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Daily reminder that all anti-racist liberals are cowards who would shit themselves if they came face to face with a real Neo-Nazi.

>pic related
>dat fear
Or a real nigger, that'd scare them to death also.
Curbstomping liberals

>best day of my life

Bring on the race war
I'm liking where this thread is going.
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pic very related.

I can't find the video but basically, a old stoner hippie gets ko'd by some hoodrat. Hilarious to see mudskin pets chimping out on their liberal owners.
>>6880971 (OP)
>get beat up by liberals since they are stronger, faster, and smarter then you
>"i'll post on 4chan, that'll show them"

you sure got me kid
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link the video

I want to SEE
>>6880971 (OP)
Can I get a link to the video please?
>race war
Oh god /pol/ you make me laugh.
Butthurt libtard detected.
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>liberals since they are stronger, faster, and smarter then you

they also steal all his shit and pour water on his pants so it looks like he pissed himself
he was defending the skinny white boy from the mulatto guy. watch the vid again. he was probably one of you pro-white retards.

I think it's from a 3 part video series on Greece.

Here is the first part

The Nazi flee scene is in one of those parts.
Liberals can't even assemble without fighting with each other.

Not too mention they are some of the weakest spoiled hipster white kids I have ever seen.
>mfw the more liberal countries always kick ass

>Greeks beat Persia
>Europe beats the rest of the world
>Britain beats France
>Allies beat Germany
>America beats Soviet Union
>western world gonna beat Islam

Who knows what makes liberal countries so bad-ass?
It's this one


Nope. He confronts a white guy because he thinks hes racist and tells him to "get the fuck out of here"
>Implying msot "Neo-Nazis" aren't just teenagers trying to rebel.
I'm not scared of those giant naked mole rat looking morons.
>>6880971 (OP)
i love this picture
>>6880971 (OP)
Informing you that antiracists look down upon Neo-Nazis and pity them for their mental illness, so we wouldn't resort to violence at all.
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mfw those liberal countries were all conservative as fuck
Most common name for newborns in Britain - Mohhamed - Winning the war sure worked out well for ya huh
Japan is what .....99% Japanese
Merica bout to collapse from all the unskilled dirtskins it has to support


Keep telling yourself that
im afraid of most conspiracy-fearing, unstable individuals who advocate fascism. youre stupid if this kind of person doesnt scare you.

>jokes on you, we're pussies on PURPOSE
Its a vice guide on youtube, they're covering a march of Sverige demokratia or something.
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informing you that running away like scared little bitches doesn't give the impression you were attempting to 'inform' us on.
The thing about those "anti racists" is they don't even fight "Racists"

The "Nazis" in that documentary were just locals, including left-feminists and immigrants, who were protesting radical islam.

Antifa members once attacked a Polish national celebration for being "nazis". You know, nothing screams Nazi like the people who were first to suffer the Nazi war machine and had their cities razed to rubble!

Antifa are completely retarded

But far less conservative than the places they defeated. And each one was less conservative than the last.

Conservatism has a place in liberal society. In fact, it only makes sense in the context of a basically liberal society. The argument between people who advocate for different directions for society is what drives liberal society, and the conservative argument is one of the most important.

I'm just looking at the trend from history.

Maybe liberal society will suddenly stop working in this generation, maybe not. It doesn't look that way to me.
>>Greeks beat Persia
>Liberal country

Uhh, Darius 1 put into effect essentially the first human rights in existence. The Persians practiced a form of multiculturalism too

The Greeks were not "liberal" (really neither Persia nor Greece were). They forced women to stay at home, slaves outnumbered free men in Athens, Spartans killed deformed babies, executed people for blasphemy and had segregation (only ethnic Greeks could participate in Olympics)
It depends on the city state. Just saying Greeks is like saying Europeans.
>but that's wrong you fucking retard
all city states were extremely backwards by your standards
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Those Swedes are retarded to try to block a group of people from marching. They have no idea what freedom means.

Also what do the Swedes have to complain about? Not getting enough nails for their IKEA furniture?

I'm not saying they were liberal by modern standards. Just that they were more liberal that their opponents. Darius had some good ideas, and Persian multiculturalism was normal for empires of that size at that time. But Greece was an idea machine, since it allowed greater freedoms for everyone to come up with whatever they wanted. It had a better system, and so wasn't as reliant on individual brilliance as the Persians were. The same is true for all the most successful societies in history, especially Europe, and lately the western/developed/enlightened world.
>>western world gonna beat Islam
I have bad news for you.
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>Not getting enough nails for their IKEA furniture?

