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Sup /pol/. Ask a Venezuelan who just voted for Capriles anything.
FYI: It took me only 2 minutes to vote. For reference, last elections, it took me 2 hours. I'm 100% conviced now that Maduro (chavez's candidate) will win the elections, and by a HUGE landslide.
Any questions?
Info on the elections if you want to check on it throughout the day: http://www.eluniversal.com/
In english: http://www.eluniversal.com/english/

I know I promised yesterday to have some pics for you, but I voted so damn fast ( I didn't even have to wait in a line!) that I didn't have time to take any pics.

TL;DR: Ask a Venezuelan who just voted anything
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Here is an obligatory picture comparing the opposition's political rally (left) with the government's (right)
Are you implying the election results are rigged?
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Here you can see some of the opposition's political rally pictures.
Pic related is a rally.
No, the elections themselves are fair. The campaign was very unfair, the government used all the state media and resources for campaigning, and violated all the campaign rules (for example, campaign was supposed to end thursday but by friday the government was still doing campaign)
I am conviced Maduro will win because lower voter turnout is beneficial for him
>make Venezuela a dump so everyone is dependent on government table-scraps for survival.
> win elections by a landslide.

wtg retards.

hahaha holy crap.

I hope you get your reform candidate I want more Venezuelan women.

Ahhhhhh hispanics.
>>12587217 (OP)
how does it feel knowing your vote is meaningless?
Gotta give it to chavez, he had his strategy well thought out.
Well, sorry to say m8, if the opposition candidate wins, many venezuelans living in the exterior will return to the country. And the US has the most venezuelans of any country (at 100k)
It's pretty depressing. At least I didn't have to wait for 2 hours under the sun.
Capriles is a Jew. Do you really want a Jew in charge?
He's a devout catholic, only his parents or grandparents or something are juden.
In any case, he literally can't be worse than the other guy. Maduro is a homophobic ex-bus driver who speaks to birds and doesn't even know the names of our states.
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>>12587217 (OP)
>for Capriles
>Maduro is a homophobic ex-bus driver who speaks to birds

Sounds like someone /pol/ could get behind.
Pls don't derail into juden thread.
Hue. Except he has doubled inflation for the 100 days he's governed in comparison to last year. Homicides have increased. Food shortages have increased. Food prices have increased. And only in a 100 days of government.
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pls, remind us how his full name sounds like
Someone leaked Maduro's campaign strategy: http://www.elchiguirebipolar.net/11-03-2013/maduro-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez-chavez/
Oh c'mon. At least sage if your questions are irrelevant.
Does anyone have any actual questions about the situation in Venezuela?
I'll remind you, we're the country with the largest oil reserves on earth (google that)
It's kind of important whether our president is a nutjob
Hue. El chiguire bipolar is a local satirist 'newspaper' that makes up fake stories with humourous undertones.
And yeah, someone was counting how many times Maduro had said Chavez's name in 3 weeks of campaign and last I checked it was at 5000 or something. I wish I was kidding.
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>yes yes it is his foult you betta vote for our candidate, goyim
So does Rodonski plan on whoring out the nation's energy resources to the US again instead of giving them to the Chinese?
Maduro is a socialist. Probably communist too. Would you rather vote for a juden or a commie?
And if you keep derailing I'll just ignore you.
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The last time we whored out our resources to the US was over 5 decades ago. Chavez didn't nationalize our oil industry, it was already nationalized. Long ago.
Alright, goodbye. Sorry to those who had legitimate questions.
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>dat joozed logic

>implying i care

fuck off, kike
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Damn, did we just witness an actual JIDF OP?
Capilles is pretty hot. No Chavez, but he's better looking than that plump sweet plantain.
Keep on fighting the glorious fight for freedom, Venezbro.

*sheds a tear for liberty*

I'll be over here in the US, hoping Maduro gets ousted somehow.
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>>12587217 (OP)
>a Venezuelan
>>12587217 (OP)
>I'm 100% conviced now that Maduro (chavez's candidate) will win the elections, and by a HUGE landslide.

cant imagine why, I mean it's not like they'd rig elections in latin america
If Capriles wins do you think a coup d'état is possible from the Chavez clan?
I'll expand. They already did two coup d'etats in our history. It's a little know fact that Chavez failed two coup d'etats in the 90's.
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his name is Rodonski, kike
Do you think the 30% inflation rate is accurate, or is it much higher?

How effective have the Bolivarian Missions/Councils actually been at reducing poverty? Are the statistics on the drop in poverty actually reliable?

Would you keep the oil industry privatized or state-owned, if it was in your power to decide?

Do you think Hugo was right to sell oil at a lower cost to Cuba and Honduras, etc. in exchange for Cuban doctors?

Where in Venezuela do you live?

