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>Wait in line to buy your consumerist chinese made crap
>Cut in line with your Mexican family
>People behind you don't take kindly to your shennanigans
>Punch them in the face then pull a gun on them
>Don't get charged with a crime.

Explain yourselves, Amerishoots.

Cutting in line is against the law now.

It should be.

I don't get angry easily, but I will flip my shit if someone cuts in line.

Personally, you lost me when they refused to charge him. Sounds like the investigation was made already, and people with more facts than you or me made the appropriate call.
>defending yourself is a crime
>great shitan
>punch them in the face then pull a gun on them
>implying the dude who punched was the one who pulled the gun

Thread failed in OP

Delete and try again child
>UK News
>Reports on the USA
Suckin' that US dick pretty hard, eh UK? Kinda like that asshole boyfriend you just can't do without?
> actually attacking someone for jumping the queue.

Honestly, you americans and your backwards ways.

>being so beta you just sit idly by and let people cut in front of you
Typical.. Amerilards. I wonder what happened if the guy was black. 40 bullets in the head? Maybe 50? Never change, amerilard.
I live in San Antonio. The Mexican cops let 95% of all Mexican criminals just get away with shit. They really do. It's a great city to come to if you wanna commit a crime, get away with it, all while being Mexican.

Seriously they get away with everything here.

> being so fucking savage that you would attack someone physically for disregarding societal norms.

What are you going to do when the guy you hit pulls a gun on you?

Probably the same as in OP's story, shit your pants.
>Pick a fight
>Get your ass beaten
>Pull a gun
>I was defending myself

The reason amerifats love their 2nd ammendment so much is because they can't fight unless they have weapons.

Amerifats confirmed for cowards.

>disregard societal norms
>get mad when society shits on you

>fighting fair

Victory by any means necessary, bro.

By all means, queue jumpers should be shot.

But first they should be put on trial before everyone so that we all know why they're being punished.
>being a brainwashed liberal who lets everyone else walk all over you
>defends the shitskin non-whites when they do it

I've seen this a few times, the race traitor liberals are very quick to let off the non-whites over gun crimes nowadays.

>Culture of Violence

Hows your kitchen knife? Safely registered, and properly secured, with Big Brother?

In a real fight, you fight to win, because to win is to live, and to lose is to die. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

The best and only way.

> calling people liberals as if that word actually means anything.

You're aware that most organisations are defined by their opposition, not by their own creed, right?
You know why they have a culture of violence? Because they can stand 200ft away with a rifle and brag about how star spangling awesome they are.

Get these gangstas to use their fists and see how many got the balls to rob a store.
I'm picturing a British betamale reading this article, somehow being shocked that a country gives its citizens the right to defend themselves, right before the Privilege Police kick down his door because he called someone a negro online.

>have technological superiority
>decide not to use it

Ya, nah.

Because it's always about fighting n' killing, right?
>right before the Privilege Police kick down his door because he called someone a negro online.

Or get his kids taken away for supporting a political party that the government doesn't like.


Did no one read the link?

>Witnesses allegedly told police that Salme had agitated customers that morning and had provoked the scuffle before pulling out the handgun and pointing it at Alex.

He's just another "bad-ass" who thought he could do anything he wante because he had a gun, and thanks to shitty San Antonio cops, he got away with it even though witnesses said he provoked the incident

My dad taught me to never get into a fight unless I'm ready to kill and ready to be killed.

You have no idea what the other person will do. Will they be a gentleman and simply walk away if they knock you out or will they bash your head in when your defenseless on the ground.
That is kinda the same logic you use when fighting wars?

>Bomb sand niggers that is already in the stoneage

That depends, what would you do?

Regardless, he was physically attacked first and was therefore within his rights to brandish the gun.
>disrupting trade and commerce on private property
>causing mental anguish on hundreds of shoppers

this just shows that every american is a time bomb waiting to happen.

Getting in a fight here means you will kick someones ass or get your ass kicked.
And stormfags claim niggers are primitive.
Good advice.
>MUH feelings

I would walk away, but I always try to resolve things peacefully.

I thought I was a badass and could hold my own in a fight. Then one day in undergrad when I was hanging out with friends, one who was on the wrestling team challenged me to wrestle.

I thought I could do well enough. In 3 seconds he lifted me up, throw me on the ground, and pinned me face down. If it were a fight with some guy on the street, I would be completely at his mercy.
>implying mental anguish isnt a recognised tortious liability

Hehehe silly goyim.
>Getting in a fight here means you will kick someones ass or get your ass kicked.

