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Liberty isn't that far off.
>Liberty isn't that far off.

libtards hate marijuana legalization because
>muh regulations
Im so lifted i forgot to vote, but its okay, the right man won...
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>libtards hate marijuana legalization
We are entering a brave, new world.
>the right man won

Yes, making drugs super illegal, fucking love obama.
Now if we can only legalize crack and meth, the drug trade would be completely destroyed

>libtards hate marijuana legalization

The last two digits in your ID are now your IQ.
Yeah it's always that way. Conservatives wanting to legalise pot and liberals fighting to keep it illegal.
>libtards hate marijuana legalization

Face it democrats love the drug war.
>Everyone excited about legal pot
>Not understanding its still against Federal Law

Ooohhh boy, here we go....
>Yeah it's always that way. Conservatives wanting to legalise pot and liberals fighting to keep it illegal.

lol. The rewriting of history has BEGUN!

Good job throwing Reagan under the bus... seeing how he mobilized mandatory sentencing for drug crimes.
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>>7004609 (OP)
its not legallized it has to be grown by state licenced growers and dispensed in state run stores. anything else gets you federal time.
Smoking pot watching gay porn

Woot woot

Reasons to celebrate

Have you read a history book? It's the same thing that happened with prohibition.

The pot industry is going to bring a huge amount on money into seattle, god knows we need it.
Liberals ARE the ones fighting to keep it lega.

We're all libertarians here.

Considering medical stores have the same laws, all they have to do is remove 'medical' from their storefronts and its weed for everybody.
>conservatives hate marijuana legalization because
>>muh traditional values

fix'd for you :)
What are they gonna do, invade Colorado and Washington? Impose martial law over pot?

Voters on those two states have started down a path towards shifting not just national, but GLOBAL drug policy. There will be a dozen states with legal pot within the next five years, and even more after that.

This is the beginning of the end of prohibition.
Those bars don't really differ that much.
100% of libertarians want it legal.

Liberals will do everything to keep their regulations in play.
Except for everything gets you federal time, state law does not trump federal law. Marijuana is still illegal, but the feds have to hassle you about it, not state or local police.
A step in the right direction.

I want weed to be legalized not because I smoke it, I don't, but because weed alone is tearing Mexico apart thanks to weed making so much money for drug cartels.

I got family in Mexico. Shit is not pretty.
>32% difference
>not that much
nigger, what?
> not understanding how much or how little Johnny Federali is going to be able to enforce law if it's decriminalised in the States
No but they can stop paying your state social security, stop funding roads, shit like that. Watch you wither on the vine.
but you'll rarely find feds just wandering around town pretending to have jurisdiction.
nope medical stores are actually going to have to be shut down and re-opened as state run stores. just one more thing for the government here to control
washington, colorado...

i fucking love you guys.
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They legalized its consumption, not its production or distribution. Meaning, you can't go to jail for possession (but you can go for producing it.)

I don't think possession was a felony in any of the States it was legalized in, either, but I could be wrong on that.
>This is the beginning of the end of prohibition.

Sure hope so. Over here in Australia we'll be wanting to use the next five year as a case study for our own law, but keep in mind that you're going to have Fox and co blaming every single newsworthy tragedy in those states on pot.

That's just Obama.

And he is more neocon than libtard.
>pretending to have jurisdiction
they have jurisdiction over the entire US. And do you really think your local and state officers are going to try and arrest federal agents enforcing federal law?

Yes, businesses can be built and operate, but the government can seize assets at any time.
>They legalized its consumption, not its production or distribution. Meaning, you can't go to jail for possession (but you can go for producing it.)
I thought they legalized it's production and sale and said you can grow like 5 plants?
Doesn't federal law allow DEA agents to shut down marijuana dispensaries despite state law allowing them?
No, colorado's bill legalizes possession of up to an Oz and 6 plants.
Fuck are you talking about nigger?
>>7004609 (OP)
>implying this country isnt full of a bunch of heroin junkie coke head meth addicts

They introduced it to the free market. Have to be 21 to purchase.
yes but obama told them to stop. however that was for medical. he needs to make a new declaration.
>mfw most of the people that want legal marijuana are stoners that just want to smoke weed.

Do you really need your weed that badly? Do you really need to get high? You have to fight for it to get it. Proof that it's addictive. Exactly the same as masturbation. You can't seem to go a day without it.
>mfw delicious tears

>states rights
>10th amendment

It doesn't hurt you, so why the fuck do you care? Do you want me to stop jacking off too?
Not true. Colorado's sets up state stores and licenses growers.
Neither does alcohol.
Jacking off isn't good for you.

Do you really need alcohol so badly? Do you really need to get drunk? You had to fight for it to get it. Proof that it's addictive.

You clearly don't know anything about weed

Alcohol addiction is no joke. Marijuana addiction... Eh. I've been doing it for quite a long time. Once before bed every night. I work, take care of my family...

I still don't want alcohol illegal though
Just watch, somebody makes a court case, goes up to supreme court, supreme court says "states can do with drugs as they like cause 10th amendment" and the rest will be history.
>>7004609 (OP)

>And I also think the polls were so off there was FRAUD big time...my last comment. God help the USA. We'll need it.

