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Fellow britbros, what is your opinion on the proposed HS2 rail-network?

(Politics related because this has become a political-matter.)
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Try to do like the French master race tgv
>>9662644 (OP)
trains are bad for the environment
also, high speed rail wastes energy
it saves energy if you don't go at insane speeds
Money better spent elsewhere.

What % of the population are going to benefit from being able to travel between Birmingham and London 30 minutes faster than they can now, is that group of people worth £32bn (before overruns and overspends)?
>>9662644 (OP)
Basically just Cameron giving land to someone. The train is just someone's excuse to own land.
I'm not opposed to HS2. I'm opposed to extortionate ticket prices on the non-peasant high speed trains down south. I hate having to share standard trains with morons, louts and screaming disease carrying kids becaus ethe High Speed trains are getting too expensive
But a car then.
It won't be ready until fucking 2033!!!

I bet in Qatar, UAE etc this type of shit goes up in a matter of weeks.
I think it's a waste of money. The Concorde proved that people wont pay more money to get somewhere quickly.
Yeah no. Not driving for 3 hours both ways just to go to london
Privatisation wasn't done correctly, if anybody could run a service on any line, then we'd get cheaper fares.

But of course the Tories wanted to sell off monopolies to their mates. So a bidder gets control of a line or route and can charge whateverthefucktheywant for the next up to 15 years. They are literally divulged of any accountability to the market. Worse system than fucking nationalisation, even a true conservative would agree.
Don't complain about the peasantry on public transport then, or go 1st class, cattle class isn't meant to be a luxury, just a method of moving cattle around to their jobs.
Drive to a station in zone 6 and then get a tube/train from there.
It's a waste of money. Speed/journey time isn't an issue, cost and capacity are.

Should've used the money to start renationalising the railways
Why should I waste fuel and pay congestion charges to do that?
You have pay to a congestion charge to drive around suburbia like Hillingdon now?
Waste of money. The Government shouldn't be wasting their money on Northland. Noone cares about them thick skin small brained upwards inflection speaking northerners. Just focus that money on the south where it belongs
>Should've used the money to start renationalising the railways

>implying the £32B wouldn't better spent on housing stock, paying off bankrupted hospitals PFI before saying never again, and then spending the rest on infrastructure like the severn barrage
Zone 6 isn't in the congestion zone is it?
*and nuclear power stations and science investment
The Tories are doing it for demographic reasons. Increase transport links to the southeast and you can override the northerners and midlanders sense of regionalism and distinctness that tends to naturally put them in opposition to the Tory Party and everything seen as the southern/London 'establishment'. Thus a barrier to people voting Tory will be removed.
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The current rail franchise system isn't great, but bear in mind that British Railways did not make a profit after 1955. Trains were hideously slow and long delays a normality.

The network has improved vastly since then, with far better punctuality, and more, faster trains. Passenger numbers have been rising year on year for some time now.

While it's still not at the Japanese level of efficiency, it is far better than it has been for around a century. The rail network is nowhere near as bad as people like to say it is.
People will laugh at that, but a less politicised version of that has already happened in southern England outside London. For example if you go to counties like Oxfordshire and Berkshire, you'll find the young people (i.e. under 30) all speak not too differently to those in London, Essex etc while the over 35s are often full on west country zoider drinker mode
There was a guy here months ago who said he'd studied the history of railways in Britain in uni or something, he did a really nice write-up on the situation, how it was before the war, nationalised after the war and now. He concluded that when it was truly private, and not the modern definition of privatisation where the state still controls it but doesn't, that it was much better.

Wish I'd screen capped that shit.

They were better pre world war two. The neglect and damage they suffered during the war was massive however. Track was in a poor state, rolling stock a mess and locomotives clapped out. Many facilities had been bombed. The sudden increase in car usage that came later really hammered in nails in the coffin for a lot of routes.

Difficult to say whether or not the LNER, LMS, GWR and SR could have returned to their former glory, but they would probably have done a better job at fixing things than BR did.
When it comes to Britain, SPECIFICALLY Britain before free market people from other countries get on my case about how fail nationalisation is in their country, privatising things has never worked. BT is shit now, the electricity/gas companies gouge us every year while they post record profits and old people freeze to death, rail system has gone worse since Network Rail and private operators. I'm old enough to remember when this shit was public and worked better.
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>continuing to build steam locomotives for years after announcing that they are all to soon be replaced
>mishandled modernisation program
>deliberate running a trunk mainline built to the continental loading gauge into the ground to justify its closure
>failure to understand the travel needs of passengers
>failure to alter freight transportation until it was far too late
>RnD white elephants like the APT
>implying BR was good
>Should've used the money to start renationalising the railways

Yes, and spend money to make sure it is done properly also. Privatization is a short term economic solution for feeble, opportunistic governments, the belief that the free market will lead to better service and standards of safety will be respected is a fallacy also.
But it was never fully privatised, it's a government franchise.

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