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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

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So what do you guys think about this new, ultra, hiper, giga satanic-illuminati KE$HA clip "die young"? every second of this video is just full of evil symbolism.

Do you know any other video clips or other pop-culture stuff with illuminati symbolism? post here!!!

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tbh most of those who follow trash like kesha and the other illuminati agents deserve to die young or better yet, to be aborted at the foetus stage.
Why the fuck does this symbolism keep popping up? Are they just trolling the people who know what it means?
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>Bunch of hollywood directors read into illuminaty conspiracies
>Lace their music videos/shows/movies with it for shits and giggles
>Watch as thousands of neckbeards flip a shit over the "Illuminati" appearing in their work
More like indoctrinating the dumb kids to think it's normal.

As an aside, I'm fairly sure that when the anti-Christ finally gets his short-lived kingdom, this will be the symbolism of his rule.
>Two of her maternal great grandparents were immigrants from Szentes, Hungary while her other maternal great grandmother was originally from Poland.

I wonder who could be behind this. She was also raised by a single mother with no clue her knocked her whore mother up.
>Are they just trolling the people who know what it means?

That was my theory.

It doesn't make sense otherwise. What better way to bait people giving you views/hits than to add some conspiracy symbolism to otherwise shallow and ultimately pointless music?
>Fill a low budget music video with eyes and pyramids and shit and put it on the internet
>Guaranteed views/comments/likes/dislikes aka ad revenue
It's so blatant it's like they don't give a fuck anymore.
Occult symbolism has been a part of music for a while. Illuminati is a bit pleb tier, but all in all I'm sure it would reflect what a NWO would want people to do, die young.
The thing is, eventually it's no longer going to be seen as conspiracy but as some of new-age religious thing. See the point I made about the anti-Christ. This is just part of the normalization program.
Bunch of vain artsy fags with too much free time and money read the Kaballah and Thelema and take it too seriously. End of story.
Yes, but the number of people into that Illuminati stuff is ridiculously low; they couldn't drum up much negative publicity. You never hear of people buying shit to stick it to conspiracy nutters.
>>7477083 (OP)
Any A$AP Rocky video?

I don't think its about literally challenging Christ and ushering in Satan.
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just you see when illuminati take over the world, just look at this symbolism!
>hue hue hue u mad that's only ur conspiracy theory
repeat ad infinitum until it happens
See?! It hapened and it was a conspiracy all along!
>u mad XDDDD it's true and there's no conspiracy there its not that bad lol idiot

And that's why people won't revolt
Anyone got that screengrab from Umbrella where they photoshopped one of Rhianna's poses to look like Satan? It like flashes on the clip for a split second.
That's frighteningly accurate.
>>7477083 (OP)

I'm 38. When I was a teenager the imagery in her video would have only been found in a death metal video and even that probably wouldn't make it on MTV. It certainly says something that pop stars are now making, essentially, death metal videos minus the music.

We are marching towards our destruction. Turn to Jesus.
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It`s not just a troll, at least not always. I saw the thread here a couple of weeks ago and pointed out an example of occult sincerity. It was Nikki Sixx being a Temple of Set member. The Temple of Set founder who quit the Church of Satan to start it is an expert in pychological warfare and electronics and in the very top echelon of power at the NSA.

The band evangelizes large audiences nightly with a purely evil message using the very latest in electronic technology and psychological techniques.

This is not a game.
She's trying to get young girls to kill themselves and fuck niggers and get aids.
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Who gives a fuck what that frumpy, talentless, dizzy hack does in her videos. Whatever it is it will be to get attention because she has become as irrelevant as all the other one-hit wonders of this generation.

>where is your god now?
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she is in triangle posing with her hands like horns.
>those fucking shoulder bones

That's now how the human body works..
It's about challenging traditional monotheistic religions and ushering in the anti-Christ.
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>>7477083 (OP)
one word

The fact the you opened a thread with the video link already allowed about 20+ people to watch the video.

More views = more publicity = more money. This is why the illuminati thing is the new popular trend, fools like you fall for the bait.
It's frightening because that's pretty much how it went with faggots becoming accepted, and on a lesser scale, mass acceptance of lesser perversions like porn, swearing in public and promiscuity in society. These things were not seen as ok on the level they are now when I was a kid.

Some of us here are old enough to remember when faggots were rightfully seen as wicked and perverted beyond reason.
>You never hear of people buying shit to stick it to conspiracy nutters
They don't (consciously) go out and buy a product because a commercial for it came on during their favorite show either. What's your point?
I know what they don`t want to tell you
Just hope you`re heaven sent, and you`re hell proof

Good lord. Cannot unsee.

Exactly how old is Kesha? She looks 65 in that pic.

kids these days are tame as fuck

if some mason and wiccan imagery are the best that they can come up with then they are soft.

metal is balls.

i want all you kids to try and summon some spirits. use magic recklessly. worship the devil. get into trouble for christ's sake.

when i was your age we were fucking the priestess bloody on an altar with five guys in black robes masturbating- and that was just an average thursday!

if you haven't summoned Pan, you haven't lived.

