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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Text Boards: /newnew/ & /newpol/

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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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>there is now an LGBT board

Has the Rebbit cancer really persuaded Moot to give them a board of their own? What is going on here? Are we turning into 4chan: Social Justice Warriors edition?

I want to know what is up with this LGBT board. I really don't want 4chan to go full DIE CIS SCUM.
Sounds like you need to check your privilege.
Are you able to criticize LGBTs on this board for their inherent degeneracy? Or is it gonna be a circlejerk privilege checking fest?

Well, it it's the second, it's time for /pol/ to march to war.
no you can defiantly call them out.. and they can do nothing to stop it.
Why shouldn't there be a LGBT board on 4chan?

This is not a personal attack against you.
It would be forgivable if there were fucking boards people asking for, like /ec/ for econ, business and finance
It will help to lessen the amount of queers/trans faggots that post on other boards...hopefully.
Yay, we get more boards that foster and encourage mental illness! Fuck you moot, fucking kike.
Or it will attract tumblr kiddies who will then branch out to other boards
>>11390144 (OP)
Look on the bright side, now anytime you see a gay/trans/beasty thread on /pol/ you can report them and then tell them GTFO to their own "containment" board

just ignore them, and if your lucky, you will completely forget they exist (just like mlp)
it's trendy and progressive

don't be square
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Personally I think that without the walls of censorship on rebbit they're going to get a very real dose of reality here as far as what people really think of them. So lets let them fucking have it.

Sage doesn't work and theres no downvote faggots. Prepare to be offended.
>Gay hook-up and rate me threads still go on /soc/

Am I the only one who fails to see the point of an /lgbt/ board that doesn't allow that shit?

Like, what is it even for then? For gays and their ilk to just post there? As if they can't do that on any other board?


He's opening a flood tide of leftism into 4chan. /pol/ must brace itself for war.

The problem is, if Moot gets some queer sympathizer janitors, the fag thought police will delete your threads and try to get you banned.
moot trying to get the tumblr crowd and social justice fags

makes me think 4chan might have actually peaked in terms of lessening users and we don't know it if he has to resort to this

I'm sure a skating board or some shit would've been more popular
but it is. Faggots building rocket bases next to my /pol/and.

Are you guys trying to censor 4chan of LGBT material?
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Well, if that's the case, I wonder if he knows what he's dealing with.
the latter, it'll be moderated leftist hugbox - the board
No, we're content to debate it here. We're not interested in hosting an echo chamber that we will be censored from.
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But we already have a board for the mentally ill.
Nope. But we're going to see how thick their skin is. Just like everyone elses around here.

If they insist on dwelling on 4chan I doubt they'll ever see an end to hate threads and trolling.

And they don't have their precious down voting censorship.. We'll see how long this lasts.
Remember when everyone was like "If gays didn't draw attention to themselves they wouldn't be persecuted?" Now someone gifts them a board and lo and behold, stormfags raid it.

Stop deluding yourself, you're just bigots.

>>>/lgbt/ pls go
How long did it take for /pol/ to rage against /mlp/ out of interest?
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I'm ready for this, which other boards can we form an alliance with?
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Uh... no. We're opposing Moot giving them their way, by giving them special snowflake treatment while all other political ideologies are stuck here in /pol/. An LGBT board will invite nothing but trouble.
Or /his/ for history.
Seriously I've been asking for that ever since /q/ was made and so have dozens of other people.

>raging against /mlp/

Some of the stormfaggots love them ever since they got "redpilled"
I honestly don't see the difference between bronyfags and lgbt

seriously these guys think they are ponies in human bodies, the other board thinks they are women/men when they are in fact not
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I'd say damn near every board on 4chan
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fucking faggots
>4chan being anything other than a social justice circle jerk in 2014
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>I am a single parent

To be fair, "Anonymous" liked to do social justice shit all the time and slap 4chan's name on it
/mlp/ reporting in.
Not going to let us be associated with the faggotry. Seriously, google PurpleTinker and that privelidge persecution shit the thing wants.

Got the same, made a post with the remove kebab face saying mental illness shouldn't be promoted.
Well /k/ obviously
I demand a hetro board.

