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How do we fix the education system?
by ENDING the educational system.
You know, we had a world class education system BEFORE we ended segregation and nigger ruined the standard of classrooms.


Blame niggers. I do.
I genuinely see no reason why social inequality is an issue, as long as no one is starving to death.
- Hire more teachers
- Spend more money on education
- Increase the size of the Dept of Ed.

This is a start.

- Build more schools
- Start kids in schools at a younger age
Throw more money at it?

Are you insane? Yeah, you are a liberal of course you are.


>>7775670 (OP)

Don't the Nordic countries have a bunch of oil money which they use to fuel their social programs?

Also this suggests that we should make education a state issue, because these countries are far smaller than the US.
Why is education so expensive? Why do we tolerate the "eduction industry"?

This is the 21st century. We live in a global age. Why do we need fucking college professors and books and classrooms and shit? Just upload everything online, distribute it freely, charge people for taking tests (Like ten dollars per test, to pay for paper and the supervisor making sure no one is cheating and shit.), and once everyone passes all required tests they get the diploma.
Idiot, you are citing exactly what has not worked for the last four decades.

Get out of here loser.
>>7775670 (OP)
Voucher system.

Because God in schools and an overwhelming focus on conformity is great right?
Because it'll do us worse in the long run and'll ensure the unhappiness and misfortune of generations to come?

- Free college and grad school for all
- Forgive all student loans
It worked until the 60's anonymous.

I am truly sorry you have no interest in real solutions. Maybe your feelings will save america?
>Axe No Child Left Behind
>Stop catering to fucking retards and treat schools like schools, instead of fucking day cares.
>Axe Special Ed
>More specialized education, like trades for those who aren't as suited for academics or better classes and teachers for those who are.
>Axe Teacher's Union
>comparing scandinavia to america

>"nordic countries" -- Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
25 million people 1.3 million sq miles

315 million people 3.8 million sq miles

>Hire more teachers
yes yes yes
>Spend more money on education
Alongside making the system more efficient like simplifying regulatory processes
>Increase the size of the DOE
Highly disagree, has not increased the quality of education and has been increasing the cost, alongside some teacher's unions, since 1980
>Reduce the amount of national testing and state testing so students can focus on the subject matter and less on what Washington thinks everyone should know
Those nations WERE homogenous.

Homogeneity is the key to a harmonious society. And nothing liberals ever say will change that.


What you really mean is "Force others to pay for some people's education."
>>Axe No Child Left Behind
Right on
>>Stop catering to fucking retards and treat schools like schools, instead of fucking day cares.
Yeah yeah I'm diggin it
>Axe Special Ed
>Axe Teacher's Union
This, so much this.




Free higher education for all is bullshit, because then you have people doing what happens in Europe, where lazy fuckfaces fritter around in low level college courses and game the system instead of getting jobs. People shouldn't be scot-free to waste everyone's time taking liberal arts courses on someone elses' dime.

Colleges should be a meritocracy of sorts, where those who show true potential are taken care of.
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Start taking shit very seriously.

3 strikes and you're out policy on fuck-ups with students. If they don't want to learn, send them to the factories.

No "everyone wins" philosophy in grade school. Reward those who do well, secretly laugh at those who fail.

Give scholarships only to those students who got good grades. No skin color bias, no gender bias. If there is a scholarship to be given, it goes to the people with the best grades. If you want a scholarship, do fucking better in school.

Utterly cease encouraging fields of study that do not benefit the nation, and that you know there are no jobs in.
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In Sweden, parents can receive vouchers to take their children to a private school of their choice, since 1992.

Why can't America embrace glorious, superior, private education accessible to all?
>Why do we need fucking college professors
Because professors know their shit, it's kind of their job
>special ed
We spend so much more on the students who, at BEST, mya make a living flipping burgers, than we do on the gifted students who will become great leaders, innovators, and inventors. This is a crime against society itself.

>teacher's unions
They prevent us from firing incompetent, lazy, and abusive teachers. There are some states where it's so bad, they basically just pay teachers to do nothing in order to get them out of the classroom, because it's actually cheaper to pay their salaries and have them do nothing than it is to try and fire them and go through the subsequent legal hassle.
Trust me, as Sweden embraces and then DEMANDS the multi-cult standards will fall. Within 30 years they will be right where we are now.

