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Right wing terrorists on the rise


>but but muh guns
As a swissfag, This really warms my heart. To arms, my american brothers. Revenge those killed by your government. Avenge those at ruby ridge and WACO.
>the center points to terrorists who "glory the constitution, cherish the bill of rights and generally oppose governmental encroachment"

So leftists are fascists and right wingers are freedom fighters with strong principles? What's new?
>southern poverty law center

Nobody should be paying any attention to these leftist kikes.
>these "right wing terrorists"
>wanting to defend constitutional rights


As a democrat, it feels bad having to vote republican just to keep this shit. Itt should be common sense to try and uphold civil liberties but nooooo
I'm noticing a trend. More and more people are leaning toward conservatism and libertarianism as mainstream leftists continue to promote fascist policies.
What the fuck.
People who honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights are "Terrorists" now?
This is an outrage! How dare the government slander the very people who love our country enough to stand up for its most cherished principles.

These people will answer one day.
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There's going to be a massive, and i mean MASSIVE fucking false flag soon

Probably bigger than 9/11

Also probably involving the hoover dam

After that, the US shuts down completely and WW3 starts

Mark my words
At this rate it's only a matter of time before the democrats and republicans switch again.
>>10922902 (OP)
So to be a patriot is consider terrorism, whelp. That tree of freedom ain't going to water itself.
They aren't leftists anymore.

I know no sane socialist that's for gun control and bailouts.
Deus Ex wasn't supposed to be a prophecy.
>these "right wing terrorists"

People want and say all sorts of things. Adults with memories are often concerned about these types of groups, not often the body but the more dangerous elements. The most significant terrorism the US has faced in recent history has been from domestic whites in 'militia' (etc) groups.
>>10922902 (OP)
This will be how they justify the coming drone strikes..

Prepare your anus America.
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well said
post them
The militia movement was actually very peaceful, fuck you.
>>10922902 (OP)
Goddamned liberals, gays, and cultural marxists. I need to stock up on hamburger meat, buns, cheese and ammunition.
Uh... do you think timothy mcveigh was a patriot?
You really should get on killing yourself. You're wasting time shilling.
>>10922902 (OP)
why is it then that the mass shooters in the USA are always liberals?
They were racists with guns, only by shining a righteous light on them did we prevent another holocaust.
Not familiar with the fellow. So I am going to say no.
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You laugh now

You will cry later on
Stupid, they're whatever the government needs at that moment. Jesus, I can't be the only one paying attention.
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>They were racists with guns

>implying black panthers
>implying michigan militia

There is nothing better in my memory than the old news clipping I read about black panthers protesting in california at a political center, all holding up their shotguns and rifles. A governemnt that knows it can't easily oppress its people is a good one.
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why do liberal gun grabber nuts want women to die?
shouldn't a woman have a gun to protect herself from her attacker?
pic related
the government calls them terrorists
the people call them patriots
Who said I was laughing? Possibly laughing with joy when the moment is before us. This heinous world can't burn fucking fast enough for my liking. I'm tired of swimming in excrement day in, day out.
> killed ATF

yes. If he only killed ATF, I'd be happy. ATF are some of the biggest scumbags ever. Look at waco and recent gunrunning
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>The Year of Our Lord 2013
>Responding to SRS threads

Nei takk.
Mainly it was. You are dealing with a large number of peaceful citizens often leading simplified lives.

Then you have seperatist elements - nothing wrong with that, anti-federal stuff - nothing really wrong with that. But pretty soon you are banging up against the law.

The whole loose collage includes a minority of white nationalists, segregationists, white organized crime groups.
How do I go about joining them?
>The most significant terrorism the US has faced in recent history has been from domestic whites in 'militia' (etc) groups.
What about that whole twin towers thing?
Except guns don't actually reduce crime.
I was kidding. The reference to the holocaust should have been a hint.

540 area? First Virginia Resistance. Look for our posters. They'll be going up soon.
Every movement has its fuckwits bro. Look at MLK and what occupy has become.
Interesting. I'm in a neighboring state, I'll look into it.
>white nationalists, segregationists, white organized crime groups.
1 of two things is happening here: either you literally only know about this subject what the government has told you about it and are fucktarded (far less likely, given where you are) or you're a government shill - in which case, your suicide ain't gonna commit itself. Get busy.
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No really, it was.

Times were obviously very different and people liked bombing stuff far more than they do now. Using explosives on other Americans is now considered a no-no, because of the Islamic terrorism.

It used to be far more popular.

They don't, but they don't increase crime levels, either.

Unless you count suicide as a crime.

