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  • File : 1325524963.jpg-(709 KB, 1500x2250, cundi7kz6.jpg)
    709 KB tibetan monks set themselves on fire again Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:22 No.926153  
    >A string of self-immolations by young Buddhist monks and nuns recently in the Tibetan areas of Southwest China's Sichuan province has aroused public concern. But with a better awareness of the facts, people can understand what is behind these suicides.

    >As the separatist attempts of the so-called Tibetan government-in-exile have failed, some figures in the Dalai Lama clique have become restless with anxiety and seek to use the deaths of young monks and nuns as a means to put pressure on the authorities and undermine the social stability in the Tibet autonomous region and other Tibetan areas.

    >According to some Western media, prior to carrying out the self-immolations, the young monks and nuns shouted slogans, such as "Tibet freedom" and "Tibet independence", which suggests that their deaths were engineered with political premeditation.

    >The 14th Dalai Lama and his political clique are determined to separate Tibet from the motherland so they can restore the theocratic feudal serfdom and regain their privileges.
    >> OP 01/02/12(Mon)12:24 No.926166
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    FFS When are they going to understand that setting yourself on fire isn't gonna fix shit, pick up a sword, retards. Anyways, why is it that leftards support a feudal theocracy over a atheistic communist country? Not that i disapprove of useful idiots fighting for Tibetan independence, i love feudal theocracies and monarchies, but it just seems odd that you have all those western leftists running around fighting for a hardcore theocracy. i think some of it comes from the thinking that Tibet is this magical land where everyone lived in peace and harmony with nature or some faggy shit like that, and some of it comes from the fact that they always identify with the oppressed underdog, like they do in Palestine, because they're masochistic fags.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:25 No.926177
    Free Tibet!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:26 No.926183
    >FFS When are they going to understand that setting yourself on fire isn't gonna fix shit
    Did we forget how the Arab Spring got started already?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:26 No.926186
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    >mfw people think the American media is anywhere near this bad
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 01/02/12(Mon)12:30 No.926208
    The same people watch RT and like it.

    Basically as long as the narrative is anti-American, that's ok with them. It has nothing inherently to do with bias, despite what they may say.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:37 No.926255
    It's a magical view of Buddhism and Asian culture. Buddhism is viewed as a religion of peace, contrary to violent Christianity. It's a whitewashed view of Eastern culture that ignores the less-advertised versions of Buddhism and sometimes Shinto. Go on to an atheist board, guarantee you there will be a million posts defending Buddhism, even though they were all born in America.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:45 No.926305
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    People make a big deal of Buddhisms supposed atheism and compatibility with modern science while ignoring the fact that it is a system of superstition founded on magical thinking and reverence for holy texts. I mean, its not as BAD as Abrahamic religions, but its lack of fail is overstated.

    Its worth adding that there are few things more counter to a materialistic worldview than suicide.
    >> generic tripfag glutinosa detree !!68pgnm9w/Xp 01/02/12(Mon)12:47 No.926319
    >hu iz mohamed bouazizi

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