>mfw this always happened to me
>>Greeks beat Persia
persia - multicultural wonderland
greece- sexist, backwards, 2/3 slaves, racist
>>Europe beats the rest of the world
correction: conservative europe beat rest of world, liberal europe gave it all back
>>Britain beats France
>revolutionary france
>less liberal than britain
>>Allies beat Germany
germany beat nearly every liberal nation in europe, only was defeated by slightly more leftist fascists
>>America beats Soviet Union
soviet union collapsed on its own, U.S lost in vietnam against soviet allies
>>western world gonna beat Islam
liberals beg to differ
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That's something to protest about
>implying you know how to curbstomp
>implying you wouldn't get into a fight and lose
>implying you wouldn't stay home and whine on /pol/ about how horrible liberals are

>implying there will ever be a race war

INB4 say that to my face fucker not online, etc.
If you mean liberal as in technologically and philosophically advanced, then sure

But they sure as hell didn't resemble any progressive, left-wing society today, they far more resemble the antebellum south or Afghan Taliban.
Is this supposed to be in Greece?
>Darius 1

Stopped reading there.
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your truth offends them
Need I remind you of the mob at the end?

There was more than one Darius.

>liberal-socialists are the only or main kind of liberal

There is no way that you could say that Europe wasn't the most liberal place in the world (except for the USA) for the entire colonial era.

Revolutionary France was a dictatorship for most of it's existence. Meanwhile, Britain was a liberal democracy. Napoleon even insulted the British liberal society, saying they were a soft nation of shopkeepers. Just like all opponents of liberal society who incorrectly assume it's weak just because it's peaceful.
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Swedes chimpout if other Swedes stand up for Sweden
You know liberal and Conservative are supposed to be relative terms depending on the time right?
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>Meanwhile, Britain was a liberal democracy.
Yeah the giant swastika gave it away.
>implying the majority of stormfags would actually take a stand and not run if push came to shove

I obviously don't mean liberal in the sense that Americans use it, as a derogatory term. I mean it in the sense the Founding Fathers meant it, a society based on liberty. Which is still what it means to most people.
>Napoleon even insulted the British liberal society, saying they were a soft nation of shopkeepers

Which is hilarious, considering the Brits were conquering and butchering people in every time zone by then

> peacefully march on the street while shouting "Swedish jobs for swedish people"

>liberals block paths, throw rocks and bottles, and attack the police who are trying to keep the peace

those communist are such cunts. Call others violent while instigating the violence themselves.

This video was literally, "your rights end where my feelings begin"
>A Parliament is much less democratic then a dictatorship.

>why won't all liberals fit inside this strawman?
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You cannot compare the word "liberal" from hundreds of years ago to the word today.

Remember liberals were actually people who believed in freedom economically and socially. Something the modern day liberals do not believe in. And if you believe that the generic liberal today can win in any form of war/battle/fight against a conservative is retard logic
the greeks weren't progressive for their time, fuckwit

they were badass patriots who were good at science and math
i can only imagine what assholes my ancestors were
It's Darius I, Darius II, Darius III, etc. Pronounced Darius the First, Second, Third, and so on.

do you even Roman numerals?
>>6880971 (OP)
>Implying neonazis aren't but a bunch of cowardly niggers who only act on groups of 10, like fucking gypsies
>Implying there can be such a thing as facing a single neonazi
use the term "libertarian" to describe classical liberals

it will avoid the confusion
Spoken like a true Murrikan.
Darius was Persian. He didn't Roman numeral. Besides the point as well you're just avoiding the anon's argument
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There's a reason the left has always been stereotyped as a bunch of pussies.


The best motivator for a society isn't fear, it's hope. Only basically liberal societies have this. Our people work so hard because it improves their life, our soldiers fight so hard because they're defending a life worth having, our technology is the best in the world, because we get to voice our ideas and criticise others.

People always think we're weak. Didn't work out for the Jap's. Didn't work out for Hitler or Napoleon. And it won't work out for the durka's.
That's what we have to do since modern day liberals take everything that sounds good and muck it up with their retarded ideology
Meaningless babble.
Reread the post.
>>6880971 (OP)

I'd love to, except the term libertarian has been corrupted by association with conservatives.

Old-school liberal is fine.
>strong argument
>i have no retort
>hurr durr meaningless

read the thread
So only Romans get the Roman numeral for succession purposes?
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Lol look at these mad muslims and IIDF
I've never seen a liberal win a fight.

No the first part was a joke but if you didn't get it you're retarded. And you're still sidestepping the argument
fucking paul ryan inserting his jew cock in my libertarianism
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implying there isn't a race war going on right now.

Every 20 minutes a white women is raped by a black man in the US.

Perhaps there isn't one in your mind, because your reality is dictated to you by a Jewish news station.

Everything in Zimbabwe is also just dandy....
kill yourself for the sake of humanity
>castro and che never existed.
I have seen nazis lose a world war and get their country occupied.
Are you implying a National Socialist is a conservative?