Eooo Pan Pan Eoooo Pan..
get on our level.

all of this bullshit that you could ever possibly handle.

choke on it.

The whole thing is a stunt and will die off in a few years give or take.
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It's been purposefully edited to look like that.
ITT: people who believe in fairy tales and ghost stories.

I bet you all believe in the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. Awww, cute.

Grow up, people. Why are you still affected by campfire stories told thousands of years ago? Evolve already.

dead people can't pay taxes

its just a cultural reflection of the futility of our lives in the face of the forces outside of our control

and it appeals to the harry potter and twilight kids

Illuminati through your body like a twelve gage shotty.

Lets not forget tupac changed his name to makiveli
Lel, seriously next these faggots will be saying they invented this shit.
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Cause i`m a pick the world up am i`m a drop it on your fucking head
>>7477083 (OP)
Ok lets see here

>Eye in the pyramid
No credible evidence suggests that this symbol is exclusive to the bavarian illuminati, infact it can be traced backed to the early christian era and even further to ancient egypt.

>Inverted cross
You mean the cross of st peter? How is this christian symbol related to the illuminati again?

Alright this is an occult symbol but what does this have to do with the illuminati?
Yes these are bruses form fighting, yes i`m comfortable with that. I, am enlightened.
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dont believe this camp stories!
Thread should have ended after these posts.

Learn to Georgia Guidestones.

1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2 Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3 Unite humanity with a living new language.
4 Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6 Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8 Balance personal rights with social duties.
9 Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10 Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
It`s getting exciting now,
>I can`t let you do this
It`s already done so shutp, 60 seconds can you see alright?

Whats so wrong with that? More logical and wise than the commandments of the Old Testament
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oh hai guyz
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I see this claim alot and I disagree.

The total amount of publicity created directly from the occult symbolism is minuscule relative to it's overall popularity. Do you think the people here who watch the video because of the symbols will support it by giving it positive praise and buying the album?

Don't forget who the target audience is - impressionable young people. These are the people who actually love music like this. And there are millions and millions of them who worship this trashy whore.
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oh wait.. i forgot- magic isnt real when i do it but christian ceremonial magic is real.

wait no, only catholic ceremonial magic is real.. or is it only baptist magic that is real?

im confused.. which magic is real..?

ah yes... the only true magic is... wait for it..


that's right science. why?

2 H + 3 H =
4 He + n + 17.6 MeV
It actually does make me want to kill myself.
Who else thought that the assassin creed serise was sort of a final testament of their history to the masses before intiating whatever it is all about?
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Ok well good luck making it into the half a billion out 7 billion that are chosen to live.
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The symbols also function as a networking tool. Look, Ill use Crue again. This vid is from 1989 and it is fucking near as loaded with these symbols as keshas. In 1989, nobody had a clue about any of this shit.

Just check out the first few seconds. In your face

>crack whore, shitty music
>symbols all over the video, mighty Illuminati supposingly in charge
>video gets cock blocked by gema
>Illuminati's face when

Call me when our mighty rulers got their shit together. I'm not impressed.
why are they all making the vagina symbol?
>These are the people who actually love music like this.
I used to listen to shitty music too. We all grow up eventually
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>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
>No more niggers, sand niggers, indians and asians, jews and shitskins
>White preserved

Paradise on earth

Everyone knows the eccentric and harmless Ted Turner had those built for fun and because he's insane.
lol @ this entire thread
jesus christ you people are morons
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Cobain was killed by the CIA...

Monarch mind control program..
Ugh. i feel sick.

How can I fight the illuminati?
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>everybody knows....

you have much to learn my pupil...
>has not finished AC3
the ending is really shitty
i feel this is all a distraction to get people to focus on manufactured showbiz occultism rather than the real issues.
>Eliminate all non whites

See, was that hard?
Remember that nothing you see in a video is there by accident.
Everything you see the director wants you to see.
>implying you're not gonna be one of the 6.5 billion untermenschen who will bite the dust
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I see your list and the only things you got quite right was the spelling. You dont have a clue what you are talking about son. If you want to discuss these things you better do some research first.
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What have mind-controlled artists like Nicki Minaj, predictive programming in music videos, dumbed-down lyrics, and the systematic degeneration of artists like Jay-Z and Kanye West got in common? They all get covered in this candid, no-limits discussion as Mark Devlin chats to fellow UK DJ Storm, aka Stormski, alongside MC Double L, two guys who very much know what time it is.

The music industry's agenda towards social engineering is put into the wider context of the Orwellian control system which is stepping up its game big-time in the wake of a global awakening to truth and consciousness. Rarely have the manipulations of the music industry been discussed in such a broad perspective. It's time to strip away the facade, step off the fence and expose the blatant hijacking of the game.
So I reckon the director wanted me to see a boring as fuck shitfest of a music video?


Fucking Baphomet's pissing me off. What's so special about that faggot nigger anyways?
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What do they show in there, I can`t open that particular vid on my comp.
I agree. I think it shows what a fucktard he is. There is no coherence to the use of symbols at all. The fact that he thought this would mesh well with a pop song for teen girls indicates he is a retard. No one is going to take the image of this cunt as serious or hardcore about anything. He doesn't get her brand. I guess I'd call the style lady-gaga lite, which is quite an underwhelming feat.

