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so this guy , the head economic adviser/ opinion maker of our country just said we should tax the rich 91% because it worked in the 50s

Why hasnt this man been lynched yet?
>>7498941 (OP)
he has a fucking phd, what are you some fucking trailer trash WN that thinks he knows more than krugman? go fuck yourself
[citation needed]

The AMT was passed because the 91% top marginal rate didn't work. I know Krugster is a hack, but if he's that much of a hack my quality of life is going to markedly diminish when I laugh uncontrollably every time his name is brought up.
>wanting to raise taxes during a bust

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he never steered us wrong before.
the man literally does not believe in government debt , the same way hardcore conservatives dont believe in evolution. He was awarded the nobel prize a year before the the financial collapse lol
He's also a Nobel prize winner... something which I'm sure
>>7498941 (OP)
... would know nothing about.

Besides of which -- the taxes for the rich would only rise to where Clinton had them (you know, during the largest period of 'job creators' creating) and that would also be the period where we had a balanced budget (before a Republican decided to put two very expensive wars OFF the budget)...
check his latest opinion piece
Krugman Bernanke Geithner

Leading the US into oblivion.
thinking higher taxes on the rich has a positive effect on employment is like saying dumping water on a fire will help because water contains oxygen.

>thinks the Nobel prize is a reputable award
>>7498941 (OP)
/pol/: Wanting to lynch a man trying to fix the economy for making decisions that don't even apply to them

Republicans are fucking hilarious. Why do they vote against their own self interest? Do they honestly think they will be rich one day?
>A Public Service Reminder: Paul Ryan is a Con Man
>November 19, 2012, 6:48 PM
>destroy a capitalist economy with communist economic policy

>destroy a capitalist economy with a communist economic policy

krugman already picked one.
can you explain in 5 sentences or less why and how you have been heavily affected by the current debt?

deficit is what matters, and even then not as much as people think it does...

>implying the nobel prize in economics is a real nobel prize
Democrats wanted to lynch Clarence Thomas, so lets not try to give Republicans a monopoly on senseless violence or racism.
worked for france

oh wait...
>state fact
>get lynched
what a wonderful idea.
It's a self hate thing. They want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
ya sure money that was saved for me when i was born is worth quite a bit less now. Endlessly printing money instead of fixing debt causes inflation. But im sure you have been convinced that the inflation "has remained low"

even though for some magical reason things cost 3-4x what they cost in 1980.
Confirmed for delusional librul
>>7498941 (OP)

He hasn't been lynched because he knows what he's talking about, whereas you're a dumb fuck.
Argumentum ad verecundiam, no? Try a better Nobel laureate then, Milton Friedman.
Confirmed for educated librul
france only has a 75% tax rate and all the rich there left to tax havens while the country was left in shambles and he wants to do the same thing here
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More quantitative easing please, my money isn't worthless enough yet.
Krugman knows more about economic policy than every libertarian fuck wit on the planet.

I would take a million kikes like him over even a dozen of you.

Milton and his 'chicago boys' have been debunked already.
>please please , my saved money needs to be worth alot less help me krugman
How foolish of me to get an accounting degree. The liberals have poisoned mah brane.
>Endlessly printing money instead of fixing debt causes inflation
oh god my sides
look at our inflation right now
look at it 10 years ago
wait a moment
look at it right now

>even though for some magical reason things cost 3-4x what they cost in 1980.
first of all sauce
second of all who the hell cares, unless you put your matress under a bed for 32 years instead of using money like a normal human being
>snarkily regected by marxist economic "Experts"
>implying inflation

People keep say it's happening and it never does.
Then why isn't it working?
I sure hope you can back up this claim.
0/10 see me after class
> unless you put your matress under a bed for 32 years
u wot
because we're not listening to them, we're letting lawyer politicians deal with our financial problems as if they knew what they were doing.
>>7498941 (OP)
Krugman is a communist.
His daddy never plated catch with him.
>gas prices

Keep going down
I mean..
>implying I'm dumb enough to save currency in a low interest bank account.
>Peter Schiff said there would be hyperinflation, its just around the corner guise, any day now.

Libertards are the cultists of economics. Just smart enough to sound like they have an argument, just dumb enough to never consider how wrong their myopic talking points really are.


and if someone is feeling froggy they can fix the main nobel prize article -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_prize -- to which most people probably go to first :/
If Krugman is so smart, why isn't he investing money instead of writing blogs
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inflation isn't happening?

prove it
oh see i called it already

"look at our inflation right now"

yes its convenient when that definition changes from administration to administration isnt it?


