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>tfw shitloads of adrenaline coursing through you because Obama and every senate candidate you wanted to win won, gay marriage is legal in more states, and pot is fucking LEGAL in 2 states

For real? It won?
I've gotta go check first. You might be screwing with me.
OH SHIT you were serious.
Huh. Good for them.
21st century will be the american century

>murka expands to a vast empire starting with puerto rico
>economic boom under obama and continuing afterwards

calling it now
I'm actually curious about what he meant when he whispered to Russian President about "being flexible" if he won re-election.
>51 states
Citation needed, or it didn't fucking happen.
But what of the house of reps?
>feel bad lib fags
don't worry conservatives, this is all for the best.

Remember how during WW2 everyone was afraid that Russia wouldn't stop at Germany?

Imagine if the US and Russia decided to take it all....
This is the best election in fucking forever, excluding the choice of candidates.
I havent seen shit about PR voting for statehood outside of /pol/

it seems sketchy to me.
Puerto Rico, man.

^ That's people talking about how it could happen tonight.
And I suppose it did. I don't have sources on it either, but then again I'm not OP, and I don't care about convincing anyone. We'll all know soon enough, in some way or another.
It's on CNN right now.
Weed is legal in WA and CO, OR did not pass it.

> we only need to add 6 more states so that Obama can time travel and visit them all before the 2008 election

I know that it COULD happen, but I want to see results.

I honestly want to see how this pans out.

On one hand, I'm happy to see we're finally going to get a chance to show that legalized pot does not produce harmful effects on the populace at large...

... But on the other hand I want the legalization to result in some pretty severe issues with crime, economics and cultural stagnation because I REALLY want to taste stoner tears.
We also admitted beforehand that it was unwinnable meanwhile
>repubs choke in the senate HARD
>mittens losing
>gay marriage legal in several new states
>pot legal in CO
Stay mad
colorado and washington
Over 21 can own up to 1oz and have up to 6 plants for personal use in CO, IIRC.
Dunno about WA.
you can't grow it in WA but you can buy it like cigarettes from stores
I hate both democrats and republicans, but holy fuck gay marriage and weed legalized makes this the trollsiest election ever

Damn it, there was a poll up on this site that was showing the votes for statehood ahead by 30%. Not sure what happened to the webpage.


Actually, never mind. It's here-

The numbers haven't changed in a few hours though, so I'm not sure how it turned out.
Grow it yourself or buy it from government-regulated specialty stores for recreational purposes.
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Fear and Loathing in Denver anybody?
you won't see results because the Governor race is being counted first, it's close as fuck, the statehood thing gets counted last

even then, mainstream news won't mention it because nobody cares about us
Legalization failed in Oregon only because Oregon has more hicks than Colorado and Washington. Still surprised it passed in any case.

First question revealed 53%+ wanted change.

Second question showed 60%+ wanted said change to be a move to Statehood.

Looks like we're updating the ole Stars and Stripes.
>>7002509 (OP)
If that gets your adrenaline pumping just imagine what leaving your basement for the day might do.
>>7002509 (OP)
Why can't i hold all these freedoms!!?
Your original post sounded totally incredulous, so I thought you were just out of the loop. Apologies.
Who's allowed to manufacture?
Oregon spent around $1,000 on getting the ballot set up, zero advirtisement was done. Where as in Wa and Co, millions were spent on advirtisement.

>puerto rico may secede

called it so wrong
the tears

oh lord

they didn't say they were going to be this good
Depends on the state

It isn't going to happen, it isn't happening, it HAPPENED.

First AP story covering it
>65 percent favored statehood
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> 2012
> Sexy new lesbian senator, pot, and gay marriage

I go to a Conservative university and I can't wait to hear all the delicious butthurt tomorrow.
>>7002509 (OP)
And what does "gay marriage" mean exactly?

"Marriage equality"? Not quite. Polygamy and incest are still illegal, so there are people who cannot gain access to the benefits of marriage. And marriage benefits discriminate against unmarried persons (which is nearly half of adults now).

