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A. "We should recognize our power and start infiltrating these groups. Do a google search for Anonymous and begin reading about them. Begin making connections. Begin infiltrating them. We could, over time, take them over by our sheer numbers. Or we can find out where they are and retaliate for their attacks against us, or both." -http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t863802/#post9953315

B. StormFront has a sub-community called SwarmFront (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/f214/), which is basically a neo-nazi version of the JIDF, except much, much more active with significantly more members.

Their sole purpose is to disseminate neo-nazi and white-nationalist propaganda on as many websites as possible, including 4chan (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t854096/). They call this spamming drive 'BUGS' and call their asinine talking points 'Mantras'. They routinely pound the shit out of discussion boards everywhere.

They even use helper applications like BUGS Buddy (e.g. 1. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t878206/ 2. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t856144/ 3. http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/forum/bugs-swarm/) to make sharing their retardation with others, that much easier.

They also have guidelines, plus IRL and online training for helping them to spread their ridiculous agit-prop (e.g. 1. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t860368/ 2. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t872878/ 3. http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/).

C. Read the threads in these 2000+ results (Many of them specifically mention establishing a presence on /pol/ [or in older threads, /new/]): https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=4chan%20site:www.stormfront.org&safe=off&num=18&filter=0&pws=0&as_qdr=all
>>9794266 (OP)
quotes with direct links to where they were stated:

- http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t863802/#post9953315
"We should recognize our power and start infiltrating these groups. Do a google search for Anonymous and begin reading about them. Begin making connections. Begin infiltrating them. We could, over time, take them over by our sheer numbers. Or we can find out where they are and retaliate for their attacks against us, or both."

- http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t900887/#post10436566
"I've been going to 4chan for a while now, there's a few different boards that could be good for debating but one that I've found can be really good is Politically Incorrect. Because it is almost completely unmoderated."

- http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t922140/#post10703687
"We will have an army of angry basement dwelling neckbeards to fill the internet with our message 24/7."

- http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t833238/#post9583521
"I like this Anonymous group even more everytime I hear about something they are doing..."

- http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t900887/#post10439870
"4chan has helped many young people become racially aware, especially those who may have not come around to the movement by normal means."

- 2000+ google site search results for the term '4chan' on stormfront.org:

Stormfront = JIDF
Glad to see there's a white response to the sinister JIDF.

Thanks OP!






Many, many people who have never even heard of Stormfront hate the Jews.
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This faggot again? Saged.
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well then why dont libtards infiltrate /pol/?

I guess they don't have any FACTS, STATISTICS AND LOGIC to help them take over the board
Nice to have them aboard.
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>>9794266 (OP)
>mfw "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" was actually SF propaganda
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This must be the newest JIDF disinformation attack. Accuse your target of the same shady tactics that you use. Typical globalist tactics. Your really getting desperate JIDF.

"libtards" lel, how quaint.

you faggots are so far to the right that Ronald Reagan would be a "libtard" to you guys
How does it feel being labeled an "Extremist" for your views?
muslims are required to hate Jews

Thus, I support Jews because anything muslims hate, I like
the twisting never ends
How about you stop spamming this because you can't provide one post on stormfront where people are talking about rading 4chan

You spammed this like 50 times in the last thread and when anyone pointed out how a post from 2 years ago saying "4chan is cool" isn't evidence for a white supremacist conspiracy your only response was to just accuse them of samefagging and post it again

Do we really need to go through this shit again? you fucking kike? how many times do you need to be proven wrong before you stop spamming this shit?


Doesn't mention 4chan at all


Not a raid, it's a singe stormfront user casually mentioning he goes on /pol/


Again, doesn't mention 4chan


See above


They're talking about /b/ and it doesn't mention a raid

How many times does your kike-ass need to get shot down before you accept that YOU'RE WRONG and stop spamming?
Bump, op is a well cited breath of fresh air in a paranoid sea of madness
No shit. Still true though.
Even a broken clock shows the right time two times a day.
You act like you're blowing the lid on some huge secret OP. It's common knowledge that stormfront has always posted here.

thanks fellas!
StormFront advises against going to 4chan. They think of us as pedos, pseudoracists, and weeaboos. Those fucks are generalizing because I hate kids.
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>>9794266 (OP)

Protect Diversity! Preserve the Aryan woman for future generations!

Hail the Golden Dawn!
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>Those fucks are generalizing because I hate kids.
That doesn't mean you don't find them sexually attractive.
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I don't see any problem here, what does really annoys me are these fucking treads trying to turn /pol/ into somekind of PC place.

We just don't care faggot, go away.

We can tell you're samefagging quite easily
This whole campaign to enlighten of about the stormfront invasion, as you call it, really didn't work. It's been a week or so and most of us don't really care.

> implying it's bad to be pro white.
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Gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread...
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Nothing wrong with Stormfront.

Go cry in a corner.
>implying you're not a stormfag
Im >9794579 And fully support op and >9794534
Fucking people thinking jews are some god tier overlords. Every time a mudslime gets wiped by israel (or anyone really ) I get hard
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>>9794266 (OP)
OK I give in, I admit it I'm from Stormfront. We've infiltrated 4chan. Not many people know this but moot is actually the youngest Grandmaster in our Orders history, his official title is Sir Gourney von Weaver.

Thanks to him we have successfully obfuscated the true intention of 4chan, which is to act as a right-wing propaganda machine and to thus bring about the 4th Reich. This is why the site is called 4chan, 4 as in 4th and chan as in Reich.

Our first goal was to create lovely images, which you call memes but are actually known within the Order as go-bells, the singular of course being a goebbel. The go-bells research program was first sanctioned by Adolf Hilter in 1937, but unfortunately due to the onset of war in 1939 it was sidelined. However by fortune the diary of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels fell into our Orders hands and by 2003 we had successfully completed the go-bells research.

You may be wondering what a go-bell does, well in each image that is uploaded to 4chan a secondary image is hidden behind it. This secondary image contains a patriotic picture of the Fuhrer standing valiantly over the bodies of his enemies with the caption GET NIGGERS, FAGGOTS AND JEWS. This is why we decided to promote the idea that obtaining an unusual sequence of numbers in your post ID was an exciting endeavour, and also why this is called a get.

Over time viewing many go-bells makes you more sympathetic to the Fuhrer and his policies of extermination. Indeed we found that viewing 'nice' images like cat's expedited this process and as such we created Caturday. Eventually all our go-bells went viral and we have now infected the minds of the majority of internet users and it is simply a matter of time before the 4th Reich emerges from the ashes of defeat.
They've been called for Stormfriends for as long as I can remember.

I don't ever once recall anybody using the term "rebbitfriends".
Is there an official term for when someone accuses another of deceitful tactics that they themselves are using?
>>9794266 (OP)

What's your point in posting this?

I mean, since the silly stormderps are totally wrong, and just lack a proper understanding and perspective, wouldn't you be happy they were coming here? Seems like you could use your superior grasp on reality to help them recover from their delusions.
Also, while we know they are here. Most of us do not go to Stormfront. It's mostly filled with faggots and autists with no sense of humor

thinking they're accomplishing anything by circlejerking on the rape motel of 4chan. next, black hebrew israelites will be after /b/. i can't wait for all the lulz and butthurt when 4chan eventually gets designated a hate site and is shut down.
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You can't possibly so new that you can't link to another post?
The best part is how these stormfags don't seem to realize just how few of them there are in society and that their views make them an even smaller minority than jews and blacks
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>stormfront visiting /pol/
Best day of my life. Thank you stormbrothers for your help in the fight with JIDF rats. Finally white people are uniting.
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Op is right - It's about time we Shut them Down.

Power up the LOIC.
That'd be called a rusey doosey serendippity ding dong.
Shut them down and they'll all come here.
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Its so sad that your right..., i HATE those cuts more than anything.
> popular = right

Stormfag here. I want people to wake up to the reality of white genocide but if they want to ignore it, so be it. It's not a secret we're here. Big deal.

Did you really think "exposing" us this past week would change anything? lol.
>>9794266 (OP)
>except much, much more active with significantly more members
how could you possibly know this? you clearly have an agenda.

a couple of random quotes from some stormfront threads isn't going to convince me that stormfront is spamming /pol/
What does it matter if "white genocide" is even purposely happening?
People are people, is this so hard to understand? We are all very compatible with eachother.
and then we will be in an even bigger bowl of steaming shit.
It has nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with holding on to an archaic ideology.

You know as well as I that keeping races "pure" is an idiotic, scientifically impossible goal.
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> this thread
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>implying we don't know this
>implying we haven't already chosen sides

i said it before, i'll say it again: sieg heil you leftist piece of shit
>>9794266 (OP)
everyone here on /pol/ is stormfront i am stormfront my frens are all stormfronts and then
go away jidf fag
hows 20/20 show ccomming along
Your grandchildren aren't going to give a shit about white pride, it's a 19th-20th century concept that has been torn apart by the scientific reality of phenomes and genealogy.

