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>You will never travel back to the 1950s and participate in a traditional family unit in an all-white neighborhood, benefit from the smallest wealth gap in history, and live a comfortable, happy life.
>Wanting to live in a repressive, fear-stricken society
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what do you think we are in now?
Thats how all society works
At least back then shit was comfortable and people were nice to each other
>baaaaw they won't let me be a degenerate in public!
>repressive bigots!
>you will never find happiness or satisfaction with your life
Fuck modern America
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>Gee honey, isn't living in a soulless suburban wasteland that almost brought about the death of the individual swell?
>death of the individual

you're retarded...
Fuck the 1960s.

Everyone was expected to have the same exact lifestyle and expected to derive pleasure from the same things.

If Betty wasn't at her weekly bridge game on Thursday night as usual, you best believe her neighbors thought she was a communist.

If that isn't a scary dystopia 10 times worse than our modern society, I don't know what is.
Agreed. Fucking hippies ruing a perfectly good empire.
brainwashed scum
"Freedom to pursue one's own lifestyle" is singlehandedly responsible for the degenerate mess society is today.

I say let the proles and animals be free.
>"Freedom to pursue one's own lifestyle" is singlehandedly responsible for the degenerate mess society is today.
This is what neo-conservatives actually believe. Okay, Mr. Strauss.
>Believing the kind of sensationalist shit you read is reality

This whole myth that the 50s were like that comes from the fact that it was so prosperous and decadent that an entire generation of middle class people became nihilists. Not to say it wasn't partially true, but much of it as it's know today is propagated by the unrealistically bleak literature of the time.
A neoconservative is a former liberal, moron.
I was never a liberal.
>no computers
>40 years of fear that, at any moment, nuclear war will happen
>Japs JUST starting to rebuild, no animu or mango for a while
>medical technology not as advanced, if I get the flu I'm dead
>18, mean's I'll be in my 20's when Korea hits, chance to get drafted and get killed by dirty dog-eating North Koreans
>acid hasn't been invented yet
>harder to get weed
>if I don't act the exact same as everyone, I'm a commie

The 1950s were just as ZOG as now.
>if I get the flu I'm dead
This is what complete fucking morons actually believe.
That's one of the most inaccurate definitions of "neo-conservative" I've ever seen. Good job; you're almost as bad as a liberal.
>what is joking
I like living in a society where degenerates are repressed. No freedom for the cancer.
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>>Wanting to live in a repressive, fear-stricken society
>Modern Society.

Yes, that is why we want to go back.

>no anime
>no acid
>no weed
>Implying these are bad things

Redditard/stoner pls go
>Irving Kristol remarked that a neoconservative is a "liberal mugged by reality", one who became more conservative after seeing the results of liberal policies. Kristol also distinguished three specific aspects of neoconservatism from previous forms of conservatism: neo-conservatives had a forward-looking approach drawn from their liberal heritage, rather than the reactionary and dour approach of previous conservatives; they had a meliorative outlook, proposing alternate reforms rather than simply attacking social liberal reforms; they took philosophical ideas and ideologies very seriously.
What is it that makes people refuse to believe that the KGB infiltrated the US? What do you think they were doing?
>You will never travel back to the 1800s and experience the glory of Napoleon's reign

Fucking this. The Beatniks etc were the 50's version of all the edgy faggots we have today.

Just think, no fags prancing around like their degeneracy is normal.
Who in this thread is refusing to believe that? Of course it happened, there's documented proof. Just like the CIA surely infiltrated the USSR.
>You will never travel back to the 1000s and remove kebab personally with fire and sword
Using lobotomy on redditors
Fuck yeah
I'm depressed all over again at that fact every time I wake up.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
I think you missed my point. I was talking about the adults, mostly the silent generation. This was a time when the average middle class person could afford to replace their car and home appliances every few years because it was fashionable. Life was so good that people got bored. Then you had the boomers see that the materialism of the 50s had done, and reject it.
*see what the
That idea reminds me of movies like Blast From The Past and Forest Gump.
This is a myth people were a lot poorer in the 50's. Many teens couldn't finish high school because they needed to work to support the family.
>90 percent of university professors have been marxists since the late 60s
no subversion here, they said
Obviously there were still poor people in the 50s, but the wealth gap between the middle class and the top percentile was the smallest in US history.
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>You will never have to suffer living in a pre-Information Age society
What? The information age blows.

