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He shot three white girls.

One white girl is dead; another is paralyzed; another escaped with only a scar to remind her of... her "white privilege."

But the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Mr. Thadiwe has gone to the “white privilege” defense as the reason for opening fire on the three white girls

> During his testimony Wednesday, Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.

“I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said.

“In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.” He said the night before the shooting, he attended a so-called “Peace Party” intended to address his concerns about helping the black community find equal footing, but two white people were there.

“I was upset,” Thandiwe said. “I was still upset Friday. I took the gun to work because I was still upset from Thursday night.”

He even admitted to earlier that day getting angry enough on the job to shoot his supervisor.

“What my boss said to me …,” he told the jury, “that rage almost made me pull out my gun on him.” A collective groan went up from the victims’ family members when Lee announced early Wednesday afternoon that she would allow a mental health expert to examine Thandiwe overnight and testify the next day as to whether there was sufficient evidence to add an insanity verdict to the jurors’ choices.
i dont give a shit anymore and neither should you.

it isnt like whites are ever going to grow a spine and say enough is enough.

why get mad over it needlessly?
> A juror was dismissed Thursday in the fourth day of Nkosi Thandiwe’s murder trial, and prosecutors told the court that his July 15, 2011 shooting spree was the result of racism, not insanity as his attorney claimed.

“He told you he shot Brittney Watts, Lauren Garcia and Tiffany Ferenczy because he had adopted all these racist ideals,” Fulton County assistant district attorney Linda Dunikoski said to the jury, referring to Thandiwe’s testimony on Wednesday. “If race disorder was a [mental illness], then the Ku Klux Klan could murder and kill with impunity.”
> Channel 2 Action News has learned new information about a possible motive in a deadly midtown shooting from last summer.

Police said a woman was killed and two others injured when a security guard went on a shooting rampage in a parking lot. Channel 2's Dave Huddleston obtained the 43-page lawsuit from the case that was filed in state court April 5. The documents show that race may have played a role in the shootings. Nine months after the shooting, lawsuits have been filed against the defendant, the security company he worked for, Allied Barton, and the owners of the building where the shooting took place.

They said Thandiwe demonstrated an intensely negative attitude toward another race, which was unnamed. About a month prior to the shooting, Thandiwe had an altercation with a visitor with the parking garage.

Documents state he assailed a visiting courier with racial epithets and had to be physically restrained by company personnel from striking and causing harm to visitors.

Company officials, lawyers and shooting victims declined to comment on the matter.
Just hang him and get it done with.
.....the hell is wrong with you white people? You let these fucks act like children and appease them. Please get them in line.

a spic
Source please.

Every story has a happy ending.
Hanging him would be going easy on him. That nigger should be tortured to death.
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No one should take his guns away, that would be unconstitutional.
he got life in jail.
OP, please link to an article containing the text in your post
>Gets Life

At least the justice system still works on tax brackets below 8 figures.
Was this considered a hate crime?
Iilonga Thandiwe, Nkosi Thandiwe's father, asked the judge to give his son parole so he could get out one day and get help for what he said was an undiagnosed mental illness.

"Considering the heinous nature of the crime and a lack of a clear motive, we are left with two possibilities as I see it; either the defendant is evil or he is sick suffering from and undiagnosed mental illness," said Iilonga Thandiwe.

Iilonga Thandiwe said he son is not evil. He did not have a criminal record. He told the judge the day of the shootings on July 15, 2011, his son was supposed to help him clear out some brush in an area near a homeless shelter.
One of those girls is a mexican..what's that have to do with white privilege.

thanks a lot liberals, he'll probably get off too
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>muh heritage

should not be a fucking "get out of death free" card

Zap the kid-killer
Ban django unchained
get over yourself libertard, he didn't shoot them in "self defense"
It's the jews!
Youtube Trailer for Django Unchained:

Chùpà ChùPs 1 hour ago

I Fucking Hate My White Skin after Watching This Great Movie !