By the bye, stupid, it is "same sex marriage." "gay" has nothing to do with the restrictions. They were based on sex. Not even gender. Sex. biology.

From your post, I would assume that you are probably 15 years old. You do not mention voting, which makes me feel more certain in that guess.
>>7002509 (OP)
Congress and the States decided whether to admit other states, the President just signs the paperwork.

> 243 of 1,643 precincts reporting

So it could still easily go either way
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Wait a minute guys.

Puerto Rico had the only primary where Ron Paul won the popular vote.

This might actually change things. It might still happen.
>Legal in WA and CO
>Illegal in OR
Fucking called it!
oh FUCK yeah

Sounds like someone's a little butthurt that gays are allowed to get married.
wait, is this legit? i'm intrigued
you're an idiot
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>>7002509 (OP)


Congress needs to approve of it.
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>>7002509 (OP)
Steve King is still in office. But hey, 2/3 isn't bad.
Im a self hating gay white, oops i mean korean american, republican and i voted for romney/ryan because i couldnt stop not thinking about them pounding my ass dp style.

how? you mean he can still win the election? God I wish Ron Paul won the election
Stop spamming the 51st state garbage. It didn't happen.
And the states need to ratify it.
>a state full of spics
those democrats are drooling
I'm confused
>>7002509 (OP)
>51 states

It wouldn't pass the House.
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I voted for the first openly gay woman in congress today - AND SHE WON!!!!
No he didn't. Romney won it.
ha ha ha. I am a faggot, you retard. I love cock.

I also think though. I can see issues. I am not selfish. I do not think that society exists to serve me.

In closing, fuck you, cunt.
>implying hicks dont smoke weed
Sadly I think it would
No, they smoke crack.
would we need to change the flag then?
You mean it wouldn't pass the senate. Puerto Rico is a red notstate.

>Implying Congress might not approve it.
No, the Republicans control it. It wouldn't pass.
>we don't support Bush policies
>we just continue and expand them
Now lets get us some Wisconsin grown weed from this bitch!
>he's never been to West Virginia

Puerto Ricans had an opinion poll on their ballot asking if they were satisfied with their status with the US, and what they would choose for the future (independence, stay the course, statehood) and a plurality support statehood. It's not legally binding, but Obama promised to bring the proposal to Congress if Puerto Rico supported statehood.
And meth
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>dat feel when the adrenaline runs out
>you realize it's an empty victory
>prepare for 4 more years of swirling down the crapper
>Weed still illegal in IL
>Treated like a criminal for something less dangerous than alcohol
God damn, there is so many redditfags here tonight.

Gay marriage and pot aren't going to fix the economy you dumb shits.
Actually pot might.
Obama just won Virginia.

If Florida goes Obama Nate was 100% right
pot could help

Yeah, first game woman, sure, but MASSACHUSETTS PRIDE FOR BARNEY FRANK.

Also Wisconsin is cool I guess.
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I exaggerated. Paul is done, sorry.

This isn't going to affect the current election, but if Puerto Rico gets statehood, there will be 2-3 new electoral votes that are likely
to lean Libertarian.
You know fellas, I'm a Puerto Rican.

Things are pretty bad in my home.How the fuck are you gonna fix it?

The economy is bad, unemployment is super rampant, corruption weakened us so much that millions of dollars went missing years ago....shit is bad.

What's the american solution for it?

Gay marriage could help too. Think about how much money you spend on weddings.
>>7002509 (OP)

I am so fucking supremely glad.

It'll show the conservatards that their way is dying...slowly.

Eventually we'll be rid of them.

(and then deal with our own internal problems)
I know that's why I said sadly
>21st century will be the american century

lol no

that was the 20th century

21st is all downhill
Throwing money at the problem until you shut up or another problem comes along.
Wouldn't have a significant impact. Pot use would be extend over time and a large portion of the population would use it (in time). Whereas, gays only make up about 5% of the population, and that number will probably decrease since they can't procreate.

They can just follow the Tennessee solution.

