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This is a message to all people who believe in the true roots of the US. Of the Constitution, of God-fearing men, of those who believe in hard work and limited government.



This country, this world, does not want our kind anymore. They would rather sit in their own filth and have the government run their lives than run them themselves. They care not for morals or traditional values, they are content to let the lewd and perverted roam freely in the streets, they do not care about their fellow man and the certainly do not care about leading a "good" life.

This country is now a place for the hedonistic. The pleasure seekers. There is no place for us anymore. This country does not want us. This country spits upon what created it, and with great pleasure.

Leave. Go someplace else. We are not wanted, we are not needed, and we are not welcome.
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As opposed to the founding fathers - sexist, racist, homophobic slave owners?
>two out of a shitload of founding fathers were deists
>one was a catholic
>literally everyone else was a protestant
you're just as retarded as people claiming murikka is a christian country
Degenerates Rule

And I have two words for ya..............
suck it
So what? It's still their fate that matters.
Hell, I'm not even talking about majority opinion. Perhaps you know what's best for America. Perhaps your opinion coincides with the founders'. But that doesn't mean that you are right because the founders also thought that.
Let's just go nuts.

Let's just like...fuckin' burn the Constitution. AND the Bill of Rights.

Fuck lets just go absolutely CRAZY and destroy EVERYTHING pertaining to the start of this nation. Fuck it, we don't need it, we NEW America now. Land of the nigga, home of the wizzeed.

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How many of you cried during Obama's speech? And what's your political orientation?

>Moderate libertarian, voted Ron Paul and Gary Johnson
>20 years old
>Tear ducts acting up, not crying, just cutting onions
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Fox News was comedy gold.
it was an interesting speech. a bit long-winded, but with a strong finish.

>liberating ourselves from foreign oil
>gay or straight

the most interesting statements
Same here. I even hate America(ns) most of the time, yet I almost stood up and shouted USA, USA ... he's a genius rhetorician.
>>7010370 (OP)
Where can I see it online?
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Never forget

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We minority now.

America is the home of the latinos, the land of the blacks.
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Latinos =/= Native Americans.

Latinos are a mongrel mix of niggers, Amerindians and Whites. They don't own shit
Stop using the 70% figure, 10-20% of those are shitskinned latinos who for some strange historical reason are called white.
Latinos are subhumans just not to the same extent as niggers.
There is literally no reason why straight, white men should vote Democrat.
A mestizo is still a spic subhuman you dumbshit.
>96% of black women

Fucking pathetic. Let's not pretend they're voting for any reason other than Obama is black either.

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So now that its all over, what do we take away from the 2012 election?

As of this moment, it looks like this is the third time in four election that the winner hasn't won the popular vote. Will there be an upsurge in calls for a re-evaluation of the Electoral College now that both parties have been burned by it?

Also, a common belief is that, due to the strength of incumbents historically, Romney was offered up as a sort of sacrificial lamb by the GOP. Could anyone have eeked out a win against Obama or did the Republicans commit a serious blunder?

What awaits us in the years ahead?
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For an incumbent president thats pretty bad.

I'm sure some would have, yes.
>So now that its all over, what do we take away from the 2012 election?
You're still an aweful democracy for continuing with indirect vote and voting machines.

People voted in George W Bush for a second term.
And I'm saying that whites turned out in greater numbers to counteract that surge in the black vote, and whites outnumber blacks in this country 7 to 1.

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America is finally starting to wake up...

So, when are we going to make alcohol illegal now?
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Quoted for truth. Potheads are never going to be accepted in the real world until they get realistic about their shit. It's not some miracle drug. It's a recreational substance that isn't that bad for you.
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Yes it did, it did exactly as the prohibition intended.
Potheads aren't going to be accepted anyways, most potheads smoke weed and smoking is illegal in buildings, in parks, within X feet of building entrances, etc etc.
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>I stated exactly what changes and what the difference between it and normal are.
>Goes on to write a paragraph on what he stated.
>Doesn't provide source.
>Dodges real question on what a normal brain looks like.
>Doges the fact your brain is constantly altering and doesn't ever return to "normal."
Keep eating shit my friend.
I did state what the difference was, in my original post, also repeated it since you clearly didn't read it the first time. Obviously didn't read it this time either so I won't bother anymore.

