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Guy calls off wedding when he finds out his fiancee had $187k in college debt.

I don't blame him.
>$187k in college debt

What the fuck did she get a degree in?

East African Mud Hut Studies.
>>6874620 (OP)
Hey, it's a free market
>>6874620 (OP)
Hah. Smart man
>$187k in college debt

I would marry someone who took 10 years to graduate, either.
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Lol America
This guy - this is my kind of guy.
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>>6874620 (OP)
studying for a bachelor’s degree in photography........................ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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In the good old days she would have had to pay pennies learning how to be a good mom and a good wife

Now she can never be a wife and will have to mother a nigger baby on the street corner

Thank you feminism
Bachelor in Photography. Not even joking.
isn't there a way to get married without gaining the other persons debts?
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>bachelor’s degree in photography
>bachelor’s degree in photography
>bachelor’s degree in photography
>bachelor’s degree in photography
>All of your faces when she becomes some kind of super photographer/paparazzi who makes 100x that much debt

who'll be laughing then huh
>bachelor's degree in photography

Fuck, this guy dodged a bullet.
God damn. Is this real life?
Justin Bieber makes twice that and then some from just a single three hour concert.
Did she even apply for some kind of financial aid?
100x more than that debt*
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>Ms. Tidwell will probably rack up $250,000 in debt by the time she is done with school.

I hope taking pictures of ladybugs on flowers was worth it.
>>6874620 (OP)
>Breaking news
>September 2010
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>not even a doctorate
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My dad actually went to college to study photography in the 1960s. He went for one quarter, saw the costs (very low at the time) compared to the quality of his education and dropped out as fast as he could. He was a freelance amateur photographer and spent a few years being poor as hell but learning as much as he could about photography. When his friends graduated college, guess who was able to get a job.
Yea, but in reality she won't.
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>200k on part of a photography degree
Shit, she's like an 8/10 cutie too.
That must have been hard ending it that quick.

Then again, I would have started to be suspicious when she said she was going to school to study photography.
So I have no sympathy for this guy.
Good luck paying that off without turning to porn Miss Ielcameras

Your soul will be consumed in that camera lens before this tale is through
at least her soul will go somewhere far from 4chan
I cracked the biggest smile when I saw his face.
I can tell he's got a great, "Well fuck your shit!" face.
What do you even DO all these years of studying PHOTOGRAPHY?

Isn't it like, one course? How many months do you need to learn how to shoot properly?
>$170k to learn to take pictures
How are people this fucking stupid?

Also the girl in the picture isn't the dumb photography chick, it's some other girl who racked up a $250k debt because of med school. At least she will be able to pay it all back by herself.
Goddamn women are stupid.. I paid roughly 5-6k a year for tuition for my University :D
in the east, women have dowries, which give newly married couples a head start in life.

in the west, women saddle themselves with debt so they are unmarriable.

That's what I'm wondering. Really padding the courses, all I could come up with is

Digital photograph manipulation
Different types of cameras, their creation and function
Techniques of photography

And that would all be ONE fucking semester. I can't even imagine getting to two years. But 170k debt? Holy fucking nigger tits. She was getting strung along BAD by some school, and she was way too much of a dumb fuck to notice.

Guy didn't dodge a bullet, he dodged a nuke.
It's like all about the art and perspective, man. It's soo rigorous, I had to take a class about shadows while I took one about lines. Fuckin slavery, man.
1 semester on physics of lenses and light refraction?
the really funny thing is that all these western women are starting to whine publicly about how there aren't any REAL MEN left to take care of children they had with some drug addict, and how no one is sweeping them off their feet at 35 and promising to pay off all their debts for them

literally once a month a popular article basically going "HELP ME FEMINISM" and yelling at men for not MANNING UP comes out.

at this point if you're a man and you get married, you deserve what you get for being so goddamn stupid
>>6874620 (OP)
un-american question: what keeps students from just fleeing the states with their degree and never paying back their debt?
They think that they live in the best country in the entire universe and they have never heard of those things called "leaving your country"
That would only take one course, and it'll be an easy one since classical optics requires no calculus, just simple Euclidean geometry.
>nearly $200,000 to learn motherfucking photography

I refuse to believe there are people this stupid walking the planet.

I am of the opinion that anyone who gets a degree in something like women's studies, africanus studies, photography, or history should not be allowed any federal aid until their debt is repaid.

