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Sounds good, but whats the catch?
That it's a utopian child faggot's unattainable wet dream.

Marxism-Leninism or die.
>>7501738 (OP)

except it is not like that at all

see: best korea, USSR, etc
In America, we've this terrible allergy to Communism. I think it's great in theory, but it needs reform. Am I wrong?
you dont know but i shared the perfect idea to my comrades of how to infiltrate right wing organizations
It might work okay if everyone in the world tried to make it work, but in reality a country that tries to go communist will see its best and brightest emigrate to countries that will reward their talents. That's part of why communist regimes become authoritarian: they end up having to forcibly prevent their productive citizens from leaving the country, at which point they become virtual prisoners.
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>Same false promise
>Same useful idiots

Pic: future useful idiots and the victims they'll drag to the grave with them
>but in reality a country that tries to go communist will see its best and brightest emigrate to countries that will reward their talents.
Just because there were a few cases of east germans wanting to live like decadent pigs doesn't make it the rule.

People in the west live in capitalist democracies and for some reason everybody is taught at school, in the media, almost everywhere that capitalist democracy is the best system. Ever wonder why that is? Hint: it's not because capitalist democracies are the best system.

The conception that many people in the west have about communism couldn't be further from the truth. OP's picture is no different from that.
>not a shit-tier political party
Have you read their platform?
Why is there a black man/woman in every picture?

Might as well be the Democratic party.
enjoy your stalinism
The problem with communism is that it requires people to share - and people don't like to share, so it must be done by force. And you know what that leads to.

Also, society only functions because of rich elite.
>And you know what that leads to.
Massive industrialization, innovation in all fields, 100% literacy? THOSE FILTHY COMMUNIST MURDERERS MUH 50 TRILLION MUH INDIVIDUALITY MUH FEELS
What? If the CPUSA was stalinist, it would be an improvement.
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The number is actually around 70-100 million
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>if we were Communist, everything would be free and unhappiness would magically disappear

Straight out of the horse's mouth.
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>having a paranoid, deluded, power-hungry prick for a leader
Shooting people you disagree with is not a good system.

Look at where they are today compared to the capitalist countries.
>Massive industrialization, innovation in all fields, 100% literacy

How can you think this when every historical example has proved otherwise?
All these promises were made by Todd Howard.

>Shooting people you disagree with is not a good system.
It's not a system. It's a means to defend the system. It's what happens to subversives and they should be ready to face the consequences like the communists have done throughout history.
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You're all fucking wrong. Luxembergism is where it's at fuckers
>communist countries not letting people leave
>capitalist democracies saying that capitalist democracy is good
>the same thing

Also I don't remember ever being persuaded in school that capitalism is great. Democracy was pushed heavily, yes, but not so much capitalism. Communist sentiment is more prevalent among teens anyway so that sort of contradicts the notion that public schools are brainwashing kids into being capitalists.
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This is a great concept, except for the equal financial class part. Being better/richer/more toys than your peers is a big motivator.

Quite frankly, I don't want to live in a society where my free-loading relatives get equal pay for sitting on their ass as I do working for a living...
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Libertarian here
I think you're wrong, but if you think you're right, go start a commune and work the bugs out. If it works, then other communities will spring up and utilize your system. But so far, communists have been convincing the majority of their followers to go along with their ideas at the receiving end of the gun.
That's why they got their shit thoroughly slapped by old faggots and cripples?
>workers would receive the full value of their labor
>there would be an end to income inequality


There are at least seven more. Can you find them all?
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I am from Russia. OP does not know how the world works.
Why does the system need protecting?

If the system is as infallible and as perfect as you make it seem, it should be able to hold up against attacks and accusations of imperfection and fallacy without force.

Communism works great when the GDP is growing. If it falters then people start getting upset and rocking the boat. Funny thing is, Capitalism is great when you have a growing GDP, but things get sketchy when it is weak.
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But what happens when we throw religion into the mix, OP?
1 in 10 people will die in the revolution.
Because there's psychotic douchebags that will try to conspire against it. Psychotic douchebags like you.
>Massive industrialization
Yeah, transforming world's largest population from farmers to craftsmen surely lead to industrialization... and some minor tragedies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine

>innovation in all fields
While they focused all their resources to SCIENCE, their people were starving to death. If it wasn't for leeching all their satellites and puppet states got, the Soviet Union would have collapses half way through the 20th century.

