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New York Times

Suspect in Botched Shooting Bought Gun Legally Despite Mental Illness
New York Times - 13 hours ago


CHARLESTON, S.C. - The gentle pace of life on the campus of Ashley Hall, South Carolina's only all-girls preparatory school, appeared to be back on Friday.

Still, police officers patrolled the iron fence that surrounds the school and teachers remained on edge, trying to grasp how a woman with a public history of mental illness had managed to buy a gun a week earlier and amazed that the gun, when pointed at administrators who confronted her in front of the school on Monday, did not fire.

Alice Boland, 28, who was charged in 2005 with threatening to assassinate President George W. Bush and members of Congress as she waited in line at U.S. Customs, is again charged with plotting a violent attack. On Monday, after pacing in front of the school gates during car pool and visibly swinging a gun, she tried to shoot two faculty members: the director of the high school, Mary Schweers, and an English teacher, Chris Hughes.
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The police charged Ms. Boland with attempted murder and unlawful carrying of a firearm. The only thing that stopped her, they said, was that she did not realize the gun was locked.

“We were very fortunate she did not know how to take the lock off, or this could have been a tragedy,” said Earl Woodham, a spokesman in Charlotte for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The authorities are investigating whether Ms. Boland was required to disclose her history of mental illness when she bought the gun. A small firearms store in Walterboro, 50 miles from Charleston, sold her the Taurus PT-22 pistol on Feb. 1. She filled out a federal background check form and was approved.

She appeared to have bought the gun legally, Mr. Woodham said. Gun buyers nationwide are required to disclose mental illnesses only if they have been committed to an institution or found “mentally defective” by a judge, he said.

“Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are mentally unstable but who would not technically be declared mentally defective,” he said.
And New York has some of the strictest gun laws.

Way to go keep up the good work
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1 dead, 1 wounded in shooting
Reno Gazette-Journal - 2 hours ago
The shooting shortly after 2 p.m. Friday prompted Washoe County School District officials to temporarily lock down the nearby Vaughn Middle School and Veterans Memorial S.T.
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Parents were grateful for the quick action by administrators, who used a well-rehearsed emergency plan to secure the campus and stalled Ms. Boland at the gate. Two weeks ago, in response to the Newtown, Conn., massacre, the police met with school officials to rehearse the protocol for a school shooting.

The mayor of Charleston, Joseph P. Riley Jr., said that the incident was a “wake-up call” and that he would encourage South Carolina legislators to tighten restrictions on background checks for mental illness.

“If you threaten to kill a president of the United States, so many alarm bells should sound when you go to buy a gun,” he said. “We could easily be talking about a homicide or multiple homicide. It’s a miracle we’re not.”
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Man killed in downtown Santa Cruz shooting
Santa Cruz Sentinel - 2 hours ago
SANTA CRUZ -- A 32-year-old man killed downtown early Saturday in an apparent gang-related shooting, police said. The victim, a Santa Cruz resident, was shot multiple times about 12:30 a.m.
>>10055656 (OP)
You going to include the incident where the LAPD shot the fuck out of two different trucks searching for Chocolate Rambo, OP?
>thinks this happened in New York
>not being a functionally illiterate retard

Pick one
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Alabama: Kidnapper Was Shot Multiple Times
Small Town Wins Its Standoff With a Kidnapper
A Personal Quest to Make Guns’ Toll More Visible
The Fifth Down
Revisiting Guns, the N.F.L. and Costas
The Caucus
Newtown Survivor to Attend State of the Union Address

his ability to breathe astounds me
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>buy a gun to kill someone with
>don't even bother figuring out how it works first
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Pastor Apologizes to His Denomination for Role in Sandy Hook Interfaith Service

A Lutheran pastor who participated in an interfaith prayer service in Newtown, Conn., in the days after the Sandy Hook massacre has apologized after being criticized by the leader of his denomination for violating its prohibition against joint worship with other religions.

The Rev. Rob Morris, a new pastor who lost one of the members of his congregation in the shooting, defended himself in an open letter published by the church, saying that before the tragedy, he had spent hours with his congregation educating them about the differences between Lutheran teaching “and the teachings of false religions such as Islam or Baha’i,” both of which had clergy members at the interfaith service. He also noted that, in his own prayer at the service, he had spoken about Jesus and quoted from the Bible.

“I believed my participation to be, not an act of joint worship, but an act of community chaplaincy,” he wrote.

But he also apologized.

“To those who believe that I have endorsed false teaching, I assure you that was not my intent, and I give you my unreserved apologies,” he wrote.
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don't knock it. Insane gunnuts are a blessing in disguise at times

godspeed ashley hall
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Mr. Morris, serving his first year of ministry as pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Newtown, attracted attention within his denomination when he gave the benediction at the high-profile memorial service on Dec. 16 that was attended by President Obama, the families of the dead, and clergy members from many religions, including the Muslim and Baha’i faiths.

