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Venezuela devalues its currency by 32% to make up for last year's blowout spending (election year).

Meanwhile, Caracas is now ranked as the 9th most expensive city in the world, up 25 places from last year, due to double digit inflation pushing prices higher and higher, while price controls are making stores empty.

>leftists in charge of wealth
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It's all the fault of America's imperialism
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How could Venezuela realistically change his economy now?

If we send a mail to Chavez, will he turn Vuvuzela into Chile?
No one can help them if they cannot help themselves.
>Not scum

No. New leader must be placed that supports a free market AND does not have a Rothschild owned central bank.
>Not having Rothschild owned central bank
Well they better build an army fast or it will be Libya all over again.
Import asians or whites.
Libya was a people's revolution.
A real one and not the fake ones that communist dictatorships pretend they're backed by.
>A people's revolution thats first action is setting up a central bank
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>People's revolution
>By foreign mercenaries

>Libya was a people's revolution.
it was just a coincidence that libya was going to switch to the gold standard

>stilling bitching about central banks
go back to the 1850s
>stilling pimping gold
go back to the 1950s
Only retards believe in socialism.

My class is full of them.
They were going to switch to the Dinar, currency backed by gold (Libya has A LOT).

Petro dollar is worthless.

Every revolution in history has had foreign fighters.
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>>10055890 (OP)

And the most free economy in the world is Somalia, your point?
The gold standard has been proven to be shit and nobody worth mentioning uses it, get over it.
The problem with Somalia is it's full of niggers.
Somalia is not the most free economy in the world at all, you uneducated leftist.
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Statist pls go.
Proof? Oh right you have a currency based on how much of it is out in the market (fiat currency).

Enjoy your monopoly money.
My monopoly money rules the world.
>Implying Chile isn't blessed by the lord our God
>Implying God blesses Communists.
That doesn't mean it's worth shit.
Gold is.
At least Venezuela isn't the US's bitch
Things are worth what they do, or do you know a fucking thing about how economy works?
Living a life of luxury vs dying in the slums.
Whos the real bitch here?
>>10055890 (OP)
Venezuelanfag here. The devaluation was 46%, from 4,3 to 6,3, get your maths right OP.

Also you don't find $'s at that price, you need to go to the black market and pay 22 vertical moneys per $.
>>10055890 (OP)
If socialism is bad, explain the Scandinavian countries?

>b-but that aint real socialism
What about the capitalist countries?
>b-but that aint real capitalism.

No true scotsman everywhere, if socialism does something good it is not socialism and if capitalism does something bad it is not capitalism.

Socialism transformed the USSR from a peasant society to entering space before the Americans despite the USSR being plagued by two world wars and a civil war.
Cool strawman bro.
>life of luxury
>endless threads about US corruption and societal decline
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Finland and Denmark are both in the top 10 of the most free economies in the world for 2013.

Sweden and Norway are not too far behind.
A poorfag in the USA lives like a king compared to people in Venezuela.

Scandinavian countries have Capitalist market economies with a large welfare state, just like every Western economy.

Capitalism is just private ownership of the means of production, everything else is ancillary.

Now I ain't sayin' he a gold digger
But he ain't messin' with no broke niggas
These countries are still crazy socialist.

They have massive government spending on industries and huge welfare programs.
There is no honor in sucking Hugo's cock.
And the nordic countries, atleast Norway have had the means of production in public hands competing against private owned companies.

It is just in the later years that the government have sold out most of their shares in private companies.
No, they are not "socialist".

You cannot have socialism without banning the private ownership of the means of production.

And the picture already shows the US is about to overtake Sweden in terms of government spending relative to their economy.

hugo soon be dying son
Whats that got to do with the price of tea in china?
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>You cannot have socialism without banning the private ownership of the means of production.

Just another reason why Capitalism is superior.
>And the most free economy in the world is Somalia

Please stop lying. Somalia is another failed Communist state.
Chavez's health is failing, if you want to help Venezuela he might not be the person to influence.
>>10055890 (OP)
Chile has ALOT more non-slavic whites than Venezuela.
That's the explanation, you fucking niggers. It has nothing to do with the economic system.
WHEN will you learn ?

It's all
so real that NATO went in and made sure that the rebels won
lol no its all about Pinochet's reforms that he jammed through despite being universally vilified for killing maybe 3000 commies

I say if killing 3000 commies is all it takes to save your nation and economy from 100 years of stagnation under cult of personality power rule, the price is light by exponential values.
When Pinochet stepped down, the reforms continued. They didn't stop, and they haven't stopped so far.
>>Free economy

Largely defined by whether companies and individuals can take money out of the country, and outsource jobs.