Good luck finding us online. We're only going by face to face contact. It's too risky otherwise.
>ITT everyone implying the worst acts of terrorism in this countries history haven't been TO THE ACT false flags committed by the government
I would say I was ashamed, /pol/, if I didn't already suspect everyone doing this was a shill.
All the government did was make the US citizens hate Jihadists. Now we are supposed to love them. Something seems odd.
Oh, alright, that's smart I suppose. The next time I'm in Virginia, I'll keep an eye out.
You can get mad about it all you want. It won't make you right. Look up the actual statistics, then ask yourself why America, a country OBSESSED with firearms has such a ridiculous homicide rate in relation to other 'commie' European countries.
yes they do. stop puking back liberal bullshit

Myth: Guns are not a good deterrent to crime

Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year or 6,849 every day. Often the gun is never fired and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.

see for yourself
The 'militia' groups in the 1990s especially were very politically diverse, with different people and groups of people with differing attitudes to racial integration, states rights, the use of firearms, the use of firearms and explosives, the commission of crime in order to raise funds.

They were broadly inclusive and hospitable collections of people for the most part.
What did you get this propaganda?
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...because blacks?

The white homicide rate isn't that bad.
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>Southern Poverty Law Center

Had me until there.
They increase gun crime, obviously. And it's easier to kill with guns than just about anything else. Be obsessed with your little bang-bang toys all you want, but don't lie about the effects of everyone sharing your obsession.

Or indeed in Soviet-era Afghanistan.

It is as always a marriage of convenience, less of interest is who people are than what they can do for you now.
As a czechfag, it's not the guns.

It's the culture. Americans are people that are more obsessed with punctuality than germans. They are taught that if they're not the best; they're the worst. If you aren't perfect, you're inferior.

The impersonal nature of the people t each other is great, too. The government "accidentally" kills dozens a week, and don't act in the best favor of americans.

Those two LAPD cops that magdumped into the old ladie's truck? they should have been tried for attempted murder. If cops murder incorrectly, they should be executed.
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>Guns increase gun crime

Drugs increase drug crime.

See how this is a dumb argument?
You're an idiot. Guns have been proven to reduce violent crime.

>inb4 you post some bullshit chart that includes suicides in a 'gun deaths' graph
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anyone else get the feel that another false flag is imminent?

captcha governors ethnicc
>They increase gun crime
Well no shit. If we were to theoretically remove guns from the streets, all other forms of crime would increase.

I'd rather be shot than tazed or stabbed. Being tazed is the worst feeling I've felt in my entire life.
Google is your friend.

1: follow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#By_country
2: Click on 'rate'
3: Look for United States
4: Notice Niger is lower
5: Cry.
>>10922902 (OP)
Do't forget

>be expected to work 60 hours a week, no holidays

Americans snap because of all the work they fucking do.
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Bless you Swissbro. Were the last ones armed in the first world. Never give in.
There are actual African countries with lower homicide rates. Go look for yourself. And this is AFTER, mind you, you take into account the fact that America has being lying about it's crime stats for YEARS to make them look lower.
>>10922902 (OP)
>No comment section

Anti-gun propaganda.
>buddy works for homeland security
>looking over some of the literature his bosses gave him
>domestic terrorists: sovereign citizens
>violent radical extremists who blow up things and murder people while quoting the letter of the law and refusing to obey police

That was a real what the fuck moment for me. I had heard about the sovereign citizen movement for years and thought it was an elaborate internet hoax because of how ineffective it seemed and how other movements constantly made fun of them. The most radical thing I ever heard they did was tell a judge that they arent CAPS LOCK NAME and refused to pay some parking tickets. Turns out they were building nuclear bombs and murdering people all this time! It's hilarious and scary how the government can just brazenly classify whole groups of people now and paint them as some sort of serious terrorist organization when in reality, all they ever do is sit around discussing 19th century definitions of legal terms and threaten to not pay taxes and fines.
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blaming a gun for crime?
like blaming spoons because you are fat
matches cause arson
beer causes drunk drivers
>citation needed
No. All your argument reveals is that drug laws need enforced more effectively and that guns need removed from society. Good fail there.
Not him, but:

>Guns have been proven to reduce violent crime.

There is plenty of meat on that bone.

I don't know how you figure anyway. Crime stats are as cooked as a crispy roasted duck.
It's the drug war, coming from a canadian.

Shit, we don't even have a registration and our crime rate is low. Americans are not taught to be part of a collective, but to be 100% individuals (which means more violence, but violence isn't always bad) so rates increase there.
Guns have been proven to reduce the violent crime that they cause?
fuk u
The drug war, the vast majority of gun deaths are intercity street gangs in cities with the strictest gun laws.
>The most significant terrorism the US has faced in recent history has been from domestic whites in 'militia' (etc) groups.

Such as?
There are black people who live in Africa.

Most of America's black population are filthy niggers.