It's better to stack the odds in your favor by being armed.

> hanging out with friends.

And these friends just stood back and watched, did they?

But he provoked the incident.
> one who was on the wrestling team challenged me to wrestle.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point, I see.
Now imagine pissing off a bunch of people and then pulling the gun out and promptly being gun downed by 10 others because they were acting in "self defence" when they saw the gun being pulled out.

And to make things better they each corroborate the story as you lie drowning in your own pool of blood.
Right, so somehow it is acceptable to behave as savages in the land of clapping but heaven save you if there is a woman's bare breasts on the tele.

Seems that you twits across the pond need to examine yourselves before you decide to criticize Her Majesty's kingdom.

I'm a black muslim btw and I'm just as english as any of you pale faces.

So, you were challenged formally to a wrestling match?

Are you quite sure the other guy had an inclination towards killing you?
No its not, if everyone though like that drunken fighting on Saturday night would turn out like the O.K Corral.

What you have is a catch 22.
>black muslim

>watches UKIP videos

u wot?

Define mental anguish and how this is an example of it.
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>I'm a black muslim btw and I'm just as english as any of you pale faces.
>>7672012 (OP)
The line cutter punched the man who produced the handgun you blithering twit.
>define mental anguish

See your law reports.
>people sorting their own shit out



>state passes legislation to legalize open carry of firearms
>libs claim it will turn the state into the O.K. Corral with gunfights everywhere
>years later, no major shooting incidents

Except that these "road-rage-incidents-and-bar-fights-will-magically-turn-into-Berlin-1945" scenarios you people come up with just don't fucking happen in places where concealed carrying is common.

> implying those aren't other mexicans/niggers defending their own and supposedly witnessing "whitey" starting the whole thing.

> implying niggers and mexicans don't pull that shit EVERYTIME a white person defends themselves against these animals.

"right before me and 20 of my homies jumped him, sniff-sniff, he called me a nigger"

"yea...that's exactly what happened, he called him a nigger, at least that MUST've been what happened, because I didn't actually see it, but since the guy who got shot/beaten was black....that's my story and I'm sticking to it, because I'm black too."
>Are you quite sure the other guy had an inclination towards killing you?

Read it again. He was one of his friends.
>le memes
>San Antonio

you should know better than that. MExico annexed that shit a long time ago
Except I didn't watch it, you stodgy twit.

I already know that the USA is a land of intolerance and savagery.

Which raises the question of the validity of using it in terms of life-or-death combative situations.

Irl if the guy is bigger than you then you back the fuck off immediately so you can get range.

>Irl if the guy is bigger than you then you back the fuck off immediately so you can get range.
>automatically backing down to those bigger than you


I said back off, not back down.

What, you've never tried to use agility to it's full effect in a fight before?
>meme arrows

You both sound like you've never been in a fight before. Take it to >/v/
>everyone is as hard as me, the larger lout brit who likes to fight, including my gran and your gf : the tread

You sound like a twat.

See - I can play that game too.
>Now imagine pissing off a bunch of people and then pulling the gun out and promptly being gun downed by 10 others because they were acting in "self defence" when they saw the gun being pulled out.

Because they WERE acting in self defense.

The second you draw down, you elevate the stakes of whichever confrontation you're in to life or death. Considering you hold a deadly weapon that can kill anyone in your immediate vicinity, killing you is an act of self-defense to anyone else with or without a firearm. This applies whether they provoked the initial confrontation or you did.

If you get shot after pulling a gun on a bunch of seemingly unarmed people and think that it makes you invincible, only you are to blame for your death.

Look at it this way. This is like pulling a knife on someone and complaining if you get stabbed. A bit ridiculous no?

I know you like to play games. That's why I said take it to >>>/v/.

But they don't like me there.

Emasculated Britishers and Yuropoors seem to believe that the presence of firearms will make people shoot other people for bumping into them or sneezing in their direction.
>Now imagine pissing off a bunch of people and then pulling their fists out and promptly being punched downed by 10 others because they were acting in "self defence" when they saw the fists being pulled out.

>Now imagine pissing off a bunch of people and then pulling a snickers out and promptly being beaten down by 10 others because they were acting in "self defence" when they saw the snickers being pulled out.

