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Californian reporting in

Pretty much have grown up in this state my whole life with my family, who are staunch republicans (I am a liberal) . Going to Uni right now and since the elections have been over, My mom told me once my grandmother dies (has stage 4 lung cancer) that they are relocating to South Dakota because my father insist that he cannot live in this liberal shit hole anymore. He has been telling my mother that my future is fucked and the whole state of California is going to sink below poverty level with people sleeping in tents and eating only can foods. Hes telling her that everyone is going to lose their home because of the welfare state. My father gets all of his information pretty much through conservative radio talk shows and drudge report. '

My point is , should i be concerned about living in California? is my father getting his facts correct and is California really going to sink into a below poverty line shit hole? or is he a crazy deluded fucking retard ?
>or is he a crazy deluded fucking retard ?

I think you know the answer to this one.
Yes because Californian liberals have been fleeing Cali for decades now. They fucked the state up and now they are going to fuck up other states and indeed other countries.
Your dads a smart guy wish my father was like him. I'm stuck with a liberal retard for a father.
Depends on how much money he makes. He probably just wants to go to a state where he won't be ripped off and won't have to pay for immigrant leeches.
lol good luck
juts dont move to texas
we have enough cali faggots as is
depends on your major

also why are you calling it 'uni'? are you some kind of euro wannabe?
Norcal will be fine. Socal will disintegrate, AS IT SHOULD. Becaue fuck Socal. BTW, Humboldt County = heaven

cant wait to get back to school, fuck LA co
Calm the hell down, Hank Hill.
It's pretty funny because Socal is and Norcal are part of the same state.
CA is very republican if you get out of the gerrymandered coastal areas

Orange county is one outlier. Very red, very affluent.

Have fun in South Dakota, its got low population density for a reason, you know
Affluent places are usually conservative.
I hope Native Americans rise up in the future and wipe out all stupid fat republican freaks who move into the mid northern states.
How are they going to do that passed out on listerine?
>>7348883 (OP)
>Radio talk shows
California has the worst shit on talk radio. Everything I've ever heard was always just dickflingingshit and has no base points to actually stand on. It's about as bad as Fox News.

OP Here

major in history minor in political science

and fuck no iam not moving to dumbfuckistan south dakota. My futures is here at school.


My dad is an Electrician so i think he has some flexibility although i know hes accumulated alot of debt too through bad investments .
wwii industrial sector moved there, thats why

like everyone over the age of 50 has had a manufacturing job at boeing or is tied to some aeronautical industry somehow
You don't have to worry... Except for tuition hikes.

Your family, who knows? It depends on which industry they work in and what they have invested. Commiefornia is a fickle beast.
>social science majors

you are easily fucked if you don't have connections
Californians will be the FIRST to go on the Day of the Rope.
BaY area reporting in
California is hanging on by a hemp thread.
Foreigner here. What I know of California was it was fucked in the 90s.

It's now 2012. It's pretty much got to be post apocalyptic.

Anyone with a brain should get out.
lol stormfags
that liberal fear. Smells gooood.
I'd like for California and New York to secede from the US, see how the rest of the country performs without them.

Once I finsh with undergrad school I plan on continue a goto a law school
>Really well.
Humboldt county produces the best milk.
Sure are some happy cows here, I'll say.
I think the only thing you have to worry about living in California is getting shot or ass raped. Or both.
you got funds for that?
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>major in history minor in political science

stop. stop right now. Cut your losses and follow your family to south dakota. Get a job as a mud farmer. You might not get paid as much as someone with a political science degree (barista) but at least you wont be in debt.

Im not joking, this will be the biggest mistake of your life.
California is doing bad because its a clusterfuck, to put it bluntly.

