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>Be Obama
>Immediately take exemplary command of the disaster the moment Superstorm Sandy reaches United States soil, visiting the affected areas and meeting with various state and local leaders like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to assess the damages from the storm, expedite federal assistance and take inventory of all possible federal, state and local assets that can be utilized to aid the East Coast and its residents during this enormous crisis

>Be Romney
>Cancel your next upcoming campaign event, just rebranding it a "relief event" and holding it in the same venue and buy a few thousand dollars worth of nonperishable goods to hand to visitors to wait in line and donate it back into your hands for a cheap photo op
>>6763044 (OP)
keep crying libtard
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It's really hard to stop crying when you're laughing so hard.
lol, conservafag. panic much?

Why would I be crying, my candidate is a leader. Yours is a weathervane coated in WD40 who still can't come clean on his desire to gut FEMA when he's asked fourteen times by the press pool at his last campaign event.
>Be Obama
>They be attacking our Ambassador in Libya. Meh, stand down. They are killing our people. Meh, stand down. Damn youtube video...???...profit
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Yeah, Romney should have done things only the president can do.

>>6763044 (OP)

Gee, what do you want Romney to do?

GO all the way to Jew Jersey and Jew York and "help" the "victims" aka people who thought they were going to disobey all the orders to evacuate?

Where was Obama when Ambassador Stevens was calling for help?
>implying obama did anything
Do you even lift?
>>6763044 (OP)
>expedite federal assistance

Yeah, let's see how "expedited" that assistance actually ends up being
>They be attacking our Ambassador in Libya. Meh, stand down. They are killing our people. Meh, stand down.

Obama ordered Marine and security detachments to be beefed up at United States embassies and consulates immediately following that attack, so I don't know what you mean by stand down but OK.
Romney is finished

>muh Libya

Newsflash: this forced meme has completely failed to take hold in the electorate, no matter how hard Glenn Beck pushes it.



Bush killed 5000 US troops for no reason.
Why isn't Romney in New York or New Jersey helping with the relief efforts?
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All that matters is how he is being perceived.
All we've been hearing from Romney is about how he's so genuine and capable because he ran some fucking chop-shop and made rich people richer. Turns out when the shit hits the fan all he can manage is 5k worth of pasta and changing the banner at a campaign event.

The man has a small fortune, has he organized a charity drive with his rich buddies? Of course not, moving their money into the US would relieve it of it's tax-exempt status. Better bitch about the relief effort to make Obama look bad.
The mainstream media is in the tank for Obama, of course it won't be taken seriously as it would blight their candidate.
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Older voters remember how Reagan high-tailed it out of Lebanon, when the Embassy casualites were 8x higher.
Fucking election day needs to be here now!
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dicks are republifags and the basketball is libya
Why isn't mitt giving all his money to storm victims?

I love how liberals are trying to play the whole Benghazi thing as if it were nothing despite all the evidence of how the government was behind it

Oh, and I also love how they completely pass by how Obama attacked Libya WITHOUT congressional approval. Literally no one talks about it
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Obama's response to Sandy will win him the election.
I love how libtards suddenly think Obama is some anti-bureaucrat that's running through the halls of government with a metaphorical pair of scissors cutting away red tape
implying RMoney hasn't already donated more than half his income to charity

>but he should do more

implying Rmoney didn't give food and clothing to people that needed it

>but but he should do more

fuck off. Tell me, how much money has Obama donated to charity? What was it? 1 percent? No I think it was maybe 2%.

1. You don't need congressional approval to attack actors in a foreign country.

2. Congress controls the purse-strings. If they don't want foreign military engagements, they are free to defund the military or the CIA.

This. OP is clearly a retarded, liberal faggot. Scum of the earth.
I'd be cautious about this. In the next few days, as power is out and lines for shit get long, you're going to have some pissed off folks up there.

Blaming the President is foolish, but it's what people tend to do.
>despite all the evidence of how the government was behind it
the government killed the ambassador
>loose change 7
attacking Libya was unnecessary and he did it by his own accord and see where that led us?
yes the president has 90 days of warfare without congress's approval but that's it.