No, we just don't see the need for them when you can simply beat the fuckers down with your fists.
You cannot initiate violence and then claim self defense.
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Maybe if you dropped your trip, they wouldn't know it's you.

What is America.

>5 guys jump you
>lol y u no knock them all out?
>when you can simply beat the fuckers down with your fists.

Not everyone is a young able-bodied male such as yourself who can outrun or outfight the average career criminal.
So your mum can take on 10 men in a fight?

So you can take on 10 men in a mugging?

> being scared of groups of people.
> not committing to taking down as many of them as you can.
What's so hard for you faggots to understand?

The "QUEUEUEUE" cutter punched the guy in the face after the attacker had been verbally assaulted by several people in the "QUEUEUEUEU" for cutting in front. The man then pulled his gun in self defense, a gun he had a concealed weapons permit for.

Second Amendment of the greatest document in history, the United States Constitution. Deal With It.
>Being a count and harass 5people
>They fight back and is kicking your ass
>Kill them all in self defense

I don't see why a trip would be of any importance to be honest - the only anonymity i've lost is that i've recorded my trip with the servers.
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>Being a count

u w0t?
>everyone is as hard as me
>if they aren't and they can't fight off a group of guys they should just lie there and maybe call the police after (if they haven't had their phone stolen, aren't left in a bloody pool, aren't unconscious, aren't beaten within an inch of their life, aren't dead)

well that certainly sounds better than people being allowed "weapons" like pepper spray.
> not committing to taking down as many of them as you can.

I'd say that even the most hardened fighters would fall if they had to fight five other men armed with knives or bats.

>not using the https 4chan
>not doing all your browsing through a VPN
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>tfw you realize count chocula is a jew
>what is a mugging

liberal suburb cotton wool wrapped life general.

> 2012.
> giving a fuck when you're smart enough to realize that if there's nothing on your connected hardware that's illegal then there's really nothing that can be bought against you.
>liberal suburb cotton wool wrapped life general.

Why else would these people think they can knock out five muggers at once?

I didn't say anything about getting out alive.

To be fair, they should probably just bring back beatings in schools so these people learn not to do this sort of thing.
Because you're edgy as fuck.

>lol mum, why didn't you just kill them all with your cage fighting skills
If you don't survive then you lost.
>beatings in schools stop crime and mean no one needs to defend themselves

I didn't say anything about not defending yourself.

Conditioning people into being able to fight if necessary would be a good step forwards - you're right that there are an awful lot of weaklings about nowadays.
>i don't want to allow people who are weaker then me to defend themselves

I hope you don't support welfare or any other government intervention that protects people then.

And people should have the best means possible to defend themselves with, which means firearms.
>You cannot initiate violence and then claim self defense.
You cannot pull a gun on a seemingly unarmed person, then claim they weren't defending themselves when they shot you.

>Emasculated Britishers and Yuropoors seem to believe that the presence of firearms will make people shoot other people for bumping into them or sneezing in their direction.
It doesn't matter either way. Since firearms exist, and they are basic, current-gen weaponry, they need to be legal to the public. If they are made illegal, the only people who have them will be criminals, and the public will be defenseless to crime. Then the public will have to rely entirely on the police, who have no specific responsibility to protect you and may take from 5-10 minutes (Sometimes longer, sometimes MUCH longer) to get to you if you call them.

Also, allowing the public to have firearms is a blatant deterrent against an extreme rogue government using its military to push the citizenry around. But that's just the obvious reason.

I mean, what next? Illegalize bows and arrows? Swords? Knives? Sharpened pencils? These things are deadly weapons!

They might think they're a badass with a cricket bat, and what have you, until they're staring down the barrel of a glock. Then they'll really wish they listened to that American on /pol/ about firearms and self-defense.

You die, it's game over.
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>not having tripfags filtered

I shiggity diggity do wop do

To be frank, if it's a situation which needs firearms most sane people know to get the fuck out of the way and let SCO-19 take care of it.
Yea it's just so logical, instead of having those nasty self defence laws and allowing people weapons to defend themselves, we'll just teach everyone's gran krav maga and then she'll be able to fight off muggers...

Using weapons is for pussies, it's why the military, the police, in fact the world, is such a pussy compared to me, who want s the government to ban all weapons so I can kick the fuck out of one guy on a Friday while pissed up on Stella because I'm a hard man.