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i'm in washington. pretty stoked
>>mfw most of the people that want legal marijuana are stoners that just want to smoke weed.

Nice assumptions though, faggot.
>marijuana becomes the new tobacco
>cocaine replaces marijuana as the hipster drug
>cocaine is legalized
>crack replaces cocaine as the hipster drug
>all the hipsters die

That's kind of the point, the fact that you worded it in that manner to say "You don't know what it's like, so you don't know what I am or aren't" completely shows you to be a junkie.

I smoke but I do it in moderation, you fucks smoke so much that if it were food you'd be too big for your bed.

As nice as that sounds, that's an obvious slippery slope fallacy.
>other countries legalize drugs
>drug use goes down

>united states legalizes drugs
>everyone dies and the united states becomes an anarchist state
conservative logic

I work at Publix. We have frequent drug tests because of paranoid Christian managers. I wish I could smoke, but I'd lose my job.

So no, I'm not a junkie. I used to enjoy a joint every now and then, but it was not an every day thing. Weed isn't fun when you smoke every day and when you smoke alone(in most cases). I prefer to smoke with some close friends.

I agree that there are some people that go too far with it, but you can say that about anything, including fast food.
>implying gang activity and cartel intimidation of local businesses won't skyrocket
>cartel intimidation of local businesses
Not that far north.
So I don't get this. Is Colorado's decision merely symbolic? Don't the state and local authorities still have to enforce the federal law?
Colorado (especially the south) is highly populated by Mexicans, not too farfetched to assume that some are linked to cartels
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Pure white mountain paradise here in the San Juans.
Legalize everything.
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Answer please
>inb4 the cops start id checking the 5 mile drive
washingtonfags know what im talking about

Washington doesn't have mexicans west of the cascades
Cartels are against legalization.

Seriously, some of the biggest anti-pot promoters in Washington were the drug dealers running scams with medical marijuana dispensaries.
>>7004609 (OP)
It matters not. Feds gonna Fed like they did to Cali.
>hating marijuana

You gon full wot m8
>Not understanding its still against federal law
and that's why your symbol is the dong party, because you obviously like penis

none of you asshats realize that this was the PLAN.

the narcotics convention of 1961, which the US was very much apart of still stands to this day. because it is legal at the state level and illegal at the federal level, Read: we are still abiding by the convention. the US has "a have our cake and eat it too" scenario.
Obama ordered the Feds to back off of Cali.
The State government has it legal, but the Federal government can step in and say No, that shit is still illegal. I am not 100% sure how things work in the states, as they work different in Canada. Like in BC pot is decriminalised, so if you have a small amount and you are caught by local police it generally is no biggie, but if the RCMP catches you it is a bit different. Not sure who local police forces answer to: state government or the federal government.
no, the state has basically told the DEA and the feds: "You wanna enforce it? go ahead. not our job anymore"

so unless you get pulled over by the FBI. nobody is going to do shit.

State cops won't enforce federal law. You have to be raided by the DEA or some federal agent to be arrested.
and even then, they will probably just harass you without filing charges. trying to prosecute anyone will just create martyrs. the federal government is going to just ignore colorado and pretend nothing is happening.
State level authorities are no longer tied into having to fight the DEA's failed war and can go about ignoring pot user's, growers, and or sellers within the limits of the law. The FEDERAL authorities can still raid your shit though this includes any of the Alphabet soup National agencies such as FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. and any AUSA's vetted by the federal government.
so it's like hard alcohol?

i am fine with this.
I drink beer now and then but if alcholol was completely banned o wouldn't give a shit..so that is why I can't conprehend this excitement over weed..
No, local government is not required to enforce Federal laws.
and really, they are going to go after the storefronts and grow ops.

washington's law is brilliant, as it means the DEA has to go after state-licensed grow ops and state-owned stores. this and the tax dollars these stores should bring in make it very much in the state police and state government's interest to proactively fight the dea and the rest of the feds in regards to the weed laws.
Many humans being cannot function without drugs honestly and I don't blame them, this world is a fucking shithole.
You don't need to be Christian too not want drug addict employees
maybe gabe newell will finally get the inspiration he needs to finish episode 3
if they go after it hard, it's only as a ruse to force the supreme court to set likely weed favorable precedent without damaging the political party.
industrial hemp motherfucker

used to be you had to have a special permit from the DEA (imagine how many of those they hand out? not many) and you could only grow so much.