Nikki Minaj's people know what the fuck they are doing better, and they are niggers for fuck's sake.
So whats the point of the illuminati?
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David Icke

>written 16 books since 1990
>has packed out stadiums with his talks
>has millions of followers world wide



there's over 5k replies to that thread..it's a far more credible source than your RT or Faux News..

but yesssssssssss you're a good goy aren'tyouuuuuuu
>various pop artists and rappers using occult trollology to get more views on youtube and get people talking about them and to get people that dont even like their shitty music to listen to it

>idiots on /pol/ thinking its part of some conspiracy while legitimate conspiracy continues to fuck them called the government
Are you posting in the wrong topic or something?
>The total amount of publicity created directly from the occult symbolism is minuscule relative to it's overall popularity

In this case, the symbolism is a large portion of the popularity because 1) it's hard to develop a chart topper without world wide publicity and 2) kesha cant into music (or sing).

Just look at the gangam style craze, already popular and has already milked out a large chunk of money.
Nice flag.
Nice trips as well... huh
>david icke
No one in the music industry expects to get much money from selling albums anymore. They get money from ad revenue on their music videos. If their videos get more hits, they get more money because companies will pay more to reach that large of an audience. They won't profit off of you directly, but if you contribute hits to their videos looking for symbolism, that's a little cash in their pocket. You make a thread talking about the video later and other people watch it, who may have never done so otherwise? Moolah, baby.
You could argue that you won't be affected by the advertising you see on these videos, but most people don't feel that advertising influences them. Companies still advertise, because whether or not people feel influenced by advertising, it is still profitable. If you see advertising anywhere, that means it is earning money for somebody. It wouldn't be there if it wasn't.
"All press is good press"
"My haters make me famous"
>dat ad populum
next you're going to tell me god is real because lots of people believe in him
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>david icke
You mean the person that thinks we are ruled by reptilian shapshifters travelling between dimensions?
>>7477083 (OP)
Armature occults here. All this video proves is why the Masons still don't let in women. At most this broad either read some Crowley or took up Wicca.
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Pic related

It`s George Washington doing the Baphomet with pentagrams all around him and what i think is the "morning star" behind him. This is on the ceiling of the Capital Building.
In this >>7478206 post, you see where the Capital Building sits, its right at the top of the pyramid.
David Icke is a paranoid soccer player who took the wrong drugs and wears purple so the illuminati can't read his mind.
>do some reasearch

Watching youtube videos and looking at pictures is not research. The burden of proof is on you and you haven't given any thing, just 'haha thats not true'
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What the fuck are you idiots on about? That video has nothing but a few floating triangles and eyes. Sure, it's got a pentacle, but that's a symbol used by at least a dozen different religions and is so mainstream that nobody cares about anymore.

If you want to talk about occultism in music videos, watch this:
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Guess what he means by reptilian.
So this stupid figure has been worshipped for thousands of years?
Why was it created and who created it?
and that is why god invented adblockplus
I just really don't understand the whole hiding in plain sight thing. People say there are hidden messages and stuff, but it doesn't sink in me. Not even subconsciously.

It's still shitty music.
Whats so crazy about that idea?
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b-b-but adblocker is piracy!
dat filename
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By the post you made it is obvious you are ignorant on this subject. Your post is simple on a kindergarten level, yet you sound all cocky about it. Do your own research and come back and post when you won`t make yourself look silly
But there's billions of other people, some of them susceptible and some of them not. Subliminal messaging has been there for DECADES, think black and white cartoons. That affects the way people thing and behave and subsequently how they raise their children ... so over the next few decades, young folks will be dumber and much easier to control.
good shit...
Baphomet is mostly an invention of the inquisition against the Knights Templar.

Which puts a relatively small dent in their profits. It's already accounted for. Your view still got counted and advertisers still see that Ke$ha's videos get x amount of views and give money to her record label in exchange for the ad space that you and a handful of other people just won't see, but way, way more people will.
>Eye in the pyramid

Simple wikipedia search shows no correllation between the eye in the pyramid and the illuminati, give me a pdf to a scholarly research in which it shows links to them

>Cross of st peter

>'In Catholicism, the Petrine Cross is not seen as Satanic. The distinction between a Cross of Peter and upturned Crucifix is sometimes obscured, leading to confusion about the acceptability of each symbol.'

Again show me how this symbol is linked to illuminati

Now unless you're gonna talk shit and not back it up, you lost
Ah, since those people suppressed sex and creativity for centuries, people finally snapped (or rather gave into their desires) and had a blast?
More like your age old tale of politics and slander.
>Do some research

This is what tinfoilers say when they are confronted with the truth
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That Narko thing is one creeepy video, dude.
it's about as crazy as saying a wizard made the universe in 7 days or that the universe used to be ruled by an alien called Xenu. All of them just sound some shit someone made up.
Afaik the owl isn't some babylonian god but more likley the owl of athena... greek
>Ill Bill

Also, consider the intent of the symbolism. There's certainly a difference between the ones present in your video versus the Ke$ha bullshit.
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>Believes in Wikipedia....
Don't you have school on Mondays?

