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>“The union’s demands had plagued Hostess for years, forcing — through the legalized monopolization of labor supply — wages that the market wouldn’t bear,” writes Bob Confer in a column for The New American. “The striking line workers were paid healthy salaries, $16 to $18 per hour. In a low-profit, low-selling-price business such as baked goods, those wages aren’t sustainable, especially considering that baking and distribution involve a lot of manpower.”

>The mean hourly wage for the designation of “bakeries and tortilla manufacturers” was $12.57 in 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers manning the Hostess picket lines this week were earning roughly 35% more than the national average.

How do people support these corrupt overpaid fucks?
>>7449437 (OP)

>“Hostess was looking for wage concessions of only eight percent,” continued Confer. “Even after the cuts, Hostess still would have been paying their workers handsomely, 24 percent more than the industry norm. Mind you, this one-year cut would have been followed by guaranteed wage increases of three percent in each of the three years that followed, capped off by one percent in the fourth year. So, the pain would have been only temporary and cancelled out in just three years.”
Hahaha don't bite the hand that feeds.
>muh Union
Whatever, its all a feint. Hostess is still a profitable brand with a loyal and ready base of consumers. They'll get bought during liquidation and Hostess products will be back on the shelves within a year. All thats going to happen is that the union workers won't be working there anymore. Same thing happened with Maurice Lennel cookies and Fannie Mae and neither of them were half as well known as Wonderbread or Twinkies.
meanwhile we've lost almost 20,000 jobs, and a shit ton of niggers on the street.

I would kill for 20 dollars an hour sorting twinkies and pushing carts around.

People don't seem to recognize that unions don't stop asking for more money. Theyre never satisfied, they'll keep asking for more and more. and somehow people think that just because theyre striking theyre somehow desperate, when really theyre just greedy.

Why won't Obama bail them out?
>>7449437 (OP)
It was a poorly managed company that declared bankruptcy in 2004, yet the execs of the company got annual raises.
A poorly managed and run company dies. Thats just capitalism at work. I see nothing wrong here.
Q: How would you proportion responsibility for the failure?

Management / Unions
Yes, but those "lost" jobs will come back under different management. The comment about niggers is neither rational nor productive. In the long run this event is good for labor relations because it provides a cautionary tale for both sides: come to terms or you'll both lose and someone else will do better.

Also, where do you get off whinging about black folks when you think that $20/hr in exchange for mindless labor is an attractive offer?
hostess couldn't compete with unionized labor, in particular those that use illegal immigrants and migrant workers
>>7449437 (OP)

I don't support these fucks. Everything you said I've been saying for days. Fuck the niggers. You reap what you sew.
I'm going to miss Wonderbread.
>You reap what you sew.

Hostess makes baked goods, not garments.

>Also, where do you get off whinging about black folks when you think that $20/hr in exchange for mindless labor is an attractive offer?

$20 an hour for a high school dropout is good money. People in similar positions that are non-unionized make considerably less. $20 an hour is good pay now a days
I don't disagree that its good money for the kind of work but saying "I would kill for 20 dollars an hour sorting twinkies and pushing carts around" just reeks of jealousy. Its still a shit job with shit pay, its just slightly less shit pay than similar shit jobs.
settle down white knight. i call them niggers because someone complaining about being poor while making 20 dollars an hour IS a nigger.

and you're right it is a cautionary tale. its a cautionary tale for how unions never stop asking for more they just keep asking for more and more until the company goes bankrupt. Unions are cancer.

and i don't mean workers can't get together and complain or strike. i'm saying the govt should have no business mediating worker and management disputes
I hate to admit how naive and innocent I am, but I never imagined that my beloved twinkies were made by these savage negro beasts. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about it.
20 dollars an hour is more than I make as an EMT, and roughly what an associates degree RN makes coming straight out of college. Likewise the factory (I'm guessing) is in a low cost of living area.
i pay what theyre worth.

i want an educated CEO with knowledge in accounting and business management something that is very high skilled with lots of education required. unlike hiring a monkey to sort twinkies and push carts around.
you attract high skilled ceos with high wages.

people like you seem to think anyone can be a ceo.

Having a shit job isn't an excuse for wanting more money. If you don't want to work a shit job, go to school, go to college, work hard and get a non shit job that pays more. You think people cleaning toilets should make $35k a year?? If so, you're dumb.
You...don't really understand what a union is, do you?
if people are jealous of your wage and you're still complaining so much that you put another company out of business and make near 20 thousand people out of work, you're a disgusting fuck. simple as that.
The factory is in Chicagoland and the cost of living is pretty high. $20/hr is going to come out to about 2 grand a month after taxes, thats not a lot of money in Chicago.

Yes. You should be making more and thank you for you work. These monkeys should be lucky to make $12 an hour much less $16-$18 an hour plus awesome benefits.
I'm a consultant with an engineering degree and I make just over $20/hr. Not only is 20/hr a very livable salary it's also way more than what their mindless factory labor deserves.
I'm getting sick of these posts.

Yes, the unions were greedy and assholes. But so were the people running Hostess. Read this article for starters:


This is the second time Hostess has declared bankruptcy. They kept bringing in supposedly "amazing" CEOs and other execs who were supposed to turn things around. But they didn't. The point being that everyone deserves some of the blame for Hostess' downfall, not just the unions, who, by the way, have actually made concessions in the past. It's not like the unions sat there and refused to compromise.

Honestly, I don't think there was much hope of saving Hostess in the first place. They took on too much debt. Even if the unions agreed that wages should be dropped to minimum wage, I doubt that would have saved the company.
Except the "near 20,000 people out of work" are mostly the people in the union...they made their bed, let them lay in it. Welcome to the market, sometimes it sucks.
lower wages are fine if they are accompanied by lower prices.

outside electronics has anyone seen the price of shit go down as wages are being cut and jobs being shipped abroad?
would you like to contribute to the discussion or make retarded arguments about what is or isn't a union like people who argue what is or isn't socialism?

grow up and explain how you support people who make a very acceptable wage, and yet are still unhappy and so unhappy they put thousands of people out of work.
If I was getting paid 16 an hour to perform a job a trained monkey would do while the unemployment is where it's at, I wouldn't be complaining.

>implying they must live in Chicago

They can move to a neighboring city and drive to work everyday. I know people that make less and drive an hour or more to work. Quit making excuses for these fucks.
Well fuck, man. Now theyre all unemployed.

Shame that is.

But you're line of work actually has significant know-how, not making yellow snacks
i agree. however govt protected unions are not free market. the govt gives artificial powers to labor that they use to weaken the power of management which inevitably destroys the company.

we wouldn't have right to work states and non right to work states if it was free market
Fair enough, but they paid high wages to the CEO and execs at Hostess (even giving them huge raises in the past year despite a failing business), and they were still too incompetent to turn the company around. Yes, not everyone can be a CEO. It takes a very specific skill-set and experience level. However, I still think people overestimate the value of CEOs. Even if you put the best CEO on the planet at Hostess, I doubt they could have saved it.

and then people wonder why the middle class is dying.

