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Hey niggers, what's it feel like to know that China is taking over your homeland in Africa? What's it feel like to know some Chinaman is fucking your African princesses?

Black women love Chinese dick. Chinese men are much better than lazy niggers with their limp dicks.

>Barrick Gold, the world's biggest gold producer, announced today that they are in talks to sell the 74 percent stake in its African mining business to China National Gold Group Corporation.

Yeah niggers. Chinaman got all the bling now. All your bitches want some hot Chinese dick instead of your cheap-ass loser dick.
>mfw theres a war in the Congo and the world doesn't give a shit
>implying a gook would ever bang the princesses in my country

Nice try, CIDF.

M23 got dat swag u don son
>>7671572 (OP)
America is my homeland as I am american

>China's rulers believe Africa can become a 'satellite' state, solving its own problems of over-population and shortage of natural resources at a stroke.

>With little fanfare, a staggering 750,000 Chinese have settled in Africa over the past decade. More are on the way.

>The strategy has been carefully devised by officials in Beijing, where one expert has estimated that China will eventually need to send 300 million people to Africa to solve the problems of over-population and pollution.

Yeah niggers, you are surplus to requirements. Disposable. China wants your land. China wants to replace you with a Chinaman. Niggers will be extinct soon.
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Why do White people care about what Asians and Africans are doing?
China created AIDS and let it go in Africa because they knew the niggers would spread it around like wildfire and kill themselves.

Chinaman > niggers

Yfw the 'cultural marxist plot to destroy the white race' is a lie and the real ethnic displacement is han china against africa

>>europe for the europeans
>>asia for the asians
>>africa for the asians

Would rather have a yellow neighbour than a black one. Chinese and Japs work hard. Niggers are lazy and useless.
Stormfag divide and conquer tactic.
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Not much the blacks can do. If they take up arms against the Chinese, the Chinese will wage a war with gloves off.

All according to plan. These Blasians will also surely rise to the top of the political system.
U mad your women are fucking asian dick.
Niggers are so shit that Indians took over everything in Uganda. They even took all the best nigger women for themselves.
Oh wow, they actually ARE taking the few attractive women in sub-Saharan Africa
>>7671572 (OP)
I was never born there, and as far back as I can trace my family tree, no one has ties to the place.

So... China can have it.
All them American nigger bitches and ho's are wanting to get them some Korean dick now they have seen Gangnam Style. Korean bling > Nigger roll
To sum up (w = women, m = men):

White w + Black m
White m + Asian w
Asian m + Black w

Good work Jew, you reached all what you wanted

Nigger bitches LOVES them some China cock. Much better than lazy unemployed nigger bwoys.
Ah, the traditional way to colonize.

I,import your own and integrate their women.

Check the comments

>I would so do porn if i got to fuck all Asian guys - young black girl here

Yeah boooooooyyyyyzzzz. The niggers have got to go.
What am I reading
So much for the nigger cuckold shit. Chinamen are wiping niggers out. Fuck yeah!
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cannot unsee

The future. The future of the black man is extinction. Superior Chinese man is taking over.
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>cherry picking examples
>black female/chinese male couples still statistically irrelevant

Why are you all butthurt about it? Those 300 Million Chinamen heading to Africa got you sweating?

Asian news. Chinamen laughing at ignorant Kenyan coons burning each other for witchcraft.

That's a few less coons to be enriched by Chinese immigrants.
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>Mugabe being celebrated in Beijing
And to think the West allowed Rhodesia to fall to this madman, only for him to turn around and stab the West in the back a few decades later.
>Why are you all butthurt about it? Those 300 Million Chinamen heading to Africa got you sweating?
That's the interesting thing. China has literally excess men due to selective abortions caused by the combination of one child policy and gender bias. So China isn't trying to breed anyone out; they are trying to dump their sexually frustrated men in other nations because most nubile local women are taken.

