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>yfw the civil rights act of 1964 is still in place
>>7775760 (OP)
As it should be.
what even does it do
Forces businesses not to deny service based on race.
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that's bullshit

what about FREEDOM
Violates peoples freedom of association and property rights because of MUH FEELINGS!

The ultimate battle of MUH FREEDUMS vs MUH FEELUNZ
Bar owners still do this by telling bouncers to only let a certain amount of black/asian or foreign people who don't look white inside. They're smart too because they'll hire black bouncers to discriminate against the blacks. It's genius really.
simply diabolical, Watson.
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>yfw they repeal it and don't allow white redneck shit-tards like you into their businesses

>yfw you cry about reverse racism

>yfw butthurt

Lol faggots
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>yfw you realize its entirely unconstitutional
The constitution can safely be disregarded if it serves a greater good, as it allows the states to continue existing it is a clearly flawed document.
It can? Since when? Since when can you just violate the Commerce Clause as if its nothing?

>inb4 necessary and proper
Is this true?
free market.

rednecks go to their bars, blacks to theirs, white liberal faggots like you to theirs.

you think the blacks are going to let you into their establishments since you defended them on the internet?

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