There isn't a human being alive that doesn't have some black african ancestry.
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>There isn't a human being alive that doesn't have some black african ancestry
Such is life in America

JIDF pls
stormfag detected
lel this is the most hilarious part. Say something they don't like and they call you a jew. I'm a goddamned atheist.

Christianity is just a split-off from Judaism. Jesus Christ was a jew.
Im a right wing white christian male and fuck stormfront. You are what gives conservatives a fucking bad name. Also you espouse a poorly thought out fascist regime. Your racial utopia is anything but. Its a nightmare with a lot of features in common with Bolshevism, your kissing first cousin. Liberty and decency reject you.
>Do we really need to go through this shit again? you fucking kike?

How do you know he's a Jew ? You don't, are just being lazy and presumptuous, have actually outed yourself as both a racist and Neo Nazi sympathiser.

>How many times does your kike-ass need to get shot down before you accept that YOU'RE WRONG and stop spamming?

Yep, there you go again...
>implying you need to be a Jew to work for the JIDF
race traitor
>>9794266 (OP)

thanks for posting op, the nazi shite on this board is way out of hand recently, deserves to be exposed.
>>9794266 (OP)
>They also have guidelines, plus IRL and online training for helping them to spread their ridiculous agit-prop
If it's THAT complicated for them to say nigger or kike on the internet, mebbe they should stay away

i lol'd
Why does genocide matter? Is this a real question?
>>9794266 (OP)

Be right back OP.

Just going to create a Stormfront account and ask them all back here.
Implying there are no atheist Jews. You don't realize someone of an ethnicity can be of any religion?
>not realizing out of Africa was debunked years ago
stay pleb
>You are what gives conservatives a fucking bad name
>implying you're a conservative
>implying you're not a Zionist
>>9794266 (OP)
>B. StormFront has a sub-community called SwarmFront (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/f214/), which is basically a neo-nazi version of the JIDF, except much, much more active with significantly more members.

Actually, the JIDF literally hires people to do this. Stormfront is all volunteer.
Nice shitty crop. Glad to see you giving it your all for this meme.
Stay mad, JIDF.

sage does nothing idiot
I find it hilarious the way when confronted, the stormfag response is "so what?".

You people personify every quality you ascribe to jews.
>JIDF literally hires people
[citation needed]
stormfag butthurt makes me really hard for some reason
How should I word it?
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>the JIDF literally hires people to do this

The JIDF is just one dude getting by on donations.
>There isn't a human being alive that doesn't have some black african ancestry.

Actually, the first "humans" that left Africa were proto-humans with both archaic and modern features. The first identifiably modern humans without archaic features were the Bushmen (who aren't Black and were genocided by the Black Africans). Cro-Magnons (Europeans) appear to be next, but it's suspected that Cro-Magnons are the youngest despite evidence saying otherwise, because groups such as Aboriginal Australians are more primitive looking. Black Africans came into being sometime after the proto-humans left Africa.

In other words, we left Africa before we were even fully human. This explains why we have very distinct different subspecies or races of humans today. Pretty much, both out-of-Africa and multiregional theories of human origins are true.

Source: Cro-Magnon by Brian Fagan.
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Listen well you leftist cultural Marxist piece of shit, stop spaming these fucking threads, or believe me when i say there will be a real invasion in that little shitlole sub of your in reppit, and its going to be so bad that you cuts will have to take refuge on tumblr for a long time.

Now, fuck off.
Come at us bro.

There's so many of you here already, we won't be able to tell the difference.
>>9794266 (OP)

The problem here is the way how I never see Stormfront based threads anymore. No White genocide threads, no the Holocaust didn't happen threads, no niggers are not humans threads, nothing. Here is what I saw on /pol/ last month:

>Bridget is getting raped by niggers Anon, help!
>I swear I'm a girl, would I ever lie to you on the internet?!
>Daddy I'm trans.
>Why haven't you got a girlfriend with a dick yet /pol/?
>Why haven't you converted to Islam yet /pol/? We will give you wives you can treat like your property. Please appreciate Islam. Otherwise you're a Jew.
>Look at how beautiful this woman with a veil is. Islam is the answer, white man. If you disagree you are a Jew.
>shut it down
>So, I heard that you guys want me to take care of the whole flag issue instead of the spammers? Ok, I will shit things up even more.

Nothing else. This board is more like the result of Info Wars, Islam City and /k/ ejaculating into a bowl and pouring it own /r9k/'s cunt than Stormfront.
Great argument. Im pretty sure I know what I am. And yup Im openly pro Israel. They're getting stronger and the third Reich us dead and the punchline of jokes even in Germany. Stay mad.
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>this jidf
Posting this. If it attracts a lot of attention then OP is right if it doesn't OP is wrong and has to stop shitposting.

Agreed OP?
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>this whole thread

Seriously though, does your constant spamming of a dead, failed, occult based and genocidal ideology really get you any new converts ? Or is attention whoring the only way you can gain legitimacy for your rather fringe beliefs ? Pls answer.
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I'm not from stormfront, but I guess you could say I'm a "stormfag" insofar as I hate blacks, Jews, and think OP is retarded.
Does anyone really care about Stormfront trolls?

I never understood the big deal. They're ignorable.
10/10 post man, you got it dead on
Since stormfront is already on 4chan AND IN THIS THREAD
they're not going to take the bait.
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OP, serious question: where are you from and is everyone there a liberal fag like you?
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>>9794266 (OP)
I dont belive you. JEW.

You call it infiltration so you can excuse your disinformation campaign which has been going on as long as ive been here.

But the fact of the matter is, they tell us of the crimes the jews do, and you on the other hand, do nothing by disinformation.
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...why is our favorite rabbi colored like Twilight Sparkle??
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No, you're wrong - plenty of typical bullshit up here but a ton of nazi spamming and shitposting also.
Look at the index / lurk more.
>has problem with neo nazi faggotry
>gets called a Jew by neo nazi faggot

same old...
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I sure do encounter some Nazi threads. But rarely. Stormfront was very active on this board during the spring of 2012. They stopped being active during the summer and they are almost non-existent since the elections.
A broken clock is right occasionally. Did you ever stop for a moment before bashing what was being said and do the research to conclusively and definitely prove it wrong? Or right? I'm fairly convinced that leftards won't do research because they can't cope with the fact that, to some extent, their ideology can't withstand facts and statistics. Whether you agree with them on every minor detail or not, some of what the stormers have to say is factually true.

Myth: Blacks are exactly the same as us.
Truth: blacks crime rate is gigantically geometrically higher than whites asians or even third world hispanics is.

Myth: Immigration brings strength and prosperity to a nation.
Fact: skilled, capable immigrants bring strength and prosperity.

Myth: multiculturalism is good.
Fact: Multiculturalism breeds competing ethnic groups who hate each other, and rarely, if ever, produces a unanimous population.

Myth: israel is our best buddy.
Fact: Lavon Affair. USS Liberty incident. Mossad terrorists. Spying on allies. Killing their allies and their enemies indiscriminately with bombs and weapons. Firebombing hospitals.

Myth: the media is fair and balanced.
Fact: A small group of media moguls, almost all of whom are ethnic jews, control what you see and hear on all tv stations and all radio frequencies.

Myth: Islam is a religion of peace.
Fact: A very large portion of the terrorism in the world is done by islamic elements.

These are simple, provable facts. And whether you like it or not, and whether you admit it or not, the stormers are right about some things.
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Thread is contaiminated with lice. Close all doors for delousing. Zyklon B fumagation in progress.
Just to be clear here; I'm not saying every single thing they say or have said since the internet started is factually definitely true. What I AM saying, is that SOME of what they say IS true at a 1 or 0 true or false happened or didn't happen level.
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>The part about tripfags.

Oh dog this is the exact thing that happens to me.
I hope they keep coming. And I hope they infiltrate every board on the internet. Its refreshing to see words that aren't based on batshit religious talmud beliefs. I actually bought a copy of the talmud. Used it as toilet paper for a bit. Pages texture is wrong, didn't feel right on the bunghole.

>yeah, I went there. Your religious work is complete utter shit and I wouldn't use it for toilet paper.
Jews and 9/11; related or not related?

Head rabbi of Israel thinks obama ‘a slave’

Head rabbi of Israel thinks gentiles exist only to serve jews

Note: this rabbi is not some extremist kook. He is well respected and many rabbis simply parrot his opinions rather than developing their own.