It doesn't matter what /pol/ thinks or believes, China has problems that are NOT Jew related. And they will solve it any way they can. Single men are a social problem.
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Oh gosh, I am outta here.
Probably I should not even pull the handle, because these pictures will always be in my mind

Mugabe is too stupid and greedy to see that the Chinese are going to take his country right out from under him. Typical nigger.
>Mugabe is too stupid and greedy to see that the Chinese are going to take his country right out from under him. Typical nigger.
Actually why should he care? He is just a warlord. China pays him and pays him well, that's all he ever need to care about. Satellite states are easier to maintain than direct rule.
I don't think he cares anymore. He's 88, he's only got a few more years left in him, and he doesn't give a shit about the future of his country and his people.

China will find someone loyal within his government to be his successor, and he'll gladly agree in exchange for the opportunity to prolong his life by a couple of years.

Why should any leader care for their people? All the other Zimbabwe boys will be cryin' that Mugabe sold them down the river and now some Chinaman is fucking their women.

You have it on repeat don't you. Can't get enough of it. It's your new fetish.
>Why should any leader care for their people? All the other Zimbabwe boys will be cryin' that Mugabe sold them down the river and now some Chinaman is fucking their women.
He never cared about his people before, so why should he start now?

Even Jap guys are taking all the nigger women now.

Because some Chinaman from the Politburo is fucking his wife.
God sake, no
>Even Jap guys are taking all the nigger women now.
There isn't enough Japanese men looking for wives as it is, so I doubt that is going to matter very much.
>Because some Chinaman from the Politburo is fucking his wife.
You seem to be confused about how being a Warlord works... You do the fuck you want and complaints are irrelevant.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

>Some Chinaman is doing the fucking and Mugabe's complaints are irrelevant.

Fixed it for you.
chinese people do well dealing with rational white europeans. they don't do well dealing with savages
>chinese people do well dealing with rational white europeans. they don't do well dealing with savages
Oh no, we will deal with anyone as long as money is involved. Rationality is irrelevant.

Seriously, refusing to do business because of the colour of one's skin? That's silliness. Money is money, resources are resources. Profit is king. You silly Europeans don't get it. Racism has no place in business.
Wasn't it Darwin's brother who advocated replacing the Negro with Chinamen?

Who said anything about Jews? Jews are irrelevant to China. China has no Jew problem.

Sending 300 Million Chinamen to take all the women in Africa is certainly a problem for niggers.
I always loved niggers more than chinks, at least they have style.
>Wasn't it Darwin's brother who advocated replacing the Negro with Chinamen?
Day in and day out, I see /pol/ discussing China and their policies like they believe white people had some say in it.

So delusional.

China will do what it likes. Go and dream about your colonial past, but that;s long gone. You don't have a say in Chinese affairs anymore.
>You silly Europeans don't get it. Racism has no place in business.

Uh. Us English have taught you Asians a few things about race and business. Don't pretend you have forgotten it.
Implying you ever have to negotiate with niggers if you're not a soft liberal pussy.

The niggers will be lucky if they don't have a holocause on the horizon.

I personally know how much the Chinese hate niggers, and am looking forward to these hard-liners colonizing that decrepit shithole.

Why do you think they have their eye on it anyway? They have 0 respect for the nigger, it's basically unoccupied to them
>Who said anything about Jews? Jews are irrelevant to China. China has no Jew problem.
>Sending 300 Million Chinamen to take all the women in Africa is certainly a problem for niggers.
Some /pol/ are crazy enough to think Jews have a say, like >>7671891

Nah man. Niggers got shit. Baggy-ass monkeys don't know what style is.

Koreans got Gangnam Style.
>mfw nigger holocaust

>Uh. Us English have taught you Asians a few things about race and business. Don't pretend you have forgotten it.
Not at all. All that you taught us is to make sure to be prepared to kill any number of people to get what we want.

>I personally know how much the Chinese hate niggers, and am looking forward to these hard-liners colonizing that decrepit shithole.
You seem to be confused. China does not want a shitty colony. Get all the resources, bribe the local warlords, and dump single men in Africa to keep them out of the mainland. Take everything valuable and dump the trash.