Homicide: 48.2 per 100,000


82.7% Black or African American;

Fight for your rights american! They already have tried taking them here, and the barely lost with a 40-60% vote.
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Someone needs to list SPLC as a hate group to troll them
>All your argument reveals is that drug laws need enforced more effectively
How? IF anything, more drugs should be legal to bankrupt the cartels.
Whether or not guns reduce crime does anyone have proof that gun control reduces crime?
What makes drugs inherently bad? You don't like them?

Things should be a crime if you don't like them?
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Hey liberals
watch these guns
they are about to commit a crime

I went to the talk page and laughed instead of crying.

Nice try, though.
>Would rather be killed than tazed
And that's one voice we can ignore in this debate.
They had decades of this crap. People liked to bomb their fellow citizens a lot more in years gone past.

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We are, the media ignores us.
>>10922902 (OP)
pick one
Anyone who dislikes the government is considered a terrorist by them. You don't even have to actually do anything.
Never been tazed have you?

I remember when my friend was cut up by a chinaman, fucking chinks. His back was tore open, flesh gobbed down, and I was just happy they didn't get his face.

I'd rather die than be in extra-excruciating pain.
>You don't even have to actually do anything.
you have to dislike the governemnt. Which is apparently evil nowadays
ITT: Gun-fellators blame literally everything they can think of for gun crime except the proliferation of guns.

This shit is fucking hilarious. It'd be like if we had constant nuclear war and everyone just blamed it on bad harvests or civil rights.
Crime stats are usually pretty suspicious, India think they have about 1.6m crimes a year. That sounds a bit short of the mark.

Homicide rates are pretty high throughout the American continent.
>guns cause violent crime

am I being rused?
>>10922902 (OP)
silly OP, niglets don't go to heaven.
>Is 16
>Doesn't read the news
Do you have a real source other than a carefully constructed wikipedia article that poisons the well?

In the past 5 years, what evil domestic terrorist incidents have occured, perpetuated by white americans on government officials or civilian populations.

An individual citizen killing someone that pissed them off or while robbing them is not a fucking terrorist activity. Nor are hoaxes started, funded, and pushed by the fbi or cia counted as such by anyone but the government.
How come chicago's crime rate isn't low?
The nuke fallacy. That took long enough.
Fail. Cars aren't designed to kill people.
>for gun crime

goalposts: moved
>Cars aren't designed to kill people.
Neither is my mossberg 500. It's designed to hunt with.

Both items can be used to kill with ease.
For all you retards claiming the drug war is responsible for all the gun violence, you retards have it precisely backwards - gun proliferation in America is actually making the cartels in Mexico MUCH worse - not the other way around. Fucking look it up.
Yet they do. Odd.
Cars are used to kill almost more than double the amount of people than guns (minus suicide) in the US.

Just because they're not designed to kill people, means they're fine and dandy?

If I made a car that explode upon ignition and it killed a million people would you say, "well this car isn't dangerous since it's not MADE to kill people!"

If you're dead, you don't care either way, you're fucking dead. Intent means nothing.
Get over yourself. Repeal the 2nd amendment.

So? If human life is so precious then you'd support car restrictions in the same vein as guns.
>>10922902 (OP)

>implying an object is only ever used as intended
Yeah, it's not like sending the DEA to shootouts with Mexican cartel members gives them a reason to be better armed and more dangerous...

oh wait
DEA are scumbags, I hope those cartels are armed nicely.
Have you seen the tech ware those bastards get? That ain't the semi auto bubba rifle that you get from academy. You tell me where in America can I get a full auto AK with armor piercing rounds?
You obviously can't have gun crimes without guns. So I asked you if you mean that increased gun ownership decreases the amount of gun crime that guns cause.
>poisons the well

What are you talking about?

Do I have a 'real source' which collates all domestic terrorism committed by 'whites' in the US in recent history?

>recent history
>5 years

So no real Mustapha action in the last 5 years either, then?
What's hilarious is that America really has had domestic terrorism - it's just that it came mostly from the left. Weather Underground, etc. And look how severely Bill Ayers got punished for that:


Oh wait, that's right. They're only terrorists if they're not left-wing and they're doing ain't shit. God bless Burgerworld.
>armor piercing rounds?
Britain said the same thing. Criminals switch to knife, soon British will have a knife problem like their gun problem.
I think we can safely disregard the opinion of someone who thinks that it's better for people to die than experience momentary pain.
With extreme amounts of red tape

Automatic weapons are legal in the US too with a shit ton of red tape
Only avaible to law enforcement agency.
Shit law enforcement, as with every metropolitan area, obviously. Not to mention the fact that guns are ridiculously easy to acquire in gun-flooded America.
>than experience momentary pain.
Have you ever felt such pain? It's not fun.