Paper, textiles, oil, and the massive support industries that go along with that are going to create an economic boom. Colorado will have the lowest unemployment rate in the nation within a year.
no, but windows 9 will be made by stoners.
>state-owned stores.
>Rainbow colored superbar
>Candy looking icons
>Smoke effect when switching windows

Calling it now.
>but the Federal government can step in and say No
and obama can tell them to stop
Legalize prostitution next and we'll finally have an Amsterdam in America (the continent).
So what will these "raids" look like when the pot stores will be a source of revenue for the state?
it will just be a bunch of posturing and dick waving. people will get cuffed, the store will get tossed, but at the end of the day everyone gets to go home with no charges filed.

thats how nearly all the DEA raids on dispensaries in california went.
Amsterdam in 'Murrricaa
ORfag here
Jelly of WA's weed and gays
A bunch of DA's, State Attorney's, AUSA's trying to build a career on "protecting muh children" bullshit. Bullshit posturing that will go nowhere since most state judges won't want to touch it and local authorities will be uncooperative.

tl;dr Shell games.
>NY will never legalize pot

this is some bullshit
you guys almost passed it last year. i was rooting for you to be the first ones too. sorry bro, COfags beat you to it.
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Weed is 3-0

The one great victory for liberty tonight

They're just petrified they're going to be defunded.
It might be different here where it is not just medical marijuana that is legal but all of it.
That's what you get for voting in His Majesty Bloomberg and his idiot crony of a governor.
they should be looking at how they can get into a more equipped, military like presence because of this. they'll get to fight nothing but hard criminals from here on out, but it won't actually be that dangerous, but they should be able to hype it as such and get MORE FUNDING.

I can't believe I just read this. I can't believe it more because it's fucking true. Legal pot in two states, gay marriage in another, gay senators, black president, FIFTY ONE STATES.

This election is truly amazing.
The (very real) boogeyman down south will keep them funded.
different in that instead of 5 guys raiding one store, it will be a block of stores and 5 guys standing around scratching their asses.
You must be the gayest person on 4chan.
Can someone please detail or provide a link that outlines the important state measures this cycle.
washington is the exact same, if anything more state run. should really give the state reason to fight those jerk off DEA faggots and the DOJ that backs them.
So basically, you can have up to an ounce of cannabis in colorado and you can grow up to 6 plants (in an enclosed space). You must be 21.
In washington there isn't much info. You must be 21.
And massachusetts now has medical cannabis which basically means it'll be legal eventually any ways
Oregon failed by 6%.
How long will it be until other states legalize marijuana too??!
The excitement comes from knowing now you won't get thrown in a cage like an animal for smoking some marijuana.
I think they can only vote on it every two years so at least that long
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Feds will raid the shit out of the state. "Obama told the feds to lay off"... that was for California with 'medical' dispensaries.

In reality, the feds don't need to raid. They just need to tell the state they will withhold federal funding of some kind if they keep it legal. Same reason every state has a drinking age of 21.
once the other states get jelly of all the dosh that CO and WA are making. doesnt fucking matter what you think about pot, when push comes to shove niggers want jobs.
Depends on how well the taxing works out in CO and WA

Don't fuck this up you guys....just don't.
washington it's basically 21+, state run weed stores, no public use, can be busted for high driving (blood test for active cannabinoids,) no private grows, taxes from weed sales fund rehab. no limit on amount carried i think.
what's funny is that the federal law overrides this shit so it doesnt even matter

stay mad bums
>Same reason every state has a drinking age of 21.
And I thought Australia was bad.
what i read of washington its still illegal to grow your own
Keep in mind there are states that refusing to legalize the lottery.
What are you guys talking about
they could have referendums next year.
I'm pretty sure the hippy stoner community will ruin it in some way. The drug culture behind Marijuana is its biggest impediment to ever becoming mainstream.
and obama overrides them
I'd love to see that show down.

Love to see it.
I'm the boogeyman anon, and by boogeyman I mean the Mexican cartels and their rampan violence.
which will create a shitstorm about states rights and bring this issue to congress and the supreme court. which is exactly what the feds DONT want. they are going to just turn a blind eye and pretend everything is business as usual.
I am really interested in seeing how the state and federal government clash on this. It seems like a small deal but it could easily snowball into a huge issue.
illegal to grow your own, which is really a sop to the cops to let em bust grow ops, and it's protection of the state run stores' weed sales racket.
Has been for years, but it's nothing like it was through the 80s and 90s, some credible people are in the movement these days.
I am personally okay with it, the local growers are funnily enough, the biggest impediment to legalization.
Colorado, Washington, don't fuck this up

Be responsible with your weeds
>voting in

Lol. NY politics, especially NYC politics, doesn't work like that.
>>7004609 (OP)

How does it being legal in a few states go with the federal prohibition of Marihuana?
You're not even making sense.
shit I forgot about that
im telling you, its the industrial hemp thats going to be the money maker. CO has a fuckload of farm land. dollars to donuts there will be at least 2-4 new large scale paper/textile companies in colorado before 2014.
What happens if you posses weed between the ages of 18-21? Is that a weird legal grey-zone?
AKA legalized
probably the same as alcohol.
This, if it goes to supreme court, FEDs will not like the answer.

They won't go after the states where it is legal. Besides, WA needs that weed money to shore up it's budget.
Probably same punishment as under aged drinking

Don't worry Washington is taxing the fuck out of it


They're gonna make bank off this shit even if its just stoners booming the tourism industry saying WHOAH MAAAAN IM GOING THERE GET ME SOME you're state will see it and want in on it too.
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Read, nigga

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