How much do you airhead liberals think people should be paid to do this mindless, skill-less labor?
thats what he's saying.

theyre fucking mindless monkeys. he's a skilled person and makes the same amount
>wahh I'm not getting paid enough to pull a lever

Now you're unemployed and the fat cats will get a pretty shekel for their band name.

Once again they won and the union got you to lose. You deserve it.
I support it because thats the goddamn market. Everyone is out for themselves. You don't get to cry when your Twinkie supply drys up for a year because management and labor couldn't come to terms. Too bad, so sad, buy a helmet. This is the adult world, sometimes people get hurt.
the contracts with the unions are near impossible to break. no ceo in the world can make a business model work when you're forced to pay your workers exorbitant wages and can't fire them for incompetency.

the ceos come in with their hands immediately tied behind their back.
the middle class is dying because people aren't happy with earning 20 dollars an hour for mindless labor and then bite the hand that feeds them.

>factory workers doing a monkeys job
>not expendable

I can't wait till their unemployment runs out.
Whatever the market will bear. And if they push too hard, they end up unemployed and something better will come along to replace them.
I don't suppose it ever occured to you that maybe he's the one that's getting UNDERpaid? That maybe instead of dragging other people down he should be seeking to raise himself up?
Justin Bieber makes 400 thousand dollars per concert.
On the bottom we've got gibs me dat niggers and spics gnawing at our ankles. And on the top we've got Jews hammering us down.
There is no winning.
But, their competitors are ALSO unionized. General Mills? Kellog? Bimbo?
labor laws are anything but the free market.
so what?

Yep. Once upon a time people were happy to have a job like that. Now everyone (if they even agree to work and not dole it up) want to work 20 hours a week, get paid ridiculous sums for basic labor, have no accountability, and get tons of vacation time.

Socialism at its finest.
And lets not forget that this is a company that couldn't manage to turn a profit selling Twinkies in the United States. Its like a distillery going bust in Ireland.
>aren't happy with earning $20 an hour
but that's not what happened here.
They didn't go on strike to get more pay, they went on strike to keep their pay the same.
Absolutely disgusting. The world used to look up to you, America.
What labor laws came into play here?
Isn't hostess a huge brand name? Did people stop eating crap??

I am just surprised the company wasnt making money hand over fist. If you can't make money off twinkees I dot think any salary cut would help
What always peeves me is that "left-libertarians" always blindly support muh unions even if they're coercive state unions. Then they pay so much lip service about "vulgar libertarianism" which conveniently only ever applies to capitalist libertarians.
>yfw the current Hostess CEO dropped his salary to $1 until the bankruptcy proceedings were over


The Grain Millers union fucked up IMO. Yeah previous CEOs were shitbags but seemed like the current one was a decent enough guy actually trying to turn the company around, not just loot it and get his salary before it went under. I think the Teamsters realized this and that's why they worked with the management and eventually accepted more cuts in the hope that this time it would allow the company to become sustainable again. But the Grain Millers union refused to play ball and now not only are their 5,000 members out of a job but also the other 13,000 hostess employees represented by the Teamsters union as well.

People like justin beiber and will pay to see him and he offers a service that can't be outsourced. Deal w/it.
Thats the bigger problem here. The company was run by retards who couldn't turn a profit, so they asked the workers to take a pay cut. The workers decided to say "fuck you, we want our inflated wage. Management responded "No, fuck you, we want OUR inflated wage." Neither party blinked, now someone is going to buy them at auction and make a profit.
being a highly paid CEO at a failing company creates perverse incentives.

The CEO knows on day one the company is going to fail but as CEO you want the company to continue even though it is losing money, just so you can get that next bonus. An honest CEO at a public company would liquidate assets while they still held value. This NEVER fucking happens.

Economists seem to apply sports analogies to CEO pay and don't even consider the negatives. By the time a CEO is brought in to "save" a dying company it is already too late, paying them 10x more is just a wealth transfer to the already wealthy. They'd be better off hiring a dozen accountants who could do better job of counting assets and divvying it up to maximize the resale value of those assets.

It's a low profit margin business apparently. And sounded like legacy costs (pensions) were what was really hurting them.
20 dollars an hour is not shit pay.

Minimum wage in America is an astounding amount of wealth.

How are you supposed to turn a profit paying people $20 an hour to do what some Chinamen would do for 20 cents an hour?
Not really. Are you familiar with the big mac index?
the point is that these people had no right to strike. they should've been fired immediately. but they can't be fired because of retarded labor laws

>"Unfair labor practice strikers" can't be replaced: If your strike is to protest unfair labor practices by your employer, such as retaliating against workers who discuss or protest working conditions, then you must be reinstated to your job when it's over and cannot be permanently replaced.
Management's wages were not comparable to the total wages of the workers.

You can sure try to run a company by limiting executive pay to that of a worker, but you won't for very long.
5 star post
It blows my mind that fucking HOSTESS managed to find a way to fuck up. Every corner store and 7-Eleven in America has an entire shelf DEDICATED to selling Hostess products.

The Twinkie is a goddamn culture icon! Yet they somehow found a way to go bankrupt.

It's like whatever country that makes Slim-Jims going out of business.
You all realize every single side in this is bullshit, right? It's an entire bullshit industry!
and their pay was already exorbitantly high. a pay cut would have still allowed them to live comfortably and they would have kept their jobs.

you have no right to demand that you not get a pay cut ever.
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>You think people cleaning toilets should make $35k a year?? If so, you're dumb.

A consumer based economy such as the US benefits from having more people in the middle class. People with lower levels of income generate less economic activity than those with higher levels of income. You do reach a point near the 7 figure mark where the additional income is saved/invested rather than spent. A person making 1000 times the average salary does not buy 1000 times as many goods and services.

Ford was able to do it with the UAW back in 2007-08 and they are now profitable. Bad management at the top put hostess out of business.

Pic related
I think you don't understand what a market is...
Slim Jims are made in spurdo land as well. It's all on us.
That index that measures the price of McDonalds, but in no way measures standard of living. Sure.
The point is that no one was willing to blink and no one was doing a good job. Hostess deserved to fail. This outcome is a good thing. Now someone else, someone who has been successful enough to have the money to bid, will buy Hostess at an auction and run the company like adults. They'll also do it without the existing workforce.
This wouldn't have been an issue if companies could fire workers.

Someone is always willing to work for less than you, remember that.
With Atkins and low carb, people were eating LESS crap, but there was still space for high fiber shit. Hostess was the WORST at adjusting to this 30 year trend.
Muh biased media

bullshit. the ceo has no desire to see a company fail. a successful company will always be worth more than an bankrupt one. especially for the ceos wage.

the ceos couldn't fix hostess because the union contracts that were impossible to break were strangling the company. no ceo in the world could've fixed it.

Oh you mean hoarded, ok
Except by going to auction...
What kind of bullshit infographic is this? I was living off minimum wage just fine for a while. You dont fucking rent a two bedroom apartment and be the only person in it. You get a roommate, split the costs and it becomes much more affordable.
>making no nutrition snacks
>no profit margin

Those $1-$2 snacks you eat have like 10c of food value and can be produced en masse for a few dollars per tonne. Think about how many billions people eat every year vs 18,000 laborers. Shipping is probably as big an expense as production.