>>Quality of life

Venezuela: 6.089
Chile: 6.789

0.7, which is the difference between the USA and the UK. It should be noted that Ireland has the highest Quality of life index, for some reason.

>>GDP growth rate

Chile: 5.7%
Venezuela: 5.2%

Chile: 248,592mil
Venezuela: 315,893mil

So that part is completely wrong.

>>Murder rate

Venezuela: 45.1 per 100k
Chile: 3.2 per 100k

However, many of the other countries with high murder rates that are capitalist dream lands. Honduras for example, the country with the highest murder rate in the world, has economic 'free zones'.

I don't think socialism has anything to do with this, one way of another.


OP's image is wrong.
>>10055890 (OP)
Scotlands doing fine and it's one of the most socialist countries on the planet.
>killing maybe 3000 commies

We need that here in America. Better make that 30,000 just to be sure.
Stops being a revolution when the vast majority of antagonists are mercenaries hired by foreign powers.
>Largely defined by whether companies and individuals can take money out of the country, and outsource jobs.
No, that is not how it is defined at all.
I give up.
I suggest you go to Africa or Venezuela and convince them of the "miracles" of capitalism, then wait for the results.
>>10055890 (OP)
>dat picture

making an obsured opinion on something due to 1 bad apple example
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>Largely defined by whether companies and individuals can take money out of the country, and outsource jobs.
This is false

>GDP growth
You're using nominal GDP growth because you're ignorant.
Venezuela's real GDP is shrinking because of inflation.
>comparing GDP and not GDP per capita

And lastly

By the way, free economic zones don't turn a country into a bastion of economic freedom. It's the opposite - they are pockets of freedom in an otherwise unfree economy, that is the entire reason why they are needed.
China has had SEZ since the early 80's. That does not make them a free economy, their entire purpose was to restrict capitalism in them.
>>10055890 (OP)
>Just copper

Hm last time I checked the price was high enough that people dig up copper lines to sell here in Sweden.

>Market economy

/pol/ pls
Openly surrounded by trash mobs more like.
0.7 is a massive difference at lower levels. Also, looking at GDP instead of GDP per capita? What part was wrong again? It's like me saying Austria is a richer country than Argentina, and then you pointing out that Argentina has a higher GDP. Fucking Jesus. Honduras, while thinking of and developing economic free zones is rife with corruption. Not economically free at all.

B b but Le Sweden is Le socialist that's what a libtard American on /int/ told me.
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There's a good example of socialism? Show us.
If Venezuela was truly socialist it would be largest and most prosperous and free economy on the planet.

There is no socialism without democracy, just as there is no democracy without socialism
At one point they believed in them. The issue is that Venezuela (and largely South America in general) can only deal in the extremes of fascism or communism staged through military coups.
So you're saying the Venezuelan people repeatedly voting for a socialist who openly espouses socialism, has nationalized the banks, the energy companies and even restaurants and grocery stores in the nation isn't socialist because they don't have democracy?

Talk about circular logic

Exaxctly during the Spanish Civil War 7000 members of the clergy alone were murdered.

B b b but muh bourgeois lefshit intellectuals and Soviet agents disappearing in Chile. God I hate the biased intellectual climate of our time.
Franco was a great man. Under him Spain prospered, sadly he trusted a liar and put in a scum bag of a monarch who proceeded to ruin Spain

>What is voting fraud

So Sweden does socialism right, too bad it doesn't do immigration right.
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for close to 100 years sweden was a free market, the free market propelled it from poverty to the 4th most prosperous economy in the world, socialism has done nothing but impede them.
sweden is rich because of the free market in spite of socialism.
>Libya was a people's revolution.

If you are a real person, holy shit you must be the most naive person on the internet at this very moment in time.

Where's that chart showing Libya having a higher standard of living than Russia while under Gadaffi?

Yeah it "does socialism right" by cutting spending and taxes privitising state assets having for profit schools and hospitals etc.


Admittedly I'm not very keen on Swedish politics, I know people like to and tend to oversimplify things, I was being tongue-in-cheek though.
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How's that privatisation and free market reforms working out for you, Sweden?

I see the long term trend on your growth rates is down.
Good job using nominal GDP once again, retard.