When Capriles promises to keep the social reforms of Chavez but simultaneously derides him, what does he really mean? How would he change things? Does he support privatizing the oil industry, getting rid of the missions, or what?
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So all these people supporting him are kikes?
Funny, I thought there were no kikes in my 96% roman catholic bastion

How do the people around you feel about Capriles? Do they like him or is he like Mitt Romney?
>Do you think the 30% inflation rate is accurate, or is it much higher?
It is accurate.
>How effective have the Bolivarian Missions/Councils actually been at reducing poverty? Are the statistics on the drop in poverty actually reliable?
Completely inneffective and as a matter of fact there is no data supporting them. Chavez depended on the poor's vote to stay in power so he kept them poor. The misions were social 'gifts' (free money) without underlying social investment that takes years to pay off, like investing in education.
>Would you keep the oil industry privatized or state-owned, if it was in your power to decide?
State-owned. Our oil industry has been state owned for over 30 years- and we didn't just steal it from private companies, we signed laws saying they would have to give it to us progressively over 40 years. This was half a century ago. Oil being privatized is not in any way an issue in our society.
>Do you think Hugo was right to sell oil at a lower cost to Cuba and Honduras, etc. in exchange for Cuban doctors?
No. Instead of investing in our crumbling hospitals or our universities he gives our money to foreigners doing OUR jobs, stealing OUR jobs and doing crappy jobs at it.
>Where in Venezuela do you live?
In the capital, Caracas
Municipio Chacao
>When Capriles promises to keep the social reforms of Chavez but simultaneously derides him, what does he really mean?
I wish I knew
I think he's going to try to do what chavez did, but do it right
It's the only way he can win the popular vote
> How would he change things?
Again, we don't know. I'm not voting for Capriles, i'm voting against the other guys.
He's has plans and spoken about ending corruption and reforming our systems, but he hasn't really said how he will.
> Does he support privatizing the oil industry, getting rid of the missions, or what?
Privatizing the oil industry is not an issue and will not happen. He wants to fix the misions.

2/2 The greatest problem for Chavez's government is that he replaced key political and management positions with people who supported him; IE: he removes a health minister (who is a doctor or a lawyer and educated on the matter) and he replaces them with a political ally. This completely destroyed our nation's infrastructure.
People really like him, I think. I'm cautiosly optimistic about him. Think Obama 2008.
yo votaré más tarde, hay un camino =D. ¿de dónde eres?
obama is doing exactly the same thing.
Que triste saber que sin importar por quien votemos Maduro igual va a ganar, maldita impotencia.
He is loved by the opposition, in my opinion he is the lesser evil
Hey op, I'm from San Cristobal, the tables here opened at 6-7 am, no one was expecting that, that's why there were no lines, in a couple of hours it's going to be full of people just like last time.
Chacao, los palos grandes, sal a votar hermano, me tomó nada más 2 minutos contados por reloj!
Oh well if Maduro wins i can always leave the country and live as an illegal immigrant somewhere else.
Good to know brother! Have you voted already?
I hope colombia will receive us.
Why do Venezuelans have such goofy names?
same guy from here >>12588089 did you see JJ Ronden? that could give you a little hope, anyway I'm waiting for people to pick me up to go to a center o votation to help, I'm going to vote for Capriles and I'm going to stay late counting the votes. We're winning.
Keep up the fight brother. We need more people like you.
Yeah I saw JJ the other day, he gives me hope- amazing guy, can't believe his record, 24 out of 26 presidential election campaigns won!
We have the same generic Latino names that you will find anywhere in Latin America, names like, jose, david, enrique, pablo, etc.. unless you talk about regional names, I know people in Maracaibo love crazy retarded names like Tiburcio and Dionicio.
They will, one way or another, we can enter to the country without no problems and then we can stay and do whatever, I mean that's exactly what they do to us...

I'm going to vote right now, i'll tell you how it goes.


Lower class people always mix names.

Also, don't fool yourselves my friends maduro is going to win, the whole system is controlled by Cubans.

If you wanna know why Vnzl is the way it is I'd recommend you to watch "Soviet subversion", "Petro Dollar explained" and "All banks are banker wars" i'd post the links but i'm on my phone.
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Why haven't you tried taking back control by force?
Well yeah. It would be a horrible hipocrisy if after 30 years of colombian immigration they closed their doors to us.. At any rate, all colombians I've met have been very nice and welcoming towards us.
Some moron tried in 2002 with a coup d'etat, he failed.
Either way, the opposition can't take it back by force because the army supports the government.
>>12587217 (OP)
Fuck off, spic no fun for you.
Colombro here. don't really mind if you guys come here, you guys are total bros.
Yes, they are surprisingly cool and friendly with us, at least all the Colombians on /int/ are.
Thanks man! Hopefully we won't have to.
Not all southamericans are spics. Try to process that for a second.

NONONONONO Don't belive those lies! The coup was made by the people, carmona just took power and took all the credit, thus fucking shit up.
The sad thing that what is happening to Venezuela is happening in some ways in Argentina, where I live.

Most of the people will vote for the left wing, and the opposition is crap.
vayan a hacer las auditorías y a pelear el voto, la abstinencia es mayormente de chavistas descontentos con Maduro, podemos ganar.
Because the government has all the guns, another thing I love about Murrika...
Man it doesn't matter, coups are not the answer
There's a reason we're stuck with chavez
We need to stop supporting militarist governments
Sorry m8, hope it doesn't get as bad as it is here
And Chavez is somewhat accountable for that.
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>by the people, goy
Fuerza hermano
What are your views on the US?

Is George W. Bush the devil?

Who do you think should own the Faulklands?

What are you wearing right now?

Which country in South America is the worst country?