Stop blaming the chefs for poor management.
twinkies also cost near twice as much as the snacks around it.

and poor white trash and niggers frequent gas station snacks.
the CEO salary has been $1 a year since the new management
>two-bedroom apartment
>only assuming a single income

Deceptive chart is deceptive.

lol, liberals
>no ceo in the world could've fixed it.
then they should have liquidated ages ago.

oh I forgot the executives had to keep taking their cut as long as possible.
>sell junk food to Americans
>go out of business
The target demographic of Hostess baked goods are school kids and people that buy cheap snacks. Do you really think either of those groups cares about Atkins diets?
Only 5000 of the 18,000 workers were on strike. The teamsters which represented 8000 workers did not strike and told the bakers union to go back to the barging table. I can see many of these facilities being brought back by another company with the same employees minus the bakers.


What about those people with families who don't have children that are not of working age?
I gotta tell you bro, there comes a point in time when the CEO's made their money and it literally becomes more trouble than its worth to run a company makin 100 million + a year
>Twinkies cost twice as much as other snacks

I find that very hard to believe.
I asked someone on /pol/ about that map,
it assumes you're renting a two bedroom apartment downtown with no more than 1/5 of your income

Yeah. It's comical how companies the the us can turn maybe 10 cents of grain and sugar into a $5 box of cereal.
Truly we are in the End Times
investment is always good for an economy. Literally no negative to it
Bottom line is that sugary snacks have been declining. Sales of lower sugar, lower carb, higher fiber shit has been increasing.

Less Twinkies, more Granola.
>60+ hrs needed to afford rent

Investments do not create demand.

i have friends working on minimum wage. they share a house a nice three bedroom house with a big back yard and a deck. they have a large flat screen tv, 3 cars, xbox, internet, cable with hbo, all the food they could want, cellphones. and plenty of money left over for cigarettes booze and weed.

one is line cook, one works at macys in retail, and the other works at a dog kennel. all at or near minimum wage.
>What about those people with families who don't have children that are not of working age?

We live in a welfare state

Thats not an argument for people cleaning toilets to make $35k a year. Like another anon said, he makes $20 an hour as an EMT. A person with no H.S. diploma or just a GED or an untrained H.S. grad should kiss whoever's ass everyday if he/she were lucky enough to get a mindless job making decent money. The fact that a toilet cleaner making the same or more for someone who actually has a worthy job and the training to back it up, is ridiculous.
It's why I stopped buying prepackaged garbage.

One day a month I buy a big bag of flour and sugar and make all the wheat products I figure I will eat for a month or two and save a few hundred bucks. Totally worth the time, and the smell is divine.

People do stop eating sugary shit snacks once they've either A. Made themselves fat by their early 20's B. Put themselves on the road to becoming diabetic or C. Both and actually care about their health. I honestly hope this is a sign people are being less retarded about their food(shoving tons of sugar down their throats) in spite of the shock it might cause to our heavily foodservice filled economy.
How many hours a week and what is their exact wage?
>60+ hrs needed to afford rent
what is your point. This chart makes insane assumptions, when in reality in much of the country you only need to work 10 hours a week or so to pay for rent assuming you're not retarded.
>Investments do not create demand.
investment increases production. Investment increases efficiency. Investment does not consume, it produces.

>stilling thinking consumption = prosperity
granola bars aren't that much better for you.

that's like graduating from meth whore ot regular whore.
>dat pic

liberals will go to any lengths to push their bullshit agenda.
this is a bad article that cherry picks it's facts to single out the union as the sole proprietor of hostess' demise and you should feel bad for linking it

>absolutely no citations
Maybe declining profits are a sign Amerifats don't care as much for sugary white flour/corn syrup pastries as they used to
>Investment does not consume, it produces.

Production is fine and dandy as long as their is consumption.

>A person with no H.S. diploma or just a GED or an untrained H.S. grad should kiss whoever's ass everyday if he/she were lucky enough to get a mindless job making decent money. The fact that a toilet cleaner making the same or more for someone who actually has a worthy job and the training to back it up, is ridiculous.

Try telling that to any of the retired mill workers who bought their own house car without going into debt, and raised a family with an 8th grade education.
i don't know their exact wage but i know the line cook makes less than 10 dollars an hour. i know for a fact theyre all comparable to that. and they all work 30 to 40 hours a week.
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>A person with no H.S. diploma or just a GED or an untrained H.S. grad should kiss whoever's ass everyday if he/she were lucky enough to get a mindless job making decent money

reminder that this is how people here actually think. this guy isn't trolling, he's serious.
investment creates the capacity to meet demand.

investment makes companies more efficient, and products cheaper to get to more people.
wow, the CEO gave himself a 300% raise and then asked the workers to take a 8% wage cut?

what a dickhead
Nice individual refutation there champ.
Every logical thinking person thinks the same way. You're the only idiot here.

Let me guess, you're all for $100 minimum wage too.
inb4 unions get slashed
a person with no skills, no education and no training should be happy with minimum wage. let alone 20 dollars an hour.
>Investments do not create demand.
Red herring

Demand is unlimited. Supply isn't. Investment helps increase supply.

Hostess got sunk by noprofits, bad management and shitty union conflicts all at once.
Kinda funny how you devalue your education by mindlessly sticking to your party line.
even if you wanted to blame the ceos or america's new emphasis on health. you have to recognize that striking when your pay is far above industry average and a very acceptable is not right and shows that unions make retarded demands and don't stop asking for more when they are perfectly well compensated.
Oh no Amerifats, what will you do?
>and then asked the workers to take a 8% wage cut?

after two 8-10% wage cuts in previous years

>Every logical thinking person thinks the same way. You're the only idiot here.

no anon. only autistic retards like you think that people should literally grovel at the feet of their employers to be so lucky as to make a wage they can live off of after graduating from highschool. you are the outlier, no one, not a single person i know in real life thinks this way.

Education has become inflated by piles of flesh in HR departments using it as an arbitrary filter.
Keep thinking that, then after you graduate from college don't be upset that someone with a HS diploma is hired for a job you applied for, because they're a PoC.
no, they should always demand more.
regardless of what you think of the ceos etc. the strike that DID eventually push hostess into bankruptcy was over bullshit, and the strikers were way WAY out of line to complain about a modest pay cut when theyre already far above the industry average.
i've "refuted" this garbage in five other threads. if you're too dumb to do your own research and instead believe what's effectively a shit tier blog post on businessinsider, that's fine.

does the article even mention that only roughly half of hostess employees are unionized? nah, lol.
All of my grandparents had an 8th grade education. One owned a muti-million dollar company that employed 25 people. The other worked as a forman in a mill. According to your logic neither should have made more than minimum wage at any time in their live.
>literally grovel at the feet of their employers
Putting words in my mouth. They should consider themselves lucky. You and your poor friends are idiots.
>demand is unlimited
Has anyone seen my shit?
I seem to have lost it.
>According to your logic neither should have made more than minimum wage at any time in their live.

you mean the logic of the guy i quoted, right?
>You and your poor friends are idiots.

thanks for telling us how you really feel, your previous statement makes a lot more sense now
>after two 8-10% wage cuts in previous years
stop trying to pretend this matters.

before the latest strike they were making 16-18 dollars an hour.

if you want to say they took 2 previous pay cuts fine. that means they were making MORE than 16-18 dollars an hour before those 2 pay cuts.