Fucking waste of time and resources.
I have no debt, but even if I did I wouldn't flee the US. Mostly because I grew up here, and I'd like to stay here and travel freely in and out of here.

Or you could...I don't know.....get rid of those degrees altogether?

If you're going to college and not going to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer or scientist, you're wasting your time and money.
We are the 99%
I'd modify your proposal sightly

>eliminate federal guarantees and subsidies to non-stem student loans
>eliminate federal subsidies to non-stem university programs
>non-stem degrees must be paid either out of pocket by the student or by private student loans
>non-stem programs must be funded privately only
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Student loan debt is not dischargable because people used to go to school, and then declare bankruptcy afterwards.
>being a slave in the best country in the world

hmm... ok
Jesus Christ America why the fuck is uni so exspensive over there?
I thought the £22,000 hole I had worked up was bad enough
Nah. If people want to sell themselves into debt slavery by getting shitty degrees, power to 'em. As long as my tax dollars don't go to helping these idiots
photography major detected
Minority women's basket weaving
The price is inflated by the risk-free financing outlined in post >>6875593
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>who had run up much of the balance studying for a bachelor’s degree in photography
lol liberals
is...is that picture real?

it can't b-be...
>he thinks scientists don't work for less than minimum wage in america
Obviously not.

Has to be a shoop, no one is that mislead.
are you retarded?

It has nothing to do with how much they make. Those are just the core jobs that require a college degree.

You want to be a photographer? Take some pictures, make a portfolio and send it out to people. If you're good, you'll get work.
Or better yet, just make business cards with your name on it and give them out to people so you can be a freelance wedding photographer.
I mean fuck, are people seriously that helpless these days?
>If you're going to college and not going to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer or scientist
> lawyer
wtf are you on? We had a great thread yesterday backed up by plethora of data and came to a consensus that a law degree is about as shitty as woman's studies degree right now.

Saying that everyone should look into siences is a little silly also. Example: I'm a CS/math major and I can tell you that coding is not for everyone, some people simply hate it too much to ever get good at it.
Why do people not look into simpler things like being a skilled trades man is a mystery to me. Become an electrician, a plumber, a roofer (my 90 IQ, 23 yo russian buddy rolls in 120$k/year as a roofer team lead). Or does everyone simply believe that they are too good for manual jobs?
>Not using your time in College to catch yourself a rich man.

The girl deserves it.

>Does everyone simply believe that they are too good for manual jobs?

We are raising an entire generation that is literally being taught that "If you aren't a doctor or a lawyer, you're a failure." Especially in Indians. If you aren't a doctor, they pretty much disown you.

I'm curious to see where we'll be in 25 years when an entire generation has no idea how to be plumbers and electricians like you said.
how can fucking "bachelor of photography" cost 250k?

is this what murrica is really like?
>>6874620 (OP)
The man knew right away that his money would have to go to paying that debt. 170,000 dollars for a degree in photography and she doesnt even do it as a career. Good for that guy for bailing, dont blame him at all.
>wtf are you on? We had a great thread yesterday

Yeah, what the fuck is he on?

Not spending his entire weekend on /pol/ reading every single thread?
Ain't no pussy on this planet worth that much
>I'm curious to see where we'll be in 25 years when an entire generation has no idea how to be plumbers and electricians like you said.

dont worry, the mexicans will do it. then they'll move on to electricity work, to administration of said jobs, to local government, and within a decade the USA becomes part of mexico!


in reality the asians will be glad to take over.
>187k in debt for a useless education
Oh America... You never cease to amaze me.
Learning foreign languages in more useful than any degree, in the EU.

I'm learning French and German in my spare time and will be fluent in both within 2 years. I mean decent, C2 level borderline mastery type fluency too, not just not stuttering.
>is this what murrica is really like?

No, this is what women are really like. They start college at 18. change their major 4 or 5 times, are still in school at 30, and decide "fuck getting a job, I'll just marry, get pregnant, and get fat!".
Ms. Tidwell is the one learning how to be an emergency room doctor. That is why she doesnt worry about her debt. She is becoming a doctor.
America: the ponzi scheme.

You guys invented the modern democracy, wtf are you waiting for to make revolution fashionable again?
>getting in debt in education
Unites States of Abnormal

You laugh at her, but meanwhile everyone laughs at your country.
I pity people doing photography degrees, do they honestly think they're going all become high end fashion photographers?

