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So now that its all over, what do we take away from the 2012 election?

As of this moment, it looks like this is the third time in four election that the winner hasn't won the popular vote. Will there be an upsurge in calls for a re-evaluation of the Electoral College now that both parties have been burned by it?

Also, a common belief is that, due to the strength of incumbents historically, Romney was offered up as a sort of sacrificial lamb by the GOP. Could anyone have eeked out a win against Obama or did the Republicans commit a serious blunder?

What awaits us in the years ahead?
>>7006235 (OP)
Obama IS winning the popular vote, though.
Well, one of the benefits of an electoral college is that the popular vote doesn't vote in a dictator; sadly, it doesn't seem to work because people have voted in obama: patriot act extension, NDAA, etc. Maybe we should re-evaluate this bitch.
Polls said Ron Paul could have done it. Romney lost women and poor people.

We won't get proportional representation because it has too much potential to hurt the democrats.
>tfw when I know OP's girl and that she's black cock slut

Proceed, pubbies. You amuse me.
Lay down a name or get the fuck out. I need more.
>>7006235 (OP)
>>7006235 (OP)
Romney was the best candidate out of the fucking nutbars in the primaries.

Frankly, I don't think anyone that ran in the primaries had a chance against Obama.
Let's give high marks where they are due.
Although romney lost, he did run a campaign that he can be proud of and he did it with unexpected verve at times.
The electoral college will never change it seems, but should, although it's a real head scratcher in terms of realizing that. It would not be easy.
Op, what the fuck are you talking you call him a sacrificial lamb?
It's one of the many ridiculous things of the US.
Yeah, fix that, fix your metric system afterwards and slowly you'll be a normal country.

I'm not that much of an animal. Never know if some stray /b/tard is here to find her Facebook. Unlike yourself, I have standards.
The shit on those bottles is in Cyrillic. Unless you live in a black part of Russia, you don't know her.
Weed is now legalized in some states, so we will get some awsome federal-state conflicts going on.
I am hoping for national guards, who swear not to surrender to the federal government getting in skirmishes with federal troops and a mass populace movement defending weed stores against federal troops.
then screenshot a facebook album
Conservitards lose! Conservitards lose!
The best candidate being the one who doesn't shit his pants on stage,
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>>7006235 (OP)
Obama's won the popular and electoral.
OP is Pooksie she has nudes and striptease videos everywhere, this dumb nigger >>7006850 doesn't know her.
>>7006235 (OP)
Mccain was the sacrificial lamb. They knew they wouldn't win 2008 due to the mismanagement of the Bush administration.
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This. Picking a flip-flopping moderate was perhaps the worst choice aside from Rick "Frothy" Santorum.

Anyone else think the Republicans need to take a stronger stance on REAL conservatism rather than this neo-con bullshit? They clearly are a failed party as it is. They have to reach out to people in favor of FREEDOM and meritocracy.

>dumb nigger
>not a fat neckbeard addicted to porn
>>7006235 (OP)
>As of this moment, it looks like this is the third time in four election that the winner hasn't won the popular vote.

Current tally (from Fox News)
Obama: 52,413,746
Romney: 51,938,063

OP, concede this thread
They need to ditch the tea party retards and start compromising.
Thats not Pooksie
Two sides of the same coin. Tea Party candidates that got elect and went to Washington each ended up buying a car on the tax payer dime within the year.
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Heres the OP girl
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1. Never get your hopes up
2. Maintain your integrity and principles no matter what anyone else thinks
3. Never get your hopes up
>So now that its all over, what do we take away from the 2012 election?
Being black will net you around 20-30 million votes automatically.
As of this moment, it looks like this is the third time in four election that the winner hasn't won the popular vote. Will there be an upsurge in calls for a re-evaluation of the Electoral College now that both parties have been burned by it?
Doubt it, way easier to game and keep the masses in line with.
>Also, a common belief is that, due to the strength of incumbents historically, Romney was offered up as a sort of sacrificial lamb by the GOP. Could anyone have eeked out a win against Obama or did the Republicans commit a serious blunder?
It was possible but they picked a fairly weak candidate, mostly due to Mormonism. Than again i am not sure, i still can't believe america fell for that hope and change bullshit a second time.
>What awaits us in the years ahead?
Massive debt, more welfare programs, a slashed military budget and even more debt. I stopped paying taxes and got a cash job. Gonna hide it with a part time job and shovel as much money away as possible. I don't see things getting better.
>When Goldwater was running for president in '64, he was a crazy bastard that would start WWIII
>After he left office and told social conservative offices, libtards 'respected' him.