So these overpaid nigger union monkeys weren't happy with their what? 30 dollars an hour? but they stomached a pay cut to perhaps 25 dollars and hour? and then they took another to 18 dollars an hour? and then the management asked them to take another and they drew the line at 18 dollars and hour?

those poor poor workers
Not the guy you replied to, but seriously, take Marx's cock out of your mouth for a few minutes and take a look around.

This is your Obama paradise: the country's economy falling apart day by day.

>This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face.
>The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown.
>The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."
>They had a choice, all of them.
>They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman.
>Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay.
>Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late.
>Don't tell me they didn't have a choice.
>Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.
>They should consider themselves lucky
>Putting words in my mouth

You are putting the words in your own mouth

The hostess products usually sell in the $1.79 and above range. Competing brands usually sell for $0.50 - $1.29 and often taste better, as well. Compare a hostess fruit pie to a tastykake brand. the tastykake is cheaper and bigger and fresher.
Nice argument, statist.

Keep pumping in all that corporate welfare in the name of "stimulating demand" goy!
even if it means you're going to put everyone out of work?

why should you demand more if you're content?
It's so easy to detect one of you unskilled and entitled losers.

tell me more about how much you hate poor people anon
Considering yourself lucky/fortunate is different than "literally groveling at their feet".

Do you even English?
>the new american

Right wing rag. Hostess is being eviscerated by a Bain-like wall street firm. The union is being blamed for a corporate hack job. Anyone with more than two braincells has looked into it and already discovered the truth.
>then the management asked them to take another and they drew the line at 18 dollars and hour?

Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me

The union gave in twice while upper managment did nothing to right the ship.
I don't hate poor people, everyone should own a few. Also, it will always be me that has the last laugh, as I take home my bloated salary and drive in my new BMW. Stay envious, friend.
laughing in the face of someone that claims ANYTHING in this world is unlimited is common sense and does not require a supporting argument, anarchist scum

I guess that's why the Teamsters union approved the most recent cuts and only the smaller baker's union refused to go along with them...
Poor person here, I think 20 dollars per hour is being overpaid, as I stated here>>7450031
but I know you ennui. You're a rich trust fund babby liberal who doesn't now anything beyond what he reads. Go back to /fit/.
>Considering yourself lucky/fortunate
>should kiss whoever's ass everyday

why are you leaving that out?

how much ass should one kiss? how far should people who only have a g.e.d. have to debase themselves to be so lucky as to have a job?

>I don't hate poor people, everyone should own a few.

the point is that the entire time they were taking these cuts they were far FAR above the industry average.

you stomach the pay cuts because without them you don't have a job. you stomach them because you're lucky to be getting paid that much.
wages should be equal. But if they were all these companies and factories will cease to exist and there will just be government jobs. Ya it does suck working 24/7 on the assembly line for 8 dollars. While some skinny fag just walking around most of his day for 26 dollars.
You Amerifats are literary the most reactionary people on the northern hemisphere. It's like you WANT to get fucked in the ass by corporations
So you honestly believe that a 2 week bakers union strike is the reason Hostess is closing down?

Lel, the truth is the owners see more money if they sell their brands and shirk their responsibilities to meet the pension. They will hand off that liability to the tax payer.

Yay for upper class welfare.
>You're a rich trust fund babby liberal who doesn't now anything beyond what he reads. Go back to /fit/.

it's cute how everyone on /fit/ thinks i'm filthy rich

a few anons even suggested i was a member of the elite awhile back

i wonder where you kids come up with that shit considering i've never talked about money, education, or employment on any boards i post on.
>"We did everything we could to save the company," said Joseph Ortuso, a Teamster and sales route driver from New Jersey who'd been with Hostess or its acquisitions for more than two decades. "We never gave up during bankruptcy. We fought in the marketplace to retain our business. In the end, somebody else made the decision."

>"They're losing [5,000] jobs," Ortuso said of the bakers' union, "but they're costing 18,900 people their jobs."

>"I think it's obvious there was no bluff," said Hall. "Our financial advisers had looked at their books, they had total access. We pushed them in negotiations to where we thought it was the absolute limit, that we would get the most for our members and [still] have a pathway back to prosperity for the company. The bakers' union disagreed with that."

>"Frankly, I feel sick about what's going on here," Hall added. "It's a tragic day for 18,000 workers."


Teamsters aren't too happy with the baker's union
earning 18 dollars an hour for mindless labor isn't kissing anyone's ass. management is kissing labor's ass by not firing every single one of these faggots. and hiring scabs. there are plenty of people who would kill for those jobs.
yeah cause being more like europe is really working out for you poorfags. enjoy your double dip recession
Doesnt matter. Those that make good money are often working lazy jobs. Will likely get sick and die from cancer in 20 years. So have fun being weak beta fags your entire lives.
Don't you have some taxes you could be paying, europoor?
>there are plenty of people who would kill for those jobs.


where are people getting the $16-18/hour figure from. is that for workers with 20+ years seniority, new hires, or what? i see a lot of numbers being thrown around but no real sources.
someone's mad they dont have an office job
but its true right? you're rich aren't you.
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Every time.
>i've never talked about money, education, or employment on any boards i post on.

this isn't gonna change any time soon
But he still can't buy a set of testicles.
I plan on releasing his dox shortly.
>unions get mad when ceos are paid 30% more than they should be
>unions demand to be paid 30% more than they should be

get fucked.
No I seen people working office Jobs. Here I'll describe 2 men for you. One was fat pale and probably has a limp dick. The other looked like a weak bitch. All the women in the office looked like bitches that had their fill with birth control drugs,unhealthy. Woosh enjoy your liberal dream fag. Dead in 20 years.
>I am so anti-social I literally cannot interact with people in a civil manner.

lol, you got fired didn't you?
how is it 30% more than what a ceo should be paid?
>where are people getting the $16-$18/hour

OP source
>“The union’s demands had plagued Hostess for years, forcing — through the legalized monopolization of labor supply — wages that the market wouldn’t bear,” writes Bob Confer in a column for The New American. “The striking line workers were paid healthy salaries, $16 to $18 per hour. In a low-profit, low-selling-price business such as baked goods, those wages aren’t sustainable, especially considering that baking and distribution involve a lot of manpower.”

