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hey /pol/

can someone explain to me short and simple why exactly palestines and Israeli's are fighting?

Also I hate Arabs coming to Europe as parasites, and support Israel because pic related
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Are you... How can...

How old are you, OP? Are you underaged or simply an uneducated Amerilard?
>implying op's pic isn't 100% true
>>7331882 (OP)
here ya go OP
>The state of Israel is created in 1948
>Jews kick Palestinians out of there land by force
>Palestinians get mad
>Jew keep taking lnd

Skip to today
>Jews bombing Palestine to hell
>Palestine has 5x more casualties than Israel
>Palestine occasionally throws a rocket over
>Jews get angry and bomb them to hell some more
>Samson option
>America supports Israel because America is full of jews who control everything
You mean
>jews emigrate to palestine from yurop until a decent % of the population is Jewish
>arabs and jews don't get along, jews petition UN for a state
>UN proposes charter where Palis get 80% of the land
>Palis refuse, attack Israel with other arab countries
>Israel wins and takes majority of land as a result

cut to today

>Palestinians still buttmad, refuse multiple other agreements giving them land
>shoot endless rockets at Israel, get retaliated upon and cry
>stormfags and libtards berate israel for not rolling over and dying

tl:dr: OP's pic
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I actually agree with that.

oh shit inb4 flag
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JIDF is steppin up its tactics.
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because the Zionists are actually alien shape-shifting energy parasites who feed off the negative energy they create in human beings. the regular part-human Jews are their minions, fully mind-warped and easily controlled... but they are not "pure" so allowing them to occasionally be murdered or "holocausted" is no big deal as long as it furthers their agenda.
they stuck themselves in the middle of the Muslim world because Arabs are the most suppressed but yet have the least control over their emotions, when they have an emotional outburst it is delicious, so its like sitting in the middle of a 5 star buffet and having a non-stop feeding frenzy.

thanks to help from america, which they have all but taken over behind the scenes.. they are now taking it to a global level for a real smorgasbord...

its anyone's guess what all this negative energy consumption is leading to... but somehow i doubt its utopia.
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America's wars and Israel is why Europe is flooded with Arabs

US/Israel wars/instability = arab refugees/immigrants = Europe shithole
>not being the sole cause of WW2

Fucking Kikes. And fuck you, OP. Get out of here, JIDF cunt.

No, I'm just some guy. Thanks for thinking I was part of an overarching conspiracy of some sort.

[citation needed]

Read up the communistic revolutions led by Kikes in Germany, you filthy parasite.
>>7331882 (OP)

>this nice little video will explain your question
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Guys the juden are totally in the right on this one.
I mean they moved into a foreign country, they didn't assimilate and then made their own exclusive nation for people of their back ground and religious beliefs by using force and foreign arms.

Clearly its the Palestinians that are in the wrong.

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