>elect your representatives
>send them to congress unannounced
Not granting you statehood.
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>gay marriage is legal in more states, and pot is fucking LEGAL in 2 states

GOOD! the american people are very good goyim! now our dream is about to become true. also im glad that our presence here made some effect.

quit being a filthy spic for starters
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Uh...Tammy Baldwin is not sexy
Licensed businesses
Your original post's wording was weird to convey that message.
Says you.
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Ron Paul did win the popular vote in Puerto Rico. The media just did the inverse of what the did in every other state, and reported the delegate count instead.
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>Whereas, gays only make up about 5% of the population, and that number will probably decrease since they can't procreate

Do you realize how stupid this is?
If she were like 20 years younger, I can see her being smoking.

>just imagine all dat lesbo college sex
And me. She's ugly as fuck.
not tonight, my conservative friend
Finally, I was waiting for the country to fail. This appears to echo the Roman empire caring more about pleasure than state.

I'm so glad that we're failing with Europe, this is such a relief.

In a butch lesbian sort of way, maybe? I don't find her attractive.

Your taste in women is awful. I love matures but fuck is that dyke ugly as shit. I've seen worse dykes, but shit.
It will either stay the same or go down. You can't pass on those genes if you can't create spawn.
Bomb the shit outta the place and repopulate with white people
>he thinks being gay is hereditary
You must be stupid.
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i for one welcome our new state, Puerto Rico, you have long been citizens of our country. Since 1890 You have fought in all of our wars alongside us.
I wish you the best and may you help shape our country.

Not every mental condition is genetic. The environment that the person grows up in can play almost as large an effect.
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>51 states
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If Puerto Rico gains statehood that will pave the way for other countries to apply for statehood and then the glorious USA will cover the globe and exercise hegemony for centuries just like Rome.

Goddamnit I love my fucking country,
Fantastic gif
Now we get to find out what Obama is so flexible with Russia was about.
So fucking happy gay marriage was legalized in more states. And it's going to keep happening, the tide of tolerance will not turn around. Get the fuck over it.
Shhh...don't say that too loud. The stormfags of /pol/ believe that everything is genetic.
I hope you're trolling.
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The boomers are passing out of politics.
As more and more of XY and millenials jump into politics we will see less and less boomer influence. Just as our technology grows 100 years every decade, so too shall our social policy.
Then prove me wrong. It isn't considered a mental disorder by psychologists anymore. Are there any legitimate, scholarly sources that claim otherwise?
>implying we don't already practice hegemony
It was never a secret. It was the missile defense shield. Russia wants to be able to bomb eastern Europe.
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wait a second.
i hope

Holy fuck its really happening. WHY WONT THE MEDIA TALK ABOUT THIS.

Because election.
Because he has to actually bring it before Congress. Right now it could be another empty promise.

I was surprised so many states got onboard. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if within ten years Congress is forced to legalize gay marriage because enough states have it legalized that it won't matter if the federal government recognizes it or not.
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>gays only make up about 5%
>decrease since they can't procreate
>my sides when
I'm sure he's not trolling and neither am I.

You're gonna love the girth of my American Empirical dick.
What states have the gay marriage?
the only thing missing is the moon and mars.
hahahaha fucking americans dancing and waving little flags
Because only gay people have gay kids, right?
Or stay the same. Either way. It's something that could, and should, be bred out.
Good point

/r/ing a version with the moon and mars
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Fuck you. There's already enough unofficial imperialism. If it's publicly accepted, the US won't take half as long to go the way of the UK.
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>>7002509 (OP)
>MFW i dont hate my country anymore

Because it has no shot anyway.

All they did was pass a referendum to ask the U.S. to join.

They still have to try and pass something through our Republifat congress which WILL NEVER happen unless the petition to give Puerto Rico statehood is renamed
Why the fuck are details on Puerto Rico so scarce?
oh we will get to the moon as soon as the weed kicks in

mark my words- stoners on the moon

its happening
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Don't worry, we'll be there to stop you.
We're becoming overpopulated anyway, such a small amount of gay people really doesn't matter. Hell, they could take the kids other people don't want.
>thinks it will decrease
LOL, inb4 it's really 30% and the number just keeps going up.
Another Puerto Rican here,

To any Ricans that may be in this thread, I just want to say...FUCK PUERTO RICO!