You've got you're rich republicans, nigger democrats, hipster liberals, welfare niggers and beaners who are socially conservative, hippies, massive amounts of asians who get in all the UCs, you've got decent productive persian and indian immigrants, and you got millions upon MILLIONS of BEANERS

California used to be the 5th largest economy in the world. This state is simply too big to manage. Best solution is for itto split up
califoirina is actully a conservative wet dream econmically if you think about it. The smartest/hard working people became apple/google/facebook/etc engineers, or at least high up network techs and such companies. the dumb/lazy ones became poor. our father just sounds deluded, no one thinks they are dumb or lazy, so if he isn't weathly, it can't be his falut, most be the states. republictards are the biggest hypocrits about everything
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I believe californians pray for the shot then rape. It's the better deal.
>>7348883 (OP)

what you should be worrying about son is the race war, earthquakes, tidal waves, the collapse of civilisation, and world war 3. the last 2 things you're susceptible to, but no more so simply because you're in california
>The smartest/hard working people became apple/google/facebook/etc engineers,

What? No idiot 99% of people working in silicon valley came from outside the valley and California do you even read?
* your father
*at such companies
*must be the states fault
my backup keyboard sucks
>No financial center
>No entertainment industry
>No major western port
>do real well

My sides have left the solar system
>decent productive persian and indian immigrants
Please these are the most crooked , sleazy no good piece of shit ethnicities on the planet.
>most state regs ever

any state can be like cali, the only thing about cali is it has all the movie star and jew connections to ring in the initial cash to start up industries
>implying you need an "entertainment industry" to do well

I mean that alone just proves you are full of shit.
>>7348883 (OP)
>father insist that he cannot live in this liberal shit hole anymore

Good riddance to the bleeding fuckhole. Tell him not to bother with any State in the Union. Since he hates America so much, he should do the respectful thing and self-deport.


>should i be concerned about living in California?

No. If Cali was a country, it would be the 6th largest economy in the world. Stay in California, it's going to remain one of the best places in the world to live far longer than most other places.

It'll get even better once all the Republican shitheads go to their Promised Land.
Must be a jew

Only jews are this hostile to asians and indians. Only Jews say these things imho.
they still all make $80,000 a year starting.
but it has to be the democrats fault right that you are poor and never finshed your programming degree right?
You should be concerned about the future of the entire Western world.

The only thing crazy about your fathers opinion is that he believes he can avoid the crisis by moving to South Dakota.
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>>7348883 (OP)
Hey OP, I'll trade you. You like Minnesota? You like 95% white yuppie suburbs within 20 minutes of the city? It's much better than fucking SD, fuck that shit.

Good. Because I hate the winter and want to move to california. So, let's trade bro. Snow hasn't even fallen yet..

Comon... I know you want to.
You mad arab scum? Guess what you are not hard working, respected or decent. Let alone white!
You mean the only people who pay taxes?

It's no secret Obama got 96% of the votes for PEOPLE ON WELFARE ALREADY AND NO DESIRE TO GET OFF
>implying our entertainment industry isn't a major export/income source
San Diegofag here, its not that bad if you aren't in some shitty neighborhood near the border. The biggest worry is finding a job that pays enough to keep you above water with the ridiculous cost of living. Its still saturated in beautiful women and great weather though. On the surface you'd think nothing was wrong.

That said, I'm outta here within the next couple years.

>If Cali was a country, it would be the 6th largest economy in the world.

China is the second largest economy in the world. That must mean it's a very pleasant place to live.
This he should move to Switzerland
It IS, if you have money.
>The biggest worry is finding a job that pays enough to keep you above water with the ridiculous cost of living

NorCal master race here, same/same.
Haha nope. I live in a predominantly Persian area. I've had Iranian friends growing up. They all come from good backgrounds, all their families are extremely well-educated and they're pretty much all BMW-driving entrepreneurs and engineers and doctors.

Indians... Well they're extremely hard working. Gotta give em that. Asians and Indians imo are the least entitled people. When they want something, they work for it
It isn't. You are all sorts of dumb.
>entertainment industry
>six companies sitting on corporate welfare that dont need to make anything good anymore

yeah, we can do without it
Yet look at their country. This is /pol/ we don't join in when some one starts the PC cocksucking of their ethnicity. We call you out on it.

You suck arab.

White California native, we have NO problems with asians or Indians. It's the blacks who cause 99% of california problems.

If all of California made a "No Niggers" rule the state would rebound over night.
Samefagging Arab.
you mean you guys pay 300k+ for a shitty 900 sq ft home with no land too?
haha thats cheap that is my house in Australia and I live in a "poor" area.

I laugh how Californians think they have high house prices.
Why so assmad? I've lived here all my life. I know which ethnicities are shit tier and which are not.