Brainwash - the full documentary

Jared taylor on anti-white racism

Jared Taylor on Race and crime

William shockley on race, IQ, and dysgenics
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>Ernst zundel documentary, hour+

>Jonathan Bowden on Nietzsche and the survival of our august culture, pt 1 of 4

>Julius evola, pt 1 of 7

>Francis parker yockey, don't know who he is? Watch this link

>the facts in plain language

>Khazar jews, who are they, what are they?

>Oswald spengler, who saw the situation almost 100 years before it happened.

>Don't think communism is a jewish front? Boy are YOU in for a surprise.
you must be kidding. check out the catalog and turn comments on: >>>/pol/catalog

at first glance: 5 holohoax / holocaust denial threads, multiple white pride threads and a huge slew of anti-jewish, anti-muslim and hardcore xenophobia threads.
I approve of Stormfront's activism and I believe its a good thing.

Fuck the Kikes.
>implying theres anything wrong with questioning the holocaust

Nigger you MUST be from europe.

>implying there is anything wrong with white people being proud of their august and magestic culture

Nigger you MUST be a nigger

>implying jews and muslims aren't two edges of the same sword, one waging warfare by deception and infiltration, the other by shouting durka durka and blowing up suicide vests

Schlomo you MUST be a schlomo.

>implying Xenophobia isn't necessary in the demographic quagmire white people find themselves in

Schlomo pls, just go. Fly, fly away back to tel aviv, where you belong.


Jews "love" Christians: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlT3ARuUSGc
>didn't feel right on the bunghole.

i'm actually surprised you have any feeling left at all in that tortured, weeping gape-hole of an orifice you call an anus.
I think you're thinking of your own anus there, bubsky. To many circumsized cocks in it, eh?
The swarm storm is here to stay. Get used to it. Unlike the JIDF, they don't post disgusting interracial gangbangs to derail arguments.
>>Ernst zundel documentary, hour+

Yep, life's too short, you know ? Tell me where the Nazi UFO's in the Arctic bit is and I'll check that out though - that's some pretty lulzy shit...

more like Gayran Cockistador, amirite ?
>Wikipedia not a reliable source of info!

>Think there is no white genocide? Think again

Unlike the holohoax, the white genocide is actually happening, but YOU have the power to ACT. You can fight this, if you can muster the strength of character to do so.

The media and the left have shown their position, they are completely fine with it if white folk go extinct, the media because they aren't white and don't consider themselves white, the left because they hate their own existence and hate everything white culture stands for.
I've never seen so many logical fallacies in one thread before.

Your "facts" are hilarious. Confirmation bias, errors of omission, correlation posing as causation, strawmen, etc.. it's all there. Too bad anyone with access to google and wikip[edia can debunk it all in 15 minutes, if they can stop laughing at you first.

The coup de grace is how you pretend as though the Soviet Union was a jewish conspiracy. Bravo, stormfag, bravo..

How does it feel knowing your views make you a pariah in society?
now it's getting exciting in here. stormfront shows its face.

>stormfront is a jidf plot to discredit stormfzgs
Find it yourself, nigger.

>implying you aren't an ethiopic jew
tfw post on stormfront
ftw not a part of any secret infiltration group

We're not out to get you.
>implying I care that I'm a pariah in a corrupt, dissolving, degenerate society
>implying wikipedia isn't thoroughly controlled in every part and aspect by zionists

The proof is right there, nigger. All you have to do is look.

>implying the early communist movements, everywhere, weren't packed to the brim with kikes eager to murder gentles and take their belongings
>implying you are a gentile
stormfag detected

If Welsh get genocided, can we claim that there is not only a Welsh genocide going on, but a white genocide as well, as if whites were a single ethnic group?
Karl marx - jew
Leaders of the 1918-1919 bavarian communist revolt - ALL of them jews
Leaders of the 1917 soviet revolt 90 to 99% jews

Communism is a jewish front. They want to steal your whole society, destroy every part of its art and culture, silence all public discourse about everything, and lord it like kings in palaces while gentiles starve to death in bread lines or languish away to death in gulags. Communism is transparently anti-gentile, and if you like communism, go live in a communist state and get the fuck out of the west.
This "shit" again and again and again until you either quit coming here or stop fighting it and start going with it. I don't care which you do. But I'm not sorry for my beliefs and I plan to shout them from every forum I can.

Fuckoff nazi tripfag autist;; just because no-one has time to sit through hours of your shitty propaganda you have to resort to calling them a Jew - Fucking pathetic.
It has become very clear that this is a new JIDF tactic for /pol/. Most of these threads are 2~ years old. Yes stormfront had a presence here, but anyone whose been here for more than a couple months can tell that their presence has faded. Their tactics haven't evolved past "ASIA FOR ASIANS, AFRICA FOR AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY" and "COME HOME WHITE MAN" and "ANTI-RACIST = ANTI-WHITE." Most of these shitposts have been very rare recently, but the strong JIDF presence is unquestionable.

This is just another tactic that the JIDF is using to divert attention from themselves and cause a division among the majority of /pol/.
>implying you aren't a jew

The only people who have a problem with truth being discussed are people who are antithetical to it or have something to hide. So which are you? A jew or a jew? Get as ass-flustered and fanny-flabbergasted as you want to, my beliefs will be posted here at any time I feel like posting them here, day or night, regardless of what your personal feelings are on them.
Have you actually looked over some of whats being discussed under the banner of 'against racism'? A sizable portion of it IS anti-white.
Daily reminder that the US military considers Stormfags a potential threat to the nation.
>But I'm not sorry for my beliefs and I plan to shout them from every forum I can.

Great, you do that you chump, but maybe lose the gay trip you've got as it's over 9000 on the faggotry scale.
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mfw a thread asserting that there is a huge stormfront presence on here, actually gets flooded with stormfags. spot on OP.
Thats a compromise I'm willing to accept. I don't usually trip it up around here.

>implying I haven't been here for a long, long time

>implying that once you enter 4chan you ever leave

You're still a faggot nigger kike bastard bitch communist arab homosexual, though.
Yeah, except most of us don't go to Stormfront, which is the whole point of these gay threads...
You think I care that you know I'm here?

>just for the record; I haven't been to stormfront in over a year, at least, so I'm not really a "stormfag" per se, just someone who's concerned about white peoples future

[citation needed]

Many Bolsheviks were Jews. They were not, however, religious Jews, but ethnic Jews. The reason why Jews were so prominent in the Russian Revolution can be explained simply. First of all, Jews are smart and usually come from wealthy backgrounds. This improves their chances of becoming political leaders. Second, Jews suffered a lot under Czarist Russia. They rightfully hated the Czar, it was natural for them to partake in organisations that tried to overthrow him. Most Jews were purged by Stalin anyway. No one benefits from the free market more than the Jews do. They through the wealth they inherit and nepotism slowly conquer the market whenever they are able to. This makes them able to threaten and manipulate governments and take the control of their currencies, which adds more wealth to their wealth. A society where the state controls the market, where their private sectors can not conquer the economy, is the biggest nightmare of the Jews. That's why they fucking hated USSR. For every Marxist Jew you can find, I can find a Libertarian Jew.
You're right. Everyone who hates niggers and Jews goes to that shitty messageboard.

Oh, totally opposed - nothing to hide though, and certainly not a jew. Far from flustered by your inane ravings and accusations also...
Sure, keep posting, but prepared for ridicule as it's all you deserve and all you're going to get...
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They're actually Jews pretending to be stormfags.
Religious, ethnic, its all the same. A jew is a jew is a jew is a kike. Communism is still a jewish front. Libertarianism may well be as well. I'd need to see facts and figures and ethnic data concerning its leadership groups before I'm willing to issue any statement regarding that.
I dunno. He looks like he's better at ridiculing people than you are. It's pretty much impossible for liberals to insult effectively.
typical /pol/ argument
>person says opinion
>another person says a different opinion
>JIDF JIDF JIDF JIDF JIDF!!!!111!!!111!!!
I don't even care if they stay on /pol/ or /b/ but they take it one step further and post their neo nazi shit on every other board too. If moot doesn't draw the line somewhere the entirety of 4chan will be one big neo nazi jizz fest.
Thats funny, the only people who ridicule me are jews desperate to silence me. So are you a kike or not? Its a simple question but at this point its rhetorical. We all already know you're a jew.
Libertarianism. Let's see: Rand, Mises, Friedman, Rothbard (I actually like Rothbard. He's one of the good ones).

If people from /pol/ are actually going out and shitting up other boards, I'm opposed to that, but I think it's a lot of just people using the same memes (like JIDF).
>You're still a faggot nigger kike bastard bitch communist arab homosexual, though.