Homogeneity is the ONLY way to have stability. Enjoy your mud races.
At top tier schools, maybe. The rest are full of worthless fuckups parading as "professors".
>implying the cost of test taking and proctoring would not skyrocket to ungodly levels

Special Ed in public schools is a waste of resources. If people want their retard babies to be put in a daycare, it should be done on their own dollar, not on someone else's.

The Teacher's Union fucks over the education system by protecting shitty teachers and forcing the good teachers to work with the shitty teachers.
Why should there be 10,000 professors for a single class, when it's enough to hire one, record all of his lectures, and then put them online for everyone to have access to?
Why don't you entitlement babies move to Libya?

> Free healthcare
> Free education through college
> Free water and electricity
> and so much more free shit...

Its a paradise. GTFO
I like this idea. I think this is probably the best approach to education in society, at least in a society where the internet exists. I mean, you can teach yourself anything you want by buying a book, given time and dedication.

Now, what that means, I think, is that there should be a few years of compulsory education where you are taught how to read, do basic maths, and write. After that though, I don't see why the current middle/high school system exists at all. It doesn't work. It just doesn't fucking work. Kids don't fucking want to learn. Good. Fuck 'em. Let them be stupid mindless wage slaves. The ones who want to learn will.

This approach also has the advantage of making sure each person learns what they find relevant and useful, not what the system dictates. Of course, that's the problem. We in this thread are aware, at least I think we are, that the education system in America is NOT meant to educate people. It is meant to indoctrinate them with the "accepted" truth and break children to the yoke of the system they will wear for the rest of their lives.
not anymore...

Now it's an islamist run shithole.
Despite not having the best education, the US landed on the moon. Eat shit, Yuropoors.
>here in the nordic countries: norway sweden, and denmark
>norway, sweden, denmark, and finland colored in
Looks like /someone/ could use some free education...
>We spend so much more on the students who, at BEST, mya make a living flipping burgers, than we do on the gifted students who will become great leaders, innovators, and inventors. This is a crime against society itself.
But you must realize that all kids who are in special ed aren't complete fucktards right?

And hell yes I agree that the Teacher's Union can get in the way of shit. But I'm saying just reform it, don't get rid of it completely.
Unions exist for a reason
I thought progressives loved islam?
Yeah, I'm not saying get rid of high schools and stuff like that. That's extremely important, if anything, then for socialization of kids, so they don't end up as NEETs. But college? Maybe some specialized classes would require real supervision and shit, but most of them - no chance in hell.
>implying social inequality is an actual problem
I don't understand how some people suffer extreme emotional discomfort at the thought that someone somewhere is a better swimmer than them, more committed to their career or better at math, to the point where they want the government to step in and drag others down to their decrepit level.

If they want to help the poor wouldn't it be better to reduce poverty or free them from oppression?
Norway does

Sweden had a huge economic boom after the war, which they used to fuel their social programs, which in turn helped them to reach the forefront of technological development, which is why it still works.

Denmark is pretty much flat broke. Their main export is pork.
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>confirmed for did not major in anything useful
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Here in der Nordic coontries, we know that we should oopen our boreders to those less fortoonate.
But only Finland has great education. Sweden, Norway and Denmark are producing dumbasses.
Special ed hurts average students, too.

My high school biology class was "integrated" with the special ed program. Every year, one class in every subject was randomly selected for this and taught with both regular students and special ed classes.

This resulted in the class being utterly meaningless, and I had to teach myself by stealing a textbook and reading it on my own time, because we took literally weeks per chapter.
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Skip to 3:20

This is considered "free market radicalism" in the US.

Why can't America embrace the private sector in education like Scandinavia?

Did you know that both Finland and Denmark are ranked as more free economies than America?
There's a difference between progressive and hardcore commies.

Progressives love Islam. Hardcore commies remember Gaddafi and all the other tinpot socialist dictators and get incredibly butthurt as they slowly get overthrown and murdered by their own beloved subjects.