>everyone was equally poorer rather than some being richer
>kill yourself
Get off the internet if you feel that way, you disgusting Luddite.
The 50's were shit. Take off the rose-tinted glasses nostalgia-fag.

>bawww but no degenerates

Why do you care? Stop trying to dictate how someone else lives their life.
Except the inverse is true, outside the poorest who were all black anyway so who gives a shit?
>Have never lived in the 50s
>doesnt know how average people lived in that time

you people if you lived in this perioid, you would be a fucking poor labor who cant find what to eat in the end of the day.
Im sure most of you dont come from a rich family.
No degenerates = worth anything.
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>everything you do or think can be easily tracked by corporations and governments
You don't know what neoconservative means.
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Fucking hell, I bet you lot are a right laugh on the piss.
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u wot, r u 'having a giggle m8?
2008-today is one of the worst time periods in american history. Most decades beat today.
Doesn't actually bother me since I'm not white and traveling back to that time would really, really suck for me.

HOWEVER, at least I'd be able to slap my stupid puta of a sister without being arrested for it.
The culture these people spread does effect my life.

A little this. Screw the 1950s, I want to go back to fucking ancient Greece. To discover something that no one else has yet, to have to know how to sail and fish to survive and explore. To have the meaning of life be to survive and try and protect your family instead of to find the meaning of life. Now those were the good days.

>inb4 disease and war

These things that could end your life any day make you cherish everyday.
>What? The information age blows.

He said, posting on an internet message boarding allowing instantaneous global communication.
Watch Mad Men. The 50s and early 60s were horrible. Everybody, including white men, were miserable and repressed.
So this chart basically proves that things really were better pre-1990?
Doesn't mean this age doesn't suck.
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We are repressed today, our race is being destroyed and we are branded outcasts if we say anything about it.
Why does crime drop when inequality goes up?
Early 60's were good, shit didn't get back until that faggot Johnson took charge
>What is it that makes people refuse to believe that the KGB infiltrated the US? What do you think they were doing?

I'm sure they did, some of the paranoia was justified. That doesn't mean it wasn't still a shit state of affairs for anyone who was just a little bit "different".

>because Mad Men isn't jewish propaganda to make us think that being wealthy is miserable and that being white and wealthy means your guaranteed to be an alcoholic, womanizing prick
>modern tv told me so
lmao, how embarassing

You're delusional. They are more white people than there has been in any other point in history.
>also, women were oppressed
And people still try to act like FDR wasn't the greatest president.
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Look what happened when we dropped our guards.
>laid back, comfortable, peaceful life
>jesus christ how soulless and horrible!
liberals are sick
>Doesn't mean this age doesn't suck.
Fair point. Not like 4chan is a glowing endorsement of the benefits of the information age.

Wikipedia and Google, on the other hand...
The amount of knowledge literally at my fingertips is absurd.
>implying the late 60 weren't an amazing time if you went to college then

Have you ever heard the phrase 'sex, drugs & rock n' roll'? Well, that's when all those things actually happened.

I'd go to all those things: happenings, the first gay marches in history, the first modern feminist marches, political protests accompanied by folk concerts, sit-ins, love-ins. Groovy.
Actually I'd put 4chan as the third shining example alongside those two. Being able to converse about next to anything with anyone without fear of persecution is a pretty unbelievable thing.
>implying those things haven't destroyed this country
>that fat chubby-faced blob of woman behind the girl in the grey sweater

Heh, yeah. Watching Mad Men and treating it as a historical documentary is NOT a good idea.

Also Betty was a miserable bitch who deserved everything she got.
>I'd love to be part of the cancer that destroyed the world
>without fear of persecution
True. I've never been able to have rational arguments with Holocaust deniers or pedophiles without having to worry about seeming "sympathetic" to them.

lol...and i'm sure none of them are single. "independent" my ass.
>implying those things haven't destroyed this country

Nope, they brought a measure of democracy to American and indeed global society for the first time in human history. Before the 1960s, protesting your country's political actions was almost unheard of. When people gathered in public, it was either to lynch someone or to witness an execution. The 1960s were a major step forward in making thinking people out of common people.