Already said I don't provide sources until one has been provided by the person making the claim. I'm simply correcting an unsourced statement. If you want to provide a source for the original statement then that would warrant a source refuting it.

Didn't dodge the fact that brains are constantly altering at all you simply didn't bother reading either of my posts so completely missed that normal brains produce cannabinoid substances, pot smokers brains do not. I can't make it any easier to understand for your pot riddled brain.

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>tfw /pol/ goes back to normal.
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One of my friends taking down a Romneybot.

the liberals will leave when they realize they're not interested in talking about how stupid black people are.
I think he would have done better not to have such a negative message. Maybe that's why the speech was so jarring to me. I was expecting him to go out there and deliver a warning of the dangers of Obama's policies rather than any admission of defeat. That was the kind of character his campaign had conveyed.
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sorry, forgot image
>/pol/ "goes blue" and becomes a worksafe board

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Liberty isn't that far off.
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What happens if you posses weed between the ages of 18-21? Is that a weird legal grey-zone?
AKA legalized
probably the same as alcohol.
This, if it goes to supreme court, FEDs will not like the answer.

They won't go after the states where it is legal. Besides, WA needs that weed money to shore up it's budget.
Probably same punishment as under aged drinking

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So /pol/, now that PR chose to become #51, what are your thoughts?
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we Estados Unidos now

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Just think of all the young impressionable white girls, excited at the election results, who are doing their part for the nation and being impregnated with beautiful half black children right now!
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Literally everything about you. Aside partially for personality.
the last hope for the white race is south america.

people there are highly race conscious and try to preserve their heritage..
>Implying I didn't know JW
>implying I don't know Techno
>almost doxed, stalked, and nearly found irl
>implying I'm not going to be smart about it

shhhhhhhh, relax. Your chimp out will run out soon
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>stormfat resorts to pretending to be a girl to save face

im a gurl btw! srsly guys i like vidya games and hate niggers xD
>mfw this girl has been on /pol/ for months
>mfw the election brought all these newfags on here

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Joe Walsh gets his shit stuffed, Allen West just was beaten, Bachmenn losing down to the wire.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass fuckers
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Teabaggers are the best friend Obongo ever had. They are the reason he was reelected.
They're also the reason they lost control of the house and senate seats in 2010.

Although it's nice to see their shit get stuffed liked the Blue Dogs did in 2010
Democrats have a net gain in both, but not much hasn't changed.

BUT: Consider the fact that at least one Supreme Court Justice is confirmed to retire in the next four years. Maybe more.

And consider its the Senate who verifies the appointees.
I'm going to assume the Democrats are going to initiate some sort of filibuster reform because any liberal judge would get cockblocked
West losing is just beautiful.

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ITT the rest of the world thanks America.

Thank you.

from Canada.
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Romney is better for Canada though...
Yeah, it's like they think we're spying on them the kooks!
As a proud Americlap of the great state of Clapifornia, I was sure to clap 200x harder, 200x faster, and 200x more for all the 200+ countries that could not clap with me, either because of their cultural stigma for clapping at random or their inability to effect the election. I will clap myself soundly to sleep tonight dreaming of little gay children growing up to clap at their own weddings, stoners clapping in Claporado to the rhythm of a water pipe, women clapping after abortions and visits to free health clinics.
put fedor in the ufc god damn it
Really so when did the world wide polls open?
Your taking shit posting to a whole new level with factually repugnant statements like this.

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Yet more fucking proof that conservatives always shout MUH BIAS in the face of scientific reality that slaps the shit outta their moronic preconceived notions.

You all are some IGNORANT FUCKERS.
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Asking again, because I really am curious.
They take a while to make up their minds. Just take them to a buffet, and let them pick their own stuff.
Because Rick Scott hates his constituents.
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Yes. 100% accuracy.

Nigga just became king of the election.

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>tfw shitloads of adrenaline coursing through you because Obama and every senate candidate you wanted to win won, gay marriage is legal in more states, and pot is fucking LEGAL in 2 states

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we gonna balance the budget by getting the rest of the world high

how do you feel about this rest of the world?
I want to see what flag I have.
>Bro hug< I know that feels.

I would nuke it anyhow it's a piece of shit.
Did you mean 200 year ago?
This is a good day for liberty. Liberty for marijuana. Liberty for gays. And we did it by defeating Republicans and everything they stand for.

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