As another anon, My uncle was shot with a shotgun to his gut. Somehow lived, but he begged for a mercy killing. Now, with his gut all fucked up, he plans on blowing his brains out if it ever gets too bad.
Gun crime is actually rising lately. Illegal guns are still out there.
>tfw no one ever cares about czechbros
muh guns ;_;
Why is it a fallacy? Because you don't like it? It's an excellent analogy because it's the same phenomenon: weapon proliferation. That never makes any situation safer. But if you think guns are toys for adult children, you'll claim they do. Facts be damned.
>Plans to

Well considering your uncle hasn't killed himself yet, he seems to prefer living to dying

[Citation needed]
Here's what we do then. Everyone caught in possession of a gun in chicago is publicly executed. They shall have all limbs removed tos how a point.

Not trying to be edgy, but that'd work.
Still designed to kill living MAMMALS, fucktard. Don't be artificially dense. You're dense enough naturally.
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Doesn't look like guns cause crime if you see this chart.
You a cechbro? there was already a post by a czechfriend here.
>>10922902 (OP)
According to SPLC you are probably a terrorist if you have ever said the word nigger or faggot.
Oh, I could have just said violent crime in general and still been right.
The same could be said about any knife.

I use my combat knife and guns as protection from large animals in the woods, why should I not be allowed to do this?
Why are some states not labelled?
except in Britain, where guns are almost outlawed, there's rising violent crime

and i the US, where there's plenty of guns, there's falling violent crime

ND masterrace
>ITT obvious SRS shitposting
god bless them

I wish them the best of luck
Not enough room.
I think it'd be impossible to read the chart then
>>10922902 (OP)

The psyops of the West and East are telling the same narrative.
>RT: DHS civil war trapwire be afraaaaid
>CNN: Gun toters are the new terrorizers!

Shit is FUCKED
This isn't SRS

After aurora, we were flooded with fascists known as liberals.
1: Ban alcohol - Enforce the law
2: Make driver's licenses MUCH more difficult to acquire so ONLY non-retards can drive. Frankly, most people on the roads nowadays belong no where fucking NEAR a vehicle.
I absolutely do. I've been saying for years that most people on the road should have their licenses taken away. I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd agree.
Here's an idea.

If you wish to drive or own a car, you must sign a waiver saying you will never drink. Breaking the contract results in a 100K fine and 15 years imprisonment.
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Don't know how accurate this is, but...

It is not asking much.
one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
How come no one is actively advocating this, then?

Because no one but you actually values human life. No one advocating gun control gives a shit about human life.
>gun deaths
>includes police killing, lawful killings, accidents, and suicides

I can't see that chart because I was shot in the face with a gun.
"Gun deaths" includes suicides.

I also don't see DC on that list.
Deal with it, bitch nigga.
Except it's much more difficult to kill with a knife then a gun. You're only proving MY point, not yours. There's a reason guns are referred to as the great equalizer - they make killing easier.
>>10922902 (OP)

>Most radical left accusing nationalists of being terrorists.
>Somebody still believes this shit.
in the 1960's bombs were from leftists....some of those 'rerrorists are obama's close friends today.

btw splc is jew commie anti american fbi terror gestapo unit.of traitors guilty of treason.
>gun deaths
>includes deaths

You could make yourself useful and post the graph where the state names have not been helpfully omitted.
>"There has been an 11 per cent fall in gun crime since 2005 and provisional figures for firearm offences recorded by the police show they account for 0.2 per cent of all recorded crime.

So after 1998, it rose a lot. Then around 2005 it peaked, and since then, it's been falling.
>they make killing easier.
That's a good thing.

In a world with no guns, only the strongest brutes would rule.

And as someone who's father came from the USSR, all you're doing is asking the government to kill you better by asking for gun control.
Then I'm the world's most powerful terrorist, since I say nigger and faggot like I have Tourette's.
Intentional gun homicides are more much more informative than a gun deaths chart. I, personally, have nothing wrong with suicide, and via frearm it's very easy to kill yourself, thankfully.
titling the article 'DOMESTITC TERRORISMS IN TEH UUESSAH' is poisoning the well. It forces the reader to believe that there is a domestic terrorism problem in the united states and creates a bias.

So where's those sources? Where are the links to articles and summaries? Don't just drop some names and duck out after being called on your bullshit. Come on, explain to me how evil white right wingers are destroying obama's utopia. We don't need your sass or your lip, just post some real fucking links.
Exactly, it is mild disinformation. Like >>10924756

You cannot put a price on straight (lol) stats
>>10922902 (OP)
>taking the SPLC seriously
Most sane people get a plaque made when the SPLC calls them a racist/bigot/nazi.

They're a joke.
>all you're doing is asking the government to kill you better by asking for gun control.

Right on the spot, you all should see this:
>yeah just look at those african countries
They don't keep accurate statistics, so how can you make a comparison?
A fallacy is still fallacy. A nuke is something no civilian could afford. It a nation effort to build a nuke. In America there wasn't increased of weaponry that happened but a decay in morals as weapon have being label as dangerous freedom rather than civic responsibility by a generation that sought responsibility as something that didn't belong in the future. As some may say your rights end where my feelings begin.
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US stats are a lie, as indicated earlier. And Britain...well:


Unless they're lying also. Still, that's a pretty significant DROP-OFF. Note: NOT increase.