>I'd love to be part of the cancer that destroyed the world

Well from a Nazi/conservative viewpoint, maybe. But from a humanist viewpoint, 1968 was the logical continuation of 1945: fear, ignorance and superstition were first defeated physically, and then mentally.
>fear, ignorance and superstition were first defeated physically, and then mentally
funny, because nowadays, people need to fear the government more than ever before in history
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What he said.
I don't think the common person thinks any more today then they did in 1900. The difference is that they're now told from childhood that they know what is best for the country.
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Oh yeah, sounds like tons of fun being drafted for the Vietnam War, having to deal with smelly hippies on campus on a daily basis, and having the chance to be shot by the National Guard!
Sign me up, this is a dream come true!
>fear, ignorance and superstition were first defeated physically, and then mentally.

maybe if your whole world view revolves around crazy progressive rhetoric
Equality is a demonstrable myth. You are the cancer of society. Yes, you.
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Well this thread is certainly going places.
Seems pretty cool, but the fears of communism would probably drive me crazy to the point of killing those I thought suspicious.
I would not be able to sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
as said on a movie made by a jewish communist.
>fear, ignorance and superstition

And still relying on weaselwords.
What fear are you talking about? The fear of racism?
And what ignorance? The ignorance of the inevitable consequences of progressivism?
If you think Leave it to Beaver is a historical piece you might be a fucking retard.

>Oh yeah, sounds like tons of fun being drafted for the Vietnam War

College students were not eligible for the draft.

>having to deal with smelly hippies on campus on a daily basis

Wassa matta, you a germophobe? Or do skimpy dresses on girls freak you out?

>and having the chance to be shot by the National Guard!

Me, I blame conservatives

>Sign me up, this is a dream come true!

Keep on rockin' in the free world!
>maybe if your whole world view revolves around crazy progressive rhetoric

It's called 'social sciences', and they are a left-wing antipode to conspiracy theories, being the right-wing counterpart. Only social sciences are actual sciences and conspiracy theories are signs of intellectual deprivation or mental illness.
Modern society sure is an "improvement". Thanks, progressives!
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>social sciences are actual sciences
>social sciences are actual sciences
troll/retard detected.
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>social sciences are actual sciences
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These guys have it right. If you want Nostalgic Romanticism go for something better than the fucking 50's.

>mfw of all the real interesting/politically right-wing periods in history to go back to, /pol/ chooses the 50's.
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i was just about to post in this thread when i noticed it was full of faggot.

so more important than where/when i'd most like to live, i know that this generation is the worst generation of people i've ever heard of in history. Fuck everyone from right now.
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>you will never smoke and drink at work then come home to a steak dinner and a hot thin wife you can fuck and then go out to a bar and get more drunk and fuck some random hottie without the fear of stds and then drive home while drinking and pass out after drunk fucking your hot wife

Anyone else feel as bad as I do?
> implying i was being edgy for the sake of being edgy and that's not my actually well-considered opinion formed over many years
thank you for proving my point.
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like that would ever happen to you beta faggot
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>complaining about the information age
>on the internet

>complaining about free speech
>on the internet

>complaining about degeneracy
>on the internet
>on fucking 4chan
>on fucking /pol/ of all places

Why don't you guys make a political cult in the mountains somewhere? No corrupting thoughts or influences and only fresh air and whiteness to enjoy with your fellow subterranean neckbeards.
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>fuck some random hottie without the fear of stds

It's going to get even worse very quickly very soon. Our generation can't do anything of value competently.
>without fear of stds

Oh the ignorance of youth......
No AIDS though.
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ITT: the liberal conspiracy is what makes me unsuccessful muh special snowflake status!

You should probably kill yourself then, oh yee of poor constitution.
sure.. but you could still catch every other STD stupid!!!
>the liberal conspiracy is what makes me unsuccessful muh special snowflake status!
No, the liberal conspiracy is why society as a whole is unbearable to live in.

this is what has really been getting me down, after playing wotr + chiv and watching russian larp videos slavbros linked
we live in arguably the greatest moment in human history.......just because you fail at living doesn't mean anything for the rest of us.....
Why not? All women back then were told to get married. Everyone on 4chan would have a wife by now. Instead the women are out there fucking every other negro or kebab.
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>trying to frame a subjective opinion as an objective fact

Unbearable for YOU to live in. Pretty sure most people are grateful for living in this age. Are they brainwashed for counting their blessings?