I'm not saying it's the Illuminati or Masons or w/e. All i know is there, is and has been, an underground organization that somewhat puppeteers certain areas around the world.

If you believe that isn't true, your mind has already been polluted and you've lost most of your own free-will.
What the fuck is this shit? Why do they keep doin this?

Satanism? Bitch please god dont real.

What the fuck is the purpose??? I cant think of anything else other than trolling
Well, the more people label something wrong, the chances are some people with enough infuence and power will sneak away and try those things.
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This is what children, in today's media saturated culture, worship.
The fuck is this shit and who would have thought it would make a good video clip?
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I am not going to waste my time splitting hairs on meanings of symbols or if they are even the ones you think they are like the vagueness with the cross. The only contest you won is an asshole contest. I know what i talk about, you dont. Go away.
Not that guy: My problem with Icke and the like is that they never seem to be wrong about anything and beyond that, it's what makes their living. They've got a commercial interest. I'm not saying that's their whole motivation but it's a factor.

If you ever been in the military or some other goverment agency you probably stopped believing there could be someone in total control. I tell, you live is complex and pure chance is a big factor. It's just not that easy.
i skipped this video and went to the x factor gangnam style video.
>makes fun of people on 4chan, calls them dumb idots.

>trying to spread 'the truth' on 4chan
go make your own seekrit clubs and fight them behind the scenes. don't bother us with it.

>inb4 sheeple, goy, etc, etc.
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>hey, we need something to spice up the new video since kesha's a dumb cunt.

>ok, lets do something edgy.

>15 minutes of googling later.

>hey, why don't we put in all these "secret society" images? we can raise some controversy and get exposure.

>sure, sure. hey, you coming with me and jim for beer?

>you know it.

there you go. never fear, its just marketing.
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Funny thing is i am ex-military.
There's always shady shit goin' on.
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> Satanism? Bitch please god dont real.

Of course it`s real. At least in their mind. They take it seriously. Ignore the religious hocus pocus, and just keep your eye on the ball(the freaks who practice).Stay away from those psychos as much as you can. It`s just too bad they have taken over the power structure so extensively.
Pretty much this

related: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor
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plz post discharge papers, etc, etc, or i am afraid i will have to not believe you.
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>lol gangnam style! XD
man those things we creepy as fuck. forget illuminati and all that, that shit was just WIERD.
Sure, no doubt about that, but do you think someone is in total control?
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do you know that Ill Bill & Necro are the le happy merchant brothers? what do you think about this guys?
That's kinda off topic from my post.. I am not denying a power behind the throne but an underground organization so influential that it controls every single aspect of our lives sounds a little far fetched and you know, even if this thing is true, it would have made no difference if it had no influence in my life and guess what, it didn't have any major influence indeed, the fact that I can work my job and live happy with my family is enough assurance of that.

You still didn't provide any thing of worth and now you walk off like a faggot, typical
All the Illuminati this thread could wish for.
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...and of course...
But how can superstitious people like these take over positions of power so universally?

Im more inclined to agree with >>7478899
now tbh

I know we are ruled by an elite few but I cant fucking believe they are 'satanists' acting for belzebub.
I think they are elite banker(mostly jewish-not religious) that advance their own agenda
I think nobody says there aren't any psychos in charge somewhere, but that doesn't mean there are space lizzards pulling strings.
Yeah right, post some of my most important documents on /pol/... This sounds smart.

Let's just say i was in Baghdad when that faggot mooslim pysch bastard shot up the health building not too far from my battalion footprint.

If you don't want to believe me, politely go fuck yourself.
you know, just becasue there ARE secret societies controlling the major movers and shakers doesnt mean every last thing that has the imagery is directly controlled by them.

>hey rothschild, check it out, those dumb idiots think we're behind that new music video of that goy bitch!

1. Exposure gained by doing the "oh so edgy illuminatty symbolism" thing is minimal and inefficient cost-wise.
2. Occult symbolism is found in plenty of other videos, this is nothing new
3. The linked video is a performance, not a music video

I agree on the "ke$ha is a dumb cunt" part though
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Fuck, that vid posted on here of kesha at xfactor Australia, i gotta admit, it is dazzling to watch. I wish I could have some kind of stage set up or dance floor or something like that o f my own. What a trip man.
Its a huge marketing ploy, fill the video full of pyramids and covered eyes &c.

People will view it in their millions, don't fall for it.
That's what you'll get when you brush your teeth with jack
legitimate question. Why do you think Jews are so succesful at getting at the top positions of the society(banking media) and pulling the strings?

Me pesonally I think they got there by high IQ(genetics), putting high importance in success(genetics, culture) and a close sense of cmmunity(culture) that makes them act in their own interests

Here's hoping whites do that as well but im not optimistic
Marketing is the true Satanism when you think about it.
fucking this. the more you idiots cry about HOLYSHIT KESHA ILLUMINATI the more people won't take it seriously when THE ACTUAL ILLUMINATI make their moves.
well momma always said never marry a salesman.
The real satanists have long since abandoned these symbols. They use them on parties as artsy decorations, but that's about it. The symbols basically detail the historical development from the ancient serpent cults to the kabbalah to freemasonry and zionism.