More like rejected by reality. They tried the chicago way, surprise, it didn't work. It was just a smoke screen for finance guys to steal more money and get away with it.
So QE infinity: electric boogaloo isn't listening to Paul "You just need to spend more" Krugman?
>I sure hope you can back up this claim.

Sure can!

During the financial crisis of 2007–2010, several Keynesian economists such as James Galbraith and Joseph Stiglitz blamed the free market philosophy of Friedman and the Chicago school for the economic turmoil.[69]

After Friedman's death in 2006, Keynesian Nobel laureate Paul Krugman praised Friedman as a "great economist and a great man," but criticized him by writing that "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."[70]

THIS is why Krugman can hold the econ Nobel prize .... and maybe why Milton died right before the disaster he created.
Krugman is advocating 91% so Obama seems moderate when he lets the bush tax cuts expire. Classic move.
you cant take one step out of an extremely complicated economic system and then complain that the entire system doesnt work


Inflation is currently at 2.2%, this is pretty low.

indeed. something the republican party turned into artwork.
No one knows what's going to happen. There are both inflationary and deflationary forces at work. Own equities, bonds, cash, and gold. You should be diversified.
>>7498941 (OP)

No, he didn't. He noted in today's column that progressive taxation has successful precedent. Moreover, and Krugman was careful to note this, it was the MARGINAL tax burden ratio that was 91%. The "rich" did not lose 91% of their income to the federal government during the Eisenhower era; they lost 91% of every dollar over a particular threshold, usually around 500K depending on itemizations/deductions. The EFFECTIVE tax burden ratio on the "rich" was around 65%.
Except that Krugman's recommendations pretty much all boil down to 'spend more, lol.'
not really but thats ok. we dont expect people to actually understand reality.
You just "debunked" Friedman by citing opinions from Keynesians? Are you serious bro? If you really want to wag a finger at any particular entity for the recent crisis (though multiple factors were involved), why not start with the Fed?
Implying that 95% of Americans have any idea who Paul Krugman is.
> government still takes more than half of your money

liberals cannot into freedom and capitalism
Meant to post this >>7499841
You're right, they don't. The top 1% know exactly who he is though.

Wasn't that the same philosophy used before ww2 in Germany?
b-b-b-but we can control the markets!
I sure hope you're taking multiple measurements of inflation into account.
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Because we live in the civilized country of America.

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Krugman is not the "head economic adviser" of anything, he has never had anything to do with policy making anywhere around the world, and Keynesian economics are still considered heterodox and out of the mainstream, just as Austrian ones.

Just because he's popular doesn't mean he's actually important, idiot.
The Fed had nothing to do with the original topic by OP, my responses or any of your comments until now. Your changing the subject will not work. Please revert back to how I debunked Milton, and cease from changing the subject to something else.

...unless you're too weak.
>>7498941 (OP)
You -- OOPS
You again (learn to quote better)
>And here’s the thing: government’s role should have increased, at least for now.

>Krugman's solution: The federal government needs to step in and spend. A lot.

I understand plain English. Krugman says that government should increase spending. There is nothing subtle about this.
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But there was no housing asset inflation in 2003. Ron Paul is like a stopped clock: right two times a day. He repeats economically unfounded inanities until he finally strikes coincidence. Watch him attempt to "debate" Ben Bernanke on YouTube. Paul has no concept of Quantity Theory of Money. It's hilarious.
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>no housing asset inflation in 2003
ron paul is right all the time

krugman wrong all the time.

both are coincidences i promise.
yeah well this calculates inflation with the same formula for the past 12 years

austrians, successfully predicting 749 of the last 0 instances of hyperinflation

It wouldn't matter anyway. Money is neutral in the long run. Put quotes around that phrase and Google it. You have no idea how mentally fucking retarded Ron Paul actually is. It's hilarious.
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Ron Paul saw government intervention in the market, which was like watching the tree and missing the forest. Or more like seeing a branch of the tree.

He never understood the true causes of the 2004-2006 housing bubble, because he believes in pseudoscience and Austrian school bullshit, just as the Austrian school always failed to explain the Great Depression.

The bubble began following the Fed's monetary expansion in the months after 9/11, by lowering interest rates.

The bubble itself wasn't the cause of the crisis, it was the trigger. The 2008 crisis was about derivatives, not houses.

Ron Paul pretty much failed to predict any of that.
The only man in the world who accurately and in great detail predicted what would happen (in 2005) and also accurately predicted what would happen in Europe (2006), was Nouriel Roubini.
He's a New-Keynesian.
>inflation due to monetary policy
oh god my sides
hyperinflation cannot happen if you deny it exists officially.

fact is you used to be able to buy a corvette for like 3000 dollars brand new. A coke cost 20 cents.

you are just fucking dumb and dont understand that statistics dont work if your models are completely fucking retarded.

