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    File : 1319798191.jpg-(47 KB, 520x385, 83-welfare-state.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:36 No.98241  
    >not realising the Nordic model is the best way to go

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:39 No.98260
    Can you guys go viking for a decade and just conquer us all? Please?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:39 No.98261
    yop. enough with the retarded communist / laissez-faire extremism faggotry. Time for actual solutions.
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:41 No.98275
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    >oppressive big-government socialism
    >best way to go
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:42 No.98281
    Norway works because they're sitting on a massive oil reserve in comparison to their population, and unlike middle-eastern shitholes the wealth isn't being used to buy gold-plated blowjobs for some shiek.

    That works well for them, but it isn't really something you can generalize to other countries.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:42 No.98282
    Yeah, but what will we do when the inevitable Muslim invasion comes, like in your great Nordic country?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:43 No.98297
    What about the other Nordic countries that don't have oil then?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:44 No.98305
    Anything further Left than Social Democracy is crazy

    Too bad they're letting immigrants and shitty demographics gradually ruin it all
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:45 No.98307
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    >confusing social democracy with democratic socialism
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:46 No.98315
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    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:47 No.98324
    >don't know basic political philosophy

    Seems par for the course.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:48 No.98341
    Sweden hasn't created any net jobs since the 60s and is in a massive housing bubble.
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:49 No.98345
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    Ad-hominems from socialists, what else could I expect
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:49 No.98346
    the free market is the actual solution.

    It's all oppressive socialism.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:49 No.98353

    Their model - generous welfare safety net + very free market when it comes to bureucracy. regulations and entry barriers can be generalised to other countries. The welfare may be not so generous though in terms of actual sum received though.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:49 No.98356
    >caring about semantics invented by commies and socialists
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:50 No.98358
    Apparently I'm living in a communist state right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:51 No.98363
    hurr, why isn't every country a highly productive nordic nation who have billions in oil reserves???
    And further almost all the benefits are invented by retarded europhile socialists.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:51 No.98366
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    But no welfare for the retards and other non-persons! Right, guys?
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:51 No.98369
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    >free market
    >command economy bureaucracy
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:51 No.98371

    >the free market is the actual solution.

    Yes. Very free market, with good social safety net. Thats what OP is talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:52 No.98375

    >egalitarians can never succeed because they hate free markets which hayek told me guarantee our civil rights!
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:52 No.98382
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    >free market
    >social safety (socialistic stealing from the rich)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:53 No.98385
    Real reason why Nordics have it good: They're mostly white.

    Too bad some asshats think things won't change if you bring subhumans in.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:53 No.98387
    My people is being replaced by niggers because of the great success of the Nordic model.
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)06:55 No.98395
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    >Nordic model (oppressive big government + socialism + stealing from the rich)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:55 No.98398
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    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:55 No.98399

    >command economy
    >scandinavian countries

    pick one

    but you are probably a troll
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:56 No.98403
    THIS. Go Viking on the world's ass, bring your wonderful government to us all.

    The free market got us where we are today. The Clinton administration and Alan Greenspan said "Hey corporations! GO NUTS!" And suddenly we have houses you can buy for the price of a bicycle, which nobody can afford.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:58 No.98416
    >caring about semantics invented by commies and socialists

    It sure is redneck in here.

    Protip: ignorance isn't conservative. Try not to sound like fucking white trash.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:58 No.98418

    Implying economic and welfare Nordic model cannot be implemented without multiculturalism and suicidal immigration.

    National social democracy FTW.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:58 No.98421
         File1319799522.jpg-(756 KB, 1000x1575, worthless arguments against OW(...).jpg)
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    >>Liberty enters a thread


    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:59 No.98429
    That's not accurate. Clinton only signed the bill that was based by a veto proof republican house and senate.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:01 No.98437

    Boo-hoo, let me play you a sad song on the worlds smallest hardingfele. *rubs thumb and index finger together*
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:01 No.98438

    I was being ironic. The prospects of the future in this system are bleak. Especially if you're a white Swede.
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)07:01 No.98441
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    >post an adhomniem
    >wonder why people think socialists are stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:01 No.98443
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    >not realising the Nordic model is the best way to go

    Not realizing the Nordic model just works because they haven't got enough lazy, criminal shitskins to wreck and abuse it.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:02 No.98448
    >Nima Sanandaji
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:06 No.98479
    this and this

    Watch this system fall apart in direct relation to the number of third worlders they import.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:10 No.98499

    Best case scenario the muds use their welfare money to buy shiny stuff and the number of pimped out audis roaming the streets os Oslo skyrocket like in the arab emirates.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:11 No.98506
    Indeed we live in such a productive age that a prosperous nation can divert half their GDP to worthless welfare and we still do fine.

    But import tens of millions of muds and it all falls apart.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:12 No.98516
    >the Nordic model just works because they haven't got enough lazy, criminal shitskins to wreck and abuse it.
    >Not realizing that the safety net and education prevents lazy, criminal shitskins from abusing it.

    Now if they keep putting mudraces in ghettos and give them shit education, there might be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:13 No.98523
    Yep, Iranian Kurd living in Sweden and writing for Finns. What of it?
    He's a good egg who has assimilated.
    >> !!BJiYgff8zf2 10/28/11(Fri)07:17 No.98555
    Where is that rape rape rape picture when you need it
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:17 No.98560
    It's still is. Just replace wealthy resources of oil with wealthy people who have too much money to use to fund the social state.
    >> Liberty !!TaksRLrCaPt 10/28/11(Fri)07:20 No.98577
    >Now if they keep putting mudraces in ghettos and give them shit education

    Nobody is putting them there. They aren't hard-working enough to get it themselves
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:20 No.98578
    The biggest problem with immigrant education are the retarded parents who either can't or don't want to support their children.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:21 No.98580

    importing shitskins is a deliberate effort to fracture the power of the working class. Once that power is gone the squabbling between the shitskins and the citizens will prevent any effective political power from the working class. The bankers will have achieved dominion and the proper assfucking of the population will begin in earnest.

    20 years the multicultural Scandinavian countries will have a standard of living right smack dab between Mexico and India. Also the same average skin tone.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:21 No.98582
    they dont' want to get out, they like living with their own kind.

    It wasn't a ghetto before they arrived and made it one anyways.

    No such thing as "assimilation" beyond genetic assimilation.

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