Progressives mostly exist in the West. Hardcore commies are a dying relic in post-communist, Eastern Europe. They're the ones crying the most about Libya and shit.
Social inequality leads to poverty and oppression
The educational imbalance almost directly causes the American Caste System
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Want to know something infuriating

>Schools receive federal funds for special education programs
>Special Ed is BOTH accelerated classes and mentally/physically disabled classes
>Many schools put ALL the special funds towards the disabled
>tfw there's no incentive for the smartest kids to excel.
>blacks in america outperform blacks in africa

>spics in america outperform spics in spic countries

>chinks in america outperform most chink countries

>whites in america outperform most whites in white countries

so fuck you
Hey, law might not be "useful" for future technological progress of society like STEMs are, but it sure is great when it comes to making money and climbing the social ladder.
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I say, while we're reforming education, let's stop using it as a tool of social change.

Teach academics. ONLY academics.



Who knew? Oh, we did.
Dude, its centralized authoritarian executive departments that are ruining the education system.

Which is what I was trying to convey.

Relax, turn the caps-lock off
Shit in, shit out.

If America doesn't start focusing on the top, there won't be a top. We will have only the retards we spent all our money building into big retards.
With a rocket designed and built by a German scientist.
The problem is that under the current system parents are TOTALLY illiterate in even shit like algebra or who Kant is. In a system with a literate populace, parents themselves could give some useful input in what their kids should learn. But as we all know, most people are fucking retarded, so they outsource their children's education. Whatever, not everyone can teach this stuff.

But, with stuff like the internet there is just no goddamn excuse. Know dick about math? THERE ARE ONLINE COURSES ON LITERALLY EVERY TYPE OF MATH. Course wasn't comprehensive enough? ORDER A BOOK ON IT.

Just so you feel interested enough to watch the video i guess ill give a general over view.

Education has a lot of capital in it that isnt subject to the testing of profit margins.

We force kids to go to shitty schools, they cant be like "your school sucks, my taxes and I will go elsewhere"

We have the teachers union pricing old good teacher out of work, and also making new teachers have very little wage and no incentive's to have them work harder.

If we let people pick where they put the taxes and there children, then that means schools will compete for the best teachers so they can get the money. This means higher wages for GOOD teachers, and unemployed shitty teachers who ruin the lives of children.

Due to the fact that the real world cant swap right a way we don't need to worry about new schools popping up immediatly and causing public schools to become unfunded, however over time public schools will have to clean up there acts, or everyone who works there will be out of a job. Basically it makes administrators accountable for who they hire, and it makes parents actually be able to go get someones ass handed to them if they suck.

Getting rid of teachers unions, equal funding across the board with extra cash for troubled schools.

No more of this passing kids for the sake of it or dropping standards, if you keep the standards high kids will rise to meet them.

Cut no child left behind and the Obama education plan.

Keep standardized testing but do not make the results public, and do not cut the funding because of it.

Cut the voucher system

Cut busing (minorities for the sake of it in schools).

No more thematic teaching in History and bring back real standards.

Future teacher reporting in I'm a year away from getting my degree in History and education.

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>tfw some kids in my advanced placement classes throughout college seemed mentally disabled

>tfw schools add as many students to advanced placement classes for extra taxpayer income at the expense at slow learning students
The system will be implemented in the form of each parents receiving a voucher worth X amount of funds that can ONLY be spent for education, this is in essence where there taxes go, many private school operate on costs similar to that of public schools, well managed private school will now actually be able to compete for children from the lower middle class and poor, because those very people will be able to have there tax money given to the private school, in exchange for the greater education the kids will receive.

This system isn't perfect but it doesn't have any new issues it will generate, except for ones like shitty employees being out of a job, but really, should YOU be paying for your shitty math teacher to be employed, or should you be paying for the could be math lover that WISHES he could make enough to justify teaching.
City schools are in dire straits, and they have been for years. Black kids don't want to learn. They don't want to even humor the teacher by sitting there, shutting their fucking faces and doing their work, maybe learning a thing or two in the process. It's a joke, anyone who's gone through school in the city can attest to it - if you're actually trying to learn, it's impossible. School from grades three and on are nothing but a sideshow of fights, disrespect, and all-around chimpouts.

The schools need to be able to strap on a dick and kick these fucking kids to the curb. Students who actually kind of give a shit suffer because the same problem students who are allowed by the state to sit back and fuck things up.

You're suspended for the 4th time? You should be kicked out so you can be in jail sooner and so that the people who care can get something out of their education.

And look at how far that German engineering got without American oversight: a completely devastated continent.
Higher education in America is superior to the Nordic countries.