>thinks it's "his" money
>look where it came from
>it's a legal instrument with no intrinsic value
>established by government
>which is in fact from where its value is derived
>hyperinflation cannot happen if you deny it exists officially.

stop posting bro... you're drunk... weimar denied it every day until it overtook them.

>thinks because it says federal on currency it belongs to the government

actually it's value is derived from the faith the people who use it place in it
If you had actually read that first bit, you would see the problem with your own argument. You just cited opinions from Keynesians...if you're trying to use their opinions as facts...well that won't fly. I could use the opinions of neoclassical economists to argue against Krugman, but such opinions could hardly be considered facts without actual evidence.
>>7498941 (OP)
Because there aren't enough rich for a proper lynching. Not an argument against the rich, just a matter of facts.


NOPE. Just... NOPE. Um, NOPE.

>Krugman doesn't formulate policy

lol raped

bumping to ensure the rape of the keynesians continues
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>Still believing the broken window fallacy

>"modern" monetary theory


money never changes

Guys.. guys... Ignorant republican ideologues are everywhere! Don't be surprised!

>You just cited opinions from Keynesians...if you're trying to use their opinions as facts...well that won't fly.
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Oh boy that one retard who thinks the Chicago school and monetarism are Keynesian simply because they use math.

Take your sociology pseudoscience out of here

You're missing quite a few. Steve Keen, Fred Harrison and Dean Baker all did before Nouriel.
>The bubble began following the Fed's monetary expansion in the months after 9/11, by lowering interest rates.
That's what Ron Paul said.
>The 2008 crisis was about derivatives, not houses.
The derivatives involved in the 2008 recession were based on housing (e.g. Mortgage backed securities, CDOs), which became a problem when a large number of subprime mortgages were defaulted on.

>Ron Paul pretty much failed to predict any of that.
Thus, this is not true.
if you think keynsianism isnt the main form of economic thought in the united states you have fucking cerebral paulsy
>>7498941 (OP)
>>the head economic adviser/ opinion maker of our country

How can you possibly claim Keynesianism isn't mainstream? Are you retarded?

Are you one of the chimps who believe Romney won the election?
I sure hope the point of that post didn't fly over your head mate. You can't cite any individual's opinions as facts, regardless of political affiliation or, in this case, economic views.
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Ron Paul was referring to government intervention in providing loans, which has been shown time and time again to have been negligible.

He never actually figured out that the bubble wasn't happening because of NIGGERS, but actual monetary failures.

Then again the school of economic thought he believes in, claims math is a pseudoscience.

On the other hand claiming that the problem were the mortgages and not the massive systemic risk of derivatives behind them is silly, as it implies that had this bubble not happened, no other bubbles or failures would have ever happened to trigger the derivatives meltdown at any point in history.

I can understand why an Austrian would claim that - they always claim the most unintelligent shit, just look at the Austrian business cycle theory that was heavily trashed and made fun of throughout the decades, but we're not Austrians, we're normal people.
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you're a post-keynesian?
Keynesianism in America ended in the late '70s.

There has been no policy between 1982 and 2008 that can be classified as Keynesian.
>Chicago school/Monetarism != Keynesian

Fixed that for you... don't know why you decided to combine them because Friedman didn't..

"Friedman's challenges to what he later called "naive Keynesian" (as opposed to New Keynesian) theory[4] began with his 1950s reinterpretation of the consumption function, and he became the main advocate opposing activist Keynesian government policies"
im sorry but what the fuck do you define the stimulus as?
This. The US has been 100% Chicago since the 80s. Jews have been calling the shots on government financial policy since Reagan.
For the record, anyone who claims Keynesianism isn't entrenched in the global, yet alone American, economy, is a troll. It's bad economic policy, but apparently the world hasn't learned yet, despite the '70s scenario.

