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Ann Coulter and the white republicans are now starting to admit what white nationalists and racial realists have said for the past 40 years:

>>7349973 (OP)

To clarify, the democratic party hasn't won more american(white) votes, in fact it is loseing white votes. Instead it has imported its voteing base.
This is literally the only thing I can agree with Coulter on.

The way she speaks about the demographic changes and how it's negatively affecting America, it's like, I forget it's Ann fucking Coulter with how much I agree with what's said.

Creepy shit.
It's funny how conservatives complain about wage slavery when they talk about immigration. I thought they supported the free market.
Is anyone besides Coulter waking up to the real problem?
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Coulter isn't affected by white guilt, and admits it publicly!

I think... I think I don't hate her anymore.
>>7349973 (OP)
It doesnt matter the republicans are dead. we have sucession to look at now. we will restore the republic and it will be two libertarian parties after we route whats left of the brown clingers.

Could this be the rebirth of the republican party as it should have been?
She's been saying this for years. It's been her whole thing. That's all she says.
As a bunch of white nationalists?

Yes, but not quite directly.
But how is that any different from the old republican party?

They never started to say the above explicitly. The"free market", "color blind" libertardian rhetoric pushed by the republican party will end. They will become what they should have been, gold water conservatives.
there isnt time for this guys the battles over. the mexicans will get amnesty here this term and their children will be able to vote by 2016

the republicans are dead, and now the dems will have to split. With the looming civil war, and war in Iran there might now even be a government in 4 years but thats being optimistic.

the best plan for white people and republicans is to demand succession and begin doing everything possible to make that happen. if we can take it back with politics it will force the feds hand to use force, lose credibility, and then we will win but its going to be a couple year struggle.

>hurr the demographic of white Americans is declining and we are losing votes!!!!!
ok so what are you going to do about?
>ahmm well ahmm nothing

if republicans care about america and white people did wouldn't agree on half of the things they already agreed with the democrats.

fucking hypocrites
Yeah so this is why you cant have a conversation with right wing fucktards.

You make up so many lies to cover your obvious hateful racism its impossible to get the truth because you know the world has moved forward into a more multicultural society and you cant stand it!

Enjoy your quick political death. Imagine when Texas starts voting democratic due to immigration! The Republican party will never win again!
Ann Coulter will be the first to go on The Day of The Rope
I doubt this will in any way help the republican party but if you really want go on ahead us libertarians will gladly take over where you left off after you become irrelevant.

Why is that?
Ann Coulter? Yuck

Libertarians are the least likely group to ever have political power. In fact they have NEVER had political power.

Individualisim is fundementally incompatiable with politics.
ignore him, he just likes repeating dotr because he's so fucking edgy
In the coming couple months I expect to write an important and culminating research paper on why black america is doomed to fail by genetics. I expect to be failed by my university, but at least my voice is out there.
just hid your power level dude.
Tsk tsk, Ann, that's Race Warfare.
The lure of liberty is getting more and more appealing with a more progressive youth who are also tired of our invasive government either you take some things from us or we'll be taking your seat.
1776 says you are wrong

maybe you should expand what you know beyond what your jewish college professors tell you
Well written, good imitation, I'll give a 7/10
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>anne coulter
>right off the bat complains about liberals
What are you majoring in? African American studies?

you sir, are a loser.
did he copy paste that from reddit
>only white people are real americans
music to my ears.

please, by all means, make that your platform. I enjoy watching you fail.

it takes a special kind of idiot to expect America to stay white for century after century of existing on a brown HEMISPHERE.
Something like that.
>brown hemisphere
What in the fuck? Native Americans are not and will never be brown, and this is White-American land now.
I wrote a similar paper (it wasn't as doom-and-gloom as yours sounds) for Ethics when I was in college. Prof. called me a monster but still gave me an A.
yes that would be hilarious. after whites are dead and gone the nonwhites cant run anything and everything collapses.

>Progressive youth.


My god you are incredibly stupid.

Majoring in being a faggot and fucking up his life.
>but at least my voice is out there
but its wrong

you, ann coulter, and most other conservatives are making a huge assumption: that white people are beneficial to america. which is flat-out wrong.

white people contribute nothing to this country. the decline of the white population in america has only benefited america.
protip: white guilt doesn't exist.

one is either a white nationalist, who willfully ignores everything bad white people have ever done in history, or you are not one, and you don't feel guilty over things you didn't do.