It's in the fucking article.
No I'm just saying all these dumbass liberal young adults are too busy fucking dogs and cats not having kids that their lives are worthless. And it is just funny that they are getting paid sucking on their respective corporations dick.
i'd prefer a source that didn't leave out nearly every important detail about hostess' bankruptcy, or at least one that's more specific about wage rates based on seniority of workers, or union rates vs non union rates at hostess in right to work states.
O well cultural latino socialist revolution in 20 years after all the whites die from being fags.
I get paid 6 figures to work from home full-time for my corporation. If I gotta suck a dick once in awhile to maintain that, I will.
>The primary issues cited by owner Rayburn was the looming cost of healthcare, union wages, and pension plans. The company already had issues at their production plants which were not operating at optimal levels. The cost per product was increasing with slow production. Union operations complicated production, pay, management. 83 percent of Hostess Brand's 18,500 employees were subject to 360 collective bargaining agreements with 12 separate unions.

lol, Obamacare contributing to the death of hostess
Corporations are a statist construct. Who's the "reactionary" idiot now?
>The average annual wage for Hostess Brand bakers in Emporia, Kansas is $30,000 ($14.42 ph). Emporia has a median household income of $31,372, and is located 100 miles from Kansas City and Witchita with a small population of 25,000.

>An Alexandria, LA employee with username Hard working Southerner posted, "I just want to thank all of you [ ] union hands. You have taken food out of my family's mouth and more than likely the roof over their head. We were working at 100% in our plant. There are no jobs in our area and we knew our best chance was to see this out. But thanks to a bunch of dam Yankees and west coast [ ] we will never get that chance now. Unbelievable that 2-3 thousand can so easily toss the future away of 18 thousand. I hope you are proud of what you have done to countless families."
CEO's should lower their pay when profit is low in order to keep the company running. That's what the Japs do.
>83 percent of Hostess Brand's 18,500 employees were subject to 360 collective bargaining agreements with 12 separate unions.
There's your free market, libertarians.
Welfare retard.
if you want to attract the best ceos you have to offer the juiciest wages etc.

why do you think America has the best doctors?

because we pay them the most. the problem with you people is that you think anyone can do a ceos job.
CEOs should do whatever they want, as long as they don't break the law. Consequences of their actions will be judged, rewarded, or penalized by market forces.
Honestly go to a any store and try to find a Hostess twinkie.

You can't.

All you find is Little debbie stuff, because they out buisnessed hostess.
>implying this is free market


>The National Labor Relations Act, NLRA, or Wagner Act (after its sponsor, New York Senator Robert F. Wagner) (Pub.L. 74-198, 49 Stat. 449, codified as amended at 29 U.S.C. § 151–169), is a 1935 United States federal law that protects the rights of employees in the private sector to engage in concerted activity. This may include creating labor unions (also known as trade unions), discussing organizing and workplace issues among coworkers, engaging in collective bargaining, and taking part in strikes and other forms of protected concerted activity in support of their demands. The Act does not apply to workers who are covered by the Railway Labor Act, agricultural employees, domestic employees, supervisors, federal, state or local government workers, independent contractors and some close relatives of individual employers.[1]
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If you split the costs of living and have 3-4 wage earners in a house, it's pretty easy to live on minimum wage

However, earning enough to sustain a wife and kids on your own requires a much better job
we can never have a complete free market in america until workers rights are completely crushed
>A person with no H.S. diploma or just a GED or an untrained H.S. grad should kiss whoever's ass everyday if he/she were lucky enough to get a mindless job making decent money

This seems to be antithetical to a central premise of the republican and libertarian logic in regards to lessening social programs and regulation.
>The market is able to regulate itself because individuals are able to choose the transactions they desire. They have the means and information to choose actions that are to their best interest.
>Those without a certain level of training have done so because of their own actions and should not be accommodated by the state and should seek a source of income as to better their own lives.

I believe what you have said shows that employers have a much more powerful stance within this relationship and a deregulated market serves to further the interests of business be them to the detriment of our community, be it local or global.

I believe wage laws, social programs, and regulations are needed in our ever complex world.
In regards to the individual I see that government makes investments into individuals by means such as education, training, and upkeep through bad times. Such are allocations of funded by the constituents of the state accrued through revenue streams such as taxation. The ends of such investments are to allow people to pursue their individual ends with the outcome that these individuals will contribute funds exceeding their initial investment. By this mechanism people are afforded their pursuits of happiness, an economic freedom of sorts as not could be afforded if government was defined by a non-interventionist liberty. The government serves to provide resources in ways private interests could not be solvent, with these bounds being arbitrary and changing with time.
That's the problem with utopias

someone has to clean the toilets
2 wage earners could cover a couple kids though. especially considering all the luxuries they have.
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What of automation?
However, a bottom/ shit tier will always be perceived.
Everything is comparative, interpretations of one's life are based on the perceived lives of others and the perceptions others have of what comprises a worthwhile life.
Maybe we will get beyond that....
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employers are restricted in how much they demand to make employees work by how much the worker needs to work.

nobody needs to work the long grueling hours people did in the past in order to live in some workhouse, or shanty.

nowadays we all have enough wealth that we don't have to work as much. if employers try to make people work more people strike or refuse to work there.

as the wealth of the average citizen grew and the the wealth of the united states grew workers didn't have to work as much.
Their both dynamic systems that could are bureaucracies by definition.
Resting your logic on semantics seems weak.
Could you elaborate?
workers have the right to strike. employers have the right to fire them for striking. workers have the right to try to negotiate higher wages. employers have the right to say fuck off.
Could you give me a working citation?
Do you believe people are afforded the opportunity to choose the hours they desire or their place of employment?
I would like to frame this question for those working manufacturing, service industry, or any work set by the rigor of opening and closing hours.
Would you consider people have a dependence on work as their sole or major source of income while businesses have multiple streams of labor?
How do you perceive wealth?
At what level of income does your wealth become dispensable or you may perceive financial security?
Do you believe there to be a difference in the bargaining process between private and public organizations?
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>Would you consider people have a dependence on work as their sole or major source of income while businesses have multiple streams of labor?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. people need jobs to live yes. or they can create their own, or live out in the wilderness.
>How do you perceive wealth?
wealth is about "stuff" what you can buy and how much free time you can afford to spend doing whatever
>At what level of income does your wealth become dispensable or you may perceive financial security?
when you start wasting money on luxuries you have disposable income
>Do you believe there to be a difference in the bargaining process between private and public organizations?
absolutely. in the private sector management and workers are always on opposing sides. in the public sector the govt is the employer and the workers are the voters. a labor friendly politician will be on the same side of labor. and give them everything they want in exchange for votes.

and what do you want a source on?
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can we stop posting this image

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Such a fail post I had to respond.

Sewing in this sense means sewing seeds, just so you know. Not sewing clothes.
what you don't seem to realize is a refrigerator is not valuable in how much it costs, its valuable in what it does. same with microwaves etc.

it makes your life easier, it means you have to spend less time doing shit like shopping or cooking. the less time you spend doing this shit is more time you can be building your wealth
okay, stove, fridge I'll give you as household basics?

but TV? that says a lot about our society that people consider TV a basic

pig disgusting
how does the lower cost of something useful make it less useful?

if something valuable costs less that doesn't mean its any less valuable in a utilitarian sense.