I just Loved It !
It's only a hate crime when it's a white defendant.
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>I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,
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Finally, 29 hours after her arrest, she walked out of the Wentworth jail wearing only white “short-shorts” and a bikini top. First stop was JJ Fish restaurant a few blocks away. Where dozens of patrons saw her and “knew she wasn’t right.”

She made some new friends, showing some how much she liked rapper Notorious B.I.G. by reciting lyrics from his songs. Just as she did in jail. She accompanied two men to buy beer, then visited one of the men’s grandmother.

“Eilman then accompanied several young men into the Robert Taylor Homes, to Apartment 702,” court documents say, “which was a vacant apartment where people went to sleep or hang out and where a number of people had congregated that evening.”

Court documents do not say this one of the most notorious high-rise, high-crime subsidized buildings in Chicago.

Along the way, she knocked on at least one door, asking for help. According to the local ABC News affiliate: “A long-time resident at the Robert Taylor Homes—who did not want to be identified—said earlier Monday evening, she saw the young woman in the courtyard and again outside her own apartment. ‘The woman got on my floor and tried to get in apartment. I said, ‘No, white and black don’t mix.’ ”
>>9772961 (OP)
According to the Chicago Tribune, “One resident, Melene Jones, said she repeatedly told Eilman to leave because the building was not safe for her. Several men asked Eilman to perform oral sex, but she refused, at one point saying she would jump out the window if anyone laid a hand on her, witnesses said.”

Jones said she tried to persuade Eilman to leave because she feared something bad would happen.

“First off, because, I mean, there was nobody there with her. And second off, because she was a white girl and, I mean, it’s really unusual for a white girl to be in the building and especially by herself,” Jones testified.

Soon after, Marvin Powell showed up. Powell “told everyone to leave,” and said he was going to “show this b—- who the real killer is.”

They left. Everyone except Eilman, who was sexually assaulted, before she was pushed—or she jumped—out of the window.

She survived. Powell was convicted of abducting Eilman, but not assaulting her. He was released in April 2012.

Which even Harvard sociology professor Robert Sampson said was a bad idea because of RAT: Routine Activities Theory. The judge explained RAT by saying Eilman “was a white female in a predominantly black, poor neighborhood (and) she had a much higher risk of predatory victimization.”

Judge Frank Easterbrook went on: “She was lost, unable to appreciate her danger and dressed in a manner to attract attention. She is white and well-off while the local population is predominantly black and not affluent, causing her to stand out as a person unfamiliar with the environment and, thus, a potential target for crime.”

The city said RAT was thinly disguised racial profiling and had no business at trial. But at the trial, RAT and race were everywhere—no matter how hard the city worked to keep it out.
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you could have stopped it
Classic, If the dude was white: no thread on /pol/
Anger is what drives change.

The more you notice this shit, the angrier you get. The angrier you get the more you talk about it. The more you talk about it the more other people notice it... which gets the cycle going again.

Eventually people WILL say enough is enough. To believe otherwise is to be completely ignorant of human history.
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Thats why i asked
That's why someone was making a joke at your expense.
You have no idea what would happen if white people finally stood up to put people in line.

You have no fucking idea how much pent up rage is flowing through Western society... no fucking idea.
>>9772961 (OP)
>>9772961 (OP)
>no source
>forum sliding in effect

Tripfag, you've already been confirmed for JIDF. Please go.
dat nigga is part white himself, its obvious.
Social Justice in action, people.

Liberals support this shit.
He was a security guard.

They're going to be armed regardless of the law... who else would protect the rich?
>>9772961 (OP)
Either that school sucks at teaching anthropology or he isn't a very good student.
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sounds like she asked for it.
I think all white people that still have a shred of dignity deep down inside are getting fed up with this bullshit.

Build walls around the ghettos, put armed guards on those towers with orders to shoot anyone attempted to cross the wall, and turn off the EBT.

