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Any culturally advanced society would curb ownership of lethal weapons.

Why again is gun control bad?
False premise.
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MFW 7.62
this is 7.62x39
>>9888246 (OP)
did anybody else think that bullet was chocolate and peanut butter?
I've never fired a gun in my life, but i know that's bullshit

See the tip there? That's the "Bullet" that goes flying.

If that kid did have this bullet in his head, it's because someone THREW it really hard at him

Also, the AR-15 is a cheep plastic piece of shit
Actually that's a cartridge. If you recovered it via surgery, surgery is probably how it got in there I the first place.
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>bullet recovered from childs head
>still has shell attached.

Unless some fucker threw it at her, someone dropped the ball.
How can people know this little about guns, its not a goddammed portal turret that shoots the whole bullet!
>>9888246 (OP)
>Why again is gun control bad?

Armed niggers are everywhere.

how did the gun fire the entire cartridge?
>>9888246 (OP)
>a baby's head
>taking a NATO round
>normal civilian rifles firing 7.62 rounds
>>9888246 (OP)
This is why no ones listens to libruls, they know so little about the subject at hand that no one can actually take them seriously.
>shot the child in the head with a 7.62
>didnt absolutely blow out the back of the child's head

these are pretty hilarious though. brady campaign dump?
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Reminds me of this.
So the entire cartridge was in her head?

Are you fucking kidding me. These fucking guys.

>muh baby killing assault clip magazine bullet cartridge firing assault rifle.
>implying it's possible to survive a headshot with no protection


Have you ever been so mad you threw live rounds at a house?
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pic related its what happens when 7.62 meets head.
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This is how you sound.
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But it is
Whoever made these fake campaign posters is doing an awesome job at rustling jimmies.

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>>9888246 (OP)
Okay so that's not .223, that's not a bullet alone but the whole ammunition with the cartridge, and how the fuck is the child still alive if she got that in her head ?
I hope it is a parody.
>>9888246 (OP)
That round honestly doesn't look as if it has been fired at all, much less found in a childs head.
the fuck? you people think the .22 round is the most powerful round ever invented. why? because it has 3 numbers? I pity you.
i have shot guns before but not decent-sized shit like this, and even i can tell with my very limited knowledge that this could never have left the gun in one piece.

sage and move on

You mean .223 I assume, and no, the 30-06 is the biggest round. There isn't even a decimal.
>>9888246 (OP)

they found the cartridge in her head as well?
I'm pretty sure that's what you have to resort to if you have an AR(AbysmalReliability)-15.
That's a motorcycle accident.
>>9888246 (OP)
>bullet still in casing
>is that a full metal jacket?
I don't think they'd have recovered that from inside the child's head. Maybe on the other side of the room?
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oh noes ban everything!
>gets shot in the head by a (presumably) .223 AR-15
>doctors remove an intact 7.62x39 cartridge
holy shit that kid's a wizard
>>9888246 (OP)
>entire rounds are fired out of the barrel of a firearm
I choked on my coffee a little bit.
Gun control is bad because white men with small penises would have nothing to make up for their lack of erection.
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>Shell still on the bullet

Do liberals even know what a fucking gun is?
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>>9888246 (OP)
>implying what you define as "culturally advanced" is actually advanced or good

Gun Control isn't about guns. It's about control.

More government is the last thing anyone needs. They fuck up everything.
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0/10 Man.

In my day trolling meant something.

Actually, it's .30-06 and you're trolling too hard. Subtlety is your friend.
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>65 percent more babby killing per bullet
Sorry, moved it to

forgot the "start at 'x' time"
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>People believing these Brady Bunch Parodies from /k/
>>9888246 (OP)
This round looks as pristine as the one recovered in Parkland Hospital from Kennedy.

Anyhow, the round has clearly not been fired.

So it was not recovered from that child's head, unless it was put there by some means other than a gun.

It also resembles a 7.62x39 steel case.

That being the case it was unlikely to be used in an AR15.
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>More government is the last thing anyone needs. They fuck up everything.