What she wrote is true. You not likeing what she wrote and the truth of it are two different things.
That's a nice sentiment, but it's actually true that liberals think the underperformance of brownskins is our fault.
nothing she said is true. you want it to be true so you don't have to admit you and your beliefs are failures.

White people created the country(for white people), built its industry and turned it into a world super power.

Without whites, america is nothing.
I really want to like Ann. She knows her stuff, but something about her just pisses me off
>white people contribute nothing to this country.
Not even American but this is some horrible trolling.

lol typical liberal.
Her voice is annoying.
>not brown

and you seem to have missed the entire point of what I was saying.
here's majority white America SURROUNDED by brown people.
unless you're going to go nazi/10 on the racism and start doing purges, the country WILL get browner by process of diffusion, no matter your immigration policy.
indians created the country, white people murdered them and stole the country. the white race is based entirely on a misguided sense of entitlement
Many hispanics are brown because of IMPORTER NIGGER slaves. Not natives.
What whites need is a good fascist leader to go back to our roots of genocide.

Now I know technically some see that as a bad thing but it built the United States.

Getting rid of Natives solved so many problems. Importing blacks helped at first and they were fine until the last 40 or 50 years.

Now only whites are being conditioned into white guilt and tolerance.

i'm hoping they wake up in the U.S. and Europe and finally have a solution to the problem.

Asians can stay. They'll be a problem for a different time.

And I'm not racist. I just think whites are superior biologically to inferiors
Ann Coulter is stupid

Large southern walls and strict immigration policies keep the brown at bay,
The very old republican party was very liberal so alot

>indians created america.

Not sure if srs.
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>indians created the united states of america

That's fucking stupid and meaningless - less for the fact that it's such a simplification, more because you're hanging onto it so desperately and missing the point of fucking everything. Get over your fear of things, situations, or people you don't understand ! Stop simplifying and putting everything into little boxes of butthurt and hate - fucking grow up !
actually, we traded for the land the 13 colonies were founded on, to the Indians delight
thinking that centuries of slavery might have an effect on a population isn't guilt, its acknowledgement of fact.

I mean, you don't see European Negros dominating THEIR sports world.
indians, funny as fuck

Typical liberal debateing tactic, change the subject and insert liberal morality.
Just a few points to make
1. Asians are unaffected by this so called racism. It's not culture, it's genetics.
2. Niggers living in America have it 100000000000000x better than they would have in Africa. You owe ME for slavery.
3. Niggers in Europe are a HUGE minority, but are still insanely good at sports.
4. Slavery didn't make niggers stupid. It's laughable to assume genetics are irrelevant. Europeans and Asians evolved superior intellect.
not really.

too many are in already.
the only effective measure that would keep racial profiling an effective tactic would be a major (and incredibly impractical) purge.
poor pathetic white people. where will you go now that america has been taken back from your disgusting thieving claws?

do us a favor and leave our country. go back to europe, create a new whites only nation in antartica (even the ground is white!), or just kill yourselves so humanity can prosper.

Oh, come on, it's not that bad on this board.

4/10 but i do like the double spacing.
Natives considered themselves red, not brown

Just a nitpick

Are you pretending to be Native American right now?
what happens when minorities form their own political party...
>democrats losing white votes
Probably because they were smart enough to make an appeal to all bases. GOP just kept pandering to whites only and we both see who is winning elections now.
>where will you go now that america has been taken back from your disgusting thieving claws?

>taken back

But Native americans aren't gaining any new ground at all. They're still 1.7% of US population and stagnant.

This is not true though.

Interracial relationships are not a problem, it's immigration and subsequent breeding of immigrants.

Once immigration is cut, end the programs supporting the nonwhite populations.

I'm being srs though.

I mean honestly I wouldn't care about race mixing and shit if there was a guarantee of at least 200 million pure whites still around.

White people are the best mixing genes and most attractive. I don't want them to be eradicated

not much on a national level as they're still minorities ?
i'm american, i don't have to pretend.

white people cannot be american. they are murderers and thieves. only non-whites can call themselves "american", whites are simply trespassers we haven't arrested or deported yet.
this is a page out of alinskys book
>Not racist
>Thinks white people are superior race

I see. Well, that makes total sense.
its entirely possible that the average white person is smarter than the average black person, but that observation is meaningless for social policy.

consider: in spite of this supposed disparity, there are still plenty of black people who are smarter than the average white person, and plenty of white people dumber than the average black person.