What do you think will change if Chavez's cock puppet loses? Will there be a coup?
Stahp derailing
There are barely any juden in venezuela, as I said, we're 96% roman catholic
no, they are stupid goyim
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Bueno ahora a pasar el dia jugando dota y esperando los resultados de las elecciones.
>What are your views on the US?
I love the US
Most venezuelans did before chavez started using you as a scapegoat for his failures
>Is George W. Bush the devil?
No he was just a moron
>Who do you think should own the Faulklands?
The people are brittish and britain has owned it for the past hundred years
>What are you wearing right now?
Shorts and no shirt, it's pretty hot
>Which country in South America is the worst country?
>What do you think will change if Chavez's cock puppet loses? Will there be a coup?
Maybe a coup
A couple of years of tough economic measures to fix our economy, then hopefully back to growth
I thought Maduro was caught sucking some dude's cock in a bathroom?
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can you explain what happened in this picture?
I wouldn't be suprrised.
Oh jesus christ. I can't handle the gore.
I think it's violence during Maduro's political rally, some 6 people were killed. People drank, shot people, stole, etc during his rally.
Not only Chavez. I still can't believe why people support him. It is obvious that he fucked up the entire country.

>What are your views on the US?
It is awesome. Left wing people will hate it.
>Is George W. Bush the devil?
Don't care
>Who do you think should own the Faulklands?
The UK.
>What are you wearing right now?
A short and a t-shirt.
>Which country in South America is the worst country?
Bolivia probably.
>What do you think will change if Chavez's cock puppet loses? Will there be a coup?
No idea
>What are your views on the US?
Greatest country ever, land of the free, blah blah blah (no, really, I love the US, I would sell one of my kidneys for a couple of years in the US)
>Is George W. Bush the devil?
I think he was a shitty president but he is far away from being "the devil"
>Who do you think should own the Faulklands?
Argentina because they are really annoying with the whole "las malvinas son Argentinas!!!"
>What are you wearing right now?
Tank top and my underwear :3
>Which country in South America is the worst country?
Either Bolivia or Venezuela.
>What do you think will change if Chavez's cock puppet loses? Will there be a coup?
They will have a hard time accepting the true.

See! You are part of the problem, you've been morally kidnapped by them.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue".

Know this, your enemy (chavistas) are willing to do all it takes to stay in power and so they will, if we want this country back we'll have to take by all necessary means.

This is no time for reconsolidation, this is the time to release us from the chains of communism.

Damn it fools, Aria should have been the candidate.
Bolivia confirmed for shittiest SA country
sorry bolivianos
The dude was run over by one of the bus, Maduro of course didn't give a single fuck about it.
Militarist governments (caudillos really) are the reason we've been in decline since the 50's
The civilized world already moved on from this bullshit
Venezuelan politics are childs play, not serious, and until we start taking shit seriously we will still be a shithole
>if we want this country back we'll have to take by all necessary means.
That will never work though, They have all the power and weapons, if we try to do something we would get fucked in the ass.

Are you fucking serious!? Do you know who builded pretty much all the infrastructure of the country? Perez Jimenez did, he was also the reason why we were the forth biggest economy in the 54.

Leftards ruined this country.

Also gomez was one who paid all the debts vnzl had during the 20's get your facts right.

I bet you also think Carlos Andres was bad.
Of course they did good. But militaristic governments are the reason we're a shithole. Venezuelans think they need a father figure to fix the country. It's immatture.
Are there gay parades in Venezuela or are the people very homophobic? Have people been killed because they're gay?

What do you think about Europe and Multiculturalism? What kind of values does Capriles support culturally (not economically)?
>>12587217 (OP)
I'm voting for Maduro. You're probably a hipster or a rich little boy.

>Militaristic governments are the reason why we have something today

>Militaristic Governmentz are the reason we are a shithole

Good logic, bro.

Left leaning governments are the reason why we are a shithole, how old are you? In the mid 90's we were one of the best countries in South America, if not the best (Fuck you Chile)

Then Chavez came with all his stupid Utopias and he pretty much bought all the chimps who chimped out in 92 because "MUH PRICEEEE"

Chavez and the left fucked our morals and our culture.

Nowadays people want who can give them everything, and when they finally do so they will find a state that can also take everything away from them.
Why do American fringe leftists love your country so much? It's always the wealthy ones who seem to think Chavez created a paradise on earth of social and economic equality.

Why did the poor keep voting in Chavez when all he did is keep them poor?

What country do you hate the most?

Is Argentina white?

What is the opposition dude's family heritage like? I hear he has some Juden in him. Is his mother Jewish? Jewishness is inherited from the mother, not the father.

What are your thoughts on BR?

What is your favorite children's show?

What it is it with small authoritarian leftist governments and wanting to embalm their dead leaders?