Tripfags are epic fail guys, who think Milhouse is a meme and they smell bad.
No they don't you sheltered cunt. Do you know what being robbed means?

Ffs you must be trolling.

You drink stella if you want to beat your wife and you know that for a fact I reckon.

If people were more willing to defend themselves and each other then the proposition of killing and stealing from them becomes much more difficult.
>if it's a situation which needs firearms most sane people know to get the fuck out of the way and let SCO-19 take care of it.

Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
An Armed society is a polite society
Robert Heinlein
That guy was just teaching that line cutting prick the manners his parents forgot. As he was an older asshole it took the barrel of a gun to teach him the manners and polite behavior his parents failed to instill in him.
He owes the man who pulled the gun a big ol thank you for the lesson in civilioy.
>If people were more willing to defend themselves

Then they need an equaliser, like a gun, your misses cannot attempt to fight 3 guys trying to nick her purse.

Why does he need mentioning? Just because he is wearing a guy Fawkes mask?
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So we're talking about home invasion, are we?

Funny how I keep a baseball bat behind the door at all times.

>getting into a fight over material objects

You deserve to be beaten and die if you resist muggers. That purse isn't worth your life.
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...because tripfags are the purest form of fail ever.

We should petition moot for forced anon on /pol/.
> coward detected
Thats why you carry a gun and shoot the mugger in the spine. Let him roll around the rest of his life thinking about hi bad behavior. THink of it as a "Time Out" for the criminal.
first problem:

second problem:
>Punch them in the face then pull a gun on them
wrong, according to the article he was the assaulted party
Jesus fucking Christ.

Yea, because those material possessions could mean your life you stupid twat.

> we should have forced anonymity!

I'm not sure I appreciate your sentiment, sir.

You'd still lose against multiple attackers, especially if they too are armed with bats.


You wouldn't know if they're just muggers. You have to presume that everyone who's attacking you is doing so to hurt you.
>scare nigger away with gun
>proceed to shopping about as though business as usual
>walk out of store and back towards car
>gunned down by 10 niggers when opening car door

Fortunately Americans and by extension niggers are too damn stupid to do this so they carry on in the stupid belief that a gun is a magical talisman equivalent to a bullet proof vest.

> implying i'm not a sneaky cunt and my home isn't my ninja dojo.

But sure, i'll probably have to get out of there when the smoke starts to disperse.
>You deserve to be beaten and die if you resist muggers.

I fucking cringe at the current state of this country.
>life revolves around material possessions

Only in Amrrika.
How many times does this happen? Sources and not you imagination please.
>>proceed to shopping about as though business as usual

Except that's wrong. You're supposed to call the police afterward.
>lol guise i is a ninja now so no one is allowed self defence
Better to live on your feet than die on your knees, Europoor. You ever hear of a bully being placated by the servile acquiescence of his victims?

So you support letting armed thugs rob people?
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I agreed with everything you said, chap.

Until I heard you were a black-faced, pig fucking Mohammedan.

You will never be a part of God's country. It's only a matter of time before we true Britons rise up and kick you twats back to Arabia or wherever whence ye came.

Long live the Queen, Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
This has to be a troll.

No one is this stupid in real life.
>have all my shit stole
>can't call the police, no phone
>go home
>cant get in my flat, no keys
>can call lock smith, no phone
>cant pay locksmith, no cards or cash
>can't go to work the next day, no car keys or travel pass
>cant pay for food or contact the bank, no cards or cash

hurr but its teh americans and teh consumerism we can all live without deh nasty capitalist things and gib our things to miggers its what we do when civilised lol

I lol'd.

But seriously, entering my home with anything smaller than a tank is tantamount to suicide.

Look around you. Everything you use and enjoy is material. Your life revolves around money and food, at the very least. For some people, their purse has their entire ability to acquire food and money in it. Losing that would destroy their livelihood. I know you probably value government handouts, but some people prefer self-sufficiency.
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>cutting a queue

this is worse than 7/7
Yes he does, he said it himself in an earlier post: >>7672813

>You deserve to be beaten and die if you resist muggers.
good for you, why do you think it's the same for everyone else.

Internet tough guy detected.

Anyway, point is that guns should be legal so that people can defend themselves.

So, you're saying that going back to the stone age would be a difficult process for you?
I think we can all agree, American or Brit, that line cutters are complete assholes and have probably been unlikable pricks their entire lives.

Because every home has weapons that can be used against intruders?

