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How many of you would support a fascist leader coming to power?
What are you, some kind of statist?
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Depends if he's a good man or not.

>whats that? government efficiency!?!?
>>9800116 (OP)
i wouldn't. the gallows would.
>>9800116 (OP)

It depends on what he stood for.
depends on who he is and what he supports
I support anything to get your initial votes.
If I agreed with his brand of fascism, probably.
Only if he was fascist against liberals and had a system in place based on merit.

if retarded dipshits (regardless of race) were weeded out, it would be fine.
Immature ideology for people with tiny dicks.
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But we already have fascists.
>if retarded dipshits (regardless of race) were weeded out, it would be fine.
I'm afraid not. Regression to the mean. Only whites are consistently non-subhuman. A sad world we live in indeed.
Never. I'd immediately volunteer for the next international brigade to remove whoever it is from office.
>>9800116 (OP)

National Socialist?
You know, I'd be willing to accept a definite dictatorship. Like a few years. I just don't see how that'd be possible, unless the constitution automatically stripped them of all power somehow after 4 years or so.
>if retarded dipshits (regardless of race) were weeded out

>hurr technology hasn't already made human evolution completely antiquated and won't continue to exponentially
you're in luck, nearly every politician and world leader is a national socialist, including every republican and democrat

dictator: land lord

president: renter

who takes better care of the building?
liberalism? agreed
>hurrr ima fag who can only communicate through greentext
Well, Heil Hitler then.

nice evasion
I'd only support that leader if it was me, or someone who I know would guarantee me a seat of power.
Those are the only ones who advocate Fascism, those who have the power.

I'd rather go back to monarchy.
are you suggesting we just go full transhuman?

I am almost beginning to think modern kids are developing a 'technology instinct' to some degree. my 2 year old niece was buying ipad apps with my brother's credit card.

I know each gen gets better at this shit as we go on, but this shit is getting downright crazy now.
because dictators work like that
Depends on who the leader is. Enlightened despotism is the greatest form of government, but incompetent tyranny is the worst.
Supposedly, the vast majority of any crowd would.
>are you suggesting we just go full transhuman?

I'm saying its bound to happen so the first country that does will have a *very* significant advantage over everyone else for....possibly forever.

The USA has started to cede this position to Japan. Because too many ignorant fucks watch Frankenstein and think technology is ebil.
Christ, you don't know anything about anything, do you?

This conversation would be relevant 30 years ago.
>an actual country
>>9800116 (OP)
>How many of you would support a fascist leader coming to power?
If it was a White Nationalists or White National Socialist I'd not only support but I'd join up.
>technology hasn't already made human evolution completely antiquated and won't continue to exponentially
it hasn't
I would definitely participate in an assassination attempt. Seriously.

I'm not saying they have hard power.

But culturally they are 30 years ahead of us in their adoption, appreciation, and comfortability with technology.

And it's not like they don't have money, they can build supercomputers there right with China.

If we don't act soon, the only possible way to prevent them from surpassing us would TO use our hard power.

Strangely, I'd prefer it not to get to that point.

>But culturally they are 30 years ahead of us in their adoption, appreciation, and comfortability with technology.
Dumb weeb with zero common sense detected. They still use fax machines over there for fuck sake you moron. Stop posting on the politics board.
Renters are Jews. They barely lift a finger and force the tenants to take care of the place while making all the money.

human physical strength - guns, tools, construction equipment
human cognitive abilities - computers
human analytical abilities - computers
human eye sight - cameras
human hearing - coclear implants

I could keep going, but damn near everything we do has been compounded on and enhanced by technology.

we're only a few years away from computers surpassing us in the last frontier: decision making.

are you seriously fucking kidding me?
>he's such a weeb and so new to discussion of the international variety and political goings on he doesn't know that Japan is possibly the single most backwards and stagnant first world nation
Stop thinking Chinese cartoons are reality you fucking loser.
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>i've never been to japan once in my entire life

tokyo is like new york filled with asians.

I remember looking at my own reflection after a week of being there and thinking "Holy fuck who is that shitskin! Oh wait it's just me..."
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>fascist leader
>good man

>this guy has never even seen a picture of tokyo or spoken to a japanese, chinese, or korean person.

