So... OP is, literally, always a fag on this board?
OP is always a fag, on every board.
>>23029But, I mean, literally OP is a fag here.
No, most OPs seem to be arguing against lgbt
>>23070OP is literally fag on every board.
>>23070Op is always literally a fag.on every board.
>>23100>>23091>>23088But... especially here, right?
>>23091>>23100literal fagmind
>>23116On 4chan?Yep.
>>23132Um, yeah... literally OP is a fag on this board. Amirite?
Hmmm.If OP is always a fag, that means when he comes here, he's a fag by default before making a thread.Then he becomes a fag by making the thread.So he's a double faggot.