You'll be lucky to take wedding and babies photos. Though you're far more likely to end up taking passport photos at the mall or stockart photos of ethnic women sitting at a computers.
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>170.000 $ degree to do _part time photography_

oh god, my sides are transcending time and space!
Smart guy. That's the kind of shit you need to be wary of.
There's obviously a reason the cunt didn't tell him before the wedding.
>Oh, this faggot will support me the rest of my life
>I don't have to worry about this huge debt anymore
Fuck you, cunt.
>how can fucking "bachelor of photography" cost 250k?

She obviously partied for much longer than it takes to get the degree.
As an attractive woman she probably assumed she could get a husband with a good job. - which almost happened.

I know several girls like that.
One of my friends girlfriend even plans to go back to college for a 2nd degree without having worked a day in her life, because my friend has a good job and supports her.
so only women end up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for useless majors? i doubt it
Why work when you can just look pretty and marry a rich husband?
Many people arent reading the article in full
Ms. Eastman is the one that has the degree in photography worth 170,000 dollars (NOT pictured)
Ms. Tidwell is the medical student working towards her masters so eventually she can become an emergency room doctor (Pictured).
Women in general are fucking awful when it comes to managing their finances.
Not all debt is bad you know, you can perfectly solvent and self-sustaining while having a manageable debt with modest monthly repayments that don't inconvenience you.
Ivy league schools can run up to $50k per semester. Shit adds up fast.

Someone's gotta pay for all those moocher non-whites getting a free educaiton
> isn't there a way to get married without gaining the other persons debts?

Yes... if only there were some way to have an "agreement" on the matter before, or "pre", the "nuptuals"...

Groom did the right thing. A woman who can't control her spending will be a disaster spouse.
The wisdom of $180,000 for a photography degree is in question.
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> photography degree

How is this even a thing?
>Want's to promise a women to love her during good and bad times
>Breaks it before he even made it

What about love? Isn't love stronger then debt?
racking up $250k before you've even got a house is a serious problem
but but you could buy some books and learn that on your own
>degree in photography
What the fuck, do they spend a year on what a shutter is?
I would do the same. If someone had 187k in college debt then they are financial fucktards. Student loans are there to help you pay for college, not hopping around Europe
>Learning foreign languages in more useful than any degree, in the EU.

No it isn't.
All you need is the local language plus English.

You can only get shitty jobs with language skills, mainly in the tourist industry (not as fun as it sounds).
How's your women's studies major? Job hunt going good?
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I don't get it. Why do people get in debt.
I'm going to college and my parents are just paying for it.
If you don't have the money to go to college, don't go to college.
It was a bachelor's in photography and she didn't even know exactly how much it was. Obviously a fraction of that was actual college fees and the rest was alcohol and shoes.
Personally I'm questioning the wisdom of a country with severe lack of doctors, yet asking its youth to go 250k into debt just for education.

>21st century
>not making all the vital and "good" educations free
Universities are gouging the shit out of students. This shit isn't as uncommon as you think. As universities become more liberal and flood their halls with non-whites getting free educaiton, someone's gotta pay for it, so the tuition passed on to those who do pay keeps creeping up.
Until......debt do us part

learn chinese. Plenty of high paid jobs.
>You'll be lucky to take wedding and babies photos.

Wedding photography is quite easy to get into and pays quite well.

It's utter shit work, but in 20 years or so she should be able to pay back her debt.
College is such a scam these days.
All those extra subsides just go right into the pockets of universities who raise tuition prices in step.
Actually there are almost infinite jobs in (office-based) multilingual customer service. Not the best granted, but certainly better than the tourist industry.
Are you fucking stupid?
Things require money; some people don't have the money for said things. Universities require monthly or yearly payments to be enrolled. Debtors exist to facilitate people who need money.

It is more economical, especially for things like degrees or businesses, to incur debt to establish them and to receive a superior overall income.
I'm in engineering and there are plenty of smart guys here who otherwise wouldn't be here if not for student loans. These are guys passionate about computers and electronics who can easily pay back their debt in less than 5 years after graduation.