SO, any attempt to implement this difference in intelligence into public policy would by necessity be arbitrary discrimination.

true or not, you could literally not conceive of more useless information if you tried.
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>the white race is based entirely on a misguided sense of entitlement

the jew is based entirely on a misguided sense of entitlement
What's to think? We're to ignore genetics because liberals say so now?
I mean, like Minorities United... or some shit like that, anything that encourages minorities to vote together for one party

non-whites are the real americans. we have taken america back from the whites. get out of our country.
what about all the white slaves, you know the majority of white people who live here now, the native whites their ancestors are slaves. how is slavery keeping them down... lol
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>GOP just kept pandering to whites only

I wish.
>get out of our country.
I know you're trolling but we both know shitskin countries are incapable of operating by themselves. We NEED whites to leech from. I can say this because I'm Hispanic. If you're black or something, I'm sorry for your loss.

But facts aren't racist.

I literally have no hate. Just science

still don't believe you - call it a mind block or something after that last post of yours
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>whites are simply trespassers we haven't arrested or deported yet.

>1.7% of USA, 6% of Canada and only 10% of Mexico
>Natives having any power

by your "logic" white people are inferior to most other races physically and mentally. white people are the personification of mediocrity, yet you claim yourselves to be superior... why exactly?

Except it's not meaningless to social policy at all. You use group statistics to fashion laws which best acomplish a specific goal.

Black stupidity and tendency towards violence would be a basis to change many policies.

You don't legislate based upon making laws specifically for each individual and you don't ignore group trends.
I don't claim anything you're stating. All I want is for white countries to remain white and for diversity to pls go. Asians can stay, we must respect other races with merit.
you guys have the rest of the world. everywhere we live you want to live. you follow us to the ends of the earth because you dont have the ability for creating civilizations on our standards, or that are on par with ours.

thats not going to work so no we arent going anywhere. we can race based bioweapon you, food shortage you etc. there isnt a limit to what we can do, you forget 100 years ago we were riding hot air balloons and since then we went to the moon. your people are capable of eating and killing eachother so no its not going to happen.
>white countries

so eastern europe? you can have it

Wtf does that even mean?

And honestly my goal is to create a master race of the elite on the moon. Any person from any race can come as long as they fit the requirements.
Here's what us racial realists ask for, my reasoned shitskin friend.

All we want is the abolishment of the anti-white and anti-asian affirmative action, so the rare blacks who operate on the far end of the bell curve aren't victimized, and the molding of demographics to favor whites and asians via immigration. This isn't anti-you. Don't construe it that way.
>race based bioweapon

Such a think isnt possible

It is.

There are differences in DNA between white/asian and black.

Aka Neanderthal DNA
Time and time again we see the displacement of a native people claimed to be a bad thing, yet now that the ANCESTORS of whites control a specific country, it is claimed by people that it is some form of divine retribution to displace THEM in turn, despite it being a "bad" thing. A country is founded at some point when we say "okay, we like the way things are now, let's stop". At that point, America was white. Illegals are changing our make-up.
the greatest civilizations in the world were made by non-whites. white people destroyed them (and their own) out of greed and jealously and plain old psychotic white rage.

>isn't possible.

except that by giving in to knee-jerk reactions to minor statistical trends, you only reinforce those trends through expected behavior.

besides, what you're talking about is already done.
there is no LEGAL difference between blacks and whites in our criminal justice, yet police sure as hell patrol black neighborhoods more.

and whaddaya know, they didn't need to have that kind of profiling codified and legitimized by law for them to take the initiative.
Left wingers on the other hand, have so much farther to go when they come to grips with their obsession of race and bigotry.
The Bell Curve has been done, check it out, it might make life easier for you...'Diversity' message is destroying this country, fuck this white supremacist shit tho.
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they see me trollin...
we just don't want anybody to forget where you stand.

we like to WIN elections, after all.
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Some mexifats think they're "Native"
>Most Americans don’t realize that, decades ago, the Democrats instituted a long-term plan to gradually turn the United States into a Third World nation. The country would become poorer and less free, but Democrats would have an unbeatable majority!

