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  • File : 1325431481.jpg-(19 KB, 320x240, wizard_mickey_mouse-med[2].jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:24 No.912462  
    Why do libs and leftists think the speak for the poor? I make 17 k a year and Leftisst always assume I back their wealth distribution schemes. Do they realize that being poor is not the same thing as being a thief? Do they not understand that I have dignity?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:26 No.912484
    $17k a year? You don't have dignity, you have sloth.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:27 No.912488
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    The left doesn't care about the working class. That path failed them long ago. Leftist get their support from minoritys and cultural marxists.

    If you are a white man voting liberal is just shooting yourself in the foot.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:39 No.912573
    I'm a white upper middle class business analyst consultant for IBM. I'm a registered democrat.

    I make very good money managing a product used to recalculate peoples mortgages, based on the Making Homes Affordable Act.

    I *LOVE* these "socialist" programs. They keep people in their homes, creating a stopgap for crime and the need for even more social programs. They ensure that banks continue receive revenue, rather than drying up loans for new businesses in exchange for a bunch of lawyers getting richer. They keep the values for OTHER peoples homes up, responsible borrowers who don't deserve to be punished-by-proxy for others mistakes.

    And most importantly, it keeps me (and my family) very, very, very comfortable.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:40 No.912581
    I'm a liberal and I couldn't give a shit about the poor.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:43 No.912601
    OP here, Housing is not the governments job. People should live or die by thier ownhand, I am owed nothing. I made terrible mistakes, became addicted to drugs and wasted my life. Why should a person like you, more capable and better, suffer because of my mistakes? The poor, like me, are great at shifting blame and ducking responsibility and it sickens me.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:47 No.912630
    On the downside, I have to work on days like today.
    (To validate data updates are functional on their effective date).

    On the upside, who cares its telecommuting.

    It's so ironic to me, that so many of our clients are right wing poorfags. You people wouldn't be in the situation you were in, if republicans hadn't shoved through deregulation. You people wouldn't be getting saved if it weren't for these "socialist" safety nets.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:49 No.912649
    it could be because they mostly vote for dems

    although granted, some of you guys are really fucking dumb. by your own logic, it's why you're poor as fuck in the first place
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:51 No.912656
    I totally agree. Capitalism reward adherence to the system and being smart. I deserve to be poor because I didn;t get in line and work hard. I see no reason I should be rewarded or helped,
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:52 No.912666
    Why does the Lumpen think it speaks for the poor?
    Why is the Lumpen allowed to speak, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:53 No.912671
    Libs only pretend to care for you, when it's themselves that they seek to gain.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:53 No.912672
    >17k a year

    Try again OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:54 No.912679
    Sounds like someone is mad the poor refuse to join his soviet troika
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:57 No.912702
    Yep, I'm smart enough to be born into a wealthy family.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:57 No.912706
    I work 40 hours a week at a job and give it my all. I do a good job and give an honest days work for an honest days pay.
    I may not make much but times are tough and I am not starving. I have the internet and I am trying to save enough to pay for a year of cable. Life is pretty good, esp. compared to the third world.
    It just angers me to see rich leftists protesting and causing societal discord in the name of the poor. You never see the actual poor at their marches, just spoiled brats whining.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:00 No.912730
    Your ancestors were smart and made good decisions. They were able to take their wealth and build a legacy for their posterity. You owe me 0, I hope you get to keep every dime of what is rightfully yours.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:04 No.912759
    >saving for cable
    You're trash, live a completely idiotic life and are happy with that. Bless your little stupid heart.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:05 No.912764
    I believe in paying cash up front for products. I paid cash for my car, I am 1 year ahead on my rent, I pay my utility company in advance. It't called responsiblity
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:06 No.912765
    must be fun struggling to pay basic cable and having no shot of advancing in social position because exiting the lower-middle class is nearly impossible due to your boyfriend Reagans policies

    But if you think you dont deserve an opportunity, who am I to tell you you do, luls
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:06 No.912769
    You're a fucking moron. I hope you lose your shitty job to someone more deserving and starve to death on the streets.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:07 No.912775
    Your life is stupid, and you're not even aware of that. Society needs more braindead imbeciles such as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:11 No.912798