Keep the faith, brother. We WILL sail to the promised land one day.
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>this is the bullet
>show unfired bullet

Obviously the whole bullet was fired.
I know shit about guns (I know nothing, I never used a gun in my life, I didn't know the name was shell) and I was going to post the same thing.

>dats da joke
Well that wound doesn't look so severe. I'd surmise the "shooter" just chucked the round at her head.

That is if that image wasn't a FUCKING PARODY.

However, real examples of such idiocy exist.
>implying that's what I was saying

Nice strawman

Some government is needed, of course.

But the government we have now is overbearing and has too much intrusion.
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> Whole bullet was fired

Time to ring in the glorious Aperture Science revolution.
>not putting a cartridge in a black powder rifle so it has twice the killing power
>>9888246 (OP)

Any 'culturally advanced' society wouldn't need to curb the ownership of lethal weapons.

Why don't you trust your neighbor?

Either your society is dangerous enough that people need weapons for protections... or safe enough that you can trust most people with weapons.
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Just imagine how people will react when a killer uses a real rifle
Is brady campaign seriously saying rape is fine, but murder is not?

No one no one likes these morons
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>>9888246 (OP)
Because in this 'advanced society' you still have people wanting to rape, murder, steal, and harm others.

Your 'lethal weapons' would then be owned only by the government.

Instead you should curb 'violent behavior' instead of 'inanimate objects'.
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Yea, these are the same people that think you don't have a right to defend yourself essentially.
>>9888246 (OP)
in order to understand why gun control is bad you must first understand what a gun's main use is.

a gun is not to kill people. it is to stop people from killing you.

>also that pic is retarded 'cause that's not a bullet, it's a round 'cause it's still in the shell
>it's a round
>implying that's round

Jesus chrsit are you retarded
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Holy shit, you can not be this retarded..
The stats they cite usually consist of "Gun deaths", which include civilian self defense, police shooting criminals, ect. A rapist or mugger shot and killied by his victim is argued as a negative by those stats.
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>>9888246 (OP)
was all this done by /k/ in their disinfo operation?
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gun control is only bad when obongo does it
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You obviously know nothing. That's a bullet. It's put into the clip and fired and at this point it because round(er)
>>9888246 (OP)
the bullet had it's casket ?
>>9888246 (OP)
OP is a faggot. Are you really that oblivious to the lessons of history?

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our guns are the last line of defence against tyranny, a global police state and our total enslavement.

I am so sick of you history illiterate FAGGOTS. GTFO. There is no valid debate on the subject. faggot. Its the choice liberty and slavery. I hate you for even having an opinion. faggot. faggot. nigger.

>calling a round a bullet

OK, now I know you are trolling
She seems happy.
6/10 OP I lol'd at the reactions.
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just stop, we know Reagan took the guns and it was bad

stop being such an ignorant assfuck
>Our guns are the last line of defence against tyranny, a global police state and our total enslavement.

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>You obviously know nothing.
I'm not trolling. You're the one who seems to be trolling
>calling a bullet round
>thinks clips don't hold bullets

That looks like a 7.62x54r to me...
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because our society is light years away from being culturally advanced.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Nigger faggot op
>A clip is a device that is used to store multiple rounds of ammunition together as a unit, ready for insertion into the magazine or cylinder of a firearm
>implying a bullet isn't ammunition

Just stop. It isn't working.
Heh you guys got rused
>>9888246 (OP)
That simply isn't true.

A culturally advanced society would have no need to curb ownership of lethal weapons.

The problem is that the West is NOT a culturally advanced society. We have allowed our culture to decline significantly over the past hundred years. Now we are at a point where social advancements must be made in order to further humanity.

Social advancements can not be legislated by the government. It is a slow and steady process that each and every one of us takes part in directly.
>>9888246 (OP)
If that bullet couldnt kill that child... then why the fuck do we need a ban? its obvious guns are harmless, they cant evel kill a little kid even if the bullet hits the head
I don't.
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>>9888246 (OP)
Did they throw the bullet at the baby?

Because that bullet was never shot.
master of the ruse!
>>9888246 (OP)

1. How was the whole bullet shell and all fired into a kid's head?

2. any advanced society wouldn't open its borders to the criminal element that only makes problems worst and not better, and would deal with the PEOPLE responsible for crime

I wasn't being serious...
That bullet was obvioulsy so good at babby killing, they retrieved it, reformed it and provided another round with its magical properties.