With respect to the hurricane that just hit the East Coast and the federal government's response to it under his leadership, he is. He and Governor Christie both discussed their implementation of a 15 minute rule among their various state and local response teams today, making sure calls are returned and requests for aid are met promptly and with an affirmative yes. He has also ordered the military to take an inventory of C-130 cargo transport planes and other assets to begin shipping relief supplies to the affected communities this afternoon.
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It largely hit areas that are going to vote for him anyway. What matters is how he's perceived by voters in swing states, and what they're getting is that Obama is responding well, was complimented by a Republican governor for his response, and Romney did a cheap photo op.
>attacking Libya was unnecessary and he did it by his own accord and see where that led us?
it led you to moving the goalposts
Obama is just a better fitting president for the generation we're in.

Romney probably would have made a fine president in 1965 though.
words from executives =/= tangible results

come back after the recovery effort has ended if you want to make this argument--showering praise for something that's still unfolding is just retarded

Not the guy you were quoting but I don't understand what you're saying.
>stand around on a beach for 1 hour
>exemplary command of the disaster
>Blaming the President is foolish, but it's what people tend to do.

The people who hate Obama will hate him. There's nothing you can do about that.
but libya wouldn't even been an issue had obama not taken the country to war

>It largely hit areas that are going to vote for him anyway

Good. Got what they deserved.

>and Romney did a cheap photo op
>implying Obuma wasn't doing the same thing

6 days and counting.
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Two strong leaders putting their political differences aside to work together for their people
dat lib desperation, I love the fact that the race is so close

what are the odds that OP constantly checks Nate Silver to keep calm?

If this election has proven anything it's that perception is the only thing that matters.

>giving taxpayer dollars to banks, car companies and energy companies

>better fitting president for the generation were in

pick one
obama's photo op wasn't cheap, considering the special requirements necessary to ensure the safety of the president in a disaster area

the fact is that recovery efforts were likely halted in the area the president was visiting

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> Republicans get called out on their candidates shenanigans to explain them

Political discourse in the US is dead, and it's because we'd rather spend our time mud slinging and bickering about petty social issues instead of focusing on SHIT THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. Grow the fuck up. All of you.
jesus obama looks old
Neither of the men (Rmoney or Obongo) should have gone to the coast.

By going they focused attention onto themselves, not on the people in need of help.

If they really wanted to help they would have just donated money, food, clothing w/e and stayed away.
Well that's a fucking stupid response. Just last week Christie was playing party politics and shitting all over Obama, and this week he realized Obama isn't the Kenyan devil he was led to believe and is singing his praises. And that's AFTER Obama made the reliefs effort easy for Christie.
>Not the guy you were quoting but I don't understand what you're saying.

Because after nobody bought his conspiracy bullshit he changes his argument to "we shouldn't be there" which I actually agree with.
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>>6763044 (OP)
What do you think he would be doing if there wasn't an election next week?
He's 'helping' because he would look like a total shitbag if he just continued campaigning as usual.
bu bu bu Sandy

Seriously our debt and the deficit spending are bigger crises than some hurricane that killed less than a hundred people.

Not trolling; 100% serious
>inb4 so edgy you cut yourself reading this
true, but because we are in libya doesn't automatically prove some conspiracy bullshit
>obama's photo op wasn't cheap

Oh yeah? Look at >>6763255 pic. Looks pretty fucking cheap to me. A hug for the cameras? Photo op much?
>giving taxpayer dollars to banks, car companies and energy companies

The stimulus was necessary. Every economic metric shows growth in GDP that otherwise wouldn't have existed without it. Any Republican would have done the same thing.

Wait, let me guess. You're not a republican but a paultard who would much rather prefer America go through a severe economic collapse so it can "learn its lesson".

Holy fuck. Thank God we will never see a Libertarian president.

I don't check Nate Silver very much. I think his prediction models are interesting and his statistics have a history of being pretty damned accurate over the last couple of elections, though, so I wouldn't write off what he's reading in the tea leaves right now so quickly.

It is a volatile election year, though, so I don't take much comfort in anything I see with a percentage attached to it.
yes but being in libya alone is a mistake. it's that simple. the president screwed up by drone striking shit in countries we aren't at war with.
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Looks more like he's consoling a disaster victim. Such heart. Such compassion. This undecided voter has made up his mind just because of that photo.
He would of gone anyways, lessons from Katrina.


>would of

You have no idea what the guy you replied to even said do you?

OPERATION ODYSSEY DAWN ? Does that ring a bell you fucking idiot?