Sticks and stones - a pretty well played out neo nazi tactic I think, pretty transparent and ineffective also. Perhaps you feel more justified and legitimised though - a little delusion goes a long way for you lot, doesn't it ? Personally too it seems...
>implying you aren't fumingly fanny flabbergasted as fuck by my fearless and fierce furious flaming of your fucking felonious fartknockingly flimsy denials of being a fastidiously observant festering falafal feeding kike that is lacking in kranial kapacity

>yes I'm aware the last two words are spelled wrong.

>the joke

>your head
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>Fact: IDF regularly tortures Palestinian children




>Israel's Top Rabbi: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews



>IDF colonel-rabbi: Rape is permitted in war


>Times of Israel: Jews DO control the media


>Leading rabbi encourages IDF soldiers to use Palestinian human shields


>Israeli use of human shields

It'd suck to see /pol/ be too liberal, like what /co/ has become.
You're not going to get /pol/ deleted. Just stop.
Watch 5 broken cameras and conspiracy of silence. If you're still okay with jews and israel, theres no hope for you.
>If people from /pol/ are actually going out and shitting up other boards, I'm opposed to that, but I think it's a lot of just people using the same memes (like JIDF).
No people are actively posting threads about Jews on boards that are completely unrelated and then bumping them with more neo nazi crap.
gb2 >>>/q/
There should be a few threads going complaining about:
>anti-semitism on /pol/
>people using memes from /pol/
>censorship on /pol/

That last one is a common kike tactic. Get so obnoxious and insulting that you get banned, then kvetch endlessly about censorship.
>Oh, I can't post black dicks anymore. It's another shoah.
>use of the word 'kvetch'
>defending other jews

Yep, its a jew.

So you hate Jews not because of their typical Jewish behaviour but their ethnicity only? If a Jew doesn't believe in Judaism, doesn't think that it is moral to steal from a Gentile, that Gentiles exist solely to serve Jews, that Jews are entitled to the entire Land of Palestine, he is still a sub-human for you? You my friend are a moron.

>I'd need to see facts and figures and ethnic data concerning its leadership groups before I'm willing to issue any statement regarding that.

Oh, well then those posts should be deleted. moot might need more mods and janitors. I'd janitor for this board, and rule with an iron fist.
The sheer amount of presence of stormfront in this thread is proof enough.
I'm insulting Jews, retard.

Cry more.
The jewish cult operates on racial lines. Even if a jew doesn't actively engage in zionism and satanic depravity, they are STILL a jew, and they are STILL suspect.
Would everything go in your favor, then?
>Thats funny, the only people who ridicule me are jews desperate to silence me.

Deluded - I've pointed out a lack of Jewish heritage but you cling to it still...

>So are you a kike or not?

Nope, as mentioned a few times already...

>Its a simple question but at this point its rhetorical. We all already know you're a jew.

Yep, it sure is simple, rhetorical also - that's all you've got and it isn't all that impressive or good enough...
Enjoy your autism - I certainly have.
No, I'd just make sure all the porn stayed off.
If you aren't a jew, whats the problem with white folk having their own, distinct culture, their own countries in which they make up a supermajority, and their own media, where they aren't bombarded with anti-white messages both overt and subliminal every second of every day?
Alright. Fair enough. I wasn't aware there was a porn problem here (I'm not a regular here).

Innocent until proven guilty.
>cry more
brilliant response comrade!
I think you're just paranoid as fuck.
The jews don't have that principle. Their principle is jews can do anything they want, any time they want, to a gentile, including rape theft and murder, and never be considered guilty of having done anything wrong ever period. Their legal system is set up so that they are literally NEVER WRONG, even if they murdered a child in a satanic ritual in broad daylight in the midst of the tel aviv bazaar on international television.
Yeah, up until like two or three days ago when moot made new board rules (well, actually just re-affirmed old rules, but made them more clear) there was a lot of porn spam plus tons conspiracy bullshit. I had like 10 or 12 threads hidden at a given time last week.
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>implying you aren't fumingly fanny flabbergasted as fuck by my fearless and fierce furious flaming of your fucking felonious fartknockingly flimsy denials of being a fastidiously observant festering falafal feeding kike that is lacking in kranial kapacity

Here, have this butter for your potato - You can use any left over to salve your chafed anal opening.
Oh wow, this is cool. I'm glad to see Stormfront is being more active in wakening up others, instead of ruminating on the same on message board.

Thanks OP!
Nice try, but you won't waste any more of my time. I'd say 'goodbye' but I just don't feel it.
sounds alot like stormfags
I think if you're living among other people you have to prove yourself to them, not the other way around.
Muslim Internet Defense Force. Jewish Internet Defense Force.
Nazi Internet Defense Force. Black Internet Defense Force.
Corporate Internet Defense Force.
Feminist Internet Defense Force.
Animal Internet Defense Force.
LGBT Internet Defense Force.
This is hilarious. Soon they'll be handing out invitations to their parties.
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>Fact: IDF regularly tortures Palestinian children




>Israel's Top Rabbi: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews



>IDF colonel-rabbi: Rape is permitted in war


>Times of Israel: Jews DO control the media


>Leading rabbi encourages IDF soldiers to use Palestinian human shields


>Israeli use of human shields

"It is forbidden to deceive any person, even a Gentile. Those who purposely misconstrue the greeting to a Gentile are sinners. There can be no greater deception than this. One shall not act in bad faith even to Gentiles. Such acts often bring down a person from his rank; and there is no luck in his undertaking. If perchance he succeeds, punishment is visited on his children." -Sefer Hasidim


Yes, that's according to religious Jews. Prove me that an openly Atheist ethnic Jew is a religious Jew.


By doing what? Pissing on the Torah? All Soviet officials were openly Atheist.
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What does Jewish law say about this?

>IDF colonel-rabbi: Rape is permitted in war

Poor Noam. He was brought up actually believing all that shit Jews say about being nice to people, and now he gets to see what they actually do with real power (not that he should be suprised, knowing the history of the Bolsheviks as well as he does).
>whats the problem with white folk having their own, distinct culture,
Because there are too many white people spread out over too much of the world for there to be any singular 'white' culture. White groups have their own cultures, but you can't insist that all 'white' people share in your interests or customs
>their own countries in which they make up a supermajority,
When this happens naturally its not such a bad thing. If you want to close the borders of an already mostly white country go right ahead. That being said, not America, Canada, or Australia(to name a few) are 'white' countries that whites have any special claim to.
>and their own media, where they aren't bombarded with anti-white messages both overt and subliminal every second of every day?
You and I differ on what constitutes anti-white messages, and if you think there isn't any white controlled media, you need to get out more.
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>Prove me that an openly Atheist ethnic Jew is a religious Jew.

right after you prove to me that the idea of Jewish "ethnicity" isn't a total hoax

ITT stormfags who think they're "white" who would have been shot in the head by real nazis if they had been alive then for not being aryan
It's funny when butthurt stormfags dump their copypasta in these threads.

>damn it 4chan is onto us...
>better dump some stormfag copypasta into the thread to throw them of the trail!

If stormfags weren't engaging in a deliberate propaganda campaign here these threads would be ignored and get no responses. They wouldn't fill up with red-handed stormfags swearing their innocence while calling everyone who questions them a jew and dumping their pasta.
America, Canada, or Australia aren't historically white countries?
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really? because it looks like a pure JIDF thread to me.

You guys were doing the controlled opposition thing at first but you're slacking now.

There's no one in here but Zionists arguing with anti-Zionists.

Better get back to fake stormfag posting now

It is, Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semitic. You damn fucking well know what I mean by an "ethnic Jew", someone who is born to Jewish parents, stop being a smart ass.
I don't object to being called a Stormfag (although I prefer "Stormfriend" or "correct"). I'm just not from Stormfront. The whole thread is claiming that there's some conspiracy from that forum to get people over here.

>inb4 why are you dumping all those links then, huh Stormfaggot? I'm not the one doing that.

Not the person you responded to, but jews are an ethinc group first and foremost. Athiest jews like Freud are all strongly identified with their jewish heritage and they all buy into the jewish culture
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so what you're saying here is that I'm correct; there is no such thing as a Jewish ethnicity, yes?
>Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semitic

They don't need to be to be an ethnic group you fucking kike
Yeah, I thought about it and realized that Trotsky would do terrible things to the Torah if it meant more power (as would any of the high-ranking Bolsheviks, Jewish or not). I guess my problem is that I find no particular reason to give Jews the benefit of the doubt, especially since I suspect that many of them despise gentiles, and I'm mostly talking about elite or powerful Jews. The average dude of any ethnicity just wants to get through his day.