But in order to have better education in America we need to fire the bad teachers and give it to people who can actually get results. Perhaps place more emphasis on private schools than public. Remove self-esteem education altogether.



Who knew? Oh, we did.....
We do export a lot of pork.

Denmark is the only country in the world with more pigs than people - about 12 million pigs and 6 million people
I ment throughout high school, my bad
And that reason is to squeeze as much as possible out of the taxpayer. It has nothing to do with the quality of education, which should be the emphasis. To have the highest quality teachers, and motivate them, we need to be able to remove the dead wood. Teachers are paid by tenure, so that two teachers - one awful, and one star - will be paid the same. Therefore destroying the motivation of the good teacher to excel. Why should he bust his ass and devote his life to children, when he can just fuck off and get paid the same? Many tools are needed to inspire employees, and termination of underperformers is necessary. Without periodic cleanups of bad apples, any business will fail. Schools are no different.
>same thing
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>better education system
>full of pigs and shit

oh, the irony

The system will be implemented in the form of each parents receiving a voucher worth X amount of funds that can ONLY be spent for education, this is in essence where there taxes go, many private school operate on costs similar to that of public schools, well managed private school will now actually be able to compete for children from the lower middle class and poor, because those very people will be able to have there tax money given to the private school, in exchange for the greater education the kids will receive.

This system isn't perfect but it doesn't have any new issues it will generate, except for ones like shitty employees being out of a job, but really, should YOU be paying for your shitty math teacher to be employed, or should you be paying for the could be math lover that WISHES he could make enough to justify teaching.
>How do we fix the education system?

Stop breeding.
Oh and most of all cut this bullshit about Highschool just being a set up for college and not building real skills. Give these kids an actual education that will prepare them for trade schools and to be educated voting citizens.
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The hallmark of an idiot is someone who compares the US to a tiny, irrelevant Nordic country.

That said, look up US education statistics when you control for poverty, the US is usually 1 or 2. Education is mostly fine, it could be tweaked at the college level (debt, etc) but poverty is what is really killing us. The US has millions of children in poverty or go to sleep hungry, that shit really fucks with educational potential and outlooks.
>completely privatize the public school system
>start a voucher program
>start a scholarship program that rewards academic excellence
>eliminate or significantly weaken the teacher unions
>eliminate tenure

get your fucking black history month and environemntalism out of the fucking classroom.

Why did I have to watch An Inconvenient Truth in a math class, /pol/?
Out of my entire state education (ending in 2011), we were groomed exclusively to only perform well on the SSA/NCLB test and the SAT.

Two of my teachers, aside from my German teacher, broke the mold and gave us actual skills to function and operate in the real world.


NCLB tests are ruining education and should have never have been implemented. Collegeboard is also a racket and needs to be dealt with but it's a different issue. Schools shouldn't be dealing with them.
>>7775670 (OP)
Kill the Boomer Libfag Hippie professors spouting bullshit
She turns from ugly to kind of cute.
Decentralize schools.
Schools are too focused on tests and following what politicians tell them to do.
Finnish schools are considered some of the highest and when people went there to learn their secrets they found no private schools and very few to almost none testing.
The success comes from the fact that they are decentralized with each school doing its own thing.
I took IB classes in school and know how shitty our school was. Learning was ALWAYS curved on if we need it on the test or not. "Hey teacher! How do you do this in algebra?" "Oh don't worry about that, it's not gonna be on the test!"
It's all TEST TEST TEST TEST. And even then, aren't tests suppose to be to see what you know? Instead, that test is put on your grade which will follow you and will determine your college.

I remember having a project once in I think ninth grade? My first year of IB. Anyways, project where we had to learn how to correctly cite and research big research projects. We had to fill up 6 flash cards. First we did practice ones (each flash card was a quiz grade) and then later she told us how to revise them correctly individually. So 12 in total. 6 rough draft and 6 final. Yet, she graded the practice ones. Why? It's practice, why grade it? This is something schools always do. Why grade the practice and the showing of "how much you know"? This is pretty much how testing in America works.
We tried that in places.
Didn't work.
Try something else Alec scum
Because private education is just segregation in disguise.