So get out of here, JIDF
Wages are depressed property value is still relatively (and artificially)high and real unemployment rate of about 15-22%. High taxes, horrible schools in the cities.You have to take on debt to get some pretty low paying jobs . High crime etc. i really want to stay here but decisions that have been made above my head that makes it really hard to.
300k buys you a shitty, and i mean SHITTY, home here

i was being lenient
>I've lived here my whole life
>i'm white just like you
>get out JIDF

It's so obvious you are buttfurious Arab. Do you think a white guy would defend "Persians" for this long, get angry when someone disagrees then spams "JIDF!"

Seriously? Minnesotafag here..

Our $500k home came with 2 acres in outskirts of the 'burbs, woodland surrounding our property, long ass paved driveway and a 3,000 Sq foot home.

You get some serious bang for your buck.. but that's the LOLmidwest.

P.S. Don't come to the midwest. Nothing to do if you're not the outdoorsy type.
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Califag here, JIDF is crazy and jealous of the asians and indians

>mfw in a hundred years we will all be gray complaining about the inuit migrants and how much they are an inferior species
>tfw I live in Los Beangeles

Please... Kill me...
lol just give it up juden

cool story bro
A lot of houses here are a mil.

are your million dollar homes shitty? we have some of those
You mad you can't get laid?

enjoy talking to yourself faggot
300k for a house? Where the fuck are you living, a studio in the western suburbs?

Lmfao. A good house goes for around 500-600k in a western suburb in Sydney.
It's not really the same. Sydney is the most expensive place in the world to live. Thanks to Foreigners being allowed to buy real estate. Such as the Chinese.

Thats the californian you retard.
Shut up Arab, not white.
>implying persians aren't white
>implying persians=arabs
>implying you're not jidf
Not white. Arab.
Massive trolling ITT

People pretending to be JIDF.. Very funny
well what im saying is 300k for a house is like, the bare minimum if you want to buy a house

how cheap are the CHEAPEST houses there? we got multi million dollar homes too, of course
>>7348883 (OP)
>Moving to South Dokoda, instead of North Dakoda

Iranians are snadniggers. There is no fucking difference.
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>major in history minor in political science
The fuck were you thinking? No company is going to hire you over some high school grad because you "learned history and political science". Just drop out of college now before you accumulate more debt...
so are there really other people from Humboldt here on /pol/, I seriously thought this county was too small to have more than one /pol/ goer.

While I know there are some very RED people here in Humboldt, most of the county is very very blue. I tend to be blue myself, but I have deeply conservative social values when it comes to morality, but I also understand people are different and we have to live together.

For those who don't know, Humboldt is one of the most peaceful and friendly places I have ever been, and am very happy live here. Nothing more peaceful than the redwood forest, at the very least if you ever get a chance come visit to witness it.

I personally think things could get bad in some of the more populated places, but the less populated areas should be fine no matter what happens.
It's pretty much 3k it can be cheaper but you are going to be living in new beruit.
i find the middle eastern persona a bit abrasive at times other wise no real problems with them. Indians are a interesting people.
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i knew a guy who went to humboldt and came home because the tweakers scared him away lol

everytime theres a norcal poster that's not from sac town, theyre from humboldt. you guys must have no life

im jealous all the same
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>conservative talk radio
Most of them are jews. Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Rush isn't but he loves jews

They are filling your dad's head full of fuck
San Diego-fag here.

Despite being a white male born to a rich family (privilege checks daily), I can still say that rent is abominably high here.
>major in history minor in political science

Kill yourself faggot. That's worthless as fuck. You don't need a degree to be a historian or politician and everyone knows it.
I remember LA being like a giant Perth and I love perth

Its a crappy version of liberal views yet the way the chaos is embraced makes it worthwhile.
Currently in Melbourne and they're even more liberal, but they dont get too many black people or middle easterners. I can actually walk down the streets here and not have to look behind me, unlike EVERY FUCKING STREET in perth. Liberalism is different in different places. Melbourne has been fairly multiracial for a long time though, perth has changed dramatically. I dont see that happening in LA, it always was mexico, but not quite mexico.