    So much leftist anger. My life is my responsiblity. I don;t deserve luxuries I cannto pay for. There is no difference between cashing an unemployment check and going to the store and just taking what I please.
    Life doesn't revolve around material goods, it;'s this selfish zeitgeist that ensured the total failure of OWS
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:13 No.912807
    Look how buttmad this liberal is when his rosy view of the world is shattered
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:14 No.912811
    >I-It's not like I want to go anywhere in life, baka!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:14 No.912814
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    >There is no difference between cashing an unemployment check and going to the store and just taking what I please.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:16 No.912828
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    >mfw I make less then op
    well at least I still live with my parents and its just a part time job
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:16 No.912829
    ITT Honest American gets called scum by unemployed communists
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:17 No.912837
    10/10 sir. Personal responsibility is not emphasised enough anymore. If someone makes a bad choice like have 5 kids without being able to support them, it is only HIS responsibility not society's. If we incentivise bad behaviour then we just create stupid people.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:17 No.912838
    If I do it will be as a result of my own hard work, not using the law to rob people. What don't you understand about theft?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:18 No.912850
    >saving for cable
    >life doesn't revolve around material goods
    You're a complete tool with a high quotient of cognitive dissonance. What kind of work you do? None that requires intellectual skills. Your idiotic opinion is worth shit, you don't lose your job to a trained monkey because they can think better than you do.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:18 No.912851
    why are liberals so fucking stupid?

    they have this fancy "new"(decade old) scheme that if only we give niggers houses they won't commit crime.
    If only we give niggers handouts, they don't commit crime.

    It's all nonsense of course, but they attribute the failure to not doing it ENOUGH.

    Typical liberal logic.

    >rather than drying up loans for new businesses

    These "new businesses" are unprofitable pieces of shit who only existed due to easy credit and are destructive to the economy.

    >Life doesn't revolve around material goods,

    Ah but liberals, socialists, communists, have always been very materialistic, that's their whole ideology.

    Being beyond that is a more christian approach, something completely rejected by the modern atheist sort.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:20 No.912855
    Um they think they speak for the poor because they campaign heavily among the constituency among lower income and minority voters and elect representatives which rely on those demographics?

    Just a guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:20 No.912861
    rely =/= *represent
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:20 No.912862
    This, not OP but I used to work at Walmart, it was disgusting seeing welfare stereotypical beaners with their huge families all the time, also Walmart sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:21 No.912863
    Having children is almost never a bad choice.

    NOT having children is the bad choice, waiting till you are 40 years old is the bad choice, breeding across ethnic or racial lines is the bad choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:21 No.912865
    Hey op, 2-1 odds you are a christfag
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:21 No.912870
    Thank you. I fucked around and squandered educational opportunites ( blew out my knee and got hooked on pain killers. I failed out of college and went though about 6 years of drug abuse.) Now all of that is my fault, including being weak enough to become addicted. The avoidance of personal responsibility caused this and I see no reason why my, and others, personal failings should become a matter of policy.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:24 No.912892
    What does that have to do with anything?
    >> PlatformistFag !!JuB1MCnwvsO 01/01/12(Sun)11:24 No.912895
    Max Weber?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:26 No.912915
    Hey OP.
    That's what your precious right wing thinks of you. The left defends your dumb-ass of course, saying that you're not that dumb, and you wouldn't do it.

    Going by this thread though I can see you successfully proved them lefties wrong good for you. I'm sure you'll put your $700 to good use on that cable tv you've always wanted.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:27 No.912917
    Did you even read what I said? I said having children when you can't SUPPORT them is a bad choice. Why would you have 5 children when you can barely afford to feed yourself? How cruel are you to ruin their lives before they even begin. It is never a good thing when you can't take care of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:28 No.912925
    I started that thread. Being poor I can honestly see that there are too many poors for society to care for.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:31 No.912943
    Look fags, there is a difference between being poor because you had a hard life and being poor because you fucked up your life. Poor people need help but not the kind that makes them think their choices were good ones and they can repeat them at will because society will pay them. That just creates MORE poor people.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:34 No.912957
    >I started that thread

    Shine on you crazy diamond OP.
    So would you sign up for the snip?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:35 No.912973
    Maybe, If I can't provide for a child it is immoral for me to have them.Raising a child poor in such a materialistic culture is almost Child abuse
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:35 No.912974
    >doesn't understand that being born with a weak will and neurological/genetic predisposition to addiction is morally arbitrary
    >thinks being born to a wealthy family and with a strong will to succeed is not morally arbitrary

    Yes I'm going to go with >>912769
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:36 No.912978
    You're poor because you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:39 No.912991
    Actually I am more concerned with child abuse. Poor people tend to have criminal kids ( this is a culture based on materialism and, according to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, this placement oputside what society values leads to violent acts. Why spawn kids that will spend their lives in prison or abject poverty? That is cruelty.

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