Watch the crime-rate tumble and wonder who manipulates our society to the point of empowering these savages above the protection and well being of ordinary US citizens

So why did this stupid white girl win 22,5 mil? She was stupid to go to a ghetto high rise, what the fuck else did she expect?
Well yeah, blaming an entire race for one man's crime is a little retarded.
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I can't wait to leave
if it was a white dude who shot three white girls because of their privilege, you bet your ass it would be on /pol/.
Guy's just fucking nuts. What kind of anthropology classes was he taking? I remember taking ones about different economics structures, folklore, evolutionary biology, psuedoscience, and archaeology. I had to change because, while Anthropology is a great degree. You can't do anything with it unless you get your PHD.

>one man

my sides
>it isnt like whites are ever going to grow a spine and say enough is enough.

If this happened in the south, he would be hanging from a tree tonight.

Actually we use lethal injection, here in the south.
Because asshole the black police dumped a mentally ill white girl in the ghetto.

Because she was white.
Welcome here newfag
While people are too divided
>not the South
If they let that bastard walk free, you can bet you bottom dollar someone will hunt him down and gut him.
40% of ALL murders committed in the US are committed by black males aged 17-29. They account for 1% of the US population.

1% of the population, 40% of the murders

This case isn't surprising, or anything different to those people who actually understand the reality of the situation in this country
It would be on 24/7 on all major news networks.
Instead of getting all criminals in line, we should just get the black criminals in line?


its beautiful.
>dumped a mentally ill white girl in the ghetto.
>released her from jail
Yeah, same thing basically
>we're all retarded, newfag
>>9772961 (OP)

>goes to indoctrination school
>taught all about how evil whites are
>decides to go apeshit and attack white people

When will people realize liberal marxists and their indoctrination is the real evil here? That have created so many "sub cultures" and other such shit that all war with each other constantly, to the point everyone hates everyone else

We've let these faggots rip us apart from the inside.. when will we stand up and say enough?
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So when a white person is racist it's scientifically sound and good for the human species, but when a black person is racist he needs to be hung?
They denied her a pick up despite her parents request.
They just released her into a dangerous neighborhood.

That is why she has been rewarded 22.5 million. Because of gross racist negligence with the intent to cause her harm.

Listen to how fucking stupid you are.
>>9772961 (OP)
>getting angry because because he's grasping at straws
What else is he going to argue to save himself? I accidentally shot up my office?
>when a white person says that black people are stupid he should get life in prison but when a black man attempts to murder three white women he should go free
>this video was in the related

It's always happening.
This does fall under hate crime right? Cause otherwise the U.S judicial system is pretty fucking unfair
>don't list facts
>don't cite sources
>get buttfurious when someone points out inconsistencies in what you posted
moar like WhitepeopleareClods, amirite?

No where in the report does it say the police "dumped" her anywhere. They released her from jail and went of her own free will to niggerland. So why is the city paying out 22.5mil again?
>>9772961 (OP)
Nobody is going to listen to you with a tripfag like 'whitepeoplearegods'.
You think people are going to listen to white supremacist scumbags?

You are the scum of the earth.
What? Fuck you. People here say we should annihilate the blacks all the time.
Don't you have an abortion clinic to blow up?
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yfw those black cops drive around and probably rape white girls and no one knows about it because they're cops and its Shitcago.
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>Implying it's not a joke

How do you people go through life being butthurt every day?

>They denied her a pick up despite her parents request.

She could of waited for her parents to show up since they would of known where she was since they made a request. No one else is to blame because she left of her own accord.
What she was doing there (the niggers' building)?
Look retard she was awarded 22.5 million because it was found to be the case.

Dumped in English means the same as dropped off or released.

Why the fuck are you arguing this shit?
You sound like an racist autistic asshole.

Maybe some whites should dump you in a Russian ghetto?
>>9772961 (OP)

dat nigga prob. has a white mommy.
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They do that in South Africa.
Does /pol/ do enough posting on black boards to stir them up and draw them out? Truly, the only solution to our race problem is black riots. Heat them up, and they will deliver.
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This is the happening /pol/ has always been waiting for


THE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Maybe some whites should dump you in a Russian ghetto?

Had Hitler waited a couple of years there would be no such thing

MFW i went to that school. It's gone downhill.

BTW, Atlanta is not the real south anymore. It's just like DC or Baltimore these days.
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>blaming an entire race for one man's crime is a little retarded
Agreed. So the blacks can stop blaming us white people for stuff we didn't do.