>Child molestation is hilarious
>Saying that gay and trans people have mental issues is wrong and ban-worthy

This is not my 4chan.
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/k/ reporting for duty.
wtf has happened to 4chan. /soc/, /lgbt/... what the fuck is next?

/k/ and /int/ are close enough to us that they could be persuaded.

/b/ and /v/ love to rage at stuff, they'd be up for siding with us.

It might also be worth asking /mu/ and /x/. It'll be tricky getting /tg/ to join us, 4chan's easily "offended" leftist population lurks within and trolls it. Anime boards might have the same problem.
>I am fat. I am working on loving my body
Here is on of their topics

>tfw you're worried cis girls can tell you're trans by the way your pee sounds

hold me /pol/ the mongols are at the palisade
Oh wait that's /tv/
a /swag/ board for black culture and interests

moot will probably implement it. I now regret this post.
>Last night
>/lgbt/ is made
>First post besides Moot's was "Daily reminder homosexuality is a mental illness"

However I'd lay off it for the next two weeks as it could be another trap like /fur/.
inb4 >/mlp/ as it's more of a containment for ponyfags

We Rebbit now.
Meh I'm thinking of leaving anyway. /pol/ is getting a bit /x/tier, /hist/ or /econ/ will never be made, the SJ brigade is here to stay and they'll only get more boards, and the whole site seems to be being run by the kind of people who browse /lit/.

Lets dump some of their absurdity on them.
>that feel when moot was a better admin when he was a teenager

Furries aren't protected by social justice groups.

... Yet.
is /co/ redpill or not they should be since feminists are always raging about comics.
Also good boards like /k/ and /sp/ are now no fun allowed and I don't know what will happen to /k/ now there is /out/, you can imagine people being banned for innawoods and it'll be over.

Fuck off /k/ike, the only people whinier than faggots are /k/ikes when you suggest soldiers are less than noble. I was banned for 3 days for saying Chris Kyle would probably burn in hell
Do you think it's actually a trap by moot? He'll do he did with /new/. Draw them in, let them have their board for a while, build a community, then tear the whole thing down. Some people become buttfrustrated (as if they needed more of that) and start their own board on some backwater -chan while the remainder disperse back across /soc/, /hm/, /y/, etc.
/k/ and /int/ are the other two most conservative boards.

/b/ and /v/ for larger numbers and hatred of women/gays.

Maybe /g/ and /tv/. Maybe.
Leftist here. I don't care that /lgbt/ exists, but it's pretty fucking stupid that some of you are getting banned for shit like that
>I am part of a trauma-based multiple system. This means there are multiple people inhabiting one body
Not one of them has a brain
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The BLT board is basically going to become /pol - the homosexual question/ once the fags looking for a hugbox get fed up by the constant trolling and will leave. Then it'll eventually be deleted when the entire experiment fails in less than a month.
SRS won.

Oy Vey, this is like Gotterdamerung all over again!
/g/ has fully taken on the jew rhetoric with intel and amd.
No once the trolling dies down it'll become /pol/ 2.0 but with heavy moderation and a massive leftist bias.

we need a cuck board
Silly /pol/, it's a containment board.

Wait. Why is it SFW then. If they just made it NSFW then it could take the Trap dumps out of /b/

Still, should keep the degenerates out of /pol/ right?
They keep on deleting my threads wtf.
/tv/ has it as well with Spielberg, Dan Schneider, and other HollyJews.
It's going to be a trap board.
As in every post will be banned.
Its simple. We overrun the fuck out of the board demanding that otherkins and multiples and the rest of the purely psychotic shit is given the same treatment.

We need a swarm of 10,000 furry fictive otherkin all screaming for equality.
I don't understand what the big deal is. As long as it doesn't spill over into other boards, who cares?
As much as I am apathetic to trannies and faggots, that would be really fucking funny.
What is it with Tumblr women and 'depression'? My girlfriend regales me with suicide/depression/I'M CUTTING MYSELF stuff she sees on there all the time.
>Still, should keep the degenerates out of /pol/ right?