Private schools should be destroyed forcing the rich to send their kids to public school... then watch the funding pour in.
>>7775670 (OP)
>White Americans out score damn near everyone in the world.
>Asian Americans out score everyone in the world
>Why can't americans be like nordic coutries
>HEY! you can't reduce nigs/mexs to nordic levels
>WTF! libs/europoors
>>7775670 (OP)
Make TV's illegal.
If public schools were decentralized and had the ability to remove and hire teachers independently, and citizens had some choice in which school they could attend, I would have no problem with a public education system. In the meantime, it seems that vouchers are the best solution to a broken system.
Essentially a simplified online degree. This should be the future but the modern College system employs too many people to make this a universal reality
You could spend a million dollars per student in an inner city school. It's not going to stop it from being a zoo and improve the students one bit.
Things taught in American high schools:

>advanced algebra
>entry level calculus
>European history
>Theory of Knowledge in IB schools
>gym class is almost always nothing but fucking around in a gym or basketball court
>abstinence-only sex ed
>the entire literary genre of "high school lit"

Things not taught in American high schools:
>how to balance a checkbook
>public speaking (which I would hate, but you can't argue it's not needed)
>how to repair basic problems with a car
>how to properly analyze and critique sources of information for bias
>internet safety, security, and etiquette
>basic computer useage and troubleshooting (if it exists, it's an elective only the nerds take)
>high school lit never focuses on contemporary media that students actually care about

Also, home ec should be a requirement for everyone. It's probably the single most useful class I took in high school. I didn't LIKE sewing or cooking or shit but you can't tell me that's not something everyone should know how to do.

Why should people with money be forced to be dragged down to the level of niggers and spics that don't give a shit about learning?
There's the problem, corrupt clueless political leaders making the decisions over education.

A government official who got a degree in law has no business telling a school how to teach.

For example some schools want to go back to drilling facts like we did back in the 60s.

Cause because of 'standards' schools are supposed to 'nurture creativity' and aren't allowed to make you repeat stuff over and over again.

What does creativity get you in the modern world?
Jack shit.
> and citizens had some choice in which school they could attend,
I can't speak for the rest of USA but in my city in Virginia you could attend any High School so long as you take that school's special program for higher education. Every school in my city has a program of sorts.
Having spent a lot of time in the US, and some time going around your schools and colleges sitting in on classes because the teacher liked my accent - Your schools are fucking disastrously bad. You are teaching 18-19 year old kids the same stuff that 13-14 year olds in other developed countries already know.

I've never understood why high school is essentially 4 years of preparation for the SAT
You know what we're well past needing?

We need a high-end online degree.

We need an online degree that carries actual fucking weight. Online degrees need to stop being shit that everyone discards.
All these 'solutions' would create even scenarios

Just copy what fucking Finland or Australia does

No wonder your country is completely ruined
>Because private education is just segregation in disguise.
Fucking this

Only if you do nothing with the money
If the money is spent on getting better books and quality teachers a whole world of difference can be made

Ha ha oh wow. It's really like you don't understand psychology
That false stigma is because of the shitty schools in inner cities
Pay teachers more. Hire teachers more selectively. Ramp up requirements to be a teacher. Problem fucking solved. >but what requirements
Because then they'll know the real reasons why schools are fucking up, and they'll do what really needs to be done.
>Make TV's illegal.
Better idea.... Free TV's to people who voluntarily get sterilized. Problem solved in one generation when the stupid breed themselves out.

Imagine how many Tyrones and Shaniquas would get a free TV instead of breeding.
>Just copy what fucking Finland
Will be very hard to do in USA.
Our education is focused on tests. SAT/ACT etc.
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>>7775670 (OP)
Why can't large countries with large ethnically and racially diverse populations do what small ethnically and racially homogenous countries do?

you forgot American history

I fucking hated having to learn American history for the first three years of highschool
>how to balance a checkbook
Learned it in home ec. Only spent a day on it, but honestly there's not much to learn about it. It's more of a cultural issue.

>public speaking (which I would hate, but you can't argue it's not needed)
They did public speaking in all classes especially sciences which they made an effort to because of the perception STEM = bad public speakers.

>how to repair basic problems with a car
Didn't do this, but not everyone drives.

>how to properly analyze and critique sources of information for bias
Did this throughout any early social studies class.

>internet safety, security, and etiquette
I don't know how it is now, but really it's not like old boomer ladies are going to be experts on this topic.

