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I'm JAsIrX and I will share with you some documents downloaded after hacking Britam Defence server.
Its website is located on the Malaysian server. I found bugs in the website with same ip and uploaded web-shell through this site.
Then I hacked plesk parallels control panel and gained access to Britam Defence mail accounts and website directory.

Leaked documents:
- Contracts copies with signatures
- Private email correspondence
- Personnel data, etc.

Britam Defence is British private military company, operates mainly in the Middle East. It killed Arabs in Iraq and plans to invade in Iran and Syria.
Look through leaked documents carefully. CW means chemical weapon, g-shell is short for a gas shell I guess.

Help to distribute this info and let other people know about the threats.
Thank all

Pic related its the email directed at the head of Britam to orchestrate a false flag in syria.
>>9611319 (OP)
Don’t open the files in you personal email.

Coincidentally on December 25th there were reports of Chemical Weapons used by Assad.



I think it's safe to assume that the chemical weapons that were used were delivered by Britam Defence.
This thread's theme song:

how does one use an email to open files?

the shirtposters have already arrived i see
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youre a faggot
this is the threads theme



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>inb4 JIDF

GET REKD! Spread the word!
You have nigger tier taste in music.

magnet link to original torrent:

So it went from "We've got a new offer, it's this really involved thing, what do you think?" to LOLCHEMICALWEAPONSUSED in just one day? Think, for god's sake.
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This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
your the one with the tumor in her brain ahhgen?
It's still evidence of some seriously shady stuff, even if it happened a month ago
someone post the time stamp info

also, disinfo agents can't prove shit just speculate

good guys 1

fags 0
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fbi intern detected
>Mommy said I could use 4chan now
>Look through leaked documents carefully. CW means chemical weapon, g-shell is short for a gas shell I guess.

This, again??
FUCK, I hate you all for not fixing this retards incorrect analysis..

HERE: http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2001/11/00_harigel_cbw.htm

Nah, everyone who was posting cuck spam is now desperately trying to sage, spam, and 404 these threads because they are relevant. You're obviously one the the spammers who was posting the cuck threads and whatever the hell else, so you can fuck right off.

We see through every layer of your pathetic attempts at disguising yourselves; don't think for a second we don't know what's going on.
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More appropriate..
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>A look into the Britam Leak

It already happened. There is even no crazy mumbojumbo. It was clear from the moment that one faggot showed this little cup of dust infront of the un or something saying "thats enough to kill many and Assad has more."


Notice how the email at OP states 24 DEZ 2012 and the article here says 26 DEZ 2012.
It may have already happened.

You people immediately jumping on your horses and running away are a disgrace really. Are you new to politics or something?
People who were following the Syria-issue were waiting for something that would prove the blameshifting the US is trying just so they could "DEMOCRATICE" Syria.

Seriously, people who not healthily doubt this but go crazy-modo "This is fake i wont even read" are just painful to see.

I bet you people did the same when someone suggested that Iraq was not enriching uranium on driving trucks. You believed it without question.

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I prefer these threads to cuck.

At least people are branching out.
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>>9611319 (OP)
Copy from last thread:

The email is dated back to December 24th, all of you faggots expecting something to happen are stupid.

Coincidentally on December 25th there were reports of Chemical Weapons used by Assad.



I think it's safe to assume that the chemical weapons that were used were delivered by Britam Defence.
otto bomp

Opening files in a personal email? Are the dis-info posters this stupid? Besides, the NSA already has all of your emails and personal information in their databases.
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Avenge him, /pol/.
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>>9611319 (OP)

bump for justice

this is GOOD stuff

hang all the fuckers
Less than a day between a company accepting a contract, obtaining the weapons, delivering them into syria and the press reporting on the results, seems very unlikely.

>>9611319 (OP)
The incriminating stuff is all text not scans, and the writing style in them is very similar to the tone of the release note, which sounds a lot like a neckbeard trying to be official. I think it's a bit ham-handed to be a state sponsered forgery.

So to me the logical conclusion is that someone managed to dump some documents from a small time defence company and added information intended to incriminate western governments. The outfit is simply to small to initiate "plans to invade in Iran", regardless of anything else.
pls sir, go
and dont come back
Wait what!? Explain what's going on here? When did this all happen?
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If possible, please try to bump in sensible intervals. Just keep the thread open and auto-refresh.

Bumping with whatever relevant content you have that has not been posted should also be advised.

Here's a pastebin i stumbled across:

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>So to me the logical conclusion is that someone managed to dump some documents from a small time defence company and added information intended to incriminate western governments. The outfit is simply to small to initiate "plans to invade in Iran", regardless of anything else.