[citation needed]
>he has a big nose
You guys know that there is evidence whites came to america first, right?
>a country is founded when we say

who is "we"?

or do white people decide when civilization begins and ends?

america has never been a white country. no matter how you rationalize it.

your rational doesn't even make sense. its like if i walked into your home, murdered and raped your entire family, started squating in the house itself, but built a gazebo in the back yard. would you say "look at how much he's put into it! its his house now!" or would you say "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
She's talking about the 1965 immigration reform
>if i walked into your home, murdered and raped your entire family
How many people would be genuinely surprised if a shitskin did this? It probably wouldn't even be in the news.
>It’s not that poor immigrants think differently about most issues from the rest of us. Try asking a recent immigrant:

>How do you feel about abortion?
>It’s taking a life.

>What should we do about criminals?
>Lock them up and throw away the key.

>Do you support raising taxes?
>No, the government takes too much already.

>How do you feel about overpaid, well-pensioned government workers with no-show jobs?
>It ticks me me off.

>Do you support gay marriage?
>Absolutely not.

>How are you going to vote?

How the fuck does this woman have a job? She just interviewed an imaginary immigrant.
white people have been doing it here since the 15th century. consider it payback.
Natives are 1.7% of the USA. That's including all those white people that think they're native and sign up for tribal membership. Even if we whites and blacks suddenly all left, they would be devastated by the economic and infrastructure vacuum left behind. It would be post-apocalyptic.
dats racist
So do you miss the good old days of separate but equal? Damn,you must be pissed. From shoeshine to president in only 50 years
Ah, yes... payback. Well, whites have a form of payback of their own, nigger, and it's based on the actions current ancestors of a subhuman people, not they themselves.

Except it's not a knee-jerk reaction and the trends are not minor.

It would be applied to immigration policies, wellfare, education, "integration" and so fourth.

Policies would no longer be based upon demanding equality in outcome but based upon what is actually beneficial. Forceing blacks on whites is not beneficial to whites or apperently blacks.


That's what the 1960s immigration "reform" was all about. Ted Kennedy and company were never held to their word in saying immigration "wouldn't upset the demographic balance of the country". There was a reason it happened during the 60s(where most negative things came from).


America is purely a white construction. This not debateable. The land it sits on is not, but land has and will always be taken.
Not at all. In fact, I miss the days that Blacks were all in Africa, where they rightfully belong.

she forgot to ask her immigrant friend about... immigration. the reason that they are voting democrat despite agreeing with the GOP on so many issues.

>we agree on so much! why not vote for us??
>you want to deport me and everyone i know despite us being citizens or having greencards
>A white person can vote for a Republican or a Democrat without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?”
Someone hasn't been to /pol/.

>But that is exactly how poor Hispanics and blacks are pressured into voting Democratic.
So now they're pressured to want free stuff?
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>the greatest civilizations in the world were made by whites. jewish people destroyed them (and their own) out of greed and jealously and plain old psychotic jew rage.

fixed that for you
Natives are only 48 million in number across the Americas, and some of the poorest people now

There are over a billion other people in the Americas now

48 million natives would never be able to take back the continents, at least in the foreseeable future

Can the reasonable shitskin (I anticipate there is one of you in this thread, but it might just be another white liberal) come forward and field the race debate? I want to see what you have to say.
Look away. Look away. Dixie land.
Maybe your relatives should have thought about that before they imported slaves

hey, it isn't me or my political peer group that's obsessed with the idea of the white gene pool being diluted, a black family moving in next door, some shadowy jewish conspiracy that runs fucking everything etc... I don't care about those things because i have a grasp on reality and an ability to see through propaganda and bullshit.
I do take issue with those that ram their fear and butthurt down my throat all the time though, do resent seeing small minded conservatives sell my future, freedoms, and hopes for a good and prosperous life down the shitter because they choose to buy into the message of fear being flogged to them by some cunt of a politician that's really only a front for big business anyway.
Errr... my relatives were in Europe at the time. But yes, I do wish there were no slaves in America, ever. It's funny how few of them want to go back at this point.
you didn't mention a single specific policy for how you "not force blacks on whites", and I suspect the reason is that when you type it out, it really shows how arbitrary it would be.

if you ever left your mom's basement you would know that bird shit is white. white people are shitskins kid.
What race debate? That we're all some hivemind that "tribally" votes Democrat? My uncle is a Republican and I disagree with him for reasons beyond voting against his race.

Actually the north imported slaves and then conviently took the "moral highground" when blacks were no longer economically usefull.