Yeah, what with our constantly decreasing violence rate, ability to use magic-like technology to access all human knowledge, and unprecedented lifespan.

Boy, I am so MISERABLE!
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It's not the best or the worst it's just different.
It's a march forward to an unknown conclusion.

>not wanting to live in the Solar or Galactic Era, where humanity expands amongst the stars.
The Roman Empire was a great place to live for most citizens, too.
Doesn't mean it wasn't decadent and effete.
I would not be happy in the 50s
Fuck, the very aspects that OP despises ALLOW him to make such a judgment, subjective or otherwise.

Anyone thinking they somehow stand alone from the society they exist in needs a reality check.

well the future is unknown, sure it can be so much better....but from what we know now, things are better then before. I am not really counting the future...as it hasn't happened yet
Are you a nigger or a fag?
And those are bad things? Most historians see the Roman Empire as a high point in human history.

Are they brainwashed in making that claim?
>ability to use magic-like technology to access all human knowledge
Yeah, that's what it's used for...

That's funny.
I'm pretty sure many who lived in the 50s would want to live in the 50s.
So, if he lived then, he would be very much allowed to want to live then.
And we're going to end up the same as them too.

Okay, that and titties.


That, my friend, is the future.
Technologically, maybe. Socially and politically, it was a fucking mess.
>>6721051 (OP)
I would much rather live in '60s or '70s. The '50s were boring as fuck and fucked up all the baby boomers' minds (uncontroversial). It wasn't as great as Leave It to Beaver, too bad /pol/ish children think the grass is greener.
I'm just saying that trying to judge an age or era as "the best" or "the worst" is an exercise in futility.

This is because we cannot gauge the bigger historical picture of events yet to transpire and we can't properly judge the circumstances of our lives if we instead lived in another desired age.

Because they're just /pol/ hipsters.

Dollars to doughnuts, they wear fedoras.
We're easily the worst generation of Americans.
Says you, the layman. Many academics beg to differ.
McCarthyism is nothing when compared to this Multiculturalism where you must be politically correct at all times or lose your livelihood.
>disagreeing with moral degeneracy makes you a fedora-sporting hipster
Then sign me up for a pair of superfluous glasses and a shirt that reads "everything I own is on vinyl" post haste, because I'm one hell of a fucking hipster.
I really hate how so many people claim the 50's as boring. How can an entire decade be boring?
>Many academics beg to differ.
Who the fuck actually thinks the Roman Empire was the highlight of social or political development?

>moral degeneracy

Yep, that's a fedora moment right there.

When someone is on the Internet complaining about this shit?

You can guarantee they've got a fedora and an awkward suit jacket in their closet.

Quick question: What is the best mustache wax for my ironic mustache?
Not if you're black, gay, mexican, etc.

Only if you're white and normal.
If degeneracy and divergence from the social norm didn't exist, and everyone was the same, 4chan and free dialogue on the internet wouldn't exist. Fuck, the need for free speech wouldn't exist either as humans would know inherently what views are objectively necessary.

So yeah either deal with it or leave the internet forever.
You're now ware that n the 50s every baby boomer was under 15
I'm not clear on what exactly is so bad about boring.
I was already aware of that, thanks. My point still stands.
To be honest the only difference is that the Commies are hiding with a new mask.
If that's more your speed, all power to you. I much rather have an interesting and exciting life, personally.
I'm more liberally minded and I hate political correctness. then again, this only exists in major cities, mostly. here in Georgia, I don't see it too often.
You know, you can just say "I have no rebuttal" and save yourself all the hassle.
Some views are inherently harmful to the human race. No, you aren't entitled to your opinion if your opinion is provably wrong.
>Only if you're white and normal.
Which was most people, as it should be.
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It's kind of funny how people like OP can state that this age is objectively worse than all others and when someone comes with an opinion that violates that perception, they claim them as brainwashed.