I'm sick of your shit.You've had so many chances to be a free country again, but you lazy faggots don't want freedom, you want that gubment dosh!
Welfare is fucking slavery and you know it. You're all a fucking disgrace!

So kiss my ass the whole lot of you, I hope you stay slaves forever you goddamn shiftless motherfuckers no wonder everyone says we are the niggers of the Latin world! If I had my finger on the button I would nuke my island into the next dimension because I'd rather see it burn than let it continue as a commonwealth OR become a state!
I hope the 20 billion dollars of extra government money was worth your souls you FUCKS!

But they've never voted in favor of statehood before. This is still a big development.
Fucking watch, by 30-40 years there will be some sort of biodome habitats on both the Moon and Mars.
They could make containments the size of semi trailers, train cars or even bigger. And pack the shit required to do such things and just fly it into space, drop it on the surface and get the people for the job building the shit.

Cowboy Bebop here we come.
The only flag on the moon is American, and it will never change. Stay mad Europoors.

Also that rover on mars? Yeah some parts may have come from your shitty country, but that flag stamped on the side says USA MOTHERFUCKERS
And one more thing, I hope congress laughs your petition out! I hope you never become a state.
get a load of this guy

weed only causes crime because its illegal, legalizing it wont do anything but reduce crime because the price will drop and courts can handle disputes between "dealers" which are now businesses and their customers

unless you think stoned people are more proned to committing crime, which in that case makes you a complete retard
America for most successful country of all time award?
actually its 0%

but 100% bisexual with about 90% in complete denial of it.

>humans like other humans
>big deal
>get the fuck over it already
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We would prefer to be space bros but if you don't want then you'll have to take the USA and all of Europe.


>Fucking watch, by 30-40 years there will be some sort of biodome habitats on both the Moon and Mars.
Too bad they'll be full of Chinks.
>flag on movie studio set
>source of pride
LOL bro China aint going nowhere, they are destined for a collapse by 2030. India is where its at, India will be a major player.
you're delusional, fuck off
atleast white people will be on ganymede
stay mad europe I can feel your muslim/paki butthurt from here
I think CO can grow up to six plants.
That's you or I, if we were living there.

And there's so many ways one can abuse that and actually do better. Will the FEDS start doing search and seizure raids on civilians making sure they don't have more than six plants?
oregon votes by mail and its not over yet, believe me, plenty of stoners will be hand delivering their ballots at the last minute and a whole fuckload probably mailed them in and they wont be counted.

plus oregon's law was super liberal and put the dealers on the regulation board.

this may all be for the best. basically, oregon is going to smoke and grow even more weed but we aren't going to pay taxes on it.

<3 orgun
can you imagine the infusion of tax dollars if this is legalized nationwie? All that money spent on policing it, plus the new revenue.

What deficit?
I visited Oregon for a week, and loved it. Was near Turner, Plan on moving to the coast someday.

>my sexuality is so fucking interesting and complex and worth talking about endlessly

youre not that cool, fuck whoever you want to and just shut up about it.
We should grant statehood to Guantanamo Bay just to troll Cuba.
>dealers on the regulation board

That's pretty wild if that flies.
I actually know a couple dealers that are halfway decent people.
If Colorado makes a bunch of money off the weed legalization, you'll see it spread quickly to other states. It's just like casino gambling...when a state sees their citizens going to a neighboring state to spend money, eventually they'll realize they might as well legalize it in their own state and make that money themselves. I predict it will be legal in at least 15 states within 10 years.
LOL try 15 states in 5 years.
What happens to all the fags in Colorado and Washington who are in jail for selling pot?

Reduced sentence?