Where are you getting dropped off from? She was released from jail asshole. Man you sure sound like a dumb nigger with your nigger mental gymnastics.
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>blaming an entire race for one man's crime
>one man's crime
you cant be serious....

negros are only 3/4 of a human, at best
Annihilate blacks =/= send them back to africa
>>9772961 (OP)

Lock his ass up with Jared Loughner.
Why isn't this story being featured in the upcoming Superbowl Halftime Show Connecticut Memorial Snuffest planned for Sunday?
yeah but we don't actually act on our impulses like niggers do. we are civilized enough to have self control.
By /pol/'s interpretation of the UN definition, that is a genocide.
Moral of the story is that they don't charge blacks with hate crimes.
>This does fall under hate crime right? Cause otherwise the U.S judicial system is pretty fucking unfair

It's only a hate crime if the criminal is a white male conservative.
No fuck you you fucking asshole. You are the asshole

You are nitpicking over one word that it somehow invalidates the crime? NO.


Deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.

Yes dumped is the perfect word in this case as that is exactly what happened to her. She was denied being picked up by her parents and recklessly released into a situation that was likened to being released in a lion cage.

>(Judge)Easterbrook said the situation was so transparently dangerous that Chicago police “might as well have released her into the lions’ den at the Brookfield Zoo.”

You are the nigger. I hope you die a painful death.
except if it against a homosexual
>>9772961 (OP)
You can take the Nigger out of Africa, but can you take the Africa out of the Nigger?
yeah for some reason they arent invincible against non race related hate crimes.

Nitpicking? It's stated that she was released from jail. So where again are you getting that she was "dropped" off into the ghetto?
What's the difference between this scum and the Norwegian shooter? Same shit.
Why is this story so hard to find?

I googled georgia, white privilege, murder, white girls, blacks guy, and all the sites that came up were tumblr shit/other white privilege blogs. I had to look up the guys' last name to find the article. But when trayvon gets killed it's instantly front page news everywhere

How about yo answer dude why she did not wait for her parents to pick her up?
The judge you racist prick. Tell me you think me saying dumped proves something?
What does it prove?

Come you troll asshole. What does saying dumped actually prove.
..yet where is the outrage? where are the media coverage talking about the epidemic of directed black violence towards whites?
>Iilonga Thandiwe said he son is not evil. He did not have a criminal record. He told the judge the day of the shootings on July 15, 2011, his son was supposed to help him clear out some brush in an area near a homeless shelter.

In 99% of the time, black kill other black, I have no problem with that.
Dumped would mean they dropped her off somewhere with intent of her getting harmed.

Released from jail mean they let her go on her merry way.
I did. She was denied a pick up by her parents. Her parents were not told when she was released despite requesting the time.
It was intentional negligence to cause her harm.

Hence the judge awarding 22.5 million.

Because it the story doesn't fit with the narrative the media wishes to portray to the American people.
It doesn't matter, they're being uncivilized in a civilized country. It's just like muslims bringing their sharia law to the uk

>NEET here is getting trolled
>troll making him rage
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And you stupid asshole that is exactly what happened.
She was dumped on the street from the jail she was locked up in.
In nothing but hotpants and a bikini top.

>“She was lost, unable to appreciate her danger and dressed in a manner to attract attention,” Easterbrook wrote last spring.

“She is white and well-off while the local population is predominantly black and not affluent, causing her to stand out as a person unfamiliar with the environment and, thus, a potential target for crime.”
I don't like you.
>he got life in nigger heaven

Stop being butthurt and become a radical.
Not only that they denied her parents to arrange a pick up or even notify them when she was released.
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Raleigh, N.C.—Two brothers face multiple charges, including first-degree burglary and attempted murder, in connection with an early-morning violent home invasion in Raleigh’s Oakwood neighborhood in which a man was shot and his wife sexually assaulted.

Police found the man in his home in the 500 block of East Lane Street around 3:15 a.m. after receiving a 911 call from his wife who was able to escape to a neighbor’s house for help.