In the days after the interfaith service, criticism of Mr. Morris mounted within his denomination, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a 2.3-million-member church that is more conservative theologically than the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Missouri Synod bars joint worship with other religions, because, it says, participation could be seen as an endorsement of faiths that do not regard Jesus alone as savior or as a suggestion that differences between religions are not important.

The Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, president of the Missouri Synod, called on Mr. Morris to apologize, which he did.
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The Newtown reprimand was not the first time a pastor from the Missouri Synod has been chastised for taking part in an interfaith service after a national tragedy. In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Rev. David H. Benke, the pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Brooklyn and the equivalent of a bishop in the church hierarchy, was suspended from ministry for taking part in a huge interfaith prayer service held at Yankee Stadium.

Mr. Benke had broken the First Commandment — “I am the Lord thy God” — by worshiping with “pagans,” including Muslim, Sikh and Hindu clergy members, the Rev. Wallace Schulz, a senior official of the church, said then. Mr. Benke refused to apologize, and was cleared by a church panel in 2003 and permitted to return to ministry.

Asked for comment on the Newtown situation on Thursday, Mr. Benke said he did not agree with the denomination’s decision to ask Mr. Morris to apologize. “I am on the side of giving Christian witness in the public square and not vacating it,” he said. “If we don’t show up, who can receive our witness?”
Plenty of time to have made an explicit argument.
Sage and minimize.
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Key Gun-related Legislation

Senate Bill 346: Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, drafted this bill that would make it illegal to sell or possess any gun with a magazine of more than 10 rounds. She pushed it to the forefront last month after the Newtown, Conn., shooting. President Obama came out in support of an identical federal law Wednesday morning.
Senate Bill 347: The companion bill to Burdick’s limit on capacity. This bill would make it a crime to possess a gun on school grounds.
House Bill 2365: Would allow a county sheriff to waive county-residency rules for a concealed handgun applicant who lives in another state.
House Bill 2367: Would allow people who have a concealed handgun permit in another state to have the same privileges in Oregon that state residents do if they have a permit.
House Bill 2368: Would change the rules for requesting information about concealed handgun permit holders. Would require requests to be in writing and would limit information to the name, age and county of the permit holder.
House Bill 2376: Would change rules for how a sheriff may deny a concealed handgun application. If a sheriff denies the application based on the applicant’s mental state, it must be demonstrated by past violent behavior
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House Bill 2377: Would expand the list of people allowed to have a concealed handgun permit to include people who have been convicted of possessing less than an ounce of marijuana.
House Bill 2589: Would eliminate the requirement that a concealed handgun applicant live in the county where he or she applies for the permit. Also would change the fees required to get a permit.
Isn't it already a federal law that you can't have a gun on school grounds?
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Washington Luminaries Among Those Mourning Chicago Shooting Victim
New York Times - 16 minutes ago
CHICAGO - By the hundreds, people streamed into a church on this city's South Side on Saturday, arriving from around Chicago and well beyond to say goodbye to Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old girl many here had never actually met, but who in death ...
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Details emerge in LAPD's mistaken shooting of newspaper carriers
Los Angeles Times - 13 hours ago
As the vehicle approached the house, officers opened fire, unloading a barrage of bullets into the back of the truck. When the shooting stopped, they quickly realized their mistake. The truck was not a Nissan Titan, but a Toyota Tacoma. The color wasn ...
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1 dead, 1 wounded in shooting
Reno Gazette-Journal - 3 hours ago
The shooting shortly after 2 p.m. Friday prompted Washoe County School District officials to temporarily lock down the nearby Vaughn Middle School and Veterans Memorial S.T.
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Deputies hope shooting was caught on camera
abc13.com - 3 hours ago
The shooting happened around 12:30am in the parking lot of a Shell station on North Houston Rosslyn near Chippewa. Someone called 911 after hearing a gunshot, officials said.
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HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Harris County Sheriff's Office deputies hope surveillance video from a gas station will lead them to a shooter today.

The shooting happened around 12:30am in the parking lot of a Shell station on North Houston Rosslyn near Chippewa.

Someone called 911 after hearing a gunshot, officials said. When deputies arrived, they found the victim lying next to a vehicle.

According to investigators, he had been shot in the stomach. Authorities rushed him to Ben Taub General Hospital in critical condition. He underwent surgery overnight.

Deputies do not know what led to his shooting. They are questioning a witness and hoping to review surveillance cameras that may have captured the shooting.