>cheap luxury products are now available for everyone

somehow liberals try to paint this as a bad thing.
you should have spelled it correctly then
it's spelled "sow" in this instance
...that's the point of the images i posted bro. their dollar value is small, and you can't sell them if you're renting anyway.
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manlet pls go
Also, the proper spelling in that context is "sowing", not "sewing".
The union already made 30% wage concessions in 2004 during Hostess' first bankruptcy. But I guess you didn't consider that did you.
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Daily reminder I am retarded
this is why you hire mexicans who are happy to work for the change you find in your couch.
who said it was bad?

it's just a refutation of the chart he posted that suggests people are no longer poor because they have a place to store or cook their food.
why are you posting pictures of me bro

i look pretty great though heh
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i don't have a single one of those traits though

having wealth means you can buy things. if you can buy more things for less money you're wealthy because you can buy those things.

if i can buy a house and a car for 100 dollars am i any poorer than someone who paid for those things for 100,000 dollars? and i'm not talking about resale value.
File deleted.
xD epic ween
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dude tvs are dirt cheap
low quality ones that is

they dont own 72 inch flat screens...
yeah but poor people can't sell most of their appliances because they rent, or likely can't sell their house because of their mortgage.

i'm not really seeing what kinda point you're trying to make here bro, it's great having a fridge and a microwave or whatever else, but it doesn't mean fuck all if it's empty all the time, or if the only way you can fill it up is with government assistance.

you're still poor, you're still struggling, you're still living paycheck to paycheck, you still don't have health insurance, and you're still one car accident or fuck up at work away from homelessness.

people give them away on craigslist when they move for fucks sake
two bankruptcies in the last 8 years. something else was going on. enough of these threads, theres a shit ton of them every day now.

took me two minutes to find this
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yeah, but thats because of technology boosts
sure, tvs from the 80s are dirt cheap because they're no longer cutting edge technology
>being autistic
Check the times, sport.
>not putting tinytrip instead of ennui
he looks more like tinytrip anyway
>from the 80s

bro if it's a sdtv and it's heavy, people will give it away when they move.

idg his obsession with my height anyway, i'm not even close to tinytrip tier
>people give them away on craigslist when they move for fucks sake

let me think of another example.

if one person is buying groceries for 100 dollars a week vs someone buying groceries for 50 dollars a week who is wealthier?

the point i'm trying to make is the cost of the items you own does not make you wealthy. its the ability to have those items at all is what makes you wealthy.

a car worth half as much still gives you all the benefits of having a car.
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elf race reporting in
no CEO in the world can fix exorbitant demands from unions and the inability to negotiate with them or fire them.
>its the ability to have those items at all is what makes you wealthy.

no, you've got it backwards

it's the security you have to be able to keep them, or live without worrying that you could lose them soon, that makes you wealthy.
so? you can still own a huge tv for absolutely nothing. maybe its not brand new but you'd have wanted it 10 or 15 years ago.
all im saying is that thats not really because of any reason except that technology has gone so far that those tvs are, well, nigh worthless

standard of living is definitely improving, and thats a good thing! but people were singing a similar song about basic electricity not so long ago
how many of these have you made?
plz dump on /fit/
It always amuses me seeing people rally against their own interests.

Please continue.

Oh, and Hostess managers got a pay increase last year and the Hostess CEO got a 300% pay increase.
everyone on /fit/ knows how tall i am though
if you can't afford these luxuries you couldn't afford them in the first place. and i don't see any evidence that these people are in danger of losing these luxury items.

and no having items like big screen tvs, cable tv, cellphones, computers(which are also given away nowadays) makes you wealthy. regardless of how much they cost.

You're wealthy because you have these items not because you paid alot to get them. GET IT?
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regardless of what the reason is, the availability of these luxury items is very high. and saying that having these things doesn't make you rich because theyre cheap is completely missing the point about what wealth is.

wealth is my stuff. if i don't have to pay alot for my stuff, that doesn't matter i still own that STUFF.
>It always amuses me seeing people rally against their own interests.

Kind of like white male Democrats advocating for affirmative action?
>You're wealthy because you have these items not because you paid alot to get them. GET IT?


wealth is security, not a bunch of shit in your apartment that everyone else has. i don't know how this is so difficult for you to understand.
>if you can't afford these luxury items to *keep
but i think when you compare wealth, you have to look at it between two different income groups at the same time

low quality televisions arent really luxury items in the western world, although they may have been 20 years ago

same goes for electricity and plumbing, which a hundred years or so ago would too be considered a luxury
>saying that having these things doesn't make you rich
it depends on what you're comparing "rich" to
nowadays, a fridge for example is essentially a basic need today, whereas awhile ago it would be considered a luxury item

if youre calling someone "rich" you have to specify what your criteria is, i.e. what youre comparing them to

sub-saharan africa? yeah we're all rich
100 years ago in New York? yeah we're all rich
>wealth is security
if i have all these luxury items how am i not secure? if i wasn't secure i wouldn't buy these items because i couldn't afford them.

wealth IS a bunch of shit in your apartment.

wealth is food on the table which everyone has plenty of, and to argue otherwise is childish. wealth is sitting on my couch watching cable tv, playing xbox or playstation, wealth is driving my used car to work instead of riding the bus, wealth is knowing that because my products are cheaper means i don't have to work as much and can spend more time doing what i want to do or being more efficient in my work.

if 2 people buy a house but the first person gets it for 50,000, and the other person gets it for 100,000.

is the one who bought it for 50,000 poorer? is the house any worse for not costing as much? they still have the house, a roof over their head.
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>if i have all these luxury items how am i not secure?

because they're only afforded to you through renting a small apartment. most of them aren't bought, or are bought for miniscule amounts.

for the poor, wealth is the job security or social safety net that ensures you aren't going to lose all of it if you get sick or get injured at work, not the shit you buy with the money you make or the rent you pay while you have the job.
i'm not comparing wealth. i'm trying to define it.

take wealth inequality in the US.

some nigger making 18 dollars an hour at hostess is poor compared to bill gates, but he's vastly wealthier than the majority of the developed world, let alone the entire planet.

just because you think flat screens are better than old tvs doesn't mean the older tvs aren't perfectly acceptable.

if you have all these things regardless of how much they cost to buy you're doing just fine. BECAUSE you have them. wealth is stuff. its the ability to buy STUFF.
>>7449437 (OP)
unemployed fuckheads. LOLOLOL
wow, it's amazing how many millionaire corporate CEOs we have here on /pol/

I mean, that must be the case, otherwise why would you take the side of a corporation over your working-man peers? That would be the sign of a fox news brainwashed retard right there and I have more faith in you guys than that.

So good job guys! Way to make it to the top! I am sure that, should you find yourselves with non-union workforce, you will do the smart thing and give them all 31 hours a week. Why should you have to pay things like insurance and pensions? They're disgusting pawns, not a classy rich man like you!

lol you pleb, no. You can't get over a harsh winter with a bunch of useless shit in your apartement that you cannot heat on your own and you cannot feed yourself on your own.
Your "wealth" means nothing if society crumbles. Which happens every single time there is a war. Enjoy your meaningless luxuries, when shit hits the fan you are the first to go.
>because they're only afforded to you through renting a small apartment.
what do you mean by this? if its still included in the rent, i still have it don't I?