If you have oil, why hasn't the US come to liberate you and take your WMDs yet?
Confirmed for not venezuelan trying to troll
> Implying Margaret Thatcher isn't being embalmed as we speak.
We were one of the best countries in SA in the 90's.
We were one of the best countries in the WORLD in the 50's.
>Why do American fringe leftists love your country so much?
Ignorant morons.
> It's always the wealthy ones who seem to think Chavez created a paradise on earth of social and economic equality.
I'm not surprised. Blind eye to the hell we're going through.
>Why did the poor keep voting in Chavez when all he did is keep them poor?
Brainwashing, social 'gifts'
>What country do you hate the most?
>Is Argentina white?
Whiter than us
>What is the opposition dude's family heritage like? I hear he has some Juden in him. Is his mother Jewish? Jewishness is inherited from the mother, not the father.
I dunno. He's devout catholic now. He comes from a rich family.
>What are your thoughts on BR?
Huehuehue BrBr? Gib monie pls I repot u
>What is your favorite children's show?
Roly polly ollie or whatever it was called
>What it is it with small authoritarian leftist governments and wanting to embalm their dead leaders?
Hue. They didn't do it tho.
>If you have oil, why hasn't the US come to liberate you and take your WMDs yet?
No WMDs. US already tried supposedly and failed. I honestly wouldn't mind some freedoms.
No troll, I'm just not voting for a jewish puppet. You do realize he's AD's and COPEI's political puppet, right?
Yeah because the chaburros arent puppets, heheheh
You do realize I'd rather have AD and COPEI's puppet than 6 more years of hell?
When Maduro wins (and he will) there will be no future for Venezuela. There will be no saving it, not in the next decades.
sage for jidf thread
>I honestly wouldn't mind some freedoms.
Going off of our track record you are most likely going to find yourself with an Islamist government in power somehow afterwards. Don't ask me how.
Guy from SC here, shit's empty, we are fucked.

Fun fact: this amd merida were the only states were capriles won.
Why do all of your people come to my country and demand everyone speak Spanish? Why don't the majority of Venezuelans speak even a small bit of English?
>Why don't the majority of Venezuelans speak even a small bit of English?
Because learning English over here is expensive as shit thank to the "fuck America and fuck the gringos mentality" that and our ridiculously high crime rates
>>12587217 (OP)
>I'm 100% conviced now that Maduro (chavez's candidate) will win the elections, and by a HUGE landslide.

can you explain why are you convinced?

There are only 100k venezuelans in the USA I highly doubt it's us you are talking about.

If you are talking about miami thank cubans for that.
after 15 years of nothing but Chavez, our people has lost their faith in the system.
but Chavez died, didn't he?

that didn't bring hope?
not really, The communist still have absolute power, it's easy to win when you control everything.
No, I live in Orlando. Venezuelan tourists are typically loud, rude, and do not speak any English. Worse than all of the Latin Americans by far.
>Load and rude
That really depends on the region they are from, If they are being load, rude and fat they are probably Maracuchos, I should know this since I am a Maracucho as well, From my experience Venezuelans on the exterior act like pretentious snobs.
I promise I will not be too loud and rude when I visit Orlando this year, i can speak English but my accent and pronunciation is shit

Oh yeah, People from Caracas and generally the north of the country are like that, i can't stand them either.

But they are tourist that's why they don't speak English. But then again, i highly doubt they try to make everyone speak spanish, people from those places are huge betas and easily manipulable.
I'm pretty sure Brazilians are the worst.
As a Venezuelan, this picture represents beautifully the current government.

Too bad they'll win.
Maduro voter reporting back. Elections centers are empty here, took me almost no time to vote (protip: the majority of people in this county voted for Capriles in the last elections)
>protip: the majority of people in this county voted for Capriles in the last elections


To be honest, election centers are empty due to two reasons: chavistas withholding their votes because even they realize Maduro is a fucking clown, and because the process is pretty darn quick. Takes like no time at all.
There is hope, hang in there
May Chavez hear you, brother.
Capriles told voters to hold out till 2PM, massive voting is undergoing as we speak.

www.votacion2013.com <---- Blocked by Venezuelan's Goverment Proxy,

It has the current exitpoll. Jew is winning.
Meanwhile the candidates keep throwing shit at eachother.
Henrique Capriles 52.30%
Nicolás Maduro 47.70%
See >>12599673
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This dude's smile just says "we got this shit rigged and there's nothing you can do about it, bitch".
This is why maduro will win. He's the one who beneffited the most from abstention.
Ps: Did you see the video of someone voting 'assisted'? Jesus, how fucking disgusting and despicable. Some dude walker her to the voting station and watched as she voted.
Exactly. You got no idea how right you got that m8
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Assisted voting
Nobody got any questions?
It was the same past elections. His smile is like the harbinger of doom.
Well, I had a little bit of hope when they were all gloom and deppressed right before they announced the results.. then they were all happy and shit
Oh well, just go ask people to vote and hope.
OP is an enemy of the system. Chavez was a great man, every Venezuelan I have met hated him for the same reason they love people like Thatcher.
I hate him because he fucked up my country beyond any possible repair within the next decade.
Oh shit, they just broadcasted that video on TV.

Shit got real.

Chavez wasn't a bad man, it's just that he was really incompetent as a ruler. He prioritized his ideology over the well-being of his people.

he pulled millions of your people out of poverty with his ideology, and resisted american imperialism. sorry if you can't afford a boat or yacht.
He didn't pull people out of poverty, he just gave them crumbs from time to time in order to guarantee their votes. I admit that some of his social politics were great, but others not so much. Not to mention his government was always shrouded in corruption, depotism and impunity.

The country's economy is shit due to his government printing a whole lot of valueless papers because they could, and whatever actual income that came to the country was given away to other countries because SOCIALISM.

Not to mention his politics consisted in fascism and, well, it worked.
Maduro is gonna be the new Morales (Bolivian president). Mark my words, we'll finally have the Bolivarian Revolution, whatever the hell that means!