Please let Ohio be one of them.
Hey, you guys want regulation in the country's markets and pot. Don't complain.
And it will still be illegal in CA. Hows that for a paradox?
Probably nothing.
I thought you were going to say HIV. You got meeee.
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The statehood percentage keeps going down...
So I'm thinking, you Coloradans, Washingtonians and Oregonians need to demand some new entitlements so that a work force cannot fire you, if you test positive for marijuana, but can fire you if you are under the influence at the time. Should be treated the same way alcohol is. Either that or they find a new way to test with a more accurate result instead of it being in your system for 30-45+ days depending on your weight and size.

Because it could be still the same when methheads, or any harder substance can just party on the weekend or whenever and it's out of their system in less than 48 hours.
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Nvm, found a better one on wikipedia.
There's only 600 polling stations left to report in.
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We don't need to procreate, straight people make plenty of babies that turn out gay
Now that Obama is guaranteed his second turn, is he going to chill the fuck out with the DEA and just let CO and WA do their thing?
learn English dude.
Employers can test and fire you for caffeine or aspirin. They can do what they want. Just be happy you can smoke a bowl legally. You don't like working anyway.
Where are results being shown?
shite i mean 300
I imagine so. Who knows?
please let this happen
russia and america UNITE!!!

I fucking hope so.
They would have to look at that as a money standpoint and see how much revenue they are bringing in to see that it's a good thing. FUCKING JOBS. They are already being made. If I was living there, I'd already be looking for a farm or somewhere, some sort of factory that can mass produce hemp and make money with everyone else.
Maine, the Faggot State
>Not putting one star in the bottom-right corner
I don't get why he would even care. Hes always struck me as a guy that doesn't actually give a fuck.
yeah instead of letting the liquor board control it they tried to set it up so the guys who currently control the medical industry would have all the power.

the main guy is a little shady and i the measure allowed unlimited growing and sales. it would have made oregon the fucking marijuana source for the whole country.

and it would have made its backers very rich.

part of me is relieved that oregon wont be the frontline and that we wont have to deal with the feds, but another part of me knows that if we got in on the ground floor it would be better for our economy.

northern california and oregon already grow a LOT of weed. the actual law means very little, but public acceptance is everything. its already accepted here, its just a matter of degree.

i am butthurt though. i want to get my weed at the store when i pick up my whiskey like a normal person.and i WANT to pay taxes on it. imagine that.
Thank you.
>Mfw Electoral Districts map is pure statehood
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>Implying that's not what's been going on for 60 years now
How do I Cold War
How do I spheres of influence
>>7002509 (OP)
>51 states
>Odd number of states

Oh fuck no, this is going to fuck wity my OCD big time.
they get freed you idiots

you cant be held in prison for something that isnt illegal anymore.
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Washington Liberal here! Feels so fucking GOOD RIGHT NAO~
Doesn't work that way. At best, they may get reduced sentences.
jelly Texasfag reporting in
It would still be illegal to be a dealer.
Get 4 more states to join and we will be a nice clean 55.
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The stars represent more of a globe and our never ending conquest for expansion of our beliefs, ideals and convictions about our God given Rights.

Also a throw back to the original construction of the stars on the flag.
I heard Denver is a pretty nice place, I'm a spic though so it might not be for me. What do you say CO bros?
I, for one, welcome our new capitalist overlords.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes things to end with either a 0 or a 5.
Hmm, good point.

5's and 10's are easily divisible that's why. As a programmer, I abuse this all the god damn time.
Puerto Rico
It's beautiful.
Denver is okay if you stay in Denver.

The outskirt towns are shitholes (Aurora, Baulder, etc).
>5's and 10's
>As a programmer
I'm ashamed, you're supposed to use powers of two, so you can do bitwise logic.
What do those boxes mean? Does the US own the majority of the pacific ocean or something?
just stagger the rows

i cant eat an odd number of eggs
You would've been so buttflustered if you represented one of the colonies when they were ratifying the Constitution.

from sea to shining sea motherfucker
Burden of proof is on you. You made the claim, you back it up.

>I'm a unicorn, PROVE ME WRONG
I'm exaggerating of course but yes, 2's get me giddy as well. Wish HDD manufactures would play ball with that sentiment as well.

Problem is it's almost literally impossible to do that. Almost every drive ships with a number of bad sectors, and then there's space for the partition tables, etc.
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I don't mean to turn this into an Eagle thread.