They are as much to blame as the south for the black presence. This isn't even mentioning jews.
Everything that is brought up by white nationalists and race realists. You know, logic. Also, voting republican isn't necessarily anti-minority. Republican ideals also work well for asians, not coincidentally a group with actual merit.
>>Implying Europeans weren't involved in the slave trade.

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arab/white mix here, my fam came from lebanon and voluntarily whitewashed themselves, changed their names, learned english - worked hard and got with he program, i understand that the white man bult the usa and i hate seeing idiot arabs or mexicans running around here like the country is already theres...
But of course. And so were Africans. Doesn't it all get a bit complicated at that point?
If you fit in white society and have light skin you're white.
theirs, oops
Most of the second generation mexican-americans I know don't even speak spanish

Oh look the enlightened white liberal who says we white nationalsits are in fact brainwashed and a result of propaganda. He seems to ignore that he is the one that fully and completely supports the trends supported by media and government.

This is funny.
>America is purely a white construction.
>The land it sits on is not, but land has and will always be taken.

you are a delusional child. no amount of development can cancel out the fact that the land was taken, let alone its owners murdered. everything white people have done since stealing america is irrelevant.

because of the initial crime, white people lose all claim to america. THAT is not debatable.
Be specific, I'm not going to Google everything brought up by white nationalists. I'm also not going to respond to everything brought up by white nationalists because I need to sleep soon.
Ask me one thing.
>because of the initial crime, white people lose all claim to america. THAT is not debatable.
Uh, you do realize that the concept of being "native" to a land is ridiculous in the first place? We don't argue specific lands are ours on a genetic basis, we argue they are ours because... well, they are.
then why dont the khazars lose claim to palestine? dfferent strokes for the jews eh moishe?
Do not do it.

I remember writing a paper regarding the crusades and jewish victimization. It did not go down well.

Do not ruin your life for nothing.

you are an OK guy.
>jewish victimization

what do you mean?

You are thinking libertarians there, conservatives look like free market fetishists when compared with liberals though. Regulations are needed, just not on the scale the left insists upon.
and you ignore all logic, reason, and information, instead citing irrelevant inconsistencies in data as undeniable proof of massive conspiracies covering up everything from 9/11 and the non-existence of the holocaust to your own innate superiority over black people.

yeah, "liberals" are the crazy ones...
Okay. I've noted some confusion in this thread as to where individualism fits into the notion of racial hierarchy, and that individualism obviates it's purpose. We call for a demographics shift towards white society, true, but we do not ignore individualism. We do not seek to trample the rights inherent to man, the few able blacks would be given their just desserts, the very same just desserts denied to able asians and able whites through the racist institution of affirmative action.

Yes, many of you say we are ignoring the individual factor, when our doctrine simply seeks to move America towards a positive demographic makeup on the MACRO level while not victimizing any groups on the micro level. To do this, we should need to do nothing but control our immigration to be pro-white, and alternatively for the more liberal thinkers, pro-asian.

Your response as to why this is wrong?
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I agree!
>america is ours just cause it is so there!

white people are entitled children, go back to eastern europe and leave western civilization to the adults
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So much links Israel to 9/11 – Only a public confession is missing, e.g.
Many key Bush Administration officials came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century). All were Zionists (Israeli partisans). They wrote about the need for a “catalytic event” to mobilize the American people.
Eight months after coming into office, they got their catalytic event on 9/11, followed by the wars their agenda required.
The company providing 24/7 electronic & personal security to the WTC, Kroll Associates, was owned & operated by Zionists, as was the WTC itself as of July 2001.
The owners and their immediate relatives seem to have been uncharacteristically absent on the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of American Jews died at the WTC & the Pentagon, but as best as can be determined, only 3 Israelis out of some 4,000 normally there, plus 2 more on the planes.
The senior fatality among WTC personnel was a retired Irish-American FBI agent in his first days on his job as Director of Security.
A private Israeli-owned security company called ICTS, registered in the Netherlands, provided security services (sometimes through a wholly owned subsidiary) to all three airports from which the four hijacked planes departed.
ICTS also provided security at the airports in Paris & Amsterdam, from which the so-called “shoe” & “underwear” bombers respectively departed.
Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis. Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing.
All 5 were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified.

9/11? I dunno.

Holocaust? I don't care.

Black stupidity? I consider the data quite consistent.