Their debt is justified.
>going to a university
>normal countries
>everyone gets free education
>blame non-whites for having to get in debt to get degree
why do you even need to pay for education, when its obvious its futile to educate imbeciles?
It's due to the increase in credit. They charge as much as they possibly can, and in response the student loans get expanded, and then they charge even more.
Come to Germany if you want free and high quality education
in normal countries education is a RIGHT

not so, obviously, in most free country in the world
Doesn't help that many places actively discourage trades and apprenticeships.

I run my own business as a sort of jack of all trades with machines, can fix cars, your A/C, or your toaster. I want to apprentice people, since it's pretty damn nice gesture to kids, but there's so much red tape to wade through and I'd lose a fuckton of money just setting it up to their standards for it. Apparently second-hand tools from your dad make you unable to apprentice people.
there's no such thing as a free lunch
you're just redistributing the costs onto people who didn't go to school to lessen the costs on the people who actually reaped the service
how the fuck is that responsible
I'd support free education if it were only for degrees in things like medicine, science, and criminal justice.

Fuck paying for hipster's liberal arts degrees.
>i have a right to receive a service offered by the labour of other humans for free
this, trilingual master race, got job offers like crazy
>signing up for the nursing program
>financial adviser asks me if I want to borrow more then the cost of classes
>lol no
>While in school, every girl in my class had on high end clothes, went to clubs every weekend, and did not work
>15 to 20% fail out
>the rest stuck with a student loan payment for the rest of her life
the right to GET AN EDUCATION ≠ free education.
We have the right to bear arms, that doesn't mean we get free arms from Uncle Sam
Calling it a RIGHT is a bit ridiculous seeing as it requires other people's resources to do, but at the same time, it's quite economical for the state to pay for it and get paid back from the higher salary and higher tax payments.
>let german taxpayers pay for americans studying

seems fair - after all you guys lost the war!

A friend of mine happens to be a Chinese translator.

Used to pay alright, but even that market is shit right now.
Economy is down and they do a lot of translating in China now, where wages are lower.
It's also quite immoral to take from higher salaries.
raged that there are literally thousands of people this stupid out there
That is responsible, but that's not what liberals want. It'd be perfectly fine for the state to offer easily payable, low interest loans to prospective students for sensible degrees, PERMITTING THEY CAN REPAY IT IN FULL BEFORE THEY DIE.

Liberals don't want this; they want other people to pay for their shit.
No one said you have to leave after you graduate.
Completely agree.

Also I think it's good when students take longer to finish their degree, but get part time jobs in the meantime.
Right now many graduates have zero work experience.
bullshit liberals dont want that

look at one of obongos college loan proposals, instead of paying back student loans with fixed payments, you can opt to pay a % of your income instead

that'd be a great alternative for a lot of people
How the fuck do people even go into debt? I went to a state school that was a little over 10,000$ a year. But SC, a state that by no means hands out money to every faggot that wants it, gives every student with nonretarded grades (3.0 or higher) 7500$ a year. Plus I got a 2500$ scholarship for having SLIGHTLY above average grades (really I made D's on half of my senior classes in HS). In the end my tuition was about 50$ a semester.

Oh and I'm a rich white boy so it wasn't from pomouthing or being a minority either.

>Wedding photography pays quite well.

I talked to a guy who made like $700 an hour as a wedding photographer. Add that up with doing about 10 to 20 weddings a month and the money adds up.
And the brides don't even hesitate to pay it because they want their "special day to be just perfect."
He definitely dodged a bullet there. Besides saving $250,000 (we all know he would be the one to have to pay it back), he also won't have kids with shit-tier genetics. You have to be legally retarded to spend that much on a BA in Photography, it's likely that would pass down to their kids too.
The state will get the education costs paid several times over without even raising taxes.
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>>6874620 (OP)
>run up much of the balance studying for a bachelor’s degree in photography.

Muh hobbies
This. When it pays back a net positive to the country in the long run, it's economical and cheaper for all involved for the state to pay for it.
why are you guys so fucked in the head
no one should have to pay back that much debt, its fucking cruel
>It's also quite immoral to take from higher salaries.


Most higher salaries are earned by people who have degrees themselves.
I majored in MIS and only had $40k in loans total, which I paid back easily. The woman with $170k is just retarded.
She intentionally got herself into that position through her own irresponsibility. But clearly some people need to be treated like children, so she should have been cut off before $100k.
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In Norway, My government not only paid for my education as an engineer, they also paid me money to do to school.