Reagan engaged in a form of Keynesianism. He pulled the economy out of recession with massive military spending which he paid for with borrowed money.
>thinks math is a psuedoscience

no , there is a difference between thinking math isnt real and claiming that statistics cant be applied to something as organic as the economy , especially when economists favorite thing to do is leave out important variables that effect drastically the direction of the economy.

there is also the issue of human beings being unpredictable , thus the economy is unpredictable.

its not hard

A priori nigga
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>war spending creates better economy

holy shit these retards really dont understand why world war 2 is different from the cold war?

in world war 2 it saved the economy because suddenly 10 million people were employed to go die for the government and everyone left at home was designated personal slave of the state and worked in factories or gathered materials for the war effort.

when you go full collectivist war effort you dont really improve the economy , you just employ everyone and they are all working towards a goal.

no such fucking thing happened during the cold war. you are a moron.
>>7498941 (OP)

Why? I bet you don't fall into that category so why do you suck their anuses?
>there is also the issue of human beings being unpredictable , thus the economy is unpredictable.
so do you think your job is secure if your boss is taxed at 91%

Do you think your boss will be happy being taxed at 91%?
don't forget those people who died just lowered the eventual unemployment rate (they didn't take someone else's job)
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Lel, please read up on history of economic thought. Now go away.
I work for the government finding luxury apartments for asylum seekers.
This is absolutely false, Keynesianism in America stopped being in use in 1974.
>dat upward red line

inflation doesn't exist guys!
and started being used again in 2008 stfu
>Ron Paul was referring to government intervention in providing loans, which has been shown time and time again to have been negligible.
I would love to see your source for this and how it is negligible considering how Fannie and Freddie Mac held over 5 trillion in MBS.
He has also commented on how Greenspan kept interest rates low after 9/11 and how this lead to increased speculation in the markets, and hence, the bubble. Do you deny this?
>He never actually figured out that the bubble wasn't happening because of NIGGERS, but actual monetary failures.
WTF? He never said it was because of "NIGGERS". I'm pretty sure he is the most consistent critic of America's monetary policy.
>Then again the school of economic thought he believes in, claims math is a pseudoscience.
I don't think this is true.
>On the other hand claiming that the problem were the mortgages and not the massive systemic risk of derivatives behind them is silly, as it implies that had this bubble not happened, no other bubbles or failures would have ever happened to trigger the derivatives meltdown at any point in history.

I get the feeling from this passage that you don't know how derivatives work or bubbles happen. Derivatives are usually based on an asset and "derive" their value from this underlying asset, hence the term derivatives. In this case, the problematic asset is subprime mortgages. Derivatives themselves are created to manage risk. They can and do create systemic risk if misunderstood or misused, but all the risk is created from not properly valuing and understanding the underlying asset.
Only until 2010, specific Keynesian measures were implemented.
>Derivatives themselves are created to manage risk. They can and do create systemic risk if misunderstood or misused, but all the risk is created from not properly valuing and understanding the underlying asset.

This is absolutely false.
For 70 years we've had a clear separation between retail banking and investment banking.

As soon as Republicans removed that barrier in 1999, less than a decade later we had another Great Depression.

>doesn't understand the concept of investment.
Jesus fucking Christ, the amount of retardation in this thread is astounding.

There are TWO main aspects of Keynesian policy

1) Spend money on federal programs during recession
2) Save money to build up treasury (usually through NOT spending on social programs) during expansion

Guess which one of these we didn't do?

You can't implement 50% of a policy prescription and then deride the entire ideology as "failed."

Democratic governments have immense difficulties cutting social programs because of peoples' short-term memories and constant demands for the government to "do something" about whatever problem is most often featured in the news that year - "doing something" always costs money

So is Keynesian policy flawed? On its own, not really. Combined with particular political systems, fatally
and then the new
qe infinity
try again shitkicker
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>monetary expansion is Keynesian

If you want to point at some examples of Keynesian policies, try the Californian high speed rail, or Romney's promised Keynesian military spending.
>This is absolutely false.
>For 70 years we've had a clear separation between retail banking and investment banking.

>As soon as Republicans removed that barrier in 1999, less than a decade later we had another Great Depression.

Are you the same anon I was responding to before? Because not only is your reply completely irrelevant to what I said, but also your knowledge on this matter seems to consist of entirely regurgitated talking points.
Walmart is selling 42" plasmas for $75 on Black Friday. Your argument is moot.

"Armed keynesian" was possibly the best phrase of the campaign.


Democrat here - but yeah that's not quite right. Clinton's team (Rubin, et al) played a huge part in that stuff as well - it was not just Republicans.
Anyone who supports krugman is a fascist piece of shit.
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YES, taxing the rich will fix EVERYTHING, that's the problem, let's continue to deindustrialize.

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>not using Drudge's hilarious photo accompaniment for OP picture
So disappointed that kitty didn't make it there.

Unfortunately, neoliberalism has failed. It was an interesting experiment, but somewhat costly. A Keynesian consensus is emerging, which is a good thing.
>>7498941 (OP)
lol, he said that?