The truth is white nationalists aren't a result of propaganda or force fed bullshit, in fact we have thought about our future and believe or define it as better off white.

The modern day liberal is the one which acts without foresight(not the leadership but the voters).

yep, well that's it for me /pol/
g'night to you all
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>white people contribute nothing to this country. the decline of the white population in america has only benefited america.

this is what brainwashed libtards and useless mud people actually believe
Few of them actually believe that.
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Because muh feelings. I mean really, you could use all the reason, logic, immigration policies, and eugenics in the world and create a "superior" society, but it wouldn't be right to me and many others. Why? Because you vastly undermine the personhood of non-whites and I guess "inferior" whites. I'm sorry, but we're people too. I tolerate the constant reminder that I'm inferior to you, the suspicious glances I get from people, the fact that it's hard to compete with whites in the job market, and whatever accusations come my way. I'm sorry, but I prefer globalization to a racially selective isolationist state if only because I believe that's the natural state of the world.

I could think of different ways to create a utopia, but I wouldn't force it upon the general public because I think I know best. We're in this together.
>Because you vastly undermine the personhood of non-whites and I guess "inferior" whites. I'm sorry, but we're people too
Again, no we don't.

Double again, the claim that diversity is bad but 'globalization' is good seems to make no sense, as there does not exist enough whites in the world to 'globalize' without their destruction, and only native white homelands are threatened.

In reality, this call for 'globalization' is simply a call for the extermination of the white race. Which is all well and good for you I suppose and has rational reasoning behind it, but the problem is you will still be a second class to the asians.

And, I just want to point out we're not forcing "this" on the American people. What many racial realists like me do is accept who we have now as Americans simply protect our borders and remove government institutionalized racism from the equation.
>blaming non-whites for "European" ideas

Humans are biological entities and nothing will change this.

Dysgenics is real and without enviromental pressure the health of race and species deterioriates as negative traits get bred into the population.


Anyway after cutting through your bullshit your answer is really simple: because as a nonwhite it damages you.
>because as a nonwhite it damages you.
Which isn't an invalid response, albeit a bit sociopathic of him.
Actually we have essentially closed our borders to Hispanics. We now have more Asians emmigrating to our country than Hispanics despite not net increase in Asian immigration. And the White proportion is 74% not 63%, If you count the Castillano and white Hispanics that are not mixed then the number increases to about 80%.
In addition the Hispanic birthrate has fallen from 1 million at its peak to 900k currently, and continues to drop rapidly (according to the CDC) while the non-hispanic white population is holding its own in births after an initial drop in births after 2007 (which was mostly among mixed race couples which tend to either be poor white slut+nigger or wealthy liberals and among white couples who are both liberals; note that the number of births is by mother rather than by the actual race of the child)

The period in white non-hispanic whites were the minority of births was a twelve month period beginning in June 2010 and ending in June 2011, however in the year 2010 (Jan-Dec) and the year 2011 (Jan-Dec) non-hispanic white births (births in which the child was NH white) made up the majority.

Blacks have also suffered a large loss in births since 2007 alongside hispanics, and continue to decline year by year.

Since non-hispanic whites have about 1,990,000 children per year, which is slightly above 1% of their population it is reasonable to assume that hispanic whites also have at least 250k children a year, or 1% of their population. Note that there is a very high rate of intermarriage between NH whites and H whites.

We have officially hit the peak of minority and non-white births, and from here non-whites will only decline in childbearing.

It's not an invalid response but his attempt to obscure it bothers me. He's claiming the moral highground but the highground he claims as right is constructed to advance his own interests.
White Nationalists seem to like to make this about themselves, the extermination of their race. Wouldn't that exterminate my race too? And the Asian race?
Am I a third class to the Asians as it stands?

If we all vote to be racially selective with who let into our country, we are forcing our racial selectivity upon the rest of the world looking to join us, keeping them out. Try some empathy.
But isn't a lot of the other side of the argument, "As a white, this damages me?"
And the Saxons were wrong for wiping out the Kelts, and the Romans for invading the Saxons, and then the Danes, and then the Normans, and then bla bla bla. Every piece of ground has been taken and retaken a thousand times. The Iroquois genocided the fuck out of the other natives.
>Wouldn't that exterminate my race too? And the Asian race?
No, your race is safe in Africa and the Asian race is safe in Asia. The question is immigration to OUR lands, not yours.
No right wing person wants a superior world, MOST right winger in the west want their countries to stay full of indigenous population and indigenous culture.

and you whole argument is stupid. if you want a better life for your people stay where you are and improve it there. don't move to a white country and then say that you when a better society to suit you own kind.
Except... your race is safe in Africa.
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I died in the 80s because you didn't know.
You're Native American?
If you're going to have an "us vs. them" mentality, I can't help you with that. Maybe I'd see things differently if I were white, but maybe you'd see things differently if you were black.