ITT: opinion and perception = facts
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Unless the liberals are killed, hopefully in a hurricane, it's not gonna happen. They're a bunch of immoral degenerates who promote shit like homosex, trannies, pedophilia, and bestiality and their favorite shows are libtard pieces of shit created by other libtard pieces of shit who support all the above like family gay. Funny how the Soviets tried to used cultural marxism in their own documents (look it up) in an attempt to destroy America and it's working hard. They want to destroy the moral fabric of America for disgusting subhumans to destroy civilized white society.
>>6721051 (OP)

You got me...
implying people don't have wives on 4chan.
1. people now still do marry
2. if a hot girl now wont date you, why do you think that would back then??
3. implying girls weren't sluts back in the good old day..Ex.(shotgun weddings, secret abortions.)
4. and last only ugly sluts fuck niggers and sandbaggers, smart girls dont
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The commies won, all thanks to subhuman libs and their shitskinned pets.
Last year, more minority babies were born in America than white ones.
In a few decades, the shitskins will outnumber the humans.
Don't call it a grave, it's the path you chose.
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>No, you aren't entitled to your opinion if your opinion is provably wrong.

And who makes that judgment? You? A government body? An academic body? Society at large?

You do realize you're holding an ideological opinion that only exists today because of free expression, right?
At least it will be exciting! Wouldn't want anything less.
You do realize that my opinion would be overwhelmingly supported in the 50's, so you're the one that is true for?
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>face philosophical opposition
>resort to strawmen and appeals to emotion
compared to everything now, yeah its pretty boring. plus, have you ever seen movies from the 50's completely unrealistic and boooring
We're not in the 1950's anymore, buddy.
You don't actually know what a straw man is, do you?
Simply compare white music from the 50s to white music from the 60s, then you'll discover just how boring mainstream life in the 50s was. 60s counterculture was a reaction to the that shit.
>implying >>6726177 isn't a strawman
Of course. Wouldn't want to oppose the enrichment of our culture.
I can't think of a society in history save the present one where my opinion would be opposed.
No, it isn't. It's an abusive fallacy, if anything.
whites will still have the power and money.
Mexico's white population is only 10% but they control all the money and power and all the actors on Mexican tv are white. Same with South Africa only 10% white.
Besides the U.S. being 90% white and the working class being a very minor amount more wealthy, it would be a downgrade in all respects.
>implying the demographics aren't the only thing these people care about
>Conservatives ruined it all by bringing in immigrants for cheap labor and lowering taxes on the rich.

Fuck you conservatives. We could be living in an all-white America which owns the moon and several space elevators right now.
lol, if you say so.
Why do we idealize this time period?
Hint on how to keep PC liberals out: Keep it shitty and poor. As long as Georgia is that way, the liberals will never show up.
Now THAT's a ridiculous post right there.
It was 90% in the US. The peak of white society in the terms of numbers and Cuba wasn't Communist yet.
Multikulti is all on liberals these days and has been for a long time.

Now THAT's a redditard right there.
Yeah, sure. Just like South Africa.
We already have a partial nigger as president. They'll just vote more niggers in, and they'll hold all the power because they will outnumber us.
Georgia has an exceptional cultural heritage. And we can thank many black people for that.
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>blanda upp whitey
Nope. We would still have blacks and native Americans, even without immigration. And we wouldn't own the moon (because no country can by international law) or have space elevators (because our technology isn't there yet). It was a poor post, sorry for you.
Feeling rich or poor just depends on the country's standards.. I'd prefer to live somewhere where everyone is equally poor, as long as that doesn't mean dirt poor..
I think it would suck to live in the 50s. I would be at the financial mercy of my husband and would expected to cook and shit out like 10 kids. also, everyone was religious. Seems horrible.
It's the truth, revisionist.
You first, filthy Yehud.
Sounds like heaven on Earth.
You're making me depressed, cunt.
The system worked. It doesn't today.
maybe for white heterosexual males. it was shitty for everyone else.
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>multiculturalism is the future!
sounds like communism......capitalism will take us to the future, with technology and post-humanism, then communism might have a chance....
At the time you would most likely have liked it.
What do you mean when you say it worked? It made white heterosexual men comfortable by repressing the freedom of everyone else. That doesn't sound like working to me.

>check your privilege cis scum
And maybe a few house blacks were brainwashed into enjoying being slaves. What of it?
No, you just think you wouldn't love it because you don't know your place.
It would be heaven for you, too.
No, the Israeli government doesn't tell the truth about history. You're more on their level.

perhaps the Philippians is in your future
It's not brainwashing, honeybunch. It's your natural role.
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Kill yourself, you cunt.

What are you even doing here? Go to tumblr or some other garbage site like that to ramble about cis privilege.