Granted, there is a certain egalitarian bent to being able to simply load a gun and shoot it without even have to stand up.

Kinda like your television remote come to think of it.

Of course. My life would be changed forever. I would have to farm my own food, and the technological gap would be astounding. No cars, no electricity, etc.
As a British person who sees these kinds of threads regularly, I fucking hate my fellow countrymen, I really hope something happens to you where you are but in a position where you need to defend yourselves and can't, you cunts need to be taught a seriously large lesson.
>he says while posting on the internet

But you could do it, right?

How would it be that big of a deal, then?
You realize that you can be shot just as easily as anyone, right?

All those years of hardcore Spartan MMA cage fighting you pretended to do, and your perfected Clint Eastwood intimidation growl, mean nothing to a slug from a shotgun.

Grow up kid.
Wait what? I thought the guy who got punched pulled the gun.

Of course I could do it, but I would rather what I have now.

They don't, yes they have things that could be improvised, but it's a bit fucking late when they're in your room and you're trying to swing a lamp at them.

Why do you hate the idea so much?
> bringing a gun to a black friday sale
> imagine that guys morning routine that day

> ok kids pile in the car, we're off to the black friday sale!
> everyone buckle your seatbelts.
> oh shit, i forgot my gun
> brb kids, got to get my gun in case some shit pops off at this sale, wouldn't want to miss out on muh savings!

also, everyone in that story is Mexican, not American. And technically this happened in Mexico North, not America.
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A Britfag with balls to stand up for his cuntry!?

>Ishiggdy shooop shop whop
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>give up all human advancement and technology achieved over the course of thousands of years including medical technology, agricultural technology, etc.

>no big deal

This fucking guy.

Now this right here is proof that guns are serious biz, and that only qualified people should carry and use them.
>i have no problem with the idea of defending my self
>but i hate the idea of it being backed by the government, and that people weaker than me should be allowed to do it
Argue it all you like Ameritards, but eventually your guns will be taken off you, it's just progress and you're lagging.
I'm gonna love listening to you all complain about not having the right to shoot each other anymore.
>then they can all be as defenceless as us yay
>qualified people
Oh you mean like criminals.
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>thinking the government can take away all of america's guns


And then we'll have the right to be victims in our own country, just like Europe!
>Argue it all you like Ameritards, but eventually your guns will be taken off you

The government will have to pry them from more than half of the country's cold, dead fingers.

I'd love to see them try.

He had a concealed carry permit. It's a perfectly normal thing.

Then they wouldn't have acquired them legally. More of a crackdown on illegal gun ownership would be needed.
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>>7672012 (OP)
>Cut in line


>going to a crowded event full of minorities and people fighting to get limited products
>not preparing for a throw down
>90 million firearm owners
>have their firearms taken

lol not in our lifetimes britfag
>not everyone in america owns a gun

imagine the crime rate if you knew for a fact the person you're about to rob has a gun

nobody would do shit
>people shouldn't have guns because surviving in the stone age is possible

This is why no one takes you faggots seriously.

captcha: crimles (nigger)
Maybe some day captcha maybe some day
> More of a crackdown on illegal gun ownership would be needed.

You mean...like banning guns...Yea that sure has worked, next lets ban robbery and murder.
>>7672012 (OP)
Good. The man is a hero for a avoiding a riot.

Or they would commit crimes in larger groups.
>It's a perfectly normal thing.
That's what these socially liberal Yuropoor morons always forget. Walking around with a weapon, specifically a firearm, is nothing new, and it is nothing new because it is done for a reason.

Once upon a time, Europeans even walked around with weapons, believe it or not. Until the government took them all away. Now, only criminals and their police have guns. I'm sure that will turn out just fine...

>accidentally bump into someone
>have to duck and roll into cover to avoid incoming barriage from machine gun fire

I can't believe you Amerishoots think that's a good thing.
>Yea that sure has worked, next lets ban robbery and murder.

Actually, we should just ban death. Ban assault death, and ban high-capacity death. Then, no one will die.
>>7672012 (OP)
>This guy had a license to carry a concealed weapon.
>The line-cutter punched the man with the gun.
>When the gun was pulled out, it was not pointed at anyone, or fired.
>line-cutter runs off.

No crime was committed
>Drug War
>Banning guns
I..It'll work this time guys
What a brilliant idea! Then no one will die, ever!

At least guns have legitimate non-recreational uses.