Fucking Latin America, it's going from bad to worse. On the last few years, only retards got elected:

- Cristina in Argentina. She's like Angela Merkel, but on turbo mode, and persecutes the press and shit.
- Rafael in Ecuador
- Morales in Bolivia
- The veiled coup in Paraguay

No wonder almost all countries were dictatorships in the past.
>he pulled millions of your people out of poverty with his ideology
False. Look up poverty data- even with our government's self reported and faked data, they did not.
>and resisted american imperialism.
Hue. Under american influence we were the 4th nation by GDP per capita in the 1950's. Under Chavez's socialism, just try and look where we are.
I'm not here to discuss my politics with some foreigner. I know our people are dying on the streets, I know there's food shortages, I know there's blackouts all the time. All your fancy bullshit doesn't change any of that. And most importantly, it doesn't change the fact that due to massive inflation and the destruction of our economy, no, the poor are NOT better off.
Rafael isn't so bad, as even his opposition admit. He's done some good job with education. But the rest are shitty presidents.
BR here. Didn't he try a counter-coup by arguing he was shot by police during a riot?

Also, that fucking thinly-veiled coup in Paraguay, and the forced vote to get Venezuela into the Mercosur. Latin America may not have wars and terrorists, but boy, are we full of shit.
I've been on and off /pol/ a few times during the last 5=6 or so hours. Can someone tell me if this is still the original thread or a duplicate?
No idea to be honest.
Original thread, what's up, any questions? I'm also the dude who posted yesterday and a few months ago claiming chavez was dead.
Not really. Are these elections violent or just really passively aggressive?
Please, don't believe the bullshit they feed you. You don't know how bad of a ruler Chavez was until you go to Venezuela.

Stop being like a pseudo-revolutionary Che t-shirt wearing college student that knows shit.
The country in general is very violent. There were 6 deaths just during Maduro's last political rally. I haven't heard about any violence so far but it's almost a safe bet that there will be blood. And then there is the possibility that either side does not acknowledge the results and try a coup.
Passive agressive until they're done.

Though there are a lot of deaths in campaigns. Most notorious and recent case being the six dead and god knows how many wounded in one act in Maduro's campaign.
>>12587217 (OP)

Capriles is the grandson of Jewish Holocaust survivors and a self-professed devout Catholic

Jew. You just voted for a Jew.
>let me tell you about your presidential candidate
I don't give a crap what his religion is.
I'd rather have a homosexual jew than a shoelicker that spent half his life studying politics in Cuba.
>>12587217 (OP)

Is he that different from Maduro? He sounds a bit socialist to me.
I'll buy the jew, but I don't think he's gay- wasn't his gf some famous chick?
I think the only chance of getting Maduro out of power now is a civil war among Chavez supporters started by Diosdado Cabello and his military friends.

Haters gonna hate
I'll be honestly surprised if the jew wins.
Capriles: 53.10%

Maduro: 46.90%

Obviously, don't take these numbers all that seriously.
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(forgot pic related)

>Maduro was raised as a Roman Catholic, and his paternal family ancestry is of Sephardic Jewish origin.

Both are jews.
At least Chavez had an actual parrot with him.
Wow, I didn't know that
I guess our next president is a jew.. unless maria bolivar wins
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>Both are jews.
Well isn't that special
45 minutes until voting tables close, 3 hours then till results are given.
I've heard reports that capriles is winning.. But I'm still certain maduro will win.

There was a much better candidate: MARIA CORINA MACHADO. She was like a Venezuelan Thatcher.
Oh come the fuck on. Can't we discuss the important shit and leave the >hurr durr goyim shit for later?
But she had no experience whatsoever and she would've never winned the popular vote
you need to understand capriles ain't there to fix shit, he's there to start the process out of chavism
Yeah, Maduro will obviously win.
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Sorry, couldnt resist.
Hue. At least try to hold it till the results are given, by then we will either be out in the streets partying or we will be too depressed to give a shit.
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Jew #1...
or Jew #2...

whichever shall I pick today?

Yes, I understand that, but it's still sad. She was great.
I dunno man. As I said, too inexperienced. We don't really know much about her, she's never held political office, has she?
Maria Bolívar, the non-jew, true savior of Venezuela.
>not voting for María Bolívar
shiggy diggy
María Bolívar: la verdadera libertadora de Venezuela.
I wonder how many votes she'll get this time.
>tfw Capriles actually has more votes in the final result but you seee fucking Tibisay smiling when its time to announce.
>playing fair
pick one
I don't think a single soul in venezuela is gonna be surprised
honestly, you brought this shit on yourself. If the venezualan opposition hadn't tried to get rid of Chavez in a coup d'etat 10 years ago he might have been voted out long ago

I dont know much about her either, I was just impress by some interview of her I read. I'm not Venezuelan BTW. That said, I looked her up and it sounds good.

