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01/02/12(Mon)12:24 No.926166 File1325525056.jpg-(346 KB, 1024x1165, chinesemartyrschernyak.jpg)
When are they going to understand that setting yourself on fire isn't
gonna fix shit, pick up a sword, retards. Anyways, why is it that
leftards support a feudal theocracy over a atheistic communist country?
Not that i disapprove of useful idiots fighting for Tibetan
independence, i love feudal theocracies and monarchies, but it just
seems odd that you have all those western leftists running around
fighting for a hardcore theocracy. i think some of it comes from the
thinking that Tibet is this magical land where everyone lived in peace
and harmony with nature or some faggy shit like that, and some of it
comes from the fact that they always identify with the oppressed
underdog, like they do in Palestine, because they're masochistic fags. |