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My city council just made it illegal to discriminate against LGBT people in business as both workers or consumers.

On top of that, Obama said this morning that:
>Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as we.

How does /pol/ feel about the impending shift towards marriage equality and the shift against homophobia and bigotry?
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>illegal to discriminate

>How does /pol/ feel
feels like oppression, man.
>>9446357 (OP)
>made it illegal to discriminate against LGBT people
how would anyone know if they're faggots if they didnt parade around like so
>can't post an ad for a roommate saying "NO FAGGOTS" in the city newspaper
>feels bad man
So, assuming the slippery slope is real, who's next in line? Dogfuckers? Kidfuckers?
It means nothing until he asks congress for federal laws creating marriage equality and anti-discrimination against sexual minorities..
these things aren't like secrets, bro. it's pretty easy to tell if your coworkers are gay or straight, regardless if he/she is open about it
I'll just say it's cause they're ugly instead.
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>mfw my dad is so fucking mad about obama's speech on the gays
why does it matter to an employed if their employees are butt fucking or not though
>Muh libertees
>but dad what about gays

Every. Time.
lol. I'm pretty sure that's the point of legislating against discrimination. It shouldn't matter.
that picture is like some bizzaro world circus. i feel like back in the 70s someone picked THE WRONG FUTURE and now we live in it.
I don't give a fuck about gays. They're either dying of STDs, kill themselves or both.

So yeah, let them marry or whatever, they can enjoy paying alimony to each other.
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Even in antiquity people weren't this retarded to hate on people's sexual preference.
AIDS unequally targets gays. AIDS is bigotted, make AIDS illegal.

Fuck I have no problem with gay people, they're just people, but shit we're supposed to have freedom of association this AMERICA you liberal fucks
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I don't know why I laughed so hard, but I laughed.

It's what happens when you let semetic sandniggers and their shit eating tier religion spread.
My mom is an insane Catholic and she is freaking out over this gay stuff. She is also mad at the governor of New York because of his progressive abortion bill. Making religious conservatives angry is hilarious, and is enough of a reason to support gay rights.
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I know that feel bro. He then went on a tirade on muh abortion towards my mom and now he has to sleep on the couch. And my parents have NEVER fucking fought before.

In my experience it knocks the wind out of their sails when they realise someone they've known for years is gay. Golly, turns out teh gheys are forwarding a malicous agenda, after all!
>B-but buttsex and guys kissing is icky
>>9446357 (OP)
why do we care about the faggots and how they get married? they just do it so they can visit their AIDs ridden partners in the hospital
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>>B-but buttsex and guys kissing is icky
>implying it isn't
Why would you even want to work for someone that doesn't like the fact that you're gay? Are you so vindictive that you'll get the law involved in order to get back at them for what they think?
My mother just wants someone to hate. Being angry helps to pass the time, or something.
Well, you wouldn't really know until it happened. Things could be fine for months but then you get fired/harassed out of nowhere for being a butt jew.
Gay marriage will open the floodgates for massive tax fraud on a scale that is incomprehensible to most people.

For the naive who think I am referring to the 'marriage penalty', I am not. Inheritance taxes. Generational skipping taxes. Gift taxes. Huge sums of wealth can be transferred, in a perpetual and never-ending way, tax free, in life, and in death, by being 'married'.

The baby boomers will have the last laugh though. They left you with a crippled economy and giant welfare programs paying for them until they die.
But dick is yummy
>>9446357 (OP)
>For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as we.

And this argument can't be applied to kiddie-diddlers, why?
I can't complain too much. My dad is rich and will leave all his money to me. He also spends lots of money on me because he doesn't know how to relate to me, and thinks that giving money and presents is a substitute for real affection.
>being anti-gay marriage

This isn't what conservatives do. It isn't what statists do. It's what mainstreaming, bandwagonning neocons and bible thumpers do. Gays literally pose zero threat to society.
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consent. you'd be hard-pressed to convince anyone that people younger than like 15-16 could be mature enough for the dicking
Gay marriage threatens the treasury and the solvency of the United State Treasury.

See here: >>9447043
>for being a butt jew.
Nope >>9446551
or maybe they were retarded in antiquity
Homosexuality is, in all honesty, pretty gross. Especially male/male homosexuality. I'd rather there was no such thing.