Real dangerous forms of satanism these days: any form of genetic engineering. Chemistry. Physics. Mathematics.

Worst of the bunch beyond a doubt, chemistry and bioengineering. Bioengineering is the satanist's ultimate tool of destroying God's creation, irreversibly. Let me repeat that: IRREVERSIBLY.

Also, let these fuckers have their day. Most of them have no illusions where and how their journey will end. To teach a bunch of rotten assholes the true meaning of despair...your first teach them hope. That is what the antichrist is there for.
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Nepotism is huge. That's why so much energy has been spent tearing down and thwarting nepotism in our own people.
>bioengineering is evil

motherfucker you trying to tell me my always-fresh fruit is satanic?

bitch christfag get out. dont fuck with my fruit.
Dude, the more I learn from Zen, the more this antichrist, Satanism etc stuff seems like total bullshit.
Stfu thats why noone takes the conspiracies seriously
Because some religous retards during the middle ages thought because "the jews" killed christ it would be a good idea to forbid jews to do manual labour and force them to make their living with trade. rest was evolution.
assume you are all telling the truth, that the world is in the hands of a few select jews/rich white guys/etc/etc.

if so, why cause yourself anguish fighting it? enjoy what little happiness you can scrape out.

every small bit of happiness and success you have is a small victory against these supposed gentile-hating jews.

have fun. live, love, etc.

don't spend your life fighting what is supposedly an indefeatable menace.

Why do you watch this garbage? Stop feeding it, stop making it acceptable.
I'd call you a disinfo agent, but not even they would be so blatantly obvious.

you poor deluded fool.

you think if i tell my teacher that math is the agent of lucifer she'd let me get away with ditching class?
Cause some of us are actually looking at the grand picture
Pretty much. Early Christianity regarded evil as merely the absence of anything good, and Satan was just kind of a douche who would tell lies, similar to Iblis of Islam.

Actual worship of Satan (as opposed to people who merely into "self worship" like the Church of Satan) is pretty stupid when you think about it. Though the Gnostics believed in two Gods, an evil creator God of the old testament, and a new gentle god that Jesus spoke of. You could consider that Satan worship in a way.
bingo bongo

funny thing though, at this point even then is bullshit or rather a way to fuck with your mind and ultimatly show you plain reality. there is nothing secret, just now. alan watts made some interesting points in that direction.

had once a moment where I truly thought I knew that I'm going to die someday and that would be the end of it. no gods. no afterlife. just now. wasn't scary at all, it felt more like freedom and like some imaginary weight dropping of my shoulders. wish I had this feeling now.
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>create amazing stage performance to dazzle people
>entice target audience of easily manipulated children and teens
>promote hedonistic YOLO fuckwit culture
>rinse and repeat via mass media saturation
Daily reminder that the correct translation of anti Christ is not he who is against Christ but rather he who comes instead of Christ. In other words he will be all peaceful and stuff at the beginning.
is it perhaps, maybe, possible that all these rich people who want to take away our freedoms and ensalve us and all that...

just rich white guys trying to make money?
>honestly believes in god/christ/anti-christ/satan


look at this redneck.

I don't mind your hating. I am technically an atheist that stumbled on some crazy shit when researching the bible. A lot of the straw men that I used against Christians are way wrong because of misstranslations and misunderstandings.
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The entertainment industry and the music industry plays a large role in their plans whether the individual artistists know about it or not. Western Civilization is in the shape it is not by accident, but by design. Through social engineerin,g degeneracy and the breakdown of the family unit has been occurring, as well as the promotion of feminism and homosexuality. Ethnic and racial groups, at least the western European types are encouraged to ignore their heritage. All this makes for a weak, malleable population of sheep who can easily be told what to do because they have no strong leaders of their own. Kesha is doing their work whether she knows it or not. She is even conditioning us by association partying, drinking, drugs and sex to love the symbols by associating that with them, sort of applied behavioral psychology.

Again, i refer you to this:
They take it seriously
Western world made great advancements in science and mathematics, yet it failed horribly in spirituality and religion.
If we can mix West's intellectuality with the East's spirituality and inner development, you bet we'd progress dramatically.

I'm learning from Alan Watts' stuff mostly anyway. I may not understand everything he taught (even with re-listening), I do feel satisfied.

>it felt more like freedom and like some imaginary weight dropping of my shoulders. wish I had this feeling now.
Your burden already lifted, you're already light. What more is there to let go of?
>Your burden already lifted, you're already light. What more is there to let go of?

Good question. Don't know. Sometimes I feel that way and other time I'm trying to. It's complicated. Up and down.
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Nope, actually, none of that is even there. We are imagining it.
all this is the mainstream media catching up and co-opting 'underground' internet trends.

the visuals are directly ripped off from the witch house scene.
rihanna and azalea banks did this with seapunk a little while ago.

there's nothing more to it than that.
just edgy video directors trying to stay on top of edgy tumblr trends.
Yes. What they really want is power, which is what money gives them.
Taking away our freedoms, treating us like slaves, etc etc = more power to them.