>basic computer useage and troubleshooting (if it exists, it's an elective only the nerds take)
Some kind of computer programming was required in my school.

>high school lit never focuses on contemporary media that students actually care about
This is one that I think is sorely needed. English classes need to take the emphasis off classic literature and make their students more well informed with current events and modern history. I mean Shakespeare is great and all, but seriously they need to get off his dick.

I went to a public school by the way, though it was a very highly rated one.

Drop that shit

It's ruining your youth and your country
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>Why is education so expensive? Why do we tolerate the "eduction industry"?
For the same reason we tolerate the "Medicine Industry". Capitalism.
Because they're countries with large populations as opposed to countries with small populations
>whites in america outperform most whites in >white countries
>>so fuck you
most marshmellows stuffed up one nostril? Toxith O'Grady, Liverpool. 1979
See, I can make shit up about people too!
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Canada fag checking in.

>It starts at home
We need to get parents on board here. I've noticed in my placement with my program that the kids who have shit parents are getting a far more shit education. We can't "entirely" blame the educational system. The first 7 years are most important, and half of that, the children are under the parents direct control entirely. We need to blame the parents first, then educators for not pushing their children hard enough, babyfying them, etc.

>Secondary languages optional
Psychology has taught us that knowing more than one language only has practical application for helping with some aspects (but not all) in memory. Languages such as French here, and Spanish in America, need to be made secondary/optional focuses

>Revamp what is taught
So I am a children studies/psychology student, and even I can see that the sciences and the mathematics needs to be reworked in both how they are taught, and when they are taught. Here and in America, it is a joke what is being taught. The stuff (such as trig intro, physics intro and bio/chem intro) was introduced in grade 8, with further basic principles being taught in grade 9, full courses available with specific content focus by grade 11. We still have the latter, but more foundational work earlier.

>Taxes, taxes, taxes
France as well as other nations have taught us that through a higher tax, we can achieve a better, stronger foundation for post secondary education. We need that. Sorry you have to pay $1.15 instead of $1.13 on your chocolate bar you fat cow, get over it.

>Understand we have failed
We have, we are, get over it. Only by educating the successive generations will there ever be a resolution to the educational crisis we are seeing.

Nigger please. Nigger and spic culture is all about fucking around and being a failure instead of actually making something of yourself. I'd love to live in your world of Lifetime Movies where OMG SPESHUL TEACHER HELPS MISUNDERSTUD INNER CITY CHILLINZ BE SMART, but I live in the real world, unfortunately.
It's not just capitalism, it's because of heavy government influence. When you guarantee loans for students regardless of degree, or cover medical costs for specific high risk groups, you're going to create bubbles. This is exactly what happened with the housing market.
American schools have different levels of classes.
Standard, Honors, AP. If a rich kid is smart he'll have no problems with niggers for he will be in the AP classes. The only advantage private schools have over public is the fact that they aren't being told by politicians what to teach and food.

What does /pol/ think of lunch food in America? We give our kids worse food than what prisoners get and prisoners get fed by the system whereas kids have to pay.

Quite honestly, we need people who understand MORE about American history.

Most Americans sum up American history as "We beat the British because AMERICA FUCK YEAH, founding fathers, then umm something something then the civil war was fought over slavery, then we beat the Germans in WW2, and then Ronald Reagan won the Cold War a while later because the damn commies tried to nuke us."

Most Americans know less than most foreigners about important shit like, say, the fucking Constitution.
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What people don't understand is that America is too big to copy finland.

If America had a amazing education system, then there would still be the same amount of unemployment. As there just isn't enough jobs to fill them.

Excluding Nursing, which is being filled by everyone and their grandma and Philippine invaders.

There isn't a big market for higher educated people, hell there isn't enough for the people already educated.

I'm in no way saying we shouldn't focus on education, far from it. But paying much higher taxes for schooling isn't going to magically fix this problem over night, or even in 20 or 30 fucking years.
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>Small, ethnically and racially homogeneous countries

Jesus /pol/, whenever anyone brings up how Europe is successful everyone always falls to the homogeneous card but at the same time in another thread people are pointing how Europe is being overrun with niggers and Muslims and how hard they embrace multiculturalism

Decide on one thing or the other

>then for socialization of kids,
Are you retarded? Kids don't learn how to socialize at school at all.
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>Nigger and spic culture is all about fucking around and being a failure instead of actually making something of yourself
Shitty troll/10
Easy street? Well, didn't want to drag that into it but I guess it'd work.
Also fuck you America, and fuck your Ebonics. Education in Australia is almost as bad as yours since you brought that shit in as serious academia, and muddied everyone's thinking about what is important to teach kids about language. We've got an entire generation of illiterates who believe "It's not important how you spell words, it's the message in your essay that matters.", and as a result they don't even know enough words to convey the meaning in what they write.
Enough people do drive that it really is something everyone should know.