>this guy is probably the least informed person on the internet

>says something hilariously ignorant about asian culture on 4chan......and then tells the other guy to leave.

wow, congrats dickbag. you've won the stupid post award for 2013, and it's only february 1st.
If he's anything like Hitler?

Fuck yes.

I modern day hitler would be good for this world. After years you can get loads more power then anyone has before, by cutting past human rights, but doing it gradually, and quietly. That way not many people notice.

then once you have so much power, wipe out the Muslims, Gypsies/Pykees and feminists (also several other shitty minorities.)

After a few years of the plan being successful, people will realise it was a good thing, and praise the leader.
>implying your president is somehow more capable of being good
It's the same shit faggot.

are you living in 1890?
Do you actually think that Asia is ahead of Europe and the United States in any field?

Like, for real? You actually think that?

You have zero understanding of international politics. Why post shit based on a fantasy? Why would I even respond to some loser who is a typical fantasy-world reject who thinks asian culture will accept him when they absolutely loathe everything about him (for good reason)? These questions, I can't hold them.
>oh god, oh god he just red pilled me on the objective fact that Japan is stagnant economically socially and technologically while Europe and the US sails ahead of their failed state I better samefag
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reminder that if you went to Japan every Japanese would think you were a creepy weeaboo and would want nothing to do with you

seriously dude, it's just another first world country

get that through your head.

it's an island
filled with slant eyed gooks
they make fun video games
they're obsessed with cartoon porn
they eat a fuckton of fish

that's everything any human being ever has to know about japan. japan are not some kind of glorious superhuman nation of ultrapeople. seriously almost every jap when I went there was half a foot shorter than me and puny as hell. almost never saw one taller than me, and I'm 5'10".

it's just.
a fucking.
>quoting a zionist faggot
Nice triple six get.

Lots of people have said something like that.

this guy, just an angry amerifat.

>hurr america totally has the most technologically accepted culture

yeah, that's why the fucking tea party got so many votes right?

it's because they all love technology.

japan? with its fucking computers EVERYWHERE, with its children being read bedtime stories about supercomputers saving the day, naw man.

America #1

I dont even care.

He'll STILL keep saying this bullshit, and this time I won't respond. Promise.
>with its fucking computers EVERYWHERE, with its children being read bedtime stories about supercomputers saving the day
I would

But not for long

Just long enough for people to get a little bit of reality smacked back into them
I honestly think we need another hitler in Europe to get rid of all the muslims and niggers
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>this delusion

I don't give a flying fuck how they think of ME.

Culturally, they are more respecting and more comfortable with technology.

Sorry, i'm not relinquishing this claim.

If america actually wants to be comfortable with technology like OMG THE JAPANESE ARE, they can start by shutting up every fucking person who thinks the earth is 6000 years old.
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I believe that western civilization is superior and the white race is awesome but I would fight to the death against a authoritarian government.

I'm a true American and Fascists, Communists, Monarchists and all other authoritarian scum can go fuck themselves
Let's get this out of the way; You've never been to the USA or Japan.
>Not moving to Japan so you can be an ubermensch with your height
>>9800116 (OP)
how many people voted for Obama, who werent rigged voting machines?
Fucking this, it would shut up so many idiots.

>lol why do u need an assault rifle, the government looks out for us, you're just paranoid

historically illiterate faggots, the lot of em.

are you guys just being contrarian because someone said something bad about murica?

because what this guy is saying is actually true.

>mindbots who love computers

>at least half of you think jesus is returning in your lifetime.

and you seriously want to try to defend somehow that CULTURALLY japan isn't more accepting of technology?

i think you're both just buttmad.
>>9800116 (OP)

Why should I? We are already hostages of fascism and centralization
When you samefag at least try not to put a space before all of your posts and type with identical syntax. This is really awkward.

let's get this out of the way: born and raised in USA, visited japan 3 times.
>he fell for my ruse and admitted he was a loser faggot weeb
How low is your IQ?




You only hate them because they're not American movements, pig.

If a charismatic fascist ever came to power in shitmerica, you'd be among the first on your knees ready to receive the mighty load of authority.

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why haven't we created a new Roman empire yet?