The question is, why? Why go so far for greed?
Because those in positions of true wealth and influence don't give a fuck about you, literally. They are psychopathic, with absolutely no empathy for me and you, the "useless eaters" in their words.
I think she is amazing and i love the song :)
>liking kesha regardless of illuminati influence
Yeah, I know, I try and force things like these sometimes too.
"I hope I die before death comes to me" (something like that). Just an ego thing really.
I still wish to help people in the times of horrors to come.

Evil exists because good exists. Nothing's forever, they will perish.
ehm... power is a trick. small dude big shadow. you know?

Unelected satanists control the energy sector, the mass media, the food industry, the money creation process, the governments and parliaments, they openly plan to eradicate 90% of the world population within the next decades, and we're just supposed to stand by idly and take it up the ass?

I dont fucking think so. Go out with a gun, go out with a fight. Take as many of these motherfuckers with you as you go. Make them bleed, make them pay. Every rotten element of this system is marked for destruction.

Let's give the antichrist and his satanist buddies a reign he wont forget.
>She is even conditioning us by association partying, drinking, drugs and sex to love the symbols by associating that with them, sort of applied behavioral psychology.

The conditioning is also accepting partying, drinking, drugs and sex as the sort of behavior that should be celebrated in our society. This is the key that everyone ignores because we all love that kind of stuff at a degenerated level.
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Are you people retarded? The art community is small, isolated and filled with stoners who would do this sort of shit just to fuck with you personally. What is more likely? The visual director is part of an occult conspiracy or the weird dude from school who drew skulls on his binders and ate tinfoil for attention and who had his parents buy his way into art school?

dude give it a rest. you're getting into tinfoil hat and cardboard sign levels there.
>look at these terrible subliminal messages, how dare they corrupt our youth lie that. It's the most satanic thing ever.

it's just an aesthetic. A shitty laid on one at that.
>opnely plan to eradicate 90% of world pop

if its so open, hows about a source? that ISNT some 90s website?
The thing is these satanist sound like the people I want to win, just like when Alex goes on about germanic deathcults.

I dont necessarily agree with what he is saying, but he is likely referencing the georgia guidestones.

It's an occult secret. The satanists believe that the more suffering they cause to their fellow human beings, the more worldly power satan, the lord of this age of sin, will grant them. From the earliest days of sacrificing little children to Moloch, to today's abortions and organ harvesting: it's the same thing.

The satanist elite rules through murder and thievery, they get to the top of the pyramid because unlike the decent people in this world, they dont play by the rules. Satanist families like the Rothschilds or Rockefellers are so rich and powerful at this point that no western politician can ever hope to go up against them politically.
Indeed. This game of hide and seek is coming to an end.

Yes, exactly. That's what all this symbolism in this thread is all about - an illusion to reinforce the lie that they are "all powerful" and "all seeing".
Thus, awareness is the solution. Or will lead to one, at the very least.
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how sad you are
Right, im'a let you in on a secret. the YOLO crowd, the people who you say are sheeple...they're having abetter, funner life than you are.

go out, ignore this shit, get laid. have fun.

find a nice jewish girl, you may actually get in on the winning side.
Sure there is some fuckery going on, but! We won't solve our problems if we can't take personal responsability and adress real life issues. We all do shit and nothing is going to change if we only blame others or rather think some boogeyman is the root of all our problems.

People are only able to evil because they're thinking it's the right thing. Regarding the reactions of some of the Icke fanboys to critism I just don't want them in charge either. Actually I want nobody in charge, I just wanna live.

stop using that word, you're seriously sounding like those crazy preacher dudes on sidewalks.
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What exactly are they doing that is so evil? If it is population control, who cares. The world will be used up by human garbage who add nothing to the experience, everything beautiful will be consumed. imagine how gorgeous china would be without the immense pressures of the hungry poor Chinese chewing at bark like locust.

If it is leading the masses to sin, who cares? They are dull minded flock who need strong leaders. Whether they are sinful or just means little because it is just a reflection of the hands that guide them. On something so easily herded what does it matter if they are sinners or saints? They didn't make the choice, it is just a reflection of their masters.
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i laughed

>white women in charge of having sex appeal

>It's happening
>white women considered sexy

>american youths ignoring the subtle and refined feminine charm of jewish girls

do you all even infiltrate?
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Why don't those who give things have a right to take it away?
The teeming mass of humanity only exist on the back of the industrial men of the material. Vaccines, fertilizer and energy are all their toys. Why don't they have a right to take back the lives they lease? With out them there would only be two hundred million souls.
That's the problem with conspiracy theorists, they never stop to consider that everything the global conspiracy supposedly wants is actually a good thing for the future of humanity and that maybe we don't need six billion unthinking animals shitting up the place when ten million well educated beautiful specimens of humanity living in a global paradise would be more than enough.
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Spoken like a true psychopath.
I'm sorry, but you won't get your way.
>think anyone can own it
>something that has happened billions of years before their existance
>something which can never be controled
>think they can lease life
Fine. I'll give you "occult - money - controversy"
But how do you explain the London Olympic cult symbolism (yes there were many) Im pretty sure the Olympics does need to use a cheap marketing trick to generate interest considering its the most watched event in history.
Tinfoils: 1
Sheepys: 0
and YOU are one of those beautiful specimans i take it?
No, I'm going to die with the rest to make room for the best.
>drawing on all sorts of british symbolism

>freemason sign a historical guild symbol in britain

anything else
go buy a gun and get an early start then.
you first, meat.
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>What these, yer they are traditional British mascots
You know exactly what I mean, the majority of lives exist entirely on the handouts of modern materialism. The environment that allows them to exist is artificial.