This is what I suspected as well. I suspect that even governments supportive of Assad may even have a hand in doctoring these, since they know that he's going down and would just like to fling some shit at the West before he goes.

Of course this thread will shout me down as being just another JIDF shill.
I wish you whiny bitches shut the fuck up and spread the info, send it to presstv and Iran will have a response by tommorrow

Some anon posting with a trip e-mailed one of the Britsam executives, promising to post a screen of his the dude's reply.

Hasn't been heard from since, we've assumed that he's dead.

LrN2 think
police yourself faggot
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yes neckbeards and governments conspiring like that's really more believable shill
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This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
I'm not convinced at all that the attack on the 25th was the one referred to in the email. Seems far to minor to be able to drag U.S, U.K and whoever else, directly into the conflict.
Guys, even if this isn't real, that's still no reason to believe that the west doesn't want to add Syria to its list of countries that need "freedums".

You're joking, right?

When this first broke, there were 9 cuck spam threads on page 0.

Believe me, I was there.
Your jew senses are tingling?

it is real, nobody has disproved this yet that ins't just speculation.
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thats the post from the sysadmin on reddit who did a little digging, someone else in the thread went further and confirmed the final IP matched the location from david's linkedin page.

The thread was deleted and posts involved removed by reddit mods. heres the last working link https://pay.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1794vf/britam_defence_hacked_confidential_documents/

not much left in it but the sysadmin guy's name is kungfuspider you can get to his original post through his user page.
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Why didn't you stop it?
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It's over.
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I don't know how.
please this beginning end dychotomy is played out
>american education
>hitler promised
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This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
Now these jidf scum are trying to reach the bump limit quickly. Just fuck off you subhuman shits.
This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
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You could have prevented this.
This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.

exact same posts

these kikes aren't good at their job...
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This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
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I can just create another one just like the last few.

I never sleep.
This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
and im here to bump have been for 4 hours
>shitposting in response to a logical argument
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Jew senses are tingling!!!
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what kind of "enormous sums" are worth starting WW3?
just keep posting this in all the other boards too. spam slowed down because they have to spam and look around other boards too.
glad your still bumping
Ask the Jews who started WW2, I'm sure it was a very large number
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The kind the Black Nobility has.
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This thread, again.

Notice since we had them, there has been little to no cuck spam.

I sense the same people are involved.
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bump 4 dubles
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Also not sure if I should download, because I wouldn't have any idea what to do with them, they'd just sit on my computer haha

But bumping with a few pics for those who need to see this shit
>this and an iranian nuke facility getting blowed up

yeah its happening
>>9611319 (OP)

Updates OP? Have you found anything else in the documents? I've skimmed through them for about 10 minutes total. The Iran shit seems interesting, as if the Iranian government caught Britam in their country, they'd probably behead them.
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>>9611319 (OP)
If you doubt this or are scared of opening files or too lazy to open files;

This is a summary / report on the files and their contents, complete with pictures and everything.

This is authentic guys, the e-mails have IP's tracing them back to Britam's company in the UK...

Some people are trying to link this with the Dec, 25 incident... But they are separate...
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So, I'm posting an attention-grabbing picture hopefully for an answer.

>What does the US/Qatar want with Syria?

It produces a paltry amount of oil compared to its neighbors, so it can't be economic.

Assad has done nothing resembling the Libyan moves towards de-throning the petrodollar.

I mean, Syria is a minimal threat to anyone and its oil reserves aren't really any kind of prize.

What possible motivation could there be to use chemical weapons in a false flag? It'd most certainly involve the US, France, Great Britain, and their Middle Eastern allies more directly in the civil war-- but what's the end-goal/point to that?

Go ask the fucking CIA and the Joint Chiefs and the cabinet, because it's verified that we've been tirelessly looking for ways to overthrow Assad.
they want to force iran's hand while looking like the good guy.

>"assad uses chemical weapons"
>UN gets mandate for no fly zones
>iran attacks shipping in straight of hormuz as result of UN mandate
>tonkin pt II
Cant wait any longer:

>Blast hits key Iranian nuclear site?
US-based website WND says mysterious explosion destroys large part of Fordo nuclear facility. Report uncorroborated by any official Western source


>>9612964 →
By letting NATO set up yet another base in the region.
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I know Syria is an Iranian ally, but seriously?

Syria's military is paltry compared to that of Iran's... and Iran's isn't really particularly impressive.

A no-fly-zone wouldn't affect the Straight of Hormuz anyway. Iranian shipping would be interdicted, but the Med is already controlled by the US and its allies.

It's separated, by land, by Iraq. Not even just Iraq, the Kurdish portions of Iraq form part of that buffer.... Iran's not likely to get weapons through there to Syria.

