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One Tylenol pill:
Plastic, 1 liter urinal
>$50 (you can take it home with you if you want)
One in-patient meal:
Vaginal deliver with midwife:
Vaginal deliver in L&D Unit:
Cesarean + Epidural/Anesthesia:
>$5,000 + $1,500
Stay in a non-ICU bed (no fancy telemetry, just a bed):
>$1,000 per night
Complicated delivery? Neonatal ICU:
>$25,000 per day
Hospital cost per unit 10.00 8 units = $ 80.00
Hospital charge to patient 8 units = $ 3,024.00

Hospital cost per unit 43.75 1 unit = $ 43.75
Hospital charge to patient 1 unit = $ 557.00

VANCOMYCIN inj, 1 gram
Hospital cost per unit 9.75 5 units = $ 48.75
Hospital charge to patient 5 units = $ 1,935.00

CLINDAMYCIN 30 mg capsule
Hospital cost per unit 7.52 2 units = $ 15.04
Hospital charge to patient 2 units = $ 108.00
This is just becuz tort reform and the doctors regulated by the gubmint. If we has the free market doctors would pay you to go to them because they would have so much money and competitive pricing!
>>6727033 (OP)
?Vaginal deliver in L&D Unit:
>Cesarean + Epidural/Anesthesia:
>$5,000 + $1,500

OP, you didn't mention how these are combined. You have you standard vaginal at 4.5k, then tack on 1.5k if your wife wants an epidural, then another 5k if the MD decides she needs to go under the knife. Oh yea, that's a surgery right there, so that's a 2 to 4 day stay at the hospital at 1k per night, plus nursery care for the baby who will get his own, separate bill.
If you want to fix the problem... stop the Jews who love to sue from advertising on TV for medical malpractice cases!
The prices don't even level off. Old numbers but relavent
>patient cost: $6
>cost of material: $18
>annual revenue(USA): $110M

>patient cost: $6000
>cost of material: $75
>annual revenue(USA): $6.75M

hip replacement
>patient cost: $3000
>cost of material: $100
>annual revenue $0.5M

stent and catheter
>patient cost: $3000
>cost of material: $30
>annual revenue: $1.75M

source: The Economical Impact of Biomaterials: MJ Lysanght(Brown University) ASAIO J. 2000: 46, 515-21

The reasoning I've heard for this inflated cost is to recuperate profits lost in R&D but come on...
>R&D costs

beta-lactam antibiotics have been in use for over 50 years, and we still have them at 3,000% markups when administered in by a hospital.
>Is your hip, that you fucking paid for, critically failing at a terrible time and just ruining your day/week/year? Were you given an incorrect dosage or wrong medicine by a nurse? Did a surgeon leave a scalpel inside of you? Well fuck you, no money.

and here come the idiots
The R&D cost doesn't necessarily have to be the respective R&D cost to the product. A lot of products never make it to market and have to be paid for by the ones that do.
> in-patient meal: $60

And yet the food is so crappy.
Billing is just fucked. But don't worry soon we'll all be able to buy medicine at those prices, and by "able" I mean "forced to".

R&D has nothing to do with this when a hospital charges you $500 for a bottle of pills which you can buy for $50 in a pharmacy three blocks away.

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