It's true but most us don't attempt to obscure our posistion behind some claim of objective morality which is specifically constructed in a way which advances our own interest.

Nonwhites aren't right for wanting their own form of self advancing "equality" and whites aren't wrong for wanting their countries to stay white(and an equality argument can be used in support of that too).

I don't claim objectivism nor obscure fundemental motives. Liberals on the otherhand are masters of it.
>You're Native American?
Again, the appeal is that the destruction of a race is bad... only if it happens to non-whites is quite silly.
>Liberals on the otherhand are masters of it.
That's because liberalism is metapolitical.
Liberals have no connection to liberalism.
There are no native Americans because they came from somewhere too.

Besides, white people have been in America for almost a thousand years.
>There are no native Americans because they came from somewhere too.

Native just means you're born in a certain place. To Europeans, they were "natives".
>Besides, white people have been in America for almost a thousand years.

That might explain why many natives had light hair, but that's still an ongoing discussion. Worth talking about, but no definitive.

Stated bluntly, because blacks really have nothing to lose. The black population sees only one way of self advancement and that is through the white race.

If you know you're going to fail, you lack power - it makes sense to support "unity" and even the blacks suck at.
>don't move to a white country and then say that you when a better society to suit you own kind.
I didn't move, I was born here. Slave lineage, but I'm not going to bore you with that.
People don't stay with their people, they go where there are opportunities for a better life. It's why you leave mom and dad's house.
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>mfw the native Americans started the war with the whites.

>Slave lineage, but I'm not going to bore you with that.
Would you like to be in Africa right now?
Maybe for a vacation, but it's the middle of the semester.

This has been fun and I'm glad I had the opportunity to better understand you, but I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.
>mfw the native Americans started the war with the whites.

There's very little information on this. I'll have to research it.
Sleep tight, my friend. Remember to shake a white man's hand tomorrow for the gift of America. I kid.
These comments are gold.
> free cell phones
Provided by the private sector...since the 90s.

> africans, middle easterners, indians, asians and hispanics who have been flooding our country both legally and illegally and have no skills to offer and are in fact a burden to our citizens with their huge drain on our medical and benefit programs
More Indians, middle easterners and Asians start small businesses in America than white Americans do. The only white small business owners I know are landscapers who own a truck, a leaf blower and employ one or two illegal immigrants.

> Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
Sup /pol/.

> The election was rigged.
> You don't need statistics background to spot major inconsistencies in the results.
Or to notice that the election results correlated almost perfectly with the polls.

> the ordinary man in the street (between the age of 18 and 30) who are (by their own admission) Generation X.
Or (by its own definition) Generation Y.

> I consider them Generation ZERO COMMON SENSE.
Or (by your own admission) Generation X.

> ayatollah barack hussein (I wish I could use my middle name)(muslim) obama

> I've seen so many angry White boys watching White girls throw themselves at the "people of color".
Sound like a personal problem.
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To want to keep a country of one race is not wrong by any means. In fact, racially homogeneous societies are healthier and create more national solidarity. Diversity and multiculturalism breed nothing beneficial and are in fact sources of conflict
> racially homogeneous societies are healthier
Presumably you don't mean anything like actual health but some kind of metaphorical "health." Because otherwise you'd be totally wrong.

Dems seem to have no problem bragging about how "America is changing" or about "the new race of America" i.e. latinos.

Racially antagonistic rhetoric is okay as long as it's against white people, huh?
>she forgot to ask her immigrant friend about... immigration.

Actually, she didn't.

"Promoting amnesty won’t help – ask John McCain, who won about the same percentage of the Hispanic vote as Romney did.

"Or ask California’s Hispanics, only 4 percent of whom oppose Republican immigration policies. Their main beef with the GOP is that they think Republicans are 'the rich.'"

The entire GOP should be lined up and shot for treason.
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Death to the GOP

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