So, yes, anyone who tends a garden or builds a cage owns the life trapped in it.
no those things are just abominations that need to be burned and whoever came up with them blinded and gelded.
THIS is supposed to be your proof that the London Olympics were run by Illuminati?
That's Spotty and Panopticon, the traditional mascots of the British CCTV system.
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nothing to see here move along. Im sure somebody somewhere knows what we are trying to do here
Haha nah, they can't control nature. I can live without laptops, phones, etc. You get the idea.

also, phoenix ancient symbol of rebirth and eternity

>it means the games are eternal you dumbass
Wow dude, a photo of some unrelated things that kinda sorta look like a masonic symbol at a specific angle.
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>Cognitive dissonance is the term used in modern psychology to describe the feeling of discomfort when holding two or more conflicting cognitions (e.g., ideas, beliefs, values, emotional reactions) simultaneously. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel surprise, dread, guilt, anger, or embarrassment.
>what is triangular architecture for increased stability
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Look at him. Look at him, and laugh.
This is what the "illuminati" oligarchy actually believes.
wait really. people actually took the time to deconstruct the olypmic logos in JUST A WAY that they could KIND OF spell 'zion'?

thats like believing that because "laughter" is part of "slaughter" that laughing is the sign of a serial killer.
Wow, you took apart arbitrary pieces and moved them around to spell Zion.
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nothing curious about this

Why is Lisa blowing Bart? Got some incest thing going on here.
>what is a choreographed dance routine

>what is the sun, a traditional image of hope in celtic beliefs

>still denying the obvious

The 666ers sure are eager to keep their little conspiracy quiet until the very end

Wont save you from the wrath of apocalyptic Jesus though, wont it, motherfucker
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Why would you fear those who worship baal or moloch anyway? They have to beg for scraps with their own blood and even then they are too weak.

Wasn't it Carthage who burned their own children in desperation and still lost utterly and completely?

It is better to die on your feet than beg on your knees, and by crom there are plenty of men of action out there.

yeah, the mythical god-man will come down from the sky and save you from the big bad jooos.
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you got some strong kool aide nigger. keep chugging
Im sure its all a big coincidence
No, you can't. If you are an average person you would be dead from polio, sepsis or have starved to death by now. Your life is artificially, existing at the whims of material conveniences.
>The 666ers sure are eager to keep their little conspiracy quiet until the very end
Why would they then, as you are saying, put their symbolism in the Olympics, one of the most watched events worldwide? I know you're crazy, but try to be consistent.
This just means shitty pop kids have learned they can get away with making a slightly controversial video. Teenagers like to shock their parents and this bullshit taps into that without having to use sex or violence to do it.
It's not the first time anti-religious or occult symbolism has been used in music videos but maybe the first in a shitty pop genre idk.
All in all it's nothing original or special.

what is obvious? that from a single angle the stuff vaguely represents the image of what may or may not actually be a real thing?

so, now that you've 'proved' that there's a huge conspiracy, what are you going to do? charge in an kill them? or sit at home like a good little beta faggot and yell on the internet.
Just letting y'all know
Jesus is a gnostic lovecraftian abomination who desires to abolish all knowledge and judgement while enslaving or destroying all people.
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Teach me, /pol/. I urge to learn.
>>read thread
well at least you acknowledge the uselessness of your endeavors.

so, hows the weather where you are?
Its a shitty pop teeniebopper playing with pentagrams and inverted crosses.
Big fucking deal.
cold or just kinda lukewarm? its pretty mild for night time here.
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why we talking about whether on 4chan?
I was happy when arguing
who wants to argue all the time? its like i said earlier even if what you guys say is true you cant do anything about it besides yell on the internet about it.

just be chill and talk weather man.
Because we reached an impass, a chunk of /pl/ supports the illuminati because at the least it will kill the muds.
but muh conspiracy
personally i figure the Hapenning (tm) over in gaza is a bigger issue than possible seekrit inflooince in a music video.
Question is why are you surprised to find out they are directly correlated?
hey believe what you want. america is still free enough you can do that.

night tinfoils, gotta sleep to have the energy to fight off jooish mind control rays.
Do you ever think that the Nazis were meant to win the war to prevent this satanic bullshit
We just wanna know the truth.
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get outta my brain waves peon
their is no 'truth' because everyone perceives it differently. everyone has their own subjective 'truth', and usually the majority of subjective 'truths' match up enough to be considered a true 'truth'.
you one of the more elaborate hippy disnfo agents?
Even Nietzsche knew their was a truth, just it was perceived differently.
oh ok, i guess you are right. i will stop thinking about conspiracies because nothing is true, but all is subjective. silly me!
Post-modernism relativity bullshit right there.