>most of them aren't bought, or are bought for miniscule amounts.
again how is buying them cheap a bad thing or somehow take away from an objects utilitarian value?

>for the poor, wealth is the job security or social safety net that ensures you aren't going to lose all of it if you get sick or get injured at work, not the shit you buy with the money you make or the rent you pay while you have the job.
how is paying for a roof over your head not a part of wealth? or paying for health care?

healthcare and housing would fall under the realm of "stuff".
>lol you pleb, no. You can't get over a harsh winter with a bunch of useless shit in your apartement that you cannot heat on your own and you cannot feed yourself on your own.
i can go buy a space heater or more blankets if i'm cold for 15 dollars.

>Your "wealth" means nothing if society crumbles.
when society crumbles the value of my items will change just as value for all things change when situations change. stop being a retard.
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>getting mad when a great CEO can't avert a train wreck because they have to deal with union thugs
>muh unions
Fuck off to revleft.
I fucking hate these threads, the leftist faggots always come out and say hurr durr "there's a bunch of millionaire supporters in this thread." these are the same losers that were pissing and shitting in public parks at OWS because they're lifelong losers!
>I mean, that must be the case, otherwise why would you take the side of a corporation over your working-man peers? That would be the sign of a fox news brainwashed retard right there and I have more faith in you guys than that.
why should i side with someone making far more than they deserve at 18 dollars an hour any more than i should side with a ceo?

especially when it was the guys making 18 dollars an hour that put all the workers out of business.

am i just supposed to side with them because their situation is more similar to mine than the ceos?
>all im saying is that thats not really because of any reason except that technology has gone so far that those tvs are, well, nigh worthless

They're only worthless in the sense that you couldn't sell them for money, because there's a glut of old TVs and most people would rather get newer better ones.

But the TV still performs exactly the same functions as before.
Except in areas where they no longer broadcast analogue signals, atleast.
okay so its clear the leftists think the twinkie sorters and cream stirrers are worth over 20 dollars an hour.

How much do you think the CEO's labor should be worth? whats a fair pay for the ceo?

The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau as taken from various government reports:
80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
43 percent have Internet access.
One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a Tivo
96 percent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry at any time during the year because they could not afford food.
83 percent of poor families reported having enough food to eat.
82 percent of poor adults reported never being hungry at any time in the prior year due to lack of money for food.
Other government surveys show that the average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and is well above recommended norms in most cases.
Television newscasts about poverty in America generally portray the poor as homeless people or as a destitute family living in an overcrowded, dilapidated trailer. In fact, however:
Over the course of a year, 4 percent of poor persons become temporarily homeless.
Only 9.5 percent of the poor live in mobile homes or trailers, 49.5 percent live in separate single-family houses or townhouses, and 40 percent live in apartments.
42 percent of poor households actually own their own homes.
Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France, or the United Kingdom.
Your pic makes no sense. Selling your appliances to pay for rent is a terrible strategy, they're worth far more just being used.

And the family is only paying a 3rd of their income on rent, that's not so bad. I'm paying 2/5ths.
No more than $200,000 a year
The workers should completely take over the business, since no CEO could have saved the company, along with a co-op being the more ethical business model.
>Selling your appliances to pay for rent is a terrible strategy, they're worth far more just being used.

that's the point...................... of the image

>Yes, but those "lost" jobs will come back under different management.
Not if the company is going away.
Libertarians: pro free market until the free market organizes unions through voluntaryist free association.

I love that libertarians think they're so intellectually pure when really they're just ideologue hypocrites who tow a party line regardless of if it's intellectually consistent.
>it's just a refutation of the chart he posted that suggests people are no longer poor because they have a place to store or cook their food.

And a TV.
And a microwave.
And fucking air conditioning.

Most of the 3rd world is jelly as fuck right now.
>>7449437 (OP)

If this is where they're pulling that "mean hourly wage" statistic, then they need to look more closely at the numbers.
Humans: Copy this Everywhere.

Sock puppet software.




Reis is the former president of the U.S. subsidiary of i2, a U.K. maker of software that law enforcement and intelligence agencies use to identify links between suspects. Publicly traded ChoicePoint acquired i2 in January 2005 for $90 million.

Research firm Frost & Sullivan last year estimated sales of that type of software would reach $415 million by 2012

Mark Arehart
Ntrepid Corporation
>>7449437 (OP)
Bot Maker of this Annoyance on the web.
Contact your brokerages and sell all your equity in them
Then get into a short position.
Cubic Corporation - NYSE:CUB

Cubic Corporation is a US Military/Defence contractor, with subsidiaries including Cubic Defense Applications Inc, and Cubic Cyber Solutions, Inc. As revealed in tax filings from 2010, Cubic also wholly owns cyber security firms Abraxas and Ntrepid. The latter provides Persona Management services to the U.S. and unspecified "multinational forces" in conjunction with CENTCOM information operations program Operation Earnest Voice, as provided for in a 2010 contract.

Amongst the Security Services offered by the firm we learn that "Cubic subsidiaries are working individually and in concert to develop a wide range of security solutions" that include: "C4ISR data links for homeland security intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions;" a Cubic Virtual Analysis Center which promises to deliver "superior situational awareness to decision makers in government, industry and nonprofit organizations," human behavior pattern analysis, and other areas lusted after by securocrats.

$20 an hour is the average American wage(even including the mega-wealthy and CEO's)
then jobs will show up at their competitors to make up the supply/demand curve.
except having the item and utilizing its benefits makes you better off which makes you wealthier.

buy a car for cheap is worth far more in how its used than how much you can sell it for.

selling an old used car means a couple thousand dollars.

however using a car to get to and from work, or using it to deliver things i'm selling or going to and from the grocery store is a huge benefit. especially the massive amount of time saved which can be done for leisure or for doing other things to make money. when before you spent hours walking to work or taking the bus, or walking to the grocery store. etc.

the wealth of an item comes in its use. not in how much it can be sold for.
>"stop complaining, you have a microwave and a tv."

this is the modern day equivalent of "let them eat cake"
you imply that unions aren't protected by numerous state and federal laws, starting with the NLRA.

thats the typical wage for these types of jobs. whats the problem?
you still aren't getting it

having a car is not wealth, not having to worry about gas, car insurance, or repair bills is.

having a house or an apartment is not wealth, not having to worry about paying your mortgage or rent is.

your xbox, your ps3, whatever, they are distractions. they are not wealth.

wealth is security.
>want to cut money being paid to workers for the 4th time in 3 years
>want to raise money to business heads and higher ups by great amounts
Poor people spend their money poorly. What's new?
FYI: ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU is a Rothschild. Do not trust him.
Oh, good. But the point of >>7452844
isn't that
>poor people have all this wealth in the form of household appliances that they could liquidate to pay for bills.
>hey. Even though these people are relatively poor, they enjoy quite a high standard of living compared to most of the rest of the world.
except the poor didn't have cake in the situation you're talking about.

in pre revolutionary france, the poor would've loved to have cake to eat. but they didn't.

our situation is a bunch of fat people already eating cake and then saying they want other people's cake.
okay. that wouldn't have saved Hostess. the cost of the ceo's wage was peanuts compared to the collective unionized wages.
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I'm saying that the source in OP's post misinterpreted the data.
>in the private sector management and workers are always on opposing sides. in the public sector the govt is the employer and the workers are the voters. a labor friendly politician will be on the same side of labor. and give them everything they want in exchange for votes.