Germans already did some of that African Holocaust shit.

Or rather, Germany eradicated a monkey infestation in Namibia.
Black women love Chinese dick
Chinese women love White dick
White women love Black dick

the circle of life
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Let's face it. Every race got its whores and scum. Only the pure of mind can ever accomplish true racial purity, and let the shit of the majority of humanity breed however they wish.

Truth of the matter is that pure breeds will be the new Nobel's when the mass of humanity all desecrate their gene pool by mixing.
I said it before and I will say it again; we Asians never understand you white guy's fascination with exterminating black people.

Are you afraid?

Are you getting paid for it?

Is there ANY bloody reason you are going to waste time and money shooting a bunch of people for no purpose at all?

We Asians are racist too, but we aren't going to waste our hard earned money on such silly projects.
We Whites never understood you Asians for thinking we want to kill all Blacks

Some are just frustrated, and want to end it all.

Others, sane minds just want them to go away.
I thought asians wwere racist as fuck?
Or is marrieng their woman a form of racism, rororororo

Yes yes, very nice. You understand perfectly well. It's the same reason that the Japanese tried to exterminate Chinese people. And the same reason that China wants to get revenge.

Same reason South Korea wants to get revenge on Japan for what the Japanese did during WWII as well.

Same reason North Korea kidnapped Japanese people.
>Others, sane minds just want them to go away.
Well, it's your problem that you grabbed a bunch of people in Africa and dumped them in your country en-masse.

China has many ethnicities. But one rule is used to keep order; obey the government or die.

This keeps everyone in line, even the ethnic Muslim Chinese in the North West.

>I thought asians wwere racist as fuck?
>Or is marrieng their woman a form of racism, rororororo
In general it is shameful display to bring home a black boy/girl.

But we are talking about China and their massive number of single men who would never find wives because of gender imbalance. Beggars can't be choosers.

Same reasons behind the whole history of Tibet and China too.
Had I been alive in the times where niggers were being imported I'd been one of the many to object to it. Not just because they are shitskins, but they were actually taking away jobs and making the rich richer while leaving the poor poorer since there would be little to no jobs.

China has a different history and a different cultural tradition. Obviously superior if what you say is true.
>Yes yes, very nice. You understand perfectly well. It's the same reason that the Japanese tried to exterminate Chinese people. And the same reason that China wants to get revenge.
That was Japan trying to imitate the British Empire. They tried so hard to BE white... They even copied the food, the military uniforms and hell, even the school bags that the schoo children still use to this day.

Japan just tried to learn from the master. But they just were never very good at it.

China realised there is no point trying to BE British. China works best being Chinese, and that's why Africa isn't being invaded. They are bought under control by the old tribute system.
>In general it is shameful display to bring home a black boy/girl.

It is in America too since most blacks are poor. It's the poverty that's shameful and the stereotypes it brings with it. Also the lack of real cultural heritage if you're into history.
>>7671572 (OP)

China isn't taking over Africa. They're just raping it of all gold and other resources while giving the savages constantly warring with each other fuckloads of cheap guns as payment. Good idea. That's like giving dynamite and matches to a pyromaniac.

If whites were doing this shit they'd be called racist.

Anyone see the Discovery Channel show "Jungle Gold" The Chinese are ALWAYS claim-jumping other people's claims and firing guns to try to scare people off. The poeple on the show have already been ran off of several claims they paid for already by Chinese.

BUT since it's not white people doing it,t he world will jsut turn a blind eye.
>China realised there is no point trying to BE British.

Not really. China got their asses handed to them lot's of times by the British. Kinda develops a resentment over time.
>Not really. China got their asses handed to them lot's of times by the British. Kinda develops a resentment over time.
So did Japan. But Japan was the one who attempted the "if you can't beat them, join them" tactic.

