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Hello /pol/ I'm new to 4chan and there seems to be a lot of anti Jewish sentiment and religious hate in general with most people pointing it out to /pol/. What's with all the hate for Jews? Do you hate the religion or the culture behind it?

I'm atheist TBH but I agree with the stupidity of religion but people do have the freedom to believe whatever bullshit they want. It's the people who use their religion as a tool to gain favor, acceptance, and other stupid reasons that shouldn't even come up in everyday discussion that are the problem. You don't blame guns for murder, you blame the people who use them.

Well back to my point, my family culture is prominently Jewish but my most of my family is some form of Agnostic. The only ones who read the Torah and believe all that sacred text gooble gobble are the older generations such as my grandparents and great aunts/uncles who descended whose parents immigrated from Poland.

We're a simple upper middle class people who still celebrate Hanukkah, Passover, eat Kosher(not everything) but it's just a tradition and not really religious based. I feel like we're not much different from most Christian or Atheist families who have a few family traditions. So once again, what's wrong with Jews? The culture or the religion, I'm kind of confused.
>>12612811 (OP)
We don't dislike Jews we hate Zions and they are Jews.
I googled Zions and it's just a bank. You guys hate banks?
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we're not /pol/ anymore, we're /b/ and /a/

heres a picture of a puppy LOL XDD
stormfag tinfoil
>>12612811 (OP)
People are retarded.

They take the caricature of the individuals they are against, and apply it to the rest broadly. It's called a stereotype.

>There are lots of nepotistic Jews who are greedy bankers, liars, and thieves.
>Therefore, all Jews are.

>There are a lot of blacks who are stupid criminals for which there is no hope except to leave them isolated in prison cells forever for the benefit of humanity
>Therefore, all blacks are

>There are a lot of Christians who used to kill people in the name of God for refusal to convert to Christianity
>Therefore, all Christians do

>There are a lot of atheists who are just edgy teenagers in a rebellion phase against their parents for making them attend church
>Therefore, all atheists are.

>There are a lot of white people who are ignorant redneck retards who constantly oppress minorities.
>Therefore, all white people are.

Get it? Good. Welcome to /pol/ - Politically Incorrect, where people are politically incorrect.
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pic related
average /pol/
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>MacDonald provides a theoretical analysis and review of data on the widespread tendency among highly influential, Jewish-dominated intellectual movements to develop radical critiques of gentile culture that are compatible with the continuity of Jewish identification. These movements are viewed as the outcome of the fact that Jews and gentiles have different interests in the construction of culture and in various public policy issues (e.g. immigration policy, Israel). Several of these movements attempt to combat anti-Semitism by advocating social categorization processes in which the Jew/gentile distinction is minimized in importance. There is also a tendency to develop theories of anti-Semitism in which ethnic differences and resource competition are of minimal importance. From the perspective of the intellectual structures developed by these movements, anti-Semitism is analyzed as an indication of psychopathology among gentiles. In some cases, these movements appear to be attempts to develop a fundamental restructuring of the intellectual basis of gentile society in ways conducive to the continued existence of Judaism.
>We don't dislike Jews we hate Zions

Speak for yourself.
I'm going to be doing a lot of reading but why don't they just say Zions instead of Jews? That would be a lot less confusing. Hating someone for their beliefs alone is retarded but hating someone for their actions actually makes sense.

Those stereotypes are generations old and need to be forgotten.
>>12612811 (OP)
I thought your point was your question, "why all the hate for jews?".

We didnt need your life story.

---for myslef personally I have seen over my many years that it is a detrimental relationship for the US to be in.

Wheres the payoff, I ask myself.

If this is just about jews--but it never is its about Israel.

In effect the real answer to you should be, "lurk more"
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>Those stereotypes are generations old and need to be forgotten.
I'm not a huge fan of George Carlin, but I can't disagree with at least one statement he made which is absolutely true:
>Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that!
So these Zionist's look down on the non Jewish people? I can see how that's a bad way to think. Is this a modern movement thats gaining popularity or is it dying out?

Well short posts usually get ignored or get called out as bait threads when I'm looking for some discussion.
Zionism is not a modern movement, at all.

It has played a huge role in nearly all of human history.

It's not dying out either.

Zionism is essentially Jewish Supremacy.
Lol so the Zionists are basically Nazis? The irony. How has it played a huge role in all of human history, I thought the Jews were generally subjugated to second class citizens for the most of their history?
> I thought the Jews were generally subjugated to second class citizens for the most of their history?

Yeah, that's the narrative we all get...
from Zionism, which has a lot to do with why Jews get persecuted so much.

I shouldn't have said "human history", instead, I should have said "western history."
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The trouble with anti-Zionism is it is often labeled anti-semitism from the entire Jewish community.

Pointing out the wrongs of Zionism, in general, is absolutely forbidden. That's the problem with being a culture of people whose religion bears the name of their heritage.

It's the same as when you criticize a particular group of Christians like the Westover Baptist Church and call them Christians. Christians not associated with WBC are going to get upset.
How the hell did the Zionists go from being killed to controlling history and the media?
Zionist influence in Western culture has always been a prominent factor in history, it was never *not* there.
Zionism is a pretty recent invention actually, goes back to the late 1800's. It is pretty much nationalism for Jews. That narrative is true, Jews were treated pretty badly throughout most of Europe, but that was centuries ago. Their conditions were ameliorated in Western Europe by the time Zionism showed up.
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>>12612811 (OP)
You're neither funny nor entertaining.

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