Unless the public voted in a labour unfriendly politician, because they were sick of paying high taxes for poor government services.
if they were making 18 dollars before those supposed 4 cuts, what were they making before any of the cuts?
Should employers have the right to fire someone for attempting to organise a union?
But he can't power-clean and that's terrible.
>having a car is not wealth, not having to worry about gas, car insurance, or repair bills is.

did a bunch of people freeze to death last year that i forgot about? where is this huge population that is living in delapidated houses in need of repair? and yes of course i forgot that when people talk about wealth the first thing that comes to mind is "car insurance"

>having a house or an apartment is not wealth,
people living on the streets or in Africa would disagree

>not having to worry about paying your mortgage or rent is.
why did you agree to pay a mortgage you couldn't afford? also if all these people can't afford their mortgage there must be a whole bunch of people living in the streets right?
how are they wrong?
>Could you give me a working citation?


>In the United States, the working time for upper-income professionals has increased compared to 1965, while total annual working time for low-skill, low-income workers has decreased.

Amusingly, this coincides with the increase in wealth of the upper classes, and the decrease in relative wealth of the lower classes.

Also ironic that the women were drafted into the work force to help fight against communism. Bet the conservatives here hadn't heard that one.
>Unless the public voted in a labour unfriendly politician, because they were sick of paying high taxes for poor government services.
which also happens. but if a state gives too much power to these public unions or the public sector gets too large, the unions make up too many of the voters and so those who don't like the shitty govt services and high taxes are outweighed by the people who like their cushy govt union job.
Pretty much every tangible good you own is made or maintained by a minority.
>Also ironic that the women were drafted into the work force to help fight against communism. Bet the conservatives here hadn't heard that one.
probably because women are more prone to communist sympathies. given their lack of intellect and emotional impulses
Should the employer have a right to fire the employer for any reason whatsoever?
WhitepeopleareGods went all out in his attacks on that other tripfaggot ITT. Pathetic.
>Hostess asks workers to take a pay and benefits cut
>Does it again
>Does it a third time
>Union says fuck no and the workers go on strike


Eat shit. I don't care if an unsustainable, failing business finally died because they couldn't pay their workers a reasonable wage.
yes. unless you have a legal contract that states otherwise.
I think the article's writer pulled the average wage statistic from the "All Occupations" entry, meaning that the average they posted includes CEOs, managers, and other white-collar workers in the industry. According to the chart, "Food Preparation Workers" earn $10 an hour on average, not $12.57.
True. Luckily, state taxpayers and businesses can move to a more business friendly state. Easier than doing the same thing in Europe, that's for sure.
>did a bunch of people freeze to death last year that i forgot about?

about a thousand people every year yeah

>where is this huge population that is living in delapidated houses in need of repair?


btw i meant car repair bills but w/e

>people living on the streets or in Africa would disagree

someone gonna tell this guy we don't live in africa?

>why did you agree to pay a mortgage you couldn't afford?

a lot of people think they can afford it, but you lose your job, get laid off, a never-ending recession sweeps the nation, etc etc.

>there must be a whole bunch of people living in the streets right?

1.5-2 million at any given time, yes.
so they were making 18 dollars an hour before this last strike about cuts.

what were they making before the preceding two cuts?

if your wage was already exorbitantly high, the number of cuts is meaningless. stop trying to cloud the issue with your leftist propaganda

I'm not going to feel bad for them if they were making 30 dollars an hour and then got a cut down to 25, and then another cut down to 18.
/pol/ has a masochistic desire to be treated like shit and attacks the people who help give the majority of people in society a decent living.
There was also a time where a company would show some loyalty to its workers and see they're more than just cogs.

Then shit started getting exported and we got where we are today. Both sides of the argument are a mess.
I...don't think you understood my post...

The US needed to increase its army manpower and production of war materials to contain the Soviet Union during the cold war. They didn't have enough adult males to do this. So, they figured they'd continue with the WW2 tradition of getting women to do more work outside the home. And now they don't particularly want to leave.
>I think the article's writer pulled the average wage statistic from the "All Occupations" entry, meaning that the average they posted includes CEOs, managers, and other white-collar workers in the industry. According to the chart, "Food Preparation Workers" earn $10 an hour on average, not $12.57.
where do you get that they averaged the CEO's wage into it? (citation needed with quotes preferably)

and what numbers are you saying are incorrect?

are you saying the average wage of bakers around the country cited in the article is incorrect? or hostess workers specifically don't make as much as cited?
If a company says they're going to pay a worker something and then pays them less, it's called contract violation. You see, when a company does this too many times, the union can sue the company and even put the workers on strike in order to force the company to uphold their end of the bargain.

But I guess we should just get rid of contract law,too; it seems to really devastate the free market
a thousand? omg a bunch of homeless crazy fucks died in the cold while drunk or high! who gives a fuck?

>we don't live in africa

okay say we lived in Luxembourg. am i supposed to feel bad because one guys mansion isn't as big as he wants it to be? when can i stop feeling sorry for people?
i would say paying your workers 18 dollars an hour to sort twinkies etc is treating your workers pretty damn well. not to mention their job security and benefits.
>Company signs a contract to pay workers a certain wage
>Company violates that contract
>Company has to deal with the consequences of their actions
>If a company says they're going to pay a worker something and then pays them less, it's called contract violation. You see, when a company does this too many times, the union can sue the company and even put the workers on strike in order to force the company to uphold their end of the bargain.
a contract formed and signed under unfair govt institutions like the NLRA etc are not free market.

is it unconscionable for someone making 25 dollars to take a pay cut to 18 dollars in order for the company to stay afloat? hypothetically.
actually they were trying to renegotiate contracts. should that not be allowed?

and a contract formed and written under govt institutions that protect unions from firings and reprisals is not a fair contract.
Wage statistics are usually calculated with median and quartiles not mean. Otherwise undue weight goes to the extreme outliers (i.e. people who make a large amount of money). Wage data for wide ranges of occupations is skewed right in almost every case so long as there aren't any other factors the statisticians are using to choose subjects. So if one were to use the mean then it would be much higher than the median and the outliers would pull it further above the median. I'm not sure what they did to get their statistics, but it's highly unusual for mean to be used for anything wage-related unless the data is symmetric, which can only really occurs when you're looking at a certain occupation or demographic.
>/pol/ has a masochistic desire to be treated like shit and attacks the union bosses who help give the union members a higher salary at the expense of the rest of society

FTFY. Yes, CEOs do this too, but atleast they're not sanctimonious about it.
>the union can sue the company and even put the workers on strike in order to force the company to uphold their end of the bargain.

Yes, they can. But doing this when the company CANT AFFORD TO PAY THE FUCKING SALARY is stupid.
Just like it'd be stupid for banks to force an eviction of a mortgaged property rather than negotiating for a writedown on the debt.

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