Seriously, massive culture shock here though.
Yes the decades of liberal leadership and population mentality have sure secured california as the progressive, prosperous utopia that generates envy from the rest of the union.

we are truly a blessed people to live in the modern incarnation of the real Golden State
come to compton lol

east LA

LA is a big place

Pretty sweet area. Going to school up there

Are you even serious right now? That's like telling people to come to Harlem or Detroit.
I went through compton

Its like kwinana.
Only with guns, and less stabbings.
Trust me, Perth has dramatically become shit.
Humbolt's a nice little town. Good place to stop for coffee on the way to Saskatoon.

Lol. Prepare to get locked in your Oregon-Lite as the rest of the state tanks.
German here. From what I've heard over the years, I wouldn't move to California even if it was the only place that would take me in. Never heard anything bad or good about the Dakotas, so they're probably rural, boring and nice to live in.
really tho, you should just stay out of Somoa, and then you don't have to deal with tweakers at all.
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>Gold Rush
>Central Valley agriculture
>High speed bullet train scheduled for construction
>Democratic supermajority in both legislative chambers
>Has been a blue state for last 5 elections
>Silicon Valley
>Magic Mountain
>Northern coastal Redwood trees (pic related). We have literally the largest AND tallest trees in the world.
>Golden Gate Bridge
>Diverse (ethnically, religiously, and politically)
>If it were its own country, CA would be the 8th largest economy in the world
our state is larger than your whole country, and probably more regionally diverse
Lololol. None of those are particularly good things. Those are all nice reasons to visit, but none of those are reasons to actually live in a state other than maybe the economy (But good luck getting into a real job unless you went to Stanford, Berkely or UCLA).
if you dont live in a major populated area, things dont suck

i dont know who youve been talking to but they dont know cali very well
We surplus soon?
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califag here..it's a sinking ship. It's not sustainable. LA will have the highest sales tax. California has the highest taxes per capita in the country. Also they want to tax the rich even more and drive them other states while you have millions being dependent on programs, high unemployment. How many businesses have already left due to overregulations? They're banning condomless porn in LA county. Further driving them away as well as filming in hollywood.

I know lots of gun owners want to leave too. South Dakota has lots of oil jobs and more.
I lived there for 20 years. I know what I am talking about.

I lived in Rural, Suburban, Urban and bumfuck nowhere. Everywhere I went I found the same shitty people and personalities, the same condescending attitude to the rest of the country, and the same lack of understanding that you could live somewhere else than California.

I found that the only people who were really happy were supremely rich and wealthy, everyone else was varying shades of meh.

California is nothing special and never pretend it is.
You're just biased against it because it's a blue state.
Just finished growing up here myself. I ain't having a family here.
it actually sounds like youre just bad at making friends

but whatever

>gun owners
>nignogs wanting to leave to a state with smaller welfare checks
or adversely
>making much of a difference in CA's future
>not just being buttmad like always
Lol, no.

You are just defending the state because you have more than likely never lived anywhere else.

Go live in another state and you will realize how even in other states there are blue folks just sitting around, and they are not pants on head retarded.
>you have more than likely never lived anywhere else.
Okay I'll admit that's true.
>you have more than likely never lived anywhere else.

What other states are better? Or like, what's specifically better about the people?
>>7348883 (OP)
Your state's fucked, it's been fucked, and it will always be fucked.
And it sounds like you are just someone who likes the 'Cali' scene. People in other states are not (If I can be very frank) as whiny and defensive as Californians about their own state.

You folks need to get off your high horse before you go off the rails, because you are just heading for a disaster and you do not realize the problems that you have created for yourself.
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>You folks need to get off your high horse before you go off the rails,

>off the rails
fuck, was meant for >>7350471
Californians, just how bad is the spic problem in your state? Is crime from spics that bad?
nah i hate the cali scene

im really not a people person, otherwise i wouldnt be here, surprise

im just waiting to go back north where there are less people

also, how's that whole greek mess going? merkel figure shit out yet?
i am half spic, and the only reason crime is so bad is because metropolitan areas are so huge

and the fact that were close to the border


how do you define 'bad'
Lifestyle and a more responsive government (Because this is /pol/). If you live in Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Oregon or any other number of states you more than likely can go in and talk to your representatives or some of the local power-brokers. In California? Good fucking luck if you want to get involved in anything, be prepared to be questioned and prodded at every point about what you are doing there and who your daddy is. You want to work on a campaign? Hah! My constituents business partner's son is the only person who can work here. You want to get a water easement changed? Pish-posh, you have the local Farmer's Association rearing their heads. You want to open a home business? Good luck having your planning board approve it.