Is it really worth THAT much to them? The instability, the terrorist haven, the uncertainty of democracy (as highlighted with Egypt), etc?

We have dozens of bases in the region, why would more be needed in Syria?

>I'm not doubting the leaks' authenticity
>I'm just having trouble imagining what the hell anyone would WANT with Syria

check this video out by Alex Jones he goes into detail.
http://www.youtube .com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sAwBBsJtULY
its all a big chess game.

The US has forces in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan all poised to strike Iran, the problem that Syria represents is that it is an ally of Iran and if the NATO forces on the western side attack Iran then they will face a counter attack from Syria on their rear, being trapped in a formation that goes like this Syria >>> NATO>>><<<<Iran (arrows indicating direction army is going) which puts the NATO troops in danger of being encircled and defeated leaving it all up to the NATO forces in Afghanistan

Syria is literally keeping NATO in check and by removing syria by replaceing its government with an inept bunch of sectarian retards who couldn't organize anything if their life depended on it they remove the threat Syria presents
It's probably all for a war economy (which Syria has at the moment).

All those guns and bullets have to come from somewhere.
Like they say, most answers to geopolitics (and politics in general) can solved with geography.
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I mean, do you think Syria would risk its existence by supporting Iran?

Not only that, I have a feeling that Middle Eastern partners, when faced with attacks from Syria, would act as a rear-guard that could EASILY contain Syria.

I was talking reserves, not even production-- and current production is kinda shit.

There are huge profits in destabilizing a country, especially if you're the one pulling the strings.

Libya for example, wanted set up the Gold African Dinar. The US didn't like that
One of the very first things the "rebel" groups did after seizing power was set up a Rothschild owned central bank in Libya.
It's all about control with these Zionists. They want to enslave the whole world through economic terrorism.
Something just a LITTLE less tin-foil please.

I know your hypothesis fits and there certainly is precedent, but I'm looking for something more down to earth as an explanation.

>More bases
>Secure rear for war with Iran

Don't really add up.

I mean, there are military contracts and associated graft to be made from wars, but seriously?

I'll admit that if this were ancient-style warfare with booty and resources to be looted/taken, it'd be a different story.

However, these days, it costs a shitload more to invade a country (even one as resource-rich as Iraq) than one could extract from it.
they would have to go through Iraq if they were going to attack on ground which would probably be pretty easy since the Iraqi Army hasn't really come back very well after being disbanded by the US, their essentially just a bunch of randoms picked up and used as a proxy for the US and will be beaten by the Syrians who are more professional then the Iraqi troops. what pose more of a threat however are the use of Syrian planes, if Iranian ground forces get close enough to take out or even threaten US AA gear then the Syrians can use planes and basically fuck up the NATO forces (the Iranians won't because the first order of action usually is to take airfields and destroy enemy planes)
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>do you think Syria would risk its existence by supporting Iran?


Syria aided Iran in the Iran-Iraq war where Syria stopped Iraq's pipeline (thus fucking up their logistics). Iran and Syria (also Iraq) signed a $10 billion gas deal and along with that Iran and Syria set up a joint bank in Damascus where Iran owns 60% of it.

Also taking into account that Iran in the past pledged $5.3 billion in aide to Syria, you have to understand that both countries have historical ties whether it be through war, science & research, and/or economic.

christ watch the alex Jones video I linked in this thread it will tell you why. it's not just oil bases and to attack Iran.

there's a reason why anti-gun laws are happening all of a sudden and so many "random" shootings keep happening
Some of what I said was opinion, and I apologize for that.

But, as you agreed, there is precedent for it. Just imagine though how much money is made by institutions like the Federal Reserve.
Profit alone is enough motivation for war. It certainly wouldn't be the first time it's happened either.

The only conspiracy theory that explains wanting to conquer every independent nation is that a group wants global government. That's pretty much the only reason if you rule out money and resources. Just by existing any nation that is not controlled by a world government would pose a threat: it would provide an example to people of an alternative to a single world-wide government.

It also explains the order of operations too. You don't waste your time trying to gobble up all the defenseless countries. That would appear tyrannical and they can be taken at any time. You have to go after nations that are actually self-sufficient because they will at least try to fight back so you can tell your own population they are the bad guys (cause they are fighting back.) False flags would probably also help with this. It's not about nations; it's about controlling populations of people.

But this is completely theoretical and probably nonsense.
>this is the theme when we march into syria and liberate the oppressed from assad's tyranny


fuck you faggots
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But there's a few flies in this ointment:
They might do the "don't get involved" thing they did during the Gulf War though.
They WILL ruin Syrian air assets attempting to hit NATO's rear
>US power in Iraq
We still have combat airpower there and the Syrians won't last long up against Turkish and allied ME militaries on the defensive with a relatively small contingent of US airpower dedicated to attacking Syrian airfields/assets.