“We woke up, and there were these men in our bedroom, and they wanted money. We gave them everything we had, and we didn’t have enough,” the wife said in the frantic call, released Monday evening.

She said the men were masked and were wearing black. At some point, she was able to get away.

“I ran out of the house screaming, and then I heard them shoot him,” she said.

“We heard a blood-curdling scream and then pounding on our front door,” neighbor Terry Iverson told WRAL News Monday. “She said someone had broken in and there were a couple of guys, and her husband had been shot.”

Both victims were taken to WakeMed, where the wife was treated and later released. The extent of her husband’s injuries and whether he was still at the hospital Monday evening were unclear. He is expected to survive.

Other neighbors reported hearing commotion outside their window and seeing someone leaving jumping from a window and running down a pathway behind the house.

Another neighbor reported an attempted break-in at his home, neighbors said, and was able to write down part of a license plate number.

A short time later, police arrested Jahaad Tariem Allah Marshall, 26, and Shabar Master Marshall, 16, after a high-speed chase when they crashed their car at the intersection of Wilmington and Rush streets.

Shabar Marshall was charged with one count of first-degree burglary, two counts of first-degree kidnapping, one count of attempted murder and one count of first-degree forcible sex offense.
His brother was charged with one count of first-degree burglary, two counts of first-degree kidnapping, one count of attempted murder, one count of attempted first-degree rape and one count of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
yes.. yes goy look the other way and stop caring, just releax and watch TV then let these shitskins overrun your country he he he

I wonder who could be behind this post
First degree rape? Isn't it just rape?
>Implying there's hope

You underestimate the extent of the brainwashing that has already happened
Why, this is terrible.
It's worse than murdering a schoolbus driver, kidnapping a toddler and storing him in an underground rape bunker.

Oh wait.
No it isn't.
What are you talking about?
This is a hate crime, your case has nothing at all to do with this thread
Why do you automatically assume that I'm racist? Don't tell me you want a lighter punishment for that murderer.
We white people should act like what black people think we are.

We should start lynching niggers again.
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This one was a happy ending.

A mother of two has been hailed a hero by her husband after she shot an intruder in their Loganville, Ga., home last Friday afternoon.

"She protected the kids. She did what she was supposed to do as a responsible, prepared gun owner," said her husband, Donnie Herman, in an interview with ABC's Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV.

According to Herman and the Walton County Sheriff's Office incident report, Melinda Herman was working at home when a man began to ring the doorbell. She called her husband at work, who told her to gather their 9-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, and go hide. All three of them went to an upstairs crawl space, and Melinda brought along a .38 caliber handgun to the hiding place.

Her husband, meanwhile, called the police. In the 911 recording, Herman can be heard saying, "She shot him. She's shooting him, she's shooting him. Shoot him again."

"I heard him pleading," her husband said to the 911 operator. "He was screaming."

The man allegedly broke into the house and rummaged around before making his way to the crawl space, where he found the mother and children hiding.
>killing one person and kidnapping another is worse than killing 3 people due to racism

Fuck off and die you scumbag.
>>9772961 (OP)
>black anthropology major
it's like the amoeba are studying US
To be fair, he didn't kill all 3 of them, but he intended to
No links
I hate them too but try to not be shitty at spreading good reasons for it
>let's be grateful those useless niggers haven't killed more people today!

you fucking serious? get out
/pol says that all the time. The mainstream media and education system, however, consistently incites blacks to hate whites over colonialism. And whites are raised to take it. No more.
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Is this just a uniquely american thing?

You do realise you can just search names or any portion of what i'm typing and it will come up with the stories in google?

>where do you source requesting faggots think im getting it from.
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>>9772961 (OP)
Any link to those remarks, OP? Or are you full of shit?
I don't really expect delivery.
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What the fuck
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> Jahaad Tariem Allah Marshall, 26, and Shabar Master Marshall, 16

Those names.

Also, to the JIDF comments in this thread I have sent an e-mail with pictures and various docs to the FBI citing that your organization is attempting to stir up racial violence.