Gun nuts will go to any length to make sure kids die, never forget this.
> Any culturally advanced society would curb ownership of lethal weapons.

Good. Let's disarm the government too.
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The word "recovered" is an odd choice in the poster. "Recovered" would mean the bullet was the only thing of value and that the rest (the body of the child) was just trash.

Couple that with it being an unfired bullet of a different caliber than stated and a stock, not dead baby photo, and you've got a poster made by a retard, or a troll.

Don't try to ban shit you don't have knowledge of. How would you like it if we tried to ban being able to have 20 dicks in your mouth at once, OP?

Also, pic related. It's the slice of ham they recovered from my belly when I took a shit.
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Thank you for using my image. I'm glad my image has created such controversy.

I'll dump them all for fun
>>9888246 (OP)
>steel case
>fired from an AR-15

>that bullet
>recovered from child's head
>still in the case
>a lacquer-coated steel case

>child's head not a pile of mush on a coroner's table

/k/ made that, didn't they?
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the one that started it all
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one second
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I turned this image into my next one
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The president's kids are protected
you cheeky motherfucker, I was right
>.223 round is deadliest round!
I can't find the video I'm looking for

>Military wouldn't use an AR-15

Who do you trust?
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one of my favorites
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celebrity endorsements
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i tired to pack as many facts and correct images into this one as i could
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another one of my favs, although not belivable

It's neither. It's to take your own life when it isn't worth living anymore.

The most likely victim of a gun is its owner.
>>9888246 (OP)

>Bullet in a casing.
>Recovered from a child's head.

Wow, Lanza was mysteriously able to throw bullets into people without even firing them!
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too many more to reply too, but here is the link to the psd file if you want to edit it
sendspace dot com blackslash file blackslash 7cz6uz
why cant i collect a weapon for any level of interest
What the fuck did that look like after it was healed, or did he croak?

>mfw it's probably 1/4 as many.
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>implying they don't accurately portray the brady position
>implying the brady bunch didn't like them so much they posted one to their own facebook page
>the world was much less brutal then
I kneejerked hard.

I must contest that it took me a moment to realize that the shell was not fired; I only suspected that the bullet was fake because it had no damage on it.
If I, a hick in the conservative Midwest, can fall for this image, do you guys seriously think that those who fiercely oppose and never interact with guns will interpret the image saarcastically?

I have a unwelcome feeling that this legislation will be passed.
>>9888246 (OP)
>bullet totally undeformed, still in the casing, removed from head, .762x39
so did she get brain damage or the right to vote?
>40 on gun means 40 rounds, not .40caliber

huh, how, d..., I..., fucking liberals
Is... is that real? If so...
That's a HUGE fucking bullet you've just described. Or a really long thin one.

If you thought even for a ten thousandth of a second that it was anything other than an unfired cartridge, then you've never used a gun in your life.
well, it could be 0.762mm or 0.763 caliber
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that's 7.62x39 OP.

I believe sandy hoax - er- hook was the fault of handguns with extended clipazines.

you are obviously well informed politically, and have so much knowledge of firearms and munitions you could be a gunsmith

thank you for your patriotism, and not becoming caught up in the emotional hysteria perpetrated by the Federal Propaganda Machine.
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Not all of it.

The one I posted was a photoshop, but some really aren't photoshops.

"Maybe you have a constitutional right to have a cellphone with a pre-dialed 911 at your bedside. That might provide you a little better protection than a gun which you're not used to using."
Someone the Brady Campaign supports.
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The time is now.
I fired a gun just last night at a Super Bowl party.
Although I never did the shooting, I would always accompany my step-brother on his deer hunts, and I would always pick up the used shells (unless he was bow hunting, of course).
However, to anyone who has never used a gun, or has used it rarely without any interest, I suspect they (and I) could fall for this image. Those in controlled, urban populations are much more likely to fall for it.
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Another from the great people at Brady Campaign.

Captcha:cockleg Zealand
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Try again.

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