"Machado won election to the National Assembly in the 26 September 2010 polls, as the highest vote-getter in the nation;[26] she and fellow Primero Justicia Miranda candidate Enrique Mendoza were the "two highest vote-getters nationwide".[27"

I also liked this:


Machado was born 7 October 1967[1] as the "eldest of four daughters [of] a steel entrepreneur and an accomplished psychologist".[3] She acknowledges a "childhood protected from contact with reality" in a "conservative, staunchly Catholic family", that included education in Venezuelan private schools and U.S. boarding schools, and trips to Europe.[4] Her ancestors included the author of the 1881 classic Venezuela Heroica and a relative who was killed in an uprising against Venezuelan dictator Juan Vicente Gómez.[4]
Machado has a degree in industrial engineering from Andrés Bello Catholic University and a Master's degree in finance from Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA, business school) in Caracas.[3][5][6]
In 1992 Machado – the mother of three – started Fundación Atenea (Atenea Foundation), a foundation using private donations to care for orphaned and delinquent Caracas street children; she also served as chair of the Oportunitas Foundation.[5][6] After working in the auto industry in Valencia she moved in 1993 to Caracas.[3] Because of her subsequent role in Súmate, Machado left the foundation so that it would not be politicized.[5]
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Tibisay is the ultimate troll: her own politic tendency should be blatant, but her actions say otherwise.

God knows, she might sleep with that opposition guy in the CNE.

They did fuck up. Hard.
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Dude I was a kid and wasn't even in the country at that time. Why should I be suffering for what some retards did 10 years ago?
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Where in venezuela is that?
It's kind of depressing to know that that's where maduro will win win.
i'm just saying it gets harder to bitch about chavinistas playing dirty after that shit went down.
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Worst part is how the opposition is claiming how they've had enough of this shit, but when the results come in it's gonna be the same story all over again "HURRRR DURR FRAUD I'LL POST THIS ON MY FACEBOOK WALL THAT WILL SHOW THEM"
M8- Are you forgetting that chavez himself failed two coups d'etat in the 90's? Hard to whine about coups when they themselves did it
Seriously. I heard from one guy today that he hoped there was a war, literally because there would be less deaths if we have a regime change in the long run. So many people die in the streets due to violence.
I hope Maduro wins.

It's the only way venezuelans (and south americans in general) will realize that populism just doesn't work: the same party has been in power for almost two decades now with no real results to speak of. Everyone is going to realize that giving out breadcrumbs to the poor (e. giving a salary to women for getting pregnant thus spreading poverty) is not how you fix a country.

If Capriles wins and tries to get reforms passed, the Chavistas will look like victims and will stay relevant for the next 70/80 years. "hurrr we were doing just fine until Capriles fucked up!"
Looks like Baruta to me.
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Yeah m8, some people see it that way- but if Maduro wins, there will be no country left to save. And the ones who will suffer through that devastation are innocent venezuelans (though, I can hardly call anyone who votes for him innocent)
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Where are you getting these pics m8?
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After one candidate ran on one platform and as soon as he got elected he started pushing his opponents platform? Yeah, banana republic politics is confusing
Probably voted for Capriles. Cops fucking hate Maduro and chavism in general.
If Capriles does get announced as a winner that's exactly what's gonna happen, to be honest I'm scared of both results because even if we do win, these animals will not recognize defeat and they're gonna go on a fucking killing spree.
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>Poor little kid...
I find that hard to believe but I hope you're right.
Still, there's democratic ways to go about it. Chavez just did a coup to win power, and failed miserably at it.
He was a power hungry bastard- no wonder he wouldn't let go of power after 14 years.
Isn't that what we're living through every single day man? A fucking killing spree, that's what this country has become
Eh, it has to happen. The whole country has been in #YOLO mode (and all the stupidity that acronym contains included), so one day inertia's gonna fuck something up.

It's really sad to walk down the street in the middle of the campaign and see little kids singing songs that support political ideologies and shit like that, I mean, what the fuck. The shit they get into those kids' heads, man, it's like fucking Bast Korea or something.
>I find that hard to believe

Cop salaries are a misery and when they do their job right they get arrested. Like 60 cops went to jail because they arrested Cilia Flores' niece as he was drinking and partying and shooting around on the street.

It worked for Chavez, they thought.
I don't know man. The stories you hear.. Just yesterday I heard firsthand about some cop flagrantly violating the campaign rules, and when confronted about it, he insulted the dude complaining
Well look at what happened in Argentina, the army and navy constantly deposed one Peronist government after another and here they are 80 years later still trying to impose price controls, playing the victim card, raising taxes, getting rich (Kirchner's personal wealth increased 1000% in the past few years, not even trolling look it up) banning the use of foreign currency while industries shut down and go elsewhere, measures that were tried in the 1940s and failed catastrophically. In fact this in the 9th time in the past 50 years that a Peronist government has tried to set price controls because according to them inflation is caused by greedy business owners raising prices and not by the government printing money to cover it's expenses. Since they always ended up being thrown out by the military, they get to say "We didn't have enough time to finish the job"

I hope that in October's legislative elections, the Peronists get over 75% of the vote. It'll allow them to pass the infinite re election reform they've been talking about. Then maybe in 6 or 8 years all the people who voted for them will realize their mistake and the Peronist party will die.