Don't count on it, I expect it to get much worse.

Plus they're moderated and we aren't, they can do and say what they like here but we can't retaliate.
Welcome to Ron Paul's wild ride.

The L4DBBQ crowd can never leave (as long as they're on 4chan).
>hatred of women/gays.
What? Last time I checked that shithole it was 90% trap threads
freedom for some
Moot is a crossdresser. What the hell did you all expect?
Can /pol/ use its Judenkraft to jew the board down? Set the different groups against one another, direct topics in a more /pol/ direction than a tumblr/hugbox direction, and in general be the guiding hand that brings about its own destruction. Is this possible?
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in 4chan, we don’t have homosexuals like in your internet. We don’t have that in our internet. In 4chan, we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who has told you that we have it.
moot did it once with /fur/. He can't do it with /mlp/ as it's a containment board to stop the spam on other boards. Gays however are disorganized.
Women yes.
Gays, not every retard on /b/ likes traps though.
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/a/ reporting in
Is /u/, /hm/, /cm/ and /y/ not enough?
It's the most common mental illness. In most cases, a person suffers from depression and eventually gets over it later. It's almost never a chronic thing. The thing with people on tumblr is that they love to cling to labels that make them out to be victims, so if they ever had depressive episodes or were ever diagnosed, they hold onto that shit.
Ok, its moderated to fuck. Any dissenting opinion is deleted within minutes. .

I'm out . ..We need a new site guys. .. where are we going?
it will
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well guys that that

SRS won

GG no re moot you win



They spend their lives on tumblr, which means they aren't spending their times out around people. Isolation fosters depression and suicidal behavior, as does the constant feeding of ones ego via the tumble hugbox.
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Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
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I'm so fucking mad I'm gunna go punch a fucking Vietnamese pot bellied pig in the face.
>Look at this smug mother fucker he's instigating the shit out of me.
>>11390144 (OP)

I got banned for shitposting there.

It's already a rebbit tier moderated hugbox.

I'm not even a fucking homophobe but fuck this shit.
You just stay here and read comics ok? Thank you for your help.
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/pol/, from these comments, it is clear that /lgbt/ has been weighed and measured, and has been found wanting.

It is time that we take up arms and wage a war of purification against /lgbt/.

Rally the other boards. Begin the crusade.
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>mfw even horsefuckers hate gays, trannies and other sick tumblr scum
We can just sic these two abominations on each other and watch the pieces fly.
Don't tell me that /pol/ has spent its lifetime hating kikes and hasn't learned a single damn thing from them.
>>11390144 (OP)
Maybe they're just for containment purposes, like /mlp/
Even the gays hate the trannies.
Maybe they're quarantining them from /pol/ and the other boards! No more shitty trap threads!

It won't work, though. If you contain SRS by giving them a board, they will use it as a launch point to infect the rest of 4chan with their taint.
Rebbit pls go.
read the comments here, obviously you can't

even if theres a containment board some people are apparently so obsessed theyll follow them to that board to tell them to stay out of their way, because people are that retarded

Do not try to blunt our assault through your deception, SRS.
>zionist JIDF agents infiltrate moderation staff via LGBT and whining to moot to extend their purview across all boards
>he gets tired of their bitched and authorizes it and thus begins a massive censorship campaign to try to usurp control the internet hate machine
>other boards begin to redpill en masse in the face of the shared threat to all and go on the counter-offensive
>ribbit's attempts to control the ocean of piss result in it spilling over and inundating their "social justice" sites
>they can't contain the flood waters, it overwhelms their sites and DDoS's them for weeks on end
>Washington attempts to brute force through unlimited censorship works laws, from Great Firewalls to webzone takedowns to 'muh internet bullying is now an act of terror prepare for the FEMA camps anunmus'
>the happenings keep happening faster and more furious
>this ride won't stop until we're all dead

How is that a rebbit comment? That's about as /pol/ a comment as they come.
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>make this thread
>deleted within seconds

Yeah, this is going to be bad.

Real bad.

Probably funnier than all the autistic rage the board's creation has induced in irrelevant shutins so far.

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