Not even joking.

She's BECOMING an emergency room doctor.

You do know people drop out, and don't complete their residency programs, and thus never receive their medical licenses.

Even then it's stupid to rack up that much debt for a profession that requires a high amount of overhead (insurance) to work.
Universities in my country don't have bullshit degrees, and they're all free to enter.

Same over here.
>$700 an hour as a wedding photographer.

I don't think that includes processing, which takes up more time than the actual shooting on location.

But yeah, brides will pay way more than normal people would ever pay for a photographer.
As we've discussed earlier in this thread, due to your colossal Norwegian taxes, you'll pay that all back and more to the state.
The problem is that in high school they really pushed college. Not even technical schools, they want you to go to university. We need to stop saying that no college = no life. The flood of new students has given rise to worthless degrees like women's studies, and students are worse off when they graduate then when they started. Maybe when literacy was low and books were scarcer, going to college for liberal arts was useful. But now that books are easy to get, most social sciences don't require four years.
It wouldn't be free for Ameritards who make up the majority of this board, it would be free for me as a Yurofat but our own student loan company (it's publicy owned and the only one) wouldn't fund my living expenses for a degree outside the UK and the German one wouldn't pay me as a foreign student - so the free tuition quickly becomes useless/meaningless.

>Mind of a dumbfuck libfag.
>You can break promises even if you haven't made them
well then why the fuck did she put herself into the position of owing 170k+??

SHE chose to get the education, and WE should pay for it??
Well abortion is a RIGHT and that requires other people's resources to do too. Some rights will infringe on the pocket's of others, those people just have to suck it up like with all the other forms of taxation which pay for things which don't directly benefit everyone - there is always going to be some.
>Universities in my country don't have bullshit degrees

Not even psychology?
yes it is your obligation to help the less fortunate


Acceptable, Science is too broad a term, define it to some cores, like Chemistry etc.

>Criminal Justice

Umm...so you want more police and lawyers? Something that is not struggling in this economy...infact we have WAY too many lawyers.
You have the right to abortion. You don't have the right to receive an abortion for free. It requires other people's resources, which is why YOU PAY THEM.
>Being this ass mad about a post

So its not true love then?

No point in getting married then since the law of marriage states that one another shall help and be with each other for all of life
The freedom to get an abortion without the state interfering can be called a right, but that doesn't mean that a 3rd party should be forced to do it.

Abortion isn't a right, it's a choice.

Just because you want birth control or an abortion doesn't mean everyone needs to cough up the money to pay for it.
He played it smart. Women always after your wallet.

Don't forget too...he's doing photos in the church AND the reception. So that's an all day procedure.
So he's making a couple grand per wedding.
And of course he's doing about a dozen a month at a minimum.

Be right back....starting wedding photography business.
So I have the right to demand the federal government to give me free firearms? Does freedom of speech mean I get m opinions televised on national TV, funded by the state, simply for being a citizen?
why is abortion a right? a privelege sure, if a woman wants an abortion she should get one. but why the fuck should WE pay for something SHE could have avoided in a number of ways. birth control, abstinence etc.

she CHOSE to get pregnant, indirectly, and its her responsibility to deal with it, not ours
Oh, yes they do have that.

Not sure if it's bullshit though. Psychiatrists obviously serve a function in society and have a certain value. So if it's been subsidized, it's been reviewed to be useful.
No more mrs degrees
Most lawyers go pre-law not criminal justice.
>>6874620 (OP)
>Guy calls off wedding when he finds out his fiancee had $187k in college debt.
Responsible decision. If she can't manage her own life, she can't manage a household.

>Breaks it before he even made it
I don't think you understand what breaking a promise means.
It's also way too easy to get into University in America.

In my country you have to be with the top 10% in highschool.
fine, i am ok with that. she IS NOT less fortunate though! she had the same opportunities as EVERYONE else she doesnt have cancer or a disability, she DECIDED to go into debt. WE are less fortunate for having to pay for HER mistakes
College padding is partially responsible for this.

Wasting 2 (sometime 2+) years to do the "basic" requirements is supreme bullshit and only done to pad the universities bottom line.

Basic courses should be limited to 1 year MAX.

It's also bullshit that way to many grads graduate without any work experience that then can't find jobs. A "full credit" semester course load makes it a pain in the ass to try and work while also attending classes. (it's doable, but not everyone can do it.)