Also, when did UK ban guns?


That's PRETTY DAMN CLOSE to the peak of the chart.


remember this? Oh? You've never even heard about it? Color me surprised, it doesn't fit the narrative. The wikipedia link for it is scrubbed pretty hard and makes it sound not as bad as it really was and it's still being scrubbed. Why the fuck does an article on a 1973 murder spree being edited in 2012?
>US stats are a lie

Yes, I'm going to discredit every police office in the US and their reported violent crime stats, because I say they're lying. And I provide no proof.

That's how dumb you sound.
surely the problem is guns and not the horrific totalitarian oligarchic clusterfuck we're in

No, because politics in the US is mostly retarded adult children bickering over rights to their favourite toys. With cons it's guns, with libs, it's their pet protected groups.
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Wonder how the guns are getting into the country in the first place.
>It forces the reader to believe that there is

Most of the incidents were in previous decades. The article is not suggesting anything currently, it is almost all old stuff. You would know this if you even skimmed it.

You just read the top of the page and gave up.

>So where's those sources?

You want a collation of white domestic terrorism in the US. Maybe the library?

This is pointless anyway. Anybody so unaware of recent history that they don't yet have an even cursory understanding of domestic terrorism in recent times probably lives in a commune. This was an international problem, everywhere, constantly, for decades. And you say "Source?"

>destroying obama's utopia

Now what are you talking about.
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>2011 year of our lord and Savior +2

> citing Southern Poverty law center, a known Black hate group

>invoking race when this issue is soley about government corruption, and not race.

Stay buttdevestated Libruls
>They don't keep accurate statistics
>how can you make a comparison?

Compare the crooked stats in Africa to the crooked stats in the US, the n adjust for the relative crookedness.
>That's a good thing.
Only if you hate life.
>In a world with no guns, only the strongest brutes would rule.
In a world WITH guns only the strongest WEAPONS rule. Weapons tend to beat fists. And that tends to get much bloodier.
>And as someone who's father came from the USSR, all you're doing is asking the government to kill you better by asking for gun control.
>If we don't let guns proliferate out of control then we'll all be forced into communism
Simple solution for that: Remove matzo.

Spit some african numbers, then.

You still haven't shown me any sources, just playing off confirmation bias.

intern day art JIDF HQ?
It's the exact same problem. Just inflated to a larger scale. Plebeian please.
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>crooked us stats
my sides.

you do realize most people use the fbi crime victim reports, which gets its info directly from the VICTIMS of the crime?

corruption factors less into us stats than any other nation
>If we don't let guns proliferate out of control then we'll all be forced into communism

If anything, we're heading to fascism.

I will only agree with gun control if our military and politicians disarm themselves first. Do as you say and all.
>I say they're lying.
Um not me, buddy. Seriously. Everyone on /pol/ is a fucking teenager now, aren't they? This shit was in the news only a few years ago. How am I literally the only person on /pol/ who knows this shit?


Fucking knock yourselves out.
>Repeal the 2nd amendment
>Repeal one of the 10 original rights in the bill of rights

I dun think so

fuck off american.
>reported violent crime stats

The vast majority of crimes in the US are not added to the national crime statistics without an arrest being made.

>"The Part II offenses, for which only arrest data are collected, are:

Other assaults (simple),Forgery and counterfeiting,Fraud,Embezzlement,Stolen property: buying, receiving, possessing,Vandalism,Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc.,Prostitution and commercialized vice,Sex offenses (except forcible rape, prostitution, and commercialized vice),Drug abuse violations,Gambling,Offenses against the family and children,Driving under the influence,Liquor laws,Drunkenness,Disorderly conduct,Vagrancy,All other offenses,Suspicion,Curfew and loitering laws.

>No arrest, no stat.

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>the center points to terrorists who "glory the constitution, cherish the bill of rights and generally oppose governmental encroachment"
>I will only agree with gun control if our military and politicians disarm themselves first. Do as you say and all.

>yurofags trusting their governments
It's going to be funny in 10-20 years when you're just as infested by niggers and shitskins as the US, but have no guns to defend yourselves with.
Why are you so willing to give up your rights? You do know they're the one thing stopping the government from busting down your door and killing you, if you say one thing that goes against the government, right?
notice how the center never points out zionist terror
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>You still haven't shown me any sources

I showed you a source. You took offence that it called terrorism terrorism, and then you failed to even skim it. Or maybe you did, then immediately forgot.

Maybe try an adult you know.