A latecomer who only copied the West can't really beat the West at their own game though. Japan learned it the hard way.
>>7671572 (OP)
We'll all be hailing China in a couple of decades as their tanks ans troops dominate the USA and Europe.
They can call 350,000,000 men and women to service. We're fucked.
>So did Japan. But Japan was the one who attempted the "if you can't beat them, join them" tactic.

Not really, Japan resisted as much as they could for very long. But in the end, around the 1950's they had to open up to the rest of the world; and Americas influence most of all.
I'm happy to see that even if whites are doomed there still will be some others humans on the planet. Them still having balls to act is a bonus
A rich important country about to ruin their reputation by going to war with former allies? Not a chance mate. Not with out the internet going dead and in 500 years at least.
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>yfw Israel is still in complete control
Clearly you've not seen their deployments and saber rattling. They want living space and lots of resources.

A proxy war is being fought in S America and Africa between the USA and China.
They've just deployed their first carrier(5 domestically built ones to come 2015-2020) albeit not domestically built. China hacked US drones and logged data and keystroke commands. They've been deploying carefully.

They are the 2nd biggest spenders on defence, they have the largest army and air force and the 3rd largest navy. The only thing they lack is satellites and modernisation. That' being worked on with the US space program effectively dead. China has set ambitious plans for bases on the moon and mars by 2035.

30 years tops they'll be literal rulers of the world at least economically and politically and quite likely militarily.

Before that happens we need to resolve the liberalism and uncontrolled immigration in Europe and prepare for the Dragons wrath.
>>yfw Israel is still in complete control
I am starting to think this is /pol/'s way to imagine white people are still in charge because Jews are white.

Look, Jews have nothing to do with it. You can dream about a global Zionist empire if you want, but that empire would not include Asia.
Without our immigration problem, the Western World could take on China without any problems.
It's just that we've me traumatized by war and wants to help everybody, even if it's suicide. China don't have this weakness
>Clearly you've not seen their deployments and saber rattling. They want living space and lots of resources.
China's got plenty of living space. Hell, there are entire ghost towns filled with empty apartment buildings constructed to keep people employed.

Resources? Yes, there will need to be more. Africa will provide that. But China is not crowded, it's just that everyone flock to major cities for work.
The Chinese Future is a golden future
The Zionist Future is a future where 99.9% of all humanity is wallowing in the mud of poverty and suffering for the pleasure of a few psychopathic god-king "Chosen Ones" who believe this is their earthly reward granted them by their hate-fueled sandgod, YHWH
>tfw the only nigger countries left in the world in 100 years will be the USA, France, and Sweden

actually it feels pretty good knowing that the nigger scourge will be driven out of Africa and Brazil, even if a good chunk of the white race will suffer.

The Japs don't need your Jewhoover. They have a better one. Yamaha.
The only whites left will be the Slavs if they manage to wake up.
>actually it feels pretty good knowing that the nigger scourge will be driven out of Africa and Brazil, even if a good chunk of the white race will suffer.
Africans will not be driven out. Anyone who is capable of going somewhere else has already done so.

Why would you care about Africans living in Africa anyway? You white guys are so silly.
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>China realised there is no point trying to BE British. China works best being Chinese

And that's why their leaders wear our clothing on formal occasions. White culture is so dominant that their leaders would appear to be some village idiots if they wore some traditional Chinese clothing.
They won't be driven out. The men and the ugly ones will die off from AIDS, while the more attractive and well behaved women will go to Chinese bachelors. In 100 years, the average African will just look like your average flip, as Chinese genetics will dominate.
>And that's why their leaders wear our clothing on formal occasions. White culture is so dominant that their leaders would appear to be some village idiots if they wore some traditional Chinese clothing.
Hey, China gave the Brits tea. I say that's fair trade.
>They won't be driven out. The men and the ugly ones will die off from AIDS, while the more attractive and well behaved women will go to Chinese bachelors. In 100 years, the average African will just look like your average flip, as Chinese genetics will dominate.
The Philippines is a good sample case. A wealthy population of ethnically Chinese Asians and local impoverished islanders. Though they don't have a warlord so it is not exactly the same.

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