You didn't even learn from your mistakes when you got told earlier in the thread.
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Chile has HALF the population of venezuela.
Chile PPP is around 19.000,

Chile is the most developed latin american country. Is a fucking jike, they were capitalist for 19 years, then 20 years of left, now 6 years of right and they don't give a fuck they just grow.
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Oh, hang on. All of the Nordic countries gradually have become more neoliberal in nature since their heavy left-leaning past days, including extensive privatisation and deregulation.

And how's that working out for all of them? Long-term trend downwards for GDP growth.
>uses nominal GDP
>doesn't even know about the crisis of 1992, clearly visible in the chart
>doesn't know Sweden got out of by liberalization of its economy

What are you talking about nigger the Swedish economy is outperforming all EU countries.
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>nominal GDP again

It's like you can't stop being told.

Faggot. The data is for REAL GDP growth rates. Check yourself if you don't believe me.

Real GDP actually. Check the data from multiple sources. World Bank, CIA, IMF...

The data I posted is for REAL GDP growth rates.
In the eyes of Keynesians and leftists, 10% GDP growth with 8% inflation is better than 5% growth with 1% inflation.
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>>This is false

Then was is economic freedom?

>>You're using nominal GDP growth because you're ignorant

Venezuela has more people. They need more money then Chile to have the same GDP per capita.

You're the one that's ignorant, and you're picking at straws. Venezuela has a higher GDP, and a comparable GDP growth. Deal with it.

>>Venezuela's real GDP is shrinking because of inflation

Venezuela's real GDP growth: 4.2

Chile's: 5.9

Venezuela's inflation has gone down since 1998, when Chevez was elected. Probably as a result of his policies.


That's you, that's how dumb you sound. Socialist policies have nothing to do with Venezuela's murder rate, and you're just going to have to accept that.

>>By the way, free economic zones don't turn a country into a bastion of economic freedom. It's the opposite - they are pockets of freedom in an otherwise unfree economy, that is the entire reason why they are needed.
China has had SEZ since the early 80's. That does not make them a free economy, their entire purpose was to restrict capitalism in them.

So then what's your prescription, and why would that lower the murder rate in Honduras?
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Yes, Venezuela's inflation is down, that's why Caracas is now the 9th most expensive city in the world, and food prices are up 20% from last year.

Good job moron, you figured it out. There is no inflation.

Oh look. Let's include some more countries. These countries were much more left-wing for economics in the past, especially the UK and Canada. Observe how neoliberal economics, deregulation and privatisation have caused REAL GDP growth rates to plummet long-term.

Let me repeat: these are REAL GDP growth rates.
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>h 8

Forgot image.

HHUUURRR advanced economies have falling growth rates as the population ages. Again shithead Sweden is outperforming all the other EU countries. The Swedish economy is growing at a relatively faster rate than other countries at the same level of developement trash.

Of course you are stupid anyone who uses the term "neoliberalism" automatically loses any credibility.
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>including the post-war economic boom that lasted till the mid-70s, until Keynesianism collapsed and was debunked spectacularly
Venezuela has black population and mixed blacks.
Chle has less than 0.1% black population.

That explains why chile is safer than america
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Again full blown retard. There isn't a trand you fool the natural rate of growth falls over time as the population ages capital investement falls and catch up growth ends. That's why we use relative comparisons to determine whether an economy is outperforming.
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The World Bank data on Google Public Data is not real GDP, it's nominal.
It clearly says it is not adjusted for inflation.
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Brazil is the 6th economy,but look at its HDI

Whats wrong BR's?
>Socialism transformed the USSR from a peasant society to entering space before the Americans
you forgot
>at the expense of 50 million russians starving to death or outright being murdered.

You can make one part of a country look great if you divert all recourses to that sector. Hell, North Korea has a nuke program, would you argue that they're doing well?
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Socialist policies.

Brazil has managed zero GDP growth despite massive Keynesian infrastructure spending in preparation for the Olympics and the World Cup.
Instead of the typical boom followed by the post-Olympics bust, they're going bust before them, and will collapse once the whole thing is done.

The pieces are all set.
Have you ever been to a favela?
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>Resorts to using other arguments because you know I'm right

See you then.

BTW, clearly says it is adjusted for inflation.
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>50 million starving to death or outright being murdered

you do realize that no enquiry was ever done into this 50 million figure, right? it's lies perpetrated by the West, and can be disproved by checking population sizes at different times very easily
Socialism doesn't mean more spending cunt

Oh and I forgot population growth declines so potential GDP growth rate falls. That doesn't affect GDP per capita. You are retarded even for by standards of lefshits. Open an economics textbook trash.