I sent it to the field office in San Francisco. There is no sense running, expect a visit soon.

You guys are sick and you need help.
bumping this shit
Oh and not just from today, but a vast catalog of your works.

So fuck you guys where you live.
>pls respond
baby's first troll: failed
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I got two GREAT hebrew pics and thread deletions from this morning.

I have been doing this for weeks now.
I tried to solicit an e-mail address from you earlier today, talk to your morning shift manager.
I'm putting you on notice that I am building files which I WILL release to all available media and social media sites unless directed otherwise by the FBI.

You guys need to cool your subversion and incitement to violence right now.

You are making things worse and I think you know that. Understand I have the will and the drive to take this viral.

This is the last warning you will get.
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pic related
What is this nihilist shit? This is Judaism? You people have gone rogue.

Fuck that, I'm going to send all this to the Jewish organizations as well.

Get ready for JDL status.
what the fuck, no its like 13%

still though i see what you mean

what happened to her chin? did it run away?

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Judaism and everything to do with lashing out at a system that paints you as an evil simply by being white and male.
he said 17-29 black men. Its a more specific percentage range.
Shut up nigger!
>implying we aren't already under the lazy eye of the FBI

Dickless faggot!
oh yeah your right sorry thanks
So this is your big plan? This is what all the shit is about.

To rile up the whites through media and movies and porn and stories? To hurt us, after we accepted you into America and let you into every facet of society.

You want to tear the whole thing down and cause chaos wherever you land. And you call yourself Religious men.

No one does this to you. You do this to yourselves.

No, actually, since the black race will actually be able to propagate amongst their own race rather then intermix with ours, they are not being genocided. In fact, they're being put back in their racial homeland.
Why do you have to ruin everything you touch?

This used to be a nice country. Why? Why do to us what your ancestors did to Germany, to Russia?

Is this the wake of Judaism? This is your legacy? An endless stream of betrayals and degradation? I just cannot fathom it.
>trying to pretend Jews are agitating AGAINST multicult
Nigger, please. You're not funny.
Were we not nice enough to you? Did we not accept you enough?

What is it? Why do you hate us this much. This much.
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Is this faggot serious? /pol/ is a containment board like /r9k/. Shit like "duh jooz" doesn't make it past a few posts in most boards.

Cease your shenanigans and enjoy the shit storm.
I have Russian Jewish friends, I spend time at their houses. I eat their borscht.

They get along just fine in our society, why are you so broken?

deporting a population isn't genocide even according to the stormfag definition

What the fuck are you smoking? Do you think I'm not white?

I'm fucking implying that whites are getting fed the fuck up with being painted as the villains, and will soon become the monsters that everyone keeps saying they are.
If you keep telling a man something about himself, someday he might become it.
>inane responses

Oh I get it, you're trolling.
But it's being purposefully done. It's a campaign against our way of life, against us as a people and a nation.

If you get fed up and attack you don't win anything, you just work for them! They want the chaos like in Germany, like in Russia. Like in Eastern europe. This is what they want from us.

It's a cycle where they flee an area they ruined and then descend on kindly, happy people. People who have made something wonderful.

And then they rape it to death.

no, there are many degrees of rape, from violent, forcible rape to a muslim telling a jewish israeli girl that he's jewish and then having consensual sex with her
>Please get them in line
We keep trying, but they won't let us. The allies wouldn't let us put the jews in line, Clinton wouldn't let us put kebab in line, and the jews won't let us put anything in line now.
>living in the south
>and the jews won't let us put anything in line now.
>when they're neck and neck with Iran and everyone Muslim

Boy oh boy they sure are dumb, we could have stayed for another 10-15 years and cleaned house for them.
So where are the stories about the "power of language" and all that shit, blaming this crime on the white privilege classes he took?

Hypocritical cunts.
shut up you edgy little faggot
they all need to die
Nobody said anything like that.

Thats the point. The universities incite racial violence. Nothing is said about it.
Lauren Garcia doesnt sound like a white name to me...
wow way to create support for the kkk lynch those filthy nigs RACE WAR! RACE WAR! ITS ON!

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