You know, when Obama send in boots on the ground and our aircraft to overthrow the ruler of a sovereign nation, and in the process completely destroy their infrastructure and put in place a bunch of terrorists....
>This post is a prime example of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".
C.C. is not an idiot, he needs that sweet federal money to bolster the economy after this shit. At least there will be plenty of work to go around. after everything calms down. There billions of dollars of work needing to be done.
Keep saying it, libs, maybe if you say it enough it'll come true
Obama and Christie, In New Jersey.
when I paid taxes it wasn't so some asshole that makes cars could stay in business.

if you're company sucks, that it should fail. That's what capitalism is about.

>inb4 I didn't pay taxes
Fine then take issue with that to begin with instead of falling back on it.

>Implying the banks weren't bailed out under Bush
>Implying the auto industry bailout hasn't paid us back in dividends and saved not only an entire industry, but many ancillary industries as well
>Implying we haven't been subsidizing big oil in the billions for the last fucking forever and you're being a stupid bitch if you really don't think we ought to be investing more heavily in energy technologies that aren't going to collectively choke us to deaht within the next century
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Broken windows for everyone! Economic recovery is finally at hand!!
Okay, so since you're such a cynical asshole and don't take people losing their homes as seriously as we do, what is the fucking point of you posting if not to troll?

Don't bother, nobody gives a shit about your irrelevant ass.


this is what republicans actually believe

Heart, eh? If you call desperation heart, then yes.
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we scrubbing dishes for the poor now!

the guy helping that i support is better then the guy helping that you support, this is like /v/ but with politics
I did. I wasn't the guy screaming conspiracy, that was some other anon
>would have
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>Not putting yourselves in the mind of a undecided/retarded voter who bases their decision on shit like this
Bush is at fault as well. Bush and Obama and any other president that thinks it's okay to give taxpayer dollars to companies that fail.
>You know, when Obama send in boots on the ground and our aircraft to overthrow the ruler of a sovereign nation, and in the process completely destroy their infrastructure and put in place a bunch of terrorists....

you ok there, glenn?
>>6763044 (OP)

>exemplary command
>0/10, stopped
Work is work, and I'm not saying it's going to help the big picture or long term but a shit ton of money is about to hit NJ and give a lot of unskilled labor jobs. Which will then be thrown around and create more job by sheer monetary velocity alone.
all romney had to do was spend a small fraction of his own money towards relief and the election would have instantly been his.
With the Hurricane.

For those of you not following this game of Cluedo, the victim was Mitt Romney.
I'm glad Obama does soft false flags instead of ones where thousands die.

There wasn't an economic crisis in 04. Keep drinking the aid.
That would make sense if Obama hadnt already cleared the way for NJ together relief aid they beed. Christie's words, not mine. Pull the other one, fuckface.
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>Deny the facts

Fuck off you schmuck.
Then I don't really understand your response to me.
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>>6763044 (OP)
>Be Obama
>Immediately take exemplary command of the disaster the moment Superstorm Sandy reaches United States soil, visiting the affected areas and meeting with various state and local leaders like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to assess the damages from the storm, expedite federal assistance and take inventory of all possible federal, state and local assets that can be utilized to aid the East Coast and its residents during this enormous crisis

go figure. I would have thought he would be going to vegas for another fund raiser and then blame Sandy for the next two weeks on this youtube video
I'm not cynical, I was just agreeing with the guy that said this was a photo op.

It was a photo op. Obama (and Rmoney) went there to look good and to help out.

But, as President of the United States of Murrica, Obama has more important things to do. Hugging people and handing out canned food should be lower on his list of priorities.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
Obama giveth', Obama taketh' away

note to self: when i become president, i cannot touch or appear otherwise physically intimate or empathetic with anyone in an outdoor setting where i cannot control the actions of a nearby press pool or camera operator out of fear that some retard somewhere will say I'm kissing up to viewers

i have to be a mannequin. invest in suits with deep pockets and keep hands in at all times unless otherwise occupied

end note

you are so mad
he shoulda learned to cry fake tears like bill clinton
Both were photo ops. The only difference was Romney raised over $5,000 in aid.
billions a day spent in Iraq?
In the long term it will help, we have a problem with unemployment, all this cleanup and rebuilding is going to put a lot of young people back to work for real money.
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Man shoot, just imagine. The folks that got effected by this storm don't even have to worry about work for the next month or so due to businesses being flooded. And the unemployed who are collecting unemployment benefits actually have an excuse to not look for work.

But worst of all are the people who ordered packages via eBay or Amazon or some other internet site and now have to wait till the water clears to get their packages. That's gotta be the worst.

Really wish a huge storm occurred in the west coast as well. That'll distract bill collectors for awhile as well as give me an excuse to not look for work as well.

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