I see 5 apples in a room and record it.
I show the post-modernist the record of the 5 apples I saw in the room.
The post-modernist tells me I can't prove they were apples and suggests that maybe I was on drugs and perceived the objective truth in a different way, making it subjective.

You peoples play the devils advocate and this is how insane you people sound.
God, it's like how Odd Future put that Satanist forehead mark on cats in their videos. Only illumislutty is worse. I find it tragically hilarious. SO FUCKING EDGY MANGGGGGG
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I for one welcome our Satanist illuminati overlords.
>>7480284 here.

fuck i tired. i tried to sleep but..this thread.

I dont think you understand 4chan
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oh we are celebrating olympic! its fun and stuff! nothing disturbing here, just pure joy!!
I have no idea what the gain is to put tons of illuminati shit in videos. Its clear that they make it intentional, please someone tel me why? Also don't give me some bullshit like 'mind control' or 'subliminal advertising'.
I can't believe people actually tie in music with the "Illuminati."

>what are choreographed dance routines
Wanna know the truth?
They made a barely edgy video for some mediocre pop star because kids think this shit will annoy their parents.
Essentially this crap is ineffective today though, since the parents grew up watching banned Madonna videos or listening to slayer.
You'd need to be pretty damned straight-laced for this garbage to offend you.
I cant believe you didnt even try to read the thread
Welcome to /pol/, at first I was like you. You start off in a state of cognitive dissonance juggling two ideas. Once you start inferring your own information you start to link pieces together and won't be able to bullshit yourself anymore.
Start thinking.
You've had this symbolism in the media forever, but more subtle. Just check the movies of the 80s and 90s with clear symbolism of 9/11.


Watch this.
you know what, you are right
but i dont give a single fuck

they aren't in complete control, they have control over people in the structure who control others. they only need to control people as far as people will question the direction of society. people in the structure taking the orders don't want to ask questions, they'll lose their cushy jobs.

meanwhile memes of irrationality are formed around asking questions. "only foilers question the government, or the media." conspiracy theorist is now synonymous with someone who is insane, and the dumbed down people don't know the difference.

example: fluoride in the water. 1 doctor liked it, paid to have it published, media ran with it and now everybody is forcibly medicated. anyone talking about it is discredited because a small number of people decide what kind of messages get portrayed as "news"

now if you wanna get picky on my ass and say fluoride is well and good, fine. know though that fluoride is the toxic waste of the aluminum industry. what they put into our water is "industrial grade" fluoride meaning only most of it needs to be the labeled substance, the rest is an unaccounted for soup of poison directly into our land and bodies.
No, that isn't how a post modernist would get you, they would start arguing over the definition of apple. Are all the variaties of apple related enough to each other to really be considered an apple or is that golden delicious different enough that it should be classified as some other form of pome.

They attack concepts and grouping symbolisms that help spread concepts. If you attack the boundaries of a category you attack the distinctness of the objects in a category and are left unable to describe anything because you have no precise words.
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Just start your own counter revolutionary philosophical force, infiltrate the media and promote your values, do the same for politics. Co-opt the power structure they created, parasitically.
Yeah, you're right. But the truly obnoxious ones also play the devils advocate at the same time.
I just call them like I see them, OP. I'm not a particular fan of Ke$ha, but whoever wrote "Die Young" is a pop genius.

It's an amazing pop song that not even Ke$ha can totally fuck up. It's easily the best song of her career, and it's one of the better songs on the radio right now.

People keep telling me pop music is getting worse. I think what they mean is "pop stars are getting worse," because the songs get better every day.

If the jewish satanists have their way, nothing and no one is going to be free, freedom of speech will be 'limited', cash money will be replaced by electronic money so the jew banks control any and all currency at all times, the internet will be censored to the point where it becomes part of the mass media brainwashing lineup...join the fucking resistance and fight the zionist threat now, or you'll end up with a 666 RFID chip up your forehead, on your right hand and from the way things are looking in our little Sodom and Gomorrha, one up your ass on the top of a dildo too.

At least make them fucking PAY the price in blood, die a free man and get to keep your pride, instead of wasting away as a kike slave on your knees
It's inevitable and, in fact, it's happening right now.
If the content of the discussion in this thread is real, it means that people are more aware of the oppression at hand. Something you wouldn't see if a society was completely and truly under the oppressor's control.

they are just trying to be edgy
How do you know that the art designers in the media are not double agents being intentionally hamfisted to broadcast the Illuminati's presence? Most behinds the scenes people who are not producers or money men are just dregs and hangers on with a bit of talent or social acumen. They have no place in the future if the bad guys win.
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>>7477083 (OP)

>Be a super secret organisation who secretly rule the world.
>Put your symbols in video clips of extremely famous musicians, so that everyone who watch them will find out about your conspiracy.
Like that guy who may or may not be Robert Downy Junior who drops all the Hollywood cult scandals.
It's not Illuminati you fucking idiots. It's attention whoring to the maxium.
>But how can superstitious people like these take over positions of power so universally?

Because superstitious doesn't means stupid or weak. No matter what your social studies prof told you.

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