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What did you say, cracker?
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More like:

Vad sa du, cracker?
The negress in the middle wants the dick
I said I've got a free box of Popeye's for anybody who can tell me what the cube root of 9 is.
>>6212506 (OP)

I said that if your community would only pursue proper nutrition and consume more dietary sources of Vitamin D, you could fix a lot of the problems that your community faces.
Muh Dick!
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>being intimidated by youths
I hope you mean square root because cube roots by hand are a tedious bitch.
I was gonna take a picture of my 1911 pointing at my computer screen with the green text

>you heard me nigger

but im lazy so fuck that
>implying cracker is offensive in any way to white people
The fuck you stupid nigger apes looking at? Don't you have some fried chicken and watermelon to steal?
I called you all filthy niggers. You all have terrible grades after I tried repeatedly to help you. I also have to give out at least 10 detentions a day. You sub-humans are everything wrong in the world.
I feel so bad for their teacher.
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I'd want at least 2 of those negresses.

But first I have to pull out my luger so the males know who's boss.
Go back to Africa.
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Zimmerman is innocent.
>>6212506 (OP)
Niggers 'learning' what a joke.
If you can't do it in your head you can GTFO
Excuse me, I was looking for the zoo and i was directed here.
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le monkey face
But anon, you are in the zoo.
I am intimidated by their knives (and firearms depending on the country).
What a cheap zoo. they usually have more variety than a few monkeys.

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