>less fortunate

Er, but, she's not less fortunate if it's her fault.
Well abortion is available on the NHS in Britain to my knowledge.

well I know a fat bitch who got her stomach stapled on the NHS, so in relative terms I hope so.

Don't do it!!!!

Every retard with a camera thinks he'll be a successful photographer because he buys a fucking ti-rebel and makes a fucking blog with photos straight off his facebook.
Any degree which can get someone a well-paid job is economical for the state to provide. It's just the bullshit arts degrees that have no practical use that need to go.

>not doing unpaid interships

Tha's what I did for my last two years and I took 21 hours.
>So if it's been subsidized, it's been reviewed to be useful.

What country is this?

A degree in Psychology does not mean after graduation you become a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Graduate school is required, along with some type of internship where you will gain actual experience with patients under supervision.
lol at this.

BTW: my niece is a great photographer.
She knows all about lighting, ISO, focus etc...

She is 17. How did she become so good?

PRACTICE!!! So far she has not payed one red cent for any photography courses.
because women are disadvantaged in work and education and thus less likely to be afforded the opportunity to pay for it themselves due to the patrarchal nature of society, therefore the state has to cover the costs and take the funding from the middle aged white males who are overrepresented in the high earners group, it's only fair.
That's a different matter, in the UK we pay taxes and get a free healthcare system. Also, it's a lot cheaper to suck the little fucker out than to pay benefits for it later.

You could condense the majority of photography classes down to just these classes

>How the fucking things works and how to fix it when it breaks.
>Lighting and environment

This shouldn't even be a 4 year degree. I can't even get the number of classes past two semesters, let alone an associates degree without artificial padding.

I agree with the bullshit "General Education" requirements that seem to be an extension of high school.


That's a great idea! Oh wait no it isn't jackass. You're paying the university so you can have the privilege of working for free!

Great racket they have at the American University, some degrees have required internships, which you have to seek out on your own, but pay the university for the privilege of working for free.
>Implying that any 17 year old knows what they are doing

>Thinking photography is more than simply having expensive equipment

Talk to an actual photographer, they'll tell you a bunch of bullshit about "talent, practice, location"...It's all lies.
femanon here, about to graduate highschool.

what do you guys think about political science?

You're a woman, does it even matter?
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Good goyim, don't you know the only true way to learn anything in life is if you go to college and pay for an education?
>what do you guys think about political science?
maleanon here, been down that road, lost 2 years of my life, doing physics now.

Should have never listened to that counselor.
If you guys improve in quality, I'll stop demanding you do basic courses in faculty meetings.
christ no you'd be better off with an anthropology degree
>Psychiatrists obviously serve a function in society

But they are doctors.
To become a psychiatrist you first need a medical degree, and then you specialize in psychiatry.

Psychology is purely scientific.
They don't learn how to help people, they only learn the science behind the human mind.
Interesting, sure.
Useful? somewhat, but not so much that we need hundreds of thousands of psychologists - a few hundred would be sufficient.
Unappreciated post

simple silly america. student X has the talent and desire to become a doctor but is scared off by 200,000 in student loan debt. taxpayers A,B,C subsidize the education of student X. student X becomes a doctor and prolongs the life of A,B,C. student X makes $150,00 more per year as a doctor than she would have as a nurse. she pays an additional 60-75k per year in taxes, which after 30 years of work is 1,800,000-2,250,000 million.

as libertarians like to point out, it's better to grow the pie than merely redistribute it. when you help people become doctors who would otherwise work a less productive job, you grow the pie.

I'm not sure about the details of this Psychology thing though.
We have a lot of education which isn't free. But all the useful stuff is free. (unless you wan tto be a pilot, you would need to enter the military for that)

Political science is a complete shit tier degree.

You have only two choices with that degree, be a cop or be a lawyer, and you don't need that degree to go to law school.

For every 1,000 psychology majors that graduate, only a dozen or so actually get advanced degrees in it.

Psychology is the college easy mode major for women who think they're smarter than the art students and not as pretentious as the philosophy students

Shut the fuck up you lying cunt.

>improve in quality

By doing what, forcing someone to spend 2 years of their 4 years at university, studying things completely unrelated to their degree program?