I mean, I guess it makes some sense in terms of Iran if
is right. Which he does make a good case, I just find it difficult to imagine a country opting for outright national suicide to help an ally, albeit one of its VERY few allies.

Your link was fucked, bro.
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Have fun getting v&, the poster on reddit and the last poster of this link reportedly got v&. Keep this alive though, it may be happening.

>inb4 hurr JIDF spotted
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>this is the theme when we march into syria and liberate the oppressed from assad's tyranny

confirmed for knowing absolutely nothing about the history of Iraqi-Syrian relations

Syria was going to support Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, because Saddam was a madman who attacked Iran without warning because of some irredentist nonsense. After Iran, it would have been Syria next.

Saddam was a Baathist leader, and the Baath party was at one time pan-Arabic. The Iraqi Baath party split with the Syrian Baath party and there was tension between the two, and Saddam rose to power by killing all of his rivals, accusing them of being Syrian agents. Do you really think that such a man would not have attacked Syria if he had the chance?
it's gold.
Jst look at how much gold is in Syria/Iran/Libya region.
no I just put a space between the youtube .com <---like that just copy and paste it into the url and delete that space.
>one world government

nah its more about getting a central bank in there and then extorting whatever puppet government that runs the country to tow the line.

running everything yourself is hard, its also blindly obviously bad and would be revolted against pretty quickly even by the dumbest of blue pills.

subtlety is key, controlling all the major countries through economic extortion while allowing them to have the illusion of sovereignty while also controlling, policing and creating perfect conditions for strip mining the 3rd world falls to the UN. an example of this is the Congo which exports Coltan (a mineral that allows modern electronics to function, 90% of which is in the Congo) at slave labor prices. the UN has a presence in the country and could easily destroy the two major militias fighting each other over the Coltan mines and selling the Coltan to the first world to finance their war (which in itself is a vicious cycle) but instead they allow it to continue while not allowing either to gain enough power to actually win.
even if they do get wrecked, they will still be delaying NATO forces on the western side which allows Iran some space to fight off the Eastern forces in Afghanistan, and if Iran successfully repels the East (keep in mind Iran is an expert in defensive warfare and have probably dug in due to the threat perceived from the US bases on the borders) then they can turn and help Syria in defeating the West
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Why shouldn't we have a single currency and one world government?

The alternative is 1800's-1900's Imperialism, at least with a one world government we have better odds of space exploration.

Don't the central banks make it easier to do business and trade between countries?

>inb4 mfw I'm proved wrong
CIA Intern checking in
The email is bogus
More to come in 24 hours...

Do you really want to live the life of a serf in a global version of North Korea? Personally, I don't.

You honestly would trust a selected number of people to control the entire world government? Didn't you know that power corrupts? And absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
>Why shouldn't we have a single currency and one world government?

>single currency
i'm not much for economics so this should probably be answered by someone else but having once currency and one economy would probably be very fragile considering if the value of that currency goes down due to inflation (which is very likely considering this hypothetical one world government would be in love with reserve banking) then all of the worlds currency would be effected as opposed to just one countries value going down. we can see this with the Euro losing value due to a couple countries in the EU fucking up *cough* Greece *cough*

>one world government
you know what they say about absolute power, the ruling class are already fucking douchbags, imagine if they had no opposition.
>Devil's Advocate, dont hate
That quote is used too much... And it has been more about ignorant / stupid people gaining power and fubaring it...

>Define Serf...
We are already beholden to corporations, and global trade through the internet has made competition so fierce no small business can exist.

>North Korea
>Isolationist state with no trade...
Nah man, also North Korea doesn't have a Rothschild bank...
>Why shouldn't we have a single currency and one world government?

>The alternative is 1800's-1900's Imperialism

Nice false dichotomy statist nigger
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>Didn't you know that power corrupts? And absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
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Statist elite cocksucker detected

You're trying to derail the topic of this thread. I see what you're doing. If you want to discuss one world government and global finance, go start your own thread, kike.
nsa 16 hours
Getting off track.

Has ANYBODY out there found anything interesting in the archives that hasnt already been posted or screen-capped?
Shut it down
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It's funny cause I'm really not...

What else are we going to talk about anyway!? We've already stated the implications of this, and I'm not denying it happened either!

I'm just trying to spark conversation
>hurpa durp

>mfw I'm not even jidf
Nobody giving this a thought?
SO what do these emails prove?

That the chemical weapons claimed to be used in Syria were sent to Syria by this contractor Britam?

Did they supply rebels with the chem weps or was the Assad gov't supplied?
Bump for great justice

Forum sliding is in full effect.

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