, when they come to America they magically start supporting liberals and diversity.
because they are foreigner there, it's like muslims, that when they move to europe they yell diversity, but on their countries you can't even eat bacon, just that at a less radical extent
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fuck you nigger

we're consistently among the top ten nations in everything despite having a tiny population and being jammed in between a superpower and the harsh arctic
>>Combining the technological prowess and R&D capacities of the US with mexican welfare dependency, crime, stupidity, and ever expanding birthrates

Yes, that would be bad.
it's true that every food over there is canned?
>The US don't has welfare dependency, crime, stupidity, and ever expanding birthrates

nah, nevermind, amerifats are anoying as fuck, also, we already invaded them

>implying stormfront has some relevancy
So OP, was your question ever answered?
food comes in what ever form you wish

fuck the entire island of PEI smells like french fries and you can buy huge live lobster anywhere cheap

>Mexico requires a purge by fire. It needs to be rebuilt

many many Mexicans including me, thinks exactly this, but knowing our history, it won´t work, it would be changing a bad boss for another, maybe worse than the old one

dude, the gorilla warfare is supposed to be funny, you´re acting so angry like it´s serious, relax
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The culture does not appear to value education but willfully macho-stupid unconscious, albeit hard-working, progenitors. The women run everything but the drugs, crime syndicates (business) and cock fights and seem to be long-suffering and saintly fuckbags. All cliches I know. Mexicans seem to be tortured by a deep psychical polarization of their indigenous heritage and colonial Spanish culture and therefore harbor a deep resentment against caucasian Europeans. I've watched city after city turn into a permanent underclass toilet due to these factors. I'm hoping they'll educate themselves and make this country great again but I'm filled with doubt due to the sheer numbers, ignorant superstition (catholicism) and lack of public funds (massive immigration and low wages). My latino buddies are awesome and I know they are trying but they are few.
>>10999125 (OP)
Hopefully it's nuked to oblivion for pest control.
it's easier, just change your mindset, seriously, one of the worst things of the people on my country is how much they want to ruin eachother, not for a goal, just for the sake of doing it. That'ssomething that really has to change, and every individual by themselves are the only ones that can do it, not "X" president from "Y" party.

what are you?, a panist hijo de papi, or juventud priista?

porfirio diaz didn´t get that end, he died comfortably in exile, with the richness he stole while in power, and if you haven´t watched the news of mexico: the pri, the party of the "perfect dictadure" of 70+ years has just got back in power, if anything mexico practices the EXACT opposite of that quote
A country of peasants run my a narco-dictator.

> I've watched city after city turn into a permanent underclass toilet

a...are you an inmortal?
I believe as long as the drug war continues, the culture and society will continue to decay and become more corrupt.
That's Cuba, Bolivia, Columbia, and arguably Nicaragua.
It will decay drugs or not. Spics can't into humanity.
>The women run everything but the drugs

Mexicans venerate their mothers despite being sexist and catholic.
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>tfw the Mexican president is whiter than the American president
Why is /pol/ filled of Latinos?
They invade and multiply everywhere.
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>live in DFW metroplex
>see this shit

Come on, man, most of them don't even fucking speak ENGLISH. I'd have (little to) no problem with them if they bothered to learn our language.

Mexicans and blacks hate eachother, that's nice but the problem is their culture is rife with this "chicano" shit that almost mirrors thug culture.
Kill all spics kill all niggers.
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sup pendejos
because the US is

also they are racist too

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