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>occupy wallstreet happens in the summer of 2011
>winter comes and people say there gonna take a break because its too cold outside even though thats not what a real protest is
>fast forward to spring 2012 when the occupy wallstreet movement was supposed to begin again
>suddenly out of nowhere this kony 2012 faux movement happens, getting support by nearly every celebrity and rich person
>people forget all about occupy wallstreet

so thats it then? no more occupy wallstreet? what did that even accomplish then?
>>6875763 (OP)
gave us a lot of stuff to laugh at
Great ammo to point out how whiny and retarded libfag college bums are
It was never supposed to accomplish anything.

The original, first few days of the movement, when actual people supported it and conveyed America's message of capitalism, that is to let bad businesses fail, had an actual message.

After that it was hijacked by uneducated leftists and various hobos, and the strength of the movement, the real people, left.
It was an opportunity for college kids to make cool edgy signs and take pictures for the Internet. They should've done way more but since it was babbys first protest it ended up doing nothing.
just proof that fox news has the power to fabricate movements as in the case of the tea party and the power to destroy movements as in the case of occupy
The occupy Plymouth ruined the grass on a small patch of green in the city centre, it saddens me that this is the only thing that anyone say's about their being there now.

Now the green has been revamped in such a way that no one could never camp or congregate there again. Will try find a pick
>just proof that fox news has the power to fabricate movements as in the case of the tea party and the power to destroy movements as in the case of occupy

Occupy destroyed itself. Did you ever go to any of there little camps? They got overrun by crackheads and homeless, which scared off all the normal people and left just weirdos
>dat flag

Stay delusional, retard
weren't most of them delusioned weirdos to begin with?
It was controlled opposition all along, stupid goyim!
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>>6875763 (OP)
It accomplished nothing. Now go smoke your weed, faggot
>weren't most of them delusioned weirdos to begin with?
They were mostly your standard family friendly college progressive upper class liberal types in the beginning. Homeless started coming because they were giving out free food and they couldn't tell them to leave, then they started pissing and shitting everywhere then the crackheads starting coming in then the college kiddies got scared and ran off
you forgot to add that wallstreet peddled in insane people from hospitals and paid people to dress up in liberal garb and have things written on there signs that werent apart of the movements message at all, just to discredit the movement so people around the world wouldnt care.
Occupy started as a movement against corruption and graft. It was hijacked by Social Justice nuts, Marxist and progressives. Its like the tea party, it started against big government and out of control spreading but became a libertarian holy roller clusterfuck. What is needed is a movement against Corruption, Elitism and Graft
Occupy got high jacked by maxist socialists that spent all the free time thinking of news ways to oppress the white people that went to these things trying to help out.

Fuck occupy and anyone who stands with them.
I look foward to their future endeavours so I watch them being tazed, beaten and shamed.
They deserve to fail repeatedly for trying instill anti-white policies. with-in them.
>wallstreet peddled in

No they didn't. Those people were just fucking weird to start with.
I thought one of their main problems and hypocrisies was that they WERE kicking homeless people out of their encampments. These progressive brats think things are so bad for them while they play angry birds on their Ipads.. then when a real victim of the economy comes by the brush them off like flies
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Wait, the Occupy movement was about hating capitalism? I thought it was the que for the latest iPhone.
OWS went until about the middle of 2012. You just weren't HEARING about it because you rely on bought-and-paid-for media outlets who weren't reporting on it even when it was new.
The problem with the Occupy Movement was that it lacked a coherent message in the beginning, so the leftists came in and gave their own message, and used methods which were moronic as hell. Camping out isn't gonna do jack shit, blocking the Brooklyn bridge is going to turn people against you. The Occupiers tried to take some sort of moral high ground when there should have been signs showing Bernake's head on a pike, or some sort of guillotine set up as a message to the rat bastards who got bailed out what kind of people they were stealing from.
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>>6875763 (OP)

Not much.

Then again, the Tea Party movement may have elected more congressmen that are closer to their ideology, but they didn't actually get any solid policy changes either.

Enough faux 'movements' already.... fucking enough.
It became that, because of little to NO central organization and leadership..

as stated by a few others in this thread. They originally started out with an OKAY message.. I guess (drastic raising of minimum wage was highly retarded)

However, they literally got over-run by commies, fags, hippies, drum circle stoners, and a bunch of overall stupidity.

The way I see it, since Occupy let this happen to themselves, that is what they became and represent.
OWS is still going on. You don't hear about it because the media doesn't want to talk abouti t anymore. They had a huge rally earlier marking their one-year anniversary

You don't hear about it anymore because you've been brainwashed to think they are marxist-liberal-alien-hippies because they paid some people to stand around with fake signs while they took pictures. Now even if it was in full-swing, you wouldn't care and would only be hoping for them to get put into FEMA camps

tldr: quit listening to the hypocrisy station known as /pol/ and look this up yourself.
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Maybe what really broke OWS up, was when the iPhone 5 came out?
>>6875763 (OP)
um i have a album on my facebook with pictures from the occupy wallstreet protests so it did accomplish something

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Says you?