I also think self defense should be taught in required physical ed courses instead of useless shit like basketball. I'd also bring back rifle teams, voluntary of course (and funded by the students who join, maybe)
>France as well as other nations have taught us that through a higher tax, we can achieve a better, stronger foundation for post secondary education.
Nope. At least give it a year after France's suicide move before calling it. It's not like they respect the opinion of the Quebecois anyways.
Australia's education system is almost as bad as Americas. The government has been caught multiple times fudging literacy and math rates in the population, but to admit anything else would mean they'd have to spend money educating Australians, when they can get paid to take in Indians with cereal-box qualifications instead.
Which is where the media are happy to keep them. Kids are fed with Gangster Ghetto mentality, even white kids. Black rappers talking about doing dope and going to jail are idolised and publicized by a certain group of people, creating this auroa that being a thug is cool and going to jail an achievement.
>We give our kids worse food than what prisoners get and prisoners get fed by the system whereas kids have to pay.
Like two fucking dollars. And if you're even that poor we have food subsidies that feed yo kid for free.
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I think, as a society, students need a good grounding in the classics (like Shakespeare and shit) AND the ability to learn to analyze modern media.

Most people take literary analysis to be something only done on "high school lit" which is retarded.

Oh, yeah, and high schools should have a religions course, if only to slowly educate out retards who use the term "islamofascist" unironically.
Sorry, we don't consider a big time drug dealer to be "making something" of yourself.
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He's actually correct thing. Whites in the us outperforms whites in other countries.
But.. But that's true.
Saying their culture is about achieving anything is like saying Death metal is about God, because there's an occasional christian death metal band.
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The percentage of Muslims in euroland is no where near the level of Latinos and Blacks in America town. That is just a taste of what the US government has to deal with every goddam day.
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australia used to have universal free education for universities. But people used to take advantage of it and just enroll in courses while collecting welfare money. So now we have something called hecs fee's for university education its essentially a loan you take from the government who pays for your education and once you start earn a certain wage you begin to pay it back through your taxes. Although you don't pay full price.
We have both full free primary and secondary schools. With private school education.
welcome to /pol/, you must be new here
UK here.

We've had both state education and private education for several centuries.

It's been conclusively proven, and decide that private education and segregation is far better for all parties involved, because in education you always have to cater to the lowest common denominator, and so the government is slowly scrapping the state education system in favour of a much more effective private education system, with state provided vouchers for those who can't pay. You'll still need to get the grades to go to them though.

It's known as the "academy" system.
Eliminate the Department of Education.

Don't listen to idiots who think a welfare state that works in countries with the largest per capita trade surplusses in the world is going to work in a country with massive trade defecits.
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$2 dollars for this piece of shit.
We are literally the laughing stock of the world when it comes to lunch food. And don't you dare defend this disgusting capitalistic practice.
>Enough people do drive that it really is something everyone should know.
In my state, driver's ed was the required responsibility of the person getting the license. I think this is best instead of subsidizing it through public education. I didn't learn any car maintenance during those classes though, which is something they should include I agree.

I also think self defense would be a great idea in some schools (beyond gay ass wrassling which we did). The potential for injury and lawsuits seems to make it prohibitive, however.
>capitalistic practice
>state education system

Pick one.
Our system is fine, we have the best test scores in the world, and no, we don't need to teach how to fix a fucking car or balance a checkbook, that is things you learn by living, the school is to teach things you can only learn by listening.
Just bring your own damn food then.

Consider it an education in being thankful for the food on your table. In many countries, children would not be so lucky.
Don't forget when the government forecast that we'd have too many academics, so they increased the cost of university courses by a factor of 10, then after 10 years realised it was a stupid idea and frantically started importing Indian academics.
A lot of schools are cracking down and banning people bringing their own food, no shit.

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