Jews are divided into separate ethnic groups, Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews, Ethiopian Jews and so on.
They're only historically white if you ignore the fact that White settlers committed genocide against dozens of millions of natives.
did it ever occur to you that you're simply not in on it?

assuming of course that you're actually telling the truth...
>damn it 4chan is onto us...
>better dump some stormfag copypasta into the thread to throw them of the trail!

Ok so you're saying that stormfags attempt to cover their tracks by posting stormfag pasta. That's like saying I tried to cover my tracks after robbing the bank by leaving my wallet behind.

>implying this whole thread isn't JIDF controlled opposition.

How about you refute a single claim made in one of these links instead of calling people names? >>9798066 Because you can't, Zionist.

What is the point of this comment again?


Well, no Bolshevik was retarded enough to request an ethnic Jew to piss on the Torah to prove their alliance to their cause, so that's unlikely. Trotsky was a cunt by the way. And again, innocent until proven guilty.

turk, if the only thing keeping you on /pol/ is the prospect of changing a stormfag's mind with your consistent rationality and reasoning skills, i wish you all the luck. i don't think you'll have much success though.
Well, I don't go to Stormfront, but I have seen no evidence that they're here. Why would they be?

>Oh, let's go talk to a bunch of guys who say nigger and kike on a regular basis about the evils of race-mixing...
lulz touche
>Better get back to fake stormfag posting now

2 posts later

>Stormfront thread
>not a JIDF thread

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>a group is using a public forum to advance their ideals
What's the problem? I mean after all, truth doesn't fear investigation.

>have a unique culture
>can be genetically proven to be jewish
>not an ethnic group
>truth doesn't fear investigation
>Holocaust Denial is a crime in Europe

Must be true!
Well, we fought over the land. They lost, and then we had continued white settlement for hundreds of years. They're free to try and take it back if they can stop drinking mouthwash. Also, given what we did to them, isn't that an argument against diversity and immigration rather than one for it?

>Oh, the last guys who came through butchered all the locals so let's open the flood-gates.

This place has gotten terrible. It's hard to believe how bad it is now compared to when it was /new/
>What is the point of this comment again?

I just got here and thread was tl;dr, I didn't realise I agree with you and not the other person regarding jewish ethnicity, sorry
By this logic, Arab-Muslims and Muslim-Turks deserve every bit of land they violently stole from Christians. Their Genocides committed against numerous non-Muslim populations are also legitimized as well.
JIDF pls leave

The whole americans are hypocrits aregumnet is nonsense; it does nothing to bolter your position.

>other people do bad things so I should be allowed to also

That's what you're saying, correct? You're implying hypocrisy (erroneously) on my part also but when it comes to actually justifying the actions of the Zionist state, your justification is "other people do bad things."

>Zionsm, ladies and gentlemen
jewish ethnicity
>implying the Ashenazim aren't inbred Khazars


your logic is circular and puerile. i can't even believe that someone could be so incapable of recognizing their own hypocrisy and idiocy. at this point, you are clearly trolling.
It's always the same thing in these threads.

OP posts a retarded screenshot of a GOOGLE FUCKING SEARCH but neglects to tell anyone the content of the forums.

Stormfront BANS people who mention 4chan. There have been FOUR FUCKING THREADS over SIX YEARS. Within those threads there were multiple members of stormfront who called us a "lost cause" and "more detrimental to the cause". We are, essentially, neckbeard weaboos in their eyes. They are STILL butthurt over all the DDOS attacks carried out by 4chan on them.

This is just a JIDF attempt to create a non-existant enemy on /pol/ who they can strawman and demonize. This is essentially intended to discredit /pol/ and prevent our discussions from reaching more ears.
People tend to deserve the land they can take and hold.

I support the Zionists.
Because there's always that gullible fucking 15 year old. We're protecting our children. Our younger brother's, from the filth of impure thought and propaganda.

It is our moral imperative to teach them the skill of critical thinking and a fundament of philosophy, so they can think for themselves.

Let this be a lesson for all ye fearmonger's and devilspawn. I will not tolerate indcotrination of my neckbeard's who can't yet grow a beard. We must nurse them with cheetos and catpictures, for we are the Chosen People.
>>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679 >>9798679

Thankfully it's so obvious I'm not even worried. I just like to troll these fuckers to keep them from making new threads.
>implying a religious muslim newspaper is a legitimate source for information about any non-muslim group

getting your news about jews from al arabiya, is like getting your news about muslims from a jewish, israeli settler.
>not JIDF

better? you can just google it yourself, there's a lot more than just one source for this claim.
Truth is like a blinding glaring spotlight. It makes lies instantly obvious.

A word from the jews


>>9794266 (OP) >>9794266 (OP) >>9794266 (OP) >>9794266 (OP)

>>9794281 >>9794281 >>9794281 >>9794281
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Let this be known to thee; Devilspawn, Judas, Jezebel and Moloch, that we will teach them to think for themselves, so that they, our blessed future, will someday see for themselves what evil lies in your words. How proud they will be to continue this tradition of truth and cheetos. No, devilspawn, only their mighty Internet Penis and ridicule awaits thee. So sayeth the prince.
If you want to get real technical, the land belongs to Ahmadinejad and all the other jews from that region. Their claim would be stronger than any other they are the descendants of the original jews from the 13 tribes while the zionists and the rest of the ashkenazi clown car are nothing more than inbred khazars.

For the last time, Ashkenazi Jews descend from the Judean tribes that migrated to Khazaria, then Eastern Europe after its fall and then mixed with Eastern Europeans, not the Khazars themselves.
I'm not one of the spawn of Judas. I carry the holy audiobooks of Critical Thought by bolinda, and History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell.
>StormFront Infiltrated 4chan and Coopted /new/ then /pol

>It's not bad when Jews do it.
>your logic is circular
That wasn't circular reasoning, you're aware of that?
Wait, I'm new to this. Why does this even matter? Why are the Ashkenazim so afraid of being lumped in with Khazars?

>not reading the academic study they were refering to

Why are jews so stupid?
>Implying there are enough Jews to ever do that
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>>9794266 (OP)
Just like how Jews in the entertainment industry who are also in charge of the porn industry and responsible for some human trafficking, presented an image in the media of how women should be and mislead most of western women to believe that slutty looking women were more sexually desireable, and did not inform them that men did not want slutty looking women for long term relationships? Then they had some Jews spread propaganda to bitter betas on the internet to try to convince them that women were subhuman because they were trying to justify their criminal activity and exploitation. It's the Jews' fault that gender relations are down the toilet in the western world, and the family unit is pretty much destroyed.

Stick a screwdriver into your eyesocket, OP, I hate you. You deserve what is being done onto your people now for what your people have done, not just to western society, but to the internet: Jewish entertainment industry wants ACTA/SOPA/PIPA and once you can censor for piracy with DRM/Trusted Computing fully implemented for everyone being on fully jailed computers, you'll use the internet for political censorship, you filthy noob who does not understand the internet, get the fuck out of my internet, and stop trying to make rules about it. You are not only trying to ruin the internet, but you do it all to hide the shit that Israel did to the Palestinians.

You are the scum of the Earth, and I sincerely hope that you die in a fire.
OP you do realize how many white peoples parents went to prison because of the war on drugs right? You know as a white you have to go into a white gang to survive in there right? You know how many kids from broken families come on this board right? its not like stormfront did anything too us, I was a stormfag before I even found this place, and have been just watching it change because its the natural progression. whites and the family are under attack now, only its the new world order doing it, most these people think that means jews but in reality the really high up people who are into are the rothschilds and the british royals, and they worship satan and on record have associations with satanic pedophiles like Jimmy Savile.

Yeah whatever Shabbos goy.
strangely this is the most reasonable thing i've ever heard a stormtard say.



Tinfoil hatters claim that Khazars were Satanists or some shit.
The common trend I'm seeing in these JIDF threads is that Zionists survive by dodging tough questions and samefagging softball questions to make them seem like they're making an effort to answer anything

Btw, I see you guys took my advice and started posting fake stormfags again. Not that it isn't obvious what's really happening here anyway; I just like to see you trying your hardest.
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I love how all these threads are doing is convincing people that JIDF is actually real and that they spread disinformation on /pol/.
I love how everyone assumes OP is a Jew. He couldn't be black, gay, liberal, a woman or just someone who likes to think critically, rather than swallow up propaganda like all the idiotic stormtard cockmouths on here.
Why are we even implying this is true in the first place? Stormfront doesn't have ANY influence or represetation on /pol/ or anywhere else on 4chan. They hate us! We're TOO MODERATE.
to be honest I am not with stormfront anymore because its a divide and conquer scam. I embrace racial realism like jared taylor, but overall would describe myself as a libertarian today who wants liberty for all people and want nothing to do with the rigidity and the authoritarianism that comes with national socialism, or any left wing politics. I am more like a jap, I just want to be left alone with me and my 4 kids.
Ye made a pact with the devil, unwitting fools. It is not through their cunning that the jew has taken your lands, but you stupidity lies at fault. Educate thyself.