The effective tax rate was closer to 60%, and loopholes brought that down to 35%
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Protip, china producing cheap shit and modern factory agriculture is the only reason we feel that the dollar is worth anything at all.
Because it's what we need to do

Tax rates for the rich has no negative effect on the economy. In fact, the economy does better when the rich are induced to invest in the economy with higher tax rates.

>A study from the Congressional Research Service -- the non-partisan research office for Congress -- shows that "there is little evidence over the past 65 years that tax cuts for the highest earners are associated with savings, investment or productivity growth."

>In fact, the study found that higher tax rates for the wealthy are statistically associated with higher levels of growth.


Just sayin'.
JIDF was in here in the very first reply lol why are Americans apparently so afraid of the rich being taxed?
>implying rich people do the lynching.

>implying rich people would know how to use a rope if they were handed one.
so? excellent, let's do that.
>when the rich are induced to invest in the economy with higher tax rates
that guy's just a cunt saying raising taxes on the rich isn't the end of the world, possibly part of the solution.

No way he actually thinks taxing the rich at 91% would actually fix any of our problems.

>The effective tax rate was closer to 60%, and loopholes brought that down to 35%

Nope. The marginal rate was 90%, loopholes brought it down to around 60%. That's far, far higher than today.

>the top effective tax rate was probably somewhere between 50-60% because of a tax code full of loopholes. Now, that’s still higher than today’s top effective tax rate of around 30%.

Pasted from <http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/04/why-we-cant-go-back-to-sky-high-1950s-tax-rates/>
>Tax rates for the rich has no negative effect on the economy.
This is a lie, fascist.

> In fact, the economy does better when the rich are induced to invest in the economy with higher tax rates.
No it doesn't, pushing all money into wall street does nothing to build actual resources, it just helps YOUR banker friends.

>>In fact, the study found that higher tax rates for the wealthy are statistically associated with higher levels of growth.
Then why when we cut taxes and spending after ww2 we had the most productive year in human history while keynesians said it would be a disaster? Why did the free market period before the income tax have a lot more growth then the post income tax period. You're wrong, fascist.
It's non-partisan to enjoy increasing the size of government. Both Dems and GOP are responsible for it so I wouldn't trust Congress for shit as an objective source.
even the most out there estimates of the Laffer's curve place make revenue at 70%.

Lol what is this guy doing
>JIDF was in here in the very first reply lol why are Americans apparently so afraid of the rich being taxed?

JIDF obviously detected.

"That's it goyim, tax production, you don't need all that industry, use your tax money for israel."
>In fact, the economy does better when the rich are induced to invest in the economy with higher tax rates.
Broken window fallacy, they invest in the stock market anyway and you taxing them gives them less money to invest. Retard.
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>This is a lie, fascist.

No, it's an economic fact that high tax rates on the rich have no negative effect on economic performance. Studies suggest high taxes for the rich improve the economy.

>Today's income tax rates are strikingly low relative to the rates of the past century, especially for rich people. For most of the century, including some boom times, top-bracket income tax rates were much higher than they are today.

>Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, super-high tax rates on rich people do not appear to hurt the economy or make people lazy: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the top bracket income tax rate was over 90%--and the economy, middle-class, and stock market boomed.

>Super-low tax rates on rich people also appear to be correlated with unsustainable sugar highs in the economy--brief, enjoyable booms followed by protracted busts. They also appear to be correlated with very high inequality. (For example, see the 1920s and now).


Just sayin'.
>call facts a lie
>expect to get taken seriously
>thinking investment on wallstreet is bad

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>Nope. The marginal rate was 90%, loopholes brought it down to around 60%. That's far, far higher than today.
Wrong lefttard faggot.
If your tax dollars are going to Israel then that's not a problem with the taxation system.

I don't think you understand "broken window fallacy". Anyway, broken window fallacy is itself a fallacy. It does not distinguish between investment and malinvestment.
no idiot, the effective tax rate was 60%, loopholes brought it down below 40% for most people
We need good ol fashioned reagonomics to get this country back together lol.
>no idiot, the effective tax rate was 60%, loopholes brought it down below 40% for most people

It was much less than 40 for the majority of people.
Except we don't allow the rich to leave. Problem solved.
>Anyway, broken window fallacy is itself a fallacy. It does not distinguish between investment and malinvestment.
Yes it does, that's it's point.
Are broken windows a good investment?

>Wrong lefttard faggot.

Nope, check my source:


The article is arguing against a return to 1950s tax rates for the rich. So, if you take issue with my figures you are arguing against yourself.