I heard it was laughably pathetic

In addition, Occupy thought they were bigger than they really were.

Roughly 30,000 people was the max in NYC, which I guess is somewhat impressive..

However, picture related of FedEx Field.. the Washington Redskins suck and have sucked consistently for the past 20 years. And they have a very much 1% owner that everyone fucking hates.

Despite this, the Skins have sold out every game since the 50s.

FedEx Field holds roughly 90,000 people.. SOOOO more people paid their hard earned money to see a shitty football team that would likely disappoint them.. than occupy ever had protesters.

Just an example of how insignificant Occupy was to the norm.
Reminding us how degenerate teen leftists are.
They fucked it up so hard when the edgy Apple fags, niggers, and homeless took it over.

Their initial message was good, the follow up was abysmal.

It started with the general notion of no government bailouts and then turned into "hurr gubment needs to pay for my art degree"
>The poor deserve their fair share!
>Oh no! It's the poor and they are coming to take their fair share from us! Run away! Run away!

They just discovered the truth that 99% of the poor deserve to be exactly where they are. They looked at the world naked and blinked. Meanwhile the "ignorant" church mom ladles soup out to vagabonds every fucking day. Religious charity > progressive platitudes.
That only proves that there are 90,000 stupid people who are willing to waste their money.

I didn't like what the OWS movement became, but I had to give them credit for having the balls to at least show up to voice what they believed in. They're still leagues better than we are, spouting our hatred over the internet from the safety of our homes where we can be safely ignored and never affect the status quo.

/pol/ won't give them that benefit of a doubt because they hate looking into a mirror to see just how insignificant their own opinions are. OWS was unique in that, even in a sea of opinions, that putrid grease-stain managed to attract our attention for nearly a year.
This and what OP forgets is that all the politicians that kissed OW ass changed the laws over winter so it could never happen again.
>OWS is still going on
>They had a huge rally earlier marking their one-year anniversary

And then they all went home.
This, absolutely this

If nothing else, OWS was more detrimental to their cause overall because they made future protests impossible. Wall Street could practically just steal from the treasury and the NYPD could legally kill people trying to protest it, it's like a mini-china in New York State with laws like that.
They're still around. Once again, you rely on the media to bring you the information on their status. Which is a fool's game.

Also yes, the camping idea was kind of stupid to begin with. It's 100% illegal now to gather the way they did instead of only-sort-of-being-illegal that it was before.

So you are saying that all the people who turned up for the anniversary are still there?
Turns out, camping in a park doesn't create financial regulatory reform. Shocking, I know.
>>6875763 (OP)

It accomplished the same thing the poor always accomplish without the guidance of their masters: Nothing.

Maybe if they did more drugs and public defecation? More rape?

Maybe if they weren't responsible for all that property damage, vandalism, rape, and public health hazards, they could still protest

They made future protests, which could actually be for something legitimate and coherent, virtually impossible now.

The sad thing is this is what a lot of them actually believe, that rather than their "movement" being a bag of shit that they got bored of when it became clear nobody liked them and they were overrun by actual homeless and bums and druggies, that it was this vast conspiracy with "agent provocateurs" and "undercover police/FBI/CIA/mercenaries" coming in sent by "wall street/the government/lizard overlords/fox news"

Fucking pathetic
That picture doesn't make any sense. Even if you assume that the 1% have most of the wealth, that doesn't mean the 99% is necessarily poor. The middle class in the US is hardly "poor" by any objective measurement.
There's still a larger wealth disparity between social classes than any other nation on Earth.

I think the original goal of OWS was to put an end to Neo-Feudalism, but they let the faggy Apple hipsters join in and it just kind of killed the message.

No fuck you, I went to the occupy camp in my city the first week it was there, all I found were communists, Marxists, aboriginal radicals, bums and druggies, "queer activists" and baby's first leftist demonstration college faggots glued to their gadgets, don't give us this utter bullshit about "media brainwashing" I formed my opinions from the facts on the fucking ground
>tfw there will never be another Far Left movement similar to Spain prior to their civil war
>tfw vast majority of Left-wingers and Anarchists these days are faggy teenagers
>>6875763 (OP)
ows has been out delivering meals and dry clothes to people in the wreck of sandy.

Oh god, my sides are in orbit

Five star post nigga

>largest wealth disparity on earth

What? No.

>what is India
>what are African countries
>what is Pakistan
>what is china
We also have the most progressive tax code in the west already.

Wealth inequality is a red herring; all that matters is how much money do you actually have?

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