On the lifestyle fact? You don't have the same kind of plagues that face California's communities. You never see kids hanging out on the streets, you actually get shows that are not sold out, you get awesome mountains to snowboard on, you have lots of innawoods to go hike and mess around in, you have environmentalists who aren't shit-heads and you have police who don't constantly question you (And this is in the BIG cities).
God that is such a waste of money. The only folks who will end up using that system are folks who live out in Bakersfield going into LA, or Merced to the Bay Area. Everyone else will just ignore the system because it goes nowhere anyone wants to go.
>>7348883 (OP)
Who the fuck refers to college as "Uni" in California?
Los Angeles fag here.

Been trying to find a decent paying job so I can move out of my parent's house one day but no one has been calling me back.

Depressed as hell lately and the guilt I'm feeling from my parents worrying all the time about my future is really painfully stabbing my conscience all the time.

I don't really know what to do with my life.

I'm just so ashamed of my existence.


The same people who call weed "tree" and say "like" alot.
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If your father listens to talk radio all day then everything he thinks is wrong. Feel safe in that.

California does have some huge problems, though. Its primary problem is its fucking prison industrial complex which costs as much as any of your largest cities to run. Only it contributes fucking nothing.

Eventually that will be the thing you can't afford. That's what you'll have to give up. To conservatives and their corporate sponsors? That IS sleeping on the streets for them.
>>7348883 (OP)
Califag here. My city filed for bankruptcy. What did we do? We elected a Mexican that can barely read and who's only leadership experience is running the Boys and Girls club. He won't be able to fuck up that bad though. There's no money left for him to squander on more welfare bullshit.

I am not worried about poverty so much as crime. My town is fucking dangerous now. We are up to 50 murders again this year. Pretty much everyone I know has either had their car, house, or business broken into.

There are just too many Mexicans and niggers here and all the white people are moving out. Severe brain drain. Basically anyone who is moderately intelligent moves to the Bay area or Sacramento. If I didn't have a decent job here I would move too.
i'll give you that first bit, but

On the lifestyle fact? You don't have the same kind of plagues that face California's communities. You never see kids hanging out on the streets, you actually get shows that are not sold out, you get awesome mountains to snowboard on, you have lots of innawoods to go hike and mess around in, you have environmentalists who aren't shit-heads and you have police who don't constantly question you (And this is in the BIG cities).

you dont know what youre talking about

people who are loud are going to speak loudly about whatever the demographic agrees with; if california is known for shitty environmentalists, then those are the thoughts that are goign to be the loudest since they wont have as much opposition. quieter people are more sane anyways

as for that other shit in there, that's all flat out wrong
Move. You need to leave LA, that city is cancer and it will continue to eat at you until you get far, far away. Ask your parents for a ticket to a far away place and have some adventure in your life. Work on an Alaskan Crab boat. Work on an oil rig. Go to a union hall in another state and learn a trade. Just don't stick around when nothing is going your way.
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get your head out your ass
Life is shit
Life is tough
go through that melancholic mood/depression and stay there
or kick that shit to the curb
Drinking usually helps
Just don't get addicted
or do so
Shit I don't know
I feel you though
Isn't it so depressing on how routine-like life is?
>>7348883 (OP)
Only the whites live in tents because they are lazy ass fuck. And the ones that do want to work want to act like they should get payed higher then the others.
IE White people are poor in California
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not really
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L.A. fagger as well. No one has been calling me back either. I know that feel, bro. It fucking sucks. Parentals be busting my balls left and right.
Stop being such a fucking loser and getting a real fucking job.
Work a factory,field, hard labor you fucking pussy.
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>mfw had a job
>mfw fired for working too hard and not partying with coworkers
They continue to close wilderness areas in the Bay Area, they are still considering closing off the Delta because of the Smelt. The best backpacking in California is 5 or 6 hours away from the population centers, the commute always sucks. You go out on a weeknight and you can find youth wandering around.

Oh, and tell me which mountains are awesome to snowboard or ski on? I will show you 15 more in the mountain states. Just because you think Mammoth Mountain and Tahoe are paradises, doesn't mean they are.
San Diego
Help wanted signs everywhere
No one gives a shit because we paid

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