Then you started talking about Obama. I do not know what the fuck that was about.
Oh booh hooh muh gubment so ebil ;_;

yes, the euros should be the ones discussing which rights are necessary for americans

fucking kill yourself you statist piece of shit, theres a reason you get arrested for saying nigger on twitter in europe
well we are on the internet. Clearly you are capable of linking a heavily vetted wikipedia article. How about linking some other websites that report the news? fox, cnn, msmbc, they all have websites where stories can be linked to and from. If domestic terrorism is such a real and present danger like you claim, you should be able to shit out 10 different stories in less than 5 minutes. But no, here we are still running in circles, where I call you out on your bullshit and you just call me names and imply implications.
>I will only agree with gun control if our military and politicians disarm themselves first. Do as you say and all.
I have some bad news for you gunnuts - a people who wants their own military and police disarmed becaues they don't trust them is a society that's already dead. Funny, how most of you are so proud of Murrica. Your very beliefs are an admission of the fallen state of the very thing you're proud of.
just leave faggot
Can we plot one that shows gun ownership and gun crime?
How can more guns cause more deaths if the us murder rate is the lowest it's been since 1961?
>suicide with a gun is reported as a gun crime
Already have gun ownership vs murders here:
>a people who wants their own military and police disarmed becaues they don't trust them is a society that's already dead

It's not that, but disarming the people but keeping the government armed leads to totalitarianism. They'll get corrupt, they'll realize they can do anything they want to their citizens with no repercussions, and now we're living in 1984.
Yet, the same can be apply to trusting the gov't and the military to be a force of good. Good intention pave the way to hell.
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Something like that?


Yeah, because you know suicide is a crime, but the government did not found a way to punish you for that yet, they feel bad about the taxes you will not pay ...
>They'll get corrupt

When they want to take guns, they are all corrupt and they are desperate to do it before shit hits the fan or they will be screwed.
Again, a society comprised of decent people to begin with wouldn't fear their military or law enforcement or government. Again, you're living in an undead society. America is a man who's been fatally shot and not yet realized he's dead.
>society comprised of decent people to begin with wouldn't fear their military or law enforcement or government.
Decent people can turn evil.

Never forget this.
>well we are on the internet.

Google for yourself.

>If domestic terrorism is such a real and present danger like you claim

Now you are inventing things again. When did I say this?

>here we are still running in circles

No, you just won't read and do not seem to know anything. If these are news to you then you are probably up past your bed time.


>all dem murders with non-gun items

Told you guys, it's just the violent culture, not guns.
>Good intention pave the way to hell.
That's just something evil people say. The good intentions of the wicked are still going to lead to wickedness because they don't know what good actually looks like.
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Common sense gun laws now!
I got one word for you. Communism.
>Can we plot one

Yeah why not.

>gun crime

Pick different. Plus the state names are removed, that is no use.
>I got one word for you. fascism

>Again, a society comprised of decent people to begin with wouldn't fear their military or law enforcement or government.

A society can be corrupted by the government itself:


A society by itself alone never becomes corrupt, some elements inside it corrupt it.
>gun crime
>gun homicides

Not the same thing. Where are the stats when you need them?
It's happened all throughout the 20th century

How can you be so ignorant?
>How can you be so ignorant?

He was born in 2001 and is twelve.
Not really. That whole 'power corrupts' nonsense is just that. Most people think everyone is good (they're not) - their measure of wickedness simply isn't noticable until they achieve power over others. Then the mask drops. Good people tend not to abuse power. They're simply a rare demographic. Most of the World is evil. It's why the Earth has become such shit.
>Most of the World is evil.

The 80% of the population who is neutral fell for the fast talking forked tongues:

Comparing murders is better. It doesn't leave out a bunch of deaths to make certain states look better.
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>>10922902 (OP)
>right wing terrorists on the rise

Left Libertarian here, down with the corrupt State!

Liberty and Justice for All!
I don't get how your comment is related to mine. I think your "GUNS R FUN!! DERP COMMIES BAD MURRICA FUCK YEAH!!" mentality is causing you to short-circuit.
>Comparing murders is better.

It omits the vast majority of crime, plus it is distorted by differences in response times and the quality of emergency medical care.
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How about gun crimes in britain?
Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. If you want to see this take place take a look at the "banana" republics. As those good people got into power and allow that same power to turn them into the same oppressors they once fought.
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>As those good people got into power and allow that same power to turn them into the same oppressors they once fought.