But this is estimated territory for a Bald Eagle.
Pic very fucking related.
They're expanding, so should we.

My God.

I love it.
OMG I'm a unicorn too!
Is there a link to a live Puerto Rico poll? This matter is important to me.
Yes, which is why they go 10^9 when calculating disk space instead of 2^30.
>the virginias
kill yourself history pleb
federal laws will probably make pot legalization null and void :/
i was a unicorn before it was cool

>Should we stay the way we are?
>If we change, how should we change?
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>Get 4 more states to join and we will be a nice clean 55.
>a nice clean 55.
I believe this is what you're looking for.
Just want to say, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Ops, it begins.
Eat a dick, faggot.

History is a very interesting subject.
I'm almost thinking about doing all these damn entitlements, taking some college courses and adding some sort of history courses to it for the fuck of it. 51% wants entitlements, so let's get to it. I don't know why I would want to learn Latin or Sanskrit. But it'll be pretty fun to fail out on the course just for the hell of it.
fuck the feds

washington and colorado are going to make people all across the nation reassess their attitudes about weed. gay marriage acceptance started in a handful of states and now its spreading.

weed will be the same way.

im not afraid anymore and im not going to keep my mouth shut about it anymore.
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Nice dubs man
You got me there.
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Oh god
We have lift off.
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Why is the weed legalization and Puerto Rico shit happening NOW? Was it planned so everyone can say Obama was the right choice all along?
Not if state LEO don't enforce federal law.
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a whole nation of 420erryday pot smoking shitheads...

we are truly in the endtimes....may jesus forgive you all.
65% of 53% want Puerto Rico to be a state. Please learn to math before posting inaccurate facts. That does not mean that 65% of Puerto Ricans want their country/protectorate to become a state.
The Puerto Rico thing has been for awhile now and the weed thing is only in two states. Coincidence at best.
Since when is /pol/ so liberal?
This makes me suspect the rumors are true... /pol/ conservatards are really just trolling.
Yeah because dat libertad worked out so well for our Cuban brethren, didn't it? We never stood a chance of being a free nation, we are too small to fight off the advances of European nations and too close to the U.S. to resist them. The only option is to join. And don't give me that shit about us being leeches, we've given a lot to the U.S.

In short, go cut yourself, you edgy maricón.
No one would want to be a conservative right now.

The republifat party is dead.
There's more to being a "liberal" than the marijuana stance.
>stances like a mofucker.
I'm a conservative who voted for Obama if that makes you feel any better
Liberals today would be considered hardcore Conservatives 20 years ago. The so called Conservative idiots here are in fact ideologue extremists.
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>drugs, gay sex, and my dear multiracial commie leader all won today, hooray!

Liberals make me sick.
That's actually not how it was voted. There were two separate questions, that translate into effectively...
"Do you think we should stay the same way we are now, or do you think we should change?" and "If we were to change our relationship to America, what should we change it to?"

It's 62% support statehood over the other forms of change, and 53% voted that there should be a change.

This means there could be a lot of different results. There could be a 53% who support change into a state, there could be as little as 9% who support change into a state.
>The government stayed out of the affairs of its citizens and didn't impose bullshit on them, the horror!

Disgusting fucking commie, go burn in your socialist hell.
Liberals have their share of idiots but it does not even compare to the bullshit of conservatives.
You're tears shall feed me for long time
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>Liberals today would be considered hardcore Conservatives 20 years ago.
I don't like Obama, but I'm happy he won instead of Romney.

As for the weed and gay marriage, fuck yeah USA.
25% TAX ON
C A L I F O R N I A ! ! !
except for highly corrupt justice system and police FUCK YEAH
we gonna balance the budget by getting the rest of the world high

how do you feel about this rest of the world?
I want to see what flag I have.
>Bro hug< I know that feels.

I would nuke it anyhow it's a piece of shit.
Did you mean 200 year ago?
This is a good day for liberty. Liberty for marijuana. Liberty for gays. And we did it by defeating Republicans and everything they stand for.

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