It is not the time for petty squabbles about the tone of peoples skin. Together we must stand to further the human race. To become the starchildren our god intended. To that end our loving father created the Black Man; Strong, with endless stamina. The Asian; Smart and Obedient. The Jew; Social and Economical. And the White; for he has Passion and Perseverance.

Children, there is no time to be wasted, Educate thyself.
Regardless of his race or religion, he refuses to think critically as all of these points have been disproven, yet he still refuses to evolve his argument. Instead for the last week he has simply spammed /pol/ and /q/ with the same thread and the threads with the exact same posts.
>not controlled opposition

>implying OP isn't JIDF and this isn't an obvious attempt to make it seem like there is a sotrmfront prescence on /pol/

They're trying to get moot to delete /pol/ because their attempts to curb our anti-Zionist shenanigans have been a total wash. But moot actually sees what's really happening here, so he bans cuck-porn instead.

We're winning this one. Zionist support is fading. Zionists are scrambling to do damage control and silence their opposition. Israel might even end up at the ICC in the near future!
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Anyone who is an obvious shill with an agenda is "JIDF" to us. Get out faggot since you're obviously one of them.
>implying lack of critical thinking is why he keeps posting this nonsense
>not because he's JIDF trying to falsify a stormfag presence on 4chan


More like, we are too extreme for stormfront. Racists have to be cautious. 4chan does not.
>Leading rabbi encourages IDF soldiers to use Palestinian human shields


>Zionists have the moral high ground
THIS...i mean it was funnly when lel RON PAUL 2012!!
But now its getting annoying
so the people dump "holohoax" pasta are JIDF as well?
>falsify a stormfag presence on 4chan
How dumb do you think we are?
>>9798936 was me
>>9799126 you are a gullible fool if you think the Jews haven't manipulated you.

Political correctness is the Jews' fault (look up the Frankfurt School and how it started Cultural Marxism), but it might help /pol/ to know that most of western women really wanted deep down to be seen as good marriage material when they became how they are now, which nobody likes, and the Jews wanted it to justify their hateful attitude about women, which is in their worthless religion.

So they set up what the entertainment industry and press told women about how to act in modern times, and meanwhile created the retarded -ism that feminism is. Women weren't oppressed when they were housewives, most women want that, but because they're so fucking brainwashed, they wouldn't admit it.

Bitter faggots will cling to the kikes' hateful propaganda about the female sex because it emotionally appeals to them because of their emotional baggage from shitty relationships with stupid immature cunts, but the fucking kikes wanted this shit. They sensed the massive amount of butthurt, and they exploited it.

I am glad you see the good in all races, but the Jew is only good at social engineering for his own gains at others' expense and economics that exploit the masses, such as the lending practices of banks where they loan people a huge sum of money that will take them years to pay off and artificially inflate the prices of goods and services by doing so, and then if they can, they take everything away once they miss a payment on something like a house or car and don't return all the money they gave them, because they got fired from their job because companies outsource all the work to foreign countries and illegal immigrants.

Do not accept what the Jew has done.
JIDF pls go

Playball's of human strife;
Educate yourself!
Get to know yourself!
Love yourself, but hate your thoughts, for they are often unclean and unpolished!
But those people aren't organized shills like you are.
>implying you aren't JIDF controlled opposition
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>this zog faggotry again
Too bad no one gives a fuck about what you think tripfag.
No, the hate is pure, if it is justified and righteous.

Stormfags are simply racist, but some people hate the Jews specifically for what they have done, as a cultural group and political movement, to the western world.
>not organized
Where did they get their pasta and image macros from?
Not dumb at all. Evil, yes. Racist, yes. I'm implying you're a crafty little sneak, Zionist. Crafty little sneaks aren't dumb; they're conniving, manipulative, creative, and generally quite intelligent.
...says the JIDF that never looked at stormfront.

Stormfront prunes discussions that venture into territory that Jews don't like, Mr. Jewgoldberginstein Nazi Zionist.
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We already know that you're a bunch of feminazis.

see :>>9794989
>all his point have been disproven
but that's a lie...
>There isn't a human being alive that doesn't have some black african ancestry

There isn't a human alive that doesn't have some basic bacteria ancestry.
In some cases, they got it all from here sometime last year, dumbass. It does not have to be organized for a bunch of people to believe something.
That's a nice rant but let's get to the meat of the matter.
If you don't think I'm dumb then why are you trying to convince me that there are no stormfags on /pol/?

>who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes!
>"I've been going to 4chan for a while now, there's a few different boards that could be good for debating but one that I've found can be really good is Politically Incorrect. Because it is almost completely unmoderated."
Nice job showing there's a shared userbase and they like to debate politics on the politics board.
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Fuck off deep ecology faggot.
But nay; Marxism was not a bad thing! It promised us equality, but it gave them only scraps! They had been too ambitious, for they could not plan economies! But fear not, marxism is more than alive today in china! But also they will fail, for few men cannot be trusted with the wellbeing of the many!

The Second World War came, and the women had to work the factories to provide for their Nation! And the overlords saw this, and thought, ""we have doubled economic production! We are genius!" and so they provided the right!

The Jew is hated, because they wanted acceptance, and work amongst thy european brother's! But they were excluded! and vilified! So they continued what they always did! The thing's that europeans could not! Profiting from loans! But also heaving dung! And burying the dead!
You seem to value what i had to say
>some basic bacteria ancestry

Black culture.

You can grow it in a pitri dish.
Not dumb at all. Evil, yes. Racist, yes. I'm implying you're a crafty little sneak, Zionist. Crafty little sneaks aren't dumb; they're conniving, manipulative, creative, and generally quite intelligent.
>implying it's difficult to open a txt file
>implying it's really hard to highlight something and press control+c
>implying my frail little goy arms could never muster the strength required to then press control+v

Organized in this sense is referring more to the fact that you have schedules for which boards to post in and about which topics at which times. You have specific goals like "try to convince Americans that they should take Palestinians into America" that get pushed until the new agenda comes out and then you push that one. You get paid to troll. Some of you even have ridiculous setups with multiple monitors and fancy switches so you can safely samefag with the click of a button.

What you're seeing on /pol/ lately isn't an organized effort. It's more like a random militia. And what's really sad? You're getting fucked by it. Just look at how many JIDF threads have been hijacked and derailed in the past couple of hours.
>In some cases, they got it all from here sometime last year
>some cases

Nice dodge.
For it to be posted here it had to originate somewhere. People had to create it.

Some jackass didn't wake up one day to find a folder full of pasta and image files magically appear on his hard-drive.
because the only Stormfront pretense I've seen in the past week was this single. solitary. thread. You're being intentionally dishonest. I don't make the mistake of underestimating my enemies. No one thinks JIDF is dumb. We just don't like you.

Only a kike could think up this ironic phrase to reference a feminist with. Nazi party's policy on women was sure as hell not feminist. However, you Jews call everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi.

Funny thing is, Jews also set up Cultural Marxism and modern feminism, in this case deliberately socially engineering it with the media and there being an official party line to it manipulated by the Jews, so that western men would hate western women and just use her for sex and so that western women would hate western men and just use them for making babies, instead of the wholesome relationship that men and women used to have in the western world, where there was mutual respect, but the kikes convinced naive little girls otherwise.

So any female who's looking out for her own best interests and for the best interests of most women and most men and most children in regards to the family unit, and who isn't easily manipulated by kike propaganda, is a feminazi, because she's not helping your agenda, or is harming your agenda by saying what she says. Duly noted, it should be universally taken as a compliment to be insulted by you kikes.
If that's true then logically the same has to be said about these threads as well.
are you implying that it's difficult to find anti-Zionist texts and images on the internet?
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>hurpa durpa only whitey "stormfags" hates jews
>Organized in this sense is referring more to the fact that you have schedules for which boards to post in and about which topics at which times. You have specific goals like "try to convince Americans that they should take Palestinians into America" that get pushed until the new agenda comes out and then you push that one. You get paid to troll. Some of you even have ridiculous setups with multiple monitors and fancy switches so you can safely samefag with the click of a button.

This is what these people honestly believe.

I'm one man with a laptop and a smartphone that posts in his spare time. No one pays me.

The fact is there is shit ton more evidence backing up the existence of your "random militia" then there is of the JIDF crap you're pushing.
Probably from some conspiracy theorist's website somewhere. It's the internet ffs, there are all sorts of websites that were made by conspiracy theorists. You must be extreme noob.
OP is a nigger jew.
>>9794266 (OP)
Reminder to report JIDF threads
>because the only Stormfront pretense I've seen in the past week was this single. solitary. thread.

yeah never mind the daily "holohoax" thread
>no evidence for JIDF

right. Maybe you can link me to the "Crusaders of /pol/" website?
>>9799792 was me.