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Keynesianism is a start, but there will be no real solution until communism is achieved.
I'm referring to the top income bracket
that is enslavement
>Except we don't allow the rich to leave.
Then your industry suffers and investment is destroyed idiot.
good sir. may i humbly point out that loopholes are what drop a tax rate from marginal to effective.
No but investing in window factories when there's an epidemic of window breaking is.
>but there will be no real solution until communism is achieved.

Economic illiterate child detected. Enjoy your debunked ideology.
Because he's right. The man is brilliant.

The marginal tax rate was over 90%, the effective tax rate was between 50% and 60%, this is with loopholes taken into account.

Taxes for the rich were far, far higher even with loopholes in the tax code.

better solution: kill the rich, give their stolen money back to the people who produced it (the workers), and democratize the workplace
have you never payed an income tax before?

holy fuck liberals are this juvenile.


Our tax rate uses tax brackets to make a progressive tax. Marginal tax rate is that of your highest bracket, yet you still pay portions of your income at lower rates, bringing it down to the effective rte. That is when loopholes drop it down further.

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Government investment of tax payers money in a project that advances technology and spawns an industry is not "malinvestment". It is investment. The nuclear power industry is a case in point.
A lot of rich people wouldn't leave anyways if they were heavily invested into the country

It's kind of hard to just sell off your factory or utility, pack up, go to another country and try to start all over again, finding contacts, building a network, adjusting to the tax laws, getting bank loans, etc.

If they were to sell their shit and go, who the fuck would buy it, knowing the tax rate just went way up?

Only those with liquid capital - ie, investors and financial companies - might choose to shift their capital.
Doesn't mean your source isn't wrong and simplistic.
So dumb. The reason Russia lost the cold war is because you can't gain money in a communist state. There is no growth just the same stagnate way of living.

90% marginal rate

60% effective (with loopholes taken into account)

>the top effective tax rate was probably somewhere between 50-60% because of a tax code full of loopholes. Now, that’s still higher than today’s top effective tax rate of around 30%.

>liberals start asking for more taxes
>don't know what marginal and effective rates are

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

All (R)s

My source is a "reputable" conservative commentator.
no shit. no one is disputing that. what was under dispute is that loopholes were not taken into account under the effective rate. they were.
Hey, trickle down is a lie. I say fuck taxes, let's just take all the rich's assets, and let them dig potatoes out of the ground until they die. They're always going Randian and saying, " the economy would collapse without us." I say, let's give it a try. Put the 1% in concentrations camps and let the rest run the companies. I bet it would work better without those lazy gamblers fucking things up.
Look at the graph of the personal income tax which is what we're fucking arguing about.

Nobody here is a conservative, statist.>>7502322

High taxes for the rich doesn't hurt the economy. This is an economic fact:

>Cutting capital gains taxes will not turbocharge the economy and raising them would not usher in a depression.

This is from a Forbes article, they are a reputable source:

you were claiming that loopholes were the sole cause of the effective rate. I was claiming that the effective tax rate was lower, and loop holes brought down the tax rate for many down to below 40%, meaning that a final average between 50-60% is consistent with my notes.

Also, you just linked an article that is arguing against you.
>muh trickle down

>I bet it would work better without those lazy gamblers fucking things up.
>give bankers trillions because "it helps the working class"
>complain when the gamble with it
Enjoy your federal reserve faggot.
Neoliberalism. Look it up.
capital gains taxes have probably one of the most left leaning laffer curves, because of how easy it is for an investment firm to move overseas
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>High taxes for the rich doesn't hurt the economy. This is an economic fact:

Then why when we cut taxes and spending after ww2 we had the most productive year in human history while keynesians said it would be a disaster? Why did the free market period before the income tax have a lot more growth then the post income tax period. You're wrong.
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More broadly, the attitude that discounts any amount of evidence — and boy, do we have lots of evidence on the age of the planet! — if it conflicts with prejudices is not an attitude consistent with effective policy. If you’re going to ignore what geologists say if you don’t like its implications, what are the chances that you’ll take sensible advice on monetary and fiscal policy? After all, we’ve just seen how Republicans deal with research reports that undermine their faith in the magic of tax cuts: they try to suppress the reports.
Neoliberalism is a stupid word socialists made up. "neoliberals" don't exist.

Liberal means free pro-free market, anti-Government intervention and anti-regulation in economics. Only in America does liberal mean left wing.

Also, only in America are Libertarians a "right wing" movement. In the rest of the world they are Communists.