Tell me how taking an elective, a non western culture, western culture, history pre-1800s, and a history post 1800s, is going to help me be a better chemist?

what's silly about this? you need money when you are young and you have an excess of it when you are old. it makes sense to have university paid for
they are only disadvantaged by their personal choices. wage gap has been shown to be 98 cents on the dollar which is barely considerable, despite feminists arguing woman have a median income lower than men. but they have higher wages, they CHOOSE to take retarted degrees, mat leave, part time over full time etc.

if women and men worked for the same job in the same circumstances, im more inclined to believe the woman would be more advantaged. if she wants to get pregnant that is her CHOICE and she can deal with the responsibilities that come with motherhood.
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Implying pre-nups aren't overturned daily for any and every reason shyster lawyers can cook up.
>see this on /pol/
>expect people to talk about how ridiculous such high student loans are
>see people bashing her choice of study
>see people blaming feminism

good job /pol/, you made me angry again
Very well put. Refusing to invest in itself like this is going to bite the US in the ass in the long run.
>Ms. Tidwell feels no guilt about the $250,000 in debt she will probably run up, including some from a master’s degree program she completed in London, where she and Mr. Kogler met. “I didn’t acquire it because I go out and shop a lot,” she said. “It’s because I’m doing something that I’ll love for the rest of my life.”

Does she expect everyone else to pay for it for her? Where is the individual responsibility?

>Paying over $100,000 for a university education

My sides, is this common in the US? In Europoor land, I pay 3k a year.
For one, it ought to stop you question begging during discourse.
>Tell me how…
is exactly the same as
>Prove me wrong…

You didn't get quality passes in those courses did you?
I'm not disagreeing with it in principle, but unless there's a colossal, seismic shift to the left in the US, they won't be going anywhere near a system like Norway's.

By forcing the states and the Feds to go back to their 1960s/70s/80s models of subsidizing education without offering bullshit Govt Loans, THAT would do everyone good.
A bachelors in a hard science is pretty useless anyways.

You're nothing more than a cunty troll.

Faculty meetings do nothing, the Board of Regents and the loans the university needs to pay off do more to change the price of tuition and the degree requirements than whatever nonsense you want to claim you are.
Giving a 20-year-old woman a shitload of loaned money and nothing else but 4 hours a day at college is never going to end well

>You're paying the university so you can have the privilege of working for free!

lolwut. No you're not. That has no connection with anything. I'm referring to your comment about work experience.

I got an unpaid internship outside of the university where I was just everyone's assistant. Then after I graduated I already had work experience to put on my resume.
Karma's a bitch, she probably spent her time in college getting enriched by chimps and thought she could get a beta white boy after all that to give her a free ride for the rest of her life.

Brofist to the guy in the story
4k a year canadian here
>Board of Regents
Oh, you're a clap, no wonder your degree sucks.

In civilisation faculty level units still control the composition of undergraduate degrees.

Doctor, okay

Engineer, okay

Scientist, okay

Lawyer...Bitch stop repeating what the fuck your parents tell you. You don't want to be a lawyer, the entire field is swamped to high hell, and after 4 years undergrad + Law school = ZERO experience.

What do you mean "disadvantaged"?

I'm in med school now and our class size is 80. Out of that 80, 60 are women, 5 are the token minorities (2 black males, 3 black/hispanic females), and the remaining 15 are men.

All of my teachers are female too.

Who exactly is at a disadvantage here?
yep just to get into grad school
Yes, private schools often run $30-$40 thousand a year in tuition alone and if you can't get need-based financial aid from the government or your school, you're stuck with loans. Of course, no one is forcing you to go to that private school over a more affordable state school.

Why does it matter, the money they're discharging is fiat.



swamped in most fields, you have to pick your speciality right and it is a 50 year guess

Enjoy being on the curve of feminisation and proletarianisation.
I'm glad we're doing things differently over here.

We have the state give money to the univeristy and its staff.
If the woman doesn't show up or drop out, it's her own fault. No money is actually entrusted to that woman.
but it counts as real, so lets treat it like real and not fuck up our lives with 200k plus debt.

it matters cause it will fuck you up
foreveralonefag here

I would still marry her and help her pay her denbts like a good husband should
>$30-$40 thousand a year in tuition alone
How the fuck do they justify that? What the fuck is that being spent on?
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>In civilisation faculty level units still control the composition of undergraduate degrees.