>100% literacy
Even to this day, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau have higher literacy than PRC's China. The simplified characters didn't help much.
So you aren't the psychotic even though you are the one advocating for people that you disagree with to be shot?

Check your logic
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>>7501738 (OP)
why not just be a socialist democracy already?
Then there is the thing where communism brought poverty and capitalism brought prosperity. There was a reason commies pointed their guns inward on Berlin wall.

If it's so infallible and perfect, why does it require physical force to put down opposition (Assuming the opposition isn't using physical force)

If I make logical arguments on why your system is flawed, should it not have a way to peacefully prove I'm wrong?

I'm sorry, but did Mitt already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 86%. Does not having the lead at 86% count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Mitt are still playing right now and they have been the best party in the US for how many terms now? He's against one of the worst presidents in history who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the projections of the voters. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Romney is one of the best fucking candidates in the Republican party, it was 50/50 last month and would of won the debate if the nigger didn't cheat. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Romney wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Romney just got west virginia, just like Bush did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Mitt topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Republicans because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic Iike this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Me again.

You do realize how retarded, and scary, your ideas are sounding, right?

-You claim X is perfect
-People make logical arguments that X is not perfect
-You kill those who don't believe X is perfect

This just proves that X is not perfect. If it was perfect, it wouldn't need violence to keep it afloat. You know this, and I know this. You can say I'm crazy, and say that others are crazy, but at the end of the day your system wants to:

-Eliminate the Rich
-Pander to the weak
-Kill dissidents
-Obtain total control of everyone, globally

Fuck yourself.

>Me and my family of 10.

Oh shit. Who's it gonna be?
You tell me, diarrhea.
>>Me and my family of 10.
That's 11 people
>Yeah, transforming world's largest population from farmers to craftsmen surely lead to industrialization... and some minor tragedies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine
It worked well enough. 2nd best and most productive region in the world.

>While they focused all their resources to SCIENCE, their people were starving to death. If it wasn't for leeching all their satellites and puppet states got, the Soviet Union would have collapses half way through the 20th century.

Sacrifices had to be made. Deal with it, it's reality. And it collapsed thanks to the libfag reforms of Gorbachev.

>Even to this day, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau have higher literacy than PRC's China. The simplified characters didn't help much.

Because revolutions are that way. It's not called class WAR for nothing. It's what happens in war, kiddo. people die, sport. And I thought communists were the idealist idiots who ignored reality.
>>7501738 (OP)
the catch is that america is full of idiot capitalists who think the ussr was socialist and that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN THE 20TH CENTURY SOCIALIST MOVEMENT WILL HAPPEN EXACTLY THE SAME IN AMERICA and so nobody in america will ever want socialism
You're the ones calling for the death of anyone with even slightly leftist tendencies, you paranoid fuckups. Anti-communists are fucked in the head
You aren't listening to what I'm saying.

What if there is no revolution. Like in Russia, do you think everyone they killed (For political reasons) was a staunch revolutionist, and not just someone who didn't agree 100% with what the gov't was doing?

If there is no physical violence being done by the dissidents, why do they require force to be shut up? Is it not, in fact, that their ideas will spread because they might be better/more appealing? If that happens, Communism would collapse. And that's good. An imperfect system should always be changed and revised for a better one (Which is subjective upon what the people want).

Again, I ask you the same question. If Communism is so perfect and infallible, why doesn't everyone like it, and why does any opposition have to be silenced? Isn't it strong enough to uphold itself without violence? Isn't it applicable enough to make a super-majority want it?

[spoiler] hint: it's not [/spoiler]

>inb4 someone thinks I think this will hide what I said.
You say as you advocate killing those who disagree with you.
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>If Communism is so perfect and infallible, why doesn't everyone like it
Well, why doesn't it? People have access to the raw information. McCarthyism was over 60 decades ago.

In fact, I'd wager the scare tactics of the Soviets were much worse than anything McCarthy did.

Are you ready to answer the question, or at least part of it?

Also, if your the same ennui I know - you are a shit bodybuilder. DYEL?

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