>what are tax free muni bonds
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I’m belatedly reading Chris Mooney’s The Republican Brain; if truth be told, I was afraid that the book would be too much red meat for my own predispositions, and wanted to keep my cool. But Mooney actually makes a very good point: the personality traits we associate with modern conservatism, above all a lack of openness, make the modern GOP fundamentally hostile to the very idea of objective inquiry. If they want your opinion, they’ll tell you what it is; doubters of orthodoxy need not apply, and will in fact be persecuted.

I'm not arguing for a 90% tax rate. I'm simply pointing out the fact that ultra high taxes for the rich doesn't hurt the economy.
>Also, only in America are Libertarians a "right wing" movement. In the rest of the world they are Communists.
This isn't true, socialists maybe but communists no.
The whole tax thing is ok and all but democrats don't seem to get that taxing the rich means taxing the people who bring in under 1 million a year and these people are your largest job creators.

I'll call these people the "poor" rich

See you can tax the rich rich at a high level because it doesn't really matter to them seeing as they make soooooo much but. Taxing these poor rich is a bad idea.


Democrats need to rethink their definition of "rich" when talking about who to tax.

Learn2 pent up demand. Also, the US economy crashed in 1947, so you're talking shit.

I suggest going and reading "the righteous mind" by Jonathon Haidt. It's more comprehensive by describing the psychology between left and right wingers.
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>being lobotomized enough to post that retarded picture
You must absolutely despise reality and facts.

Enjoy your poverty.
Fuck the Fed asswipe. I say make banks illegal. Coops only. Then shareholders would decide what companies to invest in. And real investment, not this lie they call a stockmarket which is just a casino. Ask yourself, genius, where does the mony go whin you invest in a stock? To the company? To the people who make the company? To the people who continue to innovate, make the place better? No, motherfucker. It goes to the people who have money, who do NOTHING for it. Fucking kill the parasites.

...haven't we tried that before?

If you stole everything, literally very asset the top 10% of America had and liquidated it, you could afford to run the government for about 11 months

And the new business leaders are a bunch of random people with no experience, knowledge, or ambition, and who also don't have anything to work with since we sold it all to pay for less than 1 year of our current government

Great plan

>these people are your largest job creators.

What jobs?

We currently have some of the lowest taxes in US history and the job creator aren't creating jobs. They are offshoring all the money, they are not reinvesting it.
>Learn2 pent up demand.
Oh man the excuses keynesians made up after they were proven wrong in a giant fucking way.

>Also, the US economy crashed in 1947
I KNOW and it was rebuilt on solid footing, they had to turn a war economy into a consumer economy. If it was up to you guys we STILL would be producing weapons and shit instead of goods for people. You're retarded.
>I'm simply pointing out the fact that ultra high taxes for the rich doesn't hurt the economy.
But this poster clearly proved you wrong.

>We currently have some of the lowest taxes in US history and the job creator aren't creating jobs
Because interest rates are at record lows thanks to idiots like you and the structure of production is really really fucked up. If people invest what are they going to get a real return on?
Right. This "muh job creators" talking point has been thoroughly debunked because of the level of globalization that wasn't prevalent in the market 30 years ago.
Conservatives have had the same talking points since Reagan.
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>If you stole everything, literally very asset the top 10% of America had and liquidated it, you could afford to run the government for about 11 months

That's not actually true. If we simply collected the tax the rich have avoided paying we could clear our $17 Trillion over night and have $4 Trillion to spare:

>I say make banks illegal. Coops only.
I saw make you illegal.
We had free banking before with no regulations and banks were extremely small

>Ask yourself, genius, where does the mony go whin you invest in a stock?
You're the one who forced them to invest in the stock. You and other liberals gave the fed and goldman sachs all this power instead of going towards production. Wake up.
Still misconstruing the rich rich with the "poor" rich.

Also what is a recession.

>This isn't true, socialists maybe but communists no.

I'm sorry to break it to you, Libertarians were Communists.

>Anarchist communist philosopher Joseph Déjacque was the first person to describe himself as "libertarian".

No they weren't. They were "libertarian socialists". People used to call themselves a bunch of crazy things it doesn't mean they're right.

Liberal used to mean libertarian and this was long before any of that socialism came to be.
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If they leave to tax havens our investment is destroyed anyway.

Maybe some accidents could happen to some of the men who flee offshore.

>But this poster clearly proved you wrong.

I don't see any proof?
>Because interest rates are at record lows thanks to the baby boomers saving for retirement. People are investing as never before so you can't complain about a lack of investment capital.


No, they were Communists.