Fidel Castro for starters.
thumbnail looked like 2 flaccid uncut dicks.
God you're one dense person. Communism started with good intentions and end up creating more misery than it try to cure.
You're wrong. You just don't understand that you are. There is one factor that determines the quality of a person on the scale of good to evil. And that factor is the moral compass. Is it internal or external and what direction does it face? Most people have an internal moral compass, which makes them absolute garbage which will follow literally any philosophy that is most common. That's why you can have entire countries belonging to the same religion, which obviously isn't logical. Truly good people are a truly rare commodity. But an effective human government tends to weed out the worst elements of the species. Humanity hasn't seen sane governmental forms for centuries now, on the whole. The governments we have now reward wickedness - this is an abberation in human history. It didn't used to be like this. Hell, it didn't even used to be like this in America. That should tell you how recent this trend of retard-government is. But most people are simply too ignorant of history to know this. You can't be evil and emperor or king without crumbling your empire. This sort of shit requires good judgement. Modern Republics are necessarily bureaucracies which is the ONLY reason they last as long as they do - not because they are good, but because bureaucracies resist change and are therefore more stable. They're also the only forms of governments that are GUARANTEED to fail eventually. They just short-circuit the process to produce a different curve than other governmental systems.
but isn't the whole argument that more guns equals more deaths? Obviously you need to compare the gun ownership vs the murder rate to see if that is true.
When they build a tunnel under the Atlantic - maybe.
Most terrorist actions in this country were done by puerto rican nationalists seeking independence.
I used a gun 500 times. Nothing or noone died. Go ahead and try to argue that I 'misused' the gun.
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don't fergit th kola
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>Taking the SPLC seriously
the whole argument started because some yuro said america has more violent crime because of our gun laws
>but isn't the whole argument that more guns equals more deaths?

No, although the firearm murders are the headline grabbers.

Most people survive getting shot, around 90%. Emergency medical care is very good at dealing with gunshot injuries. Even a head shot gives you a roughly 5% chance of survival.
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go on...
I believe the problem in your comprehension is our varying definitions of 'decent people'.
>>10922902 (OP)
I'm not going over 200 posts but just letting you know OP that the SPLA is a troll organisation headed by SRS/Redshit. There are proven ties and hidden agendas linking the organisation back to SRS.

They're literally trolling the entire Internet.

>in b4 sause

Use Google you dumb fucks.

Follow the link I posted and get to the rabbit hole, your past is boring.


That's a german project.
>southern poverty law center
>a pack of lying, twisted authoritarian anti-whites

pick both
>I believe the problem in your comprehension is our varying definitions of 'decent people'.

There's only one definition. Moral relativism upon us, faggot? Fuck off!
Actually, communism started with jews and White Peoples' CONSTANT refusal to eliminate the pests.
>obvious SRS pretending /pol/ to discredit arguments against SRS

I'm glad you guys stand out like glowsticks at night. It makes our job much easier.


So who's lying? Because obviously someone is.
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>>10922902 (OP)
>SPLC in charge of unbiased political commentary
I think you and I would have different views on who is good.
>Because obviously someone is.

The guy who says stats are lies but is completely unable to back his claim. My claim comes with sauce in it.
>The guy who says stats are lies

See >>10925532. The US crime stats are completely rigged.
>>10922902 (OP)

The SPLC will only label groups or organizations as "terror" if said groups don't agree with SPLC's personal agendas. but you wouldn't understand this would you SRS?
You did misuse a gun. A gun is not a toy to be used for target practice and to look tough. I gun is a tool to kill; a weapon.

I am beyond tired of an age in which all adults behave as children.
this is OC by the way. well, half OC.
Except that's blatant BS. All crimes that are reported to the police are included in the national crime report.
>The SPLC will only label groups or organizations as "terror"

They mainly designate them as hate groups rather than terror groups, though.

Those crimes do not involve guns, as requested by some prior faggot.

>A gun is not a toy to be used for target practice

Yes it is, then you use it to kill (grin).

All violent crimes*
Actually, I'm an American - though I'm not fat, surprising, I'm sure. And while it would be difficult to PROVE that more guns = more crime in America, what we absolutely can refute is the claim by gunnuts that more guns = greater safety or less crime. Because the American statistics compared to other countries defy this claim.
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Its too late!
You did not read the FBI stuff?

I am sorry, it has come up before. I did not believe it at first, but it is true.

They do however survey some 50,000 households over their (home) telephone twice a year, apparently this gives a more accurate reflection of the crime rate in the US.

I find that absolutely terrifying.
i don't get it
So your argument is 'muh cultural marxism'? As if I don't know this shit already? You realize I already covered that? Did you even read my comment? Only those who CAN be indoctrinated WILL be indoctrinated. Some people can never beleive a lie, no matter how many times they're told it. Most people, however, are worthless shit and should be exterminated for the future of the species.
>Those crimes do not involve guns

Again, see >>10925532:

"The Part II offenses, for which only arrest data are collected, are:

...Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc..."

tl;dr There are gaps.
So it's muh jewish religion then? Good argument. Next.
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omar? the unmerica.
Jesus fuck. READ for fuck's sake, you ignorant shitposter. Like I've said about a trillion times now, this was in the fucking news a few years ago. You HAVE to be underaged v& or just an ignorant shit. Fucking google it.
>Some people can never beleive a lie, no matter how many times they're told it.

