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Watching Red Dawn for the first time. Never heard of it. My PoliSci professor was talking about it then someone said there was a remake coming out. What do you guys think of the first one?
Stupid masturbatory shit for murrkian plebs. 1/10 at most.
you mad you not american?

>>7331047 (OP)
7 minutes into it and they invade some midwest american town. talk about impossible
The invaders in the remake are North Koreans, apparently. Because they've got plenty of boats and definitely wouldn't eat each other once they ran out of food two hours into their trip here
>my pol sci professor
Le Capitalist detected.
They were paratoopers if I remember correctly. Not really an invasion.
North Koreans? Really? That's shit That's why Homefront was shit.
it was cool

back when 'the happening' was commonplace, that makes it a winner in my book
I'm mad that my fellow Americans are pleb enough to buy into this shit.
>not at all Chinese
The original was great over-the-top fun. Especially if you were a teenager.

The remake looks like complete shit.
tff unless they sent like 4 times the population of the area, the hunters would take break from deer.
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bretty good
not really we were on the subject of the second amendment for some reason and he brought up the movie because of the bumper sticker "you can take my gun when you pry it out of my cold dead hands" and how it was in the movie and someone pried it out of some dead persons hand. it was some off subject topic we were having before class started

Yeah, the first wave came in on civilian passenger planes. It's explained in the film.
Should have kept it China invading

yeah they were paratroopers but they made it all the way into the midwest
I am envious of your superior rhetorical skill. Truly our college attendees are the future.

Are you, mayhaps, a nigger?
Its been a long time since I watched it but I remember it as kind of a red pill moment in understanding what was meant by "War is Hell" even though its only a guerrilla resistance movement.
It was Colorado. The mountainous terrain increases the believability.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Red Dawn's spiritual successor should have been World In Conflict: The Movie.

>holy shit, a somewhat plausible reason for Russians to invade an American city
It's got a great deer hunting scene in it.
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>mfw they sort through like 100 billions pieces of paper/

I don't think there are too many anti air defenses in the midwest. Especially if American forces are fighting somewhere else.
The original really captures the cold war mentality of the average american, nationalist pride based on an obvious fiction. The same wet dream of "a happening" that /pol/ circle jerks to today.

China protested and threatened to not allow distribution of the film in China.

The producers folded and ruined the whole fucking premise.

Should have just made it into a period piece set in the 80's and used the Soviets all over again. Fuckin pricks.
Some of C. Thomas Howell's best work.
First it was the Russians. Now it's North Korea. Can we come up with a nation that requires a bigger suspension of disbelief? How about we get invaded by Filipinos?

Again - they came in on civilian passenger planes... not military planes. Very sneaky.
multiculti babby detected
i just dont believe they can make it into the midwest

Except the part where they drink the fresh blood and all die from the parasites.
Interesting concept nowadays

Back then it was a scary concept.

I vote for Argentina.
i dont think its that sneaky but it doesnt matter
It was also the first PG-13 movie.

Jack Abramoff was actually a producer of it.
We actually are being invaded right now by arrogant racist Mexicans.
They were hidden.

China doesn't have a blue water navy and probably won't have a functional blue water navy for at least another decade

There are two armies capable of invading the US mainland:

1) The Canadian Army
2) The Mexican Army

That's fucking it.
It's interesting to look at the American perspective in the 80s and how they overestimated the competence/abilities of Soviet Russia. For example, look at Rocky IV, where Drago trains with sophisticated technology. In reality, the Soviets were badly outclassed in terms of conventional weapons and other technologies, but nobody realized it until the Cold War ended.
Or Venezuela. Bush III gets elected and Chavez goes off his rocker and invades. LOL
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>not liking shitty, murrika-pandering action flicks makes you a babby

That's the opposite of what is true.

The film's producer Trip Vinson stated, "We were initially very reluctant to make any changes, but after careful consideration we constructed a way to make a scarier, smarter and more dangerous Red Dawn that we believe improves the movie".

>North Korea
>more dangerous

I don't even have a face for this shit
and they wont get 10 miles inland
>implying wolverines die of parasites

That's what we in the business call damage control.
>thinks ignoring pop culture makes you less ignorant

also sage babby lel
that makes me angry
Because you have been conditioned to accept the coming invasion. This aint no accident.
I would have liked to see a coalition of enemy forces. it would have been more plausible. Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, have the Saudis join in, Syria all of the tiny countries and have them funded by the soviets.
Not the guy you're arguing with, but how is it beneficial to follow pop culture?
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Good movie at the time,
the problem with the new one is its impossible to watch it with out thinking about how hypocritical it is now. We invade and occupy foreign nations killing and bombing poor people all over the place to enrich military contractors and justify federal military funding. So it make being all heroic and idealistic about fighting "evil" foreign occupiers ring hollow.
Wish it weren't true but its the truth.
The CIA definitively knew the whole time what soviet military programs were costing the Russians. There are loads of field reports of the real situation of the common man in Russia and how far industry lagged behind the west. Someone along the chain of command must have thought it was better to not make this known and instead let people live in fear to keep that insane military budget coming.

Captcha: Orilyar divulsion
if it were happen in modern times it would have to happen from within
It is a great movie.
Because they are easily accessible touchstones that feed into a larger culture. I would argue Red Dawn is one of these.

Watch it and imagine being a 12 year old boy who has known all his life that the Soviets have 5000 missiles pointed at the US and the world could end in 20 minutes. I'm not saying that's the truth or history, but it certainly was part of the culture of the mid 80s and Red Dawn captures it perfectly.

Did you play war with your friends in the woods when you were a kid? Red Dawn was like the ultimate expression of that.

>how far industry lagged behind the west...

You have that the wrong way around. The Soviet Union actually out produced the West.
no they didnt
>USSR producing more than cold war USA and Europe combined.

Nah bro, nah
America... is invaded...

by the... Brazils.
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Yes, they did.
That would be funny. The Carnival comes to a sleepy midwest town and it turns out to be an armed invasion!
Brazilian trannies with ak47

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