>Le Libertaire was the first anarcho-communist journal published in America. This was the first anarchist journal to use the term "libertarian" According to anarchist historian Max Nettlau, the first use of the term libertarian communism was in November 1880
>implying the "rich rich" don't amass fortunes using the global market instead of the domestic market
Come on, just admit it. Its been disproven time and again.
That won't work in the modern world


We came out of recession over three years ago. The economy is currently growing at 2%:

>>thanks to the baby boomers saving for retirement
What fucking retirement? Their savings for retirement has been destroyed thanks to people like you and now they think "social security" is going to be there but it's not. Enjoy grandma dying on the street.

>People are investing as never before so you can't complain about a lack of investment capital.
I'm complaining about massive massive malinvestments, like the housing market for instance.
> growing
> 25 million unemployed
Libertarian in europe means libertarian socialist, not communist(like ussr communist)

People used to call themselves a bunch of crazy things it doesn't mean they're right.
>Maybe some accidents could happen to some of the men who flee offshore.
Okay enjoy your poverty and working harder than you have to because your envy drove you to eat someone else.

There have always been tax havens, the rich have always used them. The threat the rich use to move to Richistan always makes me smile.
>That won't work in the modern world
Of course it fucking will, is your corporate overlord system working? Do you see it working?

yep, turns out the economy has nothing to do with humans!
>We came out of recession over three years ago.


>he thinks gdp growth isn't just government spending
What a tool you are.
Why do Austrians not believe in supply and demand?

Unemployment is falling.

>U.S. total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 171,000 in October

We'd have fucking space elevators and we'd end world poverty if we had a free market with no taxes. Fuck libtards and their ludditism.
Check real-gdp
>missing the point
>Not knowing the deference between when, economically speaking, a recession ends and when it actually ends and full recovery takes place.
Why do keynesians not believe in supply?

Who's gonna pay for the elevators? Only Government can afford to build them.
Check the rate of people getting food stamps to people entering the "workforce"
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Why do you know nothing of Austrian Economics?

What is the use of supply if there's no demand?
Most of the economy is just investors passing each other money back and forth non stop.

It's not going into anything useful
>believing government statistics
We're borrowing more money from china to pay for retail and consumption jobs, don't you fucking yet it?

I'm checking it out:

>The civilian labor force rose by 578,000 to 155.6 million in October...

Your point is?
What's the use of demand if there's no supply is the question. There's NO supply faggot.
>Most of the economy is just investors passing each other money back and forth non stop.
Yes and obama and other statists love it.
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Why do keynesians keynes?

>implying government statistics are unbelievable

Tinfoil hat time...
>implying they are

Government cocksucking time...

>Doesn't understand economics.
>Tinfoil hat time...
Anything that goes against our cult leader who is systematically murdering us is a conspiracy theory.

You deserve whatever you get.
>still listening to krugman
>he is confirmed for insane

He's very well respected when it comes to international trade theory.
>thinks the government spending resources on pointless things or consumption creates real economic growth

Do they ACTUALLY teach this shit in schools? This is fucking unbelievable?
>well respected
By goldman sachs maybe.

krugman's proscriptions have kept the economy afloat, the right wing had no solutions for America's economic predicament. None.

Eventually they confessed that tax cuts and Government cuts couldn't solve the problem. Romney even proposed a military Keynesians stimulus.
Wow, just let the keytards get fleeced in the impending global collapse.

>doesn't know the difference between investment and malinvestment.

I guess you skipped Economics 1O1
>>7498941 (OP)
>Why hasnt this man been lynched yet?

Because he's right.
>krugman's proscriptions have kept the economy afloat
>krugmans prescriptions kept the debt bubble afloat

>the right wing had no solutions for America's economic predicament.
You are a liar. We wanted to slash spending and end the federal reserve so interest rates would be at real market levels. Let the economy that you created crash so it can be rebuilt on solid footing so we can get real growth again.

>Eventually they confessed
You just wish shit was true don't you?

He won a Nobel Prize for his contributions to trade theory. Take a course in International Economics and you will be taught his model.
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Which ones?
>He won a Nobel Prize
Oh so you're basically admitting he's an idiot and a took of the banks?

>Take a course
I'd rather not go to statist universities to be brainwashed and end up with debt.
i used to be an avid krugman reader and listener. then i realized the dude is an analytical machine who is out of touch with reality and has shockingly low intuition
>Because he's right.
The thread proved he's wrong.

>Let the economy that you created crash...

As I said, the right wing had no solutions, that's why they are out of the White House, and will be for a very long time.

I must remind you America was fighting two foreign wars; you don't destroy our economy when American lives are on the line.

Why do you hate America?

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