Good luck cunt, hope you convince people you're a member of some "faculty" when you can't even write a complete sentence.

I never mentioned my degree btw, have fun being a troll!
She looks pretty average, i can hire prettier hookers for much less than 170k, good for him.
>mangina here

il marry a woman who can handle her personal finances and not instantly ruin my credit like a good wife should

think about yourself faggot, its your life. your purpose is not to appease pussy.
Go on to craigslist, I'm sure you'll find some nasty little slag who'll suck your wallet dry through your cock.

Bro, he's currently studying STEM, because the nerds will "rule" the earth, and with his entry level engineering job he'll pay off her debts in 1 year!
>pussy-whipped before even getting the pussy
And I never mentioned my University because being doxxed sucks. I don't care about your degree, friend, because I don't care about you, buddy, nor do I care about your institution, pal.

I'm just suggesting to you that if Senate or Council don't listen to your supra-departmental units regarding degree structure then your university is already fucked so hard that it has compacted petrified stool.

She's not in an Ivy league school, so I have to assume she's putting the bulk of that into extremely extravagant living expenses.

I'll bet you her rent is or is well over $1,400 a month alone.
>Take all Gen Eds from Community College my Junior/Senior year of high school
>Transfer credits to State University
>Work part-time during school for money
>Take out loans for the rest of the bill ($25,000 total)
>Get a degree in CS
>Going to work for DOD, making $60,000/year
>Loans will be paid of in 5 years

It's not that hard. Seriously
lol you are pure faggot
she is the ideal wife, sort of good looking, incompetent, dumb and completely relying on her man with everything
i would loved to have girl like that
the women will rule the nerds same as its always been.

stem is probably the way to go if your above average in work ethic, it just pains me to see it done by beta males who are more than willing to marry a whore who leaves them and rapes them in child support

Are you a native English speaker?

Because your sentence structure and lack of punctuation is suggesting otherwise.

Also, the 120 credit hour program, with 60 credits devoted to "General Education" is a complete waste of time and does not produce an "educated" work force.
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>IF everyone was a CS or STEM major, THERE WOULD BE NO UNEMPLOYMENT!
marrying a woman who spends enormous amounts of money without even thinking about it is fucking suicidal
yep luckily my parents paid my first year, i cover the next 4 years and the military covers my last 2.

il be making 50-90k afer graduating and i will have less than 10k debt.

fuck the self entitled, no work ethic hipster libs that think they are above flipping burgers through school. im a dishwasher which is a really shitty job but i wont be the one 100k in debt.
Have you seen the number of skilled immigrants the US ships in, because the native population doesn't have the skills?


I went to community college and it only cost me $6k for 2 years. I got an associate of science and an associate of art, and then transferred to a state school to finish out my bachelors of science.

Zero debt and I now have half of my med school tuition saved up already.

I wonder how some of my classmates intend to pay back several hundred thousand back while also raising a family. They also get doctor fever bad and spend even more money on expensive cars, houses, and clothing, just because "I'm a doctor"
I am getting a degree in an in-demand field. If you don't like CS, do something else that people will pay you to do.

Part of the point of going to a 4-year university is to broaden one's horizons. If you want to produce an "educated work force", you send them to Community College and Trade School.

No one said that. He just suggested a good approach to a problem and you turned it into some kind of weird absolute.

ROTC right?

You're not going to be making 50-90k as a 2nd LT.

Anyone here can look up your paygrade as an O-1 and what possible bonus's you would have.

Also what do you plan on doing after you get out, less than 20% ever make it to retirement, and even that is only HALF of your current pay.
>not being able to provide for your family
somalian detected


You're all a bunch of trolls.

Can't wait for the math majors who made 300,000 starting out.
You have no idea how much money an irresponsible woman is capable of spending.
The function of the University, per the faculty, is not to produce an "educated" or educated workforce. Veblen I think discusses the sociology of the University in terms of the purpose of the University being a location for faculty to conduct research.

Regarding the production of certified degree holders, almost nobody believes this is pedagogical in purpose; but, when example members of its output cannot identify basic punctuation or a reference to a seminal text on American work in late capitalism, then yes, there's a problem with the quality of the inputs to the system.
I didn't say everyone should do it, I just greentext'd what I am doing, which is working out pretty good for me. Don't get mad, bro.

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