Oh, i forgot
>muh morals
>muh feelings



>lets play tricks with this guy because I'm making an indefensible point.
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just fucking stop man

there are dipshits EVERYWHERE ON THIS PLANET

every country has problems. US has westboro dipshits and various faggotry. japan has herbivore men and weeaboos who kill themselves.

it's just

every single person who has gone to japan states this. except for the hopeless weeaboo who can't stop rambling that "you silly gaijin just can't understand the glory of nippon."

just stop man.

the culture is different, they have pc cafes and bullshit there. so do the koreans. but as for 'embracing technology more' which country do you think silicon valley is based.

oh that's right, murrica. japan is good at making cars and computers, just like america (their cars are more reliable though).

it's just america full of gooks.
Depends on what he intended to do.
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By having him hung, we don't need fascism, that is one of the worst ideologies besides private statism.
If he could actually get shit done and make giant golden cocks statues and rivers of raspberry jam then but otherwise anarchy
Your point isn't indefensible. Most of us have gotten over the illusion that Japan was technologically advanced (gained from watching anime) a long time ago after we were red pilled by spending time on the internet and reading various experiences and opinions.

The facts:
Japan is experiencing little to no economic growth, economic growth that is far below Europe and the US.
Japan has an extremely low GDP per capita for a first world nation.
Japan has an aging population.
Japan is socially backwards. Their laws are inferior to the anglo-saxon construction and archaic in many senses.
Use of fax machines is rampant in Japan. Seriously, they all use faxes.
Japan is playing second fiddle to the USA and Europe in terms of technological production. Their age was the 80s, this is over.
Japan is a depressed, dying population that has had many of its technological sectors taken over by South Korea.

It's the sad fact; only European culture has retained strong economies and social structure (Canada, USA, Europe etc.)

>it's just another country

okay. look, USA has silicon valley.

but if it's filled with enough religious fucktards that it outlaws the research done in silicon valley, what the fuck is the point?

>yes, much of the country (south) would like this

>implying this has nothing to do with CULTURE


holy fuck you are buttmad.

>b-b-but daddy he said something bad about godmurica
Slow down. There is nothing inherently wrong with religion; religion is a positive influence on many a civilization. Only the erosion of civilization has allowed social degeneration to seep into various European cultures.

I'm atheist.

can you explain how ANY OF THE THINGS YOU JUST FUCKING SAID has anything to do with the claim:

"japan is culturally more accepting of technology than america"

because nothing you said has anything to fucking do with that claim.

someone said murica isn't #1 in something

you're buttmad

it's okay.
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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
>Thread about fascism turning into an argument about Japan
Never change /pol/

>apparently now we're talking about social degeneration.

religion isn't INHERENTLY opposed to technology, it just happens to be nowadays. (although belief in a god is one fucking giant unscientific claim)

>no one opposed stem cell research

>i posted it again lel
Actually, America isn't #1 in a lot of things. The success of a country is basically based on how many whites it has. America has tons of whites, but their ethnic makeup is still generally weak. Tons of European countries are better than America in various fields because they are whiter. Stop projecting your old ideas on me.

>"japan is culturally more accepting of technology than america"
This is a nebulous claim. They. Use. Fax. Machines. Holy shit, what else can you say? What are they accepting? America has been a technological innovator for a century now, you think we're afraid of technology for some reason when we all have smart phones in our pockets?
>They. Use. Fax. Machines.

Either this is just slipped in here to troll the poor guy, or you really are the dumbest motherfucker on 4chan.
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Calm down, faggot. No one is out to curb technology.
>hurr da japs have milk in bags

yup, sure thing buddy
Also, Japan is #33 of 42 ranked countries in terms of smart phone penetration rates. How accepting of technology are they when they don't accept technology?

why does technology account for 1% of the gummint's budget?

and america is 43rd
Because government spending is full retard and not how you advance a sector. If anything, it should be 0% and everything should be privatized. Why do you believe in statist lies?
Guess where most of the money goes: military.

You can thank your military industrial complex and Jews for that.
They're 16th, but this isn't about America...
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you my friend, are salty as fuck.

I'm not even murrican, I'm Canadian. Just keep in mind

America is shit
Canada is shit
Japan is shit

seriously it's really not that different from any other first world country

America has rural areas full of hick retards
Japan has rural areas full of hick retards

America has metropolitan places where technology is everywhere.
Japan has metropolitan places where technology is everywhere.