My friends, just got word from a friend whose a reliable source 95% of the time that the french media is already announcing Maduro as a winner, by a comfortable gap too.
Fuck it all. Though the french always supported Chavez and claimed he was a wonder.. Damn it.
We already have price regulation (which fucked up all our industry) and half the people in power have billions of dollars in wealth.. Freaking diosdado cabello was estimated at 1billion himself.
I wouldn't really trust numbers that pop around while elections aren't even done.
>Still, there's democratic ways to go about it. Chavez just did a coup to win power, and failed miserably at it.
>He was a power hungry bastard- no wonder he wouldn't let go of power after 14 years.
Sure, I agree, really. Still, it's a bit of a special situation when democracy is exploited and subverted in such a way, assuming voters vote for policy above individual. And Chavez did win at least his first election fair and square.
Maduro has won, either way. Unfortunately, there's no real hope, IMO
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>live in Venezuela
>live in el paraiso, which is a relatively pleasant area compared to the rest of the country
>one day want to go with gramma to watch a movie
>didnt realize that on that day there was a protest campaign thing going on
>all the buses have either been hijacked or they're not running
>we find one working
>inside is basically pairlament, one side is for capriles, the other for maduro
>gramma makes a comment about how chavez was a scumbag and he's burning in hell, we get off the bus for her safety
>we're in the middle of puente hierro, a place we NEVER go to, in the middle of a chavist protest, also wearing blue
>we take off our clothes and put on some pro chavez shirts for safety
>maduro supporters blamming out music about how chavez is the eternal comrade that will lead everyone to success and maduro is a friend
>they're sets hooked to buses that look like ork wartrukks, graffiti of chavez and telling capriles he's a dead man, see one foreign chinese girl get goaded in and probably gangraped, flanks of bikers everywhere
>mfw we got out of there because the one handed mechanic gave us directions
>protest was so thick we had to be careful to not fall off the bridge into rio guaire, just a big fat river of shit

I'm considering drawing a comic of it, my friend from yurop said it's some persepolis tier shit
Well, yeah, no way around it.
Every day I wake up and ask myself why I still haven't fled from this shithole
Who knows when it will be too late
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Argentinian here. I think the problem was that the Juntas were not much better than Peron economically. Look at what Pinochet did in Chile. Fucking miracle. The left will hate him for that forever. A bit like Franco in Spain.
Lost it at ork wartrukks
>>12587217 (OP)
Verga, que pena que no pude ir a votar. No tengo plata pa ir a New Orleans :/
Tranquilo hermano.
Tristemente, los votos en el exterior ni los cuentan
It's the beginning of the usual rumors, my friend might be saying the truth but that's probably information based on speculation, there's no way they'd have access to official numbers right now.
For our sake, I hope it's just a false rumor that's been spreading with all the hype all around.
Pero vi que en australia el 98% votaron por Capriles... Dan... :(
Get used to the idea m8, it won't be any easier to bear with it if we're in denial..
I think they might hate him more for chopping off Victor Jara's hands and shit..
Y en alemania también fue 98% por capriles. Porque la gente en el exterior son todos exiliados por la situación del país.. Por eso no cuentan sus votos.
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they ACTUALLY looked like that shit, right to the fucking mounted guns and metal everywhere. yeah they were buses but still it was a sight to behold

I still feel really bad for that poor asian lady I get the feeling that she's super dead
Seguramente tienen al mismo pajarito que habló con Maduro contando votos.
Jajajajaja. Qué triste.
It's about time Venezuela became more progressive and threw out it's stone-age socialist bullshit and elected a capitalist jew into office. Death to communism.
As we say here, from your mouth to heaven.
Oh I've always been realistic when it comes to this shit. "A dictador no se le saca del poder con votos"... but you know how even though you're absolutely certain that the opposition's victory is not a possibility, you still have that false sense of hope that hurts like a bitch when Chavistas step on our dreams and hopes every fucking time.
Don't worry. The free market will prevail and jewish ethics will lead venezuela to a bright new future. No one liked Chavez anyways, so no way Maduro will win.
The FPV does the same thing in Buenos Aires, they drive these ancient hand painted rusty buses to the slums, fill them up and take them to their rallies where they get free stuff. Every time they hold a rally they cause a traffic jam, the other day I was coming home from work and ended up stuck for 20+ minutes watching pregnant women holding babies in their arms getting off the buses and lining up for bottled water. I would bet my life savings on them not even knowing wtf the rally was about.
Yep.. Exactly
I hope so man.
oh yeah forgot to add

>always thought chavists were mostly rednecks with low income
>distressing amount of young people supporting him
Can you imagine if rodonski is elected and the venezueland economy flourishes and everyone abandons catholicism and embraces Judaism? All the anti-semites and socialists will be ANGRY, and will riot, and we will finally be able to gun them down and purge them once and for all.
yeah, I was so fucking depressed when a university friend of mine posted shit supporting chavez
She was never bright, anyway
Jesus, stahp derailing. He's catholic, get over it.
You have been under some form of miltary government for at least 170 years bro. Latin America's resting state is a dictatorship and now that we have seen liberalization the best countries are those which have adopted free market economics.
My only hope for today is the expected chavist abstinence caused by Chavez' death. Hell, I'd even consider going back to Venezuela if Capriles does win.
>I hope so man.

You don't need to hope. It WILL happen. I work for a certain department in Colombia and I can say with 100% confidence that Capriles WILL win. Chavez' corpse and it's successors may have the support of many underclass people, but the influential and powerful all over the world want to see Venezuela become a stable client state that will serve international interests like a good global citizen.
Pretty much, yeah.