That's if the holohoaxers are what this fag I was responding to was talking about.
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And source.
Those threads are generally debates and can be interesting no matter which side you're on.

This shit is just transparent trolling.
>Probably from some conspiracy theorist's website somewhere

So you're saying it's just coincidence that the same pasta files get posted over and over again?

All the people making the daily "holohoax" thread just happen to have gone to the same website and saved the same image files.
See the OP there's plenty of links up there.
>implying debates are when someone floods a thread with propagandist infographics and youtube links until it 404s.
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>The fact is there is shit ton more evidence backing up the existence of your "random militia" then there is of the JIDF crap you're pushing.

tfw yesterday I implanted the idea that there was an organized resistance forming in pol in some JIDF circlejerk thread. I beleive you guys were singing a song in Hebrew?

Go ahead. Please. Cite some of this evidence. Apparently there's a shit ton of it.
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For me, I have a file that I add things from these threads to. I tend to use whatever seems to stifle you the most.

>Fact: IDF regularly tortures Palestinian children




>Israel's Top Rabbi: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews



>IDF colonel-rabbi: Rape is permitted in war


>Times of Israel: Jews DO control the media


>Leading rabbi encourages IDF soldiers to use Palestinian human shields


>Israeli use of human shields


Like this! This is the one that gets the least rebuttals. In fact, in the past two days I've posted it at least ten times. Yesterday I spent an entire thread pointing out that the OP was ignoring it.
Are you fucking retarded? 'Feminazi' just means extreme feminist, nothing to do with nazis. Of course you had to go off on your cute little rant about how that term is oppressing you and why men are bad people for disagreeing with you.

Stay clazi, feminazi.
>Those threads are generally debates

Those threads are generally image dumps. Any debate that occurs happens in spite of the people drowning out debate with copypasta not because of them.

They are not designed to foster debate. If they were they would revolve around the discussion of a single topic. Not an entire laundry list of pre-made links and spam that no one poster can argue against successfully due to their shear volume.
And you know what? This is one of the beautiful things about the internet, faggots.

The holohoaxers have a right to their fucking opinion, I despise how holocaust denial is illegal in some countries, because just like the 9/11 truthers, they have a right to have their opinion, even if other people see them as crazy of wrong.

And everyone else has a right to argue with them, so it's completely fair.

The fact the Jews seem scared and want to shut down the holohoaxers makes the rest of us think, what if the Jews are trying to hide something? But it's also possible that due to the Jews' easily offended nature, they are just experiencing such massive butthurt, and think they are entitled to have the whole world just stop for them because they got offended by some conspiracy theorists.

I still want to know Hitler's EXACT kill count. 6,000,000 is too much of a nice even rounded number. Was it rounded up to the nearest million? It could have been. The holocaust may be overstated by some 300 million. HEY SOME OF US WANT TO KNOW: HOW THE NAZIS KILLED THE JEWS, NO TECHNICALLY, HOW THE FUCK THEY MANAGED TO KILL SO GODDAMNED MANY OF THEM??

So while it's sane to take it with a grain of salt, the holohoaxers are always interesting to talk to. 9/11 truthers can be interesting to talk to as well, even though I'm thoroughly skeptical, it can be interesting to watch them present their case and their evidence.
Karl Marx saw what evil was in capitalism! That it was no different from the medieval practise of holy taxing and slavery! Those who had controlled the land, still controlled it! You and most of your countrymen are no better off than serf's if it wasn't for industrialization! Only your shackles have been turned into debt.

Do not pity the woman, for she is shortsighted and not destined for greatness. She is the root of the tree, and ye men are just the leaves! She will someday realize her mistake, once you earn enough spoils to support the both of you. And she will be your wife.
ITT: Anyone who agrees with me is an indepent Anon speaking for the masses
Anyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill working for a sinister shadowy conspiracy
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>due to their shear volume.

So the problem is that Israel commits too many war crimes, right?
>>9794266 (OP)

I wouldnt call it an "infiltration" OP

Sure, much of /pol/ culture originated on stormfront but that is just because many of us browse both forums.

Stormfront will ban you for saying some extreme things so we prefer to say it here.
>>9800000 →
>Stormfront will ban you for saying some extreme things so we prefer to say it here.

What could be so extreme and overly WN that even Stormfront would ban you for saying it?
> I tend to use whatever seems to stifle you the most.

So in your own words you are engaged in an campaign to stifle contrary opinions on this website.

>b-but the JIDF is real guiz I swear!
>It's ok when we do it!!!
>It's evil when the other side does it!!!
The quints were adorably spent, and then what he's saying was adorable is amusing, but you are shitposting to link to it in this thread.
>6 premises in greentext with multiple sources listed under each
>the sheer volume!

Explain why it's ok for Zionist Rabbis to promote rape.

>JIDF trying to convince you that /pol/ is more extreme than stormfront
Now this is quality posting. Thanks for the links, anon. You just successfully offered the redpill.
Oh but didn't you know that criticizing Israel or jews means you are part of swarmfront, whether you know it or not?

Now be honest, how many times have you posted the mantra today goyim?
I just want people to see what they're up against.

To realize that the nice man posting the pasta isn't a nice man at all and has a hidden agenda.

The "red pill" isn't a red pill at all. It's just another blue pill designed to create more dumb foot soldiers.

You're on 4chan and you don't understand what the "implying" means?

I don't even need to click on the link to recognize your bullshit.
Jews in the JIDF and other Jewish advocacy organizations are just mad they can't control /pol/ or any anonymous imageboard. They can't thrive in this chaos because they can't censor or control it and they're too emotionally unstable to handle when people are saying negative things about their group. and out of fear caused by their persecution complex, they feel the need to try to censor and control things everywhere.
my point entirely

and besides I've seen more evidence to support the theory of an organized white nationalist presence on this board then I have of JIDF.

I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't using the exact same tactics they ascribe to their Jewish nemeses.
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Yes. I actively seek out pro-Zionist threads and try to get the posters to explain Israeli war crimes. I troll you guys all day every day. Now you're scared that there's some sort of organized resistance in /pol/. I couldn't be more pleased with this turn of events. I don't pretend to be unbiased. I don't pretend not to have an anti-Zionist agenda.

You however are creating entire threads filled with obvious fakes in order to try to convince people that Stormfront controls 4chan.

The more ridiculous you get, the more I know my tactics are working. And I'm encouraged because I see from today I am not even close to the only one who does this.

tl;dr: yes. at least i'm genuine you conniving little sneak
Yeah, I've noticed. Either they're stupid enough to be immune to irony, or they're sinister and scheming enough that they're exactly what they claim to hate.
I have a better idea.
Why don't you explain to me what exactly the opinions of an Israeli rabbi have to do with veracity of the holocaust.

>lol but the JIDF is REAL guiz I swear!
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Here is an example of someone getting ban& from stormfront.
>it's ok when I do it!
spoken like a true zealot
>In fact, in the past two days I've posted it at least ten times. Yesterday I spent an entire thread pointing out that the OP was ignoring it

Yep, your life buddy !

I love how the nazis that post here are suddenly human rights experts with regards to the Palestinians; any other day you'd be calling them "mudslimes" or something equally derogatory, wouldn't you ?

And no, pointing out this opportunistic faggotry doesn't make me part of some Jewish conspiracy or JIDF; Israel is wrong, has certainly committed war crimes and stolen the land of the Palestinian people and should be taken to task - And that's a position very different from the ridiculous Neo Nazi faggotry and anti-semitism you fags have chosen to indulge in.
the foot-soldiers may be stupid the leaders aren't.
I was just thinking, it's funny how many girls, on the other hand, are fucking used to hearing people talk shit about them, and can just ignore the shit out of it as need be. Because while it might have been unfunny to see so many people seeming to hate women, it's redundant at best to any girl who's an old denizen of the net, and when they start thinking objectively about it, and understand what's going on, they cease to be as angry/hateful.

But Jews are incapable of that. They still have that sense of entitlement to respect and sympathy. They think it's something they can demand from everyone, and they seriously are the ones who wrote shit like ACTA/SOPA/PIPA because they want to be able to censor for piracy and they'd probably love to be able to censor the internet for anything negative said about them because they can't fucking handle it. For this, I despise them.

>some people, if they had a dime for every time in their lives someone said something 'offensive' to them, they would have at least $500,000
>some people are really desensitized, the Jews need to GTFO the internet if they can't handle this shit, not try to change it by censoring it
Judging from >>9800321

it seems

>they're sinister and scheming enough that they're exactly what they claim to hate.