You won't know until you try it.

Why can't I hold all this hyperbole?
>Drug prohibition is bad, legalise drugs and we'll stop drug crime.
>Weapon prohibition is good, ban guns and no one will die.
Mexico tried it.
>This guy had a license to carry a concealed weapon.
>The line-cutter punched the man with the gun.
>When the gun was pulled out, it was not pointed at anyone, or fired.
>line-cutter runs off.

No crime was committed by the firearm owner (fixed)
Read that you limey fucks.
Almost 30 million more people than live in the whole UK own firearms in the USA.

Have you ever seen what a high powered rifle with expanding projectiles does to human flesh?

Imagine Breivik time about 10 million, if the tried to confiscate guns.

Like how assault rifle ownership exploded the day after Obama was reelected, despite his mild stance on gun control? Sometimes I love my country.
So do drugs and alcohol. If you don't recall, these things had medical benefits before they were lambasted as evil by the government.
Nazi Germany tried it.

Well, drugs do. Alcohol, not really, at least not any that medical benefits that drugs can't do.
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>Cut in line and get called on your bullshit

>Cut in line and smile wile everyone gets passive-aggressive
Did the government try to give itself a legal monopoly on their use?
Reminds me of this video.

You realize that alcohol is used to sterilize, and can be used as a blood-thinner (among various other applications).
Fck, look at all the butthurt it's lovely. Accidents with guns end up balancing out any situations where they actually helped, and then some. Evolution will catch up with you eventally.
Your government WILL prize the guns from your cold dead fings, then what will you have achieved except your own death? A little pride??
As soon as you all realise you're not the richest most powerful nation it will start, then you can come back into the fold and be a part of the human family again ameritards. Stop changing the letter S for Z and just learn the English language too!
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>Accidents with guns

We call it natural selection.

Didnt you know European looters line up as well?
>Accidents with guns end up balancing out any situations where they actually helped, and then some

Nope. Gun accident fatalities are outnumbered even by swimming pool fatalities.
Not American, you're a fucking idiot.

> Evolution will catch up with you eventally

That's just because you're all so fat and slip over so easily.
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>Stop changing the letter S for Z and just learn the English language too!
Go home limey.
>lol look at me guys so edgy XD dem murricans lololol
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<yuropoor 'defending' himself
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What was that? I can't hear your whinging over the cold, hard facts history itself has provided about government gun control.
>Fck, look at all the butthurt it's lovely. Accidents with guns end up balancing out any situations where they actually helped, and then some. Evolution will catch up with you eventally.
Alright, it's an obvious troll at this point.

Nothing to see here.
Notice the dark colored panties.
Britfags can't wear white ones because of often pooping themselves from fear.


Learn to read, you fucking reactionary parrot-zombies.
>go home
>so edgy

Oh so you've run out of ammunition? fcking lol.
You're just used to having guns so you defend them, does not mean it's a good idea. You probably know that though. And you're guns won't do a thing against a tyrannical government, maybe 100-200 years ago but now you'd get mowed down. You'll learn.

That does nto change the fact that all europeans would do is get passive aggressive about this happening to them. They are neutered.

>Americans 'defending' themselves
>, does not mean it's a good idea

But they are. Prove they aren't.

> And you're guns won't do a thing against a tyrannical government, maybe 100-200 years ago but now you'd get mowed down. You'll learn.

Yep, no armed populaces have rebelled recently against governments with tanks and jets and won. Nope. No, sir.
And what would you have against a tyrannical government?
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I love being able to walk into a walmart and leave with a shotgun.
We all have double barrelled shotguns you stupid cunt.
I'm sorry, you're typing but there is is no meaning there.
Get into this century you're just embarrassing yourselfs.
Big gun=small cack.
Good luck.
>defending yourself against an attacker = small cock

so what of a women? does she have a "small cock" for defending herself and not just giving up her property, maybe her body, to an aggressor?
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I love being able to walk into Walmart with a legally carried and concealed handgun.

Fuck all you pussy britfags, stay the fuck out of the USA.
Or just visit Jew York, or Chicongo.
Only criminals carry handguns in those cities.
>does she have a "small cock" for defending herself and not just giving up her property, maybe her body, to an aggressor?

Yes. It is morally correct for her to just submit. What, her sexuality is more important than her life? Fucking typical Amerishoots. Here in Europe, that's exactly what any smart woman would do.

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