Pinochet didnt order his murder. It was some random idiot. Pinochet's rule was not particularly bloody.


Professor Clive Foss, in The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption (Quercus Publishing 2006), estimates that 1,500–2,000 Chileans were killed or disappeared during the Pinochet regime. In October 1979, the New York Times reported that Amnesty International had documented the disappearance of approximately 1,500 Chileans since 1973.[97] Among the killed and disappeared during the military regime were at least 663 Marxist MIR guerrillas.[98] The Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, however, has stated that only 49 FPMR guerrillas were killed but hundreds detained and tortured.[99]
It has to do with being close to water, the closer to a large body of water you live the more annoying you will become.
>I want to believe.jpg
Yeah, many people would consider returning if Capriles wins
To be fair, Pinochet more than likely knew what was going on below him but did not care what happened.

I do not believe that he was responsible for any "war crimes".

Besides, 2000 people being disappeared over 8 years is a lot better than the United States stance on political prisoners.
If Maduro somehow gains control of the election apparatus and swings the vote back in his favor using our own tactics, he will have an "accident" before he is sworn in.

Do not worry. The angels of the UN are guarding your obedient democracy.
Oh god man, you have no idea how badly I wish what you say is true
Don't even talk like that. Maduro cannot win. We have people on the ground coordinating the efforts and we can say with confidence that our control of the elections is unassailable. Maduro could not win even if over 70% of the people voted for him.

Pinochet should have found out and punished the murdered, that was his bad. He most definitely didnt order it, although he didnt give a shit either.
Hue what?
But it is true. All those industries that have languished under nationalization will fall under intelligent and subservient non-venezuelan control. We will save you from yourselves. Do not worry.
I cannot go into details. Just rest assured that as long as at least 10% of the population votes for Capriles, he will win the election.
Hue. Hope you're right brother.
You seem to forget that 90% of the armed forces in Venezuela (both army and informal militia) support teh revolushonz

It will only open doors for civil war and shit.
This is also ture.
God fucking damnit even though this is 4chan I still can't help but get my hopes up and smile like a kid being taken to Disneyland for the very first time.

Stop saying that. Hope is a curse word where I work. Everything must be controlled to produce the desired effect. Hope is not part of the equation. Hope is a gentile concept born of those without power. Those us of us with the power to change the destiny of others have thrown away that word.
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En el liceo Aplicación, ubicado en Montalbán, funcionarios de la Policía Nacional detuvieron a un ciudadano de nombre Rafael, con unas 40 cédulas de identidad laminadas, publica El Nacional.

El detenido llegó junto al diputado oficialista Carlos Sierra.

De igual forma, electores denunciaron que al centro electoral arribó un autobús con unos 20 indingentes de la Misión Negra Hipólita, a quienes les estaban entregando cédulas.

Sin embargo, vecinos comenzaron a gritar “fuera” y denunciaron que esas personas no votaban allí.

El diputado alegó que se les estaba irrespetando el derecho al voto a dichas personas.

Muchas irregularidades
Por su parte, el observador internacional Luis Felipe Dorado, de Bolivia, ratificó que han visto muchas irregularidades durante el proceso electoral
Viva Chavez! Viva socialism! Viva Che! Viva Castro! Hasta simpre Che!

Signed, your dear brazilian.
PS: Gibe moni now.
>It will only open doors for civil war and shit.

You seem to think we don't want that. Capriles will win, there will be massive bloodshed, and we will intervene to restore order using compliant secondary assets. Many Venezuelans will die and suffer, but in the end they will become part of the grand architects master plan and become greater than they could ever hope to be.
>live in Los Angeles
>American father, Venezuelan mother
>English only spoken at my house

Sounds like you live by Westonzuela
Agregó que militantes del partido oficialista ingresan a las cabinas de votación junto con los electores. “Nadie tiene que acompañar al otro a votar (a menos que sea adulto mayor o persona con discapacidad). Entendemos la desesperación de muchos, pero esa no puede ser la excusa para violar la libertad de conciencia”, dijo Ocaríz.

“Denunciamos cómo una persona con franela (polo) roja asiste sin que el votante sufra una enfermedad”, agregó. La denuncia fue respaldada por la difusión de un video en donde se ve que un hombre con polo rojo acompaña a un joven hasta la cabina. Se ve claramente que la joven no es discapacitada.

“Esta situación va contra la ley, moral y dignidad de los venezolanos. El voto asistido es sólo para personas enfermas”. El video fue grabado en la escuela básica nacional Nazaret del municipio Mara, estado Zulia.
My dad's saying he's heard from people with contacts in the government that maduro won by around 8 points
;_; save me pol

Comandante Che!
I like Che but fuck off. Chavez pretty much killed the country.
>I like che but
we need to stahp idolizing him
dude killed people
Los videos de "voto asistido" estan regados por todo el internet desde que comenzo la jornada electoral, es una maldita desgracia.
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The Venezuelan is the stupidest animal on earth, Maduro will win, almost for certain.

Don't worry, this combination of dubs and trips will surely save us from eternal damnation.
Wish I could disagree
The workers win tonight. Imperialism will lose jajaja. The eternal revolution continues.
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k whatever floats your boat

Enjoy your unlivable shithole.
The problem is, those of us with brains also have to put up with the shithole

Those of you with brains shoudl put a bullet in Maduro's.

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