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If the system worked then why did it tear itself apart in a meager 10 years?

People seem to consider "liberalism (under the /pol/ definition mind you) to be some foreign artificial object that magically materialized standalone from the rest of western society. However, in reality, it was nothing more than a derivative/creation of the society it existed in.

Obviously the 50s weren't all that hot if a sizable portion of it's members rejected it outright on their own free will.
I doubt it. I would probably end up as an alcoholic if I had to be a housewife. I imagine I would be like Helga's mom on Hey Arnold.
like its the white mans role to be manipulated and unknowing slaved to the Jews?
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
>only brainwashing if liberals do it
When removed from the feminist brainwashing instilled in you since birth, you'd happily serve your husband with all your heart.
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I don't believe that is the case, but let's assume that women did evolve to fulfill such a role. So what? Humans are intelligent creatures and our instincts should not be able to overwhelm our awareness. Pic related.
There is a reason women have played a servile role time and again throughout recorded history.
The difference being, such was not always the case.
Good, move to the Middle East.
Because struggling against what you were born to do simply breeds strife and unhappiness. That's why society is so sick.
not sure if serious or just stupid
It was the white middle class that put Obama in the white house. NOT minorities! Plus not every minority like each other. Also, Obama is a puppet. Again, Whites usually hold the power and the money.
I don't plan on converting to Islam, nor would I have had to in the 50s.
That must be why learning how to shit in your toilet rather than the woods makes people so unhappy.
Yeah, right. Statistically, niggers who had never voted on anything in their lives voted for him.
As a matter of fact, squatting to shit instead of sitting is healthier. Sitting is what causes hemorrhoids.
That's why squatting toilets are becoming more common.

It's okay, babe, I don't expect you to get it. Just trust me.
Oh, I'm deadly serious. Women's rights is the worst thing that could have ever happened to our society.
This isn't /stormfuck/, ass. You can go there instead.

give it 1000or so more years of human history...lets see if Jews being your master isn't always case.....

its easy to say it wasn't always that way....give it time...people will start to say it has been...humans haven't been on this earth that long....we wont see it, but time can change alot of perceptions....
And this isn't Tumblr, sweetie pie. You're free to go there any time.
Societies are cyclical. The Jews tend to rise into positions of power (in various societies, not just white ones) and then be cast down again. It's a pattern repeated across history.
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>This isn't /stormfuck/, ass

It ain't reddit or tumblr either.

Also, you're on a board named 'politically incorrect'. "Stormfags" (by your definition) have more right to be here degenerate social liberal scum.
Then move to Ghana. They love to lynch 'em some faggots, boy I tell you what. That's probably more up your alley.
1. popular vote does not equal winner, its the electoral college Ex. Election year 2000
2. so what, more niggers and college students voted for him too.
3. If you remove those two groups the really people who decide were once again white middle class undecided voters!
pls take some government classes okay
I don't plan on living among or marrying niggers.
Would not have had to do that either in the 50's.
>this is what misogynists actually believe
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>muh patriarchy
actually men have benefitted more from women's right than women.
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>using the word 'misogynist' in a serious context on /pol/

Reddit wants you back.
No thanks. I think the post you replied to already made that clear.

They don't have "more right" than me to be on /pol/. It's so funny that people who don't like rights for people unlike themselves want other people to respect their supposed rights.
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Oh God, you're killing me. You're fucking slaying my sides. Stop, please.
That's too fucking bad then. You have a practical answer at your disposal but you hate blacks too much to exercise your option. The world isn't here to be perfect for you. But keep bitching about the good ol' days, I'm sure that'll solve your pathetic depression.

You better explain yourself on that one. I would really like you to.
We just need a leader to wake us up, and then we can gas the coloreds and the communists and clean up our society.
>muh appeal to outdated political systems

again sure you can say that right now, because that is your perception.....the Romans didn't believe there society was cyclical....we might be at the start of a a technological 1 million year golden age for all we know......all am saying is unless you have studied whole histories of intelligent civilizations, you have no basis to have any such claims as fact......you can be right, or you can be wrong. We will never know....land depossv
Ooh, ooh, I know this one.

Ya see, Jimmy, THE PATRIARCHY imposes HORRIBLE MASCULINE ROLE on men that they are much better off without. Androgyny is the future, see.
I'm glad it pisses you off so much.