The OP video doesn't even deal with nazis though.
New to the thread my friend. Your quarry is elsewhere.
They were right wing , socially conservative and had free industry.
Yeah and yet Vice was so biased, calling the right wing "extremist" and speaking more favorably of the leftists. The fucking commies were the ones being violent.


National-socialists imply they are conservative. They associated with right-wing parties in Weimar Germany.
Where is my excavation pit? Did I lose it?
I think you fail to understand what socialist means. Nazis nationalized industry and centralized the government. The first major bill they passed was more or less a universal health care bill. I agree they were socially far right but fiscally they were...well, socialist...you dumb fuck.
Very conservative.
White man is done.
feels bad man...

google 'white women' and see how google finishes the search
A right wing in Germany is left wing in the world
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It's extremist in Sweden to even question immigration.

The main parties want to double immigration, their goal is 40 million people in Sweden by mid-century (mostly African).

When the SD party spoke out the main parties wanted them banned from politics/debates and refused to debate them
They didn't have free industry they had central planned industry.
only problem is, eventually you run out of people to rob and pillage, then what ?
there is a difference between producing wealth, and taking it from others
Nice retort.
>free industry
Sounds like a stormfriend to me.
You didnt have much to add so I decided to be like you

Who do you think produces wealth, people in the free market, or under a command economy?

You can thank early liberals for the free market, bro.
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So the Swedes didn't want to fight the Nazis in the 1940s at the height of the power but now they'll fight when Nazism is just a fringe political movement?

>Swedes in charge of not being cowards of the highest order
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Marxists(modern day liberals) often view reason and logic as - meaningless babble
pretty much anything they dont like is "retarded babble" or "racist"

Meanwhile they import massive amounts of immigrants that cant speak the native language.........babble indeed.
In case you didn't know it yet, the left and right wing are exactly the same for most parts.
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Daily reminder that anti-whites are mentally ill.
controlled it "does not necessarily mean that private property of enterprises was not of any significance [...] For despite extensive regulatory activity by an interventionist public administration, firms preserved a good deal of their autonomy even under the Nazi regime".[
>Nazism is just a fringe political movement?

There's no real Nazism in Sweden. The only Nazi party doesn't even get votes

The party these antifa were attacking are the SD, a center-right party that challenges immigration
Internationally liberal still means the same thing, it's only ass backwards 'Murrika that has liberal meaning the opposite of liberal.

They called themselves the 'third way', neither liberal democracy nor communist.

Liberal and conservative, left and right wing, only make sense in a basically liberal democracy. The National Socialists can't be left or right because they didn't rule over a basically liberal democracy, they ruled over a despotism. Though when they existed within such a democracy, they aligned themselves to the right-wing elements.

In a despotism, the government naturally tries to control every aspect of life, from economic to social to religious, and the Nazis were no exception. In such authoritarian regimes, the main difference is in the background of the ruling class, not in their actual policies.
I'm pretty safe from neo nazis. I still would probably pretty uncomfortable if I had to talk to one though.

Conservative in America virtually means the opposite too. It's not about keeping things ticking along, it's about remaking society how it was fifty years ago.
Sauce on the picture, OP?
So you are saying that liberals in the rest of the world believe in economic freedoms with social regulation?
>hate your own race
Not a mental illness

>fight for your race
A mental illness

This is what antiracists actually believe.
The funny thing is that 50 years ago, we had JFK in the White House.
You are looking at it wrong. The more powerful countries can afford to liberalize.
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Neither have I

but you have to remember, Liberals think calling someone who uses logic and reason a NAZI or a RACIST or FASCIST means they have won the argument.

They also view throwing garbage at protesters to mean they "whooped their asses"

I have also never seen Jared Taylor lose an argument
Perhaps in rhetoric, in practice they only freeze things, making them legitimately conservative.
>Being anti-racist means you're liberal
Every day I feel more and more alienated from /pol/
>with social regulation

No, where did you get that? Honest question, not trying to be rude.
That's the definition of liberal, yes. Except for Murrika, where you need the extra term libertarianism instead.
As a conservative, I can safely say JFK was the only good Democrat we've had in the last 100 years.

Why would a liberal believe in social regulation? It's about liberty, economically and socially, and you can't have much of one without the other.

I understand that Americans have bought into the revision of history that paints liberals as socialists, but that's not how it was.
reminder that ANTI ANYTHING is fucking retarded.

idiots defacing one side without taking a look at the other side is all what s wrong with the conservative world. They only think so far to benefit them personally.

still using the uneducated stance of being afraid of new ideas.
So do you stormfags ever expect to gain any actual political power in the US?
Um, no. Libertarianism does not believe in social regulation.
Reminds me of the Reform party of Canada
In the 90's they suggested lowering the amount of immigrants Canada lets in, and all the Jewish owned newspapers called them evil racists, never did they mention race.

gotta love cultural Marxism ...
What does that have to do with Sweden? That's what this thread video is about, American
the person i responded to said that Liberals in the rest of the world are opposite of the liberals in America. The liberals in America believe in Social freedoms but economic regulation.