The Nordic countries are doing well because they had their socialist crisis the 90's, learned from it, and are now very capitalist based.

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>using the economist, arguably one of the most right-wing pieces of editorial, to support your argument
Are you mentally retarded?

>>0.7 is a massive difference at lower levels

You're making things up to salvage your pathetic assertions. Find something that says that the differences become larger at lower levels.

>>Also, looking at GDP instead of GDP per capita?

Venezuela has a larger population. They need to be more productive to have an equivalent GDP per capita.

At any rate, the OP said that Venezuela had stagnant GDP growth-this wrong. Their GDP will grow, and eventually they'll have a $17k+ GDP per capita.

>>It's like me saying Austria is a richer country than Argentina, and then you pointing out that Argentina has a higher GDP

Austria has a lower population then Argentina. It doesn't have have to be as productive as Argentina does to have the same nominal GDP. It's no wonder they have a higher GDP per capita.

>>Conservative Policy Research and Analysis

But if I were to link to a source that had the word 'Liberal' in the title, you would call me biased.

At any rate, I don't know why you're linking to this site aside to show that you're getting your information after it's been processed for you.
It's funny because Sweden has some policies that would be considered free market radicalism in America.


Everyone agrees public education has been a failure, but some countries are left unable to do anything about it because of muh emotions
Would never go even if I had the chance.
I'll admit the number is debatable, but regardless, the living conditions for people living in the USSR was shit compared to living conditions in the USA at the time.

1 successful government operation does not correlate to a successful country
Are you serious?

They endorsed Obama for president both times
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>if socialism does something good it is not socialism and if capitalism does something bad it is not capitalism.

Actually it's more like "If socialism has done something bad, it's not socialism. If capitalism does something good, it's not capitalism".

This is the part where you start shitting your pants because socialism "just hasn't been tried in the right countries yet".

You didn't address my points here you flamboyant faggot. And do you have to cite any scientific paper that shows that the trend growth rate has declined in those countrie because of "neolineralism" and not exogenous factors like lower population growth etc. If so post them here trash.

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>>Yes, Venezuela's inflation is down

I'm glad you admit it. I'm sad however that you're still trying to spin it.

>>that's why Caracas is now the 9th most expensive city in the world, and food prices are up 20% from last year.

Is this supposed to be a comeback? If anything, it bolsters my argument.

>>Good job moron

>If Venezuela was truly socialist it would be largest and most prosperous and free economy on the planet.

There never has been and never will be a prosperous socialist state. Eventually you run out of other people's money.

>There is no socialism without democracy, just as there is no democracy without socialism

Socialism is not democracy. Socialism is ochlocracy. Socialism is about the mob deciding amongst themselves that they have a right to steal from other people.
Central Bank of Libya
مصرف ليبيا المركزي
Headquarters Tripoli
Established 1956


No sane person would have endorsed McCain.
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Franco was a prick. Under him Spain went from being a totally irrelevant shithole into being still a totally irrelevant shithole.
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>both times
>Still endorsed Obama the second time
>most right-wing

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Oh and faggot look what happens when you compare GDP per capita growth. You can't even make an argument without distorting the truth or use some irrelevant misleading data. Pathetic. You must be that Portuguese lefshit weeaboo shit.
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Sweden's highly progressive tax rates and big social welfare state began in the early 70s, and continued until the crisis of 1992.

After 1992, Scandinavian economies have drastically changed.

Understandable, for them, to make that mistake in the 70s, as Keynesianism was being disproven by real life itself and stagflation basically eliminated its validity, but they saw reason soon enough, unlike Southern Europe.

I'm not even sure why some idiot brought up Sweden - or even worse, that other idiot who wanted to compare Keynesian capitalism of the post-WW2 era to modern Neoclassical economic thought, as if it has any relation to the thread's subject.

People starving to death was a yearly event in Russia. It was one of the reasons they went socialist; they were tired of starving to death.

Slowly but surely, they adopted new agricultural practices and by the 60's and 70's, there was no mass starvation.

Nothing is perfect, and that includes Socialism. No matter how much they wanted to prevent the starvations, they couldn't. This isn't to say that Stalin didn't use them for political purposes, but the USSR didn't create them intentionally.

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