It's just america with gooks. get over it.

oh boy here we go

>gummint can't do anything

>capitalism is always good

i love infantile /pol/!
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Dress up like this magnificent bastard.
The government is objectively inefficient in what it touches. I am not a libertardian, I am a centrist.
Only if they are the type of fascist that would destroy multicult and remove kebab.

sometimes inefficiency is necessary

How is inefficiency 'necessary' when competition has been the single driver for technological progress for 400 years?
I'd support a fascist if he had good morals.

Hitler was mid, believe in cultural segregation
Mussolini was shit, believed in no class advancement

Obama is horrid, running a fascist nation and not even declaring it.

because something can be important to the future (e.g. solar panels) but not viable on the free market (e.g. solar panels)

doesn't mean we can't still invest in it to maintain future competitive advantage.
A good dictator takes advantage of the media, and promotes a good and fair standing of the people without harassing them.

A good democracy only does what it wants without understanding the consequences because the media has full control.
Not really dude. People just don't understand peak oil. Oil isn't going to run out one day. It's just going to become scarce, and as you know when supply goes down demand goes up and price goes up. As oil becomes less and less viable, other technologies will become more viable on the free market.

Also, as for solar panels; they're shit. Most alternative 'green' energy sources are shit. Our best bet is Hydrogen or Natural Gas; they're both god tier energy sources.
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That's because the "free market" makes slaves of us all.

Money and our monetary system is holding things back more than anything else.
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A better answer would be Nuclear Fusion, which would provide huge competitive advantages over other nations, over the cost of industry. It is something more to think about, rather than wasting time on technology that is obsolete and always will be obsolete.
>Most alternative 'green' energy sources are shit.

K, thanks for that.

This is the problem. People see the first generation of a technology, the most inefficient form of that technology, mind you, and jump to conclusions that it'll never work.

This is exactly when we need government to make the inefficient business decision that private companies refuse to make: to invest in something that, currently, *appears* like it's shit. But we all (should) know it isn't shit and will be the future of energy.

Only government has the non-profit goal and enough capital necessary to make the jump into these types of energies.
If his brand of fascism benefited me, yes definitely. But not if his fascism benefited other people we couldn't that sort of fascism.
Too dangerous. Better forms of power will come.

What are two that are being tested now: thorium and cold fusion?

Lolno. The beauty of a free market -- or even a free society -- is that nobody is truly forcing you to contribute. Yes, you'll live better if you *do* contribute in some way, but you don't have to, and you not doing so doesn't really effect anyone.
we already have one
>>9800116 (OP)

National Socialism fascist?

>>9800116 (OP)
if they're killing of jews, it's fine by me
>Too dangerous
>literally just stops working if something goes wrong
Fission actually has a threat for society, Fusion is the best thing man kind could ever master.
>fascist government
>join the military
>move up in the world, retire at 40 with a sweet pension.
Unless it's decided that we go to war. Then I would be pretty fucked, because fascist militaries are brutal as fuck with their own soldiers.
>not thinking about buying out companies to establish monopolies
It eventually leads to slavery. Eventually.
I would if I agreed with the bulk of their reasons
There's no-nonsense fascism inspired by nationalism and imperialism, and then there's the sicker stagnation prone fascism that's more concerned with propping up a feeble, talentless political class.

Basically, I don't want Britain taken to its logical conclusion - I want Nazi Germany.
>What is an oligarchy
>I want Nazi Germany
>I want another country's ideology, movement, customs, EVERYTHING durdurdurdur

You're not a nationalist.
If he promised me the complete removal of jews from society, in a heartbeat.

My point is there's not much to be proud of if you live in modern America or most of Europe. The example of Britain was it becoming more of a surveillance state, more tolerance, more multiculturalism. Fascism can go in different directions. The only dictator worth bringing to power in these areas is one willing to completely change the direction these nations are heading in.
>what are systems like the FED and banking cartels buying out the oligarchy
It's all corruptible, unless banks are killed off.

not gona happen in a few years without some major investment into neuroscience.

but you know how we could achieve that point faster?

by removing intellectually inferior mud people from advanced societies.

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