A tiny minority.

>Most people, however, are worthless shit and should be exterminated for the future of the species.

And they vote and they are the majority of votes and you probably never heard about the law of the return to the mean.

You exterminate a section of the population that is causing a problem to you, they will come and cause more problems a few generations later.

>bring relativism to the table
>complains about decadence
I'm posing as SRS to tell you that SPLC has been taken over by SRS?

This is what you're telling me.

Come back when you've learned to use a search engine.
So who are you planning to kill? And if your answer is 'muh tyrants', time for that has already come, so why aren't you doing it? The government is already killing citizens at its discretion and defying the will of the majority of the population. When will you use your liberty stick? Once they try to take it? I seriously doubt you'll do it even then. But if you do, look at what that means: you'll only use your gun to defend 'muh rights' when they come to take your toys. Which proves me right and you facetious. You don't give a shit about muh tree o liburdee. You care about playing with your toys. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.
>>10922902 (OP)
>Recently, it has been pointed out to AVFM News that a poster on redd.t announced shortly after the release of the Agent Orange Files that they were going to contact the SPLC and that she, in fact, had ties there. She later took credit for the organization’s naming of the MRM as a hate movement. This will be the first time that a direct connection between the releasing of the AO files and the actions of the SPLC.


Replace the dot with an i.
Not really. America has a complicated cultural makeup and confined sectors of poverty that make it inherently more violent. The only statistic that matters is whether gun laws are having an effect on that inherent crime. Case in point; since the US dropped the AWB, violent crime has decreased. Since enacting their comprehensive ban, Britain's has increased. That is literally all that matters. To say "well more guns equals more gun crime durrrr" is to admit that you don't really care about other victims and are just focusing your energy on the object itself like a soccer mom, something anti-gun advocates always deny.

Now go shitpost somewhere else.
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Yeah, I plotted this on my own with the data I got from here:



in Excel and got this

- Build two bunkers one under my home another in the countryside;
- Pack them with supplies;
- Train my wife and kids;
- Get an armored vehicle;

Muh prepared, if we start gunning down politicians today it will be millions dead, so prepare yourself and prepare others until we can take down the politicians and people will be able to survive the brief anarchy.

With the situation we have now, I would survive, but dozens of millions would not, so what is the wisest choice?

Of course that if shit hits the fan we are gonna gun down politicians anyway, but the death toll will be catastrophic for those unable to get food.
>And they vote and they are the majority of votes
You seem to be under the impression I favor democratic systems.
>law of the return to the mean.
>You exterminate a section of the population that is causing a problem to you, they will come and cause more problems a few generations later.
You obviously don't know how genetics work. Selective pressures refine a genepool. Believe me, when you kill everyone who posesses a trait, that trait's not coming back without a new mutation. Breeding programs are a powerful thing.

>bring relativism to the table
>complains about decadence
You're a complete jewish idiot. Your religious tradition is positive shit. If you're taking your moral cues from that pile of garbage, you've already proven my point in several different ways. I am a moral relativist only inasmuch as I recognize that there are varying moral systems. You, however, are a moral absolutist and are basing your morals on a system which is fucking abominable. I can guarantee you my morals are superior to your own. What's worse is I bet I can even get you to agree that they are.
I'm not him, but stuff like this is complicated. It takes time to foment, and that time is not really here yet. The straw will come when a large amount of people are subject to confiscation. I can't speak for anyone else, but I will defend my property from anyone trying to take it. It's that simple.

>Selective pressures refine a genepool.

It takes a very long time especially for non-specific genes or clusters of genes as you are proposing. It won't work.

It is like IQ, you mix two geniuses and they breed half-wits.

>about morals

Stop raging, muh morals better than yo morals, that doesn't work.

Yes, there is an absolute morality that is above all religions and you are assuming I'm a kike, how more stupid can you be?

For someone that assumes things like you and screams like you I don't expect any form of high morals, sorry.
>She later took credit for
>direct connection

I invented an unaided flight backpack this month.

So when someone else starts selling them on Amazon, you know it was my idea.
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>confined sectors of poverty
Muh poverty causes crime - you'd have been better off playing the race card - it'd be more accurate.
>Since enacting their comprehensive ban, Britain's has increased.
By whose statistics? Because I personally showed in this thread that, at least by mainstream claims, that's the very opposite of the truth.
>The rest
You're just fabricating shit to claim victory. The proliferation of guns in the US has been shown on several occasions to have intensified the violence in Mexico. And, once again, since you have ignored it, my evidence that the claim that more guns = less crime is bullshit is basically inviolate. And you'd admit that if you were being honest. But, I repeat, what CANNOT be proven is whether or not more guns = more crimes. The fact that I'm being forced to repeat myself here proves you're a fucking idiot.
You should probably continue reading.

...unless you're SRS of course.

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