Don't act like the last paragraph isn't 100% true, you cunt.
There's a reason we study history ostensibly to prevent making the same mistakes all over again.
Every word of that is completely prophetic and came true in every way.
Says something, doesn't it?
Of course the niggers and spics are going to want to play too, and they'll be happy to tell you why we should let them 24/7. But fuck that. That's what gas is for. Round them up, throw them in gas chambers, and let them argue with the gas. That's what's so important about force. It ends the debate so you can get on with your life.
OK, I'm not acting now: It's not true.
If you can't win the "easy" girls now, what makes you think you'll get the "real" women of the 50s that actually expect something out of you?

Its fun to dream but surely you realize that women valuing social status and power hasn't changed right?
so if you learn from history...it isn't cyclical....because you are always improving
Yeah, and equality is a thing that exists.
Grow up.
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>society becomes the exact way she described it
>not true
But we're not. That's why I said "ostensibly".
We just become more technologically advanced and didn't actually change along the way.
It's evolution, baby.
It really isn't, and I'm absolutely being serious. It sounds really obtuse and hyperbolic. She doesn't actually make any particular points about culture. "Hateful, heathen and disgusting" are opinions. How is this a reflection of reality? If she made a claim like, Their pussies will start to smell! Now that's something we can test. But how do we objectively test the quoted text?

Also, they haven't perished without male protection, so...
back then u fucked a girl, and were forced to marry the bitch. Now, you fuck one and no one can force you into marriage. Also, women's right has made women more sexually active. That should have helped you betas get easy fucks.
It is something that can exist under the law. You grow up because society doesn't reflect your narrow perspective in the least bit.
Then society is the one with growing up to do.
Society isn't the exact way she described it because she didn't describe much of anything. She said "hateful, heathen and disgusting." You honestly believe this is a legitimate description of anything at all? It's just somebody's insults. Like something I'd expect off of 4chan.
But it is, they are, and they are still under male protection.
>that feel when Gen-Y is nothing but lab rats in the multiculti experiment and will never get to live real lives
You're right. But it's grown past your narrow vision for it.
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have more right to be here degenerate social liberal scum.
>>6721051 (OP)

>traditional family unit

Only on TV. The reality on the ground was a lot of single parent homes and out-of-wedlock babies, but they were ostracized and hated.

>all-white neighborhood
...with shitty food, shitty music and nothing that would pass muster as culture.

>benefit from the smallest wealth gap in history
...which came in the mid-60s and early 70s, actually. It was the major benefit of the New Deal, Great Society, unionization and affirmative action, but those were dismantled because they were actually working.

>live a comfortable, happy life
...unless you were, black, brown, gay, a woman, or a child of unmarried parents.
Not if they don't choose to be. Please don't say the police and military. The US police and military are the laughingstocks of the world and often do more harm than good. There are also women in both, so let's not go there.
>The reality on the ground was a lot of single parent homes and out-of-wedlock babies
Citation needed.
Among divorces women get the short stick. Women get stuck with the kids and still make shit pay. Single mothers as group to be on the poverty line while men get to enjoy the playboy life style that only upper class enjoyed for the longest time.
Please. They are under the physical, social, political, and economic protection of men, despite becoming the most hateful, heathen, and disgusting of beings.

evolution is not a factor at this stage as the poor/weak have as much a chance to give birth as the smart/rich/strong......survival of the fittest doesn't apply at this stage of civilization, we wont naturally change anymore....with the scientific advancements predicted and projected, humans soon will have the power to genetically modify the future generations at whim (very soon on a evolutions time scale atleast)

nature is done.....we will control our own biological progress from now on. To believe otherwise is either a lack of understanding of evolution, or lack of foresight....

>You honestly believe this is a legitimate description of anything at all?

Given the way most women act today, I'd say it's true.
That's exactly what I said.
We haven't evolved in millennia. The song I'm quoting has an ironic message. We're still the same as we always were and we will continue as we have always been.
I don't agree with that. They don't have any choice to be under the thumb of the government, like the rest of us. The government isn't all men either.
and that's just your angsty misogyny talking.
Yeah go back and grow up in a period where you worry about Communism taking over the world and nuclear warfare destroying the Earth. Sounds great.
Their are plenty of men how don't really work because they don't have to. they leech of their spouse who makes more money. Back in the fifties that didn't happen.
And that's your subjective view of things. It's not an objective feature of society that can be studied. We can't test for such things. They're simply insults.
No, the government is overwhelmingly men. My mistake.