Deputies say the suspect may be driving a blue or green Nissan Altima.
forumsliding detected
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New York Times

Suspect in Botched Shooting Bought Gun Legally Despite Mental Illness
New York Times - 15 hours ago
CHARLESTON, S.C. - The gentle pace of life on the campus of Ashley Hall, South Carolina's only all-girls preparatory school, appeared to be back on Friday.
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smelly white trash detected
Forum sliding reported. Enjoy having your thread gimped again.
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4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images.
basement dwelling pedophiledetected
So...was Alice Boland hot? That's really all I care about.

Hot psycho girls are a turn on. But she was probably some fat uggo.
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A Palatine man was arrested Friday after shooting a neighbor’s dog that escaped into his yard, police said.

Police responded to a call at around 1:45 a.m. Frafter a woman reported her 9-year-old German Shepard-mix was shot in the backyard of her suburban home. Medical staff at an animal hospital in Arlington Heights confirmed the dog suffered a gunshot wound from a small caliber bullet.

Officers investigated the home and found what appeared to be blood and a deer carcass in a backyard in the 1100 block of S. Brockway.

The resident, 40-year-old Piotr Holy claimed to use the carcass to lure coyotes so he could shoot them.
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Holy was charged with one count of felony aggravated cruel treatment of an animal, obstructing a peace officer, reckless conduct, and unlawful discharge of a firearm while hunting within 300 year of an inhabited dwelling without permission.

He is scheduled to appear in a bond hearing Saturday morning.

The dog did not survive surgery.
lib-tard nigger is so mad right now.
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WDIV Detroit

Police: One dead in shooting on I-75
WDIV Detroit - 2 hours ago
Police are investigating a shooting that occurred early Saturday morning on northbound I-75 in Detroit, causing the highway to shut down for hours.
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I'm not even that guy, and you're so mad it's hilarious.
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Police say a deadly shooting forced the closure of a section of I-75 in Detroit for over five hours Saturday morning.

According to Michigan State Police, a MDOT Courtesy Van spotted a GMC SUV idling on the shoulder of northbound I-75 between Mack and Warren avenues around 3:40 a.m.

When the MDOT employee approached the SUV, police say he noticed bullet holes in the driver’s side of the vehicle and found the driver slumped over the wheel.

Police were called and upon arrival found no pulse in the female driver, who was not immediately identified.

Police say it’s unclear if the shooting took place before or after the SUV crashed.

Muhammad Modine, who works at a gas station overlooking I-75 near Mack Avenue, said a co-worker told him some “crazy things” happened during the overnight hours.

“I came in and he said ‘It’s been a wild night.’ He said there was a couple shots fired throughout the night and he just saw a ton of traffic and the ramps close,” Modine told WWJ’s Kathryn Larson.

So far, no one is in police custody. An investigation is ongoing.
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>>10055656 (OP)
don't believe it. So she loaded a magazine, racked a round yet couldn't take safety off? nope
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A 19-year-old man suspected of shooting several shots from a car on Larkin Valley Road was arrested after he ran from authorities on Friday.

About 2:20 p.m., someone reported shots fired from a car near Larkin Valley and White roads, said Santa Cruz County sheriff's Sgt. Mike MacDonald. No one was injured, and the targets appeared arbitrary, MacDonald said.

Minutes later, deputies spotted a gray four-door Hyundai that matched the caller's description near Freedom and Airport boulevards.

It was stopped at a traffic light when deputies saw a passenger in the car get out and run toward Airport Boulevard, MacDonald said. Deputies relayed a description of the man on law enforcement radio and a Watsonville police officer stopped the man on Airport Boulevard.

The officer said he saw the man ditch a handgun under a car during the chase. The gun was recovered.
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what is this supposed to do? is this supposed to make me anti-gun?
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Deputies arrested Johnny Angel Castillo on suspicion of willful discharge of a firearm and obstructing justice, according to jail records. Castillo also had an outstanding warrant, said sheriff's Sgt. Roy Morales.

Watsonville police issued a Nixle alert to subscribers at 2:48 p.m. that reported that the chase had concluded.

Castillo is being held in Santa Cruz County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bail, according to jail records. The driver of the car was detained for questioning but was not arrested Friday evening, deputies said.

Authorities towed the

Hyundai about 3:25 p.m.
i'm surprised you can even read it.
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I'm smarter than you'll ever be. keep mspainting though, you're.. doing something I guess?
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Deputies: Blood Trail Found after Shooting
WLTX.com - 1 hour ago
Columbia, SC (WLTX) -- Richland County Sheriff's Deputies are investigating a shooting that occurred around 3am Saturday morning.
Why hasn't this guy been banned? Very blatant spammer.

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