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  • File : 1324489479.jpg-(800 KB, 820x1214, collegehumor.ebccc40bae2bc640f2858a18e45(...).jpg)
    800 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:44 No.781835  
    So how come China's court system is so shitty?

    >confession-based court system
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:45 No.781842
    The entire point of China's court system is to deem you guilty, not allow you to show your innocence.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:46 No.781853
    I don't know anything about their court system. What's shitty about it?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:46 No.781855
    Because something you never use doesn't need to be particularly viable. Same reason the first generation nintendo DS has horrible WIFI bug issues. There were no fucking multiplayer games....
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.781861
    Breaking Report: China is oppressive
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:47 No.781865
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    >still get away with murder by saying you didnt mean to kill him
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:49 No.781882
    It doesn't follow the rule of law. In China a valid excuse for many lower-tier crime is "I didn't know that was illegal" and all would be forgiven. Courts would also forgive you if you had extenuating circumstances for non violent or drug related crimes.

    That and about a third of China's judges aren't law majors or even college graduates.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:54 No.781931
    So how come America's court system is so shitty?

    >Using judicial system
    >Not using superior French inquisitorial system

    Seriously now; every study shows the inquisitorial system has a higher percentage of guilty suspects getting convicted and a higher percentage of innocent suspects being found innocent. Leave justice to the professionals, not rank fucking amateurs like in a judicial system.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:55 No.781944
    So how come USA's court system is so shitty?

    >emotion-based court system
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:00 No.781985
    Tradition mostly, if they had better property rights they would have entered the industrial age (via mills) 150 years before the west.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.782031
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    But why? Does their regime explain it? What's the ideology behind such oppressive procedures?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:14 No.782115

    I had a professor in law school. When he was a judge he had a chance to go to a conference and meet with a bunch of European judges who brought up this same point.

    The only answer he could give them is this.

    Sometimes the law is inflexible and you can't do justice with it. So the jury has that little bit of emotional element that lets you do justice without a strick adherence to the rule of law that professionals are bound by.

    Also false conviction stats are unreliable because we can only track the false convictions that have come to light (if the false conviction doesn't come to light we just assume they're guily). America has alot of avenues (DNA, the innocene project) to detect false convictions whereas other countries do not.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:15 No.782133

    Also the American justice system is a mixture of English and French anyway. Thank you, Napoleon.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.782264

    That's not really an answer - someone brings up the fact that every study done shows their way is better than your way, and your response is "well, the studies might be wrong!'.

    I mean, sure it's a possibility, but it isn't a very convincing one.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:14 No.785727
    The PRC court system is shitty due to the fact that all judges are Communist Party members. This means that they're controlled by the party. With the government and the party one and the same, there is no real judicial independence. Especially with politically sensitive cases.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:16 No.785747
    Well, you know it is illegal to tell the jury that they can actually ignore the law and decide their own way?

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