Having said that, I think they should be able to get married. It's not like marriage is significant. 50% of straight people seem to think it's OK to get divorced and leave your children without both parents, so I say fuck 'em.
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So then this is wrong?
How can you be old enough to know you're gay, but not to "consent" to intimate, loving acts?

Stop cherrypicking, fagoots.
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>physical growth and hormones = rationality and maturity

That post only proves, if anything, that tax laws are at fault, not gays. Theft is the hazard, not two guys minding their own business.
Feels like I literally give zero fucks.

Let me know when the economy is fixed.

Gays are a sign of how mentally dysfunctional and hedonistic we've become.
Yeah,,, but it's gonna catch on really quickly that some rich guy can 'marry' his best bro and business partner to accomplish all sorts of tax savings.
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>homosexuality is a recent phenomena
as if straight people don't get married because one has insurance and the other needs it

I never said anything close to that.
>>9446357 (OP)
So now you have to have a quota of fags in the workplace? fucking degenerates.
>Thinking people are equal

And libturds have the audacity to goof on creationists.
>illegal to discriminate

Sure is free in murrika-land

Tell me, how does it feel to be UK-lite?
Don't see many of them ancient cultures that embraced it doing well long term in history.
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>Gays are a sign of how mentally dysfunctional and hedonistic we've become.
>not making a point
>and now he has to sleep on the couch

oh boy. not trying to be an asshole, but that marriage is done for. your dad needs to grow a pair, though your mom is probably already sleeping around.
>tax savings through marriage
sounds like an actual problem

Which is not the same as claiming that it's a recent phenomena.
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He probably meant the acceptance and over-saturation of gays, not their sudden appearance.

Think for a second lib, before attempting to be snarky.
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As a black man, i'm okay with this
I am not referring to tax rates for married couples.

I am referring to generation skipping taxes, gift taxes, and estate taxes. These taxes normally concern amounts in the millions and tens of millions, if not more.
No, we're still completely free to discriminate. We just can't say what the real reason was. So, just give no reason, or grab a random reason.
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>pass legislation to supposedly curtail discrimination
>effectively make it law to discriminate against racists, homophobes, and misogynists
Why does no one ever notice the hypocrisy of this?

If racism/homophobia/sexism is such a horrible draw on society then wouldn't people naturally move away from it? Why do we need to force EVERYONE to conform to one ideology? Why should we restrict peoples freedom to choose who they discriminate against?

People are allowed to choose to discriminate against racists, but racists can't choose to discriminate against other races?
all of these were existing taxes that could be manipulated beforehand.

This is what I believe. Homesexuality, transexuality, sexual deviancy, is a socio-psychological virus- a byproduct our hedonism and shift against God.
> implying wives haven't been doing this shit since lysistrata
>implying marrying a girl for a sham marriage is the same thing as marrying a bro that you've known your whole life and is a trusted friend
I don't have a problem with gay men, just faggots.
hurray the gays can get married, now they will be eligable for tax breaks that wont exist because the system is collapsing all around us. huuray gays!
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>it's an assault to my freedom to not be able to assault other people's freedom
discrimination isn't an assault on anyones freedom.
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You literally just said
>Why should we restrict peoples freedom to choose who they discriminate against?
marrying for benefits are still the same thing. im not going to hold it against people not responsible for
1. unneeded taxation
2. unstable budgets
You're right...except you're describing the wrong side of the issue.

Gays are free to do whatever they want, it's an assault on our freedom to force us to conform and accept fagoots.

It's just for hiring people for businesses and serving costumers.

You can still do that, you just won't exactly be described as the most friendly guy in the community.
>>9446357 (OP)
>illegal to discriminate
Why are these people called liberal?

Oh, well, at least I can still discriminate against them for being "liberal"

guess what, obama is taking over half that, there is a straight 50% estate tax plus 50% inheritence tax and you will have to also pay capital gains tax of 15-50% depending on how much.

all in all if you inherit say 10 million in cash you will walk away after taxes with about 1.3 million. if any of it is in physical assets you will pay considerably more in taxes and have less. if you are left ten million and a house worth a million or two you will likely go broke just from paying the state and federal yearly taxes on holding such assets.

and that is not taking into account the increase in taxes he is proposing now to upwards of 75% on inheritance.

basically everything your father worked for will be given to shaniqua and tyrones kids and paying for the gays to get artificially inseminated under obamacare.
My question is, is this attitude towards homosexuality permanent, or will it eventually roll back? I can see it going either way.

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