The term liberal as in classical-liberal has lost meaning in america
>paints liberals as socialists

Other way around, but sadly you're right.
blaming whites for the worlds woes is no new idea, I have lived with it my whole life.
The person said that liberals are the other way around in america than in the rest of the world.

You are saying liberal as in classical-liberal. Does the rest of the world still consider liberals to be classical-liberals and not modern-liberals? If so what are these rest of the world places and why dont they support them.
Oh I see now, my mistake, that was me. I'd argue with the way they treat gun rights, men's legal rights, and only pay lip service to drug decriminalization, I'd argue they don't believe in social freedoms.
>market without regulation.
Yeah because every sane person in the west does too.
ah, yes totally agree. On many issues the liberals in America are more "anti-liberal" and just pay lip service to that crowd but then those are more centric-liberals.
ITT: lets just keep changing the definition of words.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Whether you believe in no market regulation or some market regulation, what I am trying to say is the liberals in America are for central planning of the economy
You're going to have to specify, only America seems to want to keep changing the definition of words.
I'm sure I contributed to this. Believe me though I want the word "liberal" back to mean what it actually did before. Before the modern-liberals decided to steal it.
So with this. Rest of the world. When you think "liberal" what do you guys understand that as? Economically and socially?
Also, what does your country see it as?
>>6880971 (OP)
>implying we Marxists wouldn't slam your lumpenproletariat asses into the gutter
>>6880971 (OP)
that's why you have black friends...
Nazis generally shit their pants around actual nigs

I don't see that. Liberal was turned into a derogatory term by the opposition, with a set of policies just made up to be anti-American. Democrats then, to a large degree, politely stepped into the bullseye.

Like what American's call libertarians.
lol enjoy your delusional word salad language
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You can go ahead and stick with your racism.
So even though most conservatives in the US like to consider themselves the people that support what the founding fathers believed in (not true) why would they take the word that they were using and then turn it into a derogatory term?

and what country is that and why dont they support it? Most of the world is considered to be more more "modern-liberal" than America. At least economically.

>implying you aren't busy checking your privilege and letting an oppressed Black man fuck your wife
>>>6882776 →

The solution
Literally every country but the US. As far as why they don't support it, they do sometimes, just no all or even most of the time, hence the slide. The major parties almost always pair themselves with christian democrats, and often times conservatives as well.
So there aren't as many true Liberal (libertarian) parties in your part of the world? I'm assuming Britain
Racism is normal.

I come from Ireland, and I'd say we are less liberal than America, though we might be ahead of them now.

There is some confusion here over the meaning of liberal, thanks to the influence of American media. We all know the kind of person Homer Simpson means when he mumbles 'liberals...' after watching Fox News. But we also think that liberal refers to the kind of society everyone in the western world enjoys.

So libertarian is the best fit for America, but one has to be sure and point out that the conservative influences on libertarianism is not what we mean by it.
>Nazis generally shit their pants around actual nigs
You see the unicorn race on planet Wxflorimact last night ? It was bad-ass
haters think we are crazy, but they dont understand
I have great sympathy and great disdain for both sides in this debacle.
Whom should I be supporting?
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>calling someone a "racist" on /pol/

how the fuck did you get here ?

pol isn't a place for weak minded Trotsky Liberals and Niggers
You best move on
Understood, that's actually very interesting and very informative.
>pol isn't a place for weak minded Trotsky Liberals
This isn't a place for you neither.
They're still considered the "liberal party", but you're right that there aren't as many parties as extremely liberal as the US Libertarians.

Switzerland however does have an equivalent, and they've been incredibly successful.

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The camera man.
Sweet, I hope they win.
The American here,
I would like to add that I would love to have the term "liberal" back to mean what it does in the rest of the world but it just sucks that the more socialist groups took that term and are running with it.
Reading the article the first line that describes the group as classical-liberal is what is going on here in the states. the term liberal alone doesnt mean that in the states.
Fuck off, nigger. Here's the video of it:


Join us comrade!

>>>6882776 →
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I dislike Niggers and hate Jews, I am a proud Racist.
If you think pol isn't the place for me you are a retarded chimp.
Just go back to reddit and stop shitposting
Are you aware pol stands for "politically incorrect" ?
You cultural Marxists are literally the lowest gutter rats on the planet.
Oh God. Are leftists all this dumb?

Well, they aren't entirely classical-liberals but they are a step in the right direction for the swiss
Both of you are wrong,
It's from the Sweden Riots

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