Is exactly correct.

Straight from the serpent's tongue.

copy/pasted for future use. thanks anon.
>Israel is wrong, has certainly committed war crimes and stolen the land of the Palestinian people and should be taken to task

It really bothers me that /pol/ is so batshit insane that I never get to engage in measured reasonable criticism of Israel because I'm too busy arguing with jackasses like that.

> wow Israel is kind of going full retard here
>whoa I don't agree with that and the Palestinians aren't the nicest guys either

also. umad people started using your own tricks against you huh? shit's fucking infuriating aint it?
Did you ever think that maybe some people really believe the propaganda they post, and that's why they post it? Just like 9/11 truthers, holohoaxers are convinced of their conspiracy theories. You apparently have no experience arguing with conspiracy theorists.
/pol/ does kind of encourage that.

It's fun to take the extreme position and yell at people taking the other extreme position.

I have plenty of other forums to post in when I want to be measured and nuanced.
>Did you ever think that maybe some people really believe the propaganda they post, and that's why they post it?

no shit sherlock
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y u so mad, Zionist? It's kind of like if a Palestinian got his hands on a cluster bomb and dropped it in the middle of tel aviv. You don't like the stink of your own shit. Unfortunately for you I don't flush on purpose because I fucking LOVE the smell of mine.

>Zionists want you to think this cartoon is antisemitic.
>the Palestinians aren't the nicest guys either
So, you prove your superiority by doing to them what is called a holocaust? And they should not fight it? !0,000 Palestinians die every time a tube gets thrown over the boarder, and 10% of them are Christians.
link spam is still spam
the problem is I don't want to take the extreme position.

I don't like senseless violence and extremism.
>>9800584 was me.

I'll agree with you, though, that conspiracy theories are more blue pills, even if the people who believe them don't intend them to be that way.

Conspiracy theories tend to distract people from the real conspiracies, which are never quite as fantastic as what the conspiracy theorists imagine.

I've noticed that conspiracy theorists tend to have realized something, such as, the 9/11 truthers realized that 9/11 was used as propaganda for these wars recently and to inspire hate of the muslims, and the holohoaxers noticed that the holocaust was used as propaganda to promote international sympathy for Israel.

While they have this little piece of the truth, they don't know, but they're trying to get in touch with the truth of what happened, so they reach for it, they look for it, they believe conspiracy theories, and very cynical people think up conspiracy theories thinking 'it may as well have been this way'.
I'm not mad, just pointing out your hypocracy.

And why would I think that cartoon is anti-semetic? It avoids the typical anti-semetic tropes and caractures.
bro I'm not from Israel.
I have no control over what they do.
/pol/ is like a superhighway.

There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow lines and roadkill.
Though the evidence in OP and the following post is quite compelling, I remain undecided. One thing is for sure though, this is easily one of the most successful and long-lived trolls of /pol/ ever.

Kudos to OP for at-least pulling that off!
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this poster can't explain why anything in this post is factually incorrect

>it's not a redpill guise
>it's a bluepill|
>footsoldier drones
>Zionists have the moral high ground

true. this has been going on for like a week now.
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>I'm not mad, just pointing out your hypocracy

Please don't ever stop. Your butthurt feeds my soul.
Nobody is oppressing me, because I am smarter than everyone who tries, but you are retarded.

>the fact that the term is for an 'extreme feminist'
>Jews have an agenda and call everyone they don't agree with a Nazi
>actual Nazi policy was not feminist
>so everyone using the term feminazi is stupid
>but to be doing anything but self destructing, the Jews call someone not male a feminazi because it's a convenient way to discredit them

You are either a kike or have no critical thinking skills.
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ITT: dirty conniving sneaks get trolled by dirty conniving sneaks and forget that they're supposed to be posting as fake stormfront
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I only faintly see the grey dots, and the one that is invisible is always the one I'm trying to look at.

>I guess this means I'm sane or that my brain works properly, because it's one of those optical illusion things where the brain plays tricks on itself
huh? What butthurt? Don't go breaking your arm patting yourself on the back there.

Also, that image is a baldfaced lie. The First panel calls all land "Palestinian land" as if it was all owned by Palestinians, while much of the land was unowned, uninhabited, or owned by the government.

It even ignores the land owned by Jews at the time, which it at least includes in the second panel.
Pretty convincing, I actually had to download it to determine it's validity.
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The image defines Palestinian land as land that Palestinians live on.
Aso, it's ironic you assume I'm feminist, because if I got what I wanted, I would see the majority of western women ditch their self-defeating behaviors, and the majority of western men stop hating them, and for the family unit to be restored, as in, men and women go back to having the relationship of mutual love and respect they had in the first half of the 20th centurt. While the gender roles were different, this arrangement showed itself to work for most people.

There has always been outliers to the fact most women want to marry and have kids, but they were more well tolerated a long time ago when society wasn't having this problem it has now where the Jews encouraged the girls to jump on the bandwagon, and they did.

>if it weren't for this shit, I'd just be allowed to become an old maid in peace
>just like I would have 100 years ago
>and nobody would give a single fuck, instead of all the bitching I get now
>because I wouldn't have had a bunch of stupid bitches who had jumped on the fucking bandwagon to screw everything up
Palestinians didn't live on most of that land, so the image is still a blatant lie.
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Zionists can't into logic. Oy vey, the SHEER VOLUME!
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>the more you repeat something the truer it is

tell me more about how Palestine didn't even exist until the 50s.

also, this >>9799973
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>Implying they need to have been recognized as an official country or have official leaders to have rights to their land
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By old maid, I mean a spinster, an old woman who never married. They always existed, but it should never have been seen as an ideal. It'd the outlier who doesn't want to marry who's the only one who could be happy with this lifestyle, 99.99% of women couldn't be happy as the girl who never marries.

Come to think of it, every time I ask the deck of cards, 'who am i' or 'why do I fight with people', I draw this card.

>the game called 'Old Maid'
>Queen of Spades is often used as the 'Old Maid' card, which has no card to match it in a pair
>I'd actually say this is an accurate reading for why so much drama
>every generation has it's Old Maids with no partner to match it, and this is old as dirt

But I really wish western society would go back to how it was before the media and cultural marxism ruined it. I can't play the role of a normal girl who wants partners because I'm the 0.01%, but they can if they stop being naive and misguided, and stop thinking they can ever have promiscuity ever be seen as a good thing, and they can stop treating men like shit and throwing tantrums over little things of no offense, and they can stop being convinced all men are all out to get them all the time, because they aren't.
The Palestinian Arabs as a distinct ethnicity didn't exist until the 50s and 60s. Are you denying that fact too?
So why did they split the Southern part of the Ottonman Empire up? And why did one of those parts become what was know as Mandatory Palestine? Also why did the Ancient Egyptians and Syrians refer to that are as Palestine?
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It's sad, really, the Queen of Spades (in tarot, the Queen of Swords, and by what this suit symbolizes, she can be called the Queen of Logic) is the worst person to have needed to be the Queen of Hearts (Queen of Cups in tarot, and by what this suit symbolizes, she can be called the Queen of Emotions) to solve her problems.

>King of Hearts is the king of an hero, he's suicide king
>interesting predicament the Queen of Spades has
stop agreeing with yourself samefag

Why don't you explain to me what exactly that "anti-zionist" dump has to do with the thread topic.

Oh wait! Absolutely nothing!
It's just a mechanism for you to inject your preferred topic of discussion (teh jews!) into a thread outing your activities in order to derail it!
>And why did one of those parts become what was know as Mandatory Palestine?

Because the Zionists were agitating for the now stateless land to be made into the Jewish State.

> Also why did the Ancient Egyptians and Syrians refer to that are as Palestine?

Presumably due to the Philistines who lived in the area?

I don't believe the term is that old, though, I thought it dated back to Greek/Roman times.
>see by definition Queen of Spades can't be Queen of Hearts, she has no match
>King of Hearts is an hero king, so she can't marry him and be Queen of Hearts
>unless the King of Hearts is also the King of Spades for killing himself by the sword
>then they're both the King and Queen of Hearts and Spades

>but seriously, the Queen of Logic is the worst person to have needed to be the Queen of Emotion because in order to solve her predicament, she would have to talk sense into people who are stuck on stupid due to huge amounts of butthurt and ruled by their emotions, and to do that, she would need to be capable of empathy and delivering things in a way which they would be capable of emotionally accepting, which she isn't, so that's impossible, she is only capable of delivering the truth to them in a manner which to them would cause the largest amount of butthurt because she can really only put things bluntly, Queen of Spades is someone brutally honest and logical, and they aren't logical, so being told in this manner just excaberates their butthurt

Figures as much.

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