They would perish without male protection, but they've realized that.
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>Check your privilege, the post

I thought trash like you were limited to reddit and tumblr.
Not very compelling. Sounds like a whole lotta conjecture on your part.
I never said that the government wasn't overwhelmingly men. But nobody has the choice to be under the government's control even if they don't consent to it. This kind of "protection" is the kind that the mafia offers. If you don't see that then you're just trying to continue to argue this very silly angle of the debate.
Women are completely free to reject all the protections they have been given and thus assume all the responsibilities of men.
But they won't, because without our protection they would perish.
Nobody is free to reject certain legal protections. Your proposition is nebulous.

Yes they are.
If they didn't want our protections (and man, are there loads of them), they'd campaign for it to be removed.
Haha conjecture!
their are plenty of examples. I know a female doctor she makes most of her house income and the husband doesn't do anything all day. I mean look at Oprah she's a millionaire and her husband doesn't do anything all day. its a small minority but that just didnt happen in the fifties. Men didnt marry women who made more money.
Why would they do that? They pay into it just like everybody else. Plus, it's like campaigning for anarchism. Are you sure you know what you're saying?
That is like saying I want to go back to the Industrial Revolution where it was so grand and we had so much industry and jobs! You would most likely not be part of the top of society but someone in shitty conditions doing a dangerous job.

ok so with all that in mind, how can history be cynical? Sure we haven't changed but our technology has change the way things work....people compare nations of now to Rome alot but such a thing cant be compared as we are slowly becoming a global civilization and humans are more educated and free now then ever before......saying history has been cyclical can just be a coincidence, as we don't have enough data for such a statement.....if this was the year 5000 and we were just inventing the plane again then you can say such things.....

Also with the whole race thing...it will be irrelevant.... as people will live easier and be stronger healthier, faster, live longer lives and have more information as time continues at the current rate (some predict we will even accelerate our technological advancement to a unprecedented rate within our lifetime)
Most naive thing I've ever heard. Have you ever seen the film Gaslight from the 1940s? Your anecdotal evidence is complete conjecture, brah. Even if I accepted it as legitimate evidence, I'm not even sure what it proves.
No it isn't.
Women get special rights and freedoms. Women have a special, unassailable role in society that they no longer give back for.
They don't campaign against this.
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That's right, goy, drink the multikulti Kool-Aid.
Cultural enrichment is the future.
Yes it is. Campaigning to remove governmental protections is like asking to be able to set up your own commune in the middle of the desert free of intervention from the ATF. It doesn't happen. You're right about wishing more people would do it though. But you know how people are.

I'm late for a Scotch tasting thing, maybe I'll be back to reply at some point. But I have a concert afterwards, so maybe not. I'll see if the threads up later.

yes....yes...everything is the jews. I rather blames niggers today. We haven't used them as a easy way out of a debate/conversation about political/global issues in a while.
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>>reject materialism

Pick one
Also mfw
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>travel back to the 1950s
Bitch, we're living in the future the 1950s was predicting and looking forward to. While we don't have personal robotsand and yearly flights to Mars as yet, we're a far sight better than the 50s ever were, across the board.
>participate in a traditional family unit
I wouldn't be doing that even if I have lived in the 1950s.
>in an all-white neighborhood
>benefit from the smallest wealth gap in history
The children of that smallest wealth gap are responsible for the super-huge wealth gap we have now, so how'd *that* work out for ya?
>and live a comfortable, happy life
Guess what I enjoy, baby?
Although, to be Fair & Balanced, I *am* a big fan of Midcentury Modern, so there's that.
You're arguing that women aren't logically going to campaign against getting special rights.
Well, then, don't tell me they're not under male protection.
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Good goy. Jews are our greatest allies.
I don't think even the Jews will be Jews if we are all genetically modifying ourselves into a superior superhuman race. At that point a black man can be genetically made to give birth to a white baby if it was wanted. Race wont matter when your whole genetic history can be rewritten within one generation.....
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

whatever you say gramps....

sometime /pol/......you sound like the crazy religious people you hate with this stuff....

learn to science.....
Learn to kikes.

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