Libtards only respect Republicans when they are out of office and when they think they can beat Republicans upside the head with. They hated Reagan in the 80's but then talked well of him after he was long dead and buried.
>Libtards all upset about Electoral College
>Libtards demand replacement

>Libtards strangely silent
Love me some swag bama
>Being black will net you around 20-30 million votes automatically.
And being black will cost you around 50 million votes automatically.

Intellectual honesty. Look into it.
Revenge of the Ghost of Ron Paul


How Johnson Nadered Romney
oh bullshit, plenty of white yuppy stupid bastards voted for him because they are "totally not racist!"
>>7006235 (OP)

Obama also won the popular vote

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>>7006235 (OP)
>Could anyone have eeked out a win against Obama

This guy.

This motherfucker right here.

He could have taken the cake.




But those dickfarts in the GOP thought they would play it safe by appealing to the fringes of their own party with a fucking robot instead of installing a well respected minority member of their own party to fight Obama.

Now they are boned.
Ron Paul 2016.

Activate it.
Rand Paul.

Ron will be too old and senile.
Democrats 2009-20012

Democrats in 2016
And plenty of white yuppies voted against Obama, but "it has nothing to do with color; in fact, I have a black friend!"
No. GOP is too stupid to chose him.

Rand Paul really isn't like his dad but he would be more appealing to republicans.
>What awaits us in the years ahead?
The collapse of the healthcare industry
Full amnesty for anyone that walks across the border
Increased regulations, decreased GDP

Basically a country in rapid decline.
So we're back to any vote that isn't for Obama is racist?

Seriously, we're back to that again?
Bring romney back (he'll be well preserved) get him to lose those creepy far-right hangers on and ditch ryan. Pit him against hilldog. Now that's a race.
Rand is retarded though.
Free health care = enslaving doctors

The republicans have now tried young, old, mormon, and woman. Nothing has worked against the nigger. Even they should realize that its time for a game changer.
>But those dickfarts in the GOP thought they would play it safe by appealing to the fringes of their own party

Romney was an establishment pick from way back. The problem with the GOP isn't the tea party or sarah palin. The problem is the establishment picks the candidates and forces everyone to sing along.

Think about it, the first GOP primary is in New Hampshire. New fucking Hampshire. How are New Hampshirians going to pick a qualified Republican???
Rand is a prick. Shame that Ron is getting old
>even capable of winning anything
Her bullshit lies are so obvious i don't think she could keep a campaign straight.
>So we're back to any vote that isn't for Obama is racist?
Nobody's saying that.
Apparently, you're not reading the dialogue.
Lurk more, kid.
dude do you not understand the irony of a libertarian begging for federal assistance

Absolutely not. They need to retreat back to traditional conservatism and not neo-conservatism like they are. The unfortunate thing is that they're going to liberalize a lot leading up to the next election because they're losing their voter base in the US due to immigration and the slippery slope towards stronger leftism.
Time to go full retard you mean. They should just go full white power and see where it gets them.
The real question is who will run for the dems in 2016. No more obama because of term limits and i don't think even he has the clout to get that removed.
The end of western civilization.

I only care because you're going to bring my country down because of it. And we worked so hard to elect a moderately conservative leader too.

thanks for making me laugh anon, tonight is not a happy night. no conservatard tears, but definitely some bullets
>No more obama because of term limits and i don't think even he has the clout to get that removed.
>i don't think even he has the clout to get that removed.

>implying that he would want more than one term

Your butthurt is making you irrational.
that's not a bad trait in a politician
It's too late for Paul. The time has passed now. Only thing left to do is to improve yourself as much as you can and wait for the country's collapse when you will be ready to rebuild it.
Clinton? Dems don't really have anyone as charismatic as O. Repubs at least have people with very strong passion against abortion.
Man, you suck at reading comprehension. First some guy stated that Obama automatically got a ton of black votes, which is true. Then a guy said that being black automatically costed Obama a lot of votes, which is also true. Then some guy implied that a lot of white people voted for Obama just because they want to prove they aren't racist, that could be true. Then another guy said that there were still plenty of white people that didn't vote for Obama. Where did you get lost? No one said not voting for Obama is racist.
Obama has been a lame duck. He doesn't have clout to wipe his own ass.
Not when the public can see your bullshit. Like how any sane person could see Romney was the ultimate flip flopper.
He got reelected. I think that is enough clout to wipe his own ass.
flip flopping is not a bad thing in a politician
>Then a guy said that being black automatically costed Obama a lot of votes, which is also true.

Do you have numbers on that?

changing your stance does not make you a flip flopper.

do you even primary debates? romney was a complete idiot in 2008 and had virtually no idea what the job of president was like. remember his shitty answers to the process of declaring war?

>i-i'll talk to my advisers

the guy is a wimp, not a flip flopper. he just goes with what others say to be liked and accepted. that's why he didn't get elected. that, and niggers.
>Obama flip flops on disappearing people, warrantless searches, ending wars, and meteing out punishment without oversight

>Romney is totally worse u gaiz

sixteen years of Bush, thanks a lot democrats
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>As of this moment, it looks like this is the third time in four election that the winner hasn't won the popular vote
>hasn't won the popular vote

so reality is anathema to republitards...
Nah, he flip flopped. As governor he was pro-healthcare and pro-abortion. Then he suddenly become anti-healthcare and pro-life. Then he became middle of the road undecided independent voter with binders full of women.
Yesterday I said, "Dad, who are you voting for?" He replied, "The one who isn't a nigger."

To be fair, my dad is an old racist fuck, but my point remains. You can't deny that there are people who won't vote for a black guy just because he's black.

I already attributed those changes to him being a pussy, and you just ignored it. Do you even read before you post?
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>only 1/3rd of the country voted

People are that fat and lazy now?

Many voted against Romney because he's White. What a dumb argument you guys are having.
It has nothing do with being fat or lazy, it has everything to do with realizing voting doesn't matter.
Can you imagine Romney negotiating with China on debt? Or Japan or the other domestic bankers that hold our debt. He'd fucking fold and sell out the nation.
Jesus Christ, can you guys read things before you post? Read this: >>7008388

All I'm saying is that no one said not voting for Obama makes you racist as this asshole implied. >>7008977
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Wha bout Herman Cain?
...except if a mere 10 million more voted for Romney in select places he could have easily won?
Great Britain sends its condolences to Mr. Romney and his Magic Underwear.

We also send Congratulations to Mr. Obama.

If America is happy, we are happy. Every parent likes to see its children live well.
Kind of disproves the "blacks stick together" thing.
Living in louisiana I can tell you this guy is shit

Unless you like privatizing teachers, state workers, and public works employes
Fuck you, you aren't even my real mom.

Blacks will vote for a Black president because they believe their interests will be better represented by them. Whites do the same. Better yet, hispanics would rally to a Hispanic candidate just as much.

No it doesn't.
>implying if republicans had the black candidate blacks wouldn't vote for him
There are ~310 million people in the whole country, you dumbass faggot. That includes the population that's ineligible to vote.

So when you consider that, 100 million+ votes cast shows that there was pretty damn good turnout, especially when you factor in that the most populated part of the country was hit by a hurricane last week.

No, but we're your neglectful father.
It means that the right has a secure victory in 2016 when inevitably ruins the country and has nobody else to blame but himself.

Lost the battle, winning the war.
Around 6 billion dollars spent on Campaigning and we are really supposed to believe corporation's are deciding half of what the elected Political Party says and does.
The right has to come to the middle more for a snowballs chance in hell.

That kind of change is going to take at least 2 more election cycle buttfuckings.

I'm thinking that the Republicans are going to liberalize a fair bit leading up to the next election. They got to. White middle class voters are becoming a minority and they're the main voting base for Republicans.
>Many voted against Romney because he's White.
So, how did those people vote in the elections before 2008, when both major candidates were white?

"Oh, I'm voting for this one, because his complexion is ruddier than the other."

Do you realize how irrational you sound?
Trips make your opinion valid and thoughtful.

like mine!>>7010980
>>7006235 (OP)
she's pretty

I think you'll find that African-Americans simply wouldn't have voted that time around. I wasn't only refering to White people.
Explain why all the blacks went ape shit (I thank you) and started posting 'fuck white people' everywhere and screaming it at the top of their lungs every which way?

If you're white, expect to be the victim of a hate crime if you go one foot out your door without a pistol or mace. I predict a drastic rise in hate crimes against whites and a drastic rise in black on white crimes. I predict white people will leave America to some extent as well.
>Blacks will vote for a Black president because they believe their interests will be better represented by them.

So, you're trying to say that, if Alan Keyes had somehow gotten the Republican ticket in 2000, blacks would have voted for him?

If you are, then you really don't know anything about blacks.
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So, you're saying that blacks never bothered to vote in a presidential election until 2008?
So, what exactly were those black people dying for in the 50s and 60s in the South?
Holy fuck are you paranoid.
>all the blacks went ape shit
>five blacks

I don't think you have a representative sample there, sunshine.
actually, Jindal wasnt running because he wanted to finish his term as governor, which will help him in 2016, it'd be next to impossible to beat Obama. An incumbent, popular charismatic president who killed fucking Bin Laden?
You actually think children would even count for greater then 75 million? That's still at the very least 100 million to work with. That is near the same fucking number that bothered voting that are sitting on their couches eating Doritos and drinking mountain dew. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. A terrible awful turnout.
Half the country voted against him. Thats not exactly popular.
I'm black.
I'd vote for Huntsman, because his skin is kind of tan.
Convicted felons can't vote either.
>glass half empty
Half the country voted for him.

There's also the fact that some people had to work through the times the polling stations were open.
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2016 baby

No, I never said that. I'm saying they turned out in far greater numbers because he's Black.
So one is "a lot" in an election where tens of millions of people cast votes?
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Not paranoid. Prepared to do whats necessary. At this point I've lost most of my faith in democracy. What I took away from the election was this; getting a sizable minority to vote your way no matter what, regardless of what your policies are or decisions have been, as barack obama has done, is effectively a means to cheat the system and always have an extra weight to your voters. Blacks will continue to vote Barack obama, then scream 'racist' and riot when he's not allowed a third term. They won't understand and won't care what the regulation says. They want their man to run this country, and they are going to vote for him, no matter what.

Buy guns. Learn survival and guerilla strategy.

My hopes being dashed in this election didn't shatter my emotions. It turned me into a radical nihilist.

Adapt to my way of existing if you want to live.

I don't care if I'm being monitored. I don't care if I get vanned. Words are my weapons. Prison walls, a bullet, a bomb, these things don't affect an idea.
For an incumbent president thats pretty bad.

I'm sure some would have, yes.
>So now that its all over, what do we take away from the 2012 election?
You're still an aweful democracy for continuing with indirect vote and voting machines.

People voted in George W Bush for a second term.
And I'm saying that whites turned out in greater numbers to counteract that surge in the black vote, and whites outnumber blacks in this country 7 to 1.
Obama is ahead in the popular vote by over a million and it's only going to get worse as more of Cali gets tabulated.

I think the best thing to come out of this is the possible ideological death of the GOP. Goldwater-style conservative economics may actually be able to make a comeback while the tea partiers and evangelicals hatefuck each other to death. Then the blue dogs can stop pretending to be democrats and we might have a clear ideological divide between the two major parties that isn't derived from some religious text (Bible, Ayn Rand, whatever).
>I don't care if I'm being monitored. I don't care if I get vanned. Words are my weapons. Prison walls, a bullet, a bomb, these things don't affect an idea.
Are you Jared Loughner?
Tell me that you honestly believe that he's the only racist guy in the country. You don't think you can find a lot of people with a similar sentiment to him in the South? It's kind of hard to find numbers on a subject like racism